File Archive

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File size:
2 424 bytes (2.37K)
File date:
2014-07-20 23:02:09
Download count:
all-time: 361


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|   . |                 x( Emperor of the North Pole )x                 | .   |
|   : |              The glorious winner of Solskogen 2014              | :   |
|_ |X | |                                                             | | X| _|
|/ XX | !:              Amiga / OCS / 68000 / 512k+512k              :! | XX \|
/____ | X|                                                           |X | ____\
   . \| X!            Visuals: Slummy     Music: Lug00ber            !X |/ .
   : ___XXLi:. .               ___   __/\__   ___              . .:iLXX___ :
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               \\__\\        \\__//_ /_ -_\ _\\__//        //__// H7dS!ACC
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                        We are Spaceballs - you are not


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|         Emperor of the North Pole        |
| for A500 . by Spaceballs . at Solskogen  |
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