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         | MC680x0 Assembly Source to Power-PC Conversion Chart |

                                Written for
                           - Digital Candy CD -

With the event of Amiga Technologies naming Motorola`s PowerPC Reduced
instruction micro processor as the successor to the MC68000`s series in
the beloved Amiga we present you some information regarding the PowerPC

This text is a PowerPC Instruction Reference. This text contains a lot of
helpful descriptions for `porting' MC680x0 written assembly language source
over to PowerPC assembly. An "automatic" source-code translator should be
available for mid `96 on Digital Candy!. This will do 90% of the assembly
translation process automatically for you hence making conversion much less
painful! Please note that really the PowerPC RISC chips are nothing more
than redesigned from ground up MC680x0 cpu`s. Nothing stupid like Intel`s
efforts with 8086 and the like! -  Thank god! :)

A useful purpose of releasing this information is to make coders aware of
the unsupported MC680x0 instructions that don`t exist on the PPC chips.
This will allow MC680x0 coders to write future MC68000 code that doesn`t
use them - this will help making translation of your MC68000 source much

For a full description of the PowerPC instruction set keep an eye out on
Digital Candy BBS.


| Description         | Asm MC680x0   |	PowerPC Description                 |
Add BCD		  	ABCD  (000+)	Not supported directly.

Add		  	ADD   (000+)	Use suitable add instruction.

Add Address	  	ADDA  (000+)	Use suitable add instruction.

Add Immediate	  	ADDI  (000+)	Use add immediate if immediate
					value is not greater than 16 bits.
					Use a register to create a tempory
					immediate value if a larger immediate
					value is needed.

Add Quick         	ADDQ  (000+)	Use add immediate.

Add with Extend   	ADDX  (000+)	Use suitable add instruction.

Logical AND	 	AND   (000+)	Use the and instruction.

Logical AND		ANDI  (000+)	Use and immediate instruction.
with Immediate	  	

Arithmetic Shift Left	ASL   (000+)	Use appropriate rotate or shift left
					instruction to simulate the operation.

Arithmetic Shift Left	ASR   (000+)	Use appropriate rotate or shift right
					instruction to simulate the operation

Branch if Condition	Bcc   (000+)	Use appropritae branch instruction
is True (e.g. BNE.)			taking into account speculative
					execution. (see doc`s)

Test bit and change	BCHG  (000+)	Not supported directly. Requires
					simulation using the reservation
					station technique to provide the
					atomic operation. (see doc`s)

Test bit and clear	BCLR  (000+)	Not supported directly. Requires
					simulation using the reservation
					station technique to provide the
					atomic operation. (see doc`s)

Test bit field and	BFCHG (020+)	Not supported directly. Requires
change					simulation using the reservation
					station technique to provide the
					atomic operation. (see doc`s)

Test bit field and	BFCLR (020+)	Not supported directly. Requires
clear					simulation using the reservation
					station technique to provide the
					atomic operation. (see doc`s)

Extract signed bit	BFEXTS (020+)	Use an appropritate rotate or
field					shift instruction to simulate the

Extract unsigned bit	BFEXTU (020+)	Use an appropritate rotate or
field					shift left instruction to simulate
					the operation.

Bit field find first 1	BFFFO (020+)	Use an appropritate rotate or shift
field					left instruction(s) to simulate the
					operation. Count leading zeros can
					also be used as part of simulation.

Insert Bit field	BFINS (020+)	Use an appropriate roatate or shift

Test bit field & Set	BFSET (020+)	Not supported directly. Simulate
					using the reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Test bit field		BFTST (020+)	Not supported directly. Simulate
					using the reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Set Breakpoint		BKPT  (000+)	Not supported directly. Use
					breakpoint registers in the cpu
					supervisor model to set breakpoints.

Unconditional branch    BRA   (000+)    Use Branch always instruction.

Set Bit			BSET (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Branch to subroutine	BSR (000+)	Use a suitable branch instruction
					that uses the link register. The
					choice will depend on how far your
					target address is. The link register
					contents may need saving in order
					to preserve the context of any
					previous branches. The system call
					instruction can also be used in
					some circumstances. Messy? Answers
					On a postcard to Motorola please.
					Hopefully the PowerPC assemblers
					will do this part automatically
					for coders.			

Test Bit		BTST (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Call Module		CALLM (020+)	Not supported directly.

Compare & Swap Operands	CAS (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Compare & Swap Dual Ops	CAS2 (020+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Check Reg Against Bound	CHK (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Check Upr/lower Bound	CHK2 (020+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Clear			CLR (000+)	Use R0 within an add or logical
					operation to write $00000000 into
					the target register. If the location
					is in external memory, use a store
					instruction with R0 instead.

Compare			CMP (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Compare Upr/Lower Bound	CMP2 (020+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Compare Address		CMPA (000+)	Use a suitable compare instruction.

Compare Immediate	CMPI (000+)	Use a suitable compare instruction.

Cmp Memory with Memory	CMPM (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulation
					is required using reservation station
					technique to provide the atomic

Test,decrement,branch	DBcc (000+)	Use branch instruction that
if Condition is true			decrements the CTR register to

Signed Divide		DIVS (000+)	Use the divide instruction but
					remember that PowerPC cpu`s
					instructions do not create
					remainder directly.

