File Archive

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File size:
110 315 bytes (107.73K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 311


                                "fREdDiE'S dEAD"
                                      :     :
                                      :     :
                                 :    :.....: :
                                 :            :
                             .   :          .O:
                             .   :............:
                            .:|                 .|... .
                       . :: :.|.. .          ...:|
                              :                  :
                          WARNING! This AsciiCollection
                          is based on illusions made by
                          Weapon X. So don't try to fi-
                          gure what this has to do with
                          your Reality. You don't  know
                          Weapon X. And if you do, that
                          straightens  this   mess   up.
    <        <-------------- -:                  :     .
                              |      .:..    .. -:-----O------------------>  >
                              l_______:_:____:...:     :
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.   . ...
        :........ .
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___________________________ .____
|                          `-'    |
|                                 |
| "There's a devil in my Dick     |
|  And some Deamons in my Semen." |
|                                 |
|                                 |
|                                 |
|   wPx  -  ©PORNOCREEP  -  '98   |
.   . ...
        :........ .

     .         .     ....        :      :: ::. :. .

                             "Breathe the Moon
                                Eat the Sun"

                             . ...      ................. .        .        .

                           .    .....
                                ....: :. .     .
                                :              ............
                                .              :          :
                                         ......:...     ..:..
                            Are You Ready?     :..:.....:.: : .
                                :        :        :     :...: ::.  :.     .
                                :        :........:
                      .     .:  :.............:.  .
                                   You Are? Good.. .
                                   .     .
                                :.       .
                           ....          .
                        ...:..:          .
                        :  :.::          :
                    ....:....:           :
                    :      :             .
                 :::::::::.:             .
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     | |     \       `-'      _|   /      /_ /    _/_ /    _/  |/    /
 .-. | |      \_______________\:___\______\\______\ \______\   |____/
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                            p O R N O  c R E E P

                                   :.. . .                    .

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                 :               /____________\        :
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                              Who is a Memeber of

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                     /  /_ )  / /____________/______/
                    /______________\                 2F

         -  «    A      U       R      I       N      K      o   »  -
                            . .................... .
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 ____\      \____/      ./  _          / VVVVVV VV    V     V       V      |
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                       . ._______:___:______________.
                         |       .   :              |
                       : |           :.... .        |
                       . ·                          :
          So You Found A Interesting Trip From The Booring Reality
                       . .                          .
                       :.|.. .           .. .       |
                         |_              :         _|
                               . .:.... .  . .:
                           .    ..:

                             So What Is It?

                                                  .: :. .
                    .  . :: :......

                        Girls, Booze, Drugs.. . ?
                             No, No, No.. .
:                                 .
 ....                             :
 :  : ........................    .
 :  : :                      :    .
 :..: :                      :    :
      :                      :    \
      :                      :    :
      :                      :    :
      :                 It's PornoCreep Made By
      :                      :    :
      :                      :    .
      :                      :    |
      :               The Pontifex:Maximus Of Sex
      :                      :    :
      :                      :    :
      :                  ::: :    :
      :             . :: ::: :    :
      :......................:    .
                     .......... . .
                     \ .. ............:.
                ________ _________________. _________  ________
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                /        / \\|    \_      _/   /     /   /     /
  .  ..i n t ro/        /____|____/|      |____\_____\________/
              /________/     :     |______|

                    Slammin', yAGHFFFF! SlapP that Bass!

