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File size:
98 990 bytes (96.67K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:36
Download count:
all-time: 426


--  --- - --÷[ fUtURE DiMENSiONS - ONE OF THE FASTEST iN AUZ! ]÷-- - ---  --
               _______ ___.___ ___.    ___.___ _______ _______
              _\ ____/_\  |  /_\ _|__ _\  |  /_\ __  /_\ __  /
              |   __|__   | /__   __/__   | /__   __/__   __/_.
              |   |   |   l   |   l   |   l   |   _   |   l   |
              l___|   l____   l____   l____   l___|   l____   |
                          `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'-Ra!
   _______ ___.__  ___ _______ _______ _______ ___._______ _______ _______
  _\__   /_\_/_\_\/_ /_\ __  /_\ __  /_\  ___/_\_/_\ __  /_\ __  /_\  ___/
  |  |  /__   _  \/ /__   __/__   | /______ /__   _   | /__   | /______ /_.
  |  l    |   |   |   |   l   |   |   |   l   |   |   l   |   |   |   l   |
  l___    l___l___|   l____   l___|   l____   l___l____   l___|   l____   |
     `----'       `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'       `---'   `---'   `---'


        -÷[Chewie/uSX]·[Mirror Man/APB/uSX]·[tESTAMENT/pD^uSX]÷-
     -[Jaguar Speed/pD^uSX]·[RaSTa/uSX]·[HOMiCiDE!/uSX]·[Paint/uSX]-

          [·RUNNiNG a1200hD·o2o·882 6Mb·rAM - /X 4.xX·1 GiG hD·]

-- -÷[+61·755·aSK·sUM1]÷-- -  --- -- -- -- ---  - --÷[+61·755·sOOOOON!]÷- --
 |          .     ·                 ·    .        .           .     ·     |
 |    ·           .     :     ·     .    ·     .  ·     :  ·        .     |
 |    ._____:_____:_____._____._____.    ._____:__:_____.__:__·_____.     |
 |    |    ¬¦___ ¬:_ _ ¬l_ _ ¬l  _ ¬|    l___  :__)_ _ ¬l_ ¦ _:  _ ¬|     |
 |    l__¡  |  |__¦  _ _j  _ _j  _  |    ¦  |__¦  ¦  _ _j \_/ ¦  _  |     |
 |       ¦  ¡  __/.  |  ¡  |  ¡  !  |    ¡  __/:  |  |  ¡  ¦  |  !  |     |
 |  -DtN |  |  ¡ ¯·  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  ¦    |  !  |  |  ¦  |  |  |  ¦  ¦     |
 |       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ¡    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ¡     |
 |       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
 |       |  |  ¦  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
 |       |  ¦  :  ¦  |  |  |  |  |  |    ¦  ¦  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
 |       ¦  !  ·  :  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  |    :  :  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  |  |  |     |
 |       :__:_____·__|  !__|  !__!  |    ·__·  ¦  :__|  !__¦  |__!  |     |
 |       :  .     :  l__:  l__:  l__:    .  .  :  :  l__:  :  ¦  l__: ©oTt|
 |       .  ·           .     :     ·    ·     .  .     :  .  :     ·     |
 |                .           .     .             .     .     ·     .     |
 |      Running 3 Nodes all 16.8 USR, A2000/030, 0-3 Days Wares Only      |
 |     Supporting Amiga/PC/AmiX/Reqs/Hpac + Vision Disk-Magazine Area!    |
 |             O·N·E  O·F  A·U·S·T·R·A·L·i·A·S  F·i·N·E·S·T               |
 |                                                                        |
 |                   Node1: +619-247-3025 (Ringdown)                      |
 |                   Node2: +619-247-1931 (Ringdown)                      |
 |                   Node3: +619-247-1935 (Ringdown)                      |
 |                                                                        |
 |                      [·wHY·sETTLE·fOR·lESS!?·]                         |

          ..oNE oF aUSTRALIA'S fINEST!
   _____    ______.   _______________ _____        _ ____      ._______ _____
._/  __/_  _\ ____|_______   /  __  /____. \  __  / \ ___)_  __|      / ____/
|_____   \/   \|     /  _/  /  ____/  / _|  \/  \/   \     \/  \     /  \_
|    /    \_   \    /   \   \   \    /  \    \_   /   \_    \_  \   /    /
|- -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
|  uPPED:                      sCREAMING mETAL!                           |
|÷04:01:48÷       ___     ________ ___________._______   ______.          |
|÷09-02-95÷____  /   \  _/  ___  /___ ____    |___.   \_/   ___|_____     |
|         /    \/     \/   _____/   /    /    |  _|    \    \       /     |
|       _/       /     \_    \     /    /__.__|  \      \_   \     /      |
`·%· uMn\______\/_______/_________/________|______\______/________/aC! ·%·'

                          ..pURE aMIGA.. pURE sTYLE!

                 ÷[ .. aMIGA oNLY.. hPA .. aSCII .. aMI-X .. ]÷
     ÷[ oNLINE aSCII oRDERS!        -÷-     sYSOP: aCID kID/hONEY^sHOOT ]÷

                             * +61-9-382-4425 *

       ÷[ pUMPED bY: aCID kID       ]÷ ÷[ lOCATION: [+] sHOOT·wHALE! [ ]÷

                           - --(· FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- -

-on its exciting trip around the world, this pack passed the above boards!-

     [ this pack contains a hidden message! mail me if you find it...! ]

         do not comsume/inhale/ignite/ this ascii pack.
         it is for cosmetic purposes only!

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ          .____               :____.
     _____|   ¬\_ _______     ¦   ¬|
 .-_/    ¬|     ¬\\_   _/____ |    | -÷-.
 | \     /¯\     /     |    ¬\_____|adk!`-.
 |  \_____|_____/_____________/____)      |w
 |    aCID kID/wHALE·sHOOT brings you:    |H
 |         "once in a life time"          |A
 |    his special ascii BIRTHDAY PACK!    |L
 |   this pack will change your life...   |E
 `-.      (or your DL-bytes back!)        |!

            by viewing this pack you are hear-by initiated into the
            "wHALE association"(tm) and can officially be called a
            "wHALE watcher"(tm) ... for more info join the wHALE fan
            club and receive many novelty (and probably poisonous)
                        (disclaimer: fan club may not actually exist)

           .---------------------------------- -   - ----------.
           ¦-nUP!           .____      .______   :   .____     ¦
           |             ___|_   \  ___|_    /   :___|_   \    |
           |            /   l/    \/   l/___/    ¦   l/    \   |
           |    _ _ _ _/    /      \_  /    \_   |   /      \  |
           |       \\\\___ _¯\______/_____/\_/   |___.______/  |
           |                   _o   ___. /  \_   |___|_   \    |
           |    aCID kID!     (_)  /   l/   _/   /   l/    \   |
           |.              _ _ _ _/    /     \_      /      \  |
           ¦l_ _              \\\\___ _¯\_____/ _.__________/  ¦
           `---------------------------------- - : - ----------'

                                  · o · f ·

       __________|_       .                   _:_
_______\         |________|_          _________|________        __________
\       \       .|       _|___________\_____   |     __/________ ___     /
 \       \      ||       \_      /      _      |     |         / __/    /_
  \     _/\_     |       /      /       /      |     l        / _______/  |
   \_____/\      |______/______/_______________|_____________/____________|
:                                              · ·· ··· ················:
:      · countzero · u-man · manta · tango · acid kid · dartagnan ·     :
:                        · lord-chaos · skize ·                         :
:                                                                       :

                                 · a · n · d ·
                       · o · f · c · o · u · r · s · e ·

._________________________________ _|_ _____________________________________.
:                                   |                                       :
|                          .                                                |
|          __________ _____|_____.         ._________                       |
|          \     ___/__    |_    |_________|    _    \___________           |
|           \___      /    _/    :    _    :    /     \_     .__/           |
|           (________/     |___ _|_   /    |___________/     |              |
|                   \______|     l_________|sc        \______|              |
l________ _.                                                    ._ _________|
 _________ |       . .·.·:[  s   h   o    o   t  ]:·.·. .       | __________
l_________]|                                                    |l__________]
           :_ ________________________________________________ _;

             ... is proud to bring you an amazingly special...

       ..american standard code for information interchange package!

                        .. or in short "ascii pack"

           but not just any ascii pack. no sir-e. this is a...

