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48 415 bytes (47.28K)
File date:
2020-05-21 05:45:03
Download count:
all-time: 437


  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix   /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti   \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
 .   /_    \________\________\\    ._)  _ \\______\__  \____|   \_ _ _: _
 :     \______\\t^/lp!        ____ |   _/     /     /   \  _|   _////__\\
                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
 > t H E  y A R D  2k10 < _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9610 |_

  saddened as I am breaking this to you, but you're entering to

                   ____  ______   _______   ____           :
               _ __\__ \_\  __/___\___  /___\__ \          :
       /  // ////    /  \  ____/_   _    /    /  \         :
      /  // ////    /   /       /   /  _/    /   /         :
  - -- -------/________/_______/_______\________/------->  :    _
     __________ _________             __________._____ _________\)______
_____\__      /_\ _     /_________ ___\__      /     /_\ _     /./    _/______
\      /_____/    /____/_   __   /      /_____/     /_   /____/_|______      /
 /______\ tR!/__________/_________\______\  /________/_________/-T!  /______/
              ____________ _______  ______:    ._____     _:__ 
              \  _    _  /_\_    /__\___  /_   :    /   _/  _/_______ _
              /__/    /__\ _/  _/__   _    /   |  _/____\______     //// //  /
                /    / /  /       /   /  _/    |  \      /   /     //// //  /
      <--------/_____\/___\______/_______\|    :_________\_________\-- -  -

the wheel is exactly the same as it was a decade ago. if searching for an 
innovation, try looking elsewhere. this is like a hibernation had just ended.

           /\  :   ___
   /\     /  \ :  /   \        /\          _____         ~:,         /\
  /\ \   /\   \: / _   \      / /\      __/  \  \ ___      '        /  \
  \ \ \/\\ \   \/ / \   \    / /  \    /\/    \  /\  \             /    \
   \ \   \\ \  / / \ \   \/\/ /    \  / / /\   \/  \  \           / /\   \/\
    \/   /\\ \/ /\  \ \   \/\/   /\ \ \/ /\ \   \   \  \ /\  /\  /  \ \   \ \ 
    /    \/ \/ /  \  \ \  /\ \  / /  \/ /  \/   /   /  //  \/  \/\  /\/   /  \
   /   /\ \ /\/\   \  \ \/ /\ \/ /   /\/\   \  /   /  //    \   \ \/ /   /   /
  /   /  \ \\/\ \  /   \/\/  \ \/   /  ¯¯\   \/   /  //   /\    /\/ /   /   /
 /   / /\ \/\  \ \/       \  /\    /      \      /  //   / /   / / /\      /
/\  / /  \  /  :\/         \/ /    \       \    /  //    \/   / /  \ \    /
\ \/ /    \/   :           / /     /        \  /  //         / /tR! \ \  /
-\  /----------+-----------\/     /----------\/__//\  /\    / /------\ \/--->>
  \/           :            \    /                \ \/ /    \/        \/
               :             \  /                  \  /     /\
               :              \/                    \/\  /\/ /
               .                                     \ \/   /
               .                                      \  /\/
                                   __   ___
                                 ((__) //

     __()         .              .                                  _
   o(_  _)   ___()   ___          .  .                 _o.      ___( )_   .
    8(_) ____)  )   /  /\       _ _\/___              (_) _____(       )__ ()
  ______(        ) /  / /\     _   /_  ^\  _____/\  _____(   _            )_
_(      _        ~ \_/ / /\ __/ \__/     \ \      \    _____/ \___       ___)
  _____/ \_____     \\/_/_//     \  \     \_\___   \  _\___    \ ^\     _) 
 /        \   ^\_____\/   ~\   _     \          \   \/  __/  __    \   (___
/              /      /    /    \_   /\         /_   \   \    _\    \      )
\_____     ___/    __/  _//    / ^  /      ____/  \_  ^  /    \ \_   \   (.
 \__//  __/  \      \   \     /____/___   //     /      /     /      /\    o
  \/    \     \/     \  /\______    __/   /     /______/     /      / /\ ()
  /     /     /      / /     \_/     \   /    _____/  ^\   _/      /\/ /\
  \____/     /    \_/_/     ___       \_/      \_/      \           /\/ /
   \ /      /\     /\_\     / \       /\\     ____      /___       / /\/
    \\    __/\____/ /\_\___/ / \_____/ /\\____/ \___   /\__\______/ / /\
     \\____[  \___\/ /\_\__\/ / \____\/ /~\___\/ ]____/ /\__\_____\/ / /
      ^\____\, \___\/ /2o\__\/ / \____\/ / \___\/.\___\/ /\__\_____\/ /
        \____\/ \___\/    \__\/   \____\/   \___\/ \___\/ /   \_____\/
         \____\/                                    \___\/

