File Archive

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File size:
5 238 bytes (5.12K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:26
Download count:
all-time: 30


  _____/\ ____/\    ___   _ __/\ __|      _/
 /      \\ __  \\ _(___)_.     \\  \      |
/    |    \ /  _/___     |_ |    \ \      |
\_________/_\       \_ _ '/______/_|\_____|
     _______ \_______/  \/ ____________  yop
.___\\                                //___.
|             BURNOUT ULTIMATE             |
|         (c) 1994 VULCAN SOFTWARE         |
|____                                  ____|
`   //___[-CD32/ISO-]_______[-NFO-]___\\   '
                      ________ __ _     _ __ ________  
                .____\\                             //____.
                |            *   O R i O N   *            |
                |                                         :
                :                                       ._________._
         __________/\ _ ____/\    ___     _ ______/\ ___|         _/
        /           \\ ___   \\ _(___)___.         \\   \         |
      /      |       \  /   _/____      |_  |       \  \         |
      \______________/__\         \_ __ '/__________/__|\________|
               .         \_________/   \/ yop            .
               |_____                               _____|
               `    //_____ __ _         _ __ _____\\    '

.                                                                            |
:                         >>> BURNOUT ULTIMATE CD32 <<<                      :
|                                                                            .
|   Cracker :..................Unknown ^ Supplied :....................N/A   |
:   Packaged :.................GiORGiO | Protection :..................N/A   :
.   Version :......................N/A | Size :.....................1 x8MB   .
:   Date :...........December 2nd 2020 | Type :.......................Game   :
|   Publisher:.........Vulcan Software Y System:......................CD32   |

|   -[ Description ]-                                                        |
|                                                                            |
:   Burnout Ultimate, a unique compilation for the first time on CD-32!      :
    Burnout is a game from late in Amiga's run (part of Vulcan's 
    "MiniSeries" label), a frantic and graphically superb vehicular Battle
    Royale and one of the very few commercial games for the Amiga that 
    absolutely required Fast RAM to run.

    As such, this release requires an expanded CD32, both the TerribleFire 
    expansion and more classic expansions like the SX-1 or SX-32 should work 
    fine.  Alternatively, add more RAM in your emulator configuration.

    Four custom made arenas feature in this release, three of them have been 
    featured on Aminet but the fourth is exclusive to this disc.
     1. EAB Arena
     2. Hellspade Arena
     3. Star Arena
     4. Terrible Fire Arena
    An unofficial CD32 release of some of the best Amiga games!

:                                                               -GiORGiO     :
|                                                                            |
|   -[ Installation Help ]-                                                  |
Y                                                                            Y
.   UnLHA, burn onto a CD or load into your favorite emulator!               .
.                                                                            .
|   -[ Greetings ]-                                                          |
Y                                                                            Y
|   TRSI - BAD KARMA - QUARTEX - HOODLUM - ROYAL - FLASHTRO                  |
:   LIGHTFORCE - OLYMPUS - GOD - MOTION - HOTSTUFFERS & the rest!            :
:                                                                            :


  _____/\ ____/\    ___   _ __/\ __|      _/
 /      \\ __  \\ _(___)_.     \\  \      |
/    |    \ /  _/___     |_ |    \ \      |
\_________/_\       \_ _ '/______/_|\_____|
     _______ \_______/  \/ ____________  yop
.___\\                                //___.
|             BURNOUT ULTIMATE             |
|         (c) 1994 VULCAN SOFTWARE          
|____                                  ____|
`   //___[-CD32/ISO-]_______[-1/1-]___\\   '