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÷ another black sunday(tm) release ÷

                       " Stoned is the way he walks. "

                     .__________  ____ ____   ________
                     |       _  \/    |    \_/   __  /_.
                     |_______/   \_   .     \_  ____/  |
      .__________   ________   ____  ____    _____   ____.     _______
      |       _  \_/   __  /_./    \/    \._/  _  \_/  __|__._/  __  /_.
      |_______/   \_  ____/  |    _  /    \_   /   /   \    |  _____/  |
          |________/_________|_____\/______/  _.__/_________|__________|
                              ___      <--|____|wL!----------------------|-
  ·           ______ ______  |   |___ ______ _______  ____  ____         |
  :         _/  _   |   __/_ |   _   \  _   |   _   |/    \/    \        ¦
  ¦         |   \   |   ___/ |   /   /  /   |   /   |    _  /    \_      :
  |         |_______|    |   |______/_______|_______|_____\/______/      .

                           A Tribute To Cypress Hill

           Their Third Album "The Temple Of Boom - Cypress Hill III"

                       Was Supposed To Be Released Today

                          Friday, - 20th October 1995

                          Released Under The Label Of

                 _____ __ _                        _ __ _____
              :__\ ___\\_\\\                      ///_//___ /__:
              |  __\                                      /__  |
              | |       · cOUNT zERO · u-mAN · mANTA ·       | |
              | |      · tANGO · aCID kID · dARTAGNAN ·      | |
     _________|_|_       · lORD cHAOS · sKIZE · nUP ·        | |
     \          _/ ________                   ________       | |_____
      \         |._)      /       ______/\  ._)      /      _|_|)   /
       \        ||      _/________)   _   \_|       /     ._)   ___/
        \       /\_    _               _          _/______|     _/________
         \      /\_____/               \_______   \             \        /
          \    /|     /__________       \     /___________________      /
           \  / |               |________\                   | | )___  /
            \/| |___                                      ___| |     \/
              |___ /___ __ _                      _ __ ___\ ___|sYz
              :  /____//_///                      \\\_\\____\  :

                              In Association With

         :_\                                                       /_:
         ¦                                                           |
         :     · lORD cHAOS · gRAVEDANCER · U-mAN · cOUNt zERO ·     |
          __________  __.         __________  __________  __.        ¦
         _) .      (__) |_________) .      (__) .      (__) |__      :
         |  |_________  _        |  |        |  |        |  __/______.
         |___        |  |        |  |        |  |        |  |        |
         |  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        |
         |  ¦        :  |        :  ¦        :  ¦        :  ¦        |
         |_ :        ___|        __ :        __ :        __ :    sYz |
           \_________|  |________| \_________| \_________| \_________|
         ¦ · gRIMLOCK · mAGZ · sHAPECHANGER · aCID kID · sTYLEWARZ · :
         |__                                                       __¦
         : /_______________________________________________________\ :

                      That Was Enough For The Beginning -

                           Let's Kick Some Shit Now!

  ____________________________________ ___ __ _  _
 _\·                        ______
 \         _____   ________|      |_  ___________ ________
         __\_____ |__      \_     _/_|__        /         \
        _\          /       /     |   _/      _/          \\_
         _ ______._/       / _____|   \       \_.___________/
                 |________/            \________|

 Yep! and welcome to this mess of fuckin' bullshit.

 Well, according to FreeStyle, Cypress Hill's newest should be out today but
 I don't think so - they will rather smoke some joints more instead of
 publishing their new album. Well, at least the Single "Throw your Set
 In The Air" is out, including a track which features U-God & The Rza from
 Wu-Tang Clan. Real nice, isn't it?

 But - I wanna know, who the fuck is interested in this crap I am writing.

 Can't imagine anybody.
                            _  _ __ ___ ____________________________________\

                 So - what is in, in this fucking collection?

       _|_  __ _|_ |____   ____\_   ___ _________|_ ____ _____|_  _
       \__,(__\\__)|\__/,  \__/\    \__,\__/\  /\__,\__/,\  /\__,`--.
     ------------> | ------------------------------------------- /__| <-2F

                       just a pick of latest requests

               o1. Darkside         - Requested by Pennywise
               o2. Trade Station    - Requested by Black Panther
               o3. Digital Dungeons - Requested by Fate
               o4. Extreme Terror   - Requested by Cannibal
               o5. Fatal Dreams     - Requested by Javis
               o6. Relief           - Requested by Relief
               o7. Offspring        - Requested by Relief
               o8. Sweet Dreams     - Requested by Drakar
               o9. Drakar           - Requested by Drakar
               1o. Atomic           - Requested by Drakar
               11. Crime            - Requested by Krypton
               12. Vision           - Requested by Cat
               13. X-Tassy          - Requested by Cat
               14. Nerve Axis       - Requested by Tango
               15. Aquarius         - Requested by Tango
               16. The Edge         - Requested by Tango
               17. Ace              - Requested by Tango

