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1 050 219 bytes (1.00M)
File date:
2016-02-01 05:45:01
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all-time: 1 621

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • Gallery13.exe 1.05M
  • Mod3mSpeaks.txt 3.83K
  • Stuff4Mags.lha 822B
  • userORscener_.txt 5.59K
  • YureSpeaks.txt 2.30K



The story behind the END of Scenetime

by Mod3m of Darkage; CODER, founder and organizer.

After the release of ST11, Kaos and me started to work on the new issue.
You must know I was the responsable for the photos, and I regularly write
the italian report and the article "up and down".
Things weren't too good in Darkage at the end of 1998, as many members were
inactive and we hadn't graphicians and swappers. Kaos firstly gave me some
articles, then a module and a bootpic, made by BadBart. I immediatly linked
the gallery, and started to link the files to the mag source. Time passed,
and Kaos didn't wrote emails frequently as before. I wrote him about the
intro, and he answered Wipe was coding it. Sadly, Wipe was unreachable for
unknown reasons, and the intro never was ready. One day Kaos in IRC asked me
for the iff photos for the gallery, because he wanted to watch them. He
also asked me for the italian report and the new up'n'down article. As I
had them ready, I passed them to him.

January and February passed, without any progress for Scenetime, but I was
sure Kaos was working in his sparetime (as we remember he was doing the army).

And now what? I joined IRC and the topic was "Scenetime and Pressure are
DEAD" and everyone was spreading the new magazine for the scene.. TSP.

WHAT?!? I wrote immediatly Ghandy, and asked Yure (that was in my home) why
they were named in the staff and they didn't told me NOTHING about them. I
had the code ready, why Kaos wrote he needed a new code? I spent time working
on it and now it won't be released. The answer from them was: "WE DIDN'T KNEW
NOTHING". The same from Soda and Woober.

But it isn't finished:

1) The gallery had the SAME photos I collected,they're just smaller and uglier
to see :-)

2) There are MY articles in TSP, without MY permission, and the italian report
it's firmed by KAOSMASTER. The proof I'm not lying it's clear: read about the
Darkage Group, where there's "and there's an intro by me (Mod3m)". No more words
to see about this.

But Kaos wrote me and Ghandy an email, explaining the new situation. He wrote
no one from Darkage supported him, and other things.
Apart his errors, try to read what he told us:


hello all !!!

well this is a letter for all of you!

after 1 month of absence from the scene, I touched a critical point and
decided to focus pressure's code and showtime's soul into one single thing.
that's called the scene press,. that means that showtime IS NOT dead or so
pressure. they have just joined and used a new name to not create conflicts
between the 2 crews,.. all this happend in a dark night... 

you can see the results with your eyes.! get it on all boards and on

. well do not get hungry with me if you have not been informed..... indeed I
was not been at home........ and need a great help to complete the mag.. and
this help came offerd to me by NON-darkage memebers ( i.e. wipe did NOT make
the intro ) , nothing more to add!

surely I will receive many negative comments from inside my crew....

.... meanwhile I got 47 emails of happy ppl! =) and that follows! 

not happy of my work! but more than else happy of the new code.


well , thanx for all! later

kaosmaster of Darkage                                                   _____
______________________________________________________________ _____   //////
 kaosmaster of darkage  - Showtime Maineditor - Aprilia RS250cc\\\\\\ //////
ATO member - pROJeCT :   Wasted Dreams   -   Foundation         \\\\\Y/////
M.I.B. member  -  ICQ 15535677   -   A4000/060/PPC604e233+CVPPC  \\\//////
 - -- ---- ---- -------- -------------------------------------- --\//////


Well... he should rename himself to Kaosmaster/ex Darkage. In our group we
appreciate friendship, honesty and clear things. If he wanted to close ST and
to join NXV, why didn't he told us this?

And you? What do you think?
Amiga: user or scener?

