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3 623 bytes (3.54K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:27:13
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all-time: 771


This is the Internal Internet Votesheet	
Internal is a Magazine by Warriors Of The Wasteland!
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Rank |   DEMO GROUP    |    CODER    |    GRAFICIAN    |
01.  |                 |             |                 |
02.  |                 |             |                 |
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Rank | CRACKING GROUP  |   CRACKER   |      FIXER      |
01.  |                 |             |                 |
02.  |                 |             |                 |
03.  |                 |             |                 |
04.  |                 |             |                 |
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09.  |                 |             |                 |
10.  |                 |             |                 |
Rank |    MAGAZINE     |  MUSICIAN   |    SWAPPER      |
01.  |                 |             |                 |
02.  |                 |             |                 |
03.  |                 |             |                 |
04.  |                 |             |                 |
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10.  |                 |             |                 |
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End of Text!