File Archive

File download


File size:
2 579 bytes (2.52K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:06:42
Download count:
all-time: 2


                      _/\_____ _____  ______
                     /. _____//. _ .\|____  \    
                    /  /____ /  / \  \|..|\..\
   G L O B A L     /. /|_  _|=> > < <=>  | \  \     O V E R D O S E
                   \ .\_|..| \. \_/ ./|..|_/../
                    \______|  \_____/|_______/

                         -*- ReLeaSeD -*-

               -*- "SuPeR TWiNTRiS - TRaiNeR" -*-

 To Get Your Game Trained, Put The File Called "GOD-TWTR" On Your 

 "Super TwinTris"-Disk And Next Boot Our Trainer, After Making Your

 Selection, You Press "Start Game" And The Game Will Load & Start,

 So You Don`t Have To Do Anything Anymore.

 !CAUTION! - TrainerPatch Looks For "SuperTwi" In The Current Dir,
             So Make Sure It`s In The Current Dir When Booting And
             Do  * NOT *  Rename The File !!! - !CAUTION!

 - In Order To Get The Upcoming Warez From G.O.D, Call GOD's House At -
       _/\  _/\   _____  _/\____  ____      /\____________ _/\_____
       || | || | /. _ .\|_____  \||   \    // ______  ___/||  __ ./
       |: |_|: |/  / \  \|| |/. /|: \  \  /. /__   || |   |: |__\/
       |.  _ . |=> > < <=>: // / |. |\. \/. ___/   |: |   |__  ||
       |. | |  |\. \_/ ./|. \\ \ |. | \\ \. \____  |. |  /\__| :|
       |__| |__| \_____/ |__|\. \|__| /. /\_____/  |__| /_______|
       |    |            |    \__\   /__/               |       |
       :    :            :           |                  :       :
       .                 .           .                  .       .
            .      ____  .   /\_____ _/\_______________
       .          ||   \    // ____/||  __ ./\___  ___/         .
                  |: \  \  /. /__   |: |__\/ |  || |
                  |. |\. \/. ___/   |__  ||  :  |: | 
<CoSySoP - FReuD> |. | \\ \. \____ /\__| :|     |. |   <SySoP - STiNG>
                  |__| /. /\_____//_______|  .  |__|
                      /__/  |             |        |
                      |     :             :        :
                      :                   .
                      .     .                      .
             NoDe 1 - [301-229-8032] / NoDe 2 - [301-229-0103]  
                           NoDe 3 - [301-229-0247]
         1.2 GiGaByTe oNLiNe - A3000 25MhZ - SooN 16.8K'S HST DuaL
            HoT WaReZ aMiGa - HoT WaReZ PC - HoT WaReZ CoNSoLe
                    WHaT GoD WaNTS, GoD GeTS !!!