                       .--\/-- -÷-- ---÷-- --÷-- -  -   -     -       -
    ._____.    _____ ._|__________._____    ._____. .______  _____.____.
    |   __|___(_____)| : __   / __|_   / ___|__   |_|____  \ \    |    |
    |   \__   \     \| : \___/  \___   \/   __/   |  ___/   \_\___l    |
    |     !    \     \ :  | /     |     \   !     |    \     \    \_   |
    l__________/_____/_:__| \_____l_____/_________|__________/_________|
                       `-- --÷-.pSY!
                  _____________|_  ______. .-----._____       _
               .__\___    /____: \/   ___|_|   __|_   /   __ (_) o
               |     ____/ ___/:  \   |    \   \___  /\  _\/_       .
               |     | /     \ :   \  !     \    |     \ \/\/
               l_____| \_______:___/________/____l______\
                               `--÷-- ----÷- ------÷- --÷-.
                           -       -     -    -  -- -÷- --'

                            (*) birthday pack (*)

                     on the very special date: 26-o8-95
                             ( 26th of august )

                              .. called..

            _   _ ___                           _  _ __   _   _ _   _
      _ _________ ___\ _____ ________  _______         \ (_) /____ _____
      \ \_  _  _/ \_  \   _/ \_  ___/_ \_ ___ \_        \___/ \_  \   _/
      _/    |    \_  \ \   \_    l    \_  \____/__ _  _/     \_  \ \   \_
      \___________/___\ \   /__________/_______  / /  \_______/___\_____/
        --  -  --:---  \___/--- -    --- - -  \_/ /   -  -- -:-- -  -
              ________        ______    _____ _________________
             _\___  _/        \_  _/___ \___/ \_  _____/\_ ___ \_
         _/_/   ___   \_    _/    |    \_    \_    __/_/   \____/__ _
         \ \___________/    \ __________/_____/    |  \_________  / /
             -- - -- -       \ ----- - - .--- `-- -:-- -- -- --\_/
               adk! ________________ ____:____ _______ _
                    \____ ____/\___/ \_  :  _/ \_ ___ \_\_
                       |   | _/     \_  \_/   \_  \____/__ _
                       |   | \_______/___:_____/_______  / /
                       `---:--- -- -   --:- -   ----  \_/

                          (*) once in a life time (*)

                 _   _ __                                 .
              _ _____ ___\ _____ ________  ________  _____:_____
              \ \___/ \_  \   _/ \_____  \ \_  ___ \_\__  |  __/
              _/     \_  \ \   \_     /   \_   \____/__   .    \_
              \_______/___\ \   /__________/________  /___|___  /
            .-- - adk!  -- \___/------ -  -   -- - \_/----:- - / -.
            `--+-------------- (*) the index (*) --------------+--'
              (%)                                             (%)
               |                o1.  ascii stuff               |
              (%)                                             (%)

             i am sure you know the basic format of ascii packs?
                     ..logo's, greets, blah, blah...!

        .|. here's a quick questionaire that i have filled in to .|.
        `|'       answer a few questions you might have(?)       `|'

·informative questionaire begins·

Q: is it true that you have recently quit "hONEY"?

                                                yes [X]
                                                no  [ ]

Q: is it true that you have joined both "sHOOT" and then "wHALE" since your
    last ascii pack?

                                        yes, indeed [X]
                                  i don't think so! [ ]
                          answer under construction [ ]

Q: is this questionaire going to be this serious all the way through?

                              yes, more than likely [ ]
             i'd hope so. i've got $50 riding on it [ ]
                                           probably [X]

Q: are you *still* using the same style from your last pack?

                                         no, never! [ ]
                                  indeedely-doodely [X]
                                              maybe [ ]

Q: ...and why is that?

                                      because i can [ ]
                                       i'm too lazy [ ]
 listen, i'll invent a new style in the..
               *very* near future, get off my back! [X]

Q: rumour has it that this ascii pack wasn't actually released on the
    date of your birthday. true?

                                   all of the below [X]
                                  ok, ok, i confess [ ]
                                      m-m-m-m-maybe [ ]
                                              true! [ ]
                                                yes [ ]
                                         definately [ ]

(·for information purposes only:                            ·)
(· this pack was released on the 2nd of September! but was  ·)
(· supposed to be released on the date of my birthday! 26th ·)

Q: by the way, what's this "wHALE" group all about?

  glad you asked.. it's a new ascii group formed
  by countzero and u-man that is dedicated to the
  art of ascii! contact one of them for info about
  joining! [midnite or final impact bbs's!]        [X]
          i have no idea what you're talking about [ ]
                     that's classified information [ ]

Q: really?

                                                yes [X]
                                                 no [ ]

Q: no, are you serious??

                       "serious is as serious does" [ ]
                         i think this joke has died [X]
            i think i can milk this joke a bit more [ ]
                                 no, it's all a lie [ ]

Q: how long is this questionaire going to be??

                           shuddup and keep reading [ ]
                      a bit longer. why do you ask? [ ]
                          this is a stupid question [X]
 i'm not going to answer anymore..
                questions without my lawyer present [ ]
                          i no speak a da eenglisk! [ ]

Q: back to this new "wHALE" group... what's the future?

 we're moving into other markets with products such as: 
            · wHALE cOLA (tm)
            · 0055-wet-wHALE (tm) (phone service)
            · wHALE-de-wHALE-wHALE (tm)
            · wHALE burger (with extra pickles) (tm)
            · wHALE-o-ale (tm)
            · wHALE-extra-long-questionaires (tm)   [ ]
       just wait and see my friend, wait and see... [X]

Q: well if you've got no further questions, i'll let you 
    continue with the pack...

                                sounds good with me [X]
        not much of a question. more of a statement [ ]
                                       it's a deal! [ ]
                     no, these questions turn me on [ ]

    -(· thank you for using "wHALE-extra-long-questionaires" (tm) 1995 ·)-

         the ascii's are in no order what-so-ever... i'm not even going
               to do an index of them!.. look at them all! heh

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: dtn (dartagnan)                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: dartagnan/wl!·ott·hny       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · "dartagnan, dartagnan, he's our man. if he can't ascii-it,
        |    no one can!"
        `----- -

                                               _   _ ___
             ________________ __________________________\ _________
             \_________      \ ______     _______\_      \       _/
           _/         /       \_   |       |   _/       \ \       \_
           \___________________/   :       |   \_________\ \       /
              - -- -- -------------.- -----:- -- ------ - \_______/
                                           . adk!

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: wl! (whale diz)                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: me and the whale-boys!      __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · we're havin' a whale of a time...
        `----- -

                              .____               :____.
                         _____|   ¬\_ _______adk! ¦   ¬|
                       _/    ¬|     ¬\\_   _/____ |    | .-.
                    .--\     /¯\     /     |    ¬\_____|-`-`-.
                  .-'   \_____|_____/_____________/____)   .-'
                  `---÷- another fine whale! release ---÷--'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: wl! (whale diz)                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: me and the whal-ies!        __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · whale whale whale whale whale whale whale whale whale whale
        `----- -

                           .____               :____.
                      _____|   ¬\_ _______     ¦   ¬|
                  .-_/    ¬|     ¬\\_   _/____ |    | -÷-.
                  | \     /¯\     /     |    ¬\_____|adk!`-.
                  |  \_____|_____/_____________/____)      |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
                  `-.                                      |

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: dial hard                                            .
 |  ||  requested by: done for fury/psg           __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · you've gotta be hard. you've gotta.. DIAL HARD
        `----- -

        _  _ __ _   ___   __ _   _
    ____________ \ (___) /   __________ ________/_      _
    \_______    \ \_____/ ___\___    _/ \_    _/_____  (_)
_/_/       /     \_      \_    ___     \_     |      \_ _
\ \_______________/______ /_____________/___________  / /
      -  - -- --------- \/---- --  - ------- -- -- - / /
                    adk!     .             _   _ ___
                    _ _______:_______ _\__________  \  _______  __________
                  _ \ \_   __:_    _/___\___    _/___\___     \_\______   \
                 (_) _/    \___     \_    ___     \_    /     _/      /    \_
                     \_______|_______/___________  /____\      \____________/
                        - ---:-- -- ------ --- -- / ---- \______/---- --- -

         Kick-a-poo Joy Juice (The Original Joy Juice Recipe) is the
                          drink for true champions!

