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                                     \\             |             //
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              _ ___               ___ _ ___       _ ___ ######### |
              __)  |_____   _____|  (___)  |_____ __)  |_____ ### |
             …|    _____/___\    |    |    |    /__   _|    /__ # |
             //___|      !|   !  |____\\__ |  !   |___\|!     |…  |
   |                        _ ___     |    _ ___    .   ___ _ ____: ·…
   |                        __)  |_____pOimp_)_/_______|  (___) _/____
   |   ·… THUGLIFE.ORG …·  …|   _|    /_____\    |        __|  _|    /__
   |                       //___|   !   |   !\___\\     !|__\\_|   !   |…
   |  serving the underground         .             .      ####   .        |
   |  ascii scene - ascii search -    |             | ########### |        |
   |  news - reviews - interviews -   |  impure hq  | ########### |        |
   |  ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - |  karma  hq  | ########### |        |
   |  tutorials -  |  retro hq   | ########### |        |
   +----------------------------------|  woezine hq | ########### |--------+
    w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g  //_____________|_____________\\13/1O/O3
      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

WARNING:  This document contains  PC CR/LF chars. Just out of the simple reason 
todays reality is,  that  most  people will view it on a PC editor. If you want 
to view this document properly on Amiga,  just open up your CED, mark the whole
file     and     "Strip     CR/LF    Marked",    and    you'll     be     fine.
      _                                                                  _
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                 _       __.    ______.                    _
          _ _ __ ¾ _ __ _) l___ \     l__ _ _ _______ __ _ ¾ __ _ _
          :\\\\  ¾ ¾   \\  .__/--\   ._   \ / ._    //   ¾ ¾  ////:
          |      ¯ ¾   _\  !/        !/    /  !/___( _   ¾ ¯      |
     drn! |        ¯   /___/     ____/     __ /    __\   ¯        | lp!
          !     ________   `----'    `----'  `----'          _.   !
         _______\_     /___.                     _.    ______\!_____
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    < - /______  l/  __\____.    \\  ._    //          ____      ___\ - >
          .    `----' /___ /!  ___   !/___( ___      __\   `----' .
          |               /---'  /__  \   __\  `----'             |
          !  _______.               `----'         __.            |
     ________\ __   l______    ________  ._________) l___   ____. !
     \   ._   \ /  ._   _ /____\_     /--l _      X  .__/___\  _|______
     _   !/____(   !/    /      ._   /     /     _   !/      )___.    /_
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        `----'     `----'     `----'   `----\        `----'    /---'
          ¡                                                       ¡
          |       - >  t h e   a s c i i   c h a r t s  < -       |
          !_ _                        _                        _ _!
          :////____________________ _ ¾ _ ____________________\\\\:
                                    ¾ ¾ ¾
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                      -  i s s u e  ¯      october 2 o o 3  -

                     ____.                         _
                ___ |    |  ____         ________ / \__
              _\\_ \|    |_\\ _/___  ____\      //   _//__
            _/    \ \    |    ____/_/    ()     _\____    \_
 __         \      \ \_  |    \/                     /     /                __
-\//---------\      \    | _        _          _ _        /----------------\\/-
              \\____|\___|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/nD!


Now who would have believed it?  After two years of silence. TAC is back. 
At least for another issue. I won't promise that TAC is back on a regular base,
but here is at least one issue, developed with the helping hands of various
people and moral support of even more people.

Let me introduce the reviewers for this issue to you in alphabetical order.
First, we have _Abhorrence_, the finnish styler from Twisted who already
honored the last TAC issue in 2001 with his reviews. Then there is _Darkus_,
demoscene activist and ascii maker from the United Kingdom, leader of Aerosol,
who wrote reviews for TAC already in 1999. There's no need to say much about
_Mortimer Twang_, king of Protracker beats and ascii characters, whose reviews
were a reading pleasure in the 2001 issue. Next is _Roodolph_, a young 
promising ascii artist from Poland, member of the PC group Mimic. And, last but
not least, we have _Yop_ from Germany's Shrimps Design, the owner of one of
the most unique styles and recently returned back into the scene.
Oh, and before I forget, I won't be reviewing at all in this issue.

Of course TAC still carries at least one interview per issue, and this time
we got a very special guest - _Rotox_ from the legendary Art, who will tell
the readers a bit about the very first era of Amiga ascii... art?...  scene?
Just read it...

Now we must head for the news chapter, and although I can't and won't cover
everything that happened in the two years of TAC abscence, here are some
things that happened in the world of Amiga ascii.

. Sal-One came back and pulled a whole lot of old artists with him out of
  nowhere, amongst those such ones as Mogue, Stylez, Daytona, Stezotehic,
  Folar, Chrombacher and many others. Sal's new ascii forum, called
  "Boondocks" after his legendary BBS, is a magnet for old & new ascii
  artists. Check it out under !

. After his comeback, Mogue left Artcore and teamed up with Sal-One to
  revive Sal-One's old label G^Style.

. The last good Polish Amiga ascii label, K0re, got dissolved by Kempy after
  he was the last active member left. Shortly after that he got a joining
  offer by Aerosol and took it.

. Mortimer Twang moved to Slovenia for a year to carry on his studies.

. Dream Theatre is officially dead. Zaner left for Divine Stylers,
  Dipswitch and Spermwhale left for Aerosol, Avenger stays in Mimic and 
  Black Maiden, while Shaolin and Lord Chaos simply disappeared. Now
  Desaster can have their acronym back...=)

. H2o/Arclite won the Amiga ascii compo of the Evoke 2003 demoparty held
  in Cologne/Germany (

. Deez'Nuts has been declared dead. Most members seem to have melted into
  the Polish PC-packgroup Innate.

. Dipswitch quitted 1oo%.

. That's it?...

      ______     ______      _______. \  _/   ______      _______.  _____
   __\\__   \_ _\\  __/_ .___\      |__\___._\\  __/_ .__\\      | /   _//__
 _/    _/   _/     ____/_|    \     |      |    ____/_|    \     |_\___     \_
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--\     \     \ _        /\       / | _    | _        /\         __         /--
   `---- \     \\_______/  \_____/  `-\____|-\_______/  \__/\___/  \_______/nD!

        Filename: ds!-2oo2.txt
           Title: Up Rough - The Most Dangerous Crew
          Artist: Dino
             Tag: dNo
           Group: Divine Stylers
     Releasedate: 6.1.2002!-2oo2.txt

   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -----[ dS! 2oo2 ]---.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
   øØØØØL     °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw··
øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø
   |        dino proudly presents        |
   | Up Rough - The Most Dangerous Crew! |

Dino's tribue to the most dangerous crew in the scene - Up Rough! Enough of 
stylish logos with some style variations and even some of that good ol' 
dS!-spirit left, so even without anything that special, amazing designing etc. 
I was glad to view this one. It's the feeling that counts and Dino makes it 

Being used to the normal Divine Stylers quality, this is a bit of a let down.
The intro design is minimal only really featuring clouds between the logos.
Looking closely at Dino`s logos I have to admit they aren`t to my taste. They
are quite difficult to read too. I would say there are some really nice 
guest logos featured but I guess that isn`t much consulation to dino.

I am not biased, i am not biased i am not biased....
|                        k i n g _ o f _ e v e r y t h i n g                |
|                                                                           |
|                 t h i s _ g u y _ c a n _ h a n d l e _ m a g i c         |
|                                                                           |
|_______      ______  _______   _____   ___   _______     _______  _______  |
|)     /_____.)    /_.)     /__.)   /__.)_/__.)     /____.)     /_.)     /__|
|     \/    /| __   /|  __ -__/|    __/|    /|     \/   /|    -__/|  __ -__/|
|dNo                                                                        |
|                  d i v i n e _ s t y l e r s _ f o u n d e r              |
|                                                                           |
No, biased or not. Dino is the MAN! this is a clean mean ascii collection with 
overall design concept, clouds, logos, characters, style, formatting of text... 
this is typography, girl. Read, study and hopefully learn. Snif, Dino, you are 
now my sensei! You can handle ornaments so good i don't even  notice them 
Ironicly, ds! and Up Rough parted since this collection. I believe it's for 
the best. Up Rough is active. Fuck, i KNOWS, i am supposed to be a musician in 
uprough. But DS! don't play. We run shit! i am not biased. i am not biased :)

Dino's style is specific, no doubt. Some people may like his works, but why?
To be honest for me the stuff is not good at all... Can't tell anything good
about the collection design and the logos.

