File Archive

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File size:
68 446 bytes (66.84K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:38
Download count:
all-time: 583


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 niCE nODES · 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET ·]
      [· nON-24h tELNET wiTH sTATiC iP: - pORT: 23 ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
     [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ ·]
     [· lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]


                          \               \
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                            \____    _______\____
                                /___/           /
                          [zZ]_____/           /
                             /    /____       /
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                           /___      /______/  /
                              /________\      /
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                           \               \
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                             \____   ________\___
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                           [zZ]___/            \
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                               \__________/    /
                                  / __________ \
                                 / /         /  \
                                 \/          \__/
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                                 bRIn9s y0u

                         /          \
                        /     -     /
                        \        __/___
                         \        \ ___)
                              /      __\_______
                          [zZ]\     /          \
                               \___/     -     /
                                   \        __/___
                                    \        \ ___)
                                         /        \
                                         \        /
                                          \______/ - lOgIc #1

                          hIS 2Nd aZkEe c0llECtIoN!

           (       )_____ ______ _________ _________ __________
           |       |     \     /         /          \          \[zZ]
           |                                                   /
           |       |_____\_____\________/__________\__________/
           |_______|«----------------- intro ------------------»

 Well,  while  I  am  waiting for some additional  azkeez  to  finish  this
 collection  I ordered from my contact and friend Aztec,  I decided to type
 some sensless stuff to satisfy all of you out there who can not get enough
 of my articles puplished in `phoenix`, hehehe...  But without a joke, I am
 waiting,  but it is not Aztec`s fault because I sent him the e-mail a  bit
 late on last thursday (you have to know that today is sunday).  I wondered
 about myself that I had the second colly ready before I finished the first
 one which was a very ******** one. I don`t like it, so I won`t hurt you if
 you don`t like it too. Of course is this collection with only 34 logos not
 a  big  one but because I created a new style I thought it was  the  right
 time  to  release the other logos of mine I made with  no  special  style,
 except `melfis` and `fabiness` or `greetz` and `prophets`,  but those were
 only a few ones,  not enough for a real collection.  Normally  contents  a
 collection only logos in same style,  so I created for me the `pipi-logic`
 series to release my `x-tras-styled` azkeez!!  Now I wanna leave you alone
 to enjoy this collection or to enjoy yourself...

                     The singing Zito is signing off at 00:00 on 31.01.1999

                  ............. [ contents ] ............
                  :                                     :
                  :  1 nah                       blaze  :
                  :  2 nah kolor                 blaze  :
                  :  3 blaze                     blaze  :
                  :  4 beret                     blaze  :
                  :  5 lumen                     blaze  :
                  :  6 speed                     blaze  :
                  :  7 flp                       blaze  :
                  :  8 floppy                    blaze  :
                  :  9 punisher                   gift  :
                  : 10 zetec                   privacy  :
                  : 11 darkus                     gift  :
                  : 12 zetec                   privacy  :
                  : 13 deus docet                 gift  :
                  : 14 joanne                   joanne  :
                  : 15 ed                      privacy  :
                  : 16 melfis          melfis/fabiness  :
                  : 17 personal info   melfis/fabiness  :
                  : 18 214                214/prophets  :
                  : 19 the end         melfis/fabiness  :
                  : 20 the greetz         214/prophets  :
                  : 21 zito                    privacy  :
                  : 22 fabiness        melfis/fabiness  :
                  : 23 prophets           214/prophets  :
                  : 24 requests           214/prophets  :
                  : 25 letter          melfis/fabiness  :
                  : 26 indy                   214/indy  :
                  : 27 samael                     gift  :
                  : 28 speed            gift for blaze  :
                  : 29 blade runner            privacy  :
                  : 30 ed                      privacy  :
                  : 31 phoenix        gift for wiseguy  :
                  : 32 phoenix        gift for wiseguy  :
                  : 33 phoenix        gift for wiseguy  :
                  : 34 samael                     gift  :
                  :                                     :

