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File size:
8 534 bytes (8.33K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:05:51
Download count:
all-time: 3


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  /   ____   ___  ____   _ ________________.
 // __\__ \__\  |/   /                     |
  _/   _/ _/    /  _/.  B A D   K A R M A  |
  \____)   \_.__\____|       //            |
- ----\______|---------------/--------sTZ!-'
|      Connect - (c) 2022 LogicalByte      :

        _._____  __________  _____  _______  ____________  _________._
        \|  ____ \______   )_  _____\____  \ \________   \    ____  |/
         :\ \  /  |     )_  /__\_    ___    \_/      /    \_  \  / /:
         ./ /__\  |     _/      |    \        /    _/      /  /__\ \.
         |  ||||  l____/        l_____\      /_____\      /   ||||  |
         :  ||||       \________|      \____/       \____/    ||||  :
    _____.______      _______  __________     ._____._______.   _______
    \_   |     / _____\____  \ \________ \_ __|     |       |___\____  \
     |      __/__\_    ___    \_|      /  /_\_   _   /     _/    ___    \__
     |   _        |    \        |    _/      |    \_/      |     \        /
     l___|        l_____\      /l____\       l_____\       l______\      / 
         l________|      \____/       \______|      \______|  .... \____/ 
         .  ....    .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .    ||||  .
         |  ||||    | B | A | D |    | K | A | R | M | A |    ||||  |
         |  |||                                                |||  |
         |  ||          p   r   e   s   e   n   t   s           ||  |
         |  |               on October 25th 2022:                |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  |                  -^- Connect -^-                   |  |
         |  |               (c) 2022 LogicalByte                 |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  | Connect is a classic logic game. The game is       |  |
	   |  | inspired by Hashiwokakero logic puzzles. Chips are |  |
	   |  | placed on a circuit board and the player has to    |  |
         |  | place connections between them.                    |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
	   |  | Rules                                              |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  | The number of outgoing/incomming connections must  |  |
	   |  | match exactly the number on their chips,           |  |
         |  | connections must not cross each other and a        |  |
	   |  | coherent network of connections must be built.     |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  | Featurelist                                        |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  |  - Solo-, Coop- and Battlemode                     |  |
         |  |  - Variable bordsize                               |  |
         |  |  - Storable highscore                              |  |
         |  |  - 4.294.967.296 gameboard variants                |  |
         |  |  - Music included (with 1MB RAM)                   |  |
         |  |  ________________________________________________  |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  |  System Requirements:                              |  |
         |  |  All PAL-Amiga (NTSC-support maybe later) with     |  |
         |  |  Kickstart v1.3 minimum                            |  |
         |  |  At least 512kb Chipmem (+512kb of any ram for     |  |
         |  |  music)                                            |  |
         |  |  Harddisc supported (installer included)           |  |
         |  |  WinUAE compatible                                 |  |
         |  |  ________________________________________________  |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  |  Installation:                                     |  |
         |  |  UnDMS to disk or load in your favourite emulator! |  |
         |  |  ________________________________________________  |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  |  Bad Karma salutes all members who are still out   |  |
         |  |  there as well as all of our partners in crime     |  |
         |  |  that are still active to this day!                |  |
         |  |                                                    |  |
         |  |.     Stay tuned for more bAD kARMA releases!      .|  |
         |  ||                                                  ||  |
         |  |||     ......................................     |||  |

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  |.|¯¯¯¯    ¯¯\______/\__/\_____/     |<<|__.__...___|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|!n|   |-.|
  ||`------------'¯¯¯¯  ¯¯  ¯¯¯`-------'<< ¯:::::: ¯¯`------------'    ¯¯¯ ||
  ||                                     >   :::                           ||_
  ||      M     E     T     A     L     <   I :: M    P    A    C    T     || |
  ||                                    <     .                            || |
  ||.-..-----------------------------------------------------------------. || |
 _||| ||      q U A R T E X  b H Q  -  b A D  k A R M A  b H Q           |_|| |
| ||| ||  h O O D L U M  e H Q  -  g L O B A L  o V E R D O S E  w H Q  ______|
| ||`-'`----------------------------------------------------------------'  ||
| `------------------------------------------------------------------..-.  ||
|______ tCB [qUARTEX] | pHANTOM [bAD kARMA] | aRCHiViST [bAD kARMA]  || |  ||
  ||   `-------------------------------------------------------------'`-'  ||
  ||                   .-..---------------------------------.              ||
  ||                   | ||     aMIGA 4000/060 wINUAE       |              ||
  ||                   | || 130mB rAM! - 9.5 tERRABYTE hD!  |              ||
  ||                   | ||    1 gBPS dEDICATED fIBRE!      |              ||
  ||                   | ||    hIGH tELNET-cPS-rATES!       `-----------------.
  ||                   | ||        5 nODES oNLINE!          .---------------. |
  ||                   `-'`---------------------------------'              || |
  ||.-------------------------------------------------------------------.  || |
  |||            nO sYSPW - nO nUP - nO rATIO`S - nO lIMITS             |  ||_|
| __   tHE lEGEND iS bACK - cONNECT *NOW* fOR A tRIP dOWN mEMORY-lANE   |  ||\
| ||`-------------------------------------------------------------------'  ||<
| ||                                                                       || \
|_||                                                                  _.-'`-.><
  |`------ cONNECT vIA tELNET - sTATIC iP: -----/ _.-`-._/


  /   ____   ___  ____   _ ________________.
 // __\__ \__\  |/   /                     |
  _/   _/ _/    /  _/.  B A D   K A R M A  |
  \____)   \_.__\____|       //            |
- ----\______|---------------/--------sTZ!-'
|      Connect - (c) 2022 LogicalByte      :