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File size:
3 178 bytes (3.10K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:06:03
Download count:
all-time: 0


 As you have probably noticed, there is also a CRYSTAL version of
 ZOOL II out on the boards.
 This is NOT ZOOL II this is ZOOL (a1200) version cracked by MINISTRY
 (jan 93) which some lamers decided to rob you some credits for.
 Since you were expecting the REAL ZOOL II today.  
              And here it is.   ENJOY!
 Also some info about the gamecode of this game!
 We were migghty surprised to see how lame this gamecode were. In fact
 the original is really buggy on some configurations, So if you have any
 problems with it (especially on running it in AGA mode) then select
 standard CHIP set to get to work properly. This is NOT our fault we have
 fixed most of the bugs and glitches but the rest is to fucked to even 
 bother with. So Gremlin better shape this shit up real fast. In the mean
 time enjoy the ECS version cos that is fully functional.
 Another fine QUALITY AMIGA FIRST by Mok / Classic 1993
                     .......and don't forget to call.......               
   *       ___      .          .           .       *   .     .      .     
     .    /  /\        *_________    _______        _______ .  ______     
         /  / /        /\        \ . \      \  .   /\      \ ./\     \   .
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       /__/\ \/\__   /    \________\ / \______\. /    \______\   \_____\  
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   /  / /\ \ \ \//     / _____/___\ \  / /  \  / / / /\/__  / / /   \   * 
  /__/  \ \ \_\/ \    / /          \ \/ /____\/ / / /___\/ /\/ /_____\    
  \__\/\ \ \ \    \  / /            \__________/\/________/  \_______/    
     \  \ \_\/ .   \/  \_____________________________________________\   .
      \  \ \        \    -*-  The Silents World Head-Quarters  -*-   /    
       \__\/   *     \   -* T·R·S·I Console World Head-Quarters *-  /     
  *                   \    -*-  T·R·S·I  U.S. Head-Quarters  -*-   /    . 
  *                    \__________________________________________/     . 
  .            .  .    .                .           .          .         .
       .                  .- SysOp:  PLANET MASTER -   .           .      
           4 NODES!       - 7 1 6 - 6 5 5 - 4 9 4 0 -    .  4 NODES!      
.          .   .       - All Nodes Ringdown - All DHST's! -  .    .       
    .               - Running GVP's G-Force '040/2000 33Mhz! - .    .     
        .       .       - 1 Gig On-Line  Multi-Node Chat -  .          .  
           *                  - OnLine Since 1985 -           *           
     .            .             .                .                  .     
   .          .             C A L L      T O D A Y ! !    .      .      .