Is it a game, or is it an ascii collection ...nice idea ;-)  !!!
The colelction design is not bad, but not the best, too many spaces between
description and logo! Some nice gfx at the beginning and the end of this
collection by Mt! ... Sorry, not the best dS! Collection!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: don-oun.txt
           Title: Oldskool Unlimited
          Artist: Don Rapello
             Tag: don
           Group: Superior Art Creations
     Releasedate: 24.6.2002

 weblink unknown, get it off some bbs.

      _________._______  __   .___
   ._/. _     /  ._ _  \/ _\  |  (.
-:-|  | /    /   |  /     |\\ |   |-:-
 | |   /    /    | /      | \\|   | |
 . |_______/______________|  \____| |
 |                                  .
 |      [ don rapello / SAC! ]     _|
 |_                                \_)
 :/         [ presents ]            |
 |                                  |
 |    [ " oldskool unlimited " ]    |
 |                                  |

This one from Don Rapello is called 'Oldskool unlimited'. I'm not really sure 
what's the meaning with it, 'cause I think Don popped up to the asciiscene in 
late nineties... Well, it's all the same. What's good about Don's style is that 
every logo doesn't look the same. I personally like every logo to be made from 
a scratch and not the way that you take some ready design and letters from some 
file with your 'fonts' in it and just put them together etc. Conclusion: I like 
the imagination here, though it's still a pretty typical one, but something you 
should check out to see what some newer asciiers (if i'm correct...) are 
capable of.

Looking up Don Rappello, this is the first collection I`ve seen from him. His
intro design is good and it does look like he has placed some time and thought
into it. Which is nice to see these days. Scrolling through the logos, I`ve
mixed feelings though. Whilst certain letters "s" and "e" for example look 
great others just seem out of place and let down the overall feeling of the
logo. I would say Don Rappello`s logos are original, but whether I like them
or not I can`t fully decide.

AAAAARGH!!!! ornaments ornaments ornaments.. Seriously, someone ought to write 
a manifesto against ornaments. No fuck _i_ mt will do it after finishing this 
mini revjuu. Okay, I seriously dig this style. It's bold and not in the 
[apple]+[b] meaning. No, imagewise. It's cocky! I love it! (ornaments again... 
but i use my mindpower to move them away). More corny, stubborn styles. The 
logos are like throwups on a train. bold! Looking at the presentation of the 
collection i kind of object to that divider, it eats up the logo. I prefer 
dividers that are a) neutral or b) a contrast to the style of the logo. nooo. 
I can't hate on this... Love that style.

I never had problems with reading Don Rapello's stuff. For me it's very
readable and stylish. The logos have always interesting backgrounds, so
you can't be bored with this collection :).

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: ds!-p0rn.txt
           Title: Donkeyporn
          Artist: h7
             Tag: h7
           Group: Divine Stylers
     Releasedate: 4.8.2002!-p0rn.txt

   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ diViNE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
   øØØØØL     °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw·
øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØ
   |                                     |
   |  DONKEYPORN by H7 ^ dS!/TRSI/HiRMU  |

The filename of this one gives high hopes. Porn... Ascii... That's the real 
deal! Well, actually there's not much of porn attached, but h7's wonderful 
colly designing does manage to make it up. I mean, h7 has really learned how 
to do design when he puts his full effort in it - and remember - no iff2ascii 
used here! The actual logos work out well too, even if I think h7's letters 
could need a little twist in some places. The featured 3D logos turned out to 
be my favorites, very nice. Let's hope Antti gets his ass up to serve us with 
some more.

The day H7 left Aerosol was a sad one and this one of the reasons why. This 
collection is breathtaking. The design is a step above all his competitors.
The amount of time and effort H7 must have placed into the collection makes
me admire him even more. His requested logos are all nice, mostly featuring
great border design. A lot of them unique too. Overall, its flawless from
start to finish.

Since h7 is a member of divine stylers you just know he is allowed to use 
how much ornamenting. He certified! I think the style of h7 is slick. Some 
pretty hightech ornaments (okay, there IS flaws in my theories about ornaments) 
in the opening screens... Shit i get jelause when i see how h7 draws his "Y"s 
letters.. grrrrrrrrr. again i am not biased at all!!! :) But if i should even 
attempt to come up with some critisism it would be the divider. Some of my own 
logos should be banned! 

Well that's what I call a design! H7 is the guy who made some of the
best designs ever and thank God he didn't forgot how to make some. This
is his first collection after a 2 years break (now under Divine Stylers
label). Sweet design and 50 good looking logos made this baby one of the
best collections in 2002.

This Collection is a Highlight of 2002! Perfect ascii chars mixed with perfect
ascii gfx,  ... Released at assembly 2002! Genial ASCii StUff! No More to
say! PERFECT! H7 makes me happy!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: al-af20.txt
           Title: Amiga Forever 2.0
          Artist: H2o
             Tag: H2o!
           Group: Arclite
     Releasedate: 9.8.2002
______\ ______  _____  __\  /_______ _____ _
\_____ \ ___  \   __/     \/. __   /  ___// 
 /   _  \   __/   /__.   /  :  \__/  __/_   
/   /_   \   \   /_  |  /__ .   \    /_  \  
\_________\   \_ ____| ____\ ___/_________\ 
           \___/ dZG                        
 aMIGA fOREVER 2.0 (c)&(p) H2o!/aL

H2o sticks to the usual concept of 'starting logos', index, the logos, credits, 
greets & contacts + the last words. Nothing wrong with that and what it comes 
to the logos... Man, h2o is pretty much killing the competition there is still 
left these days. The logos must be among the best works I've ever seen, so go 
get your CED or whatever and realize what style is.

It`s great to see an old legend bring out something new and they don`t come 
much better than H2o. Moving straight to the intro section, we can see H2o`s 
trade mark 3d cubes and quality design. Featuring some excellent guest logos. 
H2o`s requested logos are all high quality, containing brillant border and 
surrounding designs.  Surely one of the must see collys over the year. 

Now, here is the real deal. Totally by the book goergous!!! mortimer *heart* 
this collection. I can't remember one Arclite collection ever that has been 
bad, so this collection isn't a big scoop. Imcredibly well balanced logos. 
Good overall feel of the collection. Great typography. And typography is what 
this is all about in the end. Sterling style!

Collection design could be better, but those good looking, stylish logos
with nice backgrounds made a quite nice colly.

This collection is my No 1 collection of this TAC issue! This is percection 
pure! Famous design, many good ideas, nice gfx! It's make me happy when i 
see those ascii collections like this one! Oldschool from an oldschooler! 
Its a typical h2o collection! Great!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: dtr-hl.txt
           Title: Heavy Letterizm
          Artist: Avenger
             Tag: ave
           Group: Dream Theatre
     Releasedate: 16.8.2002

 an ascii colly called   "heavy letterizm"
       .            ____/_   by avenger  ___
______ .__________//   //_______________/
       :         //    /__________/_  _/
       |____     /    /          //   .
   _ /___  / ___/    /_   __     /
   //   / / /__     ___) /_/   _/   / .drEAm
  /    /_/    /    /    /\     \     thEAtrE
_/___________/    /____/D!\     \_/__ _  _ _
           _/______\       \_____/

A colly in memoriam of Ramone really makes me not want to say any bad things
and I'm glad there's not a need to. Avenger hits us with some Heavy Letterizm 
and makes me happy with some storytelling which at its best can really make a 
colly something to remember. The logos are mostly something I'd call average 
standard. Avenger gets the most promising results out of his style whenever he 
dares to experiment a little, so go ahead and develop those letters of yours 
in to new dimensions!

Avengers intro design isn`t overly complex and it`s enjoyable to view.
He has wisely chosen a great set of a guest logos giving his collection a
polished introduction. Moving further down the collection to the requests,
I admit to being a big fan of Avengers art. It`s very clean and compact and
it does have a little extra magic too it. Definately a good release.

I like the stuff Avenger makes, readable and quite good looking works.
With some nice design and guest arts it's a quite nice collection. And
also a big one, but I can't tell exacly how many logos it contains, Ave
didn't made an index of them.

Here is a ascii collection by avenger/dtr! Inside the ascii collection we see
many of good painted logos. Bigger logos are much better as the smaller one,
i think! Some logo's are very simple, the most are very pretty! The style is a
classic "oldschool"style! There is a nice introducing, some other parts and a
endpart! This one looks really good ... Bad is the illegible font, but there 
are many other collections where this is a bigger problem ... 

