File Archive

File download


File size:
127 462 bytes (124.47K)
File date:
2018-09-19 09:53:30
Download count:
all-time: 356


        _ __.____\/________________________________________________.
            |    \/                                                |
      ___   |   ____      __      ___ __      ___ __      ______   |________
    ./  /___| ./   /___  / _\__   \_ \\/___   \_ \\/___ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /
    l______  \|  _/    \· /    \./  \ \/ _/_./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  \|  \  __/
        /_____l________  /______l____\  /___l____\  /___l_________l___\_____
            |                                                      |_
            |__ __ _   honey world headquarter · amiga&fun         |/
            ._//_             a 2 node elite system                /
            |                                                     ·|
            |       distler/hny · darkside/ryl · diz'nee/hny       |
            |     black panther/hny · qen/hny · mr.nielsen/led     |
           _|                                                      |
           \|                node#1: +46-8-6230196          _ __ __|
            \                node#2: +46-8-6231366             _\\_.
             · - ------------------------------------------ -      |
            :       _ _   ·amiga·ascii·olden goldies·   /\         |
            :. · _ /___________________________________//\\________|__ _
                \\//                                   ·  \__ _

     ________________|  t H E  p A Y O F F  oNE oF ...  |________________
    | / /            .              .                   .             \ \|
    |/ /     ________________  _____|\_____        ___________         \ :
    : /      \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/          \|
    |/      tsar1/      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____         !
    |           /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \        |
    !          /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\       |
    |                                                                    :
   \|/        ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  ·  VISAGE DHQ  ·  ACCESSION DHQ        \|/
    |             /\                                                     !
    : _ ___/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
    |_\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
    /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/|
   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |  !
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|  :
    | :     /____________\                                            !  .
    ! | ND#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC  DiABLO^MTH^RYL^HNY^RDZ^VSG^ACC |
    : ! ND#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC  DELiTE^MTH^RYL^TAB^EDG         :
    . | ND#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL sCARFACe^VSG^OS!^HNY           |
      : ND#4   tELNET 9990    BOLDY^ULC^SLT                  :
      ! ND#5   tELNET 9990    QUiCKSILVER^GLD                |
      | ND#6   tELNET 9990    TRaSH^MTH^OPS^VSG              |
      `-----+                                                   +-----'
            ! uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ * vSG/hNY/-T!/rDZ  !
            :  pASSED hERE oN 12-02-1995, 00:20:01 aT nODE 01   :
            .                                                   .

  ______ _____ _________  __  __
  \  __/_ __  \  ___/ __\/  \/  \        NODE 1:  +31-775-212-93  · USR 21K6
  /  /   | / _/_ _/_  _/ \  \/   \       NODE 2:  +31-775-137-53  · USR 28K8
  \______|_\___/____|_\   \_||    \_     NODE 3:  +31-775-189-30  · USR 16K8
|                                                                            |
|      WORLD OF ELITE!                                                       |
|                                                                            |
| DEATHKNIGHT,JAKE,NOSTROMO    ________________________/¯|__/| ___________   |
| DEVIOUS DOZE, RAJ!,  FURY    \___  \ __   /  __/  __/    / |/ ____/  __/_  |
| AND OFCOURSE ARTIC CAT!!!    |   __/ _/ _/  _| \__  \  \/  /  )  /  _|  /  |
|                              |___|\__\   \________  /___\__\__   \______\  |
`--[ EURO HQ ]--------------------------\___/÷e÷/aL!\/--------/_____\--------'
                     [=====( K-RAD & ELITE #6 )=====]

                        [===( AMiGA  EDiTiON )===]

                       [=====( November'95 )=====]


                              HD INSTALLERS

                                MONTH TOP
                               ALL TIME TOP
                             ALLROUND  SCORES

 I am always looking for more aksi's... so if ya can do some
 leave mail on these boards to RaJ!:

             (Canada): The Underworld

             (Europe): World Of Elite

          (U.S. of A): Zion's Hideout

                      [=====( K-RAD & ELITE #6 )=====]

                        [=====( November'95 )=====]

  Well hellos again to you all... !

	Well hey everybody, sorry for the delay yet AGAIN!! but well
 my peecee went POOF! for the last 2 months hehe... so Sept/Oct's
 records are lost to me, and will never be in the charts... sorry

	Now, go read the new issue, hope u all like it, bibibi....

                                                        - RaJ!/PSG


                            [===( RULEZ! )===]

                                GAME RULES
                                UTIL RULES
                              TRAINER RULES
                            HD INSTALLER RULES
                               CRACKS RULES
                                DOCS RULES
                              PREVIEWS RULES
                               CHEATS RULES
                               UPDATE RULES

  [==( GAMES )==]

   1) If more than one group releases the same game at the same time,
      then, the group which cracked thiers will count.
   2) If more then one group STILL has released this same game,
      then no one gets credit for the release.
      (this chart will not take sides in "we released it first" fights)
   3) If AGA version of a game is released, subsequent ECS version
      counts as a seperate release, and vice versa.

     0 - If a release is a dupe/fake

     2 - If a release is:
         1) HD-version of a game
         2) One-Disked version of a game
         3) Un-cracked game (group releases, but doesn't crack it)
         4) Quality registered pd/shareware games

     3 - If release is:
         1) CD32 version of a game
         2) Non-English game (no english version yet)
         3) English Final Sales Version (non-englsh version already out)

     5 - If release is a new major english game
         (0-3 - added for quality of the game.)

  [==( UTILITIES )==]

   1) If more than one group releases the same util at the same time,
      then, the group which cracked/reg'd thiers will count.
   2) If more then one group STILL has released this same util,
      then no one gets credit for the release.
   3) Non-english utils are accepted if english is not yet available.

     0 - If fake / dupe release

     1 - for uncracked / non-english utils

     2 - for regular cracked/registered english util,
         or crackpatches for utils.

     3 - for major cracked english util

  [==( TRAINERS )==]

   1) 1 trainer per group per game will qualify

   2) 1st trainer released by group for game will qualify, subsequent
      releases of trainers by same group for same game will not qualify

     0 - If Trainer doesn't work

     1 - If trainer works

     ** 1 point extra given for every 5 options on trainer **

  [==( HD INSTALLERS )==]

     0 - If installer doesn't work, or game already had installer on it
         when it was released

     1 - If installer does work

  [==( CRACKS )==]

   1) Alot of groups refuse to crack what they release, in order to
      beat thier competition, and other groups usually crack these
      *originals* for them, so this section was added, maybe some people
      will now think twice:))

     0 - If crack doesn't work, or if game is already cracked

     1 - If crack works and is needed

  [==( DOCS )==]

   1) yes alot of games never get docs even months later. why don't the
      groups who release the game , release the docs as well?? they have
      the original box and all ?? even tho' for some games the docs are
      not needed i still like reading the storyline hehe

     0 - If docs are already out or game is very very old (too late)

     1 - for full docs in english language

  [==( CHEATS )==]

   1) Must be in english language

     0 - If these helpful hints are false or non-english

     1 - If these are correct

  [==( PREVIEWS )==]

   1) Must be in the english language

     0 - If it is fake/dupe/non-english

     1 - If it is english or non-english (but playable)

  [==( ADD-ONS/UPDATES )==]

   1) Must be for english games.

