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File size:
5 060 bytes (4.94K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:27
Download count:
all-time: 22


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  30-01-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :

                      ________ __ _     _ __ ________  
                .____\\                             //____.
                |            *   O R i O N   *            |
                |                                         :
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        /           \\ ___   \\ _(___)___.         \\   \         |
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               .         \_________/   \/ yop            .
               |_____                               _____|
               `    //_____ __ _         _ __ _____\\    '

.                                                                            |
:                      >>> ULTIMATE XTREME RACING <<<                        :
|                                                                            .
|   Cracker :..................Unknown ^ Supplied :....................N/A   |
:   Packaged :.................GiORGiO | Protection :..................N/A   :
.   Version :......................... | Size :...................1 x 22MB   .
:   Date :...........January 30th 2021 | Type :.......................Game   :
|   Publisher:.........Alive Mediasoft Y System:..........AGA/030+/4MB RAM   |

|   -[ Description ]-                                                        |
|                                                                            |
:  XTreme Racing is a racing game that utilizes real 3D environments, as     :
   opposed to the sprite-based Lotus and the unshaded polygons of 
   World Circuit. The game features a wide environment with full freedom of 
   movement and some Mode 7-style effects. Various pre-made characters can
   be chosen to represent the player. A course designer and a sound editor 
   are included as well.
   The difficulty level is customizable, and the cars don't "cheat" in terms 
   of artificially keeping up with the player-controlled vehicle or pushing 
   it out of the way and continuing at unabated speed. There many weapons 
   on track to be picked up and fired at will, to deal with the opponents in 
   a more unorthodox way.

   Multiplayer options allow up to eight human players to compete, achieved 
   linking two systems, similarly to Super Skidmarks.

   This is a HD version of the game, released by Alive Mediasoft.
:                                                               -GiORGiO     :
|                                                                            |
|   -[ Installation Help ]-                                                  |
Y                                                                            Y
.   UnLHA, burn onto a CD or load into your favorite emulator!               .
.                                                                            .
|   -[ Greetings ]-                                                          |
Y                                                                            Y
|   TRSI - BAD KARMA - QUARTEX - HOODLUM - ROYAL - FLASHTRO                  |
:   LIGHTFORCE - OLYMPUS - GOD - MOTION - HOTSTUFFERS & the rest!            :
:                                                                            :


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  30-01-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :