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File size:
5 760 bytes (5.62K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:27
Download count:
all-time: 27


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  08-02-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :
|       TRAPPED - DAS RAD VON TALMAR       .
:        (C)NEW GENERATiON SOFTWARE        |
                      ________ __ _     _ __ ________  
                .____\\                             //____.
                |            *   O R i O N   *            |
                |                                         :
                :                                       ._________._
         __________/\ _ ____/\    ___     _ ______/\ ___|         _/
        /           \\ ___   \\ _(___)___.         \\   \         |
      /      |       \  /   _/____      |_  |       \  \         |
      \______________/__\         \_ __ '/__________/__|\________|
               .         \_________/   \/ yop            .
               |_____                               _____|
               `    //_____ __ _         _ __ _____\\    '

.                                                                            |
:                    >>> TRAPPED - DAS RAD VON ALMAR <<<                     :
|                                                                            .
|   Cracker :......................N/A ^ Supplied :................GiORGiO   |
:   Packaged :.................GiORGiO | Protection :..................N/A   :
.   Version :......................N/A | Size :....................1 x56MB   .
:   Date :..........November 30th 2020 | Type :.......................Game   :
|   Publisher:............Rainbow Arts Y System:...CD/AGA/ECS/GRAFFITI/OCS   |

|   -[ Description ]-                                                        |
|                                                                            |
:   This is actually a really good game. It has a nice engine with great     :
    lighting effects. It adds some light RPG elements, in the form of 
    experience points, choosing a character class, and learning spells,
    which add a nice twist to the usual FPS gameplay. The learning curve is 
    just right - there are a lot of controls and abilities, but it's easy to 
    learn as you go without memorizing the manual beforehand. Most of the 
    game consists of wandering through interesting environments avoiding 
    traps and solving clever puzzles. There are so many unique and 
    interesting puzzles - it's not just a "find the key" affair, you'll find 
    yourself dodging fireballs, slowing down time, manipulating the 
    environment, and much more. 

    You really have to stop and think if you want to succeed at this game. 
    Combat is fairly infrequent, which is a good thing since the combat 
    mechanics aren't great even though the enemies are well-drawn. 
    Also, I would like to have a richer and more developed story, and some 
    levels drag on a bit too long. But overall, a fun game that's easy to get 
    into and has some unexpected tricks up it sleeve. 

    Highly recommended!

    Hardware requirements:
     * 68020 CPU
     * 2Mb RAM
     * 15Mb hard disk space

    Supported hardware:
     * 68020 up to 68060 CPU
     * Up to 10Mb RAM

    More RAM adds the following:
     * Weapon display animations
     * Several texture animations
     * Module played during the game
     * AntiAlias mode
     * Speed ups

:                                                               -GiORGiO     :
|                                                                            |
|   -[ Installation Help ]-                                                  |
Y                                                                            Y
.   UnLHA, burn onto a CD or load into your favorite emulator!               .
.                                                                            .
|   -[ Greetings ]-                                                          |
Y                                                                            Y
:   LIGHTFORCE - OLYMPUS - GOD - MOTION - HOTSTUFFERS & the rest!            :
:                                                                            :


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  08-02-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :
|       TRAPPED - DAS RAD VON TALMAR       .
:        (C)NEW GENERATiON SOFTWARE        |