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202 001 bytes (197.27K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 179



Released: 04th November 95 - World First: 13th Hour BBS - Collection No: #24

            .... Original File Size: 2O2OOO bytes exactly ....

   ¦                                                 ___________          ¦
 _______________ __ _                               /           \         |
 \____ _____   // ///             .---^----^---.   / sHAkiNG iT! \        |
   |      T\  //_/                l ____  ____ |  /    rADiCAL!   \       |
   |      | \/                   (_¡__°)..(°__¡_) \      yES!     /       |
   |_____ |                       | _________  |   \_  __________/        |
   / ___¬\|                    (( | ) ¸ , ¸ (  |    / /                   |
  /  l_/  \                       | \_______/  |    \/                    |
 /    /    \           (( ,--,    l__ -----__  | ))                       |
/____/      \ __         (  _)      `-.----' .-'                         _l
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   /__________\\_\\\       \  \  /       T    _   ¯i       tHE mAN        |
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   |   \   \   ¬¦            \    \  /        l____|                      |
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                                 .. of ..
            _____________                  _______
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    _ _\_    \         /     :      ______    \      \_
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      _ _ __ /  \ __/       ___/      \     /_______/    _/   /__ __ _
          /___/\___\         |             /             \___/
                    _ _______|H2o!                  _ __________ __ _
                  .                                    .
  ................: stop screamin' - start whalein' =) :.................
  :                                                                     :

                                 .. and ..
    :    |    ___   \____________
    :  oS|______/    \    ______/\ _____________.____.
    :    <-----/______\______ _/  \\________  _/|    |__________________
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|______     \_     _  __/__ _  \  __/_____------------------------/_______\
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      <-----------/______|\  /|________    \............................:
                  <------| \/ |------/______\sCf
                         :    :

.. jumps in your face once more with his biggest ever collection entitled ..

   ________                         .      .               _______       :
 ,½½½½½½½½½½,                     ..:......:..           ,½½½½½½½½½, - --+-- -
_½¾¾½¯¯¯¬½½½½                  .___ :     ·:            .½½½½___½½½½     :
½¾¾¾¾½½__________    .___ _____j   \:      :  .___ _____j¤½½½"""""""     .
¯½¾¾½\_____   __/____j   \\________ \_     :__j   \\_____·÷¤½   ½½½½ ________
 ½¼¼½/    l  _ __________ \/_ _ __  _/_   / ___    __/  /   ÷¤½½½½½½_\      /
 ½½½\_____._   _/   _______/___._/   ÷/ _/    /    ¬\___._ · ·÷/\____¬\   _/
 `½½½,-dV$l____\_____!_    ÷/  l_____/  \_____._    ÷/  l_____/ _/   \ \  ¯¬\_
   ¤½½,    ·         l_____/        :      :  l_____/           \_____\ ·   ÷/
     `¤·.  :                        .      :                       :   \____/
       - --+-- -              ____ ____    :              .___     `----.
           :  .__        .___ ½½½½ ½½½½½,  : ___. _ __ ___j   \___      :
        ___.__j  \_______j   \½½½½  `½½½½ _:/   l_____ __________/--. .-:---.
        \__   _______________ ÷½½½  :½½½½ \__   ____/________  ¬\_  : : `---'
        _/   _______/   _______/½½  :½½½' _/    l    ¬\___._    ÷/--:-'
        \_____._  ¬\_____!_     ÷½½½½½¤'  \_____._    ÷/dGl_____/   :
              l_____/    l_____/  ..:......:..  l_____/-------------·- -- -
                                    :      :                        ·
                 - --{ f.O.R.B.I.D.D.E.N   f.R.U.I.T.S }-- -

              ________ ______ __ _|_ ______ __ _|_ __________.
             |   .   /_\_   / _   |  __   /  _  |  .  /  _   |
             |  _|__/   / _/  _}--:  _/__/  _/  :  |_/\_ _}--:
             |___| /    \__)______l__|sc/   |___l______/_____|
Boom shakala!  TANGo's back with a brand new swing!  Boredom struck me once
more  leading to the release of possibly the biggest respects collection to
ascii  artists on the scene ...  gods of past and present included, in this
monster  masterpiece by myself ...  thanks to all the guys whose logos I've
used in the making of this, as always they're better than mine!  And then I
thought  how  nice it'd be to just include a shitload of requests and other
ascii  that people keep pestering me for ...  so heres a monster collection
for the benefit for everyone, well possibly anyway =)

I'm  not  normally a fan of incredibly large ascii collections but I wanted
to  have  a  break from releasing one every week, and this was the way out!
It's  turned  out well for me, because it's bigger than I ever imagined and
contains over 16O logos in here (I think ;) ...

Some  requested  logos  I  would  love  to  see  from everyone in their new
collections are the following:   LAW & ORDER                 - [bANNER]
                                 REAL ARTiSTiC PERSONALiTY   - [bANNER]
TANGo & RELiEF   - [fILEiD]      REVOLUTiON                  - [bANNER]
NERVE AXiS       - [fILEiD]      TANGo                       - [bANNER]
WHALE!           - [fILEiD]      GANGSTER STORY              - [bANNER]
/X LATEST NEWS   - [fILEiD]      UNFORGiVING WORLD           - [bANNER]
CYBER DOORS      - [fILEiD]      13TH HOUR                   - [bANNER]

                            Quote of the month:

        " Hey so I'm bald, but grass don't grow on a busy street! "

                                                            Ace/Nerve Axis

       _|_  __ |__ |____   ____\_   ___ _________|_ ____ _____|_  __
       \__,(__\\__)|\__/,  \__/\    \__,\__/\  /\__,\__/,\  /\__,`--.
     - --- ------> | ------------------------------------------- l__| <-2F
                fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART oNE - tHE aRTISTS!
     «---------------------------------------------------------- --- -

2Fast.911.Acid Kid.Adrock.Anf.Amblin.Axy.Biscrok.Boomer.Cardinal.Chrombacher.
Coco Pops.Cola.Countzero!.Crazy.Crusader.Cybergod.Danzig.Dartagnan.Daze.DDay.
Exocet.Fatal.Frame.Gravedancer.Green Eyed Monster.Grimlock.Godfather.Godhead.
Kid Curry.Lord Chaos.Maffia.Manta./Y\ascot.Maz.Mess.Metalbasher.Misfit.Mogue.
Mortimer Twang.Mr.Vain.Multiplex.Nike.Nocturne.Nup!.Ordyne.Orlingo.Perplexer.
Phase!.Polo.Prizm!.Psychic Santa.Qen!.Rad!.Ramon.Rapid!.Rat!.Rebel.Red-Skin!.
Red Devil.Recall.Relief!.Rotox!.Runt & Scottie.Sandman!.Scarface!.Seven /\/\.
Supertouch.Sy-Klone!.Terminal Silence.Tommy.Treach!.Trix·Fixion.Turbo.U-Man!.

                      © BiZZARE FROOT PRODUCTiONS '95

                               ** WARNING **

Most of these logos are drawn to be slammed in a collection as a header, or
for  a  sysop chat screen ...  some just suck but I couldn't be bothered to
re  do them as my A4000/030 has just arrived and I'm paying no attention to
anything else at the moment ...  I've got over 900MB to fill heeh ...

                               ** WARNING **

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: 2fAST                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

                                  /. \                .______.
   ½½½½½½½½½.  ._________________//   \  ___________  |      |___
      ¤½½½½½½  |         _______//     \/   _______/__|      ___/__.
   .½½½½½½½'   |         ___|  //       \________     |      |     |
   ½½½½½¤      l__       |    //         \_____       |_____       |
   ½½½½½½½½½. .  `-------'   /____________\   `-------'    `-------'tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: 911                                             |     _
          :                                                        :

  .½½½½½½½½½½½½½._½½½½½½_½½½½½½_____________________________ _ _\/_ _ ___.
  ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½                             \\\\/\////   |
  `½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½       the bitch is back ...              |
    :      ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½     and this time he's stoned            |

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: aCID kID                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

                _ ____________.____________(____)_________ _
          _ __////    __      |     .______|    |______   \\\\__ _
                /     \_      |     |      |    |     /    \
                \______|      l______      l____l__________/
                       `------'     `------'tGø/wL!
                       _ _____.____......________ _
                  ___////    _|  _/:    :______  \\\\__ _
                       /     \_   \:    :     /   \
                       \______|    :    :_________/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: aDROCK                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

                                                             ._____ _
       _ _______ _ _______ _ _______  ______  _______ _ _____|    ////__ _
 _ __////  __   \_______  \______   \/   _  \/     .___/    _|  _/
       /   \_    \     /   \    /   /    (   \     |   \    \_   \
       \____l____/_________/____\   \________/_________/_____|    \
                                 \___/                tGø/wL!`----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: aNF                                             |     _
          :                                                        :

     .......................   .......................    ..................
 __ ::::::::::::.:::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::  ::::::::::::.....
_\/_:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::  ::::::::::::
\/\/:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::  ::::::::::::
  ! :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::  ::::::::::::
  :                                                               :
  :                 .. the toastie basher from hell ..            :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: aMBLIN                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

                            ._____.               .____.
  ___________  _____  _____ |     |___  ______.   (____)_____         __
 /    __     \/     \/     \|     _   \/      |___|    |     \_____.._\/_.
/     \_      \     \/      \     |    \      |   |    |      \    \ \/\/ :
\______l______/_____/\______/__________/__________l____l____\      /      :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: aXY                                             |     _
          :                                                        :

    :       ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½                      ..:....
    :       ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                     :  :    :
    :       ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½                     :  :    :
    :..............      ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼        `..:....'
                ..:..    `¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼'           `.........
                : : :       ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼    ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾        :
                : : :    ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼' ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  ......'
                :.: :                 ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: bISCROK                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

  .____.    ._____.    :                                          ._____
  |    |___ (_____)____:__   ____________________  _______  ______|    /
  |    _   \|     /   ___/__/      .__________   \/    _  \/     _|  _/
  |    |    \     \______   \      |   |     /   /     (   \     \_   \
  |_________/_____| /_______/__________!_____\   \_________/______|    \
                                       :      \___/        tGø/wL!`----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: bOOMER                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

     |    |___  _________._________  _____  ____  ______    ________
     |    _   \/         |         \/     \/    \/   __ \__ _____   \
     |    |   /    (O) ._|_.  (O)   \     \/     \   \____/_/   /   /
     |________\________(___)________/_____/\_____/_________/____\   \_
                    .          .                          tGø/wL!\___/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cARDINAL                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

  _________________ _ _________________:    :____     ________  ____.
 (    .___/   __   \______   \______   :    :    \___/   __   \/    |___
 /    |   \   \_    \    /   /     /   :    :     \  \   \_    \    l   \
 \________/____l____/____\   \_________:    :___\    /____l____/________/
                          \___/ tGø/wL!:....:    \__/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cHROMBACHER                                     |     _
          :                                                        :

                              .    .
                      ________|    :_____.________  _________  _____  ____
 .----------------.  /    .____   _|     |_____   \/    _    \/     \/    \
 | EPSiLON DESiGN | /     l   \   \_     |    /   /     (     \     \/     \
 `----------------' \_________/____|     |____\   \___________/_____/\_____/
.____.                             !     |     \___/
|    |__  _________  ______________:     |______ _ _________
|    _  \/   __    \/     .____   _|     |   __ \__ _____   \
|    |   \   \_     \     |   \   \_     |   \____/_/   /   /
|________/____l_____/_________/____|     l_________/____\   \_
                            tGø/wL!|     :               \___/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cOCO pOPS                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

                  ...........           ...........
                 ::::::  :::::         ::::::  :::::
                 ::::::   ...........  ::::::   ...........
                 ::::::  :::::: :::::: ::::::  :::::: ::::::
                 `:::::..:::::: :::::: `:::::..:::::: ::::::
                         :::::: ::::::         :::::: ::::::
                         `:::::::::::'         `:::::::::::'
                       .........     .........
                      :::::: ::::   :::::: ::::
                      ::::::.:::'   ::::::.:::'
                      ::::::  ......::::::  ...........
                      :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
                      tGø/wL!:::::: :::::: `:::::......
                             :::::: :::::: ...... ::::::
                             `:::::.:::::' ::::::.:::::'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cOLA                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

 ._________________._________________.___________.     ._________________.
 |.          ._____|.       _        |.          |_____|.    __          |
 |:          l     |:       (        |:          l     |:    \_          |
 l_______          l_______          l_______          l______|          |
 tGø/wL!`----------'      `----------'      `----------'      `----------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cOUNT zERO                                      |     _
          :                                                        :

            _______ _ ________ .    :____  _____     |   |___
           /    .____/    _   \|    |    \/     \____|   ___/__
          /     |    \    (    \    |     \      \   \   |     \
          \__________/_________/__________/____\     /_________/
          _________________________     _____________  ___________
        __\_______   \       __    \__  _________    \/     _     \
       /  ___________/       \_______/_ /       /    /      (      \
       \__________\  \_________________/________\    \_____________/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cRAZY                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

.½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½. .½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½. .½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½.
½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½
½½½½½½½½½½½½              ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½' ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½
`½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½' ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½
 ___________________________________\/___________.  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½.
                                   \/\/          |               ½½½½½½½½½½½½
  CRAZY is back! With a new tune to blow ya mind |  .½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                                 |  ½½½½½½½½½½½½
        SIT BACK ... RELAX ... AND ENJOY         |  `½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                                 ¦  ½½½½½½½½½    ½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                                 !  ½½½½½½½½½    ½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                                 :  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                                 ·               ½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                          tGø/wL!.  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cRUSADER                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

        .t.h.e.  .k.n.i.g.h.t.  .o.f.  .a.s.c.i.i.  .i.s.  .b.a.c.k.
   ________________    .___  ______   ________ _ ______  ______ _ _________
  /   ._________   \   |   \/   __/__/   __   \______  \/   __ \__ _____   \
 /    |   \    /   /   |    \_____   \   \_    \    /   \   \____/_/   /   /
 \________/____\   \________/  /_____/____|____/________/______________\   \_
                \___/                                            tGø/wL!\___/

            .. fighting for the rights of artists everywhere ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: cYBERGOD                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

                 _______                       /\
                (____  ¬\ ::::::              / / ________
                /.  /___/\:::::: :::::: _____/ /\/\_____ ¬\
               //  /   /\/:::::: ::::::/ _ __\  / /.  _ __/\
              /___    / / `:::::.:::::/  _   |\  //  /   /\/
              \__/___/ /         :::::\___   | \/___/   / /
                 \___\/   ::::::.:::::'  `---'  \__/___/ /
 .......................  .......................  ........................
::::::::::::             :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::
:::::::::::: ::::::::::. :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::
::::::::::::   ::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::
`:::::::::::.::::::::::' `:::::::::::.:::::::::::' ::::::::::::.:::::::::::'

                          .. rEALISATION bREAK ..