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: intensity                                                     .
 |  ||  requested by: technique/intensity         __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · you know the feeling... pure.. INTENSITY! YOW
        `----- -

   _ __   ___   _ _  _                            _   _  __ ___
       \ (___) /______ ________________________________   _____\ _______
        \_____/ \_    \     _/______ ______ \_   ___   \_ \_    \     _/
    _/_/       \_    \ \     \_  |     |  _/     \______/__    \ \     \_ _
    \ \________ /_____\ \     /  |     |  \_____________  /_____\ \     / /
         - ---\/ ---- -\_____/-- `--- -:--------  -- - \_/---- - \_____/ /
         adk!  _/\_______    __________.________________._______
          _    \     ___/___ \_____/______ ______\___   |    __/   _
         (_) _/ \______     \_      \_ |     |  _/   \___      \_ (_)
             \  _____________/______ / |     |  \_____________  /
              \_/   -  - ---- -----\/--: -- -.-- - ------ - -- /

                         (*)  i N T E N S i T Y  (*)

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: int (intensity diz)                                  .
 |  ||  requested by: technique/intensity         __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                  _ __ _  ____  __ _  _
                        \ \__/ /_____ __________________ _
                   .---- \____/ \_   \    _/____  _____/_/
                 .-'   _/      \_   \ \    \_ |    | -----.
                 | adk!\_______ /____\ \    / |    |      `-.
                 `------------\/------\____/--:- --'--------'
                           intensity cracked today

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: int (intensity diz)                                  .
 |  ||  requested by: technique/intensity         __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                         ______ _____ __________________ _
                   .---- \____/ \_   \    _/____  _____/_/
                 .-'   _/      \_   \ \    \_ |    | -----.
                 | adk!\________/____\______/ l____|      `-.
                 `-------- intensity cracked today ---------'

        Thought For The Day:  <Thought currently under construction>

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: city of thieves                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: mystix/ihs·crx·atm          __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · nothing is sacred in the CITY OF THIEVES
        `----- -

                       _  __ _   _   __ _  _
                     ________ \ (_) /_______________ _____
                     \_  ___/_ \___/\____ ____/\__  |  __/
                   _/    l    \_    \_ |   |  _/  \__    \_
                   \___________/____ / |   |  \___________/
                     - - -- -------\/--: --' ----- ---- -
                         adk! _________ __________ _
                              \_  _  _/ \_  _____/ /
                          _/_/    |    \_   ___/
                          \ \___________/    |
                     .       - -- - ---:-----'
   _ ________________._____ _____ _______  ____.____ _______   _/\_____  _
   \_\____ ____/\_ __:_  _/ \___/ \_ ___ \_\_  |  _/ \_ ___ \__\   ___/_ /
        |   |  _/  \___   \_     \_  \____/__  |    \_  \____/__\____   \_
        l   |  \_____:_____/_____ /_______  /________/_______  /_________/
        `- -:--------:--  - ----\/ ---- -\_/---- - ----- -- \_/- - ---- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: day dream                                            .
 |  ||  requested by: allah/prx·lsd               __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · i was walkin' in a daze.. walkin' in a DAY DREAM
        `----- -

                ____________      _\__________   _______._______
                \_______    \    ___\____   _/   \____  |    __/
            _/_/       /     \__/    _____    \__/    \__      \_
            \ \_______________/\_____________  /\_______________/
                 - - -- ---------------- -- - / - ------ --- -
        adk!  _  _ __                                             .
      ____________   \  ______  ___________      __________ ______:______
      \_______    \ __\___    \_\_   ___   \_ ___\____   _/ \_    :    _/
    _/       /     \_    /    _/     \______/__   _____    \_    \_/     \_\_
    \_______________/____\     \____________  /___________  /_____:_______/ /
      -  - -------  - ----\_____/- ------- \_/ - ------ -  / -----. --- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: hippo player                                         .
 |  ||  requested by: allah/prx·lsd               __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · A serious name (hah) for a seriously cool mod player!
        | · (serious comment! pah!)
        `----- -

               _  __   ___   __ _  _
     _______._______\ (___) /  ___________   ___________  _____________
     \_   __|_    _/ \_____/___\______    \__\______    \_\_    _    _/
    _/    \___     \_       \_     ________/     ________/      |      \_
    \_______|_______/_______ /     |     |       |      \_______________/
      - adk!----- - ----- -\/---- -'- -- :- - ---'----- --  - ---- ---
                                                          _ __ __
    __________ _______     _\_________ ______:______ _________   \  ______
 ___\______   \__   _/____ __\___   _/ \__   :   __/_\_  ___  \___\___    \_
 |      _______/    |     \_   ___    \_  \___     \_    \_____/__   /    _/
 |      |    \_____________/_________  /____________/__________  /___\     \_
 :-- ---:------ - -----  - ------- -  /----- ----  - ---------\_/ -- -\_____/

  They can put a man on the moon but they can't say "She sells sea shells.."

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: pc                                                   .
 |  ||  requested by: allah/prx·lsd               __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · in every race there has to be a second place..
        `----- -

       .--adk!----- - ________________  ______________ - -------------.
       `-.    ___  ___\__________     \_\_      _____/___    ___    .-'
         `-÷--\_/  |         __________/        l        \_  \_//-÷-'
            `------|         |--------\___________________/-------'
                   `------ --: 

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: support                                              .
 |  ||  requested by: allah/prx·lsd               __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                                                   _  _ __
    _/\_____  ____.____  _________   _________  _________ \  _____ __________ _
    \   ___/_ \_  |  _/__\______  \__\______  \_\_  _  _/ _\___   \____ ____/_/
_ _/ \____   \_   |    \_    ______/     ______/    |    \_   /   _/ |   |
\ \  _________/_________/    |     |     |    \___________/___\    \_|   |
 \ \_/-- adk! ---------------'- ---`-- --:-- ------------------\____/|---:

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: the chameleon                                        .
 |  ||  requested by: dark elf/trsi·lsd·ins       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · kick back and relax with the cool fellows at.. THE CHAMELEON
        |    i'll try a 1-word version again... but it's just too damn long!
        `----- -

                               ÷   T · H · E   ÷

            __________    _______._______ _\__________ ______ ______ adk!
       _    \_    ___/___ \_   __|_    _/___\___    _/ \_    Y    _/    _
      (_) _/      l      \_    \___     \_    ___     \_    \_/     \_ (_)
       ___________  ________     ___________  _____________ ______ _______
       \_   ___   \_\_    _/_____\_   ___   \_\_    _    _/ \_    \     _/
     _/     \______/__    |      \_   \______/__    |      \_    \ \     \_
     \_____________  /____________/__________  /____________/_____\ \     /
        --  - ----\_/--- ---  - -------- ---\_/ ----- --  - ----- -\_____/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: insane                                               .
 |  ||  requested by: dark elf/trsi·lsd·ins       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · my friends call me crazy.. when infact i'm actually INSANE!
        `----- -

  _ _  ____  __ _   _ adk!                   _   _ ___
     \ \__/ /_____ ______ _/\______   _\_________ ____\ ______ _________
      \____/ \_   \    _/_\    ___/__ __\___   _/ \_   \    _/ \_  ___  \_ \_
  _/_/      \_   \ \    \_ \_____    \_   ___    \_   \ \    \_    \_____/__
  \ \_______ /____\______/ ___________/_________  /____\ \    /__________  /
        - -\/----------- \_/ ---------- --- - -  / -  --\____/- --- --  \_/

                        < INSERT FUNNY ONE-LINER HERE >

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: dark elf                                             .
 |  ||  requested by: dark elf/trsi·lsd·ins       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · the darkest of them all... DARK ELF!
        `----- -

                                _    _  ___
            ____________   _\___________   \  _______ _______._______
            \_______    \  __\____    _/ ___\___     \___    |   ___/
          _/       /     \_    _____    \_     /     _/      _      \
          \_______________/____________  /_____\      \______|       \_
             -   -   -- -------- -----  / ----- \______/-- - l________/
                  _ ___________  ________      _______________/_
             _    \ \_   ___   \_\_    _/_____ \_    ________/   _
            (_)   _/     \______/__    |      \_      _____/    (_)
                  \_____________  /____________/      |
                      -  - ----\_/-- --- -- --:- -----'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: allah                                                .
 |  ||  requested by: allah/prx·lsd               __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · A cool guy running a cool board who goes by the name of.. ALLAH
        `----- -

                      _   _ _ __             _                      .
 adk! _\__________ ________     \  ______   (_) _\__________ _______._______
_    ___\___    _/ \_    _/_____ \_    _/_____ ___\___    _/ \_   __|_    _/
\/ _/     ___     \_     |      \_     |      \_    ___     \_    \___     \_
   \_______________/_____________/_____________/___________  /______|_______/
       -  - -- -------- --- --   - --- ----------- -  --- - / -- ---'-- - -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: trsi                                                 .
 |  ||  requested by: dark elf/trsi·lsd·ins       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · there can only be one....
        `----- -

                                               _   __ ___   ___   __ _  _
            _ __________________________    _/\________  \ (___) /
            \_\______   ___________     \_  \     ____/__ \_____/
                   |     |_/      /     _/_/ \______     \_      \_
                   |     |\_______\      \_  _____________/______ /
                   `-----:-- --- --\______/\_/-- --- -  ---- -  \/
                         . adk!