          Hi! It's me here again. Long time no see. So, I have putted
          this thing together for while.. actually a long while, but
         it doesn't matter. This is just a simple requests collection
         and nothin' so special is not included, half of the logos are
        requested on IRC and the other half is requested in some boards
        and with e-mail and a few group logos are made (not requested,
                  made for my group fellas and me of course).
        From my last collections I have received only postive feedback,
        thanks mates, You keep me going. Yes, there is one exeption as
        well, whose name or handle (whatever) I'm not gonna mention. He
       or she will be anonymous, but it's always nice to have different
       kind of feedback. But.. Hey, please mention what is wrong with my
         collections or logos, provide arguments. It isn't nice to be
     called lame-ass-ripper without any arguments. And if you want to call
          me names and tell me that I'm lame please post me e-mail to
       WEAPON-X@VENTURE.FIPNET.FI, also positive mail is always welcome.
                          With arguments ofcourse ;).
         And as usual some logos are pretty old, so I'm not satisfied
         with all those logos which this collection contains. How come
        I never like my old logos? I have no clue what so ever. I don't
      just fukin' know. But still I'm pretty happy with this collection.
                               Hope you're too.
     And aw yea, I changed a few logos to fit my arteye better, if I gave
      you your logo and now it's little'bit changed, I'm sorry, but it's
       better that it suits my needs. If the logos I made don't satisfy
      my eyes, what kind of shit I'm producing then? Besides the changes
       I made are so little that you won't even notice them. And not to
     tell, you may think that what the hell is he talkin'bout, but my mind
      is so twisted that it changes its mind once in a while. So the logo
      may be satisfying my brains right after it has been painted, but as
       the time goes on my brains can say hey,if you change that little
          thing right there the logo will look better. That how it is.
               What do you think about the design? What design;)?
                                   And BTW.
       Since I have worked with this collection for a couple of months,
 actually somethin'bout six or seven months (actually I forgot this whole thing
          for three months or so). So I'm sick and tired to do ascii
   at the moment, So don't even try requests me over one logo or something.
  Sure I'll do a few logos now and then but that don't mean that I'll do your
       logo and don't expect that I'll do your logo in five minutes or so..
            Sorry to some dudes again, I haven't painted all the logos
  that were requested (why do i always take so many requests). I'll release
        them as fast as I can and after that I'll do only few logos. OK?
           And oh well; I've leaved Twilight so I'm going solo at the
   moment. This was just an natural choise for me. I've got nothin' against
   the members of Twilight, I hope Tl! will go on and become a larger Ascii
       based group around. Keep it up mates, you're always in my heart.
    I've written this Introduction in short parts and I don't know if it makes
       any sense but if it don't  read the Warning section in the beggining
            of this collection. And maybe it gives somekind of clue..
                     And when I'm doing it I just can't stop.
     Now I have to talk somethin'bout the todays scene or whatever you can
      call in these days. I haven't been in the scene for a long while or
     anything, as matter a fact I think that I'm not in the scene nowadays
         either. But this I have to tell you, as everybody knows there is
          too much inactivity and stuff like that. I personally don't care
   so much about that but all those upload directories are full of collections
          made by some new asciigroup I never heard of. That don't bother me.
        But 8o% of those collections are pure crap. Since I've been using
         modem since 92 and  looked asciicollections since 93 (Yes I don't
        have a modem, I always use a Pc (not mine) to do my connections)
         I think that nowadays there too much of shit wondering around.
      I don't mean; Hey if you're a new asciiartist stop doing that thing
         you do. No, no, I mean that check out what kind of shit you're
          producing. Use some time to make the collection look as good
             as you can. I'm not a hostile kind of person as I said
         I'm kind of romantic these days but sometimes those collections
              drives my mad. Sure I don't have to leech them. But I
                 leech too much as I think it. What comes to those
                   collections I've looked thru in the last year
       I'm pretty dissapointed. Not all of them ofcourse. And I'm not saying
   that there are no new talented artists around but sometimes the collections
   just look so fast made & stuff. You can call me talentless if you're pissed
                           or something maybe I'll care.
                And what am I to tell you that you are no good..
             And check out soon new comin' collection "Stain" from me.
                    There will be little'bit new styled logos.
 The influence to finish this was given the record Hello Nasty by Beastie Boys
       & the live performance here in Finland (w/ a short delay though).
                                  Enough said.
                                . ....
    .__________.                    ::..              - fUNKY bOSS mE
    |          |                       :
    ¦          ¦                       :
 "You've Got Funk You've Got Style. You're Funkin' And Stylin' All The While."
    :   ....   :                       :
    :...:..:...:                       :
        :..O                           .
     .                                 :.. .  .
               ______. ________  _______   ___:____  __                    .
     :----- - /      :/  _     \/    _  \_/  _     \/ /_. _______ - -------:
     :       /      _:   /     /     /   /   /    _/\   `-'     /          :
     :      \\_____\\:________/\__     _/\________\____________/           :
     :                      _ /\ (____/ /     :. : .                       :
     :                      \/               .:  :                         :
     :                                        :..:.:                       :
     ·                         1. Affils      :·   :                       :
     :                             2. Protocol: 3.Tango                    :
     :                                4. Stratosphere                      :
     :                           5. The Rush Hour                          :
     :                    6. Aerosouls        7. Console                   :
     :                       8. Modules      9 Hash                        :
     :                            1o. Aurinko Infofile                     :
     :                                 11. Aurinko :                       :
     :                             12. Aurinko File_Id                     :
     :                        13. Asced      .:  : :.                      :
     :           14. S-Market      15. Abstract Hallucinations             :
     :                    16. DKB          17. DKB File_Id                 :
     :                           18. DKB Infofile: :·                      :
     :             19. Come On Pilgrim  2o. With Holy Fingers              :
     :                          21. The Black Hole :                       :
     :             22. Speed Devil  23. Wild Style 24. Xcluziwe            :
     :                    25. Save Our Souls  :26. Dezibel                 :
     :    27. Status Door Design  28. Arcade File_Id 29. Shroom Fortress   :
     :                  3o.Amorphis        . .:31. Tier                    :
     :                            32. Aalto   :. : :                       :
     :                                  33. Low Profile                    :
     :                                     · ·:  : :..                     :
     :_  _                                    ·  : :.: :.                  :
    -:\------------------------------------------:-·-----------------------·- -
     ·                                           :                         :
     .                                .          .
                          Funk, Funk, Punk, Funk, Funk
                _______ _____         ¦            _____ _______
              ._\  ____))___( p·O·R·N·O·C·R·E·E·P! )___((____  /_.
              |  __\                                        /__  |
         _____:_|__             ________       _______         | |
      ___\__      /_________ ___\      /._____/      /_________: |
   tR!\    /     /    __    \.    _/____|    //     /    __    \.|
  ====/   /______\___________|____\====\______\-----\___________|==>
     /______7 | ¡     _________            ____      ____      |_:_______
              | |    /        /  _________( __/_  __( __/_  ___\__      /
              | |   /        /___\      /.  ___/_/.   ___/__\    /     /
              | :  /      __/      _/____|        |         |   /______\-T!
              | |___                                        ___: |
              |_   /___ ____                        ____ ___\   _|
                /______))__( a wEApON x Production! )__((______\
                                 .    |
                                      .....: :.   .
                                  ... :
                            .  .: :.: :..... . ..
                               ________._____.  :
                             . \ _    .:..   |  :
                             |  \/     · .  .|..o
                             |               |
                          Aw Yea, Aw Yea, Aw Yea!
                          ...|               |
                          :..|   ....       _|
                                    :.. .    '