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: 1oo-jama.txt
           Title: Going To Jamaica
          Artist: Cru / Miracle / Zito
             Tag: cRu / mrc / z!o
           Group: 1oo%
     Releasedate: 26.8.2002

 cRU, mIRACLE _µÆØF°°°°"""""""""°°°¶Ñ#æw_
 & zITO oF   µ#"  _ "gOINg tO   ,w     °#x
 1oo%       dK   æØL  jAMAiCA"  Ø]L //   ¶K
 gIVE  __  JF    ¯ØL ___  ___   #J#//     ¶
 yOU ,ÆØØm JL     ØLJF¬ØçJ´¶#   ¶W//Æ#    J
 ... ØØØØØL¬Q     ØLÆL ¶QØÞ 0L   //J#7L   Ø
    JØØØØØ# °b_  _ØLJ#_JF¶&_Æ´  // JQáÞ _Æ'
 _  JØØØØØ#  ¬#m_¯¯¯ ¯°¯  ¯°¯       ¯°_æ#´
ØØL  #z!oØF   ¬¶Ñm___           ____µÆ@"
ØØF  ¬#ØØF       "¶Ñ#ÑææwµµµµææÆØ@°"
¬°     ¯               ¯¯"""""¯¯   26/o8/o2 

A colly by three artists - Zito, Miracle & Cru. Miracle's style is pretty ok.
The letters themselves aren't that unique, but I how they connect, like the 
ATE -parts in Fate Gate logo. Background designing could need a little work 
though. Zito's style I just don't get... An example: what makes his 's' to be 
s ? Oh well, atleast it's not a ripoff :) Cru's part is what I like best here. 
It has a lot of diversity and the letters fit well together. There's even some 
working 3D. As so often, designing is one thing that still could be better, but 
I'm not saying it's bad now. In a whole the collection is mostly a bunch of
logos with a little preface. More designing connecting it a bit more would had 
made it more enjoyable.

The first point to be made, is the lack of design within the intro part. The 
logos are unevenly spaced out with no design between them. Doesn`t leave me 
with a  good first impression before moving further down to the requests. The 
colly features logos by Zito, Cru and Miracle. Firstly Zito`s logos, one still 
has trouble reading them. They appear to be rows of triangles. Moving on, 
looking at Cru`s they seem kinder to the eye. I`m quite a fan of his pointy and 
agressive style logos. Check out his "" logo, great work. Lastly, 
taking a look at Miracle`s logos one is filled with dismay. Certian letters 
appear out of place and taking into account Zito`s and Cru`s logos, Miracle`s 
do let the colly down.

Stylewise a really good combo i guess, zito's theme with "double" lines works 
well as a contrast to Cru's style. If there is a "classic" in ascii i think i 
would have cru in the reference index. What i didn't like about this collection 
is that some "screens" seems a bit uninspired, like the titlescreen.. but aw i 
like it anyway.

Hmm... Really bad collection design. It has only some basic parts and
that's all. The whole "drawed" stuff like that radioactive logo and
file_id.diz looks terrible. Zito's style is horrible and for me it's
unreadable to the max. Miracle's stuff is better but Cru's logos are the
best part of the collection.

This 100% ascii collection, is not the best stuff that i saw from this guys! 
This is a compliation of 3 Members... miracle, zito and CrU! Miracle style 
is the best one (my opinion), it looks simply cool! Zito's style is not so
good! cRU' style is good too! I think, for a 3 Peaople collection, there must 
be many more ideas, the design of the complete sollection is not very good! 
All in all is this a cut of ascii stuff from 3 different styles, with too 
few design.

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: ds!-ad02.txt
           Title: + A Tribute To DTR
          Artist: Mortimer Twang
             Tag: ©Mt
           Group: Divine Stylers
     Releasedate: 28.8.2002

weblink unknown, get it off some bbs.

   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ d¡ViNE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
   øØØØØL     °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw··
øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø
   | Mortimer Twang   + a tribute to DTR |
   | I need some god damn requests!!!    |

A tribute to Dream Theatre containing five logos made with that nice Mortimer
style. This one doesn't really seem to be that much of a 'real' collection but
more of a stylish way to say hello to friends and announce Daddy Tee's back 
and open for requests again. When this TAC issue's coming out Mt still seems to
take some, so go ahead and let him know.

I don`t really see this as a standard ascii collection, therefore I`ll skip
straight to the logos. As usual Mortimer Twang provides his forever freshness
mixed with originality. It`s always enjoyable to spend time figuring out his 
letters just to fully see the quality. Overall, it`s a short piece featuring
gift logos so not a lot to be said.

Ooooh, look at that ASSLICKER!!!! 
I deny everyting! 
(i was kind of satisfied with the formatting of the text and the "- - - - " 

5 hard to read logos and nothing more? It's a real shame that this
collection is soo small and it has got a poor design. Only the girl face
is pretty nice, looks like she just jumped out of The Matrix :).
I hope that in next collection from Mortimer we will see some great cartoon
characters and better logos.

The smalles reviewed collection by -Mortimer Twang- and a cry for more 
requests ;-) In German it's called "arbeits-beschaffungs-massnahme" ... ok!
to the stuff,really small and good collection, with only 5 logos and some nice
ascii-gfx! I like this style (simple but nice)! Next time more ascii stuff 

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: k0-ibook.txt
           Title: I Signed The Book Of Red
          Artist: Kempy
             Tag: km!
           Group: K0re
     Releasedate: 12.9.2002

weblink unknown, get it off some bbs.

                _  _______________________
   _____.       \ __                      |
  _\    l_  _____\_ )_   :  KEMPY / K0RE. |
 _(     |/_Y     (/   Y  :                |
Y       _   ___________o :  I SIGNED THE  |
l_  .  _T___l            :  BOOK OF RED!  |
 /--|--\     .comaBREAK  :                |
    |                    :  012 SEPT 2K2  |

Amiga / ced / 78x30 / or fuck yourselves! Hm, I fuck myself every night, so
that's not much of a threat to me, Kempy! The designing of this colly is a bit
too repetitive but better than nothing at all and it's really nice that it has
a certain theme through the colly. And of course naked women are sure scorers. 
Kempy has two different styles here and the first one looks very original to
me, so I have to give props for that, but somehow it doesn't really impress me.
It just falls short in a way, you'll have to see for yourself and maybe you'll 
realize what I mean or maybe you just think I'm a idiot reviewer. Either way, 
good. The other style looks better to me even if it has its problems too. An 
example: have a look at Reason logo. Doesn't it say 'RegSOn' ? And what this 
style wins in look it looses in originality. Sorry, but that's just the way I
see it. You might not. + btw. My handle has NEVER been abhorrAnce, for my 
knowledge that doesn't even mean a thing. Thanks for the respects though!

Hehe i am so fucking naïve. Looking at the filename k0-ibook.txt i thought i 
had found a kin worshopping his ibook. but fuck no. opening file, aah, it's 
kempy, an old favourite. But as i scroll down, an image of a naked woman tied 
to a pole and being burned to death. what is this? this is getting scary? Kempy
a womanhater? I mean "i signed the book of red" should have set off  GothAlert 
alarm much earlier. I got a rash from even trying to read the lyrics and 
stuff... and i felt really sorry for the girl.  And later a divider with an 
upside down cross. hehe. I worship the apple - Kempy satan. What we have in 
common is love for making characters and kind of non-letter creations. The 
style he uses most in this collection isn't really much. Original perhaps, but 
not all that appealing. Towards the end of the collection he switches back to a 
style i remembered kempy for. If you like me get a rash from goth/satanic/
youknow themes and stuff, don't bother checking this out. unless you did 
request something :) fuck!! kempy i like your older collections, now what is 
this hating on girls and upsidedown crosses??? hehe.

Kempy is one of the best ascii artists from Poland, I can agree with that..
But the style he uses in most logos in this collection it's just horrible!
It's something new, that's true. But I can't find anything good to tell
about it.

The special style of the ascii-logo chars is crazy, when i review that
collection for writing this coment, i like that style more and more!
The style is differently of others ascii styles. Tts a kind of block
design, but a cool block design! this collection has a nice introducing,
the design of the complete ascii collection is not so fine!
Small tip: work on the design dude!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: bm-klock.txt
           Title: Klockwerk
          Artist: Potzkoten & Dipswitch
             Tag: pzk / diP
           Group: Black Maiden
     Releasedate: 2.1.2003

   b  l  a  c  k     ______         (lo!/bm)
   m a  i d  e n   _/   _ /________  .     .
 . a  s  c  i  i _/     /    _/    \/-----/:
-:----------------\----------\_    \/    /_:
 : " k l o c k w e r k "    ·-/----/_______)
 : - ---------------------- -              .
 : potzkoten & dipswitch in a cooperation! :
 : o2.o1.2oo3  :

it's Dips again, this time in a cooperation with Potzkoten. A typical colly 
structure & requested logos. I already said enough of Dipswitch in other 
reviews, so let me not repeat myself. [Ed.Note: Abho's reviews were ordered 
alphabetically, not chronologically]. Potzkoten has a readable style with some
nice designing, like the infos he's got here. It might had been a good idea to 
add something more here between the logos, but that's only my opinion, I'm 
always after little more of this and that and... :)

This one features a co-op between Dipswitch and Potzkoten. Firstly, looking at 
the intro design one can see it mostly consists of dot designs, which passes
this time as ok. Potzkoten logos are easy to understand but don`t strike me
as being very interesting. Dipswitch`s logos are good as always, as already
mentioned in an earlier review.

