File Archive

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File size:
8 527 bytes (8.33K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:48
Download count:
all-time: 7


------------------------------------ [ ROYAL 2021 THE NAME SAYS iT ALL ] ---

        ______        _______       ___.___       _______        __.
       _\___  )_     _\___  /_     _\  |  /_     _\___  /_     _(  |
      .    /    .---.    |    .---._____    .---.    |    .---.    |
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           l____/        l____/    ©dtA!____/        l____/        l____/
       :                          PRESENTS!
       :                          ~~~~~~~~~
       :..............................................................:  ...
  NAME ............ Amibox                                               :
  COMPANY ......... Robert Krajcarz                                      :
  TYPE ............ Puzzle                                               :
  NUMBER OF DISK .. 1 / DMS & 1 / LHA                                    :
  REQUIREMENTS .... ECS/AGA                                              :
  LANGUAGE ........ English                                              :
  HD INSTALABLE ... Yes                                                  :
  SUPPLIER ........ ROYAL                                                :
  CRACKER ......... N/A                                                  :
  PROTECTION ...... N/A                                                  :
  RELEASE DATE .... 19-09-2021                                           :
                                                                     ..: :
                         .   .  . . .....................................:



With yet another sweet little game. 

AmiBOX is a logic game where we have to connect all elements together 
in one network. On each board is one transmitter and several receivers 
which we have to connect to it. Each element can be rotated in two 
direction, left and right.

To complete the level we have to connect all receivers with the transmitter
using all the elements on the screen. Each board has a time limit and after
it the game ends.


AmiBOX runs on any Amiga (ECS/AGA) with 1MB of RAM and KickStart 2.0+.
The game is available in two versions: (ADF) - floppy disk, 
(LHA) - hard disk. Both archives have also versions for graphics cards.

Unpack the .DMS to floppy, or mount it in your favorit emulator.
Extract the .LHA to your desired archive and play it from there.

Don't miss our next releases !!!!

That's all folks !


  .     .  . . ..:.:
                 :............[ greets go to ]............................
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                             :
         trsi - fairlight - hellfire - lightforce - lsd - accession      :
          global verdoes - lsd - bad karma - sunflex inc - quartex       :
             wanted team - and all other active amiga legends!           :
                    .:.........................         .                   
                     :                       :  ...    .                    
  . . ...............:    .     _ _/________ :..:.:   .   .     ...         
.____________________ ..:::· ·:.. /        /____:__  .·   ·.    :.:         
|      __           /::::      :::.       /     ·  |.:     :. ____.   ...   
|       /          /::::       ·:::.     /         .:·      :.    |   :.:   
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   : .              ·::::::::::::·              :.... .   _ _______________\
   : :..               ········                                      
       :  [ the northern palace  +45-not-foru!     5 nodes      whq ]
       :  [ south central        +46-find-it-!     6 nodes   scanhq ] 
  .:...:..[ first division.......+46-temp-off!.....1 node........hq ]...
       :..[ aquarium.............+46-ask-royal.....2 nodes......shq ]..:
       :  [ dial hard            +41-not-foru!     5 nodes      ehq ]
       :  [ spaced out           +xx-cool-ryl!     4 nodes     ukhq ]
       :  [ canadian mist        +1-too-elite!     ? nodes      chq ]
       :  [ the undiscovered     +31-ask-elite     1 node       dhq ]
       :..[ most wanted          +47-ask-forit     1 node       nhq ] :  ...
          [ enterprise unlimited itsan-ftpsite    xx nodes  ftpsite ] :..:.:
         :.....[ the mighty royal amiga division member list ]...............
                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                :
      aln! - apollo - arcane - bogi - bytejammer - citruz - cryo - fenix    :
   floppy robby - fury - gerdy - hamlet - hitech - hoppa - infant - jacobs  :
     keram - kostek - magellan - mir - mortimer twang - muad'dib - pows     :
    prefix - qla - quazar - reflex - skid - slice - slime - snafu - woober  :
     soultaker - spite - tib - ufok - whirlwind - wild - zinko - ziutek     :
       ....................[ contact us on the net! ].......................:
       :             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       :            - OR ON THE (24H) TELNETABLE ROYAL BOARDS -
       :...................... .. .

       .  ..  ........................................................  ..  .

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@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  _______ ______ ______     _____ ______
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/    /  _/.      \___/    \   _   \_  /   \
\____\____|______//    ___/___\____/_______\
                                (eCS/aGA)  |
  aMIBOX                                   |
    [nFO]        (c) 2017 rOBERT kRAJCARZ  |
 -  --  ----  -------------[ 19.09.2021 ]---


  _______ ______ ______     _____ ______    
 /   _   \\     \\    /_____\__  \\    /__  
/    /  _/.      \___/    \   _   \_  /   \ 
\____\____|______//    ___/___\____/_______\
                                (eCS/aGA)  |
  aMIBOX hD                                |
    [1/1]        (c) 2017 rOBERT kRAJCARZ  |
 -  --  ----  -------------[ 19.09.2021 ]---