     0 - If it is fake or not for english game.

     1 - If it works and is for an english game.


 K&E Online Guide and Manual:

 Group:                   Short:
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ AAA-AAA*.AAA  | BBBBBBBBBBB                   |          |              ]
[               | *CCC/DDDDDDDDDD*              |   X/X    |      Y       ]
[               | (EEEE)                        |          |              ]
[               | [FFFFFFFFFFF]                 |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: Z  )----]

 Group: = Name of the group who released this ware.

 Short: = The short abbreviation (usually 3 characters) for the name of the
          cracking/training group.

 A = Filename of the release

 B = Name of the release

 C = Wether the release is AGA or ECS or CD32 or a combination of these.

 D = Here is where it is indicated as to wether or not a release is registerd
     shareware/pd or if it is non-english or wether it is the english final
     sales version or a beta version or a hd version of a game.

 E = Genre of the game (Adventure/RPG/Sports/Arcade Shooter/Fighting)

 F = Name of the makers of the game (the ones we steal money from).

 X = Number of disks in the release.
     --- For the TRAINERS section, this part of the layout is used to
         show the number of options or [+]'s for that particular trainer.

 Y = Number of points awarded to the release (see rules section).

 Z = Points awarded to that particular group in that particular section for
     that particular month.


  ARCADE SHOOTEM'UP (1942 type games)

  WARGAME (V For Victory/Panzer General/Perfect General type games)

  ADVENTURE (King's Quest/Leisure Suit Larry type of games)

  RPG (AD&D/Final Fantasy type of games)

  SPORTS (Football/Soccer/Hockey/Tennis/Baseball/Cricket/Rugby type games)

  SIMULATION (Racing/Driving/Flying/Sailing type games)

  STRATEGY (Almost all games made by KOEI heh)

  ARCADE FIGHTING (Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter type of games)


  ACTION (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Double Dragon type of games)

  PUZZLE (Tetris and the sort, mindbending games i refuse to play! heh)



                    ____________._____ _____.___________.____________
        .___________\______     |     |     |     .     |     ______/
        |     .     |     |     |           |     ______|______     |
        |______     |     |     |    \_/    |     |     |     |     |
        |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
        |     |     |___________|_____|     |___________|___________|
        |___________|wKd              |_____|

		3. TRSI				4. HOODLUM
		5. MOTION				6. DRACS
		9. QUARTEX			     10. DECISION
	     11. EDGE			     12. RAVE NATION
	     13. CORRUPT			     14. THE DATA DIVISION


 Group: HELLFIRE          Short: HF
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ HF-DM2*.DMS   | Dungeon Master II             |          |              ]
[               | (RPG)                         |   6/6    | 5+2= 7       ]
[               | *AGA*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Interplay]                   |          |              ]
[ HF-PETA*.DMS  | Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Pinball |              ]
[               | (Pinball)                     |   2/2    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *AGA*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Alternative]                 |          |              ]
[ HF-SOOTY.DMS  | Sooty Paint                   |          |              ]
[               | (Kiddie Game)                 |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | *All Machines*                |          |              ]
[               | [Alternative]                 |          |              ]
[ HF-TRON*.DMS  | Tron                          |          |              ]
[               | (Hack'n'Slash)                |   2/2    |      3       ]
[               | *AGA/ECS/POLISH*              |          |              ]
[               | [Domain Software]             |          |              ]
[ HF-WTS.DMS    | World Team Speedway Championship         |              ]
[ HF-WTS.NFO    | (Racing managemnet)           |   1/1    | 5+0= 5       ]
[               | [E.T. Software]               |          |              ]
[ HF-HSL*.DMS   | Hillsea Lido                  |          |              ]
[ HF-HSL.NFO    | (Seaside Management Sim)      |   2/2    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *ECS/AGA*                     |          |              ]
[               | [Vulcan Software]             |          |              ]
[ HF-PENA*.DMS  | Penguins                      |          |              ]
[ HF-PENA.NFO   | (Platformer)                  |   3/3    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *AGA*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Software Underground]        |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 36 )----]

 Group: PRODIGY           Short: PDY
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ PDY-BANG.DMS  | Bangboo                       |          |              ]
[               | [Millennium]                  |   1/1    | 5+1= 6       ]
[ PDY-STC.DMS   | Super Tennis Champs           |          |              ]
[ PDY-STC.NFO   | (Sports:Tennis)               |   1/1    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | [Audiogenic]                  |          |              ]
[ PDY-WSA*.DMS  | Wheelspin                     |          |              ]
[ PDY-WS.NFO    | (Simulation:Racing)           |   6/6    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *AGA*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Black Legend]                |          |              ]
[ PDY-WPE*.DMS  | Wheelspin                     |          |              ]
[               | (Simulation:Racing)           |   5/5    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *ECS*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Black Legend]                |          |              ]
[ PDY-CIT*.DMS  | The Citadel                   |          |              ]
[ PDY-CIHD.LHA  | *ECS*                         |   5/5    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | [Black Legend]                |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 30 )----]

[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ TRSI-RA*.DMS  | Der Reeder                    |          |              ]
[         .NFO  | *AGA/GERMAN*                  |   7/7    |      3       ]
[               | [Software 2000]               |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 3  )----]

 Group: HOODLUM           Short: HLM
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ HLM_EXI*.DMS  | Exile                         |          |              ]
[               | *AGA*                         |   2/2    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | [Audiogenic]                  |          |              ]
[ HLM_TET*.DMS  | Tetrys 95                     |          |              ]
[               | (Puzzle)                      |   2/2    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *AGA*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Crayon X]                    |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 12 )----]

 Group: MOTION            Short: M!
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ M!NAP.DMS     | Napoleon the 1st              |          |              ]
[      .NFO     | (Startegy)                    |   1/1    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *ECS*                         |          |              ]
[               | [RAW Entertainment]           |          |              ]
[ M!RW.DMS      | Rise Of The West              |          |              ]
[     .NFO      | (Strategy)                    |   1/1    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *ECS*                         |          |              ]
[               | [RAW Entertainment]           |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 12 )----]

 Group: DRACS             Short: DR
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ DR-EX1.DMS    | Exile                         |          |              ]
[               | *AGA/1 DISKED VERSION*        |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | [Audiogenic]                  |          |              ]
[ DR-T95.DMS    | Tetrys '95                    |          |              ]
[               | *AGA/1 DISKED VERSION*        |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | [Crayon X]                    |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 4  )----]

