File Archive

File download


File size:
1 510 bytes (1.47K)
File date:
2018-03-03 17:09:04
Download count:
all-time: 155


  ______________  .____      _____  ______________   _________  ____    ____
 _\___   _/   _/__|   |_____/  _  \_\___    /   _/___\   _   |_/  _/__ /  _/__.
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                - = * A S S E M B L Y  <3  A M I G A * = -

   I heard there will be an Amiga only Oldskool compo at Asm this year!
   Up to date info at:

   Demo requirements: Amiga/68000/OCS/512k/512k

   Code - Britelite
   GFX  - Bracket
   GFX  - Duce
   SFX  - Wal
   Text - Jope

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  ::¦¦||\_______   /   \   /     ¦\___________|     |\______/\_________/|¦¦::


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| |  | |\ \| |  7      | |___ / ^ \   | |
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           Assembly <3 Amiga!

     The second ASMS 2015 info release