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File size:
50 244 bytes (49.07K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 379


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               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
 tERROR        /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
  wORLDWIDE      \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE W¿LL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE W¿LL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
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WONt STOp                       __/\\_//\__
              ONL¿NE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONL¿NE B¿S ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__
                                  \_____/   WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

                    ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY SOZIALAMT ^ ^ ^ 
           _. _,/_, __, _,, _.|    ________ _______
          (_|( (_,|(- |(_,|(_||  ._\      //      /_.  RUNNING SINCE 1994
         ________ ____________'__|__   ________   __|___ ______ _________ _
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    _ _/     /    /_    /     \_       |         |     /     /    /    /_ _
                                 |__              __| -sg/jA!
             +358-9-2418602        /______//______\
            The biggest supporter of the dead asciiscene in Finland
  Twilight FinHQ · Irti Mun Huumeista WHQ · Die Kranken Bomber/Aurinko member
                 Ascii/ Indie+Alternative music/ SNES filebases
          Quality discussion concerning Ascii/ Graffitis/ Music/ Drugs
              Disabled ratios · Instant access for all foreigners
           Uploaded by WEAPON-X [{AURINKO^DKB}] >>27.09.98 · 12.54<<
{sOFfffffffffffffffffffffff..... . }

                                   . .o
                                      :. .

                                 _   _._   _
                                 /  _)|(_  \
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                        /    SO WE ARE:HERE AGAIN     \
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             _)|(_            :        YOU ARE. .. .   .           :
               |              :                                    :
               |              :_          FASCINATING..  .        _:
               :               /__________________________________\
               .                 .
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       ._________.              _|
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::.', : :'·.  .
:·    .        :        Presents An AsciiCollection Called:
. .      .   ,          S        T       A        I       N
    .   · .·
       '    _  _.  ._._ ._ ._  _ ._  ._  _
   __________\ \:  |/|/_|/_|_/\\_|/_ :/ /___ _  __   _
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  :                                                                      :
  :                                                                      .
  :      So it started, the very first day of the rest of your life... . ·
  :      aWWFFFFfffff, just some requests that i've painted lately.      ·
  :      Seee you! On IRC or somethin'.. .                               .
  :       I had no idea what so ever for this little thing, so as simple :
  :      it's I came up this stopid idea; stain. First the "project      :
  :      name" for this was 'FuckedUp' but after second thought I came   :
  :      to a decision that 'FuckedUp' is a little too korny name for    :
  :      this one.. And childish aswell. And it's little'bit a cliché    :
  :      too... FuckedUp this and that, you know;) And you can consi-    :
  :      der this one as a stain in the AsciiScene? What Ascii Scene     :
  :      we could say these days..Is there any left of it? Yes & no      :
  :      at the same time. We must continue...                           :
  :       blaHbLAH. Have to tell you that this was the project that I    :
  :      used to put together (usually when I had hangover) at the same  :
  :      time I used to put together 'PornoCreep' thingie. And I got     :
  :      totally fascinated about those '½' logos so I've done a few of  :
  :      them.                                                           :
  :       Nothin' so special going at the moment so I end my useless     :
  :      chitchats here.. Don't wanna bore you to death. Have a good     :
  :      time watching/reading this file thru...                         :
  :                                                                      :
  :_                                        Weapon X  a/k/a Jarkko     __:
   /_________________ __        _                                     _\

.lOW pROFILE - o1/25

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 _ / wPx    _:    |(.    |  |  \/      /   \_____\     .  /       /           :
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       `     :___________|\_      :            _:                 -+-
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.nO pAST - o2/25

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.sOMETHING tO rIDE - o3/25

                   ____        _____________  ______________         _
         _  ______/  _/_______/  _     \    \/_    /  _     \        \   \
         \  \     \  \/          /     /_  .  /       /    _/
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     wPx        \     .   \/        \_\           \/  _       \
             .   /        /          / /          /   /      _/   _
             |___\____.___\_________/\___________/\__________\    \     \

.dIE kRANkEN bOMbER - o4/25

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                           "Gees, Iff2Askee suxx"
                                                - Trivial    .. Heh ;)

.aALTO fILEiD x2 - o5/25

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kARLOS - o6/25

        __ _ _________ _______________________.
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.aEROSOL - o7/25

    _______  _______ _________  ________      ___          _______  __________:
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.tAKING cARE oF bUSINESs - o8/25