 Group: FAIRLIGHT         Short: FLT
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ FLT_WMS*.DMS  | Worms                         |          |              ]
[               | (???)                         |   3/3    | 5+3= 8       ]
[               | *ECS/AGA*                     |          |              ]
[               | [Team 17]                     |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 8  )----]

 Group: PROGRESS          Short: PGS
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ PGS-BM.DMS    | Brainman                      |   1/1    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | [Megarts]                     |          |              ]
[ PGS-MAH.DMS   | Megarts Hockey                |          |              ]
[               | (Sports:Hockey)               |   1/1    | 5+1= 6       ]
[               | *AGA/ECS*                     |          |              ]
[               | [Megarts]                     |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 12 )----]

 Group: QUARTEX           Short: none / nada / zilch / zippo
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ SSF2T-**.DMS  | Super Street Fighter II Turbo |          |              ]
[ SSF2T.NFO     | (Fighting)                    |  11/11   | 5+3= 8       ]
[               | *AGA*                         |          |              ]
[               | [Gametek]                     |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 8  )----]

 Group: DECISION          Short: DCN
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ DCN-WCS.LHA   | Wild Cup Soccer               |          |              ]
[               | (Sports:Soccer)               |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | *CD32*                        |          |              ]
[               | [Millenium software]          |          |              ]
[ DCN-ABCD.LHA  | Alien Breed 3D                |          |              ]
[               | (Action)                      |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | *CD32*                        |          |              ]
[               | [Team 17]                     |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 6  )----]

 Group: EDGE              Short: EDG
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ EDG-MB4*.DMS  | Megaball v4.0                 |          |              ]
[               | *AGA/ECS*                     |   2/2    |      2       ]
[               | [IAM Software]                |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]

 Group: RAVE NATION       Short: RN
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ RN-MB3*.DMS   | Megaball v3.3                 |          |              ]
[               | *AGA/ECS*                     |   2/2    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]

 Group: CORRUPT           Short: COR
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ COR-CBF*.DMS  | Cyber Force                   |          |              ]
[ COR-CBF.NFO   | (Adventure)                   |   3/3    |      3       ]
[               | *ECS/AGA/POLISH*              |          |              ]
[               | [Mirage Software]             |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 3  )----]

 Group: THE DATA DIVISION     Short: DAT
[--( Filename )---( Game )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ DAT-WWNR.DMS  | Willy's Wierd Nightmare       |          |              ]
[ DAT-WWNR.NFO  | (Platformer)                  |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ DAT-EP9*.DMS  | Epsilon 9                     |          |              ]
[ DAT-EP9.NFO   | (Adventure)                   |   2/2    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ DAT-BD6*.DMS  | Black Dawn 6                  |          |              ]
[ DAT-BD6.NFO   | (Action)                      |   2/2    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 6  )----]


                     .______.              ._______.
       .______ ______|      |____   _______|       |________________
       |      |      |      ____/  (_______)       |       ________/
       |      |      |      |______._______|       |________       |
       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
       |_____________|_____________|       |       |_______________|

		1. CRUX!				2. EDGE
		5. RENEGADE				6. Famous'o'Hack
		7. HELLFIRE				8. TRSI
	     10. FLOOD			     11. ORB


 Group: CRUX!             Short: CRX
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ CRX-PC2A.LHA  | Phone-Call                    |          |              ]
[               | v2.1a                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *REGISTERED* [Needs MUI]      |          |              ]
[ CRX-MF12.LHA  | MFTP                          |          |              ]
[               | v1.27                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-SA23.LHA  | S-Address                     |          |              ]
[               | v2.3                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-JV12.LHA  | Jiv                           |          |              ]
[               | v1.27                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-VA12.LHA  | Video Archive                 |          |              ]
[               | v1.2                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-VT42.LHA  | VTrainer                      |          |              ]
[               | v4.2                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registerd*                   |          |              ]
[ CRX-TH22.LHA  | Thor Offline Reader           |          |              ]
[               | v2.2                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-ZP31.LHA  | Z-Point                       |          |              ]
[               | v3.11                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-BB14.LHA  | Blitz Bank                    |          |              ]
[               | v1.4                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-EC12.LHA  | Ex-Calculator                 |          |              ]
[               | v1.2                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-AD09.LHA  | Ansi Draw                     |          |              ]
[               | v0.97                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-RS10.LHA  | Ray Storm                     |          |              ]
[               | v1.0                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-ZF10.LHA  | ZFile-Requestor               |          |              ]
[               | v1.0                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-MF13.LHA  | MFTP                          |          |              ]
[               | v1.31                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-CA13.LHA  | Cataloger                     |          |              ]
[               | v1.3e                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-GC13.LHA  | Gui Creator                   |          |              ]
[               | v1.3                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-DA15.LHA  | Darc                          |          |              ]
[               | v1.5                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-CF21.LHA  | Colour Font Master            |          |              ]
[               | v2.1                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-SE14.LHA  | Sample Editor                 |          |              ]
[               | v1.4                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-MS18.LHA  | Menu-Designer                 |          |              ]
[               | v1.8                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-CI11.LHA  | Cruncher Interface            |          |              ]
[               | v1.1                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-QF31.LHA  | Quick File                    |          |              ]
[               | v3.17.1                       |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-AT20.LHA  | Amiga Vokabel Trainer         |          |              ]
[               | v2.0                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-BB12.LHA  | Banca Base                    |          |              ]
[               | v1.2d/ITALIAN                 |   1/1    |      1       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ CRX-WRK4.LZX  | Claris Works                  |          |              ]
[               | v4.0                          |   1/1    |      1       ]
[               | *GERMAN*                      |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 48 )----]

 Group: EDGE            Short: EDG
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ EDG-CT*.DMS   | Control Tower                 |          |              ]
[               | v1.0                          |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | [Merlin's Software]           |          |              ]
[ EDG-MUI3.DMS  | Magic User Interface (MUI)    |          |              ]
[               | v3.0                          |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | *cracked*                     |          |              ]
[ EDG-VSP*.DMS  | Video Stage Pro PLUS!         |   4/4    |              ]
[ EDG-VSP.NFO   | [OXXI Inc.]                   |          |      3       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 9  )----]

 Group: THE CHASE         Short: TCE
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ TCE-SV51.LHA  | Super View                    |          |              ]
[               | v5.1                          |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | *cracked*                     |          |              ]
[ TCE-CT07.LHA  | Cybertracker                  |          |              ]
[               | v0.70                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *cracked*                     |          |              ]
[ TCE-TT2P.LHA  | TechnoSoundTurbo II Professional         |              ]
[               | v1.1                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *cracked*                     |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 7  )----]