                           .:. . . .       .
                        ... :
               .     :: :.: :.....................
                                                .: :: :.  .

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AFFILS        _.  To: ASPHYNX         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

     _    _____ .__. ___._______  ______   _______. ___                .
  wPx\   /     \|  `-' /|      /_/      \_/       :/  /____ ._____    /
        /   .   \      _/      _/        /       _:\      `-'    /
       /____|____\    _\|      |\_______/\_______\:\____________/
                |_____\:\______|                  ·

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: PROTOCOL      _.  To: RADICATOR       |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

wPx                                   __     .
 _________  ________  ________________\/_____:__  __       ________  _______
 \ ._     \ \       \/   _    \       \/   _    \/ /__ ._./   _    \/       :
   |/     /  /      /    /    /            /    /    `-'_|    /    /       _:
_  |_____/___\______\________/        /\_______/\_______\:________/\_______\:
\___\                       /__  .___/       `-------------- -     -        ·

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: TANGO         _.  To: TANGO           |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

           - -:------------------------------------------|         wPx
       ________   _______  ____________  ___________   ________
       \       \_/  _    \/   _.       \/       _   \_/  _     \
       /        /   _     \  \\|       /        /    /   /     /
      /________/____\______\___|______/\____      __/\________/
             _:                            (_____/      .
             \|                                        _|
              '_                                       \:
             _|/       tANGO     oF     ..mO'sOUL       |_
             \_                                         _/
              |                                        _·

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: STRATOSPHE..  _.  To: TANGO           |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

  __           ________   _________  ________  ________   ________  __
 / /___ .______\       \_ \ _      \/   _    \ \       \_/   _    \/ /___ _____
_\    `-'      /        /   /      /    _     \/        /    /    /\    `-'   /
\_____________/       //____\______\____\______________/\________/\__________/
     .       /________/                                                .
wPx  .              .______.                                           :
     ·      ________|      |______. ________  __________  ________     :
     :      \ ._           |      |/  _     \ \ _       \/ _      \    .
     .        |/    /      |_    _| _ /    _/   /       /_ /     _/    .
     .   _    |____/|      |/____\: \______\____\_______\\_______\     ·
     .   \_____\    `------'                                           ·
     .                                                                 .
     .                                                                 .
     .                                                                 .
     .                                                                 .
     .                                                                 .
     .                                                                 .
     .                                                                _:
    -:----------------------------------------------------------------\: - -

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: THE RUSH HOUR _.  To: DARKMAN         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .
                  .                                               .
       ._____.    .                            ________         ._____       .
 ______|     |______. ______      _______      \       \  __ _  |     |______.
 \      \_   |      |/ _    \     \  _   \     .\       \/ //___|     |      :
 /       /   |_      _ /   _/    .   /   / _   |/       /\      /     |_     |
/_______/    |/______\_____\     |___\_____\___________/\______/|     :/_____|
       `-----'    .                                             `-----'
                  .                                               .
   wPx            ..                                              ..
                 .______.                  _________             ..
                 |      |______  ________  \        \  _______    .
                 |      |      |/  _     \_.\        \ \ _    \   .
                 |      |_     |   /     / |/        /   /    /
                 |      |/_____|________/__________._____\____\   ·
                 `------'                          |              .
                  .                                '              .
                  :                                .              .
                  .                                               .
                  .                                               .
                  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .

