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File size:
11 669 bytes (11.40K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:06:58
Download count:
all-time: 1


             _ _                                            _ _
            .)\\----( leed software distribution · lsd )----//(.
            |                                                  |
           _:______            __________             _____    :
         ./       /__________./   _     /. __________/    /____:_
         |_      /.  _      /:    /____/ :/   ._    /._          \.
         :/_______|  /_____/ :___________:_   |/     :/___________|
            :   /____________:           :/__________|         :
            :                                                  :
            :                                                  :
            |                                                  | 
            :       ________________          ___________      |
            |     ./         /     /_______ ./    ._    /.     |
            :     |_        /._            \|_    |/     |     :_ _
            |   t^:/_________:/_____________:/___________|lp!  .//
       _ _ _|                                                  |
       )\\\\_      You know those compressed little stamps     :_ _
            |    Yes those who makes you happy all day long    .//(
            |                                                  :
            |                                            ______:__
   ____     :        _______ _______           _________/   _    /_______
 ./   /____ . ______/      /_\     /_______   /    _   /.   /   /. _    /
 |_        \./   _  \.      /       /     /__/__.  /    |   \____| /___/ :
 :/_________|    /   |______\_______\    /\     |  \____|____|/__________:
            l________|            /______/\_____|____\         :
            |                                                  :
         __.:                       __.                       __.
  ______/  | ____   ______  _______/  | ____    ____   ______/  | ____   ____
./ ._  /.  |/   /___\    /_/ _    /   |_\_ /___/   /___\    /_  |/  _ \./  _ \.
|  |/   |  |_      \.     /  /   /.   |  /    /.  /|   |     /  |_  /  |   /  |
: ______|  :/_______|_____\  \____|   |__\_____|_______|_____\ ·|/_____|__/__ |
|/  /______|:           /_____|/______|                  /_____:|            \|
:           :                                                  :              :
.           |_ _                                            _ _:              .
            :((/----(i s  p r o u d  t o  p r e s e n t)----\)):
            :                                                  |
      _ _   |                                                  |   _ _
     (///- -·-[                 Follix v1.5                  ]-·- -\\\)
            |                                                  |
            :    _.                                      ._    |
            ·---\\[       size: 1 x DMS                  ]//---·
            :     [    cracker: None                     ]   ..:
            :..   [   supplier: Sucram                   ]...:.:
            :.:...[    packing: LSD                      ]   :
       .......:.. [ system req: AGA                      ] ..:......
       :      !                                              :     :
   _..-:-----·:---------------(release date 18/MAR/23)-------:·----:-.._
   \|| ·                                                           · ||/
       :_ _                                                     _ _:
       .//(-------------( l s d  g r e e t i n g s )------------)\\:
       : _____      _________________  ________________  ____      :
       :/   _/_____/   _    /  _    /./  _    /\      /_/   /_____ :_ _
       |    \_    /.   /   /.  /___/ :   /___/ :       /_         \://
       : ____/_____|___\____|________:_________:_______:/_________ |
       |/                                                         \|
       :       abuse, hoodlum, hellfire, lightforce, motion        :
    _ _|                                                           |
     \\.       outlaws, tristar and red sector, and quartex        |_ _
       |_                                                          _///
       :               * R E L E A S E  N O T E S *                |
       |                                                           |
       |                       'Follix v1.5'                       |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |   Follix is a puzzle game heavily inspired by Atomix,     |
       |   a game from 1990 where the player had to build chemical |
       |   molecules by connecting correctly the atoms they were   |
       |   made of.                                                |
       |                                                           |
       |   Using similar mechanics, in each of its 30 levels,      |
       |   Follix challenges the player to build a piece of a      |
       |   message by sliding in the correct places the tiles      |
       |   that contain the relevant text characters.              |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |   v1.5 (18.3.2023)                                        |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Made minimal changes to the startup and cleanup code. |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Removed involuntary dependency on AMCAF (the cleanup  |
       |     code included an Open Workbench command).             |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Saved some memory by tweaking the AMOS Professional   |
       |     Interpreter configuration.                            |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Recompiled against ALS v2.4 (which eliminates the     |
       |     dependency on mathtrans.library).                     |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Reprocessed executable with improved optimizer tool   |
       |     that optimizes also Exit If ... and While ... Wend.   |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Embedded version string in executable.                |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |   v1.4 (22.02.2023)                                       |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Lowered the task priority from 5 to 0 to play nice    |
       |     to the OS upom cleanup, just before saving the data   |
       |     to disk                                               |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |   v1.3 (21.02.2023)                                       |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Fixed endless floppy drive motor spinning.            |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Fixed graphical glitch that could happen in the       |
       |     transition between the game and information screens.  |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Made disappearance of game area when passing to the   |
       |     pause screen happen in a single frame instead of two. |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Added clearing of CPU caches after the loading of     |
       |     the data file (as that contains also a couple of      |
       |     machine code routines).                               |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Changed the conditions of many If, Until and While    |
       |     statements and turned For ... Next loops into Repeat  |
       |     ... Until loops to have the AMOS Professional         |
       |     Compiler produce shorter and faster code.             |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Sharpened the top/bottom sides of the menu buttons.   |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Recompiled against ALS v2.3.                          |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Optimized executable with custom tool.                |
       |                                                           |
       |   * Touched up manual.                                    |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       :                                                           !
  _ _  .         ...... ..                      .... . ..          |  _ _
  \\\\ |         ·     _                          _     :          | ////
    //_:_________: ___\\                          //____:__________:_\\
                 :                                      :          .
                 : [LSD]      ZERO DEFECTS      [ LSD ] :
                 :                                      :
                 :           Cracking Section           :
                 !                                      |
                 :  If you decided to download and use  |
                 · this program,  we strongly encourage !
                 |      you to support the author,      :
                 |       and purchase a copy at:        ·_ _
                 |                                      .///
                 |       |
                 |                                      |
              ...:.. .                              . ......
              :  :                                      :  :
              :  `---[ Contact Lsd: Find us online! ]---'  :
              :                                            :
           · ·:·····[ Design (c) Trivial/Low Profile ]·····:· ·
              :                                            ·
              .                                            .


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   _____     ______ ______ - -- - - -  - -:-
 : \   /__ _/ ____ |   __ \_      lSD     : 
 : /  /   |\___  |-'-|  /   \  pRESENTS:  : 
-:-\_____ |/  /  |---| _____/-- - - -  ---:-
 :      `-(_____ |sAL1-'            (AGA) 
 :             `-'              
 : Follix v1.5
 :                        (C) 2021 Retream
-:- - -- -   - --  -   -- 18-MAR-23-(-NFO!)-


   _____     ______ ______ - -- - - -  - -:-
 : \   /__ _/ ____ |   __ \_      lSD     : 
 : /  /   |\___  |-'-|  /   \  pRESENTS:  : 
-:-\_____ |/  /  |---| _____/-- - - -  ---:-
 :      `-(_____ |sAL1-'            (AGA)   
 :             `-'                          
 : Follix v1.5                              
 :                        (C) 2021 Retream  
-:- - -- -   - --  -   -- 18-MAR-23-(01/01)-