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File size:
2 315 bytes (2.26K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:08:03
Download count:
all-time: 0


So there!
         Another one and a half-week production.....

Most of the routines were May & June 1996, except for the two tunnels which
were put together in October, and the credits-part which materialized
itself onto my hd a week ago..... I love hard work!

Messages for the world....

Ephidrena - Kommer dere og tar oss?

Contraz	  - Please give us more of your Norwegian Domination! We simply LOVE
            your shaded ketchup-bottles and buggy sprites.....
            "De gamle er fortsatt eldst...."

Gigazone  - Mer demo! Mer shadebobs! Mer ....ting!

Nocturnal - Hey ho! other people are allowed to vote.

I feel that the routines in this dentro deserve some deeper explanations :

Tattoo-Back :  Was originally intended as a transition in "Pinch". As you
               may know, that demo doesn't contain any transitions....
               The HAM8-smoothing in the beginning is kinda fun...

Credits     :  160*256 Realtime Mirror-Stretch! You can't beat the feeling!

Blurro      :  Cyborganic life V0.7! Rather obscure routine which I never
               cared to develop to it's maximum potential...

Tunnel 1    :  Transparent, flat-twirl routine in 256 colours....

Wrid        :  Cyborganic life V0.4.... Bezier-curve controlled motions,
               256 colours, stretching, clipping.... you name it!

TwirlSmuut  :  180*180 Rotation, Zooming and Smoothing

Gou-Thing   :  Old...Ugly.. but still a transparent squeeze-object.

Tattoo-face :  Another transition originally coded for "Pinch"

Tunnel 2    :  Colour-merging, Waving, Texturemapped 3D-tunnel! HAH!

BlurMan     :  Some guy from a swedish TV-program... with 8 blur-spheres in
               front of his face.

Bump        :  The now-so-standard bumpmapping. Slow, ugly, endpart.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The source-codes for this production can be bought for a mere $250....
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you for some reason would like to contact the coder of this dentro, you
COULD try here.......

                          Remi Pedersen
                          K.Dahls Gt 8
                          1777 HALDEN

...yupp, that's right! No email!

Now go spank something....