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o1   \/       DARKSIDE       /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

        _______       __________    _______________  _______
    ____\__    \______\___     /____\_      /      |/      /
  _/     |/     \_      _     /     _/   __/__    _/     _/__
.-\_______       /___________/______\        /____\         /----------------.
|        \______/                    \______/      \_______/                 |
|                    ________    :_____________    _______   ___________     |
| (lo!/wl!)      ____\     _/____|_           /____\__    \__\_  __    /____ |
|                \    \_____      /          /      |/     \_    \____/    / |
`-----------------\______________/__________/________       /_____________/--'

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o2   \/    TRADE STATION     /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

                             |                     /_
                             | · T R A D E           |
                             |                       |
                             |                       |
    ____________       _________    ___________    _______   __________
    \     _____/_______\_      /____\____     /____\__    \__\_  __   /____
     \_____/      /    _/    _/__     _      /      |/     \_    \___/    /
          /______/_____\        /___________/________       /____________/
                        \______/                    \______/
          ___________        .  ___________          .  _______
    ______\    _____/___  ___|__\__  _____/__________|__\___   \  _________
   _\   _/_\____/      /__\___    /___/      /       /    |/    \_\____    \_
  |  \___    / /______/    _     /   /______/       /___________/    |/     /
  |_________/        \__________/         |________/ .         \_____/     /
                             .                       | (lo!/wl)     \_____/
                             |                       |
                             |                       |
                             |_      S T A T I O N · |

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o3   \/   DIGITAL DUNGEONS   /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

             :_________        :__________
       ______|        /_______ |         /_______     ________________
     __\__   \  lo!  /_\_ ___/_|_  wl!  /  _____/_____\___     /     /____
   _/   |/    \_    /     \_     |     /____/      /    _     /    _/     |
   \_____      /___/_____________|____/    /______/__________/____________|
      _____     _______ ______  ______   ________  ______  _______  ______
    __\__  \____\     /_\__   \_\_ __/___\_ _   /__\___  \_\___   \_\  __/___
  _/   |/   \_  |\   /   |/    /   \_   |   \__/  /  |/   \  |/    / \____  /
  \_____     /______/____/    /_________|________/________/__/    /________/
       \____/           \____/                              \____/

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o4   \/    EXTREME TERROR    /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

   _____________ _____________     _______ ________   ____ ____  ________
  _\_ _   /___  |   _/   ____/_____\_    /_\_ _   /___\__ | __/__\_ _   /___
 |    \__/   /  _    \____/     /  _/  _/__   \__/   /   \_/    \_  \__/   /
 |__________/___|     \_ /_____/___\      /_________/_____|      /________/
 <-(lo!/wl!)----|______/------------\____/-- -            |_____/
    ____________    ________      _______    _______   _______    _______
    \     _____/____\_ _   /______\_    /____\_    /___\___   \___\_    /
     \_____/      /    \__/   /   _/  _/__   _/  _/__    |/    \  _/  _/__
          /______/___________/____\      /___\      /__________/__\      /
                               - --\____/-----\____/---------------\____/-->

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o5   \/     FATAL DREAMS     /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

  _______________   _______________________       ___________________ lo!/wl!
  \__   ________/___\____     /     ______/_______\____     /       /_____
  _/   ______/        _      /_______/        /     _      /      _/      |
.-\______|__________________/       /________/____________/_______________|-.
|      ______     ________ _________     _________ ____ ____   _______      |
|   ___\__   \____\_     /_\_ __   /_____\___    /_\__ | __/___\   __/_____ |
| _/    |/    \_  _/   _/__   \___/   /    _    /     \_/    \_ \____     / |
| \______      /__\       /__________/_________/_______|      /__________/  |

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o6   \/        RELIEF!       /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

                      _______________________________ __ _
                   |                   :____________
      __________ __|______   ________  |           /_________________________
   ___\__      /_\_  _   /__|_      /__|__        /_\_  _    /_____  _______/
 _/    _/    _/_     \__/    /    _/      |      /      \___/   /   _____/
 \_____\       /____________/_____________|_____/______________/______|
        \_____/    |
                   |          · r e l i e f ·            _  _ _


     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o7   \/       OFFSPRING      /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

