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9 744 bytes (9.52K)
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2024-09-05 01:07:49
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------------------------------------ [ ROYAL 2022 THE NAME SAYS iT ALL ] ---

        ______        _______       ___.___       _______        __.
       _\___  )_     _\___  /_     _\  |  /_     _\___  /_     _(  |
      .    /    .---.    |    .---._____    .---.    |    .---.    |
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       :                          PRESENTS!
       :                          ~~~~~~~~~
       :..............................................................:  ...
  NAME ............ Dungeoneer Turbo 1.1                                 :
  COMPANY ......... McCheesebob                                          :
  TYPE ............ Maze Runner                                          :
  NUMBER OF DISK .. 1 / DMS                                              :
  REQUIREMENTS .... ECS/AGA                                              :
  LANGUAGE ........ English                                              :
  HD INSTALABLE ... NO                                                   :
  SUPPLIER ........ ROYAL                                                :
  CRACKER ......... N/A                                                  :
  PROTECTION ...... N/A                                                  :
  RELEASE DATE .... 15-MAY-2022                                          :
                                                                     ..: :
                         .   .  . . .....................................:



With yet another sweet little game. 

This time "Dungeoneer Turbo" from McCheeseBob

Ever wanted to play a dungeon crawling action-adventure game 
similar to Gauntlet, but like really fast (well at least in theory). 
Well you can here with Dungeoneer Turbo! 
This is a game made for Retro Platform Jam #4 and was created in 
about three weeks by yours truly. Still certainly could use some 
improvements, especially in art/sound. Currently there are 3 looping 
levels until death, good luck!

Made with Scorpion Engine

Runs on any Amiga with 1mb of ram (at least 512k of chip ram + whatever), 
should need a joystick. Also works great in Win-UAE.

Definitely benefits from faster 68020 and 030 Amigas, 
doesn't entirely live up to its name on 7 mhz machines 
(though that is the original intended target).

This update is mostly for bringing some new levels and graphics to the game,
but also has a couple fixes and QoL improvements. 

There are three new levels added to the loop this update, bringing the 
total count to six. 

Basically doubling the game size at its current point. 
I've made some new tiles for two of the levels, one a sandy level and 
one a more jungle/grass tileset. 

Outside the new levels there are some other changes as such:

Player's health has been increased by 50% to compensate for the length 
increase, as well as make the game a bit more fair on faster amiga owners.

The red key in the first stage has been moved to make it easier to reach 
as it formerly required pixel perfect accuracy.

Player hitboxes have been slightly reduced

Some minor changes to the older tilesets better utilizing the second 
half of the palette, these are rather minimal and probably not noticeable
without pixel peeping.

A water trap has been added to some later stages, don't stand in it 
for too long!

A new snake enemy in some of the new levels

The top UI now displays which keys you have collected in the level

Unpack the .DMS to floppy, or mount it in your favorit emulator.

Don't miss our next releases !!!!

That's all folks !


  .     .  . . ..:.:
                 :............[ greets go to ]............................
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                             :
         trsi - fairlight - hellfire - lightforce - lsd - accession      :
          global verdoes - lsd - bad karma - sunflex inc - quartex       :
             wanted team - and all other active amiga legends!           :
                    .:.........................         .                   
                     :                       :  ...    .                    
  . . ...............:    .     _ _/________ :..:.:   .   .     ...         
.____________________ ..:::· ·:.. /        /____:__  .·   ·.    :.:         
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   : .              ·::::::::::::·              :.... .   _ _______________\
   : :..               ········                                      
       :  [ the northern palace  +45-not-foru!     5 nodes      whq ]
       :  [ south central        +46-find-it-!     6 nodes   scanhq ] 
  .:...:..[ first division.......+46-temp-off!.....1 node........hq ]...
       :..[ aquarium.............+46-ask-royal.....2 nodes......shq ]..:
       :  [ dial hard            +41-not-foru!     5 nodes      ehq ]
       :  [ spaced out           +xx-cool-ryl!     4 nodes     ukhq ]
       :  [ canadian mist        +1-too-elite!     ? nodes      chq ]
       :  [ the undiscovered     +31-ask-elite     1 node       dhq ]
       :..[ most wanted          +47-ask-forit     1 node       nhq ] :  ...
          [ enterprise unlimited itsan-ftpsite    xx nodes  ftpsite ] :..:.:
         :.....[ the mighty royal amiga division member list ]...............
                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                :
      aln! - apollo - arcane - bogi - bytejammer - citruz - cryo - fenix    :
   floppy robby - fury - gerdy - hamlet - hitech - hoppa - infant - jacobs  :
     keram - kostek - magellan - mir - mortimer twang - muad'dib - pows     :
    prefix - qla - quazar - reflex - skid - slice - slime - snafu - woober  :
     soultaker - spite - tib - ufok - whirlwind - wild - zinko - ziutek     :
       ....................[ contact us on the net! ].......................:
       :             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       :            - OR ON THE (24H) TELNETABLE ROYAL BOARDS -
       :...................... .. .

       .  ..  ........................................................  ..  .

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\____\____|______//    ___/___\____/_______\
                                (eCS/aGA)  |
  dUNGEONEER tURBO 1.1                     |
    [nFO]            (c) 2022 mCcHEESEbOB  |
 -  --  ----  ------------[ 15.mAY.2022 ]---


  _______ ______ ______     _____ ______    
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/    /  _/.      \___/    \   _   \_  /   \ 
\____\____|______//    ___/___\____/_______\
                                (eCS/aGA)  |
  dUNGEONEER tURBO 1.1.1                   |
    [1/1]            (c) 2022 mCcHEESEbOB  |
 -  --  ----  ------------[ 21.sEP.2022 ]---