 Group: INSANE            Short: INS
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ INSDD116.LHA  | Daydream BBS                  |          |              ]
[               | v1.16                         |   1/1    |      3       ]
[               | *cracked*                     |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 3  )----]

 Group: RENEGADE          Short: RNG
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ RNG-PSE*.DMS  | = Pagestream [Extra Files]    |   2/2    |              ]
[ RNG-PSEI.LHA  | = Installer                   |   1/1    |      2       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]

 Group: FAMOUS'O'HACK     Short: none
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ MC4D30U*.DMS  | Maxon Cinema 4D Proffessional |          |              ]
[               | v3.0/Update                   |   2/2    |      3       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 3  )----]

 Group: HELLFIRE          Short: HF
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ HF-MBC*.DMS   | Main Actor Broadcast          |          |              ]
[               | [Village Tronic]              |   2/2    |      3       ]
[ HF-ABS22.LHA  | Amiga Base                    |          |              ]
[               | v2.2                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *mainfile cracked*            |          |              ]
[ HF-XF800.LHA  | X-Fig                         |          |              ]
[               | v1.8                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *cracked mainfile*            |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 7  )----]

[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ TRSIVW57.LHA  | Virus Workshop                |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | v5.7                          |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]

[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ SRH-IBRS.LHA  | IBrowse                       |          |              ]
[ SRH-IBRS.NFO  | v0.40Alpha                    |   1/1    |      2       ]
[ SRH-S!X.LHA   | Sigma Express                 |          |              ]
[               | v0.39s9                       |   1/1    |      2       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 4  )----]

 Group: FLOOD             Short: FLD
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ FLD_ABAC.LHA  | ABackup                       |          |              ]
[               | v5.02                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *requesters removed*          |          |              ]
[ FLD-I4_*.DMS  | Imagine 4.0                   |   4/4    |      3       ]
[ FLD-XI21.LHA  | XI Paint Module               |          |              ]
[ FLD-XI21.NFO  | v2.1                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ FLD-HF47.LHA  | Image FX Modules              |          |              ]
[ FLD-HF47.NFO  | v4.7                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ FLD-GO33.LHA  | Gio Module                    |          |              ]
[ FLD-GO33.NFO  | V3.3                          |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 11 )----]

 Group: ORB               Short: ORB!
[--( Filename )---( Util )-----------------------( Disks )---( Pnts. )----]
[ ORB!CM15.DMS  | CrossMac                      |          |              ]
[               | v1.05                         |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[ ORB!CD63.DMS  | CrossDos                      |          |              ]
[               | v6.03 Pro                     |   1/1    |      2       ]
[               | *registered*                  |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 4  )----]


|    |___ ._________._________.____._________._________._________.__________
|    ___/ |         \_____    |____)         |    .    |         |    _____/
|    |____|    |____|    |    |____|    |    |    _____|    |____|_____    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|_________|____|    |_________|    |____|    |_________|____| wKd|_________|
                              |____|    |____|



 Group: HELLFIRE             Short: HF
[--( Filename )---( Trainer )---------------( Options )--------( pts. )---]
[ HF-BNTR.LHA   | Brainman [Megarts]       |    +14    | 1 +  2 =  3      ]
[ HF-BMTR.LHA   | Bombmania [Megarts]      |    +18    | 1 +  3 =  4      ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.:  7  )---]

 Group: CHAOS INC.           Short: CSI
[--( Filename )---( Trainer )---------------( Options )--------( pts. )---]
[ CSI-DMTR.LHA  | Dungeon Master II *AGA*  |   +5/8    | 1 +  2 =  3      ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.:  3  )---]


                       ._____.             ._____.
                      _|_____|_____. ._____|_____|_
                      \_______     | |     _______/
                       |     |     | |     |     |
                       |     |     |_|     |     |_
                       |_____|     (_)___________(_)
                        .___.           .___.___.
     ___._______._______|   |___________|   |   |_______._______.________
    (___)       |   ____/   ___/\____   |   |   |   .   |       |   ____/
     ___|   |   |____   |   |___|   |   |   |   |   ____|   |___|____   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |___|   |_______|_______|_______|   |   |_______|___|wKd|_______|
    |___|   |___|                       |___|___|


 Group:                        Short: 
[--( Filename )---( Installer )-------------------------------( pts. )----]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.:    )----]


       ._________._________._________._________|    |____.__________
       |         |         \_____    |         |    |    |    _____/
       |    |----|    |____|    |    |    |----|       --|_____    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |_________|____| wKd|_________|_________|____|    |_________|


 Group:                    Short:
[--( Filename )---( Crack )-----------------------------------( pts. )----]
[--------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.:     )----]


         |      ________/            |             |      _______/
         |      |      |      |      |      |------|_______      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |



 Group: HELLFIRE          Short: HF
[--( Filename )---( Docs )------------------------------------( pts. )----]
[ HF-TEPA.DOC   | Thomas The Tank engine & Friends           |    1       ]
[ HF-SOOTY.DOC  | Sooty Paint                                |    1       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]


       \_____   |_______._______.___ ___.___._______.___ ___.________
        |   |   |       |   .   |   |   |___)   .   |   |   |   ____/
        |   |___|   |___|   ____|   |   |___|   ____|   |   |____   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  / \  |   |   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |   |   |
        |___|wKd|___|   |_______|_______|___|_______|___|___|_______|

		3. SRH				4. CHAOS INC.


 Group: RAVE NATION          Short: RN
[--( Filename )---( Preview )---------------------( Disks )---( pts. )----]
[ RN-STAR.DMS   | Star Crusader                  |   1/1    |     1       ]
[ RN-STAR.NFO   | *AGA*                          |          |             ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 1  )----]

 Group: MOTION               Short: M!
[--( Filename )---( Preview )---------------------( Disks )---( pts. )----]
[ M!AIR2DE.DMS  | AirBus II                      |   1/1    |     1       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 1  )----]

 Group: Software Runners From Hell     Short: SRH
[--( Filename )---( Preview )---------------------( Disks )---( pts. )----]
[ MPBOX.DMS     | Magic Paintbox Playable Preview|   1/1    |     1       ]
[               | [ECS/AGA] [F1 GoldSoftware]    |          |             ]
[ SRH-FLM*.LHA  | For The Love Of Money          |   3/3    |     1       ]
[               | [AGA/CD32] [Cobra Development] |          |             ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]

 Group: Chaos Inc.           Short: CSI
[--( Filename )---( Preview )---------------------( Disks )---( pts. )----]
[ CSI-NEMA*.DMS | NEMAC IV                       |          |             ]
[ CSI-NEMA.NFO  | [ZENTEK] *ECS/AGA* (Doom Clone)|   4/4    |     1       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 1  )----]


                 .____.                        .____.
       ._________|____|____._________._________|    |___ .__________
       |        \______    |    .    \_____    |    ___/ |    _____/
       |    |----|    |    |    _____|    |    |    |____|_____    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |_________|____|    |_________|_________|_________|_________|