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `nah` for nah kolor      m   @   /  by blaze/nah kolor   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 01 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
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                             /       |__/\
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                           /_________|     \
                             ___/           \
                            |  /      |      \
                            | /_______|_______\
                            |     |     |.zZ
                            |           |
                            |     |     |
                            |     |     |

                   · friendly greetings to poland! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `nah kolor`              m   @   /  by blaze/nah kolor   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 02 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                             /      |   /\
                            /       |__/  \
                           /   [zZ] | |    \
                          /_________|       \
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                             \/       |       \
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                            |        \/
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                            |          \___
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                            |____|_______\  \
                               .zZ/    |     \
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                           /_________________\ /
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                                /      |      \
                               /       |       \

                    · done on 27-10-98 by zito/ztc^taf ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `blaze`                  m   @   /  by blaze/flp^mst^nah \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 03 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                                                               \  /

                   |        /      /  \         /      |
                   |.zZ    /      /    \       /       |
                   |      /      /|     \_    /|   ____|
                   |     /|     / |  \   \   / |       |
                   |    /\|    /__|_      \ /__|_  ____|
                   |      \        /       \     \     |
                   |  |   /       /         \     \    |

                     · not one of my best in 10-1998 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `beret`                  m   @   /  by blaze/beret staff \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 04 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                                                               \  /

                  | ____        /                ________
                  ||           /                |       /
                  ||          /                 |      /
                  |          /                  |     /
                  |         / ______  /|________|   _/___
                  |        / /  __  \/    / __  \       /
                  |        \/        \  _/       \   __/
                  |         \        / |         /  |
                  |    |    /   ____/  |    ____/   |.zZ
                  |        /\     / |  |\     / |    \
                  |_______/  \___/ /___| \___/  |_____\

                               · © 28-10-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `lumen`                  m   @   / by blaze (lumen ed)   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 05 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

        ______________________      ___  ___       ____   _________
        \                    /__   /   \/   \   __|_   \ |        /
         \ © Zz             /   |_/_         \ /    \   \|       /
          \                /|   |   |         /    __\          /
           \              /_|_  |   |        /     _\_         /
            \                /  |   |       /         \       /
             \              /   |   |  /\  /           \|\   /
              \____________/|_______|_/  \/_____________\ \_/

                             · date: 28-10-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `speed`                  m   @   /  by blaze (speed ed)  \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 06 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                                                               \  /

                     ______  ____________ ______ ____
                    //     \//     \     |      |    \
                   // _  ·  \   _\  \-|__| ·-|__| _   \
                   \\_/  |__/   .___/\ |    \ |    |   \
                   /  ·  /  \    |   / |_   / |_   |   /
                   \  |     /   ||  /-|  | /-|  | .:  /

             · -->>> SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it up!!! (28-10-98) ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `flp` for floppy         m   @   /  by blaze/floppy      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 07 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                          _________ ___  _________
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                         |      ||     ||    _____|
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                         |  ____||         |  |
                         |     | |         |  | 
                         |     | |    [zZ] |  |
                         |_____| |_________|__|

                   · not worth watching for on 28.10.98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `floppy`                 m   @   /  by blaze/floppy      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 08 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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               ____________ /         _______________________
               \           /    /  _____________     /      /
                \    _____/    /               /    /      /
                 \       /    /________       /______     /
                  \     /             /      /      /  __/
                   \   /             /  ____/      /  /
                    \ /________/    /  /          /  /
                     \___ /   /    /  /      ____/  /
                         /        /__/      /______/
                        /________/         /

                               · © 28-10-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `punisher`               m   @   / gift for punisher     \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 09 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                ________        ________
           _________   /       /_______/________       ___________
                   /  /____  _________         / ___ ____        /______
          _____   /  /    /_ _____   /        /    /    /   ____/      /
         /     __/  /    /  \    /  /      __/         /    /         /
        /     /         /       /  /       \          /   _/__     __/
             / ________/       /  /        /         /       /     \
   _________/                 /___________/         /_______/       \
                _________\___/       _________/____/   _______/______\.zZ

