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From Motorola's:
M68000 8-/16-/32-BIT MICROPROCESSORS USER'S MANUAL (Section 8) 
Retyped by Subhuman/Epsilon

Effective Address Calculation Times
|                     Addressing Mode              | Byte,Word | Long  |
|               |           REGISTER               |           |       |
| Dn            | Data Register Direct             |     0     |   0   |
| An            | Address Register Direct          |     0     |   0   |
|               |           MEMORY                 |           |       |
| (An)          | Address Register Indirect        |     4     |   8   |
| (An)+         | Addr Reg Indirect w/Postincr     |     4     |   8   |
| -(An)         | Addr Reg Indirect w/Predecrement |     6     |   10  |
| (d16,An)      | Addr Reg Indirect w/Displacement |     8     |   12  |
| (d8,An,Xn)*   | Addr Register Indirect w/Index   |     10    |   14  |
| (xxx).W       | Absolute Short                   |     8     |   12  |
| (xxx).L       | Absolute Long                    |     12    |   16  |
| (d8,PC)       | PC Indirect with Displacement    |     8     |   12  |
| (d16,PC,Xn)*  | PC Indirect with Index           |     10    |   14  |
| #(data)       | Immediate                        |     4     |   8   |
*The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.

Move Byte and Word Instruction Execution Times
|             |                           DESTINATION                         |
+   SOURCE    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
|             | Dn | An |(An)|(An)+|-(An)|(d16,An)|(d8,An,Xn)*|(xxx.W)|(xxx).L|
| Dn          | 4  | 4  | 8  |  8  |  8  |   12   |    14     |  12   |  16   |
| An          | 4  | 4  | 8  |  8  |  8  |   12   |    14     |  12   |  16   |
| (An)        | 8  | 8  | 12 | 12  | 12  |   16   |    18     |  16   |  20   |
| (An)+       | 8  | 8  | 12 | 12  | 12  |   16   |    18     |  16   |  20   |
| -(An)       | 10 | 10 | 14 | 14  | 14  |   18   |    20     |  18   |  22   |
| (d16,An)    | 12 | 12 | 16 | 16  | 16  |   20   |    22     |  20   |  24   |
| (d8,An,Xn)* | 14 | 14 | 18 | 18  | 18  |   22   |    24     |  22   |  26   |
| (xxx).W     | 12 | 12 | 16 | 16  | 16  |   20   |    22     |  20   |  24   |
| (xxx).L     | 16 | 16 | 20 | 20  | 20  |   24   |    26     |  24   |  28   |
| (d16,PC)    | 12 | 12 | 16 | 16  | 16  |   20   |    22     |  20   |  24   |
| (d8,PC,Xn)* | 14 | 14 | 18 | 18  | 18  |   22   |    24     |  22   |  26   |
| #(data)     | 8  | 8  | 12 | 12  | 12  |   16   |    18     |  16   |  20   |
*The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.

Move Long Instruction Execution Times
|             |                           DESTINATION                         |
+   SOURCE    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
|             | Dn | An |(An)|(An)+|-(An)|(d16,An)|(d8,An,Xn)*|(xxx.W)|(xxx).L|
| Dn          | 4  | 4  | 12 | 12  | 12  |   16   |    18     |  16   |  20   |
| An          | 4  | 4  | 12 | 12  | 12  |   16   |    18     |  16   |  20   |
| (An)        | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20  | 20  |   24   |    26     |  24   |  28   |
| (An)+       | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20  | 20  |   24   |    26     |  24   |  28   |
| -(An)       | 14 | 14 | 22 | 22  | 22  |   26   |    28     |  26   |  30   |
| (d16,An)    | 16 | 16 | 24 | 24  | 24  |   28   |    30     |  28   |  32   |
| (d8,An,Xn)* | 18 | 18 | 26 | 26  | 26  |   30   |    32     |  30   |  34   |
| (xxx).W     | 16 | 16 | 24 | 24  | 24  |   28   |    30     |  28   |  32   |
| (xxx).L     | 20 | 20 | 28 | 28  | 28  |   22   |    34     |  32   |  36   |
| (d,PC)      | 16 | 16 | 24 | 24  | 24  |   28   |    30     |  28   |  32   |
| (d,PC,Xn)*  | 18 | 18 | 26 | 26  | 26  |   30   |    32     |  30   |  34   |
| #(data)     | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20  | 20  |   24   |    26     |  24   |  28   |
*The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.