                                   *[Another One]*

                  --+--------------------------------------------+-- -
                    !                                            !
       ._ _ __      :                   . _ _ _                  :
 ______| ¯ ¯ /. _ _ : _ _ _      u      |¯ ¯ ¯/. _ _ _ _ _    _ _:_  _ _ ____
 \¯¯¯ ¯ \_   ¬|¯ ¯ ¯/¯_¯ ¯ ¯\ ·     ·   i      |/ ¯ ¯_¯ ¯ \ _.\¯ ¯ ¯\\¯ ¯¯ ¯¯\
 /o      /    |_    . U    _/r        s |      |_    /    /¯ |/     /  /     /
//______ _ _ _l/ _ _|_ _ _ \  .     .   l_ _ _ :/_ _ _ _ /\ _ _ _ _/ __\_____j
\¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ | ¯ ¯   ¯ ¯ ¯/     h       \¯ ¯ ¯·¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯  ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯  ¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯/
 \______ _ _.-°-._ _:_ _ _/               \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _______/
  ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯       ¯ ¦ ¯ ¯                   ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯:¯ ¯  ¯ ¯¯¯
                    :                                            :
                    :          TOTALLY DRUG FREE LOGO... .       o
                    :                                            j
                    :                                            :
                    ¡           _   _                            ¡
           -- ----»-+-«---------/wPx\--------------------------»-+-«--- -   ·

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AEROSOULS     _.  To: HASH            |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                   _____  _______  ________  _______
            ----- /  _  \/ _     \ \       \/  _    \ ------:
            |  _ /   _     /    _/  /      /   /    /      _|
            |_ \/____\____\_____\   \______\\______/  wPx  \_
           _|/                 |_______|                    /
           \:                                               |
            ·              A E R O S O U L S                `
           ___          _______   __________  ______. ____  |
          /  /___. ____/  _    \_.\         \/      :/   /________
        _ \      `-'  /   /    / |/         /_      :\           /
        /____________/\_______/\___________/ \______:/__________/
            ._                                             _|
            |/                                             \|_
            '                                               _/
           _|                                               |
           \_/                                             _|_
            |_                                             \|/
            ./                                              ·
            |                                              _|

                        *[Another logo w/ colors]*

   _ |)_.
-:-/w|x\--------------------------------------------------------------:-  -
 ·" A e r o S o u l s ":
 :\O__/Hash& Sperm Whale____  _____ ______  ______
 ·   _____||_____& Poskgubbe/ _  \/ _   \\\/ _    \
 :   \  ________//  _   \ /  _/ /    /  /    / _
 .    \_\_/    . Ascis . Grafs ./___\________\  \____\______/ /
 :    /¯/    ¯-\    . Music . Oldies .    ________   _____  ____. __
 :   / /________\/ /__  _/ _    \_.\    \/    :/ /_____
 . _/____________\_   Panzerknacker_\    `-'  /    / |/    /:\/
 · `--------------'   Soia  Aerosol\______________/\______/\_____:______/
 :Mono  Brain Damage  DKB  Ganja·
-:-- ----- -/  kOFFFFF .. pUFFFFF.. kOFFFFF .. pUFFFFF\------------:-

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: CONSOLE       _.  To: HASH            |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

           .                                                 :    wPx
           :     C o N  S         o        O       L e
    __     .     ______  ________  __         _______  ______: ________
   / /_  ______./  _   \/ _.     \/ /________/  _    \/      :/  _     \
   \   `-'    _/   /   / \\|     /\         /   /    /       :__ /    _/
           :                                                 :
           .                                                _:
       -  -:------------------------------------------------\

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: MODULES       _.  To: HASH            |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

.___  _____________ __________ :  _______  ______. ________  __ :   wPx
|   \/_    /  _    \\         \__.\      \/      :/  _     \/ /___. .___
|_ .  /    |  /    / /        /  |/              : _ /    _/\     `-'  /
:/_| /   __|______/\_________/\__________/\______: \______\/__________/
   |/____\ _                   .                                .
   '       \                   '_     m O D U L E S s S  z     _._
            .                 _:/                              \|/
                              \|_                               |_
                               _/                               \__

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: HASH          _.  To: HASH            |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

bAK on DRUGS!!!              .                          ,
     o                             .            ·:   :
  o                                       .  .    .
o         _  _mmmm@@mm_              .     ·     :
       _ _m@@@@@@@^^~@@@__            ::.:.     :'
  o    "@@@@@@@@~     ~@b"             :::::. :::.
    o  ]@@@@@@'   __  _~@                :::::.::::
        @@@@@[_    ~  ~                    · .:::::::      koffff
         ~@@@@@m                       ..:::::::::··       kofffff!!!
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         `-------'                               `-------'

