File Archive

File download


File size:
659 416 bytes (643.96K)
File date:
2013-09-29 23:05:45
Download count:
all-time: 1 404


  __/\___/\__/\ ___/\__/\____/\    _/\__/\
 / __/     \__//     \   \     \/\/   \   \
/   _>    _/ _>       \   \/ \_/  \ |  \   \
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 \____/_;  /___/_;_;_/_|___/__/____/__/_;_/
         \/ phs!
             - RAGE! ISSUE 1 -
          Released on 15th June 96
  A brand new diskmag coming from the GASP
 organizer... Clean code in assembler, cool
 design, nice tune! Issue 2 will be a whole
        chart. UPLOAD IT NOW OR DIE!