                :_\_                                      _/_:
                |              o·f·f·s·p·r·i·n·g             |
                |   ___________                  ______________
                 ___\_____     \  _______________\_   ________/
                /       |/      \_\_   ________/     ______/ .
                \_______________/     ______/__________|     |
       ________ .             \________|                   __|_____
    ___\    __/_|_ __________ __________________ __________\_  ___/_____
    \   \___     /_\____    /_\__     /        /_\____    \_   \_      /
     \__________/    ______/   _/   _/_       /     |/     /__________/
               |______\________\      /______/______/     /  .
                .               \____/             \_____/   |
                |                                            |
                |     vIETCONG · hOTWIRE · rELIEF · tOMMY    |
                |    jEDI · sCARFACE · sATANS fIRE · sAL-1   |
                |                                            |
                | __________________________________________ | (lo!/wl!)
                |_\_                                       /_|
                :                                            :

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o8   \/     SWEET DREAMS     /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

      ________ lo!/wl!  _____   __________     _______________________
   ___\    __/________ |     \__\_  __   /_____\_  __   /____   _____/____
   \   \___     /     ||      \_    \___/    /     \___/    /____/       /
    \__________/      /\_______/____________/______________/    /_______/
 <------------\______/--- -- -
       ______     ________ _________     _________ ____ ____   _______
    ___\__   \____\_     /_\_ __   /_____\___    /_\__ | __/___\   __/_____
  _/    |/    \_  _/   _/__   \___/   /    _    /     \_/    \_ \____     /
  \______      /__\       /__________/_________/_______|      /__________/
        \_____/    \_____/                    -  -- ---|_____/------------->

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ o9   \/        DRAKAR        /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

                      _\                                |
                     |                                  |
                     |                                  |
                     |                                  |
      ______         |       __________               __________
   ___\__   \     ___________\___     /____  _________\___     /   ________
 _/    |/    \____\_     /     _     /     |/     /     _     /____\_     /
 \______      /   _/  __/___________/     _/    _/___________/     _/  __/__
       \_____/____\       /        \______\        /    .   \______\       /
                   \_____/                 \______/     |           \_____/
                     .                                  | (lo!/wl!)
                     |                                  |
                     |                                  |
                     |                                 _|

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 1o   \/        ATOMIC        /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

               ____________             _____ ___|_          /
        _______\_    _____/___  ________\___ | ___/_ lo/wl  /________
   _____\___    /_____/      /__\___   \    \_/     \_     /_\_   __/______
   \      _    /     /______/     |/    \____|       /____/       |       /
    \_________/           \_____________/    |______/    \_______________/

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 11   \/         CRIME        /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

      ________         _______|__          /_____ _____  ___________
     _\_   __/_________\__      /         /_\___ | ___/__\_   __   /_____
   _/      |       /    _/    _/_ lo!/wl /      \_/     \_    \___/     /
   \______________/_____\       /_______/________|       /_____________/

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 12   \/        VISION        /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

              :_____________           :_____________
  _______ ____|__          / _________ |            / _________   __________
  \      |      /         /__\    ___/_|__         /__\____    \__\____     \
   \     |     /         /    \____      / lo!/wl /      |/     \    |/     /
    \_________/_________/_______________/________/______________/____/     /

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 13   \/       X-TASSY        /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

   _____ _____  ___________     _________ ________    __________________
   \_   |   _/  \    _____/_____\___    /_\    __/____\    __/___      /_____
  _/    _    \ · \____/      /    _    /   \___     /  \___     /    _/     /
  \_____|     \_     /______/_________/____________/___________/________   /

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 14   \/      NERVE AXIS      /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

                   ____  ___    ___        ___
                 .-\   |(__/__\|   '\____|(__/__--(lo!/wl)--.
                 |     |                   ____    .     __ |
                 |                         \___|÷X÷|/____)  |

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 15   \/        AQUARIUS      /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

                      ___ ____       ___          (lo!/wl!)
                 .-> /___|\___|/___|/___| ___ .         __
                 |            |          |   '|/___|/___) <-.

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 16   \/        THE EDGE      /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

 _______________________           __________
 \     _______/___    __|__________\_  __   /_____
  \_____/        /    \___       /     \___/     /
.------/________/________/      /_______________/---------------------------.
|                       \______/                                            |
|                __________         _______    ________     __________      |
|               _\_  __   /_________\__    \  _\_  ___/___ _\_  __   /_____ |
`-(lo!/wl!)----|     \___/     /     |/     \_     \_     |     \___/     /-'
               |______________/_______       /____________|______________/

     ______\/___________ __ __ ___ __ _ _                    /\
    |  _   \/        __  ___\/_________                      /\      ·
    ¦ (X)  \/       /_/\ __ \/       _/                      /\   _  :
    :      \/       \_\//\_\ __ 17   \/          ACE         /\  (X) ¦
    ·      \/         __\/_//_/\    /_ __ ___ ____ __________/\______|
           \/        /_/\ __\_\/   /                         /\
                     \_\//\_\    _/                          ¯¯
                       __\/_/ \  \/
                      /\_\     \/

              _____________ ___________           ______________
      ________\_______    /_\_      __/___________\_    __     /______
      \         _        /          |           /       \_____/      /
   |                                                                    |

         Phew! Still not 1OO%, what I expect from my possibilities...