              (*)  T R i S T A R · A N D · R E D · S E C T O R  (*)

      » stop the press! we're about to reach line 1000 (one thousand) «

              » ok, there it goes.. on with the collection.. «

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: destiny stone 2                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: ripmax                      __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                                      _   _ _   _   __ _  _
       ________  _______   _/\_______________\ (_) /____ __________._____
       \_____  \ \_ ___ \__\   _________ ____/\___/ \_  \   _/\__  |  __/
   _/_/     /   \_  \____/__\____   \_|   | _/     \_  \ \   \_  \__    \_
   \ \___________/_______  /_________/|   : \______ /___\ \   /__________/
        -  - -- ----- --\_/_/ - ------:---.- -----\/ ----\___/ - ----- -
       adk!                           .  _   _ __
         _ _/\______ _______________________ ____\ ______ _________
         \ \    ___/______  _____\_   _   _/ \_   \    _/ \_  ___  \_
         _/ \_____    \_|    | _/     |     \_   \ \    \_    \_____/__ _
         \  ___________/|    | \_____________/____\ \    /__________  / /
          \_/ - ------ -`----:- --------  - ----- -\____/ ---  - - \_/ /
                             .  _\______________
                        _      ___\______      /      _
                       (_)   _/     __________/ \_ _ (_)
                             \_________________  / /
                                              \_/ /

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: destiny stone 2 (colour)                             .
 |  ||  requested by: ripmax                      __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                                      _   _ _   _   __ _  _
       ________  _______   _/\_______________\ (_) /____ __________._____
       \_____  \ \_ ___ \__\   _________ ____/\___/ \_  \   _/\__  |  __/
   _/_/     /   \_  \____/__\____   \_|   | _/     \_  \ \   \_  \__    \_
   \ \___________/_______  /_________/|   : \______ /___\ \   /__________/
        -  - -- ----- --\_/_/ - ------:---.- -----\/ ----\___/ - ----- -
       adk!                           .  _   _ __
         _ _/\______ _______________________ ____\ ______ _________
         \ \    ___/______  _____\_   _   _/ \_   \    _/ \_  ___  \_
         _/ \_____    \_|    | _/     |     \_   \ \    \_    \_____/__ _
         \  ___________/|    | \_____________/____\ \    /__________  / /
          \_/ - ------ -`----:- --------  - ----- -\____/ ---  - - \_/ /
                             .  _\______________
                        _      ___\______      /      _
                       (_)   _/     __________/ \_ _ (_)
                             \_________________  / /
                                              \_/ /

       " hell there are no Amigas, so better do your a$©²s here..."
                                                      - kEVIN/dAMONES

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: ihs (inhumans diz)                                   .
 |  ||  requested by: kryptonite/inhumans         __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · "more hu-man than in-hu-man"
        `----- -

                   _ _   __   __ _  .
                      \ (__) /______.______ _/\______
                       \____/ \_  __:_   _/_\    ___/__
                   .-_/      \_   \___    \_ \_____    \_
                 .-' \_______ /_____:______/ ___________/---.
                 `-÷-adk!---\/--- inhumans \_/----------÷---'
                   |                                    `-.
                   |         ADD YOUR STUFF HERE!         |
                   `-.                                    |

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: inhumans                                             .
 |  ||  requested by: kryptonite/inhumans         __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                        __ _  _____  __  _
                            \ \___/ /______ _______
                        _    \_____/ \_    \     _/   _
          .-----------((_) _/       \_    \ \     \_ (_))-----------.
        .-' adk!           \________ /_____\_______/                `-.
        |                        . \/          _   _ ___              |
  ______:______ _____._____ _____._____   _________ ____\ ______ _/\__:___
  \_  __:_   _/ \_   |   _/ \_   :   _/ __\___   _/ \_   \    _/_\    :__/__
 _/   \___    \_     |     \_   \_/    \_   ___    \_   \ \    \_ \___:_    \_
 \______:______/____________/____:______/___________/____\ \    / ____:______/

                             - i n h u m a n s -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: instant pleasure                                     .
 |  ||  requested by: nike/trsi                   __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · Just one dial will give you.. INSTANT PLEASURE!
        `---- -

 _ _ _  ___  __ _  _                           _   _ ___
      \ \_/ /____ _____ _/\________________ ________ ___\ _______________ _
 adk!  \___/ \_  \   _/_\   ___/_____ ____/_\___  _/ \_  \   _/____ ____/_/
   .-_/     \_  \ \   \_ \____   \_|   | _/   ___   \_  \ \   \_ |   |--.
   | \______ /___\ \   / _________/|   : \___________/___\_____/ |   |  `-.
   |   - --\/ --- \___/\_/- ----- -:- -.------ ---  - --_-_------:---'    |
  _|______ ______   _______ _\________  _/\_____ ____.____ \  _____ ______|
__\:____  \__  _/___\_ ___ \__\___  _/ _\   ___/_\_  |  _/ _\___   \__ ___:\_
|  : ______/   |    \_ \____/__ ___   \_ \____   \_  |    \_   /   _/  \__:_/__
|  : |   \___________/______  /________/ _________/________/___\    \_____:_  /
`--|-:---- --  - --------- \_/- ----  -\_/- --- --  - ------- - \____/--  |\_/
   `-------------------------[ instant pleasure ]-------------------------'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: stress                                               .
 |  ||  requested by: nike/trsi                   __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

          _/\_______________________  _______    _/\_____   _/\_____/_
          \   _________ _________   \_\_ ___ \_ _\   ___/_ _\   ___/_
      _ _/ \____   \_|   |_/    /   _/   \____/__ \____   \_ \____   \_ _
      \ \  _________/|   :\_____\    \________  /__________/__________/ /
       \ \_/ adk! ---:- -.-------\____/ --- -\_/ ------  - ----- - -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: craze                                                .
 |  ||  requested by: nike/trsi                   __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

              _  _ ___
          _________   \ ________  _\_________   _________ _________
          \_   ___/__ _\____    \___\___   _/ __\___    / \_  ___  \_
        _/     l     \_    /    _/    ___    \_   _____/ \_   \_____/__
        \_____________/____\     \____________/_________  /_________  /
           - -- ---  - adk!-\_____/- - ---- - ------ - \_/ - -- -- \_/

             "I'm like MA Bell, I've got the Ill Communications"
                                               - Beastie Boys

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: numen                                                .
 |  ||  requested by: numen/x·superiors·neo       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · numen... hey, isn't that the guy from Seinfeld? :)
        `----- -

               ____ _________.________ ____ _______  ____ _____
               \_  \   _/\_  |  _/\_  Y  _/ \_ ___ \_\_  \   _/
             _/   \ \   \_   |    \_ \_/   \_  \____/__ \ \   \_
             \_____\ \   /_________/__|_____/_______  /__\_____/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: numen                                                .
 |  ||  requested by: numen/x·superiors·neo       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                         .___       __ __  ___ .___
                         |   )(___)(  Y  )(__/_|   )
                        - ----------------- / ----- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: numen                                                .
 |  ||  requested by: numen/x·superiors·neo       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                        _.____      __ __  ___ .____
                         |   /(___)(  Y  )(__/_|   /
                        - --/---------------/------ -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: soap city                                            .
 |  ||  requested by: I was just bored            __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · "One cake or two sir?" "Dammit.. I want a whole city of soap!"
        `---- -

            _/\_______   _____________  _\__________   ___________
            \     ___/___\_    _    _/ ___\___    _/___\______    \_\_
        _ _/ \______     \_    |      \_   _____    \_     ________/ /
        \ \  _____________/____________/_____________/     |
         \ \_/- - -------  - ----------- -- -  - -------- -'
              adk!   _   _ _   ___   __ _   _
              _ ___________ \ (___) /___________________._______
              \ \_    ____/__\_____/_____   _____\___   |    __/
              _/      l      \_     \_ |     |  _/   \___      \_
              \_______________/_____ / |     :  \_____________  /
                - - ------------- -\/--:-- --.-- ----- -  -- - /

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: teac                                                 .
 |  ||  requested by: teac                        __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

            _ _______________________     _________ _________
            \_\_____  _____/\_  ___  \_ __\___   _/ \_   ___/__
                  |    |  _/    \_____/__   ___    \_    l     \_
                  |    |  \___________  /___________/___________/
                  `-- -:----- ---- - \_/ adk! --- ------ - -- -

                   For a good time call:  +61-9-382-4425

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: medusa                                               .
 |  ||  requested by: dunno! but who cares.       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · look deep into my eyes....
        `----- -

         .                                  .
    _____._____ _________  __________  _____._____  _/\______   _\_________ _
    \_   :   _/ \_  ___  \_\______   \ \_   |   _/ _\    ___/__ __\___   _/ /
_/_/    \_/    \_   \_____/__    /    \_    |     \_ \_____    \_  _____   \_
\ \______:______/_________  /__________/___________/ ___________/_________  /
      - -:-- ---- - ---- \_/ -------- --   - ----- \_/ --- -------- - -- - /
         . adk!