		1. DRACS


 Group:                    Short:
[--( Filename )---( Cheat )-----------------------------------( pts. )----]
[ DR-BOO.LHA    | Bangboo All Passwords                  1/1 |    1       ]
[ DR-DM2.LHA    | Dungeon Master II Savegame cheat       1/1 |    1       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 2  )----]


            ___________.    .____.         .____.
   .____ ___\______    |____|____|_________|    |___ ._________.__________
   |    |    |    |    |    _____\_____    |    ___/ |    .    |    _____/
   |    |    |    |____|    |    |    |    |    |____|    _____|_____    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   |_________|____| wKd|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|



 Group: HELLFIRE                   Short: HF
[--( Filename )---( Add-on/Update )---------------------------( pts. )----]
[ HF-FM96.DMS   | Fantasy Manager '96           |          |              ]
[               | (Soccer Manager)              |   1/1    |      1       ]
[               | [Anco]                        |          |              ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 1  )----]

 Group: PROGRESS                   Short: PGS
[--( Filename )---( Add-on/Update )---------------------------( pts. )----]
[ PGS-RT0*.DMS  | Ran Trainer (v1.07 updated&bugfixed)       |            ]
[               | *aga/ecs/German*                  [5/5]    |    1       ]
[---------------------------------------------------( Total Pts.: 1  )----]


|   |__ ._______._______. ._______________._______._______._______.________
|   __/ |       \____   | |   ____/       |       |       |   .   |   ____/
|   |___|   |   |   |___| |____   |   |___|   |   |   |___|   ____|____   |
|   |   |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|_______|_______|___|wKd  |_______|_______|_______|___|   |_______|_______|

                    - * -   T H i S   i S S U E   - * -

                              HD INSTALLERS


                    ____________._____ _____.___________.____________
        .___________\______     |     |     |     .     |     ______/
        |     .     |     |     |           |     ______|______     |
        |______     |     |     |    \_/    |     |     |     |     |
        |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
        |     |     |___________|_____|     |___________|___________|
        |___________|wKd              |_____|

           [------------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's)---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE           |   36    |      7       ]
           [ 2.  | PRODIGY            |   30    |      5       ]
           [ 3.  | MOTION             |   12    |      2       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PROGRESS           |   12    |      2       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | HOODLUM            |   12    |      2       ]
           [ 4.  | FAIRLIGHT          |    8    |      1       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | QUARTEX            |    8    |      1       ]
           [ 5.  | DECISION           |    6    |      2       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE DATA DIVISION  |    6    |      3       ]
           [ 6.  | DRACS              |    4    |      2       ]
           [ 7.  | TRSI               |    3    |      1       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CORRUPT            |    3    |      1       ]
           [ 8.  | EDGE               |    2    |      1       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RAVE NATION        |    2    |      1       ]

                     .______.              ._______.
       .______ ______|      |____   _______|       |________________
       |      |      |      ____/  (_______)       |       ________/
       |      |      |      |______._______|       |________       |
       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
       |_____________|_____________|       |       |_______________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | CRUX!             |   48    |     25        ]
           [ 2.  | FLOOD             |   11    |      5        ]
           [ 3.  | EDGE              |    9    |      3        ]
           [ 4.  | THE CHASE         |    7    |      3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | HELLFIRE          |    7    |      3        ]
           [ 5.  | SRH               |    4    |      2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ORB               |    4    |      2        ]
           [ 6.  | INSANE            |    3    |      1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | FAMOUS'O'HACK     |    3    |      1        ]
           [ 7.  | RENEGADE          |    2    |      1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | TRSI              |    2    |      1        ]

|    |___ ._________._________.____._________._________._________.__________
|    ___/ |         \_____    |____)         |    .    |         |    _____/
|    |____|    |____|    |    |____|    |    |    _____|    |____|_____    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|_________|____|    |_________|    |____|    |_________|____| wKd|_________|
                              |____|    |____|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |    7    |      2        ]
           [ 2.  | CHAOS INC.        |    3    |      1        ]

                       ._____.             ._____.
                      _|_____|_____. ._____|_____|_
                      \_______     | |     _______/
                       |     |     | |     |     |
                       |     |     |_|     |     |_
                       |_____|     (_)___________(_)
                        .___.           .___.___.
     ___._______._______|   |___________|   |   |_______._______.________
    (___)       |   ____/   ___/\____   |   |   |   .   |       |   ____/
     ___|   |   |____   |   |___|   |   |   |   |   ____|   |___|____   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |___|   |_______|_______|_______|   |   |_______|___|wKd|_______|
    |___|   |___|                       |___|___|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]

       ._________._________._________._________|    |____.__________
       |         |         \_____    |         |    |    |    _____/
       |    |----|    |____|    |    |    |----|       --|_____    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |_________|____| wKd|_________|_________|____|    |_________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]

         |      ________/            |             |      _______/
         |      |      |      |      |      |------|_______      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |    2    |      2        ]

       \_____   |_______._______.___ ___.___._______.___ ___.________
        |   |   |       |   .   |   |   |___)   .   |   |   |   ____/
        |   |___|   |___|   ____|   |   |___|   ____|   |   |____   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  / \  |   |   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |   |   |
        |___|wKd|___|   |_______|_______|___|_______|___|___|_______|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | SRH               |    2    |      2        ]
           [ 2.  | RAVE NATION       |    1    |      1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CHAOS INC.        |    1    |      1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MOTION            |    1    |      1        ]

                 .____.                        .____.
       ._________|____|____._________._________|    |___ .__________
       |        \______    |    .    \_____    |    ___/ |    _____/
       |    |----|    |    |    _____|    |    |    |____|_____    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |_________|____|    |_________|_________|_________|_________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | DRACS             |    2    |      2        ]

            ___________.    .____.         .____.
   .____ ___\______    |____|____|_________|    |___ ._________.__________
   |    |    |    |    |    _____\_____    |    ___/ |    .    |    _____/
   |    |    |    |____|    |    |    |    |    |____|    _____|_____    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   |_________|____| wKd|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |    1    |      1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PROGRESS          |    1    |      1        ]


                      - * -   a L L   T i M e   - * -

        |       |   .   |       |       |       |   _____/  ____/
        |   |___|   ____|   |___|   |   |   |___|   |   |____   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
        |___|wKd|_______|_______|_______|___|   |_______|_______|