Have  you  ever suddenly realised that the ascii you're drawing for someone
is  nowhere near as good as the one they could draw for themselves, but the
chance  is  that  they'll  use it anyway because it's someone else?  It's a
                    shame I've never felt like that ...

                          .. rEALISATION bREAK ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dANZIG                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

   _________   |    __     |           _______     |       |     _______
   |.      /   |.   \_     |.    |     |.    ______|.      |.    \     |
   |:          |:    |     |:    |     |:          |:      |:          |
   |¦          |¦    |     |¦    |     |¦          |¦      |¦          |
   ||          ||    |     ||    |     ||          ||      ||          |
   l___________l_____!     l_____!     l___________l_______l___________|
              tGø/wL!:           :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dARTAGNAN                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

       .    _____._____._____.____._____._____._____._____._____.
       |   _____ |  _  |  _ _)  _ |  _  |   __|  .  |  _  |  .  |  .
 .-----+---l___' |__|  |__|  |__|-|__|  |___` |__|  |__|  |__|  |--+- -----.
 |whale|      `--'  `--'  `--'       `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  :tGø/wL!:
 `----»¦     .t.h.e  .s.w.a.s.h.b.u.c.k.l.e.r.  .i.s.  .b.a.c.k.   .«------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dAZE                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

 ___________      |___________________.           BACK 2 SKOOL!
/          /      |        __         |_________________.
\________         |        \_         |______________   |_____________
    |   `---------l_________|         |  _______________|         __  \__
 .--+--.             tGø/wL!`---------l________         |         \_____/__
 :  :  :                                      `---------l__________________\
 :  `--+------------------------------------------------------------------->
 :     :                    ÷ boom SHAKE the ROOM ÷

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: d-dAY                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½.      ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½. .½½½½½½½½½½½½½. ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½
 ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½      ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
 ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½ ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½          ½½½½½½
 ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½      ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½'      ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½' ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½'tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dEATHLORD                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

                                               __.            .
   ____________  __________    _____________  /  |___   ______:
   __________  \/       __ \__ ________     \/   ___/__/     _|     \
   /        /   \       \____/_/     \_      \   |     \     \_      \
            _______.    ___________ _ ________ ____________  tGø/wL!
           /       |___/      _    \_______   \__________  \
          /        |   \      (     \     /   /         /   \
          \____________/____________/_____\   \_____________/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dESERT                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

  ________    |     ______|     ______|     ______|    __     |       _   |
  |.     /    |.    __}___|._____     |.    __}___|.   \_ ____|.      |___|
  |:          |:          |:          |:          |:    |     |:      |
  |¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          |¦    |     |¦      |
  ||          ||          ||          ||          ||    |     ||      |
  |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |__     |
 tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'     `-----'     `-----' `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dESOTO                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

  ............   ..........   ...........         .....        ...........
  :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: ::::::        :::::       :::::: ::::::
  :::::: :::::: ::::::.::::' `:::::.............  :::::::     :::::: ::::::
  :::::: :::::: ::::::       ...... :::::: :::::: :::::  .::: :::::: ::::::
  ::::::::::::' `:::::.......::::::.:::::: :::::: `::::..:::' `:::::::::::'
                             tGø/wL!:::::: ::::::

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dEVISTATOR                                      |     _
          :                                                        :

           __ ____________.__________           .______(_______)__________
        _ _\/_ _______    |       __ \__  /     |      |       |   ______/__.
   _ __\\\\/\//      /    |       \____/_/      |      |       |_________   |
              \______     l_________     \________     |__     |  /____     |
.______.            `-----'.______.`-----'tGø/wL!`-----' `-----'      `-----'
|      |___ _______________|      |___  ___________.______________
|      ___/__________      |      ___/________     |      __ ____/
|      |    |      \_      |      |    |     (     |      \_     \_
l______     |_______|      |______     |______     |_______|     _/
      `-----'       `------'     `-----'     `-----'       `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dNSS                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

  _________________.___________        ____________________________________
 ______________    |           \______/   ______________/   ______________/
 /            /    |            \     \______________   \______________   \
 \_________________|__________\       /_________________/_________________/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dRAGON                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

  _______  _______________  ______________  ___
  _____ ¬\/   _ ________ ¬\/   ________. ¬\/  ¬\___
  /   /   \   _  ¬\_   _   \   \_ ¬|   |   \    \ ¬\---------------------.
  \_______/___|____/___|___/____   |_______/__\    /  FLAMIN HOT AZKII!  :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: dRUID                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

   ______________.________________         ._____(______)_______________.
  ___________    |        __ ____/         |     |      |__________     |
  /         /    |        \_     \_        |     |      |         /     |
  \______        |_________|______/______        |______|_______        |
        `--------'                      `--------'tGø/wL!      `--------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: eLRIC?                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

         .------------------.    .------------------.-----------.
         |     _______      |    |    __            |           |
         |.    __}___|.     |    |.   \_ _____.     |.          |
         |:          |:     |____|:    |     |:     |:     }----|
         |¦          |¦     |    |¦    |     |¦     |¦          |
         ||          ||     |    ||    |     ||     ||          |
         |______     |______     |_____|     |_     |______     |
        tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'`-----'     `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: eLVIS                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

       .________    ._________.           .___(_______)__________
       |     __ \__ |         |___/       |   |       |   ______/__.
       |     \____/_|         |  /        |   |       |_________   |
       |         ___|         ___\___         |_______|  |         |
       `---------'  `---------'     `---------'tGø/wL!   `---------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: eNFORCER                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

.______    .____     ____________ _ ______________________    _________ _
|   __ \__ |    \___/   _______  \_____   \    .___/   __ \__  _____   \\\\
|   \____/_|     \  \   __/   (   \   /   /    |   \   \____/__/   /   /
l__________l___\    /___| \_______/___\   \________/__________/____\   \_
         tGø/wL!\__/                   \___/                        \___/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: eXOCET                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

                           ____                           _.
            _____    _____/   /_____  _____________      / |___
           /  __ \__ __ _/ __/   _  \/  .___/   __ \__  /  ___/_.
          /   \____/_ / \_   \   (   \  |   \   \____/_/   |    |
          \__________/   /___/_______/______/__________\________|

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: fATAL                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

           _ __________________|    |___ ___________.______.      .
  _  _ __////     _________    |    ___/________    |      |___.  .
           /      __/    \_    |    |    |    \_    |      |   |--:-----.
           \__    | \_____|    |_____    |_____|    |______    |  :     :
             `-.--'tGø/wL!`----'  : `----' :   `----'     `----'  `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: fRAME                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

       |     _______    __ _____    __     |   . .     |     ______|
       |.    ____| |.   \_     |.   \_     |.  | |     |.    __}___.
       |:      |   |:    |     |:    |     |:  | |     |:          |
       |¦      |   |¦    |     |¦    |     |¦  | |     |¦          |
       ||      |   ||    |     ||    |     ||  | |     ||          |
       |_______|   |_____|     |_____|     |___|_|     |______     |
                  tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'     `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: gRAVEDANCER                                     |     _
          :                                                        :

             __________________________________  ___.     ._______
            /    ______    __ ____________     \/   |     |    __ \__
           /     \_   |    \_     \_    \_     /    |     |    \____/_.
           \_____     |_____|     _/_____|     \_____     l______     |
                `-----'     `-----'      `-----'    `-----'     `-----'
     _________.___________._______      _________._______    .___________
     ______   |    __     |       \____/     .___|    __ \__ |   __ ____/
     /    /   |    \_     |        \   \     |   |    \____/_|   \_     \_
     \___     |_____|     |______\     /____     |______     l____|     _/
        `-----'     `-----'tGø/wL!\___/    `-----'     `-----'    `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: gREEN eYED mONSTER                              |     _
          :                                                        :

       |    _______   __ _____    ______|    ______|    .     |
       |.   \___  |.  \_     |.   __}___|.   __}___|.   |     |
       |:         |:   |     |:         |:         |:   |     |
       |¦         |¦   |     |¦         |¦         |¦   |     |
       ||         ||   |     ||         ||         ||   |     |
       |____|     |____|     |____|     |____|     |____|     |
            `-----'    `-----'    `-----'    `-----'    `-----'
             |    _______    |     |    ______|_______   |       __
             |.   __}___|.   |     |.   __}___|.     /   |    _ _\/_ _
             |:         |:___      |:         |:         | __\\\\/\////__
             |¦         |¦         |¦         |¦         |
             ||         ||         ||         ||         |
             |_____     |____|     |____|     |____|     |
                  `-----'    `-----'    `-----'    `-----'
|  . .     |    .     |    .     |    ______|      _   |   ______|   __     |
|. | |     |.   |     |.   |     |._____    |.     |___|.  __}___|.  \_ ____|
|: | |     |:   |     |:   |     |:         |:     |   |:        |:   |     |
|¦ | |     |¦         |¦   |     |¦         |¦     |   |¦        |¦   |     |
|| | |     ||         ||   |     ||         ||     |   ||        ||   |     |
|__|_|     |____|     |____|     |____|     |_     |   |____     |____|     |
     `-----'    `-----'    `-----'    `-----'`-----'tGø/wL!`-----'    `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: gRIMLOCK                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

                     :    :                                    ._____
        _____________:_   : __  __  ___.   _______  _____ _ ___|    /
       /  __________   \  :/  \/  \/   |__/   _   \/   .___/  _|  _/
      /   \_  |    /   /  /   \/   \   |  \   (    \   |   \  \_   \
      \_______|____\   \_ \___/\___/______/________/_______/___|    \
                    \___/ :                                    `----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: gODFATHER                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

 .......................  .......................  ........................
::::::::::::             :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::
:::::::::::: ::::::::::. :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::
::::::::::::   ::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::
`:::::::::::.::::::::::' `:::::::::::.:::::::::::' ::::::::::::.:::::::::::'
                        .____.tGø/wL!       .
        ________________|    |___ .____.    :________    ._________
       /    ________    |    ___/_|   _|    |    __  \__ |   __ __/
      /     __/   \_    |    |    |   \_    |    \_____/_|   \_   \_
      \_____| \____|____l_________|____!    l____________l____|____/

                             .. bREAK bREAK ..

Just thought I'd stop writing and see if my fingers can resume their normal
           shape ...  nope, it doesn't work ...  back to ascii!

