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File size:
1 381 bytes (1.35K)
File date:
2009-09-29 23:04:17
Download count:
all-time: 399


I'm a 20 year old graphic artist, I've always been an artist, since I could
remember, but only in the past year have I started to work on creating
images on the computer.

I'm currently in Pure Resistance, an American/Canadian demo group.
I can't really fly any distance because of some inner ear problems, otherwise
I'd be there in person cavorting about right now.

The first demo contest I've entered was NAID, a North American
demo contest. I placed second, amended to first after the first place winner
was discovered to be a ripper. I've been learning a lot since then, and in
my opinion the best artists in the scene to learn from are demo artists.
My favorite commercial artists, and influences, are Roger Dean (numerous
album covers etc... namely for Yes) and especially H.R. Giger (we all
know who he is...)

My full handle is 'Visigoth' My real name is Steve Stiles

My net address is
my home phone is 804-320-0805
my snail mail address is

1820 Rockcrest rd.
Rich, Va. 23235

I'm currently very interested in commercial projects, print or game-wise
and encourage anyone who is interested to contact me if you have a good
project, and like the work of mine you've seen, sooner better than later!

My greatest thanks and appreciation to the ASM^95 crew, my only regret is
that I couldn't be there in person right now.