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File size:
10 121 bytes (9.88K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 709


    · -- --^---== L¡GhTFORCE GHQ! ==--^--== ETH¡C WHQ! ==--^--==---- -- -
---'         ______        ______________       __________       _______
___________ /  ___/________\____   _____/_____ /         _\____ /  ____/___
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-:-(_____\`------` -(___________|-- (_________.--'-- - /__________\f@nk!--
 |                                                                  |rUN.ON
 :::nD#1-+49-(0)ANAL-v.34 <- -- ---^--- -- -> sTAFF: LuCaS/LFC·ETC ::sCsI
 :::nD#2-+49-(0)ISDN-X.75 <- -- ---^--- -- -> :::::: RKR/LFC·HF :::::mIcRo-
 :::nD#3-+49-(0)ISDN-X.75 <- -- ---^--- -- -> :::::: iCARUS/LFC :::::PoLiS
 :::nD#4-+49-(0)XPRiVATEX <- -- ---^--- -- -> :::::: [-sAXOn-] ::::::MFC 3
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::USR DS
 |            _________ ______            _______    ______         |MASTER
 |           /  _____  /     /  ________ /  ____/__ /  ___/___      :CARD 2
 |         _/   \_____/     /__/  ____  (__________/  _______/      |------
 `-------- `------` -`--------(______(_____\- - - `------` - -  -   :
___                                         | 0-1dAYZ aMi^PC^cONZOLE|
   ` · ---^ DESIRE&ARTWORK dIST. sITE ------------------------------'

           /          WENN IHR DENKT DAS WIR TOT SIND,           \
         /        C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS        \

                ·_)                                       (_·
                |           28/11/96   06:46:05             |
                |              _____     _____              |
                |           ___\_   \_  /\    \             |
                |          /    /    /\/  \____\            |
                |         /    /    / /   /    /            |
                |        /_   /    / /   /    / \           |
                |        \ \______/  \  /    /___\          |
                |         \_\     \  /\/__  /    /          |
                |            \_____\/ sTZ!\_____/           |
                |                                           |
                |         Shelter Fastest Dist Side         |
                |        Fix Ltd. German Headquarter        |
                |       Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side       |
                |    Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side    |
                |   Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter   |
                |       Cellblock 4 World Headquarter       |
                |_                                         _|
                · )_______________________________________( ·

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZdemolition II results
_____________________ ___  _______________     /__/______  _______________
 \        \  _______//   \/   /      /   /    ____    ___//       /       \
  |   __   \/ ____/_/      __/  /   / ' / _  /   /   /   /   /   /   __   /
  |  | /   /   /   /   \__/ /  .   / . / / \/   /   / / /   '   /   / /  /
 /   ./   /       /    //  /  /   / :  \/  /   /   / . /   /   /   / /  /
/________/_______/____//__/______/________/___/___/___/_______/___/ /__/
                             _______ _______
                             \     / \     /
                              :   |"" |   |
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                              |   | - |   |
                             /_____\ /_____\
                             Y     Y Y     Y
                             .     . .     .
                             :     . .     .
                             .     : .     :

                   Demo competition :

    1     9 (226 points)        Divine by Mellow Chips            (amiga)
    2     7 (196 points)        Taivas by Aurinkovoodoomandariini (pc)
    3     8 (159 points)        Coc'o-nuts by COC                 (pc)
    4     6 (138 points)        Naturally by Cirion               (amiga)
    5     3 ( 83 points)        Kiitos? by Extend                 (amiga)
    6     5 ( 62 points)        Flo by Flo                        (pc)
    7     4 ( 49 points)        Goo by Mooze                      (pc)
    8     2 ( 40 points)        L„rvi by Magna & Lobotomy         (pc)
    9     1 ( 12 points)        The Pit Of Dhoom by Forsaken      (pc)

                  Intro competition :

    1     7 (170 points)        Seita by Borealis                 (pc)
    2     6 (164 points)        Profusion by Artificial People    (amiga)
    3     5 (156 points)        Tuhka by Coma                     (pc)
    4     9 (115 points)        Nokia1200 by Interamnia           (pc)
    5     3 ( 77 points)        Cosmolamu by PWP                  (pc)
    6    10 ( 62 points)        Hope3 by Cirion                   (amiga)
    7     1 ( 57 points)        Planet Damones by Damones         (pc)
    8     8 ( 38 points)        Typewriter by TerrorDrome         (amiga)
    9     2 ( 19 points)        Nip by Hiireenel„m„„              (amiga)
   10     4 ( 17 points)        Dml2contrib. by Inusoft           (amiga)