                             .. bREAK bREAK ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: gODHEAD                                         |     _
          :                                                        :
   __________________._________:    .____._______     ._________._________.
  /   ___________    |______   |   _|    |    __ \__  |   __    |_____    |
 /    \_   |    (    |     /   |   \_    |    \____/__|   \_    |    /    |
 \_____    |_____    |_____    |____|    |________    |____|    |_____    |
      `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'tGø/wL!`----'    `----'    `----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: gOZZ                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

    __________________________________.  ______________   ______________
   /       ___________________        |__\__________   \__\__________   \
  /        \___     |        (        |  ______________/  ______________/
  \_________        |_________        |_____        |  \_____        |
           `--------' tGø/wL!`--------'    `--------'       `--------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: h2o!                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

                 .------.------.              .-------------.
    .------------|.    _|      |½½½½½½½½½½½½½.|.     .      |----------.
    `--:-.---.   |:    \_      |        ½½½½½½|:     |      |    .-----'
       `-'   :   |¦     |      |.½½½½½½½½½½½½½|¦     |      |    `---.
             `---||     |      |½½½½½½        ||     |      |--.-.---'
                 |!     |______|½½½½½½½½½½½½½½|!     _______|  `-'
                 `------'tGø/wL!              `------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: hARPOON                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

  |   _|    |   __    |   __ ____________ |    .    |    .    |    .    |
  |.  \_    |.  \_    |.  \_    |.   \____|.   |    |.   |    |.   |    |
  |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:    |   |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |
  |¦   |    |¦   |    |¦   |    |¦    |   |¦   |    |¦   |    |¦   |    |
  ||   |    ||   |    ||   |    ||    |   ||   |    ||   |    ||   |    |
  |    |____|    |____|    |____|     |   |    _____|    _____|    |____|
  `----'    `----'    `----'    `-----'   `----'    `----'    `----'tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: hI-jACK                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

              .____.                                             .______
    ____._____(____)  __      ._____.___________.________________|     /
   /   _|     |    \ _\/_ ____|     |    __     |     .______   _| ___/
  /    \_     |     \\/\//    |     |    \_     |     |     |   \_    \
  \_____|     |_____/    \_____     |_____|     |______     |____|     \
        `-----'        tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'    `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: hOTWIRE                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

         - --÷{ tHE lONG hAIRED cHILI pEPPER fREAK rETURNS! }÷-- -
            .                    .____  ____(______)__________________
 ._____.    :          .___.     |    \/    |      |    __ ___/    __ \__
 |    _|    |__________|   |___  |    /\    |      |    \_    \_   \____/__
 |    \_    |    _     |   ___/__!____/\____|__    l_____|_____/___________
 |     |____|    (     |   |     :    _  _    `----'tGø/wL!
 !     ¦    l__________l_________. __(__(__ __ __  __ . __  _   __..__
 .                                (__)\  \ `--.\_)(   |(  )(_| (__||__

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: iNFERNO                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

  :      :_____      ________________ _ ___ ______  ______      __________
  :     /:     \____/    ____/    __ \__  _____   \/      \____/     _    \
  :    / :      \   \    ___/     \____/__/   /   /        \   \     (     \
  :    \_:____\     /____|  \____________/____\   \______\     /___________/
  :......:     \___/                           \___/      \___/tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: jANITOR                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

                                  ......  _.
             .___.______  ____    :    : / |___  ______ _ ______
          ___|   |  __  \/    \___:    :/  ___/_/   _  \_____   \
         /   |   |  \_   \     \  \    /   |    \   (   \   /   /
         \_______|___|___/___\    /    \________/_______/___\   \_

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: jEDI!                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

         the       .____.__________    _____________(_______)  .------.
 force       ______|    |      __  \__ _________    |       |--:------:-.
            /      |    |      \_____/_|       /    |       |  :      `-'
   returns! \_______    |__________    |________    |___    |--:-.
                   `----'  tGø/wL!`----'       `----'  `----'  `-'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: jUAN                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

   _____|         |         .
  /     |         |         :_________  _________________  _________
  \_______________|         |         \/       __        \/         \_____
                  |         |         /        \_         \          \    \
                  l___________________\_________!_________/________\      /
               .......:                         :..          tGø/wL!\____/
               :....                              :..
                 ..:      the happy one is back!    :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: kAMENSKI                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

 :     ._____                            ..................   ._____
 :   __|    /_____  ___  __  ______      :__      ______  :___|    /.....
 :../ _| __/  __  \/   \/  \/   __ \__  /   \____/   __/__/  _| __/:....:
   /  \_   \  \_   \   \/   \   \____/_/     \   \_____   \  \_   \:    :
   \___|    \__|___/___/\___/__________\___\     /  /_____/___|    \    :
       |     \tGø/wL!      :.............:  \___/             |     \...:
       `-----'                                                `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: kARMA                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

     _____|       /___________.__________________  ______.____________
    /    _| _____/    __      |     __ ___/      \/      |     __     \
   /     \_    \/     \_      |     \_    \_     \/      |     \_      \
   \______|     \______|______|      |_____/_____/\______|      |______/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: kID cURRY                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

                              .____:    :
                        _ ____|    /    :_______ _
                  _ __////   _| __/:    :_____  \\\\__ _
                        /    \_   \:    :    /   \
                        \_____|    \    :________/
          __________.     .____.______________________________ __.
         /     .____|     |    |     __ ___/     __ ___/      Y  |
        /      |    |     |    |     \_    \_    \_    \______   |
        \_______    |______    |______|    _/_____|    _/____    |
        tGø/wL!`----'     `----'      `----'      `----'    `----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: lORD cHAOS                                      |     _
          :                                                        :
 .........          ................  .................  .................
 :::::::::         ::::::::: :::::::: ..........:::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::
 :::::::::         ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::' ::::::::: ::::::::
 :::::::::   ::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::
 :::::::::.::::::' `::::::::.:::::::' ::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::.:::::::'
        /    .______    _|     |    __     |     _     |   ____/__
       /     |     |    \_     |    \_     |     (     |_______   |
       \______     |_____|     |_____|     |______     |  /__     |
      tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'     `-----'    `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mAFFIA                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

         ____  ____  __________  _________________:_  :__________
        /    \/    \/    __    \/     ____/    ____/  :    __    \
       /     \/     \    \_     \     __//     __/:  /:    \_     \
       \_____/\_____/_____|_____/_____|  \_____|  :  \:_____|_____/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mANTA                                           |     _
          :                                                             :

       .                                           .
       .                                       ____:__ _
       :_____  _____.___________.______       /    |___ ____________.
       |     \/     :    __     :      \_____/     ___/________     :
       |     \/     :    \_     :       \    \     :    :    \_     :
       |_____/\_____:_____|_____:_____\      /__________:_____|_____:
- --- ---------------------------------\____/tGø/wL!-----------------------»
 the phunky phrootloop from whale is back                     MANTA/WHALE!
«--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: /Y\ASCOT                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

 .----.  .----.----------.--------____.----------.-----------|     |___
 |     \/     |     _     \________   |   }------|     -     |     |  /-.
 |     (\_____|     |_____/  |     ___|     _____|     ______|     _____|
 `-----'   :  `-----'tGø/wL! `-----': `-----' :  `-----'   __`-----' :
- --- -----:--.                     `---------:-.---------_\/_-------'
           `--'                             .-:-'         \/\/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mAZ!                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

   |         . .           |         __           |____________         \
   |.        | |           |.        \_           |.        ____________/
   |:        | |           |:         |           |:                    |
   |¦        | |           |¦         |           |¦                    |
   ||        | |           ||         |           ||                    |
   |_________|_|           |__________|           |__________           |
               `-----------'          `-----------'  tGø/wL!`-----------'

                            .. bOREDOM bREAK ..

I'm  sat here staring at Ace's cat, because I just realised I've bitten off
more  than  I can chew with this collection =) Releasing a collection every
week  is  a  kind  of  therapy  for  me and takes me away from reality, but
sitting  down  with  a  purpose  in  mind  to  try  and  write a collection
especially  for people is so much fucking harder ...  but hey, I've set out
              to do it, so I guess I should finish this hehe

                            .. bOREDOM bREAK ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mESS                                            |     _
          :                                 .........              :
                                      .-----'       :
    ________  ________________________:    _________:__   ____________
   /        \/        \           __  \__ /   ________/__/   ________/__
  /         \/         \          \_____/_\___________   \___________   \
  \_________/\_________/___________________ _____________/______________/
                       :              :             :tGø/wL!
      the        .---. :  destroyer of:the piris    :   .---.
     master      : .-' :              : .-------.   :   :---'
     monsta      : `---'              `-:-.     :   :   `-----.
 - --- ----------'                      `-'     :   `---------:----.
                                                .             `----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mETALBASHER                                     |     _
          :                                                        :

             ____                     ___.
        .____\  /___  _________      /   |___   ____________._____.
        |    \\//   \/     __  \__  /    ___/__/     __     |     |_____
        |     \/     \     \_____/_/     |     \     \_     |     |     \
        |     _\_____/      ________      _____/      |_____|      _____/
._____. `-----'      `------'      `------'    `------'     `------'
|     |__  __________  ________        :____  _________      __________
|     _  \/    __    \/   ____/__/    _|    \/     __  \__  /   __ ___/
|     |   \    \_     \_______   \    \_     \     \_____/_/    \_    \__
|     ____/     |_____/     _____/     |_____/     _________     |______/
`-----'  `------'    `------'   `------'    `------'tGø/wL!`-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mISFIT                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

                        ....                  .... ___.
              .___  ___:....:______.   ______:....:   :___
              :   \/   :    /   ___:__/    __:    :   ___/_.
              :   \/   :    \______   \    __:    :   :    :
              :___/\___:    :  :______/____: :    :________:
                       :....:                :....:tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mOGUE                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

  |                                                                  _
  |      tHA cONTRA bITCH iS bACK iN tOWN!                          (/)
  |          ____                                                    ¯
  |     .____\  /____  __________  ____________    :____  ________       .
  !     |    \\//    \/     _    \/     ______     |    \/    __  \__    :
  ¦     |     \/      \     (     \     \_    \    |     \    \_____/_.  ¦
  :     |     _\______/    _______/    _______/    ______/    ________|  !
  .     `-----'      `-----'     `-----'     `-----'    `-----'          |
      _                                                                  |
     (/)                    rEBEL sANDINISTA tERRORIST rETURNS!          |
      ¯                                                                  |

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mORTIMER tWANG                                  |     _
          :                                                        :

                              ___.    .____.
     __  __  ______ _ ___ ___/   |___ (____)___  __  ______  _________
    /  \/  \/   _  \______   \   ___/_|    |   \/  \/   __ \_______   \
   /   \/   \   (   \    /   /   |    |    |   \/   \   \____/    /   /
   \___/\___/_______/____\   \________l____l___/\___/_____________\   \_
          .____.          \___/                                    \___/
          |    |___   ___  ___  __________  _____      __________ ::::
          |    ___/__/   \/   \/    __    \/     \____/    _____/ ::::
          |    |    /    /\    \    \_     \      \   \    \_   \ `··'
          l_________\____/\____/_____|_____/____\     /_________/ ....
                                          tGø/wL!\___/            `··'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mR vAIN                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

     _______  _______  _____________
    /       \/       \/      __ ___/................
   /        \/        \      \_    \_             ..'
   \________/\________/_______|_____/  .______.  `.........
     :            ___.     .___________(______)______      :
     `......     /   |     |    __     |      |      \_____`....
          ..'   /    |     |    \_     |      |       \    \   .'
         :      \__________l_____|_____l______l_____\      /  `.....
         :                                    tGø/wL!\____/         :

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: mULTIPLEX                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

    ____                   .___.    .____.
.___\  /___.   .___.___.   |   |___ (____)__________.   ._______   _____.____
|   \\//   |   |   |   |___|   ___/_|    |_____ \   |___|    __ \__ __ _| __/
|    \/    |   |   |   |   |   |    |    |  \___/   |   |    \____/_|  \_   |
|____/     |____   |____   |_____   |____|   |  \____   |________   |___|   |
     `-----'   `---'   `---'    `---'    `---'      `---'tGø/wL!`---'   `---'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: nIKE                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

                          ._____.      ._____
          ........        (_____)______|    /________            __
        .:        : ......|     |     _|  _/     __  \__      _ _\/_ _
        :          :      :     |     \_   \     \_____/_. __\\\\/\////__ _
        :         .       :_____|______|    \____________l
        :.........:       :     tGø/wL!`----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: nOCTURNE                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

  .____     _______._______|   |___     .___._____________     ______
  |    \________   |   .___|   ___/_.   |   |  __ __/     \___/   __ \__
  |     \  \   (   |   |   |   |    |   |   |  \_   \_     \  \   \____/_.
  |   \    /   ____|   ____|   _____|   ____|   |____/   \    /   _______:
  `----\__/`---'   `---'   `---'    `---'   `---'    `----\__/`---'tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: nUP!                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

       |.    .     |.    |     |.    _____   \------------------- --- -
       |:    |     |:    |     |:    \_______/
       |¦    |     |¦    |     |¦      |       the funkster returns!
       ||    |     ||    |     ||      |
       ||    |     ||    |     ||      | - --- ------------------------
       |_____|     |______     |__     |
      tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----' `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: oRDYNE                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

    _________  ___________________  _____ ____  ______       _________
   /    .    \/    __ __________  \/     Y    \/      \_____/     __  \__
  /     |     \    \_   \_     /   \_____      \       \    \     \_____/_.
  \___________/_____|____/_________/___________/_____\      /_____________|

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: oRLINGO                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

 ...........  ............
:::::: :::::: ........:::::  ....   ...........   ...........   ...........
:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::' :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::        :::::: ::::::
:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
`:::::.:::::' :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::   :::: :::::: ::::::
              tGø/wL!:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: `:::::...:::' `:::::.:::::'
                     ::::::   ....
                     ::::::  :::::

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: pERPLEXER                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