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AURINKO INFO  _.       GIFT!!         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                           .   _|                                _ / ._
wPx                         \  \_                                \/ _|/
     _______     _______ ________  ______   _______     _____________
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   /    _    \  |/      /  /     /        / \\|    /  /     /  /     /
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       '         .      '       |                                   _|
       .         :       .     _:         pHOBIA  / lEADER          \_  .
         .       :     .       \|        wIZARD  /  mUSICIAN        _/ /
           .     .   .          '       pREACHER  /  mUSICIAN       \_
            ·.  ... ·          _|        gRAVE  /  mUSICIAN          |
     .  ..... .:::::. . . . .. \|           wEAPON-X  / fX           |
               ·:::·           _·_        sPERM wHALE /  fX          |
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    |/  aUTHOR: wEAPON-X  tYPE: xm[ ] mod [X] s³m [ ]                    |/
    '    sONG nAME: kILLABEEEEEZ  mUSIC tYPE: fUNKyFAtbASsbREaKbeAt     _|
                       .                           .
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   \|_                                                                   |_
    |/  aUTHOR:           tYPE: xm[ ] mod [ ] s³m [ ] it [ ]             |/
    '    sONG nAME:               mUSIC tYPE:                           _|
                       .                           .
   _.__________________.___________________________._____________________: _
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    |/  aUTHOR:                 xm[ ] mod [ ] s³m [ ] it [ ]             |/
    '    sONG nAME:               mUSIC tYPE:                           _|
                       .                           .
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    |/  aUTHOR:                 xm[ ] mod [ ] s³m [ ] it [ ]             |/
    '    sONG nAME:               mUSIC tYPE:                           _|
                       .                           .
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    |/  aUTHOR:                 xm[ ] mod [ ] s³m [ ] it [ ]             |/
    '    sONG nAME:               mUSIC tYPE:                           _|
                       .                           .
                       . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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     \   |     /   _|/  artificial insemination / spermwhale / Whq?    _/
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     |                                                      :
   ABOUT THIS RELEASE :                                     .
     |                                                      .
     |                                                      :
     |                                                      :
     |                                                      :
     |                                                     _.

      « DESIGN BY wEAPoN X ^ aUR ^ dKB  &  INFOS BY pHOBiA ^ aUR ^ tL!

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AURINKO       _.       GIFT!!         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                                 .      :         .
                                  \     |        /
                                   \    |       /
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 /   _        |/      /_  /       /           / \\|     /   /      /    /     /
/____\_______________/./  \_______\         _/____|____/\___\______\_________/
wPx                           '    /   |      \
                                  /    |       \
                                 /     .        .

                              *[Another One]*

                                            . . .
                                 _    _      \|/_ _
wPx  _   _____  ________              / aURINKO \
 _______ /  _ ) \     _(_   . ..  . . . . . ./|\. . . . . . . . . . . .
\\     `/   `----\    /   ______    _____ _____________   ______     _________
 _\ _______ _______   \_ /  _   \__.\    \\ _    \     \_/ _.   \   /   / _   \
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  \_\--------------':      .            `-------------'               .
    |          _    |      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AURINKO F_ID  _.       GIFT!!         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                                            _   _
                          |                        |
                          |      A U R I N K O     |
                         __      __         __
                        _\ \ ._._\ \_.__  __\ \__.___.
                       /_  /\| | / / | .\/ // / /| _ |
                       \__/\___| \_\_|_|\__\\_\_\|___|
                         __    `--'                __
                         \|                        |/
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                          |                        |

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: ASCED         _.  To: SHANK           |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

 wPx      _______  ___         __            ________  ________
         /   _   \/  /________/ /____ .____./ _      \_\       \
   _    /    _    \_         /_     `-'   _|  /     _/  /      /   _
   /   /_____\_____/________/ \___________\:\_______\\________/    \

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: S-MARKET      _.  To: RADICATOR       |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

         |_                                                     '
        _|/                                                     .
        \|                                                      |
  ___    .          .___  ______ _____   ________       ________:___________
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         .             |/                                       .  /_______/
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         `              __                                      |_
         .            __\ ))_                                   _/   .
         |____________\ wPx /___________________________________\ \   \
                      \\/ \//

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: ABSTRACT H..  _.  To: ASPHYNX         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

wPx_ __
   _____// /___________________  ________  ______  __________
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 /   _    \ \/\`-' //  //    _`-'  _|//
/____\_____\_____\/\_________/________/   \_____\____\____.________\://
 ||  cOmmAnDS:|
 |_| /_|




                         Who loves LoveStories?

                                :..... .