Standard Instruction Execution Times
An - Address register operand
Dn - Data register operand
ea - An operand specified by an effective address
M  - Memory effective address operand
| Instruction |   Size    | op<ea>,An¹ | op<ea>,Dn | op Dn,<M> |
|             | Byte,Word |     8+     |     4+    |     8+    |
|  ADD/ADDA   +-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+
|             |   Long    |     6+**   |     6+**  |    12+    |
|             | Byte,Word |     -      |     4+    |     8+    |
|  AND        +-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+
|             |   Long    |     -      |     6+**  |    12+    |
|             | Byte,Word |     6+     |     4+    |     -     |
|  CMP/CMPA   +-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+
|             |   Long    |     6+     |     6+    |     -     |
|  DIVS       |     -     |     -      |   158+*   |     -     |
|  DIVU       |     -     |     -      |   140+*   |     -     |
|             | Byte,Word |     -      |     4***  |     8+    |
|  EOR        +-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+
|             |   Long    |     -      |     8***  |    12+    |
|  MULS       |     -     |     -      |    70+*   |     -     |
|  MULU       |     -     |     -      |    70+*   |     -     |
|             | Byte,Word |     -      |     4+    |     8+    |
|  OR         +-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+
|             |   Long    |     -      |     6+**  |    12+    |
|             | Byte,Word |     8+     |     4+    |     8+    |
|  SUB        +-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+
|             |   Long    |     6+**   |     6+**  |    12+    |
    + add effective address calculation time
    ¹ word or long only
    * indicates maximum basic value added to word effective address time.
   ** The base time of six clock periods is increased to eight if the
      effective address mode is register direct or immediate (effective
      address time should also be added).
  *** Only available effective address mode is data register direct.
DIVS, DIVU - The divide algorithm used by the MC68000 provides less than
             10% difference between the best and worst case timings.
MULS, MULU - The multiply algorithm requires 38+2n clocks where n is
             defined as:
                 MULU: n = the number of ones in the <ea>
                 MULS: n = concatanate the <ea> with a zero as the LSB;
                           n is the resultant number of 10 or 01 patterns
                           in the 17-bit source; i.e., worst case happens
                           when the source is $5555.

Immediate Instruction Execution Times
#  - Immediate operand
Dn - Data register operand
An - Address register operand
M  - Memory operand
| Instruction |   Size    | op #,Dn | op #,An | op #,M |
|             | Byte,Word |    8    |    -    |   12+  |
|  ADDI       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    16   |    -    |   20+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    4    |    4*   |    8+  |
|  ADDQ       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    8    |    8    |   12+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    8    |    -    |   12+  |
|  ANDI       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |   14    |    -    |   20+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    8    |    -    |    8+  |
|  CMPI       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |   14    |    -    |   12+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    8    |    -    |   12+  |
|  EORI       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |   16    |    -    |   20+  |
|  MOVEQ      |   Long    |    4    |    -    |   -    |
|             | Byte,Word |    8    |    -    |   12+  |
|  ORI        +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |   16    |    -    |   20+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    8    |    -    |   12+  |
|  SUBI       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |   16    |    -    |   20+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    4    |    8*   |    8+  |
|  SUBQ       +-----------+---------+---------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    8    |    8    |   12+  |