Potzkoten and Dipswitch styles fits like a glove together! no shit! Good move 
to do a coop id' say. Of the three collections i have checked out so far where 
dipswitch has been involved this just got to be the best. kind of like preemo 
and Guru, hehehe.

A very nice co-operation colly by Dipswitch and Potzkoten! I really enjoyed
watching their works in a one collection, and with quite nice design the
result is more than good.

The first ascii collection this year and one more ascii collection thats
looks very nice! The first release by potzkoten, why? The stlye is good!
there are nice styles and the design is very pretty! Very good job!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: wPx-rntn.txt
           Title: Ääretön
          Artist: Weapon-X
             Tag: wPx
           Group: -
     Releasedate: 9.2.2003

weblink unknown, get it off some bbs.

.                       .
|  w  e  a  p  o  n  x  |
|                       |
|  -------------------  |
|                       |
|  ä  ä  r  e  t  ö  n  |

This is not Wolverine but the finnish Weapon-X offering you one of the collies 
with pretty much only the logos + just a little something. It also contains 
some GREAT footage taken from the ep Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada by Godspeed 
You Black Emperor, so even if you wouldn't dig wPx's logos, check it out just 
for the text :) And why wouldn't you like the logos too, nice & simple.

I really like this one, it stands out from the others because it's ugly in a 
cute way. the logos are playfully arranged. And some characters have this 
"emergency" warning about them. You know when you do a logo and you dont know 
what do in order to get the motherfucker to fit within the frame or not. so you 
bend it down.... and down... and down... WeaponX doesn't seem to give a flying 
fuck about these things and it's a refreshing thing id' say. Cool collection 
with a punk-attitude.

I can't tell anything good about this production. I don't really love
Weaponx's style, all of his logos have simple backgrounds and the letters
are sometimes hard to read. Well, only that h2o logo on the beginning looks
kinda nice to me, but still it's not that. I know, this is his style. But
please next time do some nice design. Oh, that hippie joke rocks btw :).

This one is my personal loosing collection... Sorry Weapon X ...
But your collection is to simple in these times, there isn't my favorite
style and the design is lousy ...

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: eld-egz.txt
           Title: Ehrgeiz
          Artist: Elend
             Tag: eld
           Group: Impure
     Releasedate: 20.2.2003

  _/\\__      _/\\               __//\_
__\____/___ __\   \  ____ … ____|_    /__
\     /   /__      \/   /___\     |     /
\\___/      /______|      /       |____//
====/___  _//======|__  _//_  ____|pO!===
       \\/           \\/    \// 

Ascii roxxors Elend's boxxors and mine too, if I just wouldn't be naked. 
Elend's effort for Impure contains continuous designing which works just ok
and them some of those logos (naaah, really?!). I'm not really sure what to 
say about the logos... There's not really anything wrong with them and I can't 
say Elend has ripped anyone, even if there are some typicalities throughout 
the colly. So I'm NOT accusing. When Elend goes further with his own unique 
letters, the style comes more unreadable, but that might be just me. This is
starting to sound too bad, it's not bad, check it yourself.

Elend`s intro design is ok, quite complex with variations. Gives the viewer
hope of seeing a good set of logos. I have to say I`m impressed with the 
fact Elend has managed to create 74 requested logos. Not something you
see very often these days. Looking at the logos, they seem average. Nothing
bad to say about them and that`s the good side too.

"Hello there. So this is my third attempt at an Ascii collection." HAH! my
ass!!! Elend, Don't be so humble! :) This is blazing! here is a request for 
you i want a "bgirlarmy" less than 55 chars wide! pronto! 
This is one of the cooler styles i have seen in the pile of collections that 
dip threw at me to have a look at. It's clean and handsome and letters are well 
balanced. May the Typography gods be with you! Fuck, "my third ATTEMPT???" And 
Elend does ascii characters too. I *heart* ascii characters.
- - -
                                   elend of the               
                           __||   /mighty IMPURE!  //__  
                          /  oO\_                _/xX  \
                          \___O_/                \_.___/
                          / \  |/                 |  / \
                         (_____|                  |_____)
- - - 

A big collection that contains 74 logos made by Elend. "What you will find
here is lots of very unreadable Ascii art done by me" - I agree with the
author words :).

So, this is elend's 3rd ascii collection... Wow many logos!
74 Logos, that's the record of these TAC issue! The Style is ok,
not bad not so nice! I like some logos! Which i've never seen before.
Elend says "lots of very unreadable Ascii art" ... i think, most of the
logos are good readable ... So this is a good work! No more to say...

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: k0-leave.txt
           Title: Before You Leave
          Artist: Noches
             Tag: no
           Group: K0re
     Releasedate: 21.2.2003

    _____                       _______
   /    /___  ______    ________\    _/
 ./    /  _/_/  _  /.___\_     //    _/__.
 |         |    /   |    /    /.    |    |
 |    ¦    |        |    |     ¦    |    |
 |    |    |        |    |     |    |    |
 |    |    |        |    |     |    |    |
 |    |    |        |    |     |    |    |
 |    |    |        |    |     |    ¦    |
 |    |____|________|____|     |_________|
 /____| no ------------- |_____\ ---------

 before you leave
 noches                special f o r kore.

Noches' (probably) last amiga collection. No, you can't, won't just don't stop. 
Seventeen logos included and that's pretty much it. Not the most original 
style (I repeat this too much, maybe my demands are impossible) and not much 
designing either, but a non-request logo for me gives this one my points ;) 
Naah, be your own judge.

Kind of a generic style of today it seems. Looks okay. Nothing that makes your 
jaw drop but nothing that makes you jump [apple]+[backspace] neither. Cute 
character alert on this collection makes the download worth it (not that it's 
a matter of long downloads times but, fuck, lets pretend it's 1991). 
          ______            |  pikkka ! |_.
        .(__   /.   ._      ¦___________| |
        | .     i   |_|     · i___________|
        ¦ | _ | | -           ·           ·
        |_______| no!l124
         '     `
Being a member of kore might be tough at times, read this "passenger has been 
removed from squad. cause: dissappearing in time... ". So pray. Noches 
collection is a.ok.

This is the last ascii collection from Noches, the artist you know.
He was always making a little boring, simple logos with simple backgrounds,
but no doubt he is one of the best ascii artists from Poland. Good that
he knows his way in newschool. Big up!

"befor you leave" is a collection by noches/link 124 specially for kore!
It's a small colelction with 17 nice logos! The design is to simple, there are
no descriptions only the name ... All in all it's a small, 3 days, ascii 
collection! It would be better you workd one day more for the design ;-) ...

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: t!o3o3o3.txt
           Title: o3.o3.o3
          Artist: Taxi
             Tag: t!
           Group: -
     Releasedate: 3.3.2003

weblink unknown, get it off some bbs.

       ________________________\ ___________
           ascii colly  \  taxi  \  o3.o3.o3
          _______________\ _________________

Taxi's effort in 2003. Only a bunch of logos with the announcement how lazy he 
is and that seems to be the case :) Anyway, a really nice style, so worth 
viewing even without any colly designing at all.

Damn, short one here. Like the styles, reminds me of the old days. well old 
and old, when i was slightly more active than now. It's somekind of a potpurri
of styles that are influenced from what was going on then. cool to see that 
taxi is around. One thing that struck me was that i thought of NUP viewing some 
of the logos.  It has some nup about it. that is meant as a compliment.

Only logos. Even though the collection contains no design I really like it.
Maybe it's because of Taxi's superlooking style :).

Hey, that small ascii colly (20kb) by taxi is fine i think! Some cool File-id's
and some cool logos. Not a great deal, but cool! the Ascii logos looks ok!
The design is ... design??? There is no real design i think!
There is no introducing, no lyrics and other text inside ...