                              HD INSTALLERS


                    ____________._____ _____.___________.____________
        .___________\______     |     |     |     .     |     ______/
        |     .     |     |     |           |     ______|______     |
        |______     |     |     |    \_/    |     |     |     |     |
        |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
        |     |     |___________|_____|     |___________|___________|
        |___________|wKd              |_____|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |  125     |     26       ]
           [ 2.  | PRODIGY           |   71     |     14       ]
           [ 3.  | PRESTIGE          |   64     |     13       ]
           [ 4.  | HOODLUM           |   49     |     9        ]
           [ 5.  | QUARTEX           |   41     |     8        ]
           [ 6.  | RENEGADE          |   23     |     5        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ZENITH            |   23     |     9        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DRACS             |   23     |     13       ]
           [ 7.  | TRSI              |   20     |     6        ]
           [ 8.  | FAIRLIGHT         |   15     |     2        ]
           [ 9.  | PROGRESS          |   13     |     3        ]
           [ 10. | THE DATA DIVISION |   12     |     5        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PARADOX           |   12     |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MOTION            |   12     |     2        ]
           [ 11. | SCOOPEX           |   10     |     6        ]
           [ 12. | THE LOONS         |    6     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DECISION          |    6     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ROYAL             |    6     |     2        ]
           [ 13. | DELIGHT           |    5     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SUPERIORS         |    5     |     2        ]
           [ 14. | APOLLO/pdx        |    4     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | GLOBAL OVERDOSE   |    4     |     2        ]
           [ 15. | EMBRYO            |    3     |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PASSWORDS         |    3     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ANTHROX           |    3     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MYSTIC            |    3     |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CORRUPT           |    3     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | NEUTRON           |    3     |     1        ]
           [ 16. | CURSED            |    2     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CRUX!             |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | EDGE              |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SHOOT             |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | Hot Tuna/indy     |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RAVE NATION       |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MANIACS           |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | TRACKERS          |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | FIX LTD.          |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RESTLESS          |    2     |     1        ]
           [ 17. | ACCESS            |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DEATHKNIGHT/psg   |    1     |     1        ]

                     .______.              ._______.
       .______ ______|      |____   _______|       |________________
       |      |      |      ____/  (_______)       |       ________/
       |      |      |      |______._______|       |________       |
       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
       |_____________|_____________|       |       |_______________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | CRUX!             |  116     |     59       ]
           [ 2.  | FAMOUS'O'HACK     |   41     |     19       ]
           [ 3.  | EDGE              |   37     |     14       ]
           [ 4.  | HELLFIRE          |   23     |     10       ]
           [ 5.  | INVASION          |   18     |     8        ]
           [ 6.  | FLOOD             |   11     |     5        ]
           [ 7.  | ORB               |    8     |     4        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | TRSI              |    8     |     4        ]
           [ 8.  | THE CHASE         |    7     |     3        ]
           [ 9.  | ROYAL             |    6     |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RENEGADE          |    6     |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DECISION          |    6     |     3        ]
           [ 10. | INSANE            |    5     |     2        ]
           [ 11. | SRH               |    4     |     2        ]
           [ 12. | DEVIOUS DEZIGNS   |    3     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | INTENSITY         |    3     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | KINGDOM           |    3     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MOTION            |    3     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | EQUINOX           |    3     |     1        ]
           [ 13. | REKTUM            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DIVINE            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LEGEND            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LSD               |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | OSIRIS            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ORIGIN            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SHOOT             |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MAXIMUM           |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SUPREME           |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | TRADERS DREAM     |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE WARNER BROS.  |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE DATA DIVISION |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SCOOPEX           |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DECITE            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SPHERE            |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE LOW LIFES     |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | BAD BROTHERS      |    2     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | /\utopsy/HLM      |    2     |     1        ]
           [ 14. | PROGRESS          |    1     |     1        ]

|    |___ ._________._________.____._________._________._________.__________
|    ___/ |         \_____    |____)         |    .    |         |    _____/
|    |____|    |____|    |    |____|    |    |    _____|    |____|_____    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|_________|____|    |_________|    |____|    |_________|____| wKd|_________|
                              |____|    |____|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | PRODIGY           |  45      |    13        ]
           [ 2.  | HELLFIRE          |  35      |     7        ]
           [ 3.  | SUNFLEX iNC.      |  21      |     4        ]
           [ 4.  | HOODLUM           |  18      |     6        ]
           [ 5.  | INSANE            |  13      |     8        ]
           [ 6.  | HOTLINE           |   9      |     3        ]
           [ 7.  | ACCESS            |   5      |     4        ]
           [ 8.  | CHAOS INC.        |   3      |     1        ]
           [ 9.  | DELIGHT           |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | TRSI		       |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ANTHROX           |   2      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LORD & PERFECTION |   2      |     2        ]
           [ 10. | INVADERS          |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ETHIC	       |   1      |     1        ]

                       ._____.             ._____.
                      _|_____|_____. ._____|_____|_
                      \_______     | |     _______/
                       |     |     | |     |     |
                       |     |     |_|     |     |_
                       |_____|     (_)___________(_)
                        .___.           .___.___.
     ___._______._______|   |___________|   |   |_______._______.________
    (___)       |   ____/   ___/\____   |   |   |   .   |       |   ____/
     ___|   |   |____   |   |___|   |   |   |   |   ____|   |___|____   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |___|   |_______|_______|_______|   |   |_______|___|wKd|_______|
    |___|   |___|                       |___|___|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | DRACS             |    3     |     3        ]
           [ 2.  | ACCESS            |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ZENITH            |    1     |     1        ]

       ._________._________._________._________|    |____.__________
       |         |         \_____    |         |    |    |    _____/
       |    |----|    |____|    |    |    |----|       --|_____    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |_________|____| wKd|_________|_________|____|    |_________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1. | SUNFLEX iNC.       |    1     |     1        ]
           [    |----------------------------------------------]
           [    | Chronos/hlm        |    1     |     1        ]
           [    |----------------------------------------------]
           [    | ADVANCED CHEMSITRY |    1     |     1        ]
           [    |----------------------------------------------]
           [    | ACCESS             |    1     |     1        ]

         |      ________/            |             |      _______/
         |      |      |      |      |      |------|_______      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |    9     |     9        ]
           [ 2.  | NUT & BOLT        |    6     |     6        ]
           [ 3.  | DIVINE            |    2     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | QUARTEX	       |    2     |     2        ]
           [ 4.  | SCOOPEX           |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RENEGADE          |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE DATA DIVISION |    1     |     1        ]

       \_____   |_______._______.___ ___.___._______.___ ___.________
        |   |   |       |   .   |   |   |___)   .   |   |   |   ____/
        |   |___|   |___|   ____|   |   |___|   ____|   |   |____   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  / \  |   |   |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |   |   |
        |___|wKd|___|   |_______|_______|___|_______|___|___|_______|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |   14     |    14        ]
           [ 2.  | DRACS             |    3     |     3        ]
           [ 3.  | ORB               |    2     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MOTION            |    2     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SRH               |    2     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | Cheetah [indy]    |    2     |     2        ]
           [ 4.  | SCOOPEX           |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LEGEND	       |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CHAOS INC.        |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | QUASAR            |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SUPPLEX           |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RENEGADE          |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SHOOT             |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RAVE NATION       |    1     |     1        ]