Single Operand Instruction Execution Times
| Instruction |   Size    | Register | Memory |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |    8+  |
|  CLR        +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    6     |   12+  |
|  NBCD       |   Byte    |    6     |    8+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |    8+  |
|  NEG        +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    6     |   12+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |    8+  |
|  NEGX       +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    6     |   12+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |    8+  |
|  NOT        +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    6     |   12+  |
|             | Byte,False|    4     |    8+  |
|  Scc        +-----------+----------+--------+
|             | Byte,True |    6     |    8+  |
|  TAS        |   Byte    |    4     |   14+  |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |    4+  |
|  TST        +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    4     |    4+  |
+ add effective address calculation time

Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times
| Instruction |   Size    | Register | Memory |
|             | Byte,Word |  6 + 2n  |   8+   |
|  ASR, ASL   +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |  8 + 2n  |   -    |
|             | Byte,Word |  6 + 2n  |   8+   |
|  LSR, LSL   +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |  8 + 2n  |   -    |
|             | Byte,Word |  6 + 2n  |   8+   |
|  ROR, ROL   +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |  8 + 2n  |   -    |
|             | Byte,Word |  6 + 2n  |   8+   |
|  ROXR, ROXL +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |  8 + 2n  |   -    |
+ add effective address calculation time for word operands
n is the shift count

Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times
|             |           |       Dynamic     |       Static      |
| Instruction |   Size    +----------+--------+----------+--------+
|             |           | Register | Memory | Register | Memory |
|             |   Byte    |    -     |   8+   |    -     |  12+   |
|  BCHG       +-----------+----------+--------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    8*    |   -    |    12*   |   -    |
|             |   Byte    |    -     |   8+   |    -     |  12+   |
|  BCLR       +-----------+----------+--------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |   10*    |   -    |    14*   |   -    |
|             |   Byte    |    -     |   8+   |    -     |  12+   |
|  BSET       +-----------+----------+--------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    8*    |   -    |    12*   |   -    |
|             |   Byte    |    -     |   4+   |    -     |   8+   |
|  BTST       +-----------+----------+--------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    6*    |   -    |    10    |   -    |
+ add effective address calculation time
* indicates maximum value; data addressing mode only

Conditional Instruction Execution Times
|             |                   | Branch |  Branch   |
| Instruction |   Displacement    | Taken  | Not Taken |
|             |       Byte        |   10   |     8     |
|  Bcc        +-------------------+--------+-----------+
|             |       Word        |   10   |    12     |
|             |       Byte        |   10   |     -     |
|  BRA        +-------------------+--------+-----------+
|             |       Word        |   10   |     -     |
|             |       Byte        |   18   |     -     |
|  BSR        +-------------------+--------+-----------+
|             |       Word        |   18   |     -     |
|             |      cc true      |   -    |    12     |
|             +-------------------+--------+-----------+
|             |  cc false, Count  |        |     _     |
|  DBcc       |    Not Expired    |   10   |           |
|             +-------------------+--------+-----------+
|             | cc false, Counter |   _    |           |
|             |      Expired      |        |    14     |

JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times
| Instr  | Size | (An)  | (An)+ |-(An) |(d16,An)|(d8,An,Xn)+|(xxx).W|(xxx).L|(d16,PC)|(d8,PC,Xn)*|
|  JMP   |  -   |   8   |   -   |  -   |   10   |    14     |  10   |  12   |   10   |    14     |
|  JSR   |  -   |  16   |   -   |  -   |   18   |    22     |  18   |  20   |   18   |    22     |
|  LEA   |  -   |   4   |   -   |  -   |   8    |    12     |   8   |  12   |   8    |    12     |
|  PEA   |  -   |  12   |   -   |  -   |   16   |    20     |  16   |  20   |   16   |    20     |
|        | Word | 12+4n | 12+4n |  _   | 16+4n  |   18+4n   | 16+4n | 20+4n | 16+4n  |   18+4n   |
|        |      |       |       |      |        |           |       |       |        |           |
|  MOVEM +------+-------+-------+------+--------+-----------+-------+-------+--------+-----------+
|  M->R  | Long | 12+8n | 12+8n |  _   | 16+8n  |   18+8n   | 16+8n | 20+8n | 16+8n  |   18+8n   |
|        |      |       |       |      |        |           |       |       |        |           |
|        | Word |  8+4n |   _   | 8+4n | 12+4n  |   14+4n   | 12+4n | 16+4n |   _    |     _     |
|        |      |       |       |      |        |           |       |       |        |           |
|  MOVEM +------+-------+-------+------+--------+-----------+-------+-------+--------+-----------+
|  R->M  | Long |  8+8n |   _   | 8+8n | 12+8n  |   14+8n   | 12+8n | 16+8n |   _    |     _     |
|        |      |       |       |      |        |           |       |       |        |           |
n is the number of registers to move.
* The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect the instruction's execution time.

