File Archive

File download


File size:
2 866 bytes (2.80K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:05:44
Download count:
all-time: 1


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- -- -\/=-==-===> PRESENT <===-\/-=\_/\/- \/
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 /___  /________\___\  __|_______/____|    ||_____|\_____/_____\______|______/
                         CLOCKWiSER CD32/AGA HD                        
                       (SUPPLIED BY  TWL/ANTHROX)

This game was released in ECS format some months ago and we have never seen
the release of the CD32 version on the boards so here it is with improved 
graphics and many more levels. The game was tested and works fine although
on some top end machines you may need to disable caches.

And before some lame-arse-byte-desperate person releases one we will tell
you that the game will fit onto DISK for those of you who havent got a hard-
drive. Simply crunch down the main file "clock32.exe" and your away!
HA! that stuffed a few easy bytes!

				Have fun people.

PS: Anthrox is always on the lookout for new members who want to join in
    on the fun. We are also willing to help new guys learn the "art" of
    training and transfer our knowledge down to the next generation of
    trainer makers. Dont be afraid!! Contact us on any of our boards and
    leave mail to the sysop or to any ATX member.

                Make Sure To Call Our Boards Around The Globe!
    | USS ENTERPRiSE.. [WHQ/C+A] +1-412-233-2611  SYSOP: PICARD      |
    | BURGER BAR...... [EHQ/AMI] +44-PRI-VATE     SYSOP: ICE D       |
    | SYNERGY......... [GHQ/C+A] +49-PRI-VATE     SYSOP: SIGMA-SEVEN |
    | METROPOLIS...... [SHQ/AMI] +34-32-760044    SYSOP: MAGOO       |
    | TRADE LINE...... [CHQ/CON] +1-514-966-9569  SYSOP: WILDFIRE    |
    | DIAL HARD....... [SHQ/CON] ++41-7350-0155   SYSOP: FURY        |

<===================[ aNthR0x! - FOR FUN *NOT* STATUS! ]=====================>

                    CLOCKWISER SUPPLIED BY ThE WaR LoRdS


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- -- -\/=-==-===> PRESENT <===-\/-=\_/\/- \/