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: acc (accession diz)                                  .
 |  ||  requested by: ddt/accession + acc boys    __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · lw4.0! a nice release.. a good 3 days worth of cracking! heh..
        `----- -

                    _\_________ _________   _________
                    __\___   _/ \_   ___/__ \_   ___/__
                .-_/    ___    \_    l     \_    l     \_--.
                | \_____________/___________/__________ /  |
                `------- accession cracked for you --- /---'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: shoot                                                .
 |  ||  requested by: lord chaos!/shoot           __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · "Yo homeboy, squeeze the trigger!"
        `----- -

     _/\________   _______._______ _____________ ___________________________
     \     ____/__ \_   __:_    _/ \_    _    _/ \_    _    _/_____   _____/
 _ _/ \______     \_    \____    \_      |      \_     |      \_ |     |
 \ \  _____________/______:_____  /______________/_____________/ |     |
  \ \_/ -  - - --------- -:--- - /-------- --- -  - -- ----------:-----:
                          .                                      . adk!

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: sht (shoot diz)                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: lord chaos/shoot            __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        `----- -

                     _/\______   ______.__________________ _
                  .- \   ____/__ \_  __|_   _/____  _____/_/
                .-'_/ \_____    \_   \___    \_ |    | --.
                |  \  ___________/_____|______/ l____|   `-.
                `---\_/------- shoot presents -------------'

  Dont you hate it when you start to write a one-liner & forget what to say?

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: atomic                                               .
 |  ||  requested by: kryptonite/ihn              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · when you feel your underwear on top of your head, you know
        |   you've been hit with a lethal "ATOMIC wedgie"!
        `----- -

               _                                                 _
               |::::'                                            |
               |::                             . _ __  ____  _ _ |_
       _\______:_________________________ _____:_____\ \__/ /____:____/_
       __\___   _/_____  _____\_   _   _/ \_   :   _/ \____/ \_   ___/__
   _ _/    ___    \_ |    | _/     |     \_   \_/    \_     \_    l     \_\_
   \ \_____________/ |    : \_____________/____:______/_____ /___________/ /
               |.    :    .                    .           \/   .|
               |:.   .                                         .:|
               |::. .  .                                 .  ..:::|

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: atm (atomic diz)                                     .
 |  ||  requested by: kryptonite/ihs              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                       _\__________________________ _____
                  .----__\___   _/_____  _____\_   Y   _/----.
                  |::_/    ___    \_ |    | _/    \_/    \_::|
                  `--\_____________/ l____| \______|______/--'
                   adk!- -  -- atomic brings you---- -- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: atm (atomic diz)                                     .
 |  ||  requested by: kryptonite/ihs              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                       _\__________________________ _____
                       __\___   _/_____  _____\_   Y   _/ adk!
                  .--_/    ___    \_ |    | _/    \_/    \_.
                  |  \_____________/ l____| \______|______/`-.
                  |          - atomic brings you -           |
                  |                                          |
                  |          ADD RELEASE INFO HERE!          |
                  `-.                                        |

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: sacred city                                          .
 |  ||  requested by: adrock!/hellfire            __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · coming online sooooon! .. check it out!
        `----- -

                                    _ __
          _/\_____ _\________ ________  \  _____  _______  ________
          \   ___/_ _\___  _/ \_  ___/_ _\___   \_\_ ___ \_\_____  \
      _ _/ \____   \_  ___   \_   l    \_   /   _/   \____/__   /   \_\_
      \ \  _________/_________/_________/___\    \________  /________/ /
       \ \_/ adk!         _ _ _  ___  __ _   \____/      \_/
                      ________ \ \_/ /_____________._____
                      \_  ___/_ \___/____ ____\__  |  __/
                    _/    l    \_    \_|   | _/  \__    \_
                    \___________/_____/:   | \___________/
                                   -  -.- -'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: ultra-sonix                                          .
 |  ||  requested by: smash!/usx                  __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · "U-S comin' right with tha hardcore. We're going to need some
        |    energy in this place... U-S got the energy!"
        `----- -

       ______.______ ________  _________________ _________     __________
       \_    |    _/ \_    _/_________   ________\___     \____\___    _/
     _/      |      \_     |      \_|     | _/      /     _/    _____    \_
     \_______________/_____________/|     : \_______\      \______________/
   _                                :     .          \______/               _
  (_)      adk!                          _  _ ___   ___   __ _  _          (_)
       _/\_______/_  _____________ ______ _______\ (___) /_______._______
       \    ____/___ \_    _    _/ \_    \     _/ \_____/ \____  |  ____/
     _/ \_______    \_     |      \_    \ \     \_       \_      .      \_
     \  _____________/_____________/_____\ \     /_______ /______|_______/
      \_/                                 \_____/       \/

             17. What must you do when you see this sign? (STOP)

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: smash!                                               .
 |  ||  requested by: smash!/usx                  __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                adk! .                                          .
  _/\_______   ______:______  _\__________  _/\_______   _______._______._____.
  \    ____/___\_    :    _/ ___\___    _/ _\    ____/___\_   __:_    _/|     |
_/ \_______    \_   \_/     \_    ___     \_ \_______    \_   \____    \______|
\  _____________/____:_______/_____________/ _____________/_____:_______/_____)
 \_/- ------  -- ----: -------- -  - ------\_/ - ----  - -------' - -- --- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: road runna                                           .
 |  ||  requested by: road runna/dvs              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · bl-l-l-l-l meep meep!
        |   lets see this new ascii style of yours! heh..
        `----- -

         _ __
             \  _______  _____________   _\__________ ____________
           ___\___     \_\_    _    _/  ___\___    _/ \_______    \
         _/      /     _/      |      \_     ___     \_      /     \_\_
         \_______\      \______________/______________/_____________/ /
 _ ___                    adk!             _   _ ___
      \  _______  ______.______ ______ _______ _____\ _______  _\__________
    ___\___     \_\_    |    _/ \_    \     _/ \_    \     _/ ___\___    _/
_ _/      /     _/      |      \_    \ \     \_     \ \     \_     ___     \_
\ \_______\      \______________/_____\ \     /______\_______/______________/
           \______/                    \_____/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: bandits bbs                                          .
 |  ||  requested by: road runna/dvs              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                       _  _ __            _  _ _  ____  __ _
  ___________ _\_________ ____\ ________________\ \__/ /____________/\______
  \______   _)__\___   _/ \_   \    _/\______   \\____/_____  _____\    ___/_
_/      /    \_   ___    \_   \ \    \_     /    \_    \_ |    | _/ \_____   \_
\_____________/___________/____\ \    /___________/_____/ :    | \  __________/
                                \____/                    .    :  \_/
                  _____________ _____________  _/\_______      .
             _    \_______    _)\_______    _)_\    ____/___    _  adk!
            (_) _/       /     \_      /     \_ \______     \_ (_)
                \_______________/_____________/ _____________/

         aCID kID is running out of one-liners for this ascii pack..