                                            ...breaks the silence of ten years.

even if the most of the things from the past should be kept in the past and
not brought into the present... well, too late for that.

           __________ ____ ._____                        _____  _____ ____
       ____\        /_\ _/_|    /   ________:   _________\_   \/    /_\ _/_
       \    \      /    __/__ _/____\_     _|__/.   _     /   \/    \   __/__
        \   /\    /         / \      /     \    |   /_   /     \_____\      /
 Ahem!                                                                       |
 My last collection was released on 18th of February 2000. In January 2010 I |
 ended up into and started to think about releasing a colly   |
 after my ten-year hiatus. Unfortunately I was going to travel in coming     |
 weeks and had lot's of preparations and work to do and gigs to attend. And  |
 it didn't help at all that I had done only two or three logos during the    |
 last eight or nine years. There was no flow in my fingertips for bashing    |
 together character combinations.                                           _|
 Because I was busy, I forgot the whole idea. Until I went back to           |
 asciiarena again in April. While browsing the site and checking out collies |
 from my friends who did not stop releasing ascii when I did, I found that   |
 2orro had made a really cool Twisted logo. It would be a real shame if      |
 it was never used. Apparently no-one else from Twisted was going to         |
 release anything anytime soon, so I started to have an urge to take the     |
 matter to my own hands. Sorry about that, my dear viewer.                 __|
                                                                      :   _\
 - tHrEaz / Twisted, 2010                                          _ -+---\\\-

                                                         . : .
                                                     __| |x|x| |__
                                                  ___) |X|>|<|X| (___.
                                            |\    \      | | |       |   
                                            | \    \       |         |
                                            |__\ .__\                |
                                              __.|                   |
 - ------------------------------- -        ._\ ||    ascii arena    |
                                     .......|   ||  divine stylers   |....
  Oh yeah, about the logos in this   :     :|   ||divine stylers diz |:  :
  colly... All of them are made just :     :|   ||       spot        |:  ::
  for fun. If you find something     :     :|   ||    trueschool     |:  ::
  usable, just take it and use it.   :     :|   ||      iphone       |:  :::
  Consider them "gifts". Or insults. :     :|   ||     dipswitch     |:  :::
  It depends so highly on how do you :     :|   ||        dmg        |:  ::::
  consider my works, heh.            :     :|   ||       abho        |:  ::::
                                     :     :|   ||    abhorrence     |:  ::::
  Someone could call this a comeback :     :|   ||       skope       |:  ::::
  colly, but I personally find that  :     :|   ||     accession     |:  :::
  this is a revenge. Revenge against :     :|   ||       style       |:  :::
  what, one may ask. Dunno, but      :     :|   ||     style diz     |:  ::
  revenge makes it sound cool.       :     :|   ||       zaner       |:  ::
  Comeback sounds so dirty. Sort of  :.....:| ._||    nintendo ds    |:..:
  like snowballing, you know...             l__\ |                ___j
                                                 |_    ____       \ _.
 - ------------------------------- -               )__(   /________\\|

             :                                                   :
             :                                                   :
             :                                                   :
 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -

               __:_   .___                     __.
        ______/__|____|_  \  ___ /_______ _ __/__|________ ________
        \    ______    /   \/   /     __     __________   \\ ____  \
         \__/    /    /\    \   \___    \___/    |/   /   / /   /   \
         ._/    /    /_ \ __/   .  /     \./     /   /___/-/   /     \
         |______\________\______ø_________|______\ ________\_________/
                                :                 \