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: asl-ptb.txt
           Title: Pitch The Bitch
          Artist: Dipswitch
             Tag: diP\aSL
           Group: Aerosol
     Releasedate: 9.3.2003

 ._______ .         _             _
 |      -\|---------\//-----------//_:_
 |_                                  |
 ./ dipswitch   :  "pitch the bitch" |
 |                _ ______ _ _ ___   |
 |  2003.MAR.09   \ ___    __//  /  _!   __
 |               _\\__ )_ (  /__/_ ( |____ !
_|__   n7v!asL  /_   _  /_ \_._  /_  |_  /_
 : //____________!___//  |   |_   /___//  l
                    `----l____//   l `----'
 [ 5 years aerosol ]   \/    `-----'

Dipswitch is pitching the bitch in this one. I'm sure you've seen some of his 
work, 'cause he has stayed active when pretty much everyone else were sleeping. 
But what does a reviewer really have to say about a collection like this... 
There's nothing wrong with it and it's well worth viewing but there's nothing 
so special it would have to be mentioned separately. Except maybe this - Dips, 
your 'd' is very close to mine ;)

Checking this collection out i come to think of trivial for some reason. I HAVE 
to get in touch with that kittycat again. The style that dipswitch serves here 
has the same vibe going on as trivial. We all know the crazy and peculiar ways 
of trivial and i mean this as a compliment, really. Again, just as with the 
Living the Dream collection by darkus, i am really curious about what the 
letters would look like without ornaments. 

Hehe, I like the name of it :). Aerosol is back in 2003 with a new
collection made by a new member - Dipswitch. Good design, good looking
logos, I can't say anything bad about this collection.

WOW 5 years Aerosol ... And the first collection 4 ASL by dipswitch!
Some nice and crazy logos... When i see (read) logo's like "fake 
oberlippenbart"... i think ... Ohh goood don't smoke insects ;-) Thats fuck'n 
crazy! All in all, this is a nice collection, and with dipswitch one more
talented menber! ... 

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: asl-ltd.txt
           Title: Living The Dream
          Artist: Darkus
             Tag: dKS!
           Group: Aerosol
     Releasedate: 14.3.2003

                     ________   _____
  _________      .___\      /___  __/__
  \\  _ __/__. __|__  \   //  \/  \  //__
   \  _ \   _|_\   /  /___ \   \___\ /  /
 «-/__|__\ _\  /___\___\-/_____/---/____\-»
                 . ..dARkUS/AERoSoL PReSeNtS
                        . ..liViNG tHE dREAM

Darkus has developed his style to a very well working one. There's really no
'errors' that stand out or anything to mention about and the designing is neat
in a simple way. No overdesigned mess here. "Living the dream" itself is a 
typical colly with a start, an end and the logos between. It also contains 
very nice guestlogos, specially one ;)

Wow, hmmm i get some kind of deja vu looking at that divider used. :) It's 
flattering that darkus still use that divider. I don't rememeber exactly from 
what collection it is. It's probably some HOS collection from back in the day! 
Stylewise this is a really good one. _really_ a good one. It seems to have a 
design concept and scrolls nicely :) Only thing i wish that many artists would 
do is to drop the custom of adding "ornament" around the logos  that probably 
would look better without them. I do it myself too, im no good! haha. But i 
think that darkus current (he has had shitload of them) style would probably 
work perfect without the "ornaments"... I love your style darkus but drop those
demn ornaments!

Second Aerosol release in 2003, this time made by Darkus. The collection
design isn't maybe the best one, but the logos... Between all those nice
works you will find some real quality logos for sure.

A nice collection, with nice design and cool ideas ...
Some logo's looks very nice ...others didn't!
Last Word: One more Collection in the Aerosol history!
Good job darkus!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: bm-eggs.txt
           Title: Easter Eggs
          Artist: Dipswitch
             Tag: diP
           Group: Black Maiden
     Releasedate: 17.4.2003

   b  l  a  c  k     ______         (lo!/bm)
   m a  i d  e n   _/   _ /________  .     .
 . a  s  c  i  i _/     /    _/    \/-----/:
-:----------------\----------\_    \/    /_:
 : " e a s t e r  e g g s " ·-/----/_______)
 : - ---------------------- -              .
 : bunch of ascii goodies for the pc       :
 :   demoscene  --  pre-breakpoint edition :
 : 17.o4.2oo3  :

Dipswitch's tribute to active pc-demogroups with a FAQ of amiga ascii for
someone who doesn't have a clue. There's a logo and a diz for every group to 
give their releases some style. Very nice idea and I for one would be glad if 
more demogroups would include asciis to their releases to make them look a bit 
better. Props to the idea on this one, yes.

Suprisingly, this one features no intro design from Dipswitch. Although that is
a little forgiveable due to Daerons great opening Dipswitch logo. Moving 
straight down to the requests, we see Dipswitch`s usual solid style. All the 
logos are readable and pleasent. One has noticed, his style seems to suffer 
when he is forced to squash a longer word on one line. Using his "download" 
logo as an example. Otherwise, a thumbs up from me.

Not as fly as the "Pitch the Bitch". Much less ornamenting going on in this one 
though. I get the impression that this one is a bit less inspired than the 
Pitch the Bitch. I am fiend of collections that work as a whole. This one works 
fine. Nice angle to do a F.A.Q. And hehe WHY THAT DOG????? i guess that was 
what made me scroll quicker down... i dont want to see that dog.

Quite good collection. I think that everyone knows Dipswitch and his works.
You won't be dissapointed and you won't be suprised neither, it's the stuff
you have seen many times.

This is a pre breakpoint 2003 edition by dipswitch. Habitual good design
and nice ascii logos for the PC Demo Sceners! great stuff dip!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: dzn-keep.txt
           Title: Keep Up The Shit
          Artist: Poise
             Tag: pOs
           Group: Deez'Nuts
     Releasedate: 24.4.2003

_:_______   ______  _____._
 |  ._  /___\__  /_ ._   |
 |  |/          /   |/
 !  /    /     /|   /      |
 :  ____/_________ /_______|
 .   'Keep up this shit'
 .      by Poise/dzn
 . Minimaks Industries.2oo3


25 logos of Deez Nuts flavor with Poise as the commander. It's obvious that 
Poise's got some sense of style but there's still something left to work with. 
Some logos left me with a bit messy feeling and could be more "concentrated". 
Like the usage of dots is one thing where could be some improvement. But don't 
let me depress you, it's not BAD, it's just not anything spectacular.

Looking through Poise`s intro part, I`ve noticed the only glimpse of design
comes from H7`s logos. It appears no effort was made to create an interesting
opening. Moving on to the logos, they are slightly difficult to read. The style
itself isn`t too bad, but in my opinion it looks rather flat. I`m not quite
sure what I mean myself. Moving on... .

Wyszlo ale wielkie gowno powinna miec wiece. Kolejny przekaz zaraz poplynie, 
byle w pierwszym rzedzie!!!! To sklad, ktorego zycie nadal sie toczy Kolia ma 
25 logosow. Po takiej duzej przerwie powinna miec wiecej, ale jest jak jest. 
Trzeba sie cieszyc mortimer tym, co mamy. 
I couldnt tell the difference between the divider and the logos, that was a 
drawback. Respect for a almost unreadeble style! I have seen worse collections 
of my own. Taste is something individual and mortimer does not like this. 

Bad style that I don't like at all. Sometimes I must focus really hard to
read what have Poise made. Nothing special, except that the collection
contains really nice guest logos by H7.

So, the next one! After a long break poise/ DNZ is back! Inside this ascii 
collection we find 25 logos! File id's and standart ascii logos! I think the 
style of Poise is ok, not especially! Just guess called this ascii?? ...ehmm 
...ehmm ...ehmm ...sorry? ;-) And there is too many polish sentences inside 
;-/ nothing more to say, good job!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: an-1step.txt
           Title: First Step
          Artist: Annie
             Tag: _an
           Group: -
     Releasedate: 27.6.2003

 _____ _____     __ ______
_\     \__  \__ /   \__   \__ _
|:\     _/    //     |/     /:|
|::\___/     //______/     /::|
|                             |
|  '1st step' - annie/mc^dcs  |

This one is Annie's first colly ever and for a first colly the result isn't bad 
at all. Couple of different styles and some 3D which is working out just ok. So 
nothing to really diss about but the problem with the colly is that it's just 
too ordinary to really stand out.

Here we have the debut collection release from Annie and not a bad one either.
The intro secton has quite nice design, if not a little short. Annie`s requested
logos are clean, although quite difficult to read. As a first attempt, they
aren`t too bad. I feel the potential is there though.