_ ___________ _ ___ _________________.  ._____    ___.__________ _ ___ ____
 _____ \  __ \__ _____   \______ \   |__|  __ \__ _ _| __/   __ \_______   \
/  \___/  \____/__   /   /   \___/   |  |  \____/_| \_   |   \____/__  /   /
\___|  \_________/___\   \____|  \___   l_________l__|   |__________/__\   \_
                      \___/         `---'tGø/wL!     `---'              \___/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: pHASE!                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

      _____________  \.   _|     |.   __     |.    ______|.    ______|
      |:      \______/:   \_     |:   \_     |:_____     |:    __}___.
      |¦        |    |¦    |     |¦    |     |¦          |¦          |
      ||        |    ||    |     ||    |     ||          ||          |
      ||        |    ||    |     ||    |     ||          ||          |
      |___|     |    |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |
          `-----'   tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'     `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: pOLO                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

           ____________.½½½½½½½½½½½..______.     .½½½½½½½½½½½.
           ___________ \½½½½½ ½½½½½½|      |     ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
           |     \_____/½½½½½ ½½½½½½|      |     ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
           |       |   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½|      |     ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
           |       |   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½|      |____.½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
           |       |   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½|      |    |½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
           |       |   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½|      |    |½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
           |_______|   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½|___________|½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
                       `½½½½½½½½½½½'tGø/wL!      `½½½½½½½½½½½'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: pRIZM!                                          |     _
          :                                                        :
          ___________  ___________:......:  _________  ____  ____
         ___________ \/      __ __/      :__\_____   \/    \/    \
        /       \____/       \_   :_    /:  _________/     \/     \
        \________|   \________|___:/    \:_________ _\_____/\_____/
                                  :      :tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: pSYCHIC sANTA                                   |     _
          :                                                        :

    ________._______   _____ ___  _______ _ ____.____(_____)__________
   ________ :   ___/__/     Y   \/     .___/   _|    |     |     .___/
  /    \____|______   \_____     \     |   \   \_    |     |     |   \
  \_____|      /______/__________/_________/____|    |_____|_________/
            ________   ________  _____      /  |___  ________
           /   ____/__/   __   \/     \____/   ___/_/   __   \
           \_______   \   \_    \      \   \   |    \   \_    \
              /_______/    |____/____\     /________/____|    /
                           :   tGø/wL!\___/              :

                        .. bLATENT aDVERT bREAK ..

                     _ __/_______                      ·
                        /       /          _  _ __ ___/_______     <--------.
   _ _________/\____   /_______/___  _____________   /    ___/___________   |
    \\__     / /   ¬\_/ \_____    ¬\_\__________ ¬\_/     \_________    ¬\_ |
      /     / /      /       /      /      ____/   /       /     \________/ |
 .---/     / /      /       /      /       /      /       /       /      /--'
 |  /       /      /       /      /       /      /       /       /      /_
 | /_______       /_______/      /_______       /_______/_______       //
 `-------/_______/--->  /       /      /_______/       /   kRm/_______/
                       ·       /                      ·

     fINAL_iMPACT..    wORLD_hQ!            hOMEbASE_oF_uMAn!
     mIDNITE..         aUSTRALIAN_hQ!       hOMEbASE_oF_cOUNTzERo!
     tHE_lAST_iNN..    sWEDISH_hQ!          hOMEbASE_oF_mANTA!
     13tH_hOUR..       uNITED_kINGDOM_hQ!   hOMEbASE_oF_tANGo!


                        .. bLATENT aDVERT bREAK ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: qEN!                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

  ______________________._____________________      _____________
 /.          __         |.           __       \__  /.            \________
//           \/         ||           \__________/_//              \       \
\_____________)         l_________________________\_____________\         /
 - --- tGø/wL!l_________|----------------------------------------\_______/-»

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rAD!                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

    |         __ _____________________          _____________        \
    |         \_         \_         \_          |           /         \
    |          |__________/          |__________|          ___________/
    `----------'     :    `----------' : tGø/wL!`----------'      :
          - --- -----:-.               `..........                :
                     `-'                      ...'                :
       aMERICAN gANGSTER fROM hELL!           `...................'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rAMON                                           |     _
          :                                                        :
                     .__)             (__.
                     |                   |
     ............    |  hES bACK aGAIN!  |  .............
     .......::::::___|________._____  ___|_::::::: :::::::_______
     :::::: :::::'_______     :     \/     ::::::: :::::::       \____
     :::::: ::::::     \_     :     \/     ::::::: :::::::        \   \
     :::::: ::::::______|_____:_____/\_____::::::: :::::::______\     /
     :::::: ::::::   |                   | `::::::.::::::'tGø/wL!\___/
                     |__               __|

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rAPID!                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

          |.   __ _____.   __     |__________  \    |._______   |
          |:   \_     |:   \_     |:    \______/    |:      /   |
          |¦    |     |¦    |     |¦      |   |¦    |¦          |
          ||    |     ||    |     ||      |   ||    ||          |
          ||    |     ||    |     ||      |   ||    ||          |
          |_____|     |_____|     |__     |   |     |______     |
         tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----' `-----'   `-----'     `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rAT!                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

                                               .    ___.        .---.
            _ _________________________________:___/   |___     :   :
      _ __////         __ ______________       |       ___/___. :   :
            /          \_    \__      \_       |       |      : :   :
            \___________|______/_______!       ¦______________: `---'
                        :tGø/wL!       :       .                .---.
                                       .                        `---'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rEBEL                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

      _______  __________________  ______________
     ______ ¬\ \   _____/\_____ ¬\ \   _____/\  ¬\-----------------------.
     /.  _ __/\/. ___}__\/.  _ __/\/. ___}__\/.  /___                    !
    //  /   /\//      /\//      /\//      /\//  /   /\ bLAH bLAH bLAH =) |
   /___/   / /___    / /___/   / /___    / /___    / /                   .
   \__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /                    :
      \___\/    \___\/    \___\/    \___\/    \___\/tGø/wL!--------------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rED-sKIN!                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

                                                .....:    : .....
  ................     ........      ........ ..:    :    ::     : .....
  :   . ..'    .. :.. ......   :    :  .....::  : ..:'    :      `:     :
  :   .   :.   `....:..   .:   :    `....  :    .    :    :      .      :
  :...:....:..........:........'   ........:....:    :    :......:      :
                                         tGø/wL!:....:    :      :......'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rED dEVIL                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

      ________________    __________.
     /   __ __/    __ \__ _______   |                  .-----------.
    /    \_   \_   \____/_|     /   |------------------:--.        :
    \_____|____/__________l_________|                  `--'        :
                                 ._____. your fave man united fan? `---.
   __________.______      ___.   (_____)____.                      .---'
   _______   |   __ \__  /   |   |     |    |___.                  `--:
   |     /   |   \____/_/    |   |     |    |   |---------------------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rECALL                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

  ____________________    .__________________________.______.   .______.
 /    __ __/      __  \__ |       .____________     ¬|     ¬|___|     ¬|___.
/     \_  ¬\_     \_____/_|       |   ¬|     \_      |      |  ¬|      |  ¬|
\______|____/_______     ¬|______      |______|      |____      |____      |
            tGø/wL!`------'     `------'      `------'   `------'   `------'

                             .. cOKE bREAK ..

Phew  ...   getting  there ever so slowly ...  watching the last episode of
DS9  season  three  at  the  moment, and I think I must now be the youngest
             person ever to devleop cygnus edius arthritis =)

                             .. cOKE bREAK ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rELIEF                                          |     _
          :                                                                   :

    ..........__________    .______.  (______)_________    ............
  .:     .   :      __  \__ :      |__:      :     __  \__ :       ...:
  :      . ··'.     \_____/_:      |  :      :     \_____/_:       .:
  :......:....:_________    :_____    :__    :_________    :.......:
                       `----'    `----' `----' tGø/wL!`----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rOTOX!                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

   ½½½½½½½½½½½½. .½½½½½½½½½½½. ½½½½½½         .½½½½½½½½½½½. ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
          ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½         ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½' ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½      ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ `½½½½½ ½½½½½'
   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½         ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½     ½½½½½
   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½         ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ .½½½½½ ½½½½½.
   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½         ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½  .½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½
   ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ `½½½½½½½½½½½' `½½½½½½½½½½½½' `½½½½½½½½½½½' ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: rUNT&sCOTTIE                                    |     _
          :                                                        :

   .__________     ._____.______      /    |___
   |    __ __/     |     :      \____/     ___/_.
   |    \_   \_    |     :       \   \     |    :
   |     |____/__________:_____\     /__________:
   `-----'               tGø/wL!\___/
                a n d           .____.    .____.    ._____.
   ________  .__________________:    |___ :    |___ (_____)________
  /   ____/__:    ._________    :    ___/_:    ___/_:     :    __  \__
  \_______   :    |   :    (    :    |    :    |    :     :    \_____/_.

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sANDMAN                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

      __________  ______________:_______      ______________
     /   ______/__________      :       \_______________    :
     \_________   |     \_      :        \    \        /    :
        /_________|______|______:______\      /_____________:
                              .-'       \____/
      hE'S bACK oNCE mORE!  .-:-.
                   ____     `-:-' ePSILON dESIGN'S cHIEF cOOKIE!
         ._________\  /________  __________________  __________
         |         \\//        \/        __        \/          \________
         |          \/          \        \_         \           \       \
         |          _\__________/         |_________/_________\         /
         `----------'          `----------'             tGø/wL!\_______/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sCARFACE                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

         ___________  .___________________________.______________
        /   _______/__|       ._____________     ¬|     __ _____/
        \__________  ¬|       |    ¬|     \_      |     \_      \_
           |      ____|      _______|      |______|      |_______/
           `------'   `------'      `------'      `------'
             |.    ______|.   __     |.          |.    ______|
             |:    ___/  |:   \_     |:     \____|:    __}___.
             |¦     |    |¦    |     |¦     /    |¦          |
             ||     |    ||    |     ||          ||          |
             ||     |    ||    |     ||          ||          |
             |_     |    |_____|     |______     |______     |
              `-----'   tGø/wL!`-----'     `-----'     `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sEVEN /\/\                                      |     _
          :                                                        :

         __________  .__________      ___.     .________    .______
        /   ______/__|      __ ¬\__  /  ¬|     |    __ ¬\__ |     ¬\_____
        \_________  ¬|      \_____/_/    |     |    \_____/_|       \   ¬\
           /_________|______________\__________l____________l_____\      /
  _______________________________  _________________________tGø/wL!\____/
 /                              ¬\/                        ¬\
/                                \/                          \

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sHAPECHANGER                                    |     _
          :                                                        :

            ______  .___._________________________
           /   __/__|  _|   _____  \______ \   __ \__
           \_____   |  \_   |  \_   \  \___/   \____/_.
             /______|___|   |___|___/___|  \__________|
                        |   |tGø/wL!
              __________|   |______  ___     _____________    .________
             /  .____  _|   |  __  \/   \___/  _____   __ \__ |  __ __/
            /   |   |  \_   |  \_   \    \  \  \__ |   \____/_|  \_   \_
            \_______|___|   |___|___/__\    /______|__________l___|____/
                        :   !           \__/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sILENCER                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

   _ ______  (____)____.    _____      ___      ______.______    .________
_////   __/__|    |    |___/  __ \__  /   \____/  .___|   __ \__ |  __ __/
    \_____   |    |    |  /   \____/_/     \   \  |   |   \____/_|  \_   \_
       /_____|____|_______\__________\___\     /______l__________l___|____/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sK!N                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

              .½½½½½½.       .________                           .
             ½½½½½ `½½_______|       /........ _______
   .-.       `½½½½½  |      _| _____/         :       \_____     :
   `-:-----------½½½½|      \_      \        /:        \    \----:-.
     :     ½½½½.  ½½½½_______|       \       \:______\      /    `-'
     .      `½½½½½½½½'       `-------'........:tGø/wL!\____/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sKIZE                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

 _________  ._____:     / .____.   __________________        @@@@@@.@@   / /
/   _____/__|    _| ___/  (____) __\_____   \    __  \__      (  øø  )  /\ \
\________   |    \_    \  /    \/  _________/    \_____/_.____|  o   |_/  \/
   /________|_____|     \/      \________\  \____________|   _`------'    /
     :            `-----'\______/tGø/wL!                 |   |        ___/
     :                                                   |___| >fUNK< |
     : tHE pHUNKY uNDERWATER tRAVOLTA fROM wHALE iS bACK (___)________|
     :                                                        /      \
     :                                                       /        \
     :                       .-.   jUS' sTAYIN' aLIVE!      /          \
     `-----------------------:-'                          _/_____/\_____\_
                             `---------------------------(___/|_|  |_|\___)

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sLOWRIDER                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

  __________     _______.       ____________  _______  _______
 /   ______/____/       |______/      _     \/       \/       \
 \_________     \       |      \      (      \       /\        \
    |       ____/      ________/      _______/      _/\________/
    `-------'  `-------'......`-------'     `-------'tGø/wL!
            .__________:__    :__________  _________      ____________
            |      __ _:_/   _:________  \/      __ \__  /     __ ___/
            |      \_  : \_  |:       /   \      \____/_/      \_    \_
            |       |__:__/  |:      _____/       _______       |_____/
            `-------'  :     `:------'    `-------'     `-------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sPLATT!                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

                                         / .\    ___.       ___.
        _______ _ ____________._____.   /   \\  /   |___   /   |___
       /  ___________________ |     |__/     \\/    ___/__/    ___/__.
       \_______   |      \____|     |  |      \\    |    /     |     |
   _ ___ ___      |__     |   |___     |       \\____    \______     |
     tGø/wL!`-----' `-----'      `-----'        \\  `-----'    `-----:
                                   /______________\                  :
     «----- --- - tHE oRIGINAL mASTER iS bACK oNCE mORE! - --- ------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sTASH                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

                     ______.      /. \                          .
    _____________   /      |___  //   \  _____________   _______:
   /   _________/__/       ___/_//     \/   _________/__/      _|      \
   \____________   \       |    \       \____________   \      \_       \
      |        ____/       _____/        \ |        ____/       |_______/
      `--------'  `--------' /____________\`--------'  `--------'tGø/wL!