 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
             :                                                   :
             :                                                   :
             :                                                   :

                                               _(   )_  _              _
                                              (____  _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__      a S C i i   a R e N A !!              ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

    ___________     ______     .    |  _______   ______ _____   _____  ______
  __\___  /_  /____/    _/|__  |    |__\___  /___\_   //  __/___\_   \_\___ /_
//    _    /____   /  _/    /  |    |    _    /  _/ _/__ ____/_  /   /  _    /
/     /  _/   /   /   \    /   |    |    /  _/  /      /      / /   /   /  _//
\________\________\________\   |    |_______\___\_____/______/_/____\______\
                       tR!|    :     -T!     .?:  a S C i i A R E N a  :?.

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___       d i V i N E   sT y L E R S ?           ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

       _____       _.______.   .          ______ _______     : :: ::: ::::
     __\_   \:     \|     /____|      : __\_    \\   __/_    : :: ::: ::::
    /   /    \      \    /     /      |/   /    /   ____/__  : :: ::: ::::
tR!/   /     /      |\   \    /:      /   /    /          /  : :: ::: ::::
  /_________/|      :/________\|      |__/_____\_________/   : :: ::: ::::
  _______    _______         ______ ___     _______     _________ ______
 /    __/____\     /_  _____/     /   /   __\   __/_ ___\__     /    __/______
/_______     /    __/_/_   /     /  _/___/__   ____/__   _/   _/_______      /
  /   /     /    /     /___     /   \      /         /   \       /   /      /
 /__________\_________/  /______\__________\________/____/______/___________\

      dEE-sTYLERs >>> trivial - dino - mortimer twang        : :: ::: ::::
                      zaner - skope - h7 - dmg - spot        : :: ::: ::::

                                                        _              _
                                                        \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.       \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__    d i V i N E   S T y L E R S   d i Z!!   ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

      _____  _______       ____
tR!___\_   \/    __/_____  \  /
.-/    /    \______     /-/__/--------------
|/    /     //   /     / ___   d i V i N E
/__________//__________\(__/  s T Y L E R 5


    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___             s P O T !!!                      ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

                                     | | |
                               ____|X| |X| |_____.
                             ._\\  | |X| |X|     |
                             |         :         |
                     _____   |                   :______
                    /   _/___|__ __________ _____|_    /_
                   /_______    /_\__      /   _   /   __/___
                     /   /    /    /     /   o/  /   /     /
                    /_________\   /_____/________\________/
                          tR!|______\            |-T!
                            _|_                 _|_
                            \_    s  P  ()  7    _/
                             |                ___|
                             |                \ _.

                                               _( . )_  _              _
                                              (____o _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__      t R U E S C H o o L ?!                ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

. ________   .
|_\      /_  :                                             .  .... .........:.
|\      __/__|                                                           : ::
|/     /     /         Hey! Its the                                      ::.:
/___________/|                                                           ::::
|  _\__     /|            m () t h e r f u c k i n g                      :::
| /  _/   _/_|                                                              :
|/   \       /                T R U E S C H () () L,                        :
/____/______/|                                                              .
| _____/     /                   not some shi77y kindergarden!
|/    /     /|
/    /     / |              _______                                ______
\__________\ |  _______    /     _/_____   _______       _________/_    /
|__\    __/_ | /    __/___/_   _/      /__/      /______/__   _    /  _/______
|\     ____/_|/_______     /   \      / _/      /    _    /  o/   /   \      /
|/           /  /   /     /__________/  \_     /    o/   /________\__________\
/___________/+-/__________\----tR!/______/_____\ ________\-T!-----------------
:            :

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___                 i P H O N E !!               ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

           __    _________    _______ ________   ______ ________
         _(__)_ _\__     /____\     /    _   /___\_    \\    __/_
        /     /    /    //  _/     /    o/  //    /    /    ____/__
       /     /    /_____\   \     /_________\    /    /           /
  - --/_____//______\--/____/_____\-----tR!/____/_____\__________/--- -

                             [?  5 i v e   f i N g e r   app s7ore  ?]