                    But... this will take some more time...

        _____                _____.          ____  _____
       / .__/__  ___________/ _   |_________|    \|    /____  _______
    s_/  l_   /__\   / _   /  _}--|_   ._   :     \   /  ._/__\    _/___s
    c\_______/   / _/  _)_/_ _____|/   |/  _|___7____/   l_   /\_      /c
.--------.  /    \__)_____ _      /    l____|.------/________/________/----->
|        `-/_____|---------------/_____|-----'
|                           ASCII/ANSI REGARDS TO:
|                           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|        (order of appearance might have something to say - maybe not?)
| RedSkin, Enforcer, Metalbasher, Rotox, Splatt, Metallikat, Red Devil, Rat,
|  FCKW, Shapechanger, Maz, Skin, Amblin, Danzig, Kamenski, Cardinal, RIP!,
|  H2o, Exocet, G.E.M, 911, Boomer, Seven M, Sy-Klone, Rapid, U-Man, 2Fast,
| Oep, Dhm, Desert, Masterbard, Mascot, Karma, Red Devil, Mogue, Ramon, Jedi,
| Tango, Stylez, Count Zero, Mess, Treach, Dartagnan, Nup, Stezotehic, Zeus!,
|      Acid Kid, Yop, Skize, Manta, Desoto, Juan, Goonie, Vinzi, Phase,
|       Terminal State, Zorro, Mephisto, Grimlock, Homicide, Crusader.
|       New Entries since last collection (forgotten/changed my mind):
|                Dash, Relief, Stylewars, Xcluziwe, Vietcong
|       Group Greets: Arclite - Art - Contra - Dezign - Epsilon Design
|                 Offspring - Roadhogz - Style - Upperclass!
|             Sorry if I respected anyone twice. I didn't want to.
|                      :
`-------------------- -+- ---------------------------------------------------.
                       :                                                     |
    _____  ____        .                        .                ________    |
    \_   \/  sc|_____ _|_ _____ _______      _ _|_ ___ _________|    ___/___ |
    _/         |   _   |   ___/__   __/__ ______|  __/____  _   |____      / |
    \____\/    :   _}--:___     /____   /_\__   |  \_    /  _}--:_________/  |
.--------.|____l_______l_______/_______/   _/   |_______/_______|.-----------'
|        `-------------------------. _/    |____|.---------------'
|                                  `-\_____|-----'
| Acid Kid: Yeah, pal - ya made second place at Art-Mag! Congratulations -
|           but it wasn't just fortune or bad taste - you really
|           deserve it - still laughing about "I could eat a plate twice".
|           Hope you have a worthy follow-up on the way :). And - looks
|           like we can't chat any longer - are you on IRC/Fido/E-Mail or
|           something? And - I see me dropping and dropping in your
|           greetingslist, what the fuck has happened?
|           -are you coming to Germany sometime? Visit me & Krypton!
| Count Zero: Well, delete me from your board membership - I won't call
|             anymore. Looks like we gotta find different ways. So what
|             about the BC as WL!-GHQ now? And - hurry with your collection.
|             Don't hang down as in former AC! times :), would be too sad.
| Relief: Thanks for your spontaneous respect and logo, mate!
|          and: can't thank you enough for "your eyes". Love you, Honey :)
| Shapechanger: Stylez wrote Dezign is dead?
| U-Man: Come on, come back - Your problems with sht should be solved...
| Nup: Welcome to Whale! and please do me some logos!
| to all Artists tributed/respected : do me some logos, please!

     ______             .   ____      .        ________
    / .   /sc      ___ _|_ _\_  \___ _|_ ______\     _/__
  _/  |__/_ ______/ _   |    /   \    |_     __/\_      /   'tHE cREDiTS'
  \______ _  _   /  _)__:_ ______/    |/     |/________/
<------.  /  /  /________ _   .-\_____/      |------------------------------->
       `-/   \__}-------------'      \_______|


 RELEASE DATE            : 95-1o-2o


              " Ich greif' Deiner Alten von hinten an die Moese,
                   ich bin Smudo, ich bin furchtbar BOESE! "

                        (Die Fantastischen Vier, Boese)

                          -immer fuer 'nen lacher gut

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ            _____
     _____ |     \   _______ (lo!)
    /     ||      \_/      /_____   whale!
  _/      /\_______/     _/      | are back
| the temple of boom - request collection! |
|   performed by lord chaos/whale!/shoot   |