                          · azkeeze on: 29-10-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `zetec`                  m   @   /  for privacy          \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 10 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                  _______  _______  ___  _______  _______
                 / _____ \/ _____ \/  / / _____ \/ _____ \
                / /     \ \/     \ \ / / /     \ \/     \ \
                \_\  ___/ /   ___/\ \\/_/___   /\ \     /_/
                     \_  __\  \_  / / _____/   \/ /
                      / /\ \____\/ / / \ \_____/ /\
                     / /  \  _____/ /   \  _____/\ \
                    / /    \ \    \ \    \ \      \ \
                   / /      \ \    \ \    \ \      \ \
                  / /        \ \    \ \    \ \      \ \
                 / /    __    \ \    \ \    \ \      \ \
                / /     \ \    \ \  __\ \___ \ \  __  \ \  __
                \ \_____/ /     \ \/ / \   /  \ \/ /   \ \/ /
                 \_______/[.zZ]  \__/   \_/    \__/     \__/

                       · made for my own on 4-11-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `darkus`                 m   @   /  gift for darkus      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 11 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                 _________      \          /_  ____________
                |        /_______ __      /  |___         /
                |  __________    \  |    /   |   |    ___/
                |  \          |   \ |   /    |   |    \
                |   \     |       /    / |   |   |     \
               /     \            \    \ |       |     /
              /   /   \       |    \|   \        | ___/
              \________\  |   |     \    \ ______|
                        \ | __|      \  __\
                         \|   |_______\.zZ

 · for the english man in england © finished on 4-11-98 (beginn 28-10-98) ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `zetec`                  m   @   /  for privacy          \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 12 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
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                       ______ _____ _____ _____ _____
                       \___  Y  _  Y     Y  _  Y  ___|
                       /  ___|  ___|  ___|  ___|     |
                       \     |  |  |   | |  |  |     |
                        \    |  |  |   | |  |  |     |
                         \___l_____|   | l_____l_____|
                                   |   |
                                   |   |

                     · another addie done on 6-11-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `deus docet`             m   @   /  gift for deus docet  \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 13 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                          |          / [zZ]  ______
                          |         /___    /      \
                          |        /    |  /        \
                          |      _/____ |__\__   \__/
                          |     /  __  \|    |\     \
                         /     /        \    |      /
                        /   | /         /    |_____/
                       /    | \    ____/|    |
                       \_______\     /_______| d O c E t !

                               · © 19-11-98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `joanne`                 m   @   /  by joanne/zetec      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 14 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

               (________)______       ____ ____       ________
                _____|__       |_____|_   \    |__ __|_       |
               |        |      |       |       |  \    |  ____|
               |        | |    |  |    |       |       |      |
              /|        | |    |       |       |       |  ____|
             / |        |      |       |       |       |      |
            /           |______|  |    |__\____|       |______|
            \___________|    |____|____|.zZ  |____\____|

                           · made on 28-11-98! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `ed`                     m   @   / for ed`s mods colly   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 15 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                                |         /-----------,
                                |        /      today ,
                      ______  __|       /             ,
                     /  __  \/         /    * zetec * ,
                    /     ___\  __    /               ,
                    \        /       /    brings you: ,
                    ,\______/\______/[zZ]             ,
                    ,                    a new mod by ,
                    ,                                 ,
                    , ed/red tiger inc.^zetec         ,
                    ,                          called ,
                    , `?`                             ,

                 · for my best friend ed/rti on 28/11/98 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `melfis`                 m   @   /  by melfis/fabiness   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 16 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

               /\    /\      /\      /|   :::::::::/\      /\
              /  \  /  \    /  \    / |   :::::::::__\    /  \
             /    \/    \  /  __\  /  |   :::::::______  /    \
            /            \/    _\_/   |___:::::::      \/   __/_
           /              \       \       \::: /        \__     \
          /                \       \       \::/          \       \

