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File size:
5 357 bytes (5.23K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:27
Download count:
all-time: 20


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  27-01-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :
                      ________ __ _     _ __ ________  
                .____\\                             //____.
                |            *   O R i O N   *            |
                |                                         :
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         __________/\ _ ____/\    ___     _ ______/\ ___|         _/
        /           \\ ___   \\ _(___)___.         \\   \         |
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               `    //_____ __ _         _ __ _____\\    '

.                                                                            |
:                       >>> SILKWORM COLLECTION CD32 <<<                     :
|                                                                            .
|   Cracker :..................Unknown ^ Supplied :...................RGCD   |
:   Packaged :.................GiORGiO | Protection :..................N/A   :
.   Version :......................N/A | Size :...................1 x1.2MB   .
:   Date :...........January 27th 2021 | Type :.......................Game   :
|   Publisher:...........Random Access Y System:......................CD32   |

|   -[ Description ]-                                                        |
|                                                                            |
:   This compilation is a CD32 tribute to Random Access' superb conversion   :
    of the Temco arcade classic Silkworm and it's 16-bit sequel SWIV.

    The two games have both stood the test of time well - Silkworm is a near 
    perfect port of the coin-op original, and SWIV is simply one of the best 
    16-Bit shooters available (despite the use of 16-colour Atari ST graphics
    and lacking any in-game music). In both titles the two different vehicles 
    each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but there's no doubt that 
    the best way to play them is with two players working together.

    It's a real shame that a keyboard is required to access the game options 
    and change the default control for player two, as aside from this both 
    Silkworm and SWIV play really well on a standard CD32 console 
    (note that you can still play both games through to completion in single 
    player mode). Keyboard commands are included on the CD insert provided.

    This compilation would have been impossible without the hard work of 
    Wepl (for WHDLoadCD32) and Abaddon, JOTD, Mr Larmer and Harry 
    (for the game patches used).
    An unofficial CD32 release of one of the best Amiga games!

:                                                               -GiORGiO     :
|                                                                            |
|   -[ Installation Help ]-                                                  |
Y                                                                            Y
.   UnLHA, burn onto a CD or load into your favorite emulator!               .
.                                                                            .
|   -[ Greetings ]-                                                          |
Y                                                                            Y
|   TRSI - BAD KARMA - QUARTEX - HOODLUM - ROYAL - FLASHTRO                  |
:   LIGHTFORCE - OLYMPUS - GOD - MOTION - HOTSTUFFERS & the rest!            :
:                                                                            :


  ___  _____ ._______  /\  __
 /   \/  _  \|  _/   \/  \|  |-------------.
/  /  \  /  /_  |  /  \ .    |  27-01-2021 |
\_____/__\___/__\_____/_|\___|zS!          :