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sTEZOEHIC                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

                         .....                                         .
                     ..::·  ··:.
                 ..::··        ::                                      .
              .::··      ::     ::                                     .
 ______      :::          ::   :·  _____       _______  _______        :
/   __/__   ::·          ..::   : /  __ \__  __\___   \/   _   \-------:-.
\_____   \ ::         .::··  :..·/   \____/_/  _______/    (    \      `-'
   /_____/::         ::          \__________\______\  \_________/
          ::        ::                            .     .____.
           ::         ::........ .______          :____ (____) __________
           ::         .:·       :|   __ \__  /   _|    \/    \/    .____/
«-----------::       :··        ·|   \____/_/    \_     \     \    |    \--»
             ·:..               :l__________\_____|_____/_____/_________/
               ··::::.....     :·tGø/wL!

hmm ...  attempt at graffiti dot stylee in the middle of top word ...  nice
try I guess but no cigar hehe ...  and I have a horrible feeling I've spelt
his name wrong yet again ...

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sTYLEZ                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

  .........                         __
 ::::: :::::._____.              _ _\/_ _
 ::::: :::::|     |___ ___ _ ___\\\\/\////___ _ ___________________________.
 :::::      |     ___/____.                                                |
 `::::..... |     |       : hellbound at a hundred an hour and still going |
       :::::l______       .                                                :
 ::::: :::::      |       |____.-------.    ._________   _ ___ ______      .
 ::::: :::::      |       |    |       |____|      __ \__ ._______ «-\-----'
 `::::.::::'      |_______     |       |    |      \____/_|  ________/
                  _________    |________    |_________    |___    |
                          `----'       `----' tGø/wL!`----'  `----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sUPERTOUCH                                      |     _
          :                                                        :

  ________  .     ._____.___________.________    ._____________
 /   ____/__|     |     |__________ |     __ \__ |     __ ____/
 \_______   |     |     |      \____|     \____/_|     \_     \_
    /__     |______     |__     |   l_______     |______|     _/
      `-----' ___.`-----' `-----'   tGø/wL!`-----'      `-----'    .
             /   |___   ___________      ._____  __________________:
            /    ___/_________     \/    |     \/     .______     _|     \
           /     |     |     (      \    |      \     |     |     \_      \
           \______     |______     _/_____     _/______     |______|     _/
                 `-----'     `-----'     `-----'      `-----'      `-----'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: sY-kLONE                                        |     _
          :                                                        :
    ______________________________________________________ _______________
   /   _____________________________/                     Y              /
   \_____________________________   \_____________________               \
     _______|    /_______.    .______________.________       ______
    /      _|  _/        |____|       _      |        \_____/   __ \__
   /       \_   \        |    |       (      |         \    \   \____/_.
   \________|    \________    |__________    |_______\      /__________|
            `----'       `----'         `----' tGø/wL!\____/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: tERMINAL sILENCE                                |     _
          :                                                        :

 .___.                             ____      ....
 |   |___  ______    _________  ___\  /____ :    :____     ______  ___.
 |   ___/_/   __ \__  _____   \/   \\//    \:    :    \___/  __  \/   |___
 |   |    \   \____/__/   /   /     \/      \    :     \  \  \_   \   |   \
 l________/__________/____\   \______\______/    :___\    /___|___/_______/
                .....      \___/            :....:    \__/
       _______  :   :___.   ______      ___      _____ _ ______
      /   ___/__:   :   |__/   __ \__  /   \____/   .___/   __ \__
      \______   :\ /:   |  \   \____/_/     \   \   |   \   \____/_
         /______:/ \:______/__________\___\     /_______/__________\
                :...:               tGø/wL!\___/

                             .. pAIN bREAK ..

Every  ascii  artist  must have his limit ...  my thumb just fell off and I
don't think I've reached mine yet!  Argh!  Shit this can be painful after a
while  ...  without crazy conversations with 13th Hour users and my Red Hot
              Chili Peppers album I think I'd be dead by now!

                             .. pAIN bREAK ..

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: tOMMY                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

      ____.                       ____          ____       _____.
     /    :___  ____________  ____\  /____  ____\  /____  /     |______
    /     ___/_/      _     \/    \\//    \/    \\//    \/      |     /
   /      |    \      (      \     \/      \     \/      \______      \
   \_      ____/      _______/     _\______/     _\______/      ______/
    `------'   `------'      `-----'       `-----'tGø/wL!`------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: tREACH!                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

 .......                                                             ......
 :     :...  ............ ........    ............ .................:      :
 :     ...'..:     .     :    ..  :.. .......     :     .......     :.     :
 :     :     :    .. ···.'    `.....:..     .     :     `     :    ..      :
 :...........:.....:.....:............:.....:.....:...........:     :......:
«- --- ------------------------------------------------tGø/wL!`.....'------.
:                 tHE mAN fROM dEL cONTRA - hE sAYS yEAH!
`-------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -»

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: tRIX·fIXION                                     |     _
          :                                                        :

        _ _______.                       ........
  _ __////       |___   ________________:_     __:_______.________ _
        /        ___/__/        __ _____:/     \_:_____ _| ________\\\__ _
       /         |     \        \_      :\_    / :      \_         \
       \_______________/_________|______:_/    \_:_______|_________/
              ......             ...... :........:
  _ _________:_   __:_____._____:__    :____________  _______
////     ____:/   \_:___ _| ____:_/   /:      _     \/       \______ _
  /      ___/:    / :    \_     : \  / :      (      \        \     \\\\__ _
  \______|   :    \_:_____|_____:_/  \_:_____________/______\       /
             :......:           :......:              tGø/wL!\_____/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: tURBO                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

                      - --- ----:-'
          ......                :                  ...........
    __    :    :.     ......    :........ ........:    ...    :
   _\/_   :    ..'    :    :    :    .   :    . ..'    : :    :
 \\\/\/// :    :   ...:    :    :    . ··'.   .   :    : :    :
          :    :...:  :.........:....:....:.......:    :.:    :
          :...........'                    tGø/wL!`...........'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: u-mAN!                                          |     _
          :                                                        :
        .______     ._____\  /____  _____________  _______           __
 |      |      \__ _|     \\//    \/     __      \/       \______   _\/_
 |      |       \_ _|      \/      \     \_       \        \     \\\\/\///
 |       _______/   |       \______/      |_______/      \       /
 `-------'tGø/wL!   `-------'     `-------'      `-------'\_____/

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: vIETCONG                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

                         .________.                   ____.
         .________.      (________) ___________      /    |___
         |        |     \/        \/      __   \__  /     ___/___
         |        |      \         \      \______/_/      |      \
         |       ________/       __/       _________       ______/
         `-------'       `-------' `-------'       `-------'
       .______________________________  ________       _____________
       |        ._______________      \/        \_____/      ______
       |        |      \       (       \         \    \      \_   \
       |       ________/       ________/       \      /       ____/
       `-------'       `-------'tGø/wL!`------- \____/`-------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: vINZI                                           |     _
          :                                                        :

                       ......                                   ......
       _______.       :......:_________          ______________:......:
      /       |       :     /:         \_________\___________  :\     :
     /        |       :    / :          \      \  _____________:/     :
     \________________:    \_:________\        /_____________\ :      :
                      :......:  tGø/wL!\______/                :......:

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: wEDLOCK                                         |     _
          :                                                        :

                             /. \
                            //   \                                  ._____
    ___  ___  _______    __//____ \____.    ________  ______________|    /
   /  ¬\/  ¬\/    __¬\__ ______ ¬\/   ¬|___/    _  ¬\/    ._____   ¬| __/
  /    /\    \    \____/_|    /   \    |  ¬\    (    \    |   ¬|    _  ¬\
  \____/\____/___________l________/________/_________/_________|____|    \
                       //             \                      tGø/wL!`----'
                      /                \

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: wHIRLWIND                                       |     _
          :                                                        :

                           .       ._____.
  ._______  _______.       :_______(_____)_____________________.
  |       \/       |      _|       |     |      __ ____/       |_____...
  |       /\       |      \_       |     |      \_     \_      |     | :
  |       (\_______|       |_______|_____|       |______/      ______| :....
  `--.----'        `-------'      tGø/wL!`-------'     `-------'        ...:
     :                    ._____..................................      :
   .-:---._______  _______(_____)________      ________________  : .-.  :
   `-'   |       \/       |     |        \__________________   \ :.:.'  :
         |       /\       |     |         \     \          /    \  :    :
         |       (\_______|_____|       \       /       ________/  `----'
         `-------'              `-------'\_____/`-------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: xCLUZIWE                                        |     _
          :                                                        :

  |  _                                                                   |
  | (/)                                                                  |
  |  ¯                                                                   |
  |   .---.___._______.---.       .---._______.----.___  ___.______      |
  |   |_ _| __|   .___|   |___|   |   |____  ¬|----|  ¬\/  ¬|   __ \__   |
  |   /  \_  ¬|   |  ¬|   |  ¬|   |   |  _____|    |   /\   |   \____/_. |
  |   \___|   |____   |____   |____   |____  ¬|_   |___/\___l_______  ¬| |
  |       `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'`---'        tGø/wL!`---' |
  |                                                                   _  |
  |          tHE mAN fROM s.O.S rETURNS oNCE mORE iN yA fACE!        (/) |
  |                                                                   ¯  |

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: yACUZI                                          |     _
          :                                                        :

   _____ ____                                                  ·······
  /     Y    \  _________  _________ _ _____.     .  __________:     :
  \_____      \/   __    \/      .____/     |     :__\______   \     :
  /___________/    \_     \      |    \     |     ¦  __________/.....:

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: zACK!                                           |     _
          :                                                        :
          ___________  ____________  ____________ _ _______|       /
        __\_______   \/     __     \/       .______/      _| _____/
       /  ___________/      \_      \       |      \      \_      \
       \__________\  \_______|______/______________/_______|       \

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: zEUS                                            |     _
          :                                                        :

          ___________._____________          ._______.___________
       .__\_______   |        __   \__ |     |       |   _______/__.
       |  ___________|        \______/_|     |       |__________   |
       |          :  l_________________l_____________|  :          |
       `----------'tGø/wL!                              `----------'

    _     :                fORBIDDEN fRUITS · dARE tO bE dELICIOUS :
          | aSCII: zIN                                             |     _
          :                                                        :
           ________________________:_     :__________________
         __\______________         : \   /:                  \______
        /        __________________:_/  / :            \      \     \
        \___________            |  :    \_:_____________\           /
                   `------------'  :      :              \_________/

                            Quote of the week:

" I look nothing like Chris Evans, he's a skinny bloke, whereas I'm a real
  strapper of a man! "

                                                          Meson/Nerve Axis

       _|_  __ |__ |____   ____\_   ___ _________|_ ____ _____|_  __
       \__,(__\\__)|\__/,  \__/\    \__,\__/\  /\__,\__/,\  /\__,`--.
     - --- ------> | ------------------------------------------- l__| <-2F
                fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO - tHE rEQUESTS
     «---------------------------------------------------------- --- -
Razor1911·Rebels·Bomb·Scoopex·Silents·Stellar·Insane·Fairlight·Virtual Dreams
Maniacs·Dual Crew Shining!·Eltech·Axis·Invasion·Hellfire·Skid Row·Warp Speed!
Epsilon Design·Intel Outside·Offspring·Man Eats Dog!·Phunk Ya Head Up·Digital
Digital Graffiti·Corn On The Cob·Axis·TrsiRecordz·AstroCreep 2000·Nowhere Man
Outer Limits·Fantazia!·Galahad·Llama Land·Zone·Dream Fish!·Aquarius·The Edge!
Ordyne·Ordyne·Permanent Vacation·Utopia·Mic Flair·Epsilon·McWilsh·Sadeness Pd
           Cncd·Upload Screen·Digital Pleasure·Atomic·Sire Chat

                     © OUT ON THE PISS PRODUCTIONS '95

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [rAZOR 1911        ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

  |.   ___ ______.   ___      _________     |.     .      |.   ___ _____/
  |:   \__      |:   \__      |:    ________|:     |      |:   \__      |
  |¦     |      |¦     |      |¦            |¦     |      |¦     |      |
  ||     |      ||     |      ||            ||     |      ||     |      |
  ||     |      ||     |      ||            ||     |      ||     |      |
  |______|      |______|      |_______      |_______      |______|      |
         `------'      `------'      `------'      `------'      `------'
       :::: .::::::::  ::::  ::::
      :::: .:::  :::  ::::  ::::  .-.                              .-.
     ::::  ·:::::::  ::::  ::::   `-:--- - r·A·Z·O·r  1·9·1·1 - ---:-'
    ::::      ::::  ::::  ::::      :                              :
   ::::      ::::  ::::  ::::     oLd sKOOl tALENt iS bACk oNCe aGA!n
  ::::      ::::  ::::  ::::        :                              :

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [rEBELS            ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                            ......                      ......
............                ::::::                      ::::::
:::::: ::::::  ...........  ::::::......   ...........  ::::::  ...........
:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
:::::::::::   ::::::::::::' :::::: :::::: ::::::::::::' :::::: `:::::.......
:::::: :::::  :::::: ...... :::::: :::::: :::::: ...... :::::: ...... ::::::
:::::: :::::: `:::::.:::::: ::::::.:::::' `:::::.:::::: :::::: ::::::.:::::'
:::::: `::::::..tGø/wL!