           · under request from 7th to 8th of december in 1998! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / / `personal info`           m   @   / by melfis/fabiness    \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 17 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                     · P · E · R · S · O · N · A · L ·

                          /\      /\   :::::::::/\
                         /__\    / /\  :::::::::  \
                        ______  /    \ :::::::/    \
                       /      \/      \:::::::  /\  \
                      /        \       \::: /   \/   \
                     /          \       \::/          \

                              · on 8.12.998 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / / `214`                     m   @   /  by 214/prophets      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 18 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                               /\     /\   :::
                              /  \   /  \  :::
                             /    \  \_  \ ::: :::
                            _\__   \  /   \::: :::
                           /     __/_/     \::::::::
                          /          \      \:::::::
                          \__________/______/  :::

                                · (8-12-98) ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `the end`                m   @   /  by melfis/fabiness   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 19 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                               T     H     E
                             /\      /\      /\
                            /  \    / /\    /  \
                           /  __\  /    \  /    \
                          /    _\_/      \/   \  \
                         /        \       \    \  \
                        /          \       \   /   \

                            · on 8-12-1998... ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `the greetz`             m   @   /  by 214/prophets      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 20 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                    T  H  E · G  R  E  E  T  I  N  G  S
              _______  _______  _______  _______  ___  _______
             / _____ \/ _____ \/ _____ \/ _____ \/  / / _____ \
            / /     \ \/     \ \/     \ \/     \ \ / / /     \ \
           / /      /\ \     /\ \     /\ \  ___/\ \\_\_\_____/ /
           \ \      \/ /     \/ /     \/ /  \_  / / _____/\_  __\
            \ \_____/ /\_____/ /\_____/ /\____\/ / /       / /
             \_____  /\  ___  /\  _____/\  _____/ /       / /
                  / /  \ \  \ \ \ \      \ \    \ \      / /
                 / /    \ \  \ \ \ \      \ \    \ \    / /
                / /      \ \ / /  \ \      \ \    \ \  / /
               / /        \ \ /    \ \      \ \    \ \/ /    __
              / /   __     \ \      \ \  __  \ \  __\ \/__   \ \
             /  \__/ /    / \ \_     \ \/ /   \ \/ / \   /___/ /
             \______/    /__\\__\ [zZ]\__/     \__/   \_/_____/

                 · done for 213..äh..214/indy on 8-12-98! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `zito`                   m   @   /  for privacy          \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 21 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                         /\        /\    ::::   /\
                        /  \      /__\::::::::::  \
                       /    \    _____::::::::::   \
                      _\__   \  /      \ ::::/  /\  \
                     /     __/_/        \::::   \/   \
                    /          \         \:::         \

 · weil mir das des!gn so gefiel` macht` ich gleich `nen addie draus`... ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `fabiness`               m   @   /  by melfis/fabiness   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 22 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

      :::::::::/\      /\      /\      /\      /\      /\      /\
      :::::::::  \    /  \    /__\    / /\    /  \    /  \    /  \
      :::::::/ /\ \  / /\ \  ______  /    \  /  __\  /    \  /    \
      :::::::  \/  \/  \/  \/      \/      \/    _\_/   __/_/   __/_
      :::: /        \    /\ \       \       \       \__     \__     \
      ::::/          \   \/  \       \       \       \       \       \

                             · on 9.12.1998! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `prophets`               m   @   /  by 214/prophets      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 23 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