                     -:---------------- --- ----:-
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     ________   ______:       ______________   ___________  ________
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 /   /    _/    \ \/       |\ \/    `-'      /       :/wPx\:
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.pHUNK aSCII - o9/25

                .______.                   _
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 wPx  /       \_____/ _/__ .______/  /___. ____./       \_/         \_
     /    .    \    \ \/ `-'             `-'  _|         /          _/_

.dRUGS - 1o/25

wPx   _________                  .                           ____
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   \   /         \          \___.\        \/      _   \_   |\  \/ `-'   /
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                    \___.__/                  \____\/    ._____:
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                      \____ __ _  .. and the drugs will work.  :
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.wEIRD eXIT - 11/25

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                  .                    ·          (____/ .
                 _:  a cooperation between Alien Techn.  :_
                 \._           and Twilight              :(_ _
                  ./                                    _:
                - :-------------------------------------\:-

.lOGON - 13/25

 _ ______. ___._____  _________   ___.______  ______  .____   _           _
 //      :/ _ |_ _  \/      _  \_/ _ |_ _   \/   _. `-'    \  \\    \     \
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                      (______/       '

.jAZZY bITCH - 14/25

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       /   _         /       \_\         \/ /__ .____.      |        |
      /    \                  //         /    `-'   _|      |_      _|

.yAKUZA tERRITOrY - 15/25
                      -.------------------------------------------:-- -
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.aH fILEiD - 16/25

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                  _:_      _   _                     _:_

.aSPHyNX - 17/25

wPx                              ._____.            .                   .
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 /   .    \  \  \/     /  |/  .o./     |_    _|\_   |  _/ \\|     /\   _|    /
/____|_____\__________/   |____|/|_____|/____\: /___|__\_   |____/ /___\:____\
                      \____\   :                    |   /__ _           |
                               :·»  -               ·                   |
                               ·                                        ·

.fILES - 18/25

 wPx       ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼. ¾¾¾¾. .¼           ¼¼¼¼.        ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾.
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     ·                                                                    ·


                   .   _   _                               .
                  -:---/wPx\-------------------------------:-- -
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                   :(___/ H A L L U C I N A T I O N S \___):

.tHREAz - 2o/25
     _________|      |_____._________  _________  _______          __
wPx  \        \      |     |\        \/  _      \/       \______ ._\ \
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                           /  /

.tWISTED - 21/25

    .                                                                   ·
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wPx :       .                                    \    _\___.__  __/___  :
 ___:___    |\          ______      ___        _______\    l_ l______/_______
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    :                                                   \___.  ______\  :
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   _:_    _   _                                                        _:_

.aMIGA sTORAGE - 22/25

         ________  .____  _______________   ____:___   _______ wPx
        /        \ |    \/ _    /        \_/ _ _:_  \_/       \
       /    .     \|_  .   /                 (o(:) ) /    .    \
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.tHE vALLEY oF dARKNESS - 23/25

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                    /   /  :           D; A; R; K; N; E; S; S;         :
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.pOWERsLAVE - 24/25

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               :   FileOp: ??^??                             ...:
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.sHAOLIN tEMPLE - 25/25

  _._ _________________________________________________________________ _._
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   :(__________________________________________/sHAoLIN tEmpLE\_________):
   :                                                                     ·
   .   Let me give yall something..
                 |______    _                                _  _
                       /____|     A Gift For Sperm Whale    /  /

  ____________    ____________    ___________     ___________   __________
.½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½..½½½½¬½½½½½½½½½..½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½..½½½½ ½½½½½½½..½½½½¬ ½½½½½½½.
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                           « THE ARTIFICIAL WHALE »
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                         _            |              _
                         / Or Is It Better This Way? \
 ¼¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¬¼¼             ¬¼¼¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¬¼¼           ¬¼¼    _ _     ¬¼
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Ville; Whatcha doing these days? Haven't talked to you for a while and such..
   Oh Boy Wasn't That Something.. .
                             |               |
              <  hUH! No more:requests. I have done'em all.  >
                                 . _):(_ .
                              .o  \\_X_//  o.
         _                           :                            _
      \  \  Who remembers the story that started in pORNOcREEP?  /  /

             _  _ _________   _______   _______   _______
              \ \\\_       \_/       \_/       \_/       \_
                   |        |         |         |_   o   _|
                   |        |   O     |   O     |/       \_
                   |        |___      |___      |    O    |_   _
                   |________|  /_____/   /_____/|_________//  /