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [bOMB              ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

         .      :                                  .      :
         |      |        ...........      ____     |      |
         |      |______.::::  .  :::: ____\  /____ |      |------.
         |      _      |::::  |  ::::/    \\//    \|      _      |
         |      |      |::::  ·  :::/      \/      \      |      |
         |      |      |::::   \ :::\_______\______/      |      |
         |_______      |::::    \::::              |_______      |
                `------'`:::.....:::'              tGø/wL!`------'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [sCOOPEX           ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

   ______  .___________________._________._________________    _____._____
  /   __/__|     ._________    |    _    |_______ \    __  \__ ___ _| ___/
  \_____   |     |   |    (    |    (    |   \____/    \_____/_|   \_    \
    |    __|    _____|    _____|    _____|    |   |    ________|    |____/
    `----' `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'   `----'tGø/wL!`----'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [tHE sILENTS       ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

     /   ___/:_   :           /__ /__  ____          __.
     \______ : \  :___.      (___/   )(___/__       /  |__   _______
        /____:_/ /:   |___________      ____       /   __/__/   ___/__
             :  / :   |  \    __  \__  /    \_____/    |    \______   \
             :  \_:______/    \_____/_/      \    \_________/  /______/
             :....:      \____________\____\      /

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [sTELLAR           ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

   .--------------.    .---------.-----.   .-----.   .---------.----------
   |.   ______.   |__  |    __   |.    |   |.    |   |. ___    |. ___ ____
   |:____    |:   __/  |:   \____|:    |   |:    |   |: \__    |: \__    |
   |¦        |¦   |____|¦        |¦    |___|¦    |___|¦   |    |¦   |    |
   ||        ||   |    ||        ||    |   ||    |   ||   |    ||   |    |
   ||        ||        ||        ||        ||        ||   |    ||   |    |
   |_____    |_____    |_____    |_____    |_____    |____|    |____|    |
 tGø/wL!`----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [iNSANE            ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

       :   _:_______                            . ... .........
       :  / : _____/__  ___________  _______              ...  ·.
       :  \_:______   \/    __     \/       \_____       `......'...
       :    :/________/     \_      \        \    \................. ... .
       :....:         \______|______/______\      /

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [fAIRLIGHT         ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

     ________________________ (____)_____________
    /      _____________     \|    |     __ ____/
   /       ____/      \_      \    |     \_     \_                  .-.
   \_      |   \_      |______/    |______|______/------------------:-'
    `------'    `------'      |    :               .       ___.     :
                     _____.   |    ._______________:      /   |__   .
                    /     |___|    |     ____/    _|    \/    __/_  .
                   /      |   |    |     \_  \    \_     \    |   \
                   \_      ___|    |_________/     |_____/     ___/ .
                    `------'  `----' tGø/wL!`------'    `------'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [vIRTUAL dREAMS    ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

         ....            ____.
  __.   :    :__________/    |__       .___  ________  _____.
 /  |   :    :   __ ___/     __/__/    |   \/   __   \/     |___
/   |   :    :   \_    \_    |    \    |    \   \_    \     |   \
\_______:    :____|_____/_________/_________/____|____/_________/
        :....:                                           ____
          ______  __________________      _________  ____\  /____  _______
       _______  \/   __ ___/    __  \__  /   __    \/    \\//    \/   ___/__
       |     /   \   \_    \_   \_____/_/    \_     \     \/      \______   \
tGø/wL!|_________/____|_____/___________\_____|_____/______\______/  /______/

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [mANIACS           ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

        ____                          /  \
    ____\  /____  _________  ___     (____) _________  _________________
   /    \\//    \/   __    \/   \____/    \/   __    \/    .___/   ____/__
  /      \/      \   \_     \    \   \     \   \_     \    '   \_______   \
  \_______\______/____|_____/__\     /_____/____|_____/________/  /_______/
<<- --- ------------------------\___/tGø/wL!------------------------ --- ->>

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [dUAL cREW sHINING ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

 ________ .   .__  ______  ___.       _______________  ______    __  __
 ______  \|   |  \/  __  \/   |__    /  ._________   \/  __  \__/  \/  \
 /    /   \   |   \  \_   \   |  \  /   |   \    /   /   \_____/   /\   \
 \________/_______/___|___/______/  \_______/____\   \_____________/\___/
    __                     ._____.        ._____. \___/
   _\/_ _______   ____.____(_____)____    (_____)____     _______  __
   \/\//   ___/__/   _|    |     |    \___|     |    \___/   ____ _\/_
       \______   \   \_    |     |     \  \     |     \  \   \_  \\/\/
          /______/____|    |_____|___\    /_____|___\    /_______/
                      :               \__/    tGø/wL!\__/

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [eLTECH            ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

  ._________    .______.    /   |__  .________    .__________     :_____.
  |     __  \__ |      |___/    __/__|    __  \__ |     .____    _|     |
  |     \_____/_|      |   \    |    |    \_____/_|     |   \    \_     |
  |_____________|__________/_________|____________|_________/_____|     |
«--------------------------------------------------- --- - tGø/wL!:

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [aXIS              ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

  ._________________________.________:         |_____________
  |       __       \______ _| _______/         /   _________/____
  |       \_        \      \_        \         \____________     \
  |        |________/_______|        /      ___|  |        ______/
  ·        :         tGø/wL!:        `------'     `--------'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [iNVASION          ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

    ...  ___     ___.    ______  ______   ...  _____  ___        .-----.
 «-:   :/   \___/   |  \/  __  \/   __/__:   :/  _  \/   \___----:-.   :
   :   /     \  \   |   \  \_   \_____   :   /   (   \    \  \   `-'   :
 «-:...\___\    /_______/___|___/  /_____:...\_______/__\    /---------:-.
            \__/                                  tGø/wL!\__/          `-'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [hELLFIRE          ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

   ___.___  ______      ____.    ____.    ______:_   :________  ______
  /  _|   \/  __  \__  /    |___/    |___/    ___/   :_____   \/  __  \__
 /   \_    \  \_____/_/     |   \    |   \    __/    :/   /   /   \_____/_.
 \____|____/__________\_________/________/____| :    /____\   \___________|
«----------------------------------------tGø/wL!:....:-----\___/----- --- -


         tITLE: sUPERWANK aGA                 cRACKER: iGGY

         dISKS: 8                            sUPPLIER: hOT tUNA :)

      rELEASED: 25/12/95                   pROTECTION: mFM

 - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------»

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [sKID rOW          ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                                ..::···:.                 .::::.
    ________                ..::··      :.       .... .:::::   ::.
   /   ____/__           .::··           ::     ::: :::   :::   :::
   \_______   \         :::         ::   :::    ::   :::   :::    ::
     _/__.____/        ::·         ::·    ::    :::   :::  ·:::    ::
    /   _| __/_       ::       .::       :::     :::   :::   :::    ::
   /    \_     \     ::       ::·:::    .::      .::::  :::   :::    ::
   \_____!      \   ::       ::    ::.::::   ..::···:::  :::   :::    ::
       .....----'   ::      ::      ::   ..::··      :::  :::          ::.
      :.....:        ::    ::·       :: :··          .::                ::.
      :     :         :::.::         :::              ·::                ::
      :     :            ::        .::·                 ·:..            :::
    __:.....:__           :.      .::         :::        :::::...       ::
    ________   \          ·:::::::::         :::        ::tGø/wL!::..:::·
    /      /    \                 ::        :::        .::
    \___________/                  ::                  ::·
                                   ::                 ::·
                                    ::              :::·
    tHE lEADING fORCE rETURNS        ·:..         :::·

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [wARP sPEED        ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

  ..._____  _____  ___________ _ ___ ______ _ ___ _______.........
 :  /     \/     \/    __     \_________   \____________ \      ..:
.:./      /\      \    \_      \       /   /       \_____/     :...
:  \______/\______/_____|      /_______\   \________|              :.....
:.___________ _ ___ ____:___  _________ \___/_________    _____________..:
 /   _______/______________ \/     __  \__  /     __  \__ __________   \
 \__________   \      \_____/      \_____/_/      \_____/_/        /    \
    /__________/_______|    \______________\______________\_____________/
       :tGø/wL!                 .......                          :
       :.......................:       :                   ......:

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [ePSILON dESIGN    ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

 oH nO! tHEY'RE bACK! iT'S ...               /\
           _______ _ ___ ______  _________  (__) ____.    _______  ____
          /   __  \___________ \/   _____/__/  \/    |___/   _   \/    \____
         /    \_____/     \____/\________   \   \    |   \   (    \     \   \
 _______ \_________________|  (__)__________/___/________/________/___\     /
 _____  \/  __  \__ /   ___/__/  \/   ____/   \____                    \___/
 /   /   \  \_____/_\______   \   \   \_  \    \   \
 \_______/___________ ________/___/_______/__\     / tHE ePSILONS ... dOH!
 - --- --------------------------------tGø/wL!\___/------------------- --- -

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [iNTEL oUTSIDE     ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

      .....            ___.
     :     :____      /   |__  ________      _____.
     :     :    \____/    __/_/    __  \__  /     |___
     :    /:     \   \    |   \    \_____/_/      |   \
     :    \:___\     /________/____________\__________/
     :.....:    \___/   ___.             .....
     _______     .___  /   |__  _______ :    _:_______  ________
    /   _   \|   |   \/    __/_/   ___/_:     :_____  \/    __  \__
   /    (    \   |    \    |   \______  :\   /:    /   \    \_____/_
   \_________/________/________/  /_____:/   \:________/____________

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [oFFSPRING (fILEiD)]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                    ___  ________________ _ _____ ____
                   / _ \/  ___/  ___/ __/_______ \__ ...
                  /  (  \  __/   __/\____  \  \__/ /: / :
                  \_____/__| \___| _ ___ __/___|/__\: \_:_____
                                                 /  :__/: ____
                   dOPE oN pLASTIC 6 bY rEL!eF  /   :...: \_ \
                                                \__\   /_____/
                  «-------------------------- --- - \_/tGø/wL!

just  looking  back  through  my  collection of collections(?) I found that
desoto  has  drawn  a  very similar logo to this, but he cheated and didn't
          draw the OFF in big letters ...  but this logo rocks =)

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [mAN eATS dOG      ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                                           ___  ___  ________  ____
                                   .----» /   \/   \/   __   \/    \____
   chief canine   .::::.           :     /    \/    \   \_    \     \   \
      SIRE!      :::: ::::   .::::::.    \____/\____/____|____/___\     /
                :::::.      ::::   :::.                     tGø/wL!\___/
               :::: ::::   ::::::..:::: :::::::.
              :::::.      :::: ·::::::     ::::::::
                 `::::   ::::    ::::      ::::    .:::::..
 ________  ________  __________ ::::      .::::   ::::: `:::   WOOF =)
 \_____  \/    _   \/     _____    .      ::::    `:::..
 |    /   \    (    \     \_  \ «--:-.   ::::'        ::::
 |    ____/   ______/    _____/    `-'          :::..  ::::
 `----'  `----'     `----'                       `::::::::'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [pHUNK yA hEAD uP! ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

.....                     .          .                        ._____
     :     _________  ____:          :____  _____        _____|    /
 ....:...._________ \/   _|    \/    |    \/     \______/    _| __/....
 :...:   /     \____/    \_     \    |     \      \     \    \_   \   :
     :   \______|   \_____|_____/__________/____\       /_____|____\  :
    _:__ ___  _________      ._____.____  _______\     /_________ ____:___
   /    Y   \/    __   \     |    _|    \/    __  \___//   __    \______  \
   \____     \    \_    \    |    \_     \    \_____/_/    \_     \    /   \
   /_________/_____|    /... !     |_____/____________\_____|     /________/
                   :     :. :.     :____  ___________tGø/wL!:  __
   2bIG - 2wIDE!   :.......: |     |    \___________ \        _\/_
                             |     |     \     \_____/      \\\/\///
     iCON iS yER sTONED gOD  |___________/______|

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [dIGITAL           ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

  :.............____.           .____.  ____.
    __________ (____) __________(____) /    |__   __________  _____.
    _______   \/    \/     _____/    \/     __/__/    __    \/     |____
    |     /    \     \     \_   \     \     |    \    \_     \     |    \
    |      ____/  ___/     _____/  ___/     _____/     |_____/     _____/
    `------': `---' `------'   `---' `------'   `------'   :`------'
            :.......                                 ......:tGø/wL!
                ...:      HIP HOP KREW OF 1995!      :....