                                               _(   )_  _              _
                                              (____  _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__          d i P S W i T C H !!              ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

                   ._____________________ /
                   |                    //.
                   |                   ///
                   |                   /
     ____   __   __:___________  _______      __  _____    ______   ______
tR!__\_  \_(_/___\__     /  __/__\_    /_____(_/__\   /_  /    _/__/_    /____
  /   /   \    /   /    /_____    /   /    /     /   __/_/_  _/     /  _/    /
 /   /    /   /   /____//   /    /   /\   /     /   /     /  \     /   \_   /
/________/____\_____\  /_________\___/\___\_____\________/________/_____/___\
                   |    D i P S W i T C H

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___              d  M  G!                        ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

           . .:.:.......  ...   .     .
              :::                 ____  ______
              :::           _____/    \/     /____
              :::         __\__  \    \/    /  __/___          .
              :.:    .__ /    /   \   /    /   \_    \ .       .
              ::   tR! //    /    /--/_____\    /    //|-T!    :
              :                                               ::
              :                 d  ·  M  ·  G                :::
                                                .  ... ....:.:::

     ASCII is like the spanish inquisition. nobody expects it,  but still
     it manages to  fucking  blast throught your door, to smash down your
     porcelain, to drag you into it's dungeon and to stick it's torturous
     bits straight into your eyeballs until you confess the motherfucking   __
     power, glory and wishdom of your lord.                                /_/\

                                               _(   )_  _              _
                                              (____  _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__            a  b  H  o  ?? ?                ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

                     /       /      _______
                    /       /      /      /       _______
                   /       /      /      /       /      /
                  /       /      /      /       /      /
                 / ______· _____·      _____   /      /
                 __\__  /__\__  \_____/    /________ /
               //   _    /   /) /   _/    /    _   //
              //    /  _/   /)  ¯\  \    /    o/  //
     - -- -----\_______\_________/__/____\________\--tR!------------>>
            /                     ·              ·
           ·       /      /      /       /
                  /      /      /       /
                 /      /      /       /
                /      /      /_______/

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___              a b H o R R E N C E !!!!        ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

              _ ______ _ :  _                     _  : _ ______ _
            ._\_\\       :                           :       //_/_.
            | |          :                           :          | |
            | |          :                           :          | |
    ______ ____      ____:        ______  ___________:   _____ ____   _____
  __\__  /_\__ \____/   /_________\_   /__\_   /   _/_ __\_   \  _/__/   _/_
 /   _   /  /) /  _/    /  _   /  _/ _/_  _/ _/_  ___//_  /   / /    \  ___/__
/    / _/  /)  ¯\ \    /  o/  /  /     / /     /       / /   /       /       /
         tR!. .          .                           .          . .-T!
            | |          :                           :          | |
            |_|__        :    a b h o r r e n c e    :        __|_|
              / //____ __: _                       _ :_  ____\\ \
                         :                           :


                                               _(   )_  _              _
                                              (____  _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__            s  K  O  P  E  ?!               ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

                 ___ ._)\             |             /(_. ___
    ........  .__\  ||¯¯¯             |             ¯¯¯||  /__.
    :      :  |     ||                |                :|     |
    :      :  |     ||        _____   |        __________     |
    :      _ ______ |:  _____/    /   |      __\__      /______
    :.... ///    _/____/_  _/    /  __:_____/_   /     //   __/_    ...:.
          //_________   /  \     ¯\/    _    /  /______\   ____/__ _   :
   <<---------/    /   /____\______\   o/   /_____\--/           ///---+->>
          tR!/_________\         /__________\        \__________//-T!  :
              .     ..                :                ..     . .      :
              |     ||                |                ||     | :      :
              |_____||___             |             ___||_____| :......:

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___              a c C e S S i O n !!!           ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