       _______  _______  __  _______  ____ ___________  ___  _______
      / _____ \/ _____ \/  \/ _____ \ \  / \  / _____ \/  / / _____ \
     / /     \ \/     \ \/\/ /     \ \/ /   \ \/     \ \ / / /     \ \
    / /      /\ \     /\ \/ /\      \ \/    /\ \  ___/\ \\_\_\__   /_/
    \ \      \/ /    / / /\ \ \     / /\    \/  \ \_  / / _____/
     \ \_____/ /\____\/ /  \ \_\___/ /  \___/   /___\/ / /   \ \
      \  _____/\  ___  /\   \  _____/\  ___    / _____/ /     \ \
       \ \      \ \  \ \ \   \ \ \    \ \  \  /\ \    \ \      \ \
        \ \      \ \ / /\ \   \ \ \    \ \ / /  \ \    \ \      \ \
         \ \      \ \ /  \ \   \ \ \    \ \ /    \ \    \ \      \ \
          \ \      \ \    \ \   \ \/     \ \      \ \    \ \      \ \
           \ \    / \ \    \ \  /\ \    / \ \      \ \  __\ \___   \ \
            \ \  / / \ \_   \ \/ /\ \  / / \ \      \ \/ / \   /___/ /
            /__\/__\  \__\   \__/ /__\/__\ /__\ [zZ] \__/   \_/_____/

           · mAdE oN 9.dEc.998 for 214, now again a void member ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `requests`               m   @   /  by 214/prophets      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 24 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

      _______  _______  _________    __ _______  _______  ___  _______
     / _____ \/ _____ \/ _____ \/   / // _____ \/ _____ \/  / / _____ \
    / /     \ \/     \ \/    /\ \  / // /     \ \/     \ \ / / /     \ \
   / /       \ \     /\ \   / /\ \/ // /       \ \  ___/_/ \_\_\__   /_/
   \ \       / /     \/ /   \ \/ /\ \\ \       / /\ \_      _____/
    \ \_____/ /\_____/ /\____\/ /  \ \\ \_____/ /\ \  \    /   \ \
     \  ___  /\  _____/\_____  /\   \ \\  _____/  \ \  \  /     \ \
      \ \  \ \ \ \          / /\ \   \ \\ \        \ \  \ \      \ \
       \ \  \ \ \ \      __/ /_ \ \   \ \\ \        \ \  \ \      \ \
        \ \ / /  \ \     \_  __/ \ \   \ \\ \  [zZ]  \ \  \ \      \ \
         \ \ /    \ \      \ \    \ \   \ \\ \        \ \  \ \      \ \
          \ \      \ \  __  \ \    \ \   \ \\ \  __    \ \  \ \___   \ \
         / \ \_     \ \/ /   \ \    \ \___\ \\ \/ /____/ /   \   /___/ /
        /__\\__\     \__/     \_\    \______/ \__/______/     \_/_____/

                        · in the year 1998 (9-12)! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `letter`                 m   @   /  by melfis/fabiness   \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 25 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                                ____    ____
                 /| [zZ] /\    /    \  /    \    /\      /\
                / |     /  \  /      \/      \  /  \    /  \
               /  |    /  __\/_      _\      _\/  __\  /  _/_
              /   |___/    _\_/      \/      \/    _\_/      \
             /        \       \       \       \       \       \
            /          \       \       \       \       \ |\    \
            \__________/_______/_______/_______/_______/_| \___/

                        · request made by mel/fab ·
                        · logo    made by zit/zet ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `indy`                   m   @   /  by 214/indy          \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 26 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                       /\      /\      /\:::   :::
                      /__\    / /\    /  \:::   :::
                     ______  /    \  /    \:::   :::
                    /      \/      \/   \  \:::   :::
                   /        \       \    \  \:::   :::
                  /          \       \   /   \:::::::
                  \__________/__/____/_______/ :::

             · a fast one for my friend 214 on 21-12-1998... ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `samael`                 m   @   / gift for samael       \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 27 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

               /\      /\      /\  /\      /\      /\      /|
              /  \    /  \    /  \/  \    /  \    /  \    / |
             /    \  / /\ \  /        \  / /\ \  /  __\  /  |
            /   __/_/  \/  \/          \/  \/  \/    _\_/   |___
           _\__     \       \           \       \       \       \
          /          \       \           \       \       \       \

