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File size:
5 177 bytes (5.06K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:27
Download count:
all-time: 22


                      ________ __ _     _ __ ________  
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.                                                                            |
:                           >>> STREET RACER CD <<<                          :
|                                                                            .
|   Cracker :..................Unknown ^ Supplied :....................N/A   |
:   Packaged :.................GiORGiO | Protection :..................N/A   :
.   Version :......................N/A | Size :....................1 x70MB   .
:   Date :...........January 24th 2021 | Type :.......................Game   :
|   Publisher:.................UbiSoft Y System:.......................AGA   |

|   -[ Description ]-                                                        |
|                                                                            |
:                                                                            :
    Street Racer is a go-kart racing game which combines racing with 
    violence. Characters can strike opponents with their fists and must 
    avoid explosives littered around the track. The game's characters 
    (including Surf Sister and Frank Instein) possess unique power-ups such 
    as the Screaming Banshee, Batmobile, magic carpet and tri-plane.

    The game features the ability to race various championships beginning 
    with the Bronze Championship and moving on to progressively more 
    difficult competitions. An alternative one-on-one mode is also available.
    The game awards points for final race positions, with bonus points given 
    for accolades such as fastest lap. The competitor with the most points 
    after all races wins the Championship. The game includes a "Rumble" 
    mode in which players attempt to force opponents from an arena.
    The "Soccer" mode is a free-for-all football match with one goal and in 
    which players tackle by colliding with the opponent.

    As in many racing games, the AI in Street Racer adjusts itself according 
    to the player's performance, becoming harder to beat if the player does 
    well and easier to beat if the player makes mistakes.
    A pretty unique and diverse game released towards the end of Amiga.

:                                                               -GiORGiO     :
|                                                                            |
|   -[ Installation Help ]-                                                  |
Y                                                                            Y
.   UnLHA, burn onto a CD or load into your favorite emulator!               .
.                                                                            .
|   -[ Greetings ]-                                                          |
Y                                                                            Y
|   TRSI - BAD KARMA - QUARTEX - HOODLUM - ROYAL - FLASHTRO                  |
:   LIGHTFORCE - OLYMPUS - GOD - MOTION - HOTSTUFFERS & the rest!            :
:                                                                            :


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  24-01-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :
|       STREET RACER - (C) UBISOFT         .