                             \\                      |
              _    ___  _______\     aCCESSiON       |
    _______        _____    ______            _____  |      .
  __\__   /_____  /   _/___/   __/_ _____    /   _/__:__    |_________ ______
 /    _    /  _/_/_  /     \  ____//_  _/___/______    /    /    _   /_\_    \
/     /  _/  /     \       /        /____    //  /    /    /|   o/  /   /    /
\________\         /______/________/   /    //________\    \________\  /    /
         \________/tR!         -T!/_________\        |      :     /___/_____\
                                                              /____ __   _

                                               _(   )_  _              _
                                              (____  _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__            s  T  Y  L  E  ?!!              ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

           - ------------------------------------------------- -
                   Sackfuls of Joy - Style Finland, Inc.
             _______    _______         ______ ___    _______
            /    __/____\     /_  _____/     /   /   /    __/_
           /_______     /    __/_/_   /     /  _/___/__  ____/__
             /   /     /    /     /___     /   \      /        /
            /__________\_________/  /______\__________\_______/
                        tR!.                   .-T!
                           |      .            |
           - ------------- |%:. .  . | %  :. . | ------------- -
                           ¯\_ .%: _/¯\_.  % _%¯
                              ¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___              s T Y L e  d i Z !?!            ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

 ______  ______ 57YL3! _____ ___   ______
/   __/__\_   /_ _____/    /   /  /   __/_
\_____    /  __//__  /    /  _/__/__ ____/__
 /  /    /  /     /___   /   \     /    tR!/


                                               _(   )_  _              _
                                              (____  _) \\,          ,//
  .______________________________________________.(__)   \ \,  __  ,/ /
  |                                              l___    _\  \/..\/  /_
  |__            z  A  N  E  R  !!!              ___/ ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_.
    //___________________________________________\    |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_|
  ____ _____________               ___________ ____   |_| ____/__\____ |_|
 <___((____________/ tWiStEd'2o1o /___________))___>  |_|\\     -    //|_|
                                                      |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|

                                         /                          /
                                        /                          /
                  _______  _______   ______  ______    ________   /
                __\__   /__\___  /___\_    \_\  __/_ __\__    /  /
               /  _____//_   _    /   /    /   ____//_  _/  _/__
           tR!/          /   /  _/   /    /          /  \      /-T!
     <------ /__________/_______\___/_____\_________/___/_____/ ------->
            .                      ·
           /                      /
          /______________________/      z·A·N·E·R·i·O·U·S

    _              _   ___   __        __   ____
    \\,          ,// _( . )_(  )     _(  )_(  __)
     \ \,  __  ,/ / (__   ______)   (_________)
     _\  \/..\/  /_   (___)._______________________________________________
  ._/ _\_<____> /_ \_. ____j                                              /_
  |_|/  <_/__\_>  \|_| \___             n i N T E N D O   D S !?!        ._/
  |_| ____/__\____ |_|    /______________________________________________j
  |_|\\     -    //|_|     _ _____________
  |_|_\\  ||||  //_|_|  (((_))___________/// gROOVY pEOPLE PRODUCTIONS 2o1o

    : :    :                  ........  ...............
....:.:....:                   :::::::  ::::    :::::::  <----------+
  :   :                        :::::::  ::::   .:::::::             |
..:..       _____  ___    _____:________:_____    _____  _____      |
 :        __\_   \_\__)___\_   \ _   _  /  __/_ __\_   \_\___ \_________
.:  .___ /   /   /     /   /   /_/   /__\ ____//_  /   /    /  \  _    /_.
    |  //   /   /     /   /   / /   //          / /   /    /   /  /_  // |
                       ........:::::::  ::::...........             .
       \    /          ::::    :::::::          :::::::             |
  ____ __/\__ ________ :::: __ ::::::: ________ ::::::: ____________|
 |   _ \ oO / _        ::::    :::::::  .....	:::::::
 |     /_~~_\          ::::    :::::::  ::::    :::::::     World 1-1
 |_____  \/  ____ __ _ :::: __ ::::::: _:::: __ ::::::: _____________________
       /    \          ::::    :::::::  ::::    :::::::
                       ::::....:::::::  ::::....:::::::

             Yo Yo! This
               Shit's Gonna Blow!         .`%·
                        ________          _/ '
                       _\    , /_       ((ø_) )
                      /  \oO_\   \_______/T/
                      \___,¯ ¯   /.     /N/¯\
                        \ ()    /  ..  /T/. .\
                               _/    _/|\_   \_                ','
                               |    ((.|_))   |              _/\_/\_
                             __|_____|¯__|____|___           \_oXO_/
                             |_       ¯||       _|            |/Y\|
                             |___      ||     ___|             <|>
       _____________tR!/-T!__l_________||________j______________|________ _

                                     b o o m!