                  Music competition :

    1     6 (136 points)        "Leimeri" by Solen / NV & Aurinkovoodoomandariini
    2     3 (114 points)        "Kaipuu" by Melwyn / Acid Rain
    3     9 (101 points)        "Electric City" by Huffman / Embosoft & TG
    4     8 ( 91 points)        "Clubfloat" by Fatality / COC
    5     1 ( 90 points)        "Novella" by Quarrier / Velocity
    6    11 ( 90 points)        "Metal Monks' revenge" by Venom / Culture Shock
    7     4 ( 64 points)        "Influence" by Piatari
    8     5 ( 61 points)        "Tokyo" by Kure 4 Kancer / Rave Network Overscan
    9     2 ( 60 points)        "Stage Three" by Carebear / Orange & Jamm
   10    10 ( 60 points)        "Vinguttelu" by Pave
   11     7 ( 44 points)        "Set You Free" by Hardcore Freak

                 Graphics competition :

    1     6 (183 points)        Keiju & Krumppi by Jogi / Mellow Chips
    2     7 (144 points)        The Light by Odin
    3     8 (132 points)        Total Aggressive by Mindeye / Cirion
    4     2 ( 75 points)        Dorka by Stewaway / COC
    5     3 ( 65 points)        Laama by Klept0maniaC
    6     4 ( 61 points)        Continuum by Viznut / Pwp
    7     1 ( 50 points)        Mindwife by Hexagon / Gender
    8     5 ( 48 points)        Wizard by Condor & bH / Terrordrome

                      Statistics :

                Visitors        : 100
                Voters          : 74

                ·_)                                       (_·
                |           28/11/96   06:46:05             |
                |              _____     _____              |
                |           ___\_   \_  /\    \             |
                |          /    /    /\/  \____\            |
                |         /    /    / /   /    /            |
                |        /_   /    / /   /    / \           |
                |        \ \______/  \  /    /___\          |
                |         \_\     \  /\/__  /    /          |
                |            \_____\/ sTZ!\_____/           |
                |                                           |
                |         Shelter Fastest Dist Side         |
                |        Fix Ltd. German Headquarter        |
                |       Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side       |
                |    Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side    |
                |   Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter   |
                |       Cellblock 4 World Headquarter       |
                |_                                         _|
                · )_______________________________________( ·

           /          WENN IHR DENKT DAS WIR TOT SIND,           \
         /        C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS - C00L BBS        \

    · -- --^---== L¡GhTFORCE GHQ! ==--^--== ETH¡C WHQ! ==--^--==---- -- -
---'         ______        ______________       __________       _______
___________ /  ___/________\____   _____/_____ /         _\____ /  ____/___
\___    ___/  _______/   /    (_____ /  _____ (____/___ _\_____(__________/
-:-(_____\`------` -(___________|-- (_________.--'-- - /__________\f@nk!--
 |                                                                  |rUN.ON
 :::nD#1-+49-(0)ANAL-v.34 <- -- ---^--- -- -> sTAFF: LuCaS/LFC·ETC ::sCsI
 :::nD#2-+49-(0)ISDN-X.75 <- -- ---^--- -- -> :::::: RKR/LFC·HF :::::mIcRo-
 :::nD#3-+49-(0)ISDN-X.75 <- -- ---^--- -- -> :::::: iCARUS/LFC :::::PoLiS
 :::nD#4-+49-(0)XPRiVATEX <- -- ---^--- -- -> :::::: [-sAXOn-] ::::::MFC 3
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::USR DS
 |            _________ ______            _______    ______         |MASTER
 |           /  _____  /     /  ________ /  ____/__ /  ___/___      :CARD 2
 |         _/   \_____/     /__/  ____  (__________/  _______/      |------
 `-------- `------` -`--------(______(_____\- - - `------` - -  -   :
___                                         | 0-1dAYZ aMi^PC^cONZOLE|
   ` · ---^ DESIRE&ARTWORK dIST. sITE ------------------------------'

                         [ nARCøTic TEXT aDDEr v1.ø ]