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10 311 bytes (10.07K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:05:33
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     · |                          :__ ___\//\___________            |
      \| ·CD-Division Is Back!·  _|_/    \/            (____________|_____/_
       \  _ _                     .                                 |:'  //
       |\/       _____            |      ·With Another Release·     |.  ·/
    ___|________.\    |______ ·   |____ __________ ________         |   /
    \     _     |     _     //    \     \        _/     __/___      |  ø
   _/     _     |     /     /     |\    .\       \     _\     |     | /
   \______|     |__________/\___________|_________\___________|    .|
       :  |_____|-Mo!/aL                                            |
  . ...|                                                         ..:|.. .
|                                                                          |
|                  AmiATLAS 6 CD-Rom © AmiATLAS Development Team           |
|                                                                          |
  | Supplier   : like we'd know      | Disk(s)      : 10xLHA             |
  | Cracker    : None                | Rating       : [*********-] 09/10 |
  | Protection : -                   | Release Date : 06-FEB-2021        |
  | Language   : German/Englsih      | Type         : Route Planer       |
  | Min. Req.  : OS3.1 Amiga CD-Rom  | Company      : AmiATLAS Dev Team  |
|   Release Notes..                                                        |
  |                                                                      |
  | .Calculation of the fastest, shortest,                               |
  |  cheapest or most pleasant route                                     |
  | .Calculation of round trips with optimized ways                      |
  | .Travel routes with unlimited intermediate stops                     |
  | .Optimization of the order of intermediate stops                     |
  | .Simultaneous calculations of several routes                         |
  | .Several routes displayable at once with choosable colours           |
  | .Choosable details of route descriptions,                            |
  |  even saveable and printable                                         |
  | .Input and output of data graphical or textbased                     |
  | .Searching for towns even possible only with partial names           |
  |  or pattern matching                                                 |
  | .Free choosable priorities for street types for individual use       |
  | .Free settings for average speed                                     |
  | .Consideration of time and date for departure and arrival            |
  | .Consideration of delay times when changing streets                  |
  | .Consideration of traffic jam probabilities                          |
  | .Calculation of the travel costs, even with distance lump sums       |
  | .Free choosable currency                                             |
  | .Travel informations with every map                                  |
  | .Databases for car IDs, some with useful additional info             |
  | .Database for postcodes                                              |
  | .Databases for hotels with details to prices and equipment,          |
  |  some even with pictures                                             |
  | .Integrated CityGuide-System with informations to interesting        |
  |  towns, places or regions, some even with pictures                   |
  | .Informations about many parks and points of interest                |
  | .For germany: AVON phonenumber database                              |
  | .One special map vor every supported european country or region      |
  | .Multiple loading of several maps possible                           |
  | .All maps can be joined without problems, even with                  |
  |  consideration of shares                                             |
  | .Maps are changeable free of pleasure                                |
  | .Possibility to add external documents, e.g.                         |
  |  hypertext, pictures, ...                                            |
  | .Direct choice of towns, streets, routes, ... in every map           |
  | .Fast search of free choosable and nameable map sections             |
  | .Attractive display of water                                         |
  | .Display of the topology with altitudes                              |
  | .Automatically adaption of map details                               |
  | .Variable scale factor, chooseable via fast search mode              |
  | .Display of coordinates chooseable with several formats              |
  |  and details                                                         |
  | .Coordinates of geography chooseable with several formats            |
  | .Selectable distances between kilometres and miles                   |
  | .Maps asynchronous printable with full page, scale factor            |
  |  or as poster                                                        |
  | .Nearly free configurable program interface and map display          |
  | .Program toolbar for fast choice of important functions              |
  | .Supporting German, English, French and Italian language             |
  | .Extensive online documentation with lots of pictures                |
  |                                                            . .. .....|..
  |:.. .                                                             ..... :
.-^------------------------------------------------------------------: ..: :
|   System Requirements..                                            :.....:
  |                                                                      |
  | At least AmigaOS 3.1, 68020 CPU,                                     |
  | 8 MByte free RAM and 20 MByte free HD space.                         |
  |                                                                      |
  | A faster CPU, more RAM and AGA chipset                               |
  | or even better a gfxboard supporting                                 |
  | CyberGraphX or Picasso96 is explicitely recommended!                 |
  |                                                                   ...|
  | A complete installation needs about 600 MByte free harddisk space   :|
  |                                                                     :|..
  |:.. .                                                             ... | :
.-^------------------------------------------------------------------: :.: :
|   Installation..                                                   :.....:
  |                                                                      |
  | Just unarchive the .iso                                              |
  | and burn it to CD or mount it in any emulator.                       |
  | Boot up atleast Workbench 3.1 and fire up the program..              |                                  |
  |                                                                      |
|   Official Surviving Abuse Board..                                       |
  |                                                                 .... |
  |                                                                 :  :.|..
  |  The Northern Palace ................................ WHQ       :....| :
  |                                                                   ...|.:
  |                                                                   :  |
  |                                                                   .  |
|   Contact And Stuff..                                                    |
  |                                                                      |
  |  Abuse is looking for good and active coders worldwide!              |
  |  so if You are interested in joining Abuse,                      ....|..
  |  contact us at any Abuse board or IRC.                        .. :.. | ·
  |                                                                :...: | :
  |                                                            . ........|.:
  |                                                                      |
  |                                         _ _______________________ __ |
  |  -Mo!\aL-        ____                                             \//|
  |        _______ _/   _|____ ______ ____ _____\__ _______   Abuse!   ø |
  |   _____\_     \     \     \     /     /      \/      _/____       /  |
  |.__\      _     \_   /     /    /     .\       \    _/     /__.       |
  ||_//______\______/________/___________|________/___________\\_|  /    |
  |                                                                      |

.___\    .   /___   / |   / .   /  .   /___.
¦    \___| _/  |/ _/  | _/  |__/__ |__/_   |
|     / \| ¬\_ |\ ¬\_ · ¬\____   / ____/   |
|__ _/    ___/______/_____/  `__/_ ` ¬\_ __;
|   \\____/ cd-division! \___/    \____//  .
|                                          |
|            AmiATLAS 6 Amiga-CD           |
|        © AmiATLAS Development Team       |
:                                          |
   -[-NFO!] --  -----------[06-FEB-2021 ]--'


.___\    .   /___   / |   / .   /  .   /___.
¦    \___| _/  |/ _/  | _/  |__/__ |__/_   |
|     / \| ¬\_ |\ ¬\_ · ¬\____   / ____/   |
|__ _/    ___/______/_____/  `__/_ ` ¬\_ __;
|   \\____/ cd-division! \___/    \____//  .
|                                          |
|            AmiATLAS 6 Amiga-CD           |
|        © AmiATLAS Development Team       |
:                                          |
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