Signed Divide		DIVSL (020+)	Use the divide instruction but
					remember that PowerPC cpu`s
					instructions do not create
					remainder directly.

Unsigned Divide		DIVU (000+)	Use the divide instruction but
					remember that PowerPC cpu`s
					instructions do not create
					remainder directly.

Unsigned Divide		DIVUL (020+)	Use the divide instruction but
					remember that PowerPC cpu`s
					instructions do not create
					remainder directly.

Exclusive Logical OR	EOR (000+)	Use the XOR instruction.

Exclusive OR Immediate	EORI (000+)	Use the XORI instruction.

Exchange Registers	EXG (000+)	Not supported directly.

Sign Extend		EXT (000+)	Use an extend instruction.

Sign Extend		EXTB (000+)	Use the extend byte instruction

Illgal Opcode Trap	ILLEGAL (000+)	Illegal opcode will be trapped out
					by PowerPC Cpu`s. Hence there is no
					defined illegal instruction. Any 
					invalid instruction will do.

Jump			JMP (000+)	Use a branch always instruction

Load Effective Address	LEA (000+)	Use an add immediate instruction

Link register to stack 	LINK (000+)	Not supported directly.

Logical Shift Left	LSL   (000+)	Use appropriate rotate or shift left
					instruction to simulate the operation.

Logical Shift Left	LSR   (000+)	Use appropriate rotate or shift right
					instruction to simulate the operation

Move Condition Code	MOVE CCR (000+)	Use a CCR instruction to move the
					contents of a condition field to
					another. Use a move to or move from
					condition register instruction.

Move Address		MOVEA (000+)	Use an add or logical instruction
					to move the register contents to
					another register. A store instruction
					will be needed to mvoe the contents
					to memory.

Move Status Register	MOVE SR	(000+)	Use the move to and from MSR

Move User Stack		MOVE USP (000+)	Use an add or logical instruction
Pointer					to move the register contents to
					another register. A store instruction
					will be needed to mvoe the contents
					to memory.

Move Control Register	MOVEC (020+)	Use an appropritate move to and
					move from instruction e.g. move to
					special purpose register.

Move Multiple registers	MOVEM (000+)	Use store multiple words to move
					registers to memory. Use the Load
					multiple words to restore them.

Move peripheral data 	MOVEP (000+)	Not supported directly.

Move Quick		MOVEQ (000+)	Use an Add or logical immediate
					instruction to simulate.

Move alternative 	MOVES (020+)	Not supported directly.
address space		

Signed Multiply		MULS (000+)	Use the Multiply High and low
					instructions to simulate the
					multiply instruction

Unsigned Multiply	MULU (000+)	Use the Multiply High and low
					instructions to simulate the
					multiply instruction

Negate BCD data		NBCD  (000+)	Not supported directly.

Negate			NEG   (000+)	Not supported directly.

Negate with extend	NEGX  (000+)	Not supported directly.

No-operation		NOP   (000+)	Not supported directly. Simulate with
					logic operation that uses register 0
					(r0) to do nothing. E.g. in PPC
					code;	ORI 0,0,0

Logical Complement	NOT (000+)	Use NAND instruction

Logical OR		OR (000+)	Use the OR instruction

Logical OR Immediate	ORI (000+)	Use the OR Immediate instruction

Pack BCD data		PACK  (020+)	Not supported directly.

Push Effective address	PEA   (000+)	Not supported directly. Manipulate
					addresses directly.

Reset Peripherals	RESET (000+)	Not supported directly.

Rotate Bits Left	ROL (000+)	Use an appropriate rotate instruction

Rotate Bits Right	ROR (000+)	Use an appropriate rotate instruction

Rotate Bits Left with	ROXL (000+)	Use an appropriate rotate instruction

Rotate Bits Right with	ROXL (000+)	Use an appropriate rotate instruction

Return from Exception	RTE   (000+)	Now called the Return-From-Interrupt
					in PPC terminology hence use, RTI.

Return from Module	RTM (020+)	Not supported directly.

Return and Restore	RTR (020+)	Not supported directly.

Return from Subroutine	RTS (000+)	Use branch always instruction with
					the destination address in the link

Subtract BCD		SBCD (000+)	Not supported directly.

Set byte conditionally	Scc (000+)	Not supported directly.

Stop cpu		STOP (000+)	Not supported directly.

Subtract Memory		SUB (000+)	Use an appropriate subtract

Subtract Address	SUBA (000+)	Use an appropriate subtract

Subtract Immediate	SUBI (000+)	Use an appropriate subtract

Subtract Quick		SUBQ (000+)	Use an appropriate subtract

Subtract with Extend	SUBX (000+)	Use an appropriate subtract

Swap register words	SWAP (000+)	Not supported directly.

Test operand and set	TAS (000+)	Not supported directly. Who care`s
					though? The Amiga never supported
					it anyway due to hardware contention.

Trap			TRAP (000+)	Not supported directly.

Conditional Trap	TRAPcc(000+)	Not supported directly.

Trap on Overflow	TRAPV (000+)	Not supported directly.

Test operand		TST (000+)	Not supported directly.

Unlink from stack	UNLK (000+)     Not supported directly.

Unpack BCD data		UNPK (000+)     Not supported directly.