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: extreme prejudice                                    .
 |  ||  requested by: road runna/dvs              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · there should be a law that says bbs names have to be less
        |   than 8 characters!
        `----- -

      _______  _____ _______________________  _______  ____ ____ _______
      \_ ___ \_\__  |  __/_____ _________   \_\_ ___ \_\_  Y  _/ \_ ___ \_
    _/   \____/__   .    \_  |   |_/    /   _/   \____/__ \_/   \_  \____/__
    \_________  /___|_____/  l___|\_____\    \________  /__|_____/_______  /
             \_/ adk!                    \____/      \_/                \_/
  ________ _______ _______     ______ ____.____________ _____ _______________
__\_____  \____   \__ ___ \____\_  _/ \_  |  _/\_____  \\___/ \_  ___/__ ___ \_
|     _____/  /   _/  \____/__  |    \_   |    \_   /   \_   \_   l    \_\____/_
l_____| \_____\    \_______  /________/_________/________/____/_________/_____
               \____/     \_/                                                \_/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: uninvited                                            .
 |  ||  requested by: road runna/dvs              __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · to leave this place you gotta be UNINVITED!
        `----- -

                _ __   _   __ _           _ _ _  ___  __ _
          _ __      \ (_) /____ _____ ____.____\ \_/ /_________
           ___\ _____\___/ \_  \   _/ \_  |  _/ \___/____ ____/___
  ____.____\_  \   _/     \_  \ \   \_    |    \_    \_|   |\_ __ \_ ________
  \_  |  _/   \ \   \______/___\_____/__________/_____/:  _/   \___/_\_____  \
_/    |    \___\ \   / adk!                            .  \________  /    /   \_
\___________/   \___/         · u n i n v i t e d ·        .      \_/__________/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: request                                              .
 |  ||  requested by: me and idea/megawatts       __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · look out for the cool new /X door(s) from idea + me! :)
        `----- -

  _ __
      \  _____  _______  _________ ____.____ _______    _/\________________ _
      _\___   \_\_ ___ \_\_  _  _/ \_  |  _/ \_ ___ \___\   _________ ____/_/
  _/_/    /   _/   \____/__  |   _\_   |    \_  \____/__ \____   \_|   |
  \ \_____\    \________  /_______\/_________/_______  / _________/|   |
      - -- \____/-adk!-\_/----\____/ - --- ------- -\_/\_/-- --- --:- -'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: final impact                                         .
 |  ||  requested by: u-man/whale                 __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · sorry to hear about your bust mate. keep pumpin' out those
        |   funky ascii's styles... love 'em!
        `----- -
      _  _   ___  __ _  _
  _________\ \_/ /____ _____  ________ ______/_
  \_  _____/\___/ \_  \   _/__\___  _/ \_  _/___
_/    ___/_/     \_  \ \   \_   ___   \_   |    \_
\______|  \_______/___\ \   /__________/_________/ adk!
                _ _____ ____:____  _________ _\________ ___________________ _
                \ \___/ \_  :  _/__\______  \__\___  _/ \_  ___/_____ ____/_/
                _/     \_  \_/   \_    ______/   ___   \_   l    \_|   |
                \______ /___:_____/    |    \___________/_________/l___|
                      \//   :  - - ----'

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: stoned high                                          .
 |  ||  requested by: mystix/crux·inhumans·atomic __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · smoke tha shit..
        `----- -

                                     _ _ ___
      _/\______________________________ ____\ _______________  __________
      \    ___/______  _____\_   _   _/ \_   \    _/\_  ___  \_\______   \
  _ _/ \_____    \_|    | _/     |     \_   \ \    \_   \_____/__    /    \_\_
  \ \  ___________/|    | \_____________/____\ \    /_________  /__________/ /
   \ \_/- ---  - --:- --.------- --  - -------\____/ - ------\_/---- -- -
              adk! _   _ ___  _____  __ _  _
              _______.______\ \___/ /__________   _______._______
              \_   __|_    _/\_____/ \_    ___/___\_   __|_    _/
             _/    \___     \_      \_     l_     \_   \___     \_\_
             \_______|_______/______ /_____________/_____|_______/ /
               - --  - ----- ----- \/- ---  - -------- - ----- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: atomic nz (headquarters)                             .
 |  ||  requested by: mystix/crux·inhumans·atomic __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                                           _  _ __   _   __ _
             ___________________________ ____:____\ (_) /________  _
            _\___  _/____ ____/\_  _  _/ \_  :  _/ \___/ \_  ___/_ /
        _/_/   ___   \_|   | _/    |    \_  \_/   \_    \_   l    \_
        \ \___________/|   | \___________/___:_____/____ /_________/
            - -- ------`- -:----  - ------- -:------- -\/ ------ -
                             _ __
                         adk! ___\ _____ ________ _
                       _      \_  \   _/_\___   / /    _
                      (_) _/_/   \ \   \_  ____/ \_ _ (_)
                          \ \_____\ \   /_______  / /
                                   \___/       \_/ /

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: hellfire                                             .
 |  ||  requested by: adrock!/hellfire            __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · from the depths of hell comes..
        `----- -

                                            _ ___   _   __ _
 _____.____________  ______   ______    _________\ (_) / _______  _______
 \_ __|_  _/\_ ___ \_\_  _/___\_  _/___ \_  _____/\___/ _\___   \_\_ ___ \_
_/  \___   \_  \____/__  |    \_  |    \_   ___/_/     \_   /   _/   \____/__
\_____|_____/_______  /________/________/    |  \______ /___\    \________  /
   - -:---- - adk!-\_/----- ---  - ----- ----'- ----- \/- ---\____/-- - -\_/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: mystical places                                      .
 |  ||  requested by: kryptonite/inhumans·atomic  __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · the mystical board.. grab tha magical number!
        `----- -

      .                             _ ___  ___  __ _  _
  ____.____ _____._____ _/\______________\ \_/ /________/_ ________ ______
  \_  :  _/ \__  |  __/_\   ___/_____ ____\___/ \_  ___/_ _\___  _/ \_  _/___
_/   \_/   \_  \__    \_ \____   \_|   |_/     \_   l    \_  ___   \_   |    \_
\_____:_____/__________/ _________/|   :\______ /_________/________ /_________/
   -- :--adk! - - -----\_/---  - --:- -.---- -\/--- --  - ------ - /------ -
         ________  ______     ________ ________  _______    _/\_____  _
       __\_____  \_\_  _/___ _\___  _/ \_  ___/_ \_ ___ \_ _\   ___/_ /
       |     _____/    |    \_  ___   \_   l    \_  \____/__ \____   \_
       l     |   \___________/_________/_________/_______  / _________/
       `--- -:------ ----- --  - --------- - - ------- -\_/\_/-- -- -

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: brain crash                                          .
 |  ||  requested by: for my mate krypton/pdy·sht __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · call the shoot world headquaters! (also pdy ghq)
        `----- -

                          _ ___   _   __ _
  _________  _______   ________\ (_) /____ _____
  \_____  _)_\___   \__\___  _/ \___/ \_  \   _/
_/     /   \_   /   _/   ___   \_    \_  \ \   \_
\___________/___\    \__________/_____/___\ \   /
                 \____/        _ __        \___/ adk!
                         ________  \  _____   ________  _/\_____ _____._____
                         \_  ___/_ _\___   \__\___  _/ _\   ___/_\_ __|_  _/
                       _/    l    \_   /   _/   ___   \_ \____   \_ \___   \_
                       \___________/___\    \__________/ _________/___|_____/
                                        \____/         \_/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: homicide!                                            .
 |  ||  requested by: homicide!/atomic            __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

                       _  ._ __   _   ___ _ __   _   ___ _   _
 _____.______________ ____:____\ (_) /________\ (_) /________  _______  .____:
 \_ __|_  _/\_  _  _/ \_  :  _/ \___/ \_  ___/_\___/ \_____  \_\_ ___ \_|    |
_/  \___   \_   |    \_  \_/   \_    \_   l    \_   \_    /   \_  \____/|____|
\_____|_____/_________/___:_____/_____/_________/____/_________/_______  /___)
                          .                                           \_/adk!