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [dIGITAL gRAFFITI  ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

             ......         ...... ___.
   ________ :      :_______:      /   |__  ________  _____.
   ______  \:      /   ____:     /    __/_______   \/     |__
  /     /   \     /    \_  :    /     |   \   \_    \     |  \
  \_________/     \________:    \_________/____|____/________/
«-----------:......:-------:......:----------------------------------- --- -
                                                  ...... ___.   ......
      _________________  ________  ______________:_     /   |__:      :
     /    __________   \/   __   \/    ___/    __:/    /    __/:_     :
    /     \_  |    /   /    \_    \    __/     __:    /     |    \    :
    \_________|____\   \_____|____/____| \_____| :    \__________/    :
- --- -------tGø/wL!\___/------------------------:......:------:......:----»

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [cORN oN tHE cOB   ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

            ___________________________________  _____
           /       .____/     _    \_______    \/     \_____
          /        |    \     (     \     /    /       \    \
          \_____________/___________/_____\    \_____\      /
                                    ___.   \____/     \____/
       _________  _____            /   |__  ____:______.________
      /    _    \/     \_____     /    __/_/   _|      |    __  \__
     /     (     \      \    \   /     |   \   \_      |    \_____/_
     \___________/____\      /   \_________/____|      |____________\
                tGø/wL!\____/                   !      .
                                                :      :
                      _________________________ |      |____
                     /       .____/      _     \|      _    \
                    /        |    \      (      \      |     \

                            .. mODESTY bREAK ..

The  more work I do on this collection, I think the better these logos seem
to  look  ...  or maybe it's just me!  Haha ...  well been looking back and
yup  I am getting better, who knows, maybe one day I'll actually be worth a
                       shit, or half a one at least!

                            .. mODESTY bREAK ..

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [aXIS              ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                  _________ ------._____:     :________
                 /   __    \____ _| ____:     /   ____/__
                /    \_     \    \_     \     \_______   \
                \_____|_____/_____|_____/     :        __/
               «---------------» tGø/wL!:.....:  ------'---
               - --- -------------------------------------»

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [tRSI rECORDZ      ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

   /     |__  ____________            .______.
  /      __/__________    \____ ___ _ (______)
 /       |   \       /    /  _________/      \
 \___________/_______\    \________   \       \
     _________  ______\    \__________/_______/________________   ________
      _____   \/   __  \____/  .____/   _   \______   \______  \__\____   \
      /   /   /    \_____/_/   |    \   (    \    /   /     /   \ ________/
     /____\   \____________\________/________/____\   \_________/______\
«- --- ----\___/----------------------------tGø/wL!\___/-------------- --- -

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [aSTRO cREEP 2OOO  ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

               ___________  _________   /    |__ _ __________  ___________
              /    __     \/   _____/__/     __/_________    \/     _     \
             /     \_      \________   \     |   \      /    /      (      \
             \______|______/  /________/_________/______\    \_____________/
   __________________  _______    _______ _ ___ _________\____/
  /    ._________    \/   __  \__/   __  \__ ___________ \
 /     |   \    /    /    \_____/    \_____/_/     \_____/
 \_________/____\    \__________\____________\______|
          tGø/wL!\____/  __________  ___________  ___________  ___________
                       __\______   \/     .     \/     .     \/     .     \
                      /  __________/      |      \     |      \     |      \

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [nOWHERE mAN       ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

    ___      ______  ___  ___  ____.____.________    _________  _______
   /   \____/   _  \/   \/   \/   _|    |    __  \__  _____   \/   __  \__
  /     \   \   (   \   /\    \   \_    |    \_____/__/   /   /    \_____/_
  \___\     /_______/___/\____/____|    |____________/____\   \____________\
       \___/____                        :           tGø/wL!\___/
     _______\  /_______ _ ________________  _________
    /       \\//       \__________        \/         \_______
   /         \/         \       \_         \          \      \
   \__________\_________/________|_________/________\        /

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [oUTER lIMITS      ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

          _________      .____  /   |__  ________ _ ___ _________
         /    _    \/    |    \/    __/_/    __  \__ ________    \
        /     (     \    |     \    |   \    \_____/__      /    /
        \___________/__________/________/____________/______\    \_
                   ......    ____    .......  ___.    tGø/wL!\____/
            ___.  :      :___\  /___:       :/   |__  _______
           /   |__:_    /:   \\//   :\      :    __/_/   ___/__
          /    |    \  / .    \/      \    /.    |   \______   \
          \_________/  \_______\______/    \_________/  /______/
                  .......:          ........:

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [fANTAZIA          ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                                __.                        ......
  _ ________________.____      /  |__  _________  _ ______:_     :______ _
////    ________    :    \____/  ___/________   \________ : \   /: __   \\\\
  /     __/   \_    :     \   \   |    :   \_    \  ______:_/  / : \_    \
  \_____| \____|____:___\     /________:____|____/_______ :_   \_:__|____/
                    :    \___/         .           tGø/wL!:......:
 --» We're back! «--:-.
                    `-:-----» Monster Sysop Is Cruise/LSD «------- --- -

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [gALAHAD (fILEiD)  ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                 _____  _____\  _____\_____  _____  ____\
                (_____|(_____\\(_____\\    )(_____\(_____\
                        Workbench 3.0 - AGA Fixed!!
                                +10 Trainer

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [lLAMA lAND        ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

        _ ____.    ____.    __________  _____  ____  __________ _
  _ __////    |___/    |___/   __     \/     \/    \/    __    \\\\__ _
        /     |  /     |  /    \_      \     \/     \    \_     \
               _ ____.    _________  ______   ____________ _
         _ __////    |___/   __    \/      \___________   \\\\__ _
         :     /     |  /    \_     \       \   \     /    \
         :     \________\_____|_____/_____\     /__________/
         :                          tGø/wL!\___/
         `--------<< YOUR SYSOP IS HOTPOT THE LLAMA >>---------

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [zONE              ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

         _____________._______________.______         __________
      .__\_________   :       _       |      \_______/      __  \
      |  _____________:       (       |       \      \      \___/__.
      |      ______ _ :      _________|     \        /_______      |
      `------'tGø/wL! `------'    __  `------\______/       `------'
                                 _\/_                   .-.
 «--- the man with the bowels! --\/\/-------------------:-'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [dREAMfISH         ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

      __________._____________________     _________  _____  ____ _
      _______   |     __ ___/     __  \   /   __    \/     \/    \\\\__ _
      /     /   |     \_    \_    \___/__/    \_     \     \/     \
                ........              .
       _ _______:__   _:______  ._____:
 _ __////    ___:_/  / : ____/__|    _|    \      dUAL cREW sHINING
       /     __/:    \_:_____   |    \_     \        pOOCH pOSSE
       \_____|  :      : /______|_____|_____/

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [aQUARIUS          ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

        _____  _______.   .__  ______  _______(____)   .__  ______
       ____  \/  __   |   |  \/  __  \/  __ __/    |   |  \/   __/__.
      :  \_   \  \/   |   |   \  \_   \  \_   \_   |   |   \_____   :
      :___|___/___)   |_______/___|___/___|____/___|_______/  /_____:
      :           l___|tGø/wL!                                 .-.  :
      :   .-.                                                  `-:--'
      `---:-'                                                    :
          `-------------------------- --- - --- -----------------'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [tHE eDGE          ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

              _ _____.              .                         __
        _ __////     |___  .________:        .____________   _\/_
              /      ___/__|       _|        |        __  \\\\/\///
             /       |     |       \_        |        \___/__.
             \_____________|________|        |_______        |
                             tGø/wL!`--------'      `--------'
        _ ___________   ____________.____________________________ _
  _ __////       __  \  _________   |         ______         __  \\\\__ _
        /        \___/__|       /   |         \_   |         \___/__.
        \_______        |___        |______        |________        |
               `--------'  `--------'     `--------'       `--------'

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [oRDYNE (nUMBER 1) ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

 .........  ..........  ..........  ..... .....  ...........  ............
::::: ::::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::    :::
::::: ::::: ::::: ::::' ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::::
::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ..... ::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::    :::
`:::::::::' ::::: ::::: :::::.::::' :::::.::::' :::::: :::::: ::::::::::::'
                  :::::                  tGø/wL!::::::

                 " quick ... get this cheese to sickbay! "

                                                 Lieutentant Tores - Voyager

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [oRDYNE (nUMBER 2) ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

     ___________________________________ ____._____      ___________
         _     \_____   \______   /     Y    |     \____/       __  \
         (      \   /   /     /   \_____     |      \   \       \___/__
           _____/___\   \___      ___________|    \     /______
     ------'         \___/ `------'          `-----\___/      `--------

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [pERMANENT vACATION]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

  _____________  _______  __  __  ______  ___     _______    ___     / |___
 _____ \  ___  \ ____   \/  \/  \/  __  \/   \___/  ___  \  /   \___/  ___/_
/  \___/  \____/_/  /   /   \/   \  \_   \    \  \  \____/_/     \  \  |    \
\___|  \________/___\   \___/\___/___|___/__\    /_________\___\    /_______/
                     \___/                   \__/               \__/
                                   mIC fLAIR iS yOUR yELLOWCOAT =)
             .                         __.     .____.
      _ _.   :______  ______________  /  |___  (____)______  ____
_ __//// |   |  __  \/   .________  \/   ___/__|    |   _  \/    \___ _
      /  |   |  \_   \   |   |  \_   \   |     |    |   (   \     \  \\\\__ _
      \______|___|___/_______|___|___/_________|____|_______/___\    /

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [uTOPIA            ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

               ._____.                           .......             __
         ._____|     |___  ____________.________:_    ._:________   _\/_
   |     |     |     ___/_________     |________: \   | :  __    \\\\/\///
   |     |     |     |     |     (     |    \___:_/   | :  \_     \
   |     ______|     ______|     ______|     |  :     | :   |_____/
«--`-----'-----`-----'-----`-----'-----`-----'--:.....`-:---'tGø/wL!-- --- -

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [sADENESS pD       ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

 ______   ______ _______ ________      ___     _______     ______   ______
/   __/__/  __  \_____  \    __  \__  /   \___/   __  \__ /   __/__/   __/__
\_____   \  \_   \   /   \   \_____/_/     \  \   \_____/_\_____   \_____   \
   /_____/___|___/_______/___________\___\    /____________ _______/  /_____/
 _____________________ \______________    \
/              \_______/             /     \
\_______________|      \___________________/

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [c.N.C.D           ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

               ...                  ...
           ..::···:.            ..::···:.                  .::::.
       ..::··      ::       ..::··      :.                :::   ::.
    .::··          .:    .::··           ::                :::   :::
   :::           .::    :::              :::                :::    ::
  ::·        ..:::·    ::·        ..      ::                 :::    ::
 ::       .::··       ::       .::··     :::                  :::    ::
::       ::          ::       ::·       .::       ...   ..::::::·     ::
::      ::          ::       ::         ::    ..::···:.::·             ::
 ::       ::.:::::::::      ::        .:: ..::··      :::       ::.     ::.
 ::       .:·        ::    ::·        ::::··          .::        :::     ::.
  ::     :··         .:::.::         ::::           .::·::        :::     ::
   ·:..             ::·  ::        .:::·        ..:::·   ·:..            :::
     ··::.....     :·     :.      .:::       .::··         ··::...       ::
         ·····::..:·      ·::::::::::       ::                 ···::..:::·
                                   ::      ::
                                    ::       ::.::::::::.
                                    ::       .:·        ::
                                     ::     :··         .:
                                      ·:..             ::·
                                        ··::.....     :·

Woaaah! A dot style logo that works! Well sort of =) Hey Hybrid ... ya dont
like this then I'm coming to kill ya heheh ...