  .          ___  -/\-  ___  _______  ________ __________
  :-------- / _/   ||   \_ \/  _    \/        \\         \_
  :         \_\    ||    /_/   _     \         /       /  /   wAIT a sEcOND
  :            \___||___/ /____\______:_______/__________/
  :                '`
  :                                a sToRY.. .
  .      He took his lighter out from his pocket. He watched around the
        restaurant and after a moment he lighted his L&M lights mentol
        After the cigaret was done, he approahed the barcounter and in
        the way he noticed a girl who dropped her pen to floor. He
        thought that was a million years old decoy, but it wasn't. It was
        just an accident. After our hero noticed that he took the pen from
        the floor and started to walk towards that girl. Wow! That girl
        was something. The more closer he approahed the girl the more fascina-
        ted he got.
         The girl was dressed fully in black. No, her shirt was brown, but
        there was so few lights in the restaurant so it looked almost black.
        The girl had really red hair. Her scent was so good that all the
        men around her was flying in the clouds. What parfym she used?
        And she also had perfect lips, she didn't use any make-up. Still
        she were perfect that way, as many girls are.
         Exuse me, he said and pointed at her with the pen. What, she said
        and gave a friendly smile. And that smile was someting, our hero
        almost fainted. She looked something about 20 yeard old.'s
        yo..urr.. p.en. You dropped it, he said with a little a bit of
        un-self-confidence in his voice. Thanks. My name is Jane and you
        are? My name is John. Can I buy you a drink? You're so gorgeous
        that if I don't buy you a drink I will never figure out what you
        like. Our hero was now relaxed, somehow he had the force to get it
  .     together and he tried to stay cool. Uh!, she said and smiled and
        continued, Tequila it is, I love that stuff. -What? -I love Tequila.
        - Oh, oh yes...
         So they went to the barcdesk together and ordered some Tequila.
        After she had drunk her drink, he said, I want to kiss you, there is
  .     some salt on your lips and I want to taste if it tastes the same
        from your sexy lips than it does anywhere else. Again she gave a
        friendly smile and nodded. And the salt tasted something that no-one
  .     can imagine about. The kiss lasted for a big while. After that kiss
        she said, I'm dangerous, you don't want to be with me. You're dange-
  .     rous? I was just about to tell you that I'm dangerous, he said ( he
  .     lied ). They both looked at each other and after a few seconds they
  .     both laughed. And After a few seconds they were dancing on the
  .     dancefloor. He noticed what a perfect body the girl had. She was
  :     dancing that sexy-style-porn-dance. .. .
 -:---------------------------------------------------------- - - ©wPx  - -

                              To be contiuned.. .
                             .  ....
         .    .: :: :....
                                       ................: :. .
                                   ...: :.   . .
                          .......  :
                          :   .o:  :
                          :     :..:
                          :   ..:..
                          l...:.: :
                              :   :...
                              :...:  :

       _________  __                                  .______________________.
.----- \  ._    \/ /____. ____.:----------------------:                      :
:         |/    /       `-'  _|: Logo: DKB            :       GIFT!!         :
:__  _    |____/\____________\::----------------------:______________________:

wPx                          __
      _______       ________/ /____. _______________________________  _____
   ___\      \    ./       /  _    `-'                         (___( (____/ /
 _ \   /     /    /       /   \                                 /     _
  \ \_______/\____\_______\___________________________________\/   / /

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: DKB F_ID      _.       GIFT!!         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                      .                            .
                     -:----------------------------:- -
                      : _ ____.___    dIE kRANKEN .:
                      :  \\   \  /_   bOMbER.    . :
                      : /________ \__  ___    .:   :.
                      : \ .  .   \  )  \O/.:..:::···::.
                      : _\_______/_/ ___|___···:..`::
                      :(             \     /     ··: '''
                      :               \___/        :
                      :               `---'        :
                      :                            :
                      :                            :
                      :        .__.   ./__         :
                      :        |_/|/__|__/         :
                      :wPx        `  /            _:

                             *[Another One]*

                   __    __ __    __  __     __    __
                 ._\ \__/_ \\ \__.\ \_\ \_  _\ \__/_ \_  __
                 | / / / \_// / /|/ / _ /.\/ / / / \_/ \/ /
                 |/_/__\__\ \_\_\|\_\__/_|\__\_\_\__\_|\__\
                    _.           `-'                 ._
                    \|                               |/
                     |    Pieces FrOm The Streets    |
                     |          - hASH -             |
                     |                               |
                     |  __            __    __  __   |
                     |  \ \_____._  _ \ \__/_ \_\ \  |
                    -:- / _ / _ | \/ \/ _ / \_/ / / -:-

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: DKB INFO      _.       GIFT!!         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

        . \                                                    :
wPx     |                    __                                `
      _______       ________/ /____. _____________________________
   ___\      \    ./       /  _    `-'                           /
   \   /     /    /       /   \                                 /
       \|/          dIE kRANKEN bOMbER... .                    .
        '                                                     _|
       _|                                                     \_
       \_  rELEASE:                                            |
        /                                                      |_
        |                                                      :/
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    _ _ |        |              /                                             :
    \_   nAME:        pOSITION:                     e-mAIL:                   |
    ./                                                                        |
    |    sANE2        FOUNDER/SUPPLIER/ASCII/SYSOP      |
   _|                                                                         |
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     ·              .........     _.________________________________________.
                    :.......:...  \|                                        |
                           :...:   |  aLL iNFOS : ?????     lAYoUT: wPx    _|

