File Archive

File download


File size:
856 bytes (856B)
File date:
2014-11-28 23:02:13
Download count:
all-time: 255


     Mysterious Party Release @ GERP 2014... :-) Swapped and showed there.

Requires AGA. Display capable of super hires 
resolution is strongly recommended.

  The released archive has the following properties
| Name:    Exhibit641a_96_GERP14.lha                |
| Size:    56374 bytes                              |
| Created: 2014-09-06 23:54:49 (GMT+1)              |
| CRC32:   cb1fbe4e                                 |
| MD5:     9c30e2c07e30362ba96374d5539894ec         |

-------------> NOTE: This text file is *NOT* part of the release. <-------------