The actual Amiga market is somehow limited, it's little, probably even smalle
than the Acorn one, and surely the number of users, even if compared to the 
littlest markets, is small. But there is a thing that the other systems can't
boast. The Amiga userlevel is really higher, obviously I'm talking about 
percentuals, and Amiga users actually can do things that others can't. This 
is a point. Then there are the sceners. What is the exact position of the 
sceners in the Amiga market? If we talk about coding, actually our coders 
know a lot of the old architecture of the Amiga, they tend to access it at 
a very low level, hacking the machines to get what was considered incredible. 
Just think at the PC side... demos that run only under 3D libraries, music 
played just with megas of sampled songs etc. I don't uderstand why people 
keep on saying "this demo is just an animation and it's not realtime 
rendered" when also when the scenes are in realtime they are done just 
using APIs, libraries and 3D kits. There is no difference to do a demo 
with an animation or using the code already done by others, where are 
then the programming skills? In the library calls? But this is another 
thing. On the Amiga a new difference is growing: the difference between 
the user and the scener. Can a scener be defined "Amiga user"? I know this 
can sound strange, but in fact this reality exists. To explain I'll do some 
examples. I am involved in the scene, I enjoy looking at demos, I love going 
to the parties, I need the scene friendship, I try to be active in the scene, 
I like to talk about scene philosophy and definitely I love scene. On the 
other side, I write for an Amiga magazine, I work for the Amiga, I develop
for Amiga (my company will soon come out of Italy with our products), I 
follow the market, go to the most important meetings like in Cologne or the 
World of Amiga. and definitely I love Amiga. Is it possible to share both the 
things? Yes, it is. Just it's a little bit difficult to adapt, you need two 
brains. One for the scene, one for the Amiga. Just think at a party, you are 
crazy, enjoy, run up and down, don't sleep, and think at a jornalist at 
Colonia, in jacket and tie, in a Conference or talking with the heads of a 
society... can you imagine that that serious journalist is a hothead, and 
that that hothead crazy scener is in reality a serious journalist? And it's 
too fun. And the sceners are also users? Do they support market? Yes, they 
buy expensive 060 accelerators or PPCs, but for different reasons. A user 
buys a PPC or a 060 (or both!) to get real speed. A scener buys a PPC or a 
060 to see the demos at the full speed, to follow the tendencies. A sceners 
takes the WorkBench screen in PAL Hi-res in a masimum of 8 colors. A user 
loves the Newicons, has a shining 800x600 WB, a wonderful  backdrop picture 
and so on. The scener has a huge amount of demos installed, some games, 
DPaint or PPaint, the AsmONE and some storage directories with the work of 
his group. The user has lots of programs installed, Quake and Doom, uses 
only TVPaint and Photoshop under ShapeShifter, uses the StormC or the SAS 
and maybe uses Linux too. The scener doesn't care of his harddrives, may be 
scsi, ide, no care about the speed, they need only big storage space. The 
users hate IDE, they use only SCSI drives, and the get crazy if go under the 
7mb'sec of transfer rate. The scener uses a Philips 8833 or a 1084 monitor, 
and use only PAL. The user can't see the PAL, have only a SuperVGA monitor 
and get angry when a program/game/application opens a PAL screen that can't 
be promoted. So it seems to be impossible to be the same in the same time, 
right? But it's not so, and this is part of the magic of the Amiga and the 
scene. Maybe thanks to the Amiga, the scener/user (scuser? :-) can be the 
same at same time, as the Amiga gives the mind inclination to resolve 
problems. So you will see people with a PPC board with 060 that keep on 
using a PAL WB, but that have a multiscan monitor, so they can browse and 
chat in dblpal mode... or you see someone with a gfx board and another PAL 
monitor, just to see demos and read mags. So you see musicians that use 
Protracker for demos and DigiBooster or Octamed SStudio for work, so you 
see gfx that use Dpaint, Brilliance or PPaint for the demo stuff, and use 
Photoshop to work. And this brings to the second point. Many people say 
that the scening activity brings nowhere. They say that if you are a coder, 
you have no chanche to work in the real life. They say: no one will ask you 
to do rotating cubes, they'll ask you for relational databases! They say: 
no one will ask you for a pic in 640x480, they'll ask you rendered logos 
in layers and in Photoshop format! They say: no one reads your articles in 
the mags, you have no future. In theory it may be possible. But I have too 
many examples to believe to it. I can point examples of my friends in 
scene: Modem is a good coder, good user. Now he mixed the scening routines 
in a DTV software, and he is now working in a DTV studio. Randy was not so 
bad as coder, when he left scene he used the experience from the Amiga in 
the Java development, and he's now working in that enviroment (doing lots 
of money). I in first person am just an editor, is it just a case that I 
write for magazine and am becoming a journalist? This is becuase when you 
use Amiga at the limit, like sceners do, when you pass to the serious work, 
your mind is ready to be used in the right way. And after the Amiga you are 
ready for it. But at the end you are a user or a scener? Amiga sceners ARE 
Amiga users, and are the best of both sides.

Hello all friends/freaks/amigasceners etc...
A little bit of history so far...

Sometime ago, KaosMaster was quite after me, triyng to convince me to join
the SceneTime crew. To be true, I really didn't know, as Planet was almost
over (the last issue was soon to be released), while in the ROM way seemed
that no new ROM would appear. So I told Kaos that I would mind on it. He
was talking of a "news great project", but didn't even want to tell me
something about it. He told me:" Well, Yure, let's do so. I will interview
you on the next ST, asking you to join, and then you will join, right?".
I agreed, Some weeks passed, Kaos didn't mail or phone me. Now I am at
Mod3m's home, typing on his keyboard. Casually I was here in his same
town for about a week. In this time I joined Darkage. Kaos didn't know this.
Mod3m phoned me and told me about the KaosMaster "new mag and released
project". As I see, the job done by Kaos is something weird. First, I will
let Mod3m explain his reason, but please read on mine for 5 minutes.

FIRST: KaosMaster NEVER, NEVER asked me to write for a magazine who was not
Scene Time. And what I find in The Scene Press? "Welcome to our new writers,
and I'm among them". Wow. Incredible. He knew it and me not.

SECOND: I gave Kaos an article for SCENETIME. It was called "User OR Scener",
you will find it in TSP, but you can't read it since the mag seems to bug
so it isn't possioble to view all the text. I wonder if Kaosmaster signed
that article with my name or with HIS name, but I can't know.

THIRD: Kaos was NOT authorized to put that article there. Simple as being
said. He didn't ask me to join, he didn't ask me if he could use my article,
HE DIDN'T EVEN TOLD ANYONE ABOUT THIS MAG. You will find somewhere here in
the archive, the original file containing the article user OR scener.

So what can I think? I can say that after I joined Darkage I will work and
write for DARKAGE productions, not for ppl who don't even tell you about it.
I rarely saw so much lameness and missing respect from someone you think of
as a friend. Yes, I'm really disappointed about KaosMaster. I will not talk
about what he also did, like inserting Mod3m's articles faked as Kaos ones,
or RIPPING the material for the chart, that I hope you will find here.
Sorry Kaos, but I would never imagine that you could do this. Too bad.