             · for me friend and new member of zetec: samael ·
                     · first one in 1999 - last year! ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `speed`                  m   @   / gift for blaze        \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 28 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                        __________ _____ _____ _|_  |
                       /  ___/    Y  _  Y  _  Y     |
                       \___  \ |  |  ___|  ___|  |  |
                       /     / |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                       \    /  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                        \__/|  ___l_____l_____l_____|
                            |   |

                  ·  ->>> speeeeeeeed it up!!!! (9-1-99) ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / / `blade runner` table      m   @   /  for privacy          \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 29 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

  ________________      _                             ___________
  \              /_____/ \_____________\\_____________\         /________
  /                                                                     /
  \______\_________________/_________________//______________\______    \
       ____    ___    ___    ___    ___                            update!
       \   \  /  /   / _ \  /   \  / _ \
       / -  \/   \__/     \/  \  \/   __\
      /   -  \      \      \   \  \      \    -  tHe aZkEEz` cHAraCtEr

                              ____    ___    ____  ____  ___  ____
                              \ _ \  / | \  / / / / / / / _ \ \ _ \
   rEtCarAHc `zEEkZa eHt  -   /    \/  |  \/    \/    \/   __\/    \
                             /   \  \      \     \     \      \  \  \
   nEw aZkEe c0lly      9                            bY zIt0/zEtEc
  _________________     _                             ___________
  \               /____/ \_____________\\_____________\         /________
  /                                                                     /
  \______\_________________/_________________//______________\______    \

                    · made on a depri sunday (10-1-99) ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `ed`                     m   @   /  for ed`s mods colly  \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 30 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

            ________            _______________________________
           |       / /\      /\ \                              |
           | m0dS / /  \    /  \ \  zEtEc bRIn9S y0U t0dAY...  |
           |     / /   _\  /    \ \                            |
           |    / /    _\_/   \  \ \           `???`           |
           |   / /        \    \  \ \                          |
           |  / /          \   /   \ \  a module by ed/rti^ztc |
           |_/  \__________/_______/  \________________________|

 · if you need some modules from ed - you have to get - in contact with me ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `phoenix`                m   @   / gift for wiseguy      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 31 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                 the giants proudly present       ¼¼¼
               ________   _______      ____ __   __¼¼¼      ¼¼¼
               \      /_ _\      \_____\   /  \ (___)¼¼    ¼¼¼
               /  /  /  \     \      ___\      \/   \¼¼¼  ¼¼¼
              /                         __           \¼¼¼¼¼¼
              \_____\       \______\      \__/_       \¼¼¼¼
                 [zZ]\___\___\      \______\ /_________\¼¼¼¼
                                                      ¼¼¼ ¼¼¼
               p h o e n i X  -  the scene mag      ¼¼¼   ¼¼¼¼
                                                  ¼¼¼   issue #3

     · friendly gift for my colleague - the wiseguy of giants in `99 ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `phoenix`                m   @   /  gift for wiseguy     \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 32 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                                                 ___     __
              ______  __ __  ____  _____  __ __ (___) __|  \
              \  _  |/  |  \/    \/  _  \/  \  \/   |/  |   \
              /    _|       \  \  \      \      \   |       /
              \    | \__|   /_____/   ___/__\   /   |   |__/
               \___|zZ  |__/      \____/     \_/\___|\__|

       · another one for wiseguy`s mag for that I am a co-editor... ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `phoenix                 m   @   /  gift for wiseguy     \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 33 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                in 1999...                        ___    | \
              ______  __ __  _____  _____  __ __ (___) __|  \
              \  _  \/  |  \/     \/     \/  \  \____ /  |   \
              /     _\      \  |   \  \   \      \   |       /
              \    | \__|   /  |   /   ___/__\   /   |   |  /
               \___|    |__/\_____/\____/     \_/\   |\  |_/
              ===== the scenezine by giants ===== \__| \_| [zZ]