               P O R N O C R E E P  ' 9 8  -  T H E  S T O R Y

                       [ And the story goes on.. ]
               - -:--------------------------------------:
                  :                                      :
      And the evening turned into a night. And the night filled the city
     with darkness, dangerous darkness as they say.
      Our hero, John was totally confused 'cause of that girl, Jane. Jane
     just danced and danced. The dj was playing somekind of jungle tune of
     somekind. John couldn't keep up with her. She had the energy, almost
     all of it, he thought. After that crazy jungle tune was over she as-
     ked, You could come to my place to have a drink or something. Yes,
     I will, he said. It started to be very late and all the people from
     the restaurants started to head for homes or gilrfriend's places or
     any place they could spend the night in. Streets were filled with
     people who were little a bit drunk or even more drunk. Some of them
     puked in the corners and acted like pigs, like finnish pigs.
      Her place wasn't so big, but it's was kind of homey department with
     a few plants. She poured a whisky drink into a one big glass and said,
     all the other glasses are dirty, hope you don't mind if we use the
     same glass. Of course he didn't. Why would he had been, thought the
     girl seemed to be almos perfect. Can you imagine? They both drank
     that whiskydrink and smiled. John thought in his mind, oh boy, if I
     could have sex with that girl, wow! After the drink was done.. .
                  :_                                     .
                 _:)-------------------------------------:- -
                           [ To be Continued.. . ]

    [ It's getting more and more interesting. Don't you think? Don't you? ]

 :/So You Want A Piece of Me? Bite Me.. .
              __         _¼¼¼.              ¼¼¼
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         .                 :_                         _:
         ½                  /_._____________________._\
    .    ½
         ½  /_______.  _     _
    __   ½          |  /     /                          /
\ ½ \½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
         ½          :                           _  ½  ½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½  ½  ½ :.
         ½         RECORDS USED:                ½  ½½½½
         ½          :
       ½½½          RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS: One Hot Minute
     _ ½           _:                      Mother's Milk
     ½ ½½½\    \   \.                      Freaky Styley
         ½          :                      Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik
         ½          :
         ½          FISHBONE: Nuttasaurusmeg Fossil Fuelin' The Fonkay
         ½½½       _:         Chim Chim's Badass Revenge
           ½  _    \:
         ½½½  ½     BECK: Odelay
         ½          :
         ½          JAMES BROWN: Grandmaster Of Funk (LIVE)
         ½          :
.   o ½ ½½          JAMIROQUAI: The Return Of The Space Cowboy
        ½          _:           Emergency On Planet Earth
        ½½         \.           Travelling Without Moving
         ½          :
         ·          PUBLIC ENEMY: He Got Game
         ½          :             Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age
         ½          :
         ½          FUNKADELIC: Ultimate
         ½          :           Music For Your Mother, Funkadelic 45s
         ½          :
         ½          MASSIVE ATTACK: Mezzanine
         ½          :
         T          BEASTIE BOYS: Check your head
         :          :_            Ill communication
         :          ./            Hello Nasty
         ½          :             Paul's Poutique
         ½         _:             Some Old Bullshit
         ½         \.
                    KORN: Korn
         ½          :     Life Is Peachy
         ½          :     Follow The Leader
         .          :
         ½          MONEY MARK: Push The Button
         _          :_
         ½          :/
         _          WE GOT THE FUNK: We Got The Funk (COLLECTION)
         ½          :
                    COMMODORES: The Very Best Of
         o          :
                    ETERNAL ERECTION: Family tree              .. & Some Others
     _   ½          :                        ½ ½½½                   _
½  \ ½  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                 ½¬½ ½½½½½½½½½½½ ½   ½ ½ / ½    o
         ½          |_      _½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½ ½               ¯
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         ¯                              /_._       /                /
                                        _ | _
         _                              \):(/
         ½                                :

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                             "The Rest Is Silence"

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          (_|( (_,|(- |(_,|(_||  ._\      //      /_.  RUNNING SINCE 1994
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                                 |__              __| -sg/jA!
             +358-9-2418602        /______//______\
            The biggest supporter of the dead asciiscene in Finland
  Twilight FinHQ · Irti Mun Huumeista WHQ · Die Kranken Bomber/Aurinko member
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                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
 tERROR        /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
  wORLDWIDE      \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
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tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE W¿LL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE W¿LL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
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   :)                             \_____/   WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

                    ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY SOZIALAMT ^ ^ ^