                 .____.                        .____.
       ._________|____|____._________._________|    |___ .__________
       |        \______    |    .    \_____    |    ___/ |    _____/
       |    |----|    |    |    _____|    |    |    |____|_____    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
       |_________|____|    |_________|_________|_________|_________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  |  DRACS            |   10     |    10        ]
           [ 2.  |  n-JOY	       |    2     |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     |  SCOOPEX          |    2     |     2        ]
           [ 3.  |  INSANE	       |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     |  NEON             |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     |  OUTLAWS          |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     |  THE WARNER BROS. |    1     |     1        ]

            ___________.    .____.         .____.
   .____ ___\______    |____|____|_________|    |___ ._________.__________
   |    |    |    |    |    _____\_____    |    ___/ |    .    |    _____/
   |    |    |    |____|    |    |    |    |    |____|    _____|_____    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   |_________|____| wKd|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|

           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          |    4     |     4        ]
           [ 2.  | EDGE              |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MOTION!           |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PROGRESS          |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | OUTLAWS           |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | QUARTEX           |    1     |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SCOOPEX           |    1     |     1        ]



           [-----------( Group )------( Pts. )---( # Rel's )---]
           [ 1.  | HELLFIRE          | 206      |     70       ]
           [ 2.  | CRUX!             | 116      |     59       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PRODIGY           | 116      |     27       ]
           [ 3.  | HOODLUM           |  67      |     15       ]
           [ 4.  | PRESTIGE          |  64      |     13       ]
           [ 5.  | QUARTEX           |  44      |     11       ]
           [ 6.  | FAMOUS'O'HACK     |  41      |     19       ]
           [ 7.  | EDGE              |  40      |     16       ]
           [ 8.  | DRACS             |  39      |     29       ]
           [ 9.  | RENEGADE          |  33      |     11       ]
           [ 10. | TRSI              |  30      |     11       ]
           [ 11. | ZENITH            |  24      |     10       ]
           [ 12. | SUNFLEX iNC.      |  22      |     5        ]
           [ 13. | INSANE            |  19      |     11       ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SCOOPEX           |  19      |     11       ]
           [ 14. | INVASION          |  18      |     8        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MOTION            |  18      |     7        ]
           [ 15. | PROGRESS          |  15      |     5        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | FAIRLIGHT         |  15      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE DATA DIVISION |  15      |     7        ]
           [ 16. | DECISION          |  12      |     5        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PARADOX           |  12      |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ROYAL             |  12      |     5        ]
           [ 17. | FLOOD             |  11      |     5        ]
           [ 18. | ORB               |  10      |     6        ]
           [ 19. | HOTLINE           |   9      |     3        ]
           [ 20. | ACCESS            |   8      |     7        ]
           [ 21. | DELIGHT           |   7      |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE CHASE         |   7      |     3        ]
           [ 22. | NUT & BOLT        |   6      |     6        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE LOONS         |   6      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SRH               |   6      |     4        ]
           [ 23. | ANTHROX           |   5      |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SHOOT             |   5      |     3        ]
           [ 24. | APOLLO/pdx        |   4      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CHAOS INC.        |   4      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DIVINE            |   4      |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | GLOBAL OVERDOSE   |   4      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SUPREME           |   4      |     2        ]
           [ 25. | CORRUPT           |   3      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DEVIOUS DEZIGNS   |   3      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | EQUINOX           |   3      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | EMBRYO            |   3      |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | INTENSITY         |   3      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | KINGDOM           |   3      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LEGEND            |   3      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MYSTIC            |   3      |     3        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | NEUTRON           |   3      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | PASSWORDS         |   3      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RAVE NATION       |   3      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SUPERIORS         |   3      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE WARNER BROS.  |   3      |     2        ]
           [ 26. | /\utopsy/hlm      |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | BAD BROTHERS      |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CURSED            |   2      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CHEETAH/indy      |   2      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | FIX LTD.	       |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | HOT TUNA/indy     |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LORD & PERFECTION |   2      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | LSD               |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MAXIMUM           |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | MANIACS           |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | n-JOY             |   2      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ORIGIN            |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | OSIRIS            |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | OUTLAWS           |   2      |     2        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | RESTLESS	       |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SPHERE            |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
	     [     | TRADERS DREAM     |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | THE LOW LIFES     |   2      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | TRACKERS          |   2      |     1        ]
           [ 27. | ADVANCED CHEMISTRY|   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | CHRONOS/hlm       |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | DEATHKNIGHT/psg   |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | ETHIC	       |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | INVADERS          |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | NEON              |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | QUASAR            |   1      |     1        ]
           [     |---------------------------------------------]
           [     | SUPPLEX           |   1      |     1        ]


                  ._________._________._________|    |__  .__________
        ._________|         |    .    |    .    |    __/  |    _____/
        |    .    |    |____|    _____|    _____|    |____|_____    |
        |_____    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |____|    |_________|_________|_________|_________|

          Seeya all next month, with my new hamster to feltch!!!

 Some very cuddly and cute greets:

 Pyro: RLD shall return...
 KKid: RLD shall return...
 Deathknight: WOE still kicks ass...
 WiCKED!: weren't u supposed to leave the scene? heh... RLD shall return...
 Night Assassin: RLD shall return...
 Artic Cat!: RLD shall return...
 Stone Angel: RLD shall return...
 Grim Reaper: RLD shall return... why did i say that?...
 Samir: Buttlooker... and greatest leader the scene ever saw... dammit!
 Mok: Best cracker the scene ever saw.... worse, u luv hamsters, eeuw!...
 Snake & Delboy: mf! :)
 Fury: The Swiss Trader
 Zion: Zion's still kicks ass...
 Shane: CRUX! = Total util domination ... 'nuff said...
 Iggy: Shame on the bust m8, that suxx, fuq the telco!...
 Playmate: Yo danish dude, long time no chat man heh...
 Apollo: U R GOD!!! . . .
 /\utopsy: The mag isn't biased! the mag isn't biased! The mag isn't biased! the ma...
 Kingpin: yoyoyoyooyooyooyoyooyoyoyoyoyoooyoyoyoyo :)
 Those i missed: I hate you guys... (really mean that)...