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [uPLOAD rULES      ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

       .____ ___________  ____.     __________ ___________ __________
  |    |    \__________ \/    |____/     _    \_______    \_______   \
  |    |     \    \_____/     |    \     (     \    \_     \     /    \
  |__________/_____|    \__________/___________/_____!_____/__________/
«----------------------------------------------------'--------------- --- -
          NO Copyright Software     YES Any Non-Copyright Software
          NO Modules from Games     YES Shareware
          NO Pornography            YES Demos, Intros, Gfx, Music
          NO Cracks/Reg Patches     YES 0-1 Day Old Files
          NO Trainers               YES Disk Mags
          NO Docs Disks             YES Everything Else
- --- ---------------------------------------------------------[tGø/wL!]--»

                SiMPLE TO REMEMBER ... DEADLY TO FORGET :)

«-------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [dIGITAL pLEASURE  ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                  ....          ....  __.
          ______ :    : _______:    :/  |___   ________  ____.
         _____  \:    :/   ____/    /   ___/__/   __   \/    |__
         |   /   \    /    \_  \   /    |     \   \_    \    |  \
         |_______/    \________/   \__________/____|____/_______/
                 :....:        :....:
   ______  ___.   ______      _______  _______      .__ _ _____________
  ______ \/   |__/  __  \__  /  __   \/   ___/__/   |  \_____   \  __  \__
 /   \___/    |  \  \_____/_/   \_    \______   \   |   \   /   /  \_____/_
 \____|  \_______/__________\____|____/  /______/_______/___\   \__________\

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [aTOMIC (fILEiD)   ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                 ______|   |__  _____  __  __  ...  _______
                / __   |   __/_/  _  \/  \/  \:   :/  .___/
               /  \_   |   |   \  \   \  \/   \   /   '   \
               \___|   |_______/______/__/\___/   \_______/
               ----`---'----------------------:...:- --- -»
                its a damned funky new release from atomic
                       logo requested by drakar/atc!
               «- --- --------------------------[tGø/wL!]--

 - --- -------------------»  _//_\ __| «-------------------------- --- -
                            C/ ( °\°/l)
                            /   (___)|
 Government Health Warning (_ ° _____!    fORBIDDEN fRUITS - pART tWO
 the man to your right is      /¯' ` |    TANGo/wHALE! - November '95
 officially NWA ...           //T· ·T|
                              \\l   |l    Logo Scribbled Below Saying
       NAKED WITH ATTITUDE!   (__)°(_¯)
                                |¯¬¯|¯ xCz    [sIRE              ]
 - --- -----------------------» (____)_) «------------------------ --- -

                    /  \                                  /\ ___
      _________ _  (____) _ _________  _________          \ (_ _)
     /   __________/    \________    \/     __  \__        \ \ª/ )
     \__________   \     \      /    /      \_____/_        \ , /
      _ ___________/_____/______\    \_____________ _       / \/\
   «----------------------tGø/wL!\_____/------------ --- - /__I__\xCz
      tHE mAN iS hERE!
    - --- --------------------------------------------------------------»

                          __________________________     . ........
                        :_)                        (_:        _ _  :
                        |          ·Mo!/c!·          |        \\\) :
          ______ ___________ _ _ ______ ____________ _             .
         |      |_     _   ///_\\\_     \       _  ///_  _________
         |      _/     _          /      \      \_     |/         \
         |      |      |_______._/       /\______/    _//          \_
         |______|______|       |________/       |_____\_____________/
      ·                 .                            .
      :  _ _            |      ·TANGo oF wHALE·      |
      : (///            |_                          _|
      `········ ·       : )________________________( :

     you just sat through a t.s.o.s. collection [the same old shit =)]

Interesting Fact #0

This  collection originally had a working title of fORBIDDEN fRUIT ...  but
I  asked  Scarface  to  draw  me  a  logo, and he drew one saying fORBIDDEN
fRUITS,  and  I decided it was so nice I'd change the name (plus I couldn't
ask him to re-do it and just leave the S off eheh) ...

     ______             .   ____      .        ________
    / .   /sc      ___ _|_ _\_  \___ _|_ ______\     _/__
  _/  |__/_ ______/ _   |    /   \    |_     __/\_      /
  \______ _  _   /  _)__:_ ______/    |/     |/________/     tHe cREDITs
<------.  /  /  /________ _   .-\_____/      |------------------------------->
       `-/   \__}-------------'      \_______|
                                ÷mISCELLANEOUS  aSCII÷
                     iNDEx . ... .................... ... . aCID kID/wL!
                   pREFACe . ... .................... ... . sHAPECHANGER/dZN
                   cREDITs . ... .................... ... . sHAPECHANGER/dZN
                  mESSAGEs . ... .................... ... . sHAPECHANGER/dZN
                  cONTENTs . ... .................... ... . 2fAST
                 nAKED mAN . ... .................... ... . xCLUZIWE!/sOS

                                  ÷rEQUESTED  aSCII÷
                    wHALE! . ... .................... ... . h2o!/(!
                  TANGo #1 . ... .................... ... . xCLUZIWE!/sOS
                  TANGo #2 . ... .................... ... . mOGUE/(!
                nERVe aXIs . ... .................... ... . sCARFACe/oS!
       fORBIDDEn fRUITs #1 . ... .................... ... . dEVISTATOR/wL!
       fORBIDDEn fRUITs #2 . ... .................... ... . sCARFACe/oS!

                  tHe rESt . ... .................... ... . TANGo/wL!

       shit ... this looks more like a respects list than credits =)

    _____  ____        .                        .                ________
    \_   \/  sc|_____ _|_ _____ _______      _ _|_ ___ _________|    ___/___
    _/         |   _   |   ___/__   __/__ ______|  __/____  _   |____      /
    \____\/    :   _}--:___     /____   /_\__   |  \_    /  _}--:_________/
<--------.|____l_______l_______/_______/   _/   |_______/_______|.----------->
         `-------------------------. _/    |____|.---------------'

vENOm         ... oh why oh why did you buy a fucking mobile phone? isnt a
                  line at work and one in your house enough? doh!

rEL!Ef/OS!    ... lets get going with that collection eh? and dont forget
                  to release flush 2 ;)

cRASH!        ... 14,473,844,275,884 - beat that!

hOTWIRe/OS!   ... i understand our conversations now, it's your jealously
                  peeking through ... it's understandable, after all, I'm
                  a god and you're not <snigger>

dESOTo/E^D    ... you probably get bored of being called the dot-god but
                  i'm afraid i'll say it again after looking at your last
                  amazing collection!

sCOUSEr       ... board is looking better than ever! tempest was a very
                  good move, and who drew all those lovely logos?

mOGUE!/(!     ... Just Some Ascii ruled! The new style is the way forward!

xCLUZIWe/SOS  ... i'll stop greeting you when you draw shit ascii hehe ...

cYBER         ... wahey! heheh ... nuff said really ;)

mEMo          ... Without you we'd never get anywhere in the pub quiz =)

sIRE          ... Fucking star trek me would ya? Right!

mESOn         ... Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis Evans!

iOMEGa nORWAy ... For producing the most impessive piece of equipment I've
                  had the pleasure of fiddling with in a long time <grin>

cZAR          ... Congratulations on the quotes in your new collection ...
                  nice to see some people still have a sense of humour!

On top of all these messages I'd like to say hello to everyone I met at the
Digital  Symposium  - including Linebacker, Hydra, Mic Hucknall =), Hotpot,
the  Nerve  Axis  crew I hadn't met before, Majic Mushroom (long time eh?),
Dreamfish, Hollywood, Aquafresh, Silk, Inferno, Avatar-1 (can't remember ya
new  handle),  Fish,  DJ  Entity  ...   and one question I hope someone can
answer  ...   Killit ...  Boy or girl?  Doh!  It's scary when kids that age
are coming onto the scene ...  and a special hello to the fellow in the The
Party IV T-Shirt for having a better sense of humour than me while watching
the Amiga Demo competition entries ...

Cheers to Silk for an enjoyable party, just a shame about the demo comp for
Amiga  really  ...   nice to see Escom & CU Amiga guys making an appearance
there,  maybe people will actually realise the scene ain't just little boys
cracking shite ...

Condolences  to  Iggy  &  Jam  for  getting bust, hope ya get it all sorted
mates!  Dont let it get ya down ...

          hAPPY bIRTHDAYS tO mEMO (23) · mRFRAPP (21) · aCE (46)


             " if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea! "

               " and if you were my wife, I'd drink it ... "

                                                           Winston Churchill

.\     _____/_______ ___________________/_
|     ___/    __   ¬\\________  _/\    /____ oS!   _ /_ ______/_
|______|_____________\______/   ¬\     |   ¬\ __ _  /___\    /      ______/_
---------------------------/______\_____     \\    /   ¬|    \ _____\    /
 fORBIDDEN fRUITS ...      ------------/______\\  /|_____     \    ¬|    \
                                       -------| \/ :----/___ /_\_____     \
 ____________/_        ... TANGo/wHALE!       :  .__________/_      /______\
.\     _____/________/_   ____                   |   ______/\____________
|     ___/_______  _/_____\  ¬\       ______/_   |______ _/  \     ___  ¬\
|______|_______/   ¬\    ¬:\   \ __ _ \._  /_____ ____/_______\______/    \
--------------/______\______    \\    /___________\  __/____--------/______\
              ------------/______\\  /|_____    ¬\______   ¬\
                          -------| \/ :----/______\______    \
                                 :                     /______\sCf

"  You're  welcome to come over saturday night, we're hopping on the net to
           nitpick the scientific inaccuracies of earth 2 ...  "

                    " Sorry, I'm doing my laundry ... "

                                                         Fox Mulder - XFiles

               _   _ __                                 .
            _ _____ ___\ _____ ________  ________  _____:_____
            \ \___/ \_  \   _/ \_____  \ \_  ___ \_\__  |  __/
            _/     \_  \ \   \_     /   \_   \____/__   .    \_
            \_______/___\ \   /__________/________  /___|___  /
          .-- - adk!  -- \___/------ -  -   -- - \_/----:- - / -.
          `--+-------------- (*) the index (*) --------------+--'
            (%)                                             (%)
             |            Where To Contact Me [+44]          |
             |                                               |
             |       - 13th Hour        (o)17o4 5o5845       |
             |       - Cement City      (o)12oo FINDME       |
             |       - The Edge         (o)1226 2893o3       |
             |       - Trick Or Treat 2 (o)17o3 391797       |
             |       - The Mansion      (o)1623 FINDME       |
             |       - Digital Candy    (o)191 2325527       |
             |       - Warp Speed       (o)151  FINDME       |
             |       - Mad Dans         (o)151  FINDME       |
            (%)                                             (%)

                      your mother is a water buffalo!


  No   Filename       Collection Title                Artist       Release
| o1 | WL!-CHSA.TXT | Chili Sauce Part One          | CountZero  | 23/o8/95 |
| o2 | WL!-OILT.TXT | Once In A Life Time           | Acid Kid   | o2/o9/95 |
| o3 | WL!-LBOX.TXT | Little Black Box              | TANGo      | o9/o9/95 |
| o4 | WL!-WKTW.TXT | Who Killed The Whale?         | U-Man      | 11/o9/95 |
| o5 | WL!-0BD.TXT  | Birthday Collection           | CountZero  | 18/o9/95 |
| o6 | WL!-RBR.TXT  | Red Beans & Rice              | Acid Kid   | 23/o9/95 |
| o7 | WL!-JUST.TXT | Just A Bad Childhood          | TANGo      | 23/o9/95 |
| o8 | WL!-ABNS.TXT | A Breadknife Named Sonia      | TANGo      | 23/o9/95 |
| o9 | WL!-PARA.TXT | Paranoid                      | Dartagnan  | 24/o9/95 |
| 1o | WL!-COME.TXT | Welcome To Whaleville         | TANGo      | 25/o9/95 |
| 11 | WL!-ESCA.TXT | Destination Escachon          | TANGo      | o1/1o/95 |
| 12 | WL!-SUPE.TXT | Super Sonic                   | TANGo      | o7/1o/95 |
| 13 | WL!-LOVE.TXT | The Age Of Love               | Lord Chaos | 12/1o/95 |
| 14 | WL!-VISI.TXT | Visiphobic                    | TANGo      | 14/1o/95 |
| 15 | WL!-BOOM.TXT | The Temple Of Boom            | Lord Chaos | 2o/1o/95 |
| 16 | WL!-FORB.TXT | Forbidden Fruits              | TANGo      | o4/11/95 |

I hope you have them all ... collect every single one and send off for
the Whale! fan club pack ... Contains:

                    - A condom with a prick in it =)
                    - Humourous sponge brick
                    - A beginners guide to ascii
                    - Empty bottle of budweiser
                    - Count Zero's crusty underwear
                    - Carton of milk or cream (U-Man's choice)
                    - How To Speak Austrailian - A Beginners Guide

    Future productions coming from myself in the next month or two are

                  CO-OP WiTH RELiEF     - BEST ARTiST iN DENMARK

        So at least my collections with have a little bit of class!

 No excuse not to vote in Art-Mag ... support it 1oo% ... I'd say vote for
          me, but I don't need to tell you the bloody obvious :)

.___  ____.   :___._______.____.   _____
|   \/    |  _|   |  __   |    |__|  __ \_
|   /\    |  \_   |  \_   |    |  |  \___/_.
|___/\_   |___|   |___|   |____   |_____   |
«- ---`---'---`---'---`---'---`---'----`---'
--[tGø/wL!]-------------------------- --- -»