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: blood rush                                           .
 |  ||  requested by: homicide!/atomic            __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`------------------------------------------ (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'

  _________ ______   _________ _________ ________
  \_____  _)\_  _/___\_  _  _/ \_  _  _/ \_____  \    _
_/     /   \_   |    \_  |    \_   |    \_    /   \_ (_)
                                    _______  ____ ____  _/\_____ _____ _____
                                   _\___   \_\_  |  _/ _\   ___/_\_ __|_  _/
                                 _/    /   _/    |    \_ \____   \_ \___   \_
                                 \_____\    \__________/ _________/___|_____/
                                        \____/ adk!    \_/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: recall                                                     .
 |  ||  requested by: recall/ihs·lsd·pls          __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · i can't RECALL what i was going to write here..
        `----- -

  _ __
      \  ______  _________  _________   _\_________ _______     _______
     __\___    \_\_  ___  \_\_   ___/__ __\___   _/ \_   _/____ \_   _/____
   _/     /    _/    \_____/__   l     \_   ___    \_    |     \_    |     \_
   \______\     \__________  /__________/___________/___________/___________/
           \_____/ adk!   \_/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: recall                                               .
 |  ||  requested by: recall/ihs·lsd·pls          __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · oh yeah, now i remember. RECALL is his name-o...
        `----- -

       _ __
           \  _____  _______  ________   ________ ______    ______
      _    _\___   \_\_ ___ \_\_  ___/_ _\___  _/ \_  _/___ \_  _/___    _
     (_) _/    /   _/   \____/__  l    \_  ___   \_   |    \_   |    \_ (_)
         \_____\    \________  /________/_________/_________/_________/
                \____/ adk! \_/

  _  __  __  __    o __    __    / o.__ __  _|_o _ _  __
 (_)|  )(__ (_/_   l|  )  (__\  (__l|--(_/_  l_l( Y )(_/_ o  o  o
 .---------- / ------ / --------------- / ----------- / -------------------.
 .  ||  asc2 reading: amiga report (ar diz)                                .
 |  ||  requested by: no one and everyone!        __  __ o _\   |_/ o _\   |
 `--'`--.--------------------------------------- (__\(__ l(__\  |  \l(__\ -'
        | · your #1 amiga news source! fuck these lame texts going around!
        `----- -

                      _\_________          ________
                      __\___   _/        __\___    \_
                    _/    ___    \_MIGA_/     /    _/ EPORT
                    \_____________/----\______\     \_----.
                   - - adk! -------------------\_____/----'

                        · just a few quick messages ·
                        · more than a few actually.. ·

      i'm after the following ascii's... so slap a few together for me!

        · whale
        · whale (diz)
        · shoot
        · shoot (diz)
        · acid kid
        · screaming metal

      ..thanks in advance.

     my favourite quacker... so how was the holiday?
     i've got alot to talk to you about! heh..

     welcome to whale mate... i'm looking forward to seeing your latest
     pack! some nice ascii's coming from your finger-tips.. heh
     see ya online sometime..!

     hey! i was expecting to hear 2 germans on the phone, on my birthday!
     you said you and lord chaos would sing me happy birthday in german! ;))
     ah well, you've got my number.. give me a call sometime mate.

 · dARK eLF/tRSi·lSD·iNS·sCX
     hi mate! .. what's the news in finland? I might see ya round sometime..
     but i can't guarantee anything! ;)
     call me voice sometime..?!

 · aLLAH/pRX·lSD
     i won't be able to call the chameleon toooo often.. but i'll be back
     some day! cool chatting with you..
     i came, i saw, i liked, i leeched! ;)

 · Cortex/tRSi
     hey mate! ..sorry I didn't get to chat to you for longer but I had
     to rush down to the pub! and when I came home it had dropped carrier!
     heh.. but I'll call as soon as i can and we can chat then!

     i haven't heard from you for ages, bro! .. what's happening? nothing
     to do with that pbx i hope? anyway, call me voice when you've got the

     cool to talk with you the other week. I leeched your pack *just* then!
     a nice, small, sexy, attractive, <insert other seductive words here>
     style! I like the screaming metal logo.. thanks mate!

     hey roo-boy! your weird requests all make sense now! heh. good chatting
     with you.. but it looks like it might be a while until we get another
     cool conference going again. damn you at&t...

 · dARtAGnAN/wL!·oTT·hONEY·g-fORCE
     hey ross! look, your name up in lights! heh.. keep up the nice ascii
     work...!  chat to you soon i hope... or see you when you come over
     here to perth. 

     oooooh oooooh. gonna make a change <hik> for once in my life <hik> it's
     gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it riiiight.
     <hik> as i turn up the colar on my favourite winter coat, this thing is
     blowing my mind. i see the kids on the street without enough to eat who
     am i to be blind pretending not to see thier need? <da> so much
     disregard, a broken bottle town, and a white mans soul. they follow each
     other on the wind you know, cos they go no where to go.
     nah nah nah.. nah nah nah nah..
     [ Guess who sang this? - bwahahahaha ]

     your move away from devious dezigns is a great decision in my opinion.
     don't listen to what other people say. heh.. kick some ass!

     how's that door going, mate? or are you waiting for my designs?
     quit your job and become a bum... it's the way life should be! heh
     scum rules... your type will always be the trash of society! ;)

     pity about the board... but if you think it's the right thing to do
     then i guess it is..! "all good things...."
     thanks for the help with e.. i'll learn from a master. ;)

 · Overkill
     that's *no* how you make poridge.

 · You/Your Group
     thanks for reading my ascii pack... i hope you enjoyed it! if you need
     an ascii, contact me!

 · and special thanks to the following characters for making my
   style what it is today (which is?) -

                  / \ _ - ¯ ¬ ÷ · | : ' ` ( ) l o ¦ a d k !

   .. you guys are the best! you're *truely* the ones i need to thank!
not forgetting <space> and <return> .. you fella's are pretty damn good too!
.. sorry to all the characters i forgot!

     · and a special birthday FUCK YOU to all the lame rippers out there ·
                   · stay away from my styles, lamers! ·

 · Madboy!
     fuck you. you're the lamest of them all. you rip my (old) style 100%,
     and admit you do it but you still continue to draw the ascii's!

                          «· blatent commercial ·»

           ____      .______  .______  .____  _ _j .____    ______
         _/  _/_  ___|_    /__|_    /__|_   \_  ___|_   \___\ _   \
       /-\_._   \/   l/___/   l/  _/   l/    /-/   l/    \   \/    \
     _/    l/    \_  /    \_  /    \_  /____/_/    /      \_ /      \
     \____________/________/__¯\____/________\___ _¯\______//  ____  \_
          _____     .___  ________  .___    _____  o_   _ _/._(____)__/_
        __\ _  \  __|_  \_\__ ___/__|_  \  /    /  (_)      |        /
       /   \/   \/  l/   /-/ \/ \/  l/   \/    /--\       ._l__     /
     _/    /     \  /___/_/      \_ /     \_  /    \_  ___|_   \___/
     \____/       \______\________/_¯\_____/________/ /   l/    \-nUP!
      _ _/_________/ - -------------------------- - _/    / .____\_
                                                    \____/__|_    /
                  (*)  sCREAMING mETAL!  (*)            /   l/___/
                                                _ _ _ _/    /_   ¬\_
                  pure amiga.. pure style..!       \\\\____________/

         0-3 day amiga - disabled ratios for cool o/s dudes.
                pure amiga fun...! friendship rules!
     sexy design - faaaast files - friendly crew - no passwords

             get connected...

                       «· end of blatent commercial ·»

            _   _ __                              .
           ________ \  _____  _______  _______ ___:___:____/\_____/_
           \_  ___/__\___   \_\_ ___ \_\_ ___ \_____ ____/\   ___/_
         _/    l_   \_  /   _/   \____/__ \____/__|   | _/ \____   \_
         \___________/__\    \________  /______  /¦   | \  _______  /
            adk! - ----- \____/-- -- \_/ -----\_/-:- -:- \_/ -- -- /

              · greets fly out to the following cool sceners ·
                   · in no particular order, of course! ·

       ·daffy duck·psyche·lord·raiden·mfm·ddt·kevin·judge dredd·oracle·
           ·equinox·ironcode·kurgan·lord chaos·overkill·idea·bango·
         ·bad language·allah·krypton·sal-one·cortex·felon·road runna·
          ·spirit of illusion·7ranziie·waldo·mystix·u-man·wyrehead·

                     plus all shoot and whale members!
              ..and of course all the users on sCREAMING mETAL!

      i know i missed some of you... but don't take it personally! heh..

           and thanks to all the artists who have done me logos!
      deserve the biggest greets of all! :)

                         (*)  H  O  W  -  T  O  (*)
      ________  _________ ____ _______________ ________ ___________________
.- -- \_  ___/_ \_  _  _/ \_  \   _/____ ____/_\___  _/ \_  ___/_____ ____/
|   _/    l    \_   |    \_  \ \   \_ |   | _/   ___   \_   l    \_|   |
|   \___________/_________/___\ \   / :   : \___________/_______  /|   |
`----- adk! -- -    - -------- \___/--:---.-  -  ---- -  - ----  /-:---'

                              (*) aCID kID (*)

                        i can be reached on any of the
                    following systems around the world...

          screaming metal ·         my board! :)      · (australia)

          the chameleon   ·  parallax÷lsd÷insane÷ hq  · (finland)
          boondocks       · trsi÷hellfire÷lsd÷etc÷ hq · (holland)
          dark illusion   ·          trsi hq          · (austria)
          brain crash     ·      prodigy÷shoot hq     · (germany)
          check point     ·        crux÷lsd hq        · (norway)
          midnite         ·    whale÷shoot÷honey hq   · (australia)
          terra firma     ·     devious÷prodigy hq    · (australia)

  plus some others.. but you're most likely to catch me on the above boards!