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: COME ON PIL.. _.  To: SPERM WHALE     |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

              ___             ____________  ____________________
             /  /___________./  _     \   \/_       (_  _       \
             \              /   /     /  .  /         _ /      _/
              \_____________\________/|__| /_________|\________\
                 wPx                     |/          :        
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  _______ _______   _______________________. ___   ________ ___________  _____
 /  _    \  _.   \  \_  ._   \     \_      :/ _/   \  _    \\    \_    \/_   (.
/   /    / \\|   / _ (  |/   /      /_     :_ \      ./    /      /   .  /    :
\_______/____|__/  \    |___/______/ (_____:/________|\____\__________| /_____|
                    \____\                                            |/

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: WITH HOLY F.. _.  To: SPERM WHALE     |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                                         . . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . .. .. :.
                                         .                                  .
    .                            .______..    With                          :
    |\          _______ ________ |      |_____.                             :
____| \  ______/       \\       \|      |     |                             :
\   |  \/     /         /       ..      |_   _|                       Holy  :
 \___/\________________/       //|______|/___\:                             :
                      /________/         .                                  :
            ._______.                    :             .                    ·
 wPx        |       |_______. _________  _______.______|_______             .
            |       |       |/   _     \/       :      |      /             .
            |_      |_     _|    /     /       _:\_    |    _/  Fingers     :
            :/______:/_____\:_________/\_______\: /____|____\ . .. ... . .. :
                    ·                                  |                    '
 ._______. _______   _________  ___________   ________ '__________  __
 |       |/       \_/  _.     \/        _  \_/ _      \ \         \/ /__ ._____
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 |       |\_______/\____|    /\__         _/\        .____\_______\__________//
 \_______|              `-------(________/-----------'

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: THE BLACK H.. _.  To: VIPER           |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

._________ __ ____  _______________________________________________.
    \|_  wPx\|_
·  ._____.__|
 ______ ||____. ______    / /_____________. ______  __'______
 \\||    |/ _    \  /  _/:/ _    \/ /__. ____.____//
 //_    |_/   _/ /   \/:  _\  _ `-'//
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|/· --  « · T;H;E..B;L;A;C;K..H;O;l;E· »  -- ·|

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: SPEED DEVIL   _.  To: SPEED DEVIL     |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

        __              _________  ________  _________  __________
       / /__ ._________ \ ._     \/ _      \/ _       \_\         \
.     _\   `-'        /   |/     /  /     _/_ /      _/  /        / _
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                     \_____\   _________
      ___________  ____________\       /_______   ________.
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  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: WILD STYLE    _.  To: SPEED DEVIL     |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

        :/----------------------------------------------------------:- -
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  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: XCLUZIWE      _.  To: XCLUZIWE        |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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 \      |  /         /       | |/     _ /      /_           |  \/   /_ /    _/
 /______|__\_________\________/_______\/______/ /      /\___/\_____/ \______\

                        *[And the Same, Only Newer]*

   ______. ________           _______:   _______           __  ________
   \     |-'   /  /____ .___./       :__.\      \_____  .__\ \/        \_
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  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: SAVE OUR SO.. _.  To: XCLUZIWE        |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: DEZIBEL       _.  To: DEZIBEL         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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   _________  ______            ___  _______   / /___ .____________  ________.
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 \  /       /  /   _/      `-'     /         /   \         /  /   _/         :

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  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: STATUS DOOR.. _.  To: SPERM WHALE     |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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 \_  [Voice Number] :  ---------------   [Bytes Uploaded] :     1oooooooo  _|
  |  [Date Number] :   ---------------   [Bytes Downloaded] :  1ooooooooo  \|_
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 _|  [Times Called] :             1ooo                                      |
 \|_ [Page Lenght] :                25   Access'O'Meter                     '
 _:/ [Expert Mode] :                ON   [************--]                  _|
 \:_ [New Msg Scan] :               ON                         /\          \_
  :/ [Full Scr Editor] :            ON            _           /  \ __  .    .
  |                                              \/      ___ /____\\/ /     ·
  | [ Design Weapon X · Codin' Sperm Whale ]           _ \  /              _|
 -:-----------------------------------------------------\ \/---------------\:

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: ARCADE F_ID   _.  To: ASPHYNX         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                             __  __  __ __  __  __ _
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                        :  \__/| \_\__/__/_/_/\__\    |
                        |      `-'                    |
                        |           ARCADE            |
                        |                             |
                       _|                             |_
                       \__                 _   _     __/

                   _  _                               ·
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: SHROOM FORT..._.  To: ASTARTE         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AMORPHIS      _.  To: 2 STONED        |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

                     _.                                             .
                   - \:------------------------------------- - - ---|
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  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: TIER          _.  To: SPERM WHALE     |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: AALTO         _.  To: ASPHYNX         |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

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                      _                               .
  .    _________  __  / pORnO cREEP ' 98              .______________________
.-:--- \  ._    \/ /____. ____..----------------------:\                    /._
|_        |/    /       `-'  _|` Logo: LOW PROFILE   _.  To: A GIFT          |/
:/_. _    |____/\____________\: ---------------------/|________________._____\
   ' \_____\                                          '                `     ¬

     _     _
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                                                 |   |
                                           Good Looking Girls
                                                 ·   ·
                                                          .. Wow!
                                                               ... Ughhahhh!