Who this be? I bow for anyone who practices the of doing characters 
in ascii collections. Many different styles among the 16(!) logos in here. Some 
of the styles are really cool, im a fiend of collections that has a _program_ or
concept. Designwise. I would have loved to see these styles apart and not piled 
above one on another.

This is Annie's first collection, so you won't see some amazing stuff.
A basic colly with some design. What can I say more? The good thing is
that Annie made logos in few styles, and I liked those logos with 3D stuff.

This is annie's first ascii collection! For the first time, thats a nice result!
The design is ok, some more ascii gfx next time were fine! Annie try some
styles, i thnik, thats not good, try one and make this one perfect! I do the
same, 10 Years ago ;-) (1993 with a fuck'n 3d style)!
for the first step is this a good work!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: t!s-else.txt
           Title: Elsewhere
          Artist: dMG
             Tag: ©d
           Group: Trueskool
     Releasedate: 7.7.2003!s-else.txt

          _            .          .
_._  .__ _\_.__   __ _ | . __..__ |
 |__)| ( / (( /  _) (__|-|(__)(__)|©
-----|---¯¯¯ ¯¯¯---------|---------d
          TrueSchool Ascii

    dMG / Elsewhere / 2003-07-07

A start for DMG's new group - Trueschool. The colly is nicely designed and no 
matter what you think of DMG's style, it sure is original. Might be one of 
those hate it / love it styles.. It's too damn hard to describe, so I won't 
give it a try. I only have to say that when it gets as complex as that, 
there's always a great danger of overdoing it. I know the style has gained
a lot of positive feedback, so start your favorite editor and browse through 
the world of tRUEsCHOOL and kick that kung-fu! Let's all shout together - 

Swords and shit. and a at some places SICK style. VERY SICK, meant as a 
compliment that is! Check out the logo dMG did for Zaner. That's some wild 
stuff but at the same time kind of graff-related in a wierd way. Swords and 
skulls and graph in a blend doesnt make any sense at all does it? hehe, beats 
me. Not that i am any big fan of swords and skulls and shit like that but some 
of the logos are sooo fat that my jaw drops. Good collectiona!

The whole collection has been done by DMG, with no guest arts and it looks
quite nice. DMG has got a specific style, maybe the letters are not one of
the most readable, but they look stylish for sure. And I just love his
background designs.

This release, dMG, makes many old scene poeple happy! The Design ist one of 
the best, i saw in last times. The logo's are fine and with many chars, i 
like that again! Nice ascii-gfx and all in all perfect work! Respect!
Trueschool is oldschool design! ... That's my opinion! 

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: imp-fs.txt
           Title: Funky Shit
          Artist: Podsi
             Tag: ps
           Group: Impure
     Releasedate: 31.8.2003

    "fUNkY Shit" fROM POdSi / iMPURE
  _/\\__      _/\\               __//\_
__\____/___ __\   \  ____ … ____|_    /__
\     /   /__      \/   /___\     |     /
\\___/      /______|      /       |____//
====/___  _//======|__  _//_  ____|pO!===
       \\/           \\/    \// 

Penguings are evil, says Podsi, and I'm a evil reviewer. Naah, haven't really 
dissed anyone so far and not going to start now. This is Podsi's first colly 
even though he says he's been in the biz for quite some time. Don't know what's 
considered 'quite some time', so it's hard to say how long Podsi's been working 
with his letters. Anyway, if I would have to come up with one word describing 
this it would be (once again) average. Nothing really wrong but nothing 
astonishing either. And yeah, the 'R' and 'P' could all be 'Z' and I thought 
that 'K' was 'B', so it was a bit confusing, hehe.. Let's say something 
positive too, the O's in Aerosol-logo looked nice to me, more of that kinda 
innovative stuff, please.

This collection by podsi just didnt cut it for me. I can't put the finger on 
what it is. Looking at it, it's clean has dividers that works well with the 
logos etc and all that. This isn't some funky shit as the title of the 
collection suggests. Im sad to admit it. Im sorry on this one. Cant come up 
with anything constructive. :(

I kinda like Podsi's works. The letters are stylish and readable, and the
logo backgrounds are quite nice. This collection has got some design, maybe
not the best one, but all in all it's a good collection.

This is the first ascii collection from podsi. When i see that result, i can't
believ! When i see my first crap... ohh god! This is a really fine work!
I hope to see more productions next time! So the impure clan has one more
talented menber!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: epda-tgh.txt
           Title: Title Goes Here
          Artist: Chrombacher and Nup
             Tag: cRb / nUP!
           Group: Epsilon^Design & Pro^Arts
     Releasedate: 13.9.2003

     _________  ______
.--_/  _   /  \/  _   \-p^A.--------------.
| / __//  /_/\_ _//   /       .nUP!.      |
_/  \_____/ /  \__   /    .pRo^aRTs.   ___|
\____/      \___/___/  ____   __ _____/_  /
|                    _/ __/__/  \   ___/ /|
|   .chRomBacheR.   /  _____/_/\_\ //   / |
|.ePsiLoN^deSiGN.  /   //    //   /    /  |
·------------------\________/ \_______/---·
in a new collection called: title goes here 

Now this is a colly we've been waiting for drooling our mouths dry. nUP & 
Chrombacher in a joint effort can't be bad, right? Right. It isn't. nUP's style 
has always been one of my absolute favorites and it doesn't let me down this 
time either. There's not a single thing too much, just the stuff you need. 
Chrombacher is back with full force too. His style here gets pretty 
experimental and sometimes it's close to unreadable but it looks just so damn
good that it doesn't really matter. If I would have to come up with a thing to 
complain, it would be the obvious bla-attitude of putting effort to making the 
whole colly look as great as the logos. But that's just bla, bla!

This collection seriously hurts my self esteem. I was just about to try 
to do some logos myself when i check this one out. These two knows what 
they are doing. Nuori Urbaani pösilö has his own style and it's so 
classic he wouldn't need to add his tag really. You know nup's work. :) 
I don't think i would have been able to identify Chrombacher though, he 
has switched styles more than nup. This style is so fabulous. It has 
aestetics that reminds of deserts works. Desert is an icon to me.. so 
it's supposed to be a compliment (= Superb! As i said, it killed my 
selfesteem... okay, i still have a little. Very good collection!

Really good stuff from Chrombacher and Nup! Chrombacher´s logos are great
as always, Nup´s stuff is also really good. I Hope we will see some more
cooperations like this one in the future.

WoW ... A nice CO-OP by PRO ARtS (nUP!) & EPSilON dESIGN (cRb)!
One of the best ascii collection in the last time i think!
I like the styles of these 2 artists! I think there is nothing more
to say... Very professional work!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

        Filename: k0-idiot.txt
           Title: I'm Sorry! I Didn't Know I'm An Idiot
          Artist: Kempy
             Tag: km!
           Group: K0re
     Releasedate: 14.9.2003

   ____ _____ _______ _______ _______
:. \  _/    / __    /  _    /__     /  .:
.. |  \     \ (/  _/_  |___/_(/____/ _ ..
:  `---\     \----' `--'    `--'    \/  :
| «---- \_____\ ----------------------» |
|                                       |
|  33rd and also last K0re. collection  |
|                                       |
`-----------------------------( km!k0 )-' 

Someone here seems to have somekind of an Amiga obsession. Better that than 
notepad+topaz ;) I have to admit I couldn't read the title logo saying "I'm 
sorry! I didn't know I'm and idiot", so the style (or one of them) Kempy has 
here isn't one of the most readable ones. I still like this one better than 
what k0-ibook.txt had to offer and I specially like the style that 'index' logo 
is made with. Why not work with it some more? Highlights of the 'main style' 
here would include a h7 logo which looks pretty nice to me. I specially like 
the 'E'. But the tough reviewer I am, there's some letters I don't like that 
much, like 'R'and 'N' ... or 'n' ? Now that I'm browsing this forward there's 
another style already familiar from the above-mentioned k0-ibook.txt, so check 
what I have to say of it there. And hey, the last words made me laugh :)

i am not biased, i am not biased i am not biased!!!! dcs... on respectlist... Kempy rocks when he wants to. the 
other coll we checked in this edition of TAC was in my humblest of 
opinions so-so. This one on the other hand is a shitload better. A 
grand variety of styles, ranging from, again in my humblest of 
opinions blazing to hmmmm... A-OK. Like that style he uses for his 
index logo. Fuck, i wish that i would come up with some shit like that. 
That style in the index logo reminds me of an artist, krusty, whom i 
havent got the slightest idea of what happened to. Im not sure i can 
recall a krusty collection ever relased. You never forget a krusty logo 
once you have seen it. The style of that index logo and a few more 
reminds me of krusty. Thats soo cool. I wish kempy would do more 
stuff in that same steelo. Another thing that i really REALLY 
appreciate with kempy is that he has the balls and without no doubt 
the skills to do so called asciimen. Kempys asciimen are really 
good id say. I have probably missed a shitload of collections, but i 
would like to see more of that style he uses in the k0re logo towards 
the end of the collection too. dudettes, im on his respectlist! 
yessssh! Mad props back at you! And, this collection works perfectly 
on a mac too. monaco 9pt font raw deluxe! bbedit power!!!!