               Greets go out to these awesome budds of mine
                      all over our dear MOTHER EARTH:
  (If U R here, then U R cool, if U wanna be cool, then leave me a messy)

          KKid [MVL], Gandalf [back], NiGHT ASSASSiN [SNK/Cool],
      DEAtHKNiGHt [PSG/Cream], Dark Vader [iNDY], Hell Raiser [iNDY],
  ARTiC CAt [OtT/Edge/SNK/HF!], PRiZM [lSD/MEd], Captain Caveman [iNDY],
   Kaptain Kaos [HlM/tRSi/lSD/TRN], Grim Reaper [HlM], Getto Man [iNDY],
  Pyro [UMf/HF/MVL], Stone Angel [iNDY], Devious Doze [PSG/SNK/otT/Edge],
     Fuzzy Navel [dead], Playmate [ACS], Sophocles [ACS], Cobra [ACS],
  Renegade [ACS], Jake [PSG/Cream], Sal-1 [TRSi/lSD/OGN/GCS/AC!/HF!/SXI],
  Teak [MtH], tHC [MtH], Crew One [MtH], Whirlwind [MtH/RYL], Skylark [lSD],
   Black Beard [MtH/Lensmen], The P/\nther [TRSi/UMF], STRiKER [PSG/TNG]
      Yankee Rose [tRSi], Apollo [PdX], Samir [PSG], Zion [PSG/Cream]
       StyleMaster Dj [PSG], iNtRUDER [OtT/Numbers], Dec/\y [dead],
  Fury [PSG/CREAM/ATX/CRX/MTH], Label [ACS/LSD], Sizzler [RLD], Mok [PSG]
    kINGPIN [ACS/SPB/LSD], WiCKED! [EDGE-PC], Snake & Delboy [PSG/MTH]
      Shade [tRSi/ACS], The Might Thor [Devil], The Netweaver [IBuM]
      Cray-1 [ACS], Rastan [ACS], Don Dog [MSt/OtT], NE/\/\SIS [UMf],
   Abrasax [QtX], Shane [PSG/CRX!], MFM [iVN Leader], Ghost [Graveyard],
  Just!n S/\ne [Insanity], Universal Soldier [Amigoid], Leander [Looser],
  Warlord [TRD], Cheerio [unsinkable], Flashback! [TRSI/RNX/TRD/lensmen],
    Iggy [HF], Shane [PSG^CRX], Jam [HF], Shy! [HF], Psyche [DVS/MVL],
     Lounge Fly [iNDY], tOM [My God!], Biker [LSD]. Savage! [sweden],
   Nero [pdx], Twister [DCS/iVN/OGN], /\utopsy [HLM], Tomeek [4i6/9o5],
      F-N-Bird [4i6/9o5], 

All the [ACS]&[MtH]&[PSG]&[EDG]&[CRX] Home'E'z!! (so many people sheeesh!)

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ______.________________ __
\_    |     /    ___ _ __ -----------------.
||    |    /     _/\     k-RaD & 3L!Te     |
||        /\     /  \  FOR THE AMY-SCENE!!!|
||    |     \   /    \     Issue nR. 6     :
:|    :\_____\________\    November'95     :
`:    .------------------------------------'
@END_FILE_ID.DIZ                      ____________________________________
                     |·                                  ·|
          __________ |        · WORLD OF ELiTE ·          |          ______
   _______\__      __|_________   ________________ ____   | ________|_     |
   \        /     /      _     \ _\____       /       /____\__      _/     |
   /      _/\    /       /      \     /     _/       /       /      |      |
  /________/\____\______________/____/       \______________/\_____________l
                     .               \________/           .
                     |                                    |
          ____________ __________________    PRESTIGE EHQ |    Mo!/aC!
         /      _     \      ___________/       CREAM EHQ |
        /       /      \       ______/                    |
        \______________/\_________|    STAFF: DEATHKNIGHT |
                     .                DEVIOUS DOZE · JAKE |
                     | RAJ! · NOSTROMO · FURY · THE FREAK |
                _________                                 |
   _____________\       /____ __________ _ _________________________
  /      _     /       /     _\________/_        _    /      _     /
 /  __________/______________\          /         \__/  __________/__
/_______________/    .        \________/___________\/_______________/
                     |                                    .

 | NODE1: +31-775-212-93 ]-[ NODE2: +31-775-137-53 ]-[ NODE3: +31-775-189-30 |
 `-------[ 21600 ]-----------------[ 28800 ]-----------------[ 16800 ]-------'
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]
     ________________|  t H E  p A Y O F F  oNE oF ...  |________________
    | / /            .              .                   .             \ \|
    |/ /     ________________  _____|\_____        ___________         \ :
    : /      \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/          \|
    |/      tsar1/      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____         !
    |           /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \        |
    !          /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\       |
    |                                                                    :
   \|/        ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  ·  VISAGE DHQ  ·  ACCESSION DHQ        \|/
    |             /\                                                     !
    : _ ___/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
    |_\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
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   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |  !
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|  :
    | :     /____________\                                            !  .
    ! | ND#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC  DiABLO^MTH^RYL^HNY^RDZ^VSG^ACC |
    : ! ND#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC  DELiTE^MTH^RYL^TAB^EDG         :
    . | ND#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL sCARFACe^VSG^OS!^HNY           |
      : ND#4   tELNET 9990    BOLDY^ULC^SLT                  :
      ! ND#5   tELNET 9990    QUiCKSILVER^GLD                |
      | ND#6   tELNET 9990    TRaSH^MTH^OPS^VSG              |
      `-----+                                                   +-----'
            ! uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ * vSG/hNY/-T!/rDZ  !
            :  pASSED hERE oN 12-02-1995, 00:20:01 aT nODE 01   :
            .                                                   .

  ._ _____.)      |___________ ________ .______._____________ _______.______.
  |     __¦_______|_          \_    _  \|      |   _._      / \      ¦      |
  |      __________/   dLT     /    \\  \      |    ¦/_____/__ \_____|_     |
                   __..____                          ____..__
                <÷>\_||___/     CALL OUR BOARDS:     \___||_/<÷>
   {-> thE sLammer ......... worLd hEadqUarter . +46-8-623o196 . distLer <-}
   {-> thE sLammer ......... worLd hEadqUarter . +46-8-6231366 . distLer <-}
   {-> thE paYoff ........... eUro hEadqUarter . +31-7o32o5418 .. diabLo <-}
   {-> thE paYoff ........... eUro hEadqUarter . +31-7o32o8453 .. diabLo <-}
   {-> thE paYoff ........... eUro hEadqUarter . +31-7o3271427 .. diabLo <-}
   {-> finaL impacT . sCandinavian hEadqUarter . +46-54-159771 ... u-Man <-}
   {-> maXimum anarchY ... sWedish hEadqUarter . +46-47-622oo3 ..... zIz <-}
   {-> bumbLe bee Land . nOrwegian hEadqUarter . +47-66-794789 .. baffLe <-}
   {-> raveLand ........... gerMan hEadqUarter . +49-7128-3511 ..... h2o <-}
   {-> apocaLypse noW ..... gerMan hEadqUarter . +49-9723-84o2 sTYLeWars <-}
   {-> apocaLypse noW ..... gerMan hEadqUarter . +49-9723-84o5 sTYLeWars <-}
   {-> sHininG cHroMe ... ausTrian hEadqUarter . +43-662453364 .. psYcho <-}