               · which one do you like more #32 or #33 ??? ·

          /\    /\                      r                     ____
   /\\   /  \__/ \\              __   _ @ _                   \  //\  _
   \//  / /\__/   \\_____________\  n   q  \_________________/\\//  \/ \
       / /                        \ a   u   \                  \/   /  \\
      / /  `samael`                 m   @   /  gift for samael      \  //
     /  \      ____________________ @   s  /__________________      /  /
     \___\ 34 /______________________   t /_________________  \    /  /
          \  /                        \  /                  \  \  /  /
           \/                          \/                    \  \/  /
                                                              \    /
                                                               \  /

                     ______ ___ _   _   ___ _____ __
                    /  ___/|_  Y \_/ |_|_  Y  _  Y  |[zZ]
                    \___  \    |     |     |  ___|  |
                    /     / |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |__
                    \    /  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |

                          · for our polish coder ·

    __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________
   /         /          \    _    |         \         )         /         /
  /                                                                       \
  «------------------------------- credits ---------------------------» [zZ]

                     now follows the detailed credits:

     intro logo `zito` (11-11-98)...........................zito/zetec
     intro logo `zetec` (14-11-98)..........................zito/zetec
     `pipi-logic` logo (12-2-99)............................zito/zetec
     `intro` logo (12-2-99).................................zito/zetec
     pannel (I love this!)................................. zito/zetec
     all main logos (of course)............................ zito/zetec
     `credits` logo.........................................zito/zetec
     `the end` logo.........................................zito/zetec

     One  could say that this colly is fully made by zito/zetec.  Also
     the des!gn!  So  one  can say it is  a  colly  by  zito/zetec!...

     music support............................vangelis` `blade runner`
     ......................................chris hülsbeck`s `turrican`
     .........................................madonna`s `ray of light`
     ...................................genesis` `a trick of the tail`
     & the soundtracks of `out of sight`, `chinese box` & `wild palms`

                   thanx to everyone who believed in me!

 :                                                                        :

  Some  last  words...?  Yes!  Aztec  didn`t  managed it to  make  me  the
  requested  logos in the time he had `till his answer,  so I had  to make
  some in the last minute by myself... Not too bad, but also not the best.
  Like it or not! I enjoyed it making them...

  I send greetings to all my contacts and friends in scene! Pointers to my
  contacts who are delaying...

     blaze/floppy^mystic^nah kolor^sative mea ateam......december 1998
     darkus/rebels^low profile............................october 1998
     deus docet/boyzout^intense^r.n.o....................november 1998
     exon/riot^jormas^faith.............................september 1998
     melfis/fabiness.....................................november 1998

            ascii productions so far...

 :  filename   size / + bonus   collection name   label    release date!  :

  ...ztc-toc....91500 / 98638....`touch of god`....zetec....7.1.99........
  ...ztc-pl1....66095 / 67477....`pipi-logi #1`....zetec...12.2.99........

 :                                                                        :

     __________ ___________________
     \         \         /        /
 .---/                            \---.
 :   \_________\________/__________\  :
 :   «----------- zetec -----------»  :
 :                                    :
 : `pipi-logic #1`  2nd colly by zito :
 :                                    :
 : 12.02.1999                         :
 ·----------------------------[ 1/1 ]-·

   ____________                                       ___________
  /            \                                     /          /[zZ]
 /              \     order logos and more at:      /          /
 \__          __/                                  /           \_____
   /          \____          zito/zetec           /             \    \
   \__________/    \          pf 1oo522           \_____________/     \
      /      |      \          o4oo5 leipzig             \            /
      \             /_____      germany                   \    \     /____
       \     |     /     /                                 \____\___/     \
        \____|____/     /   this addy is also for swap &     /            /
             /          \                                   /            /
            /            \   !!! f r i e n d s h i p !!!   /            /
        [zZ]\____________/                                 \___________/

                        let`s close here for today!

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . dkb  |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  wx . lp! . soia . pnk . omn . mce . 1oo |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |    |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
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