This is probably the last collection from Kore made by a last active
member - Kempy. I can say that the design is ok. I don´t like the first
style. The background designs are great, the style isn´t. But the style
on the end of the colly just rocks. Overall the collection is nice :).

Mhh, kempy brings the last ascii-collection by Kore!
Some words to this collection! I like the gfx parts by kempy,
they looks very nice! I like the gfx inside an ascii-logo too!
There are many cool ideas, many nice logos and the style is ok!
All in all it is a nice work!

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

     _                                                                  _ 
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 
          .                                      .
    _____/|_                   _______/\         :.
    \ _   | \---.____/\____    \_    /  \________:_____/\  -poyZ!
- - -\/  \|   _  \ __   __/-.   (____    \   _  \_   _   \________/\
     (____|   \   \//  __/   \_    \____/_) _    |   \   _\__   _   \
        /______)  /__________ /       _/    /    |____)     /   /    \
          :   \________/    \/        \_\  /-----'   \____ /__________)
          .                              \/              \/

||| the yard bbs - the idea of style is the key to all forms of rocking!
||| private system | 24/7 static telnet & ftp nodes | adsl broadband connection

||| Amiga/Ascii/Handheld Consoles/N64/Snes/Handheld Archive/Ascii Archive/=C64
||| Audio Samples/Refills/Audio&Gfx Apps/Apple Macintosh/PC Game Rips/Graffiti

||| bad karma WHQ - royal GHQ - phantasy WHQ - lightforce GHQ - oldskool GHQ
||| - supplex EHQ - rising sun GHQ - divine stylers WHQ - low profile GHQ -
||| up rough WHQ - aerosol WHQ - disciples of ageema WHQ - black maiden WHQ

| | | | | | | | | | |  for applying| | | | | | | | | | | | | 

     _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

      _                                                                  _
- ---\/-----------------------------------------------------------------\/--- -

    _____       ____.
    \  _/  ___ |   _|________     ____       _____
   __\___.\\_ \|   \:       //_._\\ _/___  _\\__  \_
 _/      |   \ \    \______/   |    ____/_/    _   /  
 \       |    \ \_  |    /          \         /    \                        __
--\ _    |     \    |nD!/      _ _        _   \     \----------------------\\/-
   \\____| _   |\___|  /______/ \\_______/ \---\     \
          \\___|                                \____/               _
                             _______:  ____.  ____        _________ / \__
interview with rotox/art! ___\      |__\___|_\\ _/___  ___\       //   _//__
(held via email)        _/    \     `      |    ____/_/    \      _\____    \_
 __                     \      \/  _       |    \          /\          /     /
-\//---------------------\ _      / \ _    | _        _          _ _        /--
                          \\_____/   \\____|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/

Dip: Introduce yourself a bit!

Rtx: Hi, My name is <CLASSIFIED>, I am 27 years of age and come from England,
     currently only a member of one group which is of course Art, previously a
     member of such groups like Digital, Nemesis, Anthrox, Fairlight & Fuck the
     Protection (AMIGA), Palace (C64), Magical & Capital (CONSOLE), The Dream
     Team, Pentagram, Hybrid & Celebre (PC) and various other groups on all 
     those platforms.

Dip: You are one of those about whom one can say that they "invented" ascii art 
     as we know it. What was the motive force behind this developement? Why and 
     how people started to draw logos using shashes, underscores and stuff? What 
     was the main purpose behind ascii art back then?

Rtx: I wouldn't really say "invented", I was just one of many at the time that
     helped improve logos made out of ascii characters. 
     I would say the main reason that I started doing ascii was to pass the time 
     while trading releases to boards because at the time you didn't really have 
     much else to do other than watch a ZModem progress bar.. 2400/9600 baud 
     modems did take a while :)

Dip: Would you have thought back then that the thing that you do could be 
     considered as "art", or was is pure craft for you?

Rtx: Art... Craft... It was just something that was needed at the time to 
     improve how a bbs looked, and also to make the major releases stand out 
     from the rest.

Dip: You are especially known for your file_id.diz art. Many of your early 
     file_id's, for example the one for TRSI, are still in use after over a 
     decade. Is drawing logos in 12x44 something special for you, and why?

Rtx: Doing description logos is something that I improved at rapidly compared 
     to full size logos used in NFO files so I mainly stuck with that type/size
     logo because it was something that I used most.

Dip: Ascii collections are THE media for presenting Amiga ascii art since quite
     a long time untill today. How was the developement on this factor? When 
     first ascii collections popped up, and was the motivation behind them an 
     other than today?

Rtx: I think the reasons behind Ascii collections are quite different today than
     when I started doing them. I'd have a number of logos that had been used on     
     boards, logon screens, adverts etc and just paste them into a text file, do 
     a greets list and that was mainly it. This isn't the case today, people ask 
     others if they have any requests because they're wanting enough to fill a 
     collection, they spend time designing the layout, adding poems and such 

Dip: Perhaps it's time to clean up a big misunderstanding. There was another guy 
     naming himself "Rotox" in the early 90s, and as your and his collections are 
     usually held in one directory in ascii archives, people often think it's one 
     and the same person. What's the story behind it?

Rxt: All I really know about him was that he came from Holland, did music of some
     sort and was a member of a few not very well-known Demo groups. He also
     decided to start doing ascii logos and tagging them with "RTX" which is of
     course what I use.

Dip: Bulletin board systems were essential for the birth and developement of 
     Amiga ascii art, as places designed with ascii art as well as 
     transportation channels for it. Do you think that Amiga ascii art is strong 
     enough to survive and develop with a highly decreased number of BBS's? How 
     important are BBSs for you, or do you rather not care about them anymore?

Rtx: It is sad to say but I think Bulletin Boards are really a thing of the past.
     The Internet, FTP sites, Forums, IRC are all major factors to why boards
     aren't really needed or wanted anymore. I did like boards at the time but 
     I'm not that sad to see them go, I'm glad that I don't have to watch ZModem
     progress bars anymore, have big phone bills or getting busted because of 
     using Calling cards or Blue boxing to call boards.

Dip: How important is the platform factor for you?  You're known as console 
     activist since long time, and you're also known for drawing amazing 
     Amiga-style ascii pieces using a PC editor. Do you think that the artform 
     we are talking about doesn't need to be bound anymore to the Amiga 

Rtx: Ascii's definitely look much better on an Amiga, doing them using CED was
     much nicer but things move on. Today, using Editplus2 on a PC with Lucida &
     Topaz fonts work very well for me so the platform isn't so important.

Dip: I don't know if you followed the rise and fall of PC textmode art... 
     If so, what do you think made PC ansi&ascii art decrease quality- as well 
     as quantity-wise, while Amiga ascii art still develops and is doing quite 
     fine?  It's a funny thing since Amiga is the platform that went down and 
     PC went up... How to explain it?

Rtx: Never followed it myself. What PC guys can do, Amiga guys can do it 
     better :) Better Coders, Crackers, Trainer Makers, GFX Artists, Musicians 
     and of course Ascii Artists. They all worked with limitations which of 
     course requires more skill in the end.

Dip: Although you rarely released an ascii collection during all those years,
     you have been drawing steadily, several ascii works for the console scene 
     prove it. But have you followed the work of those who came after you? If 
     so, who pops up in your mind when it comes to artists of the "generations"
     after you?

Rtx: I don't really look at ascii collections, but I do at file_id.diz and NFO
     files. To be honest the newer style ascii isn't something I like because 
     I'm an old timer so my eyes struggle to read it. Readable, Simple and Neat
     is my sort of taste and very few people actually do it that way anymore. 
     The only names that really come to mind (which I can't really call 
     "generations" after) are people like mAZ/ART, Poyz!, Mogue/ARCLITE & 

Dip: Coming to the "art vs. craft" topic again, how do you see the trend of many 
     artists to draw rather for themselves than for scene "customers"? Does the 
     decreasing way of seeking requests kill the artform, or is it rather a 
     natural developement that should be tolerated?