                                            ...      ..:
                                         . .: :    ....:....|_
                                  . ...       :....:   ·    :
                                      |  ................:. :. .
   .                                  :..:  ______   ....:  |
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                           |___ /     /          /__________________|_
                                \_____\                             |
                        - p  o  r  n  c  r  e  e  p -
              |  |
          The Dude Who Loves Sex so Much..
          .. .|__|. .
          :   ·  ·  :              .____._  .______           .....  .
-    - ---:---------:---------.    |/\_/|/__|  /\_/           :   :
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                                        /        `     \|/ \.
                       .....                           -'---'
                       :   :....
                     :\        :... .   .          ..| .
                   ..|                             :.|......
                   : |                               :     :
                 "So What's it Gonna Be in the Year 2ooo?" :
                   :.:. .                     .     .|.....: :.    .
                     |   ... . . .                   |
                  .   .:.o .
                       :.. .
        _________ _____:___  _______  _______ ________   __
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          (____/ '   .         _                 _   _         .
           g R E E T | N g S  (in nO special order)  (      (  |_
                    _'         ¯                 ¯             _/
                   _\_    Sperm Whale   . Distance  . Boheme   .
               \    \/    Trivial    . Speed Devil  . Phobia   |
                     |    Abhorrence  . Tango . Hash . Sane2   |
                     |    Red Demon  . Karlos  . Folar . Nup   |
                     |    Taxi   + Some  GroupFellas  & Some   |
                     |    People With  Who I Have  Talked On   |
                     |    IRC .  L U V, L U V,  L U V, L U V   |
                     |_   And My  Number  One  Fan Asphynx ;) _:  .
                     :/____________.__________________________\    \
                     `             |
                                  _|  + everyone else I forgot.
                                   |            .. .
                                .  |               .
                          ._____:__|_.      ...----:--.
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                          |__:__:____|        |___:_:_|
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      :                   :     -----------
      \                   :     sNAiLmAIL.
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           \______|              .  cG\_____|     \______|______|
                                 |                             .
                              "I Got Stopped By A Lady Cop     |
                                 |            In My Automobile |
                       She Said Get Out And Spread Your Legs   |
                                 |      And Then She Tried To Cop A Feel
                                 |         That Cop She Was All|Dressed In Blue
                           Was She Pretty? Boy, I'm Tellin' You|
            She Stuck My Butt With Her Big Black Stick         |
                          I Said "What's Up" Now Suck My Dick  |
                               Like A Ram Getting Ready To Jam The Lamb.."
                  _             _                               .
       ..:- -- -«O) GUEST STARS (O»- -- ------------------------:-:- -
    .: :.|..                                                    ··|..
         !.:                                                    ....:
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         | :                ©mISfIT - ©cYBERgOD                   |
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            .    .:     :|...                         :.....
                         |  :..                 .  .:   |  :.. .
   <                 <---|- - :.. .                     |
         Name: PornoCreep·                              ·
         Idea & Producing & Design & Paintwork by: wEApOnx^aUR^dKB
         Lines: 227o     .                              .
         Bytes: 113ooo   |                              |
         Date: Tue 25 Aug, 1998                         ·
         Music: Funk + Some Cool Modules, Respect to Various Module Makers
         Some Quotes In Order Of Appearance From The Bands Called Fishbone,
         Red Hot Chili Peppers, Funkadelic, Eternal Erection & Beastie Boys
         All Logos Are Handmade With CygnusEd Professional & DizEdit
                   . ..  :           .                  :
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    |   |                . :  LP! - M'S  + ALL THE OLDIES & SOME OTHERS
    `---'              ..|.:                            . :.
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                        _|_             .... .         _|_
                         ·        :.....:               ·
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                      IT EATS YOU UP INSIDE? DOESN'T IT?
                               .: :......
                          . .O..............:
                                  ·      ·
                                 o 'nufff! o
                                  .       .
                                      o  '
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       _     |                                                 |    _
 /     /     |_________________________________________________|    \       \

        _                  |                          |               _
        / Thank You For Watching, I Sure Hope You Liked What You Saw. \
                                    _  _|_  _
                   _                  :   ...:....
                   /                  :   :  :   :
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                         "oH mY gOD tHATs tHe fUNKy sHIT"
                         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                 [eOf]