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Screenshot (by pouë

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- The_Vague_2\The_Vague_2_AOS3_68k.exe 212.46K
- The_Vague_2\ 16.44K
- The_Vague_2\The_Vague_2_AOS4_PPC.exe 424.36K
- The_Vague_2\ 16.44K
- The_Vague_2\The_Vague_2_AROS_i386.exe 284.69K
- The_Vague_2\ 16.44K
- The_Vague_2\The_Vague_2_MOS_PPC.exe 540.54K
- The_Vague_2\ 16.44K
:::::::: file_id.diz :::::::: . __ __ _ ___|__)_ _ [12/09] __ __\ __.__) | (___)_ ____ __. ______ /__ ____) | (_____) (_) _/___/ |_(_ _/____ _\_ | _/ O \ _/ | ( _) _/_ \> \_ : _/ _ \/\_ : \ _/ </ \ \___/_ _____|________ _\_____/\___/ / /\\\__ _ _ __///\ \/// - ISSUE # 002 - \\\/ _/ \_ | the first multiplatform | |_ _ _ _| .// warp3d based amiga diskmag! \\_ |_ ___ _ ____ _ ___ _ ____ _ ___ _/ ))_[aBHO][_))__((_))_((_))__((_][ -T!]_(( NFO: . . . .... . . .... . : ..... .. . . .. ..... : ....: .....: :..... :.... . ..: : __________ _ ______________ : :.. . _ __ /\ _/ ( (__________ ___/____ /\ __ _ //: \ __ / _ _ / _) _ \ __ / :\\ _/\_ / : \\ / / . l/ _/ ` \ \ // : \ _/\_ - ---/\--/ . \\___// |____/ \ _ \\___// : \--/\--- - _/ \/ : _______| \________\/________\ : \/ \_ : : . __:____. ___ ________ _._ _________ _:__ . ___:__ \ : |_____ / \\ __/_______/ | \\ __/_/ : / __:___ _\\_((__\_\_ | // . \ \ _ | \ _) _/_/__))_//_ : \/ \ | _/ _\|/_ _ \__/ _/ | _ ` / \/ : . : \ _ / | \ / \ _ / . . _ : \/__/______|______\_____/_____________\___\/ : _ \ /\ : / \ : /\ / - ---\/--\ : /--------------------------------------------\ : /--\/--- - \/ \ :/ \: / \/ \/ - * - T H E V A G U E - * - \/ . ... :..... _ ________ _ .....: ... . :.... :.... .. . . .. ....: ....: : : . :... . _._/\____ _____. ___________._ . ...: . / _ ___\| \/ | \\ |/ __/ . |/___ _ \ . - -- _ ___ | | \ | _._/ | | ___ _ -- - . \ /_|____|___\\___|___|________|_\ / _ __ _____________|__________________________|_____________ __ _ _ _| |_ _ _ /\\/_________ _ ___\ I S S U E # 2 /___ _ _________\//\ _ ._\/ \/ \/ \/_. | | | First, you must be sure that you have correctely installed warp3d. Test | | it by running 'warptest' demo from archive.If you have some problem with | | it, you need to setup warp3d correctly,before you can run diskmag.If you | | have "no mode id" found, or a similar problem, this means you have an | | incorrect setup of warp3d drivers. | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ <- (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \/ . . copy this _ _:_ _ _ FOR CLASSIC (A1200/A4000) USERS _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ /\ _ _ /\ ___(((_):(_)--> : . \/ \/____________________________________\/ \/ . : <- | | | | | If all is ok, try to run it. If you have 'white/ grey/ anycolor' screen, | | problem can be (with case of mediator) in badly ENV:Mediator/MMU value. | | You must remember, that for 68k warp3d applications over mediator, | | ENV:Mediator/MMU must be set to YES. it possible to do some manipulation | | with warp3d drivers, and setup for it to work with MMU=NO, but, in most | | cases it's kind of HACK, and MMU must be set to YES for 68k/warp3d apps. | | | | If you have 'flickiring' on the screen while you use a mediator,you must | | set jumper WAIT to CLOSE state. | | | | Additional notes: | | | | | | 1.Engine must be run AFTER COLD REBOOT because aos3 does not have memory | | protection. Many other apps can affect memory, some very important | | pieces of code can be overwriten,and those things will create problems | | for diskmag usage.This kind of problem without MP can't be detected'as | | is', but you will see strange crash/ halt/ guru after some time :) So, | | reboot is MUST. | | | | 2.Classic users need the CORRECT ahi version.If you have some slowdowns, | | you must update your ahi version to the 6.0 or later. With 4.x (for | | example) you will have these slowdowns.Also,with one tester's machine: | | after running diskmag over ahi, music playing, and stopped/froze after | | a few seconds. This problem is solved by increasing the number of | | channels. | | | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ <- (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \/ . . copy this _ _:_ _ _ FOR CLASSIC B/CVISION