File Archive

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File size:
9 745 bytes (9.52K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:06:06
Download count:
all-time: 2


               ____\                                _ ___/____
          _|___)                                             (___.
           |       y o u r   f a v o u r i t e   g r o u p       |
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           |    \/\ _ corrupt - we do not need slogans! _ /\/    ¦
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         !                           fRøM                          |
         :                                                         !
_________|                         ROMI Soft
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_________.       )·  pROG tYPE      \/   World Atlas     ·)        |__________
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         |       ,                   _                    ,        .__________
         |       )·  rELEASE dATE   \/   12-01-96        ·)        |
         |       ,                  _                     ,        |
         |       )·  cRaCKER        \/   Beer            ·)        |________
    .    |       ,                   _                    ,                 |
.   l____|       )·  sUPPLiER       \/   Billy           ·)        .____.   |
|                ,                  _                     ,        |    !   |
l________.       )·  pROTECTiON     \/   disk protection ·)        !    ·   !
         |       ,                   _                    ,
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         |                                                         !
         |                          ____________________________________
         |                     _ _ _\                                   \
         l_____________________\\\\\\\     s h o r t   c o m m e n t     · _
                                      \_________________________________ _\/_
  ___ _                                                                  \/\/

Hi  dudes, after a little break here comes another release, a nice atlas of
da  world,  unfrotunately  for  You  in polish, seems like You should start
learnin' polish, hehehe.

OK, do whatever You like with it but HAVE FUN

mAy tHe wAREz bE wITh yOu

                              WiLD THiNG

 ____,   ___  _     _           ____  _    _ ____       _    _  ____ , ____,
 )   '  ____\ )   _ )   _      (    ) )    ) )___)_     )____) (  _ ) (____`
 `---( `----( `---( `---(      `----' `----' `    (     `    ' `--\\'  ----'
.                ·c a l l   o u r   h e a d q u a r t e r s·             .: |
l___ _____________________ ___________________ __________________ __________|
   /                     /                   /                  /
  / bOARD               / fUNCTiON          / nUMBA            / sYSOP
\/____________________\/__________________\/_________________\/__________ _

   ·DiXiE·               ·Cor Polish Hq·      +48-715-75825     ·WildThing·
   ·HoNcHo's HeAVeN·     ·Cor Swedish Hq·     +46-241-61266     ·HoNcHo·
   ·oNE eIGHT sEVEN· __  ·Cor Dutch Hq·       +31-534-337569     Whirlwind·
                 · ·::/                       +31-534-339671
   ·PiTSToP·      \ ·/   ·Cor Norweigan Hq·   +47-333-87955     ·sEaLaPeX·
              _____\/ __                      +47-333-84269
   ·rUSSiA·   \.::./\..  ·Cor World Hq·       +48-71-576946     ·SPOONMAN·
   ·SkY tOWER· \·:/  \·: ·Cor European Hq·    +45-74-833886     ·EnZO·
                \/    \/                      +45-RINGDOWN! x 3
   ·WiLD PaLMS·          ·Cor Dutch Hq·       +31-306-037959    ·RADAVi·
   ·ZiLLiON HoURs·       ·Cor Finnish Hq·     +358-313713472    ·tRAITOR·

                           .o¿ MaYBE YoUR bOARD ¿o.
         __                                                        __
         \_) we're searchin' 4 ghq and hq's in other countries... (_/

                                    _ _ _
                                ____\ \ \____
                          ______\__ _   _ __/______
                   _|_____)                       (_____|_
                    !         · corrupted guys ·        !
         ______   __:___   ______   ______     .____.  _:____ ___.
        _\_.  ¬\ /  .  ¬\ _\_._ ¬\ _\_._ ¬\ ___|    !__\__   Y   l___
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      /    |    ¦   |    ¦   _    ¦   _    ¦   |    ¦   /____¦   \j   ¦
      \____   .¦l___   .¦l___/  .¦l___/  .¦l___   .¦l____|   l___   .¦|
          /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /_____|   .       /_____|_
                    .          __           __          | ©pSh.       |
                   _|_____     \_)  a r e  (_/     _____|_
                    |     )______           ______(     |
            ____________________/  _ _ _ _  \____________________
           _}                      \\\\\\\\                     {_
   ________}                                                     {________
   \_          beer           polish           cracker                  _/
     \_ ·:     billy          polish           supplier^trader     :· _/
       \_      bzyk           polish           trader               _/
         \_    freecaller     polish           trader             _/
           \   honcho         swedish          sysop             /
            ·  mephi          polish           trader           ·
               enzo           danish           sysop
               paszczak       polish           ascii artizt
               prefix         polish           trader
               qba            polish           supplier^trader
               radavi         dutch            sysop
               sealapex       norge            sysop
               spoonman       polish           sysop^whq^supplier
               styx           swedish          trader
               traitor        finish           sysop
               whirlwind      dutch            sysop
               wild thing     polish           sysop^whq^coder

                                   _  _  _
                                   \/ \/ \/

                       w e   n e e d   a s   u s u a l

                   crackers , traders , sysops , suppliers
         wanna join ? call our hq's or contact with our members on :
           boondocks , world of elite , the undiscovered , skytower
   btw: only multinode boards and traders who can call international ;)

                                   _  _  _
                                   \/ \/ \/

                 You can meet us on da IRC Channel CORRUPT

             __                                                __
             \_) so cya 'n wait for our forthcoming releases! (_/

                       !                             !
   __                  ·                             ·                  __
   \_) ·c o r r u p t   -   g u y s   f r o m   u n d e r g r o u n d· (_/

    _/\ ____  _/\ ____  _/\ ____  _/\ ____  _/\ .___  _/\ ____  _/\ _.
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                              \/        \/
 ____                                                                   ____
 \___) ·c o r r u p t   -   g u y s   f r o m   u n d e r g r o u n d· (___/
                       .                             .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ    /\ __    /\ __    /\ __    .::::::·
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| |   /    /   //   /   \psh / ::::        |
| ¦::.    //       //    \  // ··· PRESENTS|
¦ `------///------///-----\/// .::.        |
@END_FILE_ID.DIZ                                                                       .



              . ATLAS SWIATA .
             . FIXED 1ST DISK .

              · aTLAS sWIATA ·
             sUPPLIED bY bILLY!

              · aTLAS sWIATA ·
             sUPPLIED bY bILLY!

              · aTLAS sWIATA ·
             sUPPLIED bY bILLY!