   ... send mail to "acid kid" for ascii requests, or just a general hello,
       chat or joke! :) - or give me some quotes to use for my next pack! heh

              _\_________  _/\______  _________   ______ ______ _
              __\___   _/ _\   ____/_ \_   ___/__ \____/ \____/ /
            _/    ___    \_ \____    \_    l     \_     \_     \_
            \_____________/ __________/___________/______/______/
               -adk! --- \__/- ------ --   - ---------- ---- -
           _  _ _  ___  __ _
                 \ \_/ /_____ ______ ______________________
             _    \___/ \_   \    _/ \_  ______/\_   _   _/    _
            (_) _/     \_   \ \    \_     ___/_/     |     \_ (_)
                \_______/____\ \    /_____|   \_____________/
                  - --- ---- -\____/ --- -:-- - -------- --

                          (*) ascii information (*)

   · some info about this "acid kid" guy...

                   real name:    andrew
                   location:     perth, western australia
                   m/f:          male
                   age:          18 - oh yeah!
                   birthday:     26th of august

 · ascii pack details.. (yawn!)

    number of lines used:                2563 lines
    total number of bytes:               90023 bytes
    most over used high-ascii char:      ·
    level of seriousness:                0%[##========]100%
                                           (all statistics are before ad's!)

                                        _  _ _   _   __ _   _
      _ _________________  ________  ________ \ (_) /_________/\_____/_
      \ \_  __________   \_\_  ___ \_\_____  \ \___/____ ____\   ___/_
      _/    l    \_  /   _/    \____/__   /   \_    \_|   |_/ \____   \_
      \___________/__\    \_________  /________/_____/|   |\  _________/
        - -adk! ----- \____/ ----- \_/ - -   --- -- --: --: \_/ ---- -

                             (*) the credits (*)

                      «·   "aCID kID" ascii by nUP!    ·»
                      «·    "wHALE" ascii by mANTA     ·»
                      «· "sHOOT" ascii by ShapeChanger ·»
                      «·   "bIRTHDAY pACK" by pSYCHE   ·»

    if you're a talented ascii artist and want to join whale, then contact
          countzero or u-man on any decent board around the globe!

oh, i almost forgot... i need to greet dartagnan! (more!)

                         (*) greets to dartagnan (*)


[dartagnan: that's half a page.. here's the rest..]

                                               _   _ ___
             ________________ __________________________\ _________
             \_________      \ ______     _______\_      \       _/
           _/         /       \_   |       |   _/       \ \       \_
           \___________________/   :       |   \_________\ \       /
              - -- -- -------------.- -----:- -- ------ - \_______/
                                           . adk!

-dtn ..  that's the calling sign of dartagnan..
                            ..keep an eye out for his ascii packs!

incase you don't know, you say "dartagnan" like this:


(unlike the previous description in dtn's last pack "OTT!-LAB.TXT")

 [ hey ross! thanks for calling me up on my birthday.. and sharing a beer ]
 [ with me! :)   i hope you like your greet(s)!.. enough for ya? heh..    ]

  [ you didn't find the hidden message in the pack?? better read it again! ]

-on its exciting trip around the world, this pack passed the below boards!-

          ..oNE oF aUSTRALIA'S fINEST!
   _____    ______.   _______________ _____        _ ____      ._______ _____
._/  __/_  _\ ____|_______   /  __  /____. \  __  / \ ___)_  __|      / ____/
|_____   \/   \|     /  _/  /  ____/  / _|  \/  \/   \     \/  \     /  \_
|    /    \_   \    /   \   \   \    /  \    \_   /   \_    \_  \   /    /
|- -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
|                              sCREAMING mETAL!                           |
|                 ___     ________ ___________._______   ______.          |
|          ____  /   \  _/  ___  /___ ____    |___.   \_/   ___|_____     |
|         /    \/     \/   _____/   /    /    |  _|    \    \       /     |
|       _/       /     \_    \     /    /__.__|  \      \_   \     /      |
`·%· uMn\______\/_______/_________/________|______\______/________/aC! ·%·'

                             * +61-9-382-4425 *

                           - --(· FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- -

 |          .     ·                 ·    .        .           .     ·     |
 |    ·           .     :     ·     .    ·     .  ·     :  ·        .     |
 |    ._____:_____:_____._____._____.    ._____:__:_____.__:__·_____.     |
 |    |    ¬¦___ ¬:_ _ ¬l_ _ ¬l  _ ¬|    l___  :__)_ _ ¬l_ ¦ _:  _ ¬|     |
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 |       ¦  ¡  __/.  |  ¡  |  ¡  !  |    ¡  __/:  |  |  ¡  ¦  |  !  |     |
 |  -DtN |  |  ¡ ¯·  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  ¦    |  !  |  |  ¦  |  |  |  ¦  ¦     |
 |       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ¡    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ¡     |
 |       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
 |       |  |  ¦  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
 |       |  ¦  :  ¦  |  |  |  |  |  |    ¦  ¦  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
 |       ¦  !  ·  :  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  |    :  :  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  |  |  |     |
 |       :__:_____·__|  !__|  !__!  |    ·__·  ¦  :__|  !__¦  |__!  |     |
 |       :  .     :  l__:  l__:  l__:    .  .  :  :  l__:  :  ¦  l__: ©oTt|
 |       .  ·           .     :     ·    ·     .  .     :  .  :     ·     |
 |                .           .     .             .     .     ·     .     |
 |      Running 3 Nodes all 16.8 USR, A2000/030, 0-3 Days Wares Only      |
 |     Supporting Amiga/PC/AmiX/Reqs/Hpac + Vision Disk-Magazine Area!    |
 |             O·N·E  O·F  A·U·S·T·R·A·L·i·A·S  F·i·N·E·S·T               |
 |                                                                        |
 |                   Node1: +619-247-3025 (Ringdown)                      |
 |                   Node2: +619-247-1931 (Ringdown)                      |
 |                   Node3: +619-247-1935 (Ringdown)                      |
 |                                                                        |
 |                      [·wHY·sETTLE·fOR·lESS!?·]                         |
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]
--  --- - --÷[ fUtURE DiMENSiONS - ONE OF THE FASTEST iN AUZ! ]÷-- - ---  --
               _______ ___.___ ___.    ___.___ _______ _______
              _\ ____/_\  |  /_\ _|__ _\  |  /_\ __  /_\ __  /
              |   __|__   | /__   __/__   | /__   __/__   __/_.
              |   |   |   l   |   l   |   l   |   _   |   l   |
              l___|   l____   l____   l____   l___|   l____   |
                          `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'-Ra!
   _______ ___.__  ___ _______ _______ _______ ___._______ _______ _______
  _\__   /_\_/_\_\/_ /_\ __  /_\ __  /_\  ___/_\_/_\ __  /_\ __  /_\  ___/
  |  |  /__   _  \/ /__   __/__   | /______ /__   _   | /__   | /______ /_.
  |  l    |   |   |   |   l   |   |   |   l   |   |   l   |   |   |   l   |
  l___    l___l___|   l____   l___|   l____   l___l____   l___|   l____   |
     `----'       `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'       `---'   `---'   `---'


        -÷[Chewie/uSX]·[Mirror Man/APB/uSX]·[tESTAMENT/pD^uSX]÷-
     -[Jaguar Speed/pD^uSX]·[RaSTa/uSX]·[HOMiCiDE!/uSX]·[Paint/uSX]-

          [·RUNNiNG a1200hD·o2o·882 6Mb·rAM - /X 4.xX·1 GiG hD·]

-- -÷[+61·755·aSK·sUM1]÷-- -  --- -- -- -- ---  - --÷[+61·755·sOOOOON!]÷- --
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]