USERS _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ /\ _ _ /\ ___(((_):(_)--> : . \/ \/____________________________________\/ \/ . : <- | | | | | 1. Bvision have only 8mb of memory, so, best way for you: set wb mode to | | 640x480x8bit (or 15/16bit), reboot, and run dismag. In this case 8mb | | will be enough even for the longest articles. | | | | 2. Some testers have problems with 24bit mode. And have some kind of | | 'corruption'. This is problem of 4.2 library which does not handle | | correctly texture data with a depth lower then depth of mode. Best | | choice here - just use 15 / 16bit modes, or slideback to the 4.0 | | W3D_Permedia2.library while you use The Vague. | | | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ <- (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \/ . . copy this _ _:_ _ _ FOR MORPHOS USERS (PEG/EFIKA/MAC) _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ /\ _ _ /\ ___(((_):(_)--> : . \/ \/____________________________________\/ \/ . : <- | | | For morphos these kind of nuances can take place: | | | | 1. if you have slowdowns, do not annoy MOS by running other applications | | simultaneously (like bittorent). | | | | 2. if you have some problems with 'scissoring'(i.e some area of graphics | | out of bounds and overlapping on some others areas, on screen visual | | of some kind of X/Y artefacts) it means you have old r200.library(for | | example), where is was bug with scissoring. You need get the latest | | w3d update from MOS team ("10.06.2006 - MorphOS 3D Update release 2" | | is minimum) | | | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ <- (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \/ . . copy this _ _:_ _ _ FOR AOS4.X USERS (A1/mA1/PEG2/SAM) _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ /\ _ _ /\ ___(((_):(_)--> : . \/ \/____________________________________\/ \/ . : <- | | | There are no issues. It seems tester's machines were set up correctly in | | all cases. However, if you do see a grimreaper, just click on ignore. | | | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ <- (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \/ . . copy this _ _:_ _ _ FOR AROS USERS (I386) _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ /\ _ _ /\ ___(((_):(_)--> : . \/ \/____________________________________\/ \/ . : <- | | | | | There are no issues. Wazp3D did the work :) But make sure that you have | | latest one. | | | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ <- (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \/ . . copy this _ _:_ _ _ FOR WINUAE (IBM-PC:) ) USERS _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ /\ _ _ /\ ___(((_):(_)--> : . \/ \/____________________________________\/ \/ . : <- | | | For now you have 2 warp3d wrappers: QuarkTex and Wazp3D. Wazp3D works in | | software mode only, so, it will be slow. But everything will works fine | | From other side, QuarkTex are HW wrapper via win32 OGL (directly),so, it | | fast, but some bugs are occur: no window mode (grey window), and in full | | screen-mode mouse are distorted the screen data (so, only keys). Choice | | yourself what is better for you. | | | _: ___ __ __ ___ :_ (.))_((__\ ____ ____ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /_______ _ _____ ____ ____ __ ______\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \ /____/ _/__ __/ _/__/ // / / \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \| | _ ____//_/ ____/ /// / / / \/ . . _ _:_ _ _ _|__|__/____\___/___ _____//__//__/_____/_ _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ / - ------------------------------------ - \ ___(((_):(_)--> . \/ \/ . - 2 O O 9 - if you have any kind of problem with the engine on your configuration, just write at , and we will fix it shortly thereafter, if possible. . . _ _ _: ___ __ \ _ _ / __ ___ :_ (.))_((__\ ___\/__ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ __\/___ /__))_((.) . _\/ _ /\_________ / \ / \ ___________/\ _ \/_ . .:. . \/\\// \ // \ -- / \\ / \\//\/ . .:. . . \/ \_ xX ! aMiGAh ! Xx _/ \/ . . _ _:_ _ _ __ ____\\ / -- \ //______ __ _ _ _:_ _ <--(_):(_)))___ / - - __\ /_ _\ /__ - - \ ___(((_):(_)--> . \/ aBHO -T! \/ .