Rtx: Well, there are less people wanting or using logos in the Amiga style
     (Oldschool that others seem to love saying) so I guess people doing ascii
     mostly for the fun of it is OK, but Personally I don't see the point unless 
     the logos are actually going to be used on a BBS, FTP site or by a Group.

Dip: Considering the recent happenings of Sal-One pulling up the forum and old 
     ascii people crawling out of all dark corners and drawing again, what do 
     you think how long that new ascii "revival" will last?  And, does the 
     presence of old ascii artists make it a revival of old-time ascii drawing 
     in full glory, or do you rather feel that something is missing?

Rtx: Whatever is done today will never bring the old times back, the reasons
     behind doing ascii logos are quite different now, attitudes are different,
     the people are different, the scene is different so I don't actually think
     it'll last to be honest.

Dip: Although, as I already said, you've been drawing steadily all the years, 
     it's been a long time that you actually kept in touch with other ascii 
     artists and the "ascii scene". What aspects are new to you, whether 
     positive or negative?

Rtx: Well, the reasons for doing logos seems to have completely changed, there 
     are definitely more people doing ascii logos now and the styles have 
     completely changed.

Dip: You're known as a perfectionist, who does several versions of logos and 
     works on them untill they seem perfect. Was it always this way, even when 
     you had far more requests to fulfill than today?  How much time you spent 
     on a single logo back in the early 90s, and how much time to you spend on 
     it today?

Rtx: When I was trading a new release I used the time it would take to 
     upload/download to create the file description logo, so the times would 
     vary but usually around 10 minutes. Today, things are much different 
     because of the lack of inspiration, motivation etc so it could be between
     10 minutes or days depending on how I feel.

Dip: What are your plans ascii-wise for the near future? Anything to reveal us?

Rtx: Nothing will change really, I'll still be lazy like I've been for years 
     now but you'll see a few logos by me from time to time. 
     I am working on a co-op collection with another well-known ascii artist 
     which you should hopefully see quite soon.

Dip: Any final statement?

Rtx: Give respect to those who deserve it........
     rAt, Enforcer, RiP!, rEDSKIN, mAZ, Splatt!, Red Devil, FCKW, Metalbasher, 
     Desert, Metallikat, Skin, Amblin, OEP!, Masterbard, Kamenski, Cardinal, 
     Kaoz, Mascot and not forgetting Poyz who never seems to get much 
     recognition for doing ascii work.

     Without them, there wouldn't even be an Ascii scene.

Dip: Thanky you for the interview!

                           _____.                         _
       ______     _____   |     |  _____       _____     / \__      _____
    ___\__   \_ __\ __/__ |     |__\  _/__   _\\__  \_  /  __/__  __\  _/__
  _/   __/   _//    ____/_|     |    ____/__/   __    \_\____   \/    ____/_
  \    \      \     \     \     |    \           /          /         \     \_
 --\    \      \ _        /     | _        _    /     __         _ _         /-
    \----\      \\_______/|     |\\_______/ \--/_____/  \_______/ \\________/
          \      \        |     |      ____     _        _____.
           \_____/        |     |      \  /    / \__    |     |
                          |     |    .__\___. /   _/__ _|     |_
    rELEASE liST          |    _|____|      |_\____   \\__  ___/___
                          |    \     |      |     /     |   \      \_
 -------------------------| _   \_   _ _    | _         nD!  \      /----------
                          `-\_______/ \\____|-\___     /\\_____    /
                                                  \___/        \__/

Sorry, no 2002 list here although we reviewed some 2002 collies. I just haven't
got the releasedates for all the 2002 stuff, so here you go with just the 2003 
release list, reaching until September 30th.

A "*" before the filename means that this colly was reviewed in this issue.

No more fancy points, rankings and stuff. We dont carry release charts
since 2000. Enjoy!

| Filename     | Colly Title         | Artist      | Crew         | Date     |
| 1oo-enso.txt | En-Sof              | Zito        | 1oo%         | 01.01.03 |
|*bm-klock.txt | Klockwerk           | Dip & Potz  | Black Maiden | 03.01.03 |
|*wpx-rntn.txt | ÄÄrentön            | Weapon-X    | -            | 09.02.03 |
|*eld-egz.txt  | Ehrgeiz             | Elend       | Impure       | 20.02.03 |
|*k0-leave.txt | Before You Leave    | Noches      | K0re         | 21.02.03 |
|*t!o3o3o3.txt | o3.o3.o3            | Taxi        | -            | 03.03.03 |
|*asl-ptb.txt  | Pitch The Bitch     | Dipswitch   | Aerosol      | 09.03.03 |
|*asl-ltd.txt  | Living The Dream    | Darkus      | Aerosol      | 14.03.03 |
| sdw-life.txt | Life                | Shadow      | MNZ          | 14.03.03 |
|*bm-eggs.txt  | Easter Eggs         | Dipswitch   | Black Maiden | 17.04.03 |
|*dzn-keep.txt | Keep Up This Shit   | Poise       | Deez'Nuts    | 24.04.03 |
|*an-1step.txt | First Step          | Annie       | -            | 27.06.03 |
|*t!s-else.txt | Elsewhere           | DMG         | Trueskool    | 07.07.03 |
| dzn-stcn.txt | Style Connection    |Poise&Twister| Deez'Nuts    | 19.07.03 |
| wpx----.txt  | Lovelovelove        | Weapon-X    | -            | 25.07.03 |
|*epda-tgh.txt | Title Goes Here     | Nup & cRb   | p^A & e^D    | 13.09.03 |
|*k0-idiot.txt | I'm Sorry! I'm Such | Kempy       | K0re         | 14.09.03 |
| po-prfct.txt | Perfecto            | Pogue       | Impure       | 21.09.03 |
| xz-aisli.txt | Aisling             | Xzip        | Impure       | 21.09.03 |

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
                          THAT'S THE END, MY FRiEND!

                                  - Credits -

                                Ascii Work by:
                              Daeron/Low Profile
                       People involved into this issue:

                         Abhorrence/Twisted (reviews)
                        Darkus/Aerosol (reviews, help)
             Dipswitch/Aerosol (main editor, interviewer, compiling)
                     Mortimer Twang/Divine Stylers (reviews)
                           Roodolph/Mimic (reviews)
                             Rotox/Art (interview)
                         Yop/Shrimps Design (reviews)

                                - Disclaimer -

 None of the material may be republished on websites, in diskmags etc. without
 permission of TAC. All material is (c)TAC'1999-2003. Ascii art is (c) of the
         artists who drew it. No material may be altered in any form.

 Every opinion expressed in any TAC issue is just an opinion of the author who
 wrote it. TAC as whole can not be hold responsible for opinions expressed in
    any TAC issue. TAC sees itself as a forum for Ascii artists to express
 opinions, not as an oppinion-forming organisation. No staff member of TAC can
   be hold responsible for an opinion expressed by another TAC staff member.
                     Spelling and other errors may occure.

           Cologne, Germany. 13.10.2003. Dipswitch/ASL (main editor)

                      Contact e-mail:
              BBS World Headquarter: The Yard BBS (op: Zaner/DTR)
 _  drn!                                                                _ :
\\        .    ____ _ _ _________                                       : ;   .
_\  _  _ _!____\_   \ /  .      /                                       ;     |
)_  // \ );     _    /   !_____/ _      t h e A S C I I c h a r t s          _!
 /_       ___   )   ___  l    ___:___________________________________________\:
   `-----'   `-----'   `-----'   ;

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ._ __________ ______ ____   _______________.
| \\ _    _ /_\___ /_  _/___\ _            |
|  /_/    /_\   _   /  \    \\/   tHE      |
|tR!/    //     / _/        / aSCii cHARTS |
TAC  is back  after two  years!  Featuring |      
several  reviews  by various people and an | 
interview      with       Rotox   /   Art! |
- -- - ---------------------(13.1o.2oo3)---'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ 
                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||     bad karma - phantasy - up rough      !| _
  |!   divine stylers - dtr - ageema blues     | ;
  |      aeroholics - black maiden - mvp       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  +  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lightforce - oldskool - rising sun      |
  ¡   supplex - royal - soia - low profile     |
_ |    drunken - 1oo% - true school - asl      | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
; |                                            !
  |   amiga/ascii/graffiti/handheld consoles    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   n64/snes/gb/gba/sgb/gg/ngp/wsc archive   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |    apple macintosh/pc audio-gfx apps/dd    \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |     =c64/atari/speccy/sample soundbank     _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |                                            /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   daydreaming on 5 telnet nodes. 24h/day.      `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'