Multi-Precision Instruction Execution Times
Dn - Data register operand
M  - Memory operand
| Instruction |   Size    | op Dn,Dn | op M,M |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |   18   |
|  ADDX       +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    8     |   30   |
|             | Byte,Word |    -     |   12   |
|  CMPM       +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    -     |   20   |
|             | Byte,Word |    4     |   18   |
|  SUBX       +-----------+----------+--------+
|             |   Long    |    8     |   30   |
|  ABCD       |   Byte    |    6     |   18   |
|  SBCD       |   Byte    |    6     |   18   |

Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times
|  Instruction   |   Size    | Register | Memory |
|  ANDI to CCR   |   Byte    |    20    |   -    |
|  ANDI to SR    |   Word    |    20    |   -    |
|  CHK (No Trap) |     -     |    10+   |   -    |
|  EORI to CCR   |   Byte    |    20    |   -    |
|  EORI to SR    |   Word    |    20    |   -    |
|  ORI to CCR    |   Byte    |    20    |   -    |
|  ORI to SR     |   Word    |    20    |   -    |
|  MOVE from SR  |     -     |    6     |   8+   |
|  MOVE to CCR   |     -     |    12    |   12+  |
|  MOVE to SR    |     -     |    6     |   12+  |
|  EXG           |     -     |    6     |   -    |
|                |   Word    |    4     |   -    |
|  EXT           +-----------+----------+--------+
|                |   Word    |    4     |   -    |
|  LINK          |     -     |    16    |   -    |
|  MOVE from USP |     -     |    4     |   -    |
|  MOVE to USP   |     -     |    4     |   -    |
|  NOP           |     -     |    4     |   -    |
|  RESET         |     -     |   132    |   -    |
|  RTE           |     -     |    20    |   -    |
|  RTR           |     -     |    20    |   -    |
|  RTS           |     -     |    16    |   -    |
|  STOP          |     -     |    4     |   -    |
|  SWAP          |     -     |    4     |   -    |
|  TRAPV         |     -     |    4     |   -    |
|  UNLK          |     -     |    12    |   -    |
+ add effective address calculation time

Move Peripheral Instruction Execution Times
| Instruction | Size | Register->Memory | Memory->Register |
|             | Word |        16        |        16        |
|  MOVEP      +------+------------------+------------------+
|             | Long |        24        |        24        |

Exeption Processing Execution Times
|       Exception       | Periods |
| Address Error         |   50    |
| Bus Error             |   50    |
| CHK Instruction       |   40+   |
| Divide by Zero        |   38+   |
| Illegal Instruction   |   34    |
| Interrupt             |   44*   |
| Privilege Violation   |   34    |
| _____                 |         |
| RESET**               |   40    |
| Trace                 |   34    |
| TRAP Instruction      |   34    |
| TRAPV Instruction     |   34    |
 + add effective address calculation time
 * The interrupt acknowledge cycle is assumed to take four clock periods
                               _____     ____
** indicates the time from the RESET and HALT are first sampled as
   negated to when instruction execution starts

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