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8 864 bytes (8.66K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:08:17
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            /    /    //    /  /    /    //    /    / hEADqUARTERS bORGER
           /_________//____/  /_________//____/____/        pRESENT:

        |_____| tITLE               : Girl Test
        |-xxx-| tYPE                : Misc.
        |_____| rELEASE dATE & tIME : 18-Jul-97, 9:55:35PM
        |    ¬| iNFO : Kind of a nice joke, it can help you if your
        |l    |        in the situation where you have the choise in two
        `-----'        or more girls to date! (You could also call us to
                       'help you out' heuhehehehe.... ;)
                 ______________________ _  _
                             _  _ _________________________)
    |      |     Make sure to fill in the form with comes with this!
  __|_    _|
 (_______/|      We all wanna save the Amiga.... Dont let the lamers who
   _/      \_    only crack stuff and spread useless Aminet SHIT take
  /          \   over this great machine.... There is still good stuff
_/            \_ out there.... We only need to motivate the people again.
|.____________.| We did almost give up, but after receiving tons and tons
||     __ .   || of e-mail where not.... We will keep on doing what where
||  ·°/  \ °. || doing NOT cracking, and NOT fixing useless shit.
|| o /(oO)\o  || but MAKING NEW STUFF....
|| . `----'   ||
||   kleiner  || Soon coming: The Feigling Crew's own homepage.
||  FEIGLING  ||              (VERY SOON, KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR IT!)
||__.  ...... ||
||\ |   ....  || 
                 ______________________ _  _
                             _  _ _________________________)

Greetings to:

DaNiK, Psycho Pat, aCQUiSiTiON, Gabrz, MazzelBoy, The Warlord, Temper,
SpaceCase, abc, yex, iCE, Floppy Robby, pANDAMAN, nIkkI, Crivit,
Evil raver, Celtic, The Loverboy, Wiseguy, STR8EDGE, wildcard, Protonic,
JaZz, Sir IQ, dOPEY, ThE BiG BrOtHeR, Prof B-Rom, tiezz, DJ BuG,
Hi-TeCH&HoPPa, Braintech, DdAzZ, Finidi, Odin, EXiT G, Roggel, donderdag,
iKILLEDHEr., Splash, Dynatron, The HiDDeN, cma, bRAINS, Niels hoerenzoon,
insult, tRISTAN, Rene, oNE, MJK, Cloak and to all we forgot....

Members of The Feigling Crew are:

MazzelBoy, DeathRow and JaZz.

Girl Test was programmed by MiRR0RMaN.

Thanks to God for giving us our talent.
                 ______________________ _  _
                             _  _ _________________________)

                   If you want a good ware, go make one.
 -^ -÷- ----------------------÷- ----------- -÷------------------------÷- ^-
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    :     ::......::     ::......::......::     ::......::     ::      :
    :      ...:    :     .....:...:      ::     ::      ::     ::      :
    :      :       :     ::      ::      ::     ::      ::     ::      :
    :      :       :     ::      ::......::     ::      ::     ::      :
    :      :       :     ::      ::      ::     ::      ::     ::      :
    :......: [-zJ!]:.............::......::.............::.............:
                                    :..:     ..........     ..........  
     -^ tHE fEIGLING cREW ^-       .:  :. ..:.....     :...:.....     :.
                                  :......::     ::      ::     ::......:
     mIRRORMAN · aCQUISITION      :      ::     ::      ::     ::      :
           JaZz · DdAzZ           :      ::     ::      ::     ::      :
            mAZZELbOY             :......::     ::      ::     ::      :
                                  :      ::     ::      ::     ::      :
     -^ dRUNK^dISORDERLY! ^-      :......::.....::......::.............:

  Oo.        o     O                o     
         _____.         _mm@@Wmm_         
      ,m@@@@@@@Ws     iW@@@@@@@@@Ws       
    i@@@@@@@@@@@W.   @@A****@@@@@@i  .o   
    ]@@@@@A~~ '~*W   Mf     'M@@@@[       
    !@@@@@       !   '       ,@@@A` [INFO]
o    VM@@@s                ._W@*f         
------[ tHE fEIGLiNG cREW pRESENTS ]-------
 For everyone having girl problems this is
            -*> GIRL TEST! <*-
Voor allen met teveel vrouwen de oplossing!


  Oo.        o     O                o     
         _____.         _mm@@Wmm_         
      ,m@@@@@@@Ws     iW@@@@@@@@@Ws       
    i@@@@@@@@@@@W.   @@A****@@@@@@i  .o   
    ]@@@@@A~~ '~*W   Mf     'M@@@@[       
    !@@@@@       !   '       ,@@@A` [MISC]
o    VM@@@s                ._W@*f         
------[ tHE fEIGLiNG cREW pRESENTS ]-------
 For everyone having girl problems this is
            -*> GIRL TEST! <*-
Voor allen met teveel vrouwen de oplossing!