                        /\    ·                   .
                   .   /\ \ 
                      /  \/          /\    /\             ·
          .          /   / /\       /\/ /\ \/\/\                 .
             /\     / /\/ /\ \  /\/\\/ /  \ \/  \           __
            /  \   /  \ \/  \ \ \/\/\ /\   \ \   \      __ <>_>   __  .
     .     /    \  \   \/    \ \/\ \ \\/    \/    \    /\_\ ¯    /\_\
          /\     \/\\         \/ /\ \//\/\   \/\   \   \/_/  __  \/_/   __
          \ \/     /\\    /   / /  \ \\/\ \   \/\   \   ¯__ /\_\  ¯    <>_>
           \/ /\   \//\  /   / /   /\ \  \ \   \ \   \  /_/\\/_/        ¯
    .      /  \/    \\ \/   / /   /\ \ \  \ \  /  \  /\ \_\/ ¯
          /\    /\  /\\    /\/    \/\ \/   \/ /   / / /   ¯           .
          \ \   \ \/ / \  /  \       \     /\/    \/ /
           \ \   \  /tR!\/    \      /     \/      \/
         .  \ \  /\/           \    /                              .
  ______  ___\ \/ /_____________\  /__________________ ___  _
._\\   (__)   \  /               \/                            ·
|              \/   .                                    .
|                               .               .
| I wonder, maybe this is the first scene ascii released in Tokyo. By the year
|     2000 I had seen something like 2500 ascii collies and I can not remember
|     anyone saying that their colly was released in Tokyo. Or in Japan. Maybe
|      ascii is conquering new continents in 2010?! Of course Japan has strong
|  following for character art. You can even buy mugs, t-shirts, keychains and
|       maybe even dildos with some character art on them. Unfortunately these
|    peeps are into Shift_JIS which has tons of different characters and it is
|       definitely closer to PC drawings than Amiga ascii. But still, how cool
|_              is that. There are dozens of drawings on sites like 2chan etc.
|    Anyway, it seems like ascii has a life of it's own. There I was living my
|      life not much thinking about this form of self expression. And almost a
|    decade later I realize that the most of the things I did 15 years ago are
|   still preserved somewhere. Therefore, why not to make some more. Hopefully
|    this piece gets preserved too and 5, 10 or 20 years later I'll be able to 
|    remember, that yeah, I did this in Tokyo after the coldest April in there
|     for fifty years. And in summer of 2009 they had this 1:1 sized Gundam in 
|     Odaiba which was the reason to put that 18m high robot into the divider.
|_         _
 //  __   \\\__________________ ___________      _
/___(  )____\

                          / \
                         /   \
    ___________    _____ ______   _____      ________
    \  _   _  /---/    /_\__  /___\_   \____/   /  _/_____
    /__/   /__\ _/    /   _    /   /   /  _/   /_____    /
      /   //    \    /    /  _/   /   /   \    ¯\  /    /
                   ·               \
                  /                \\    file_id.diz · devistator / twisted
                 /  · 7 h a n k 5 · \\  twisted #1 · zorro / digital graffiti
                /                    \\      twisted #2 · nup! / arclite
               /_______________________\  twisted #3 · dmg / divine stylers


 _______     o  .    _______                     __       __
/    ___\    ·.·    /____   \                ___( (_______) )_____.
\   /   /__________/    /   /             ._\\      \O|o/         |
 \__\__/ .___ ____ \___/___/              |  \       \|/          |
     /   |   \    \.|    _____  ______    :      _____     .      | _____
  __/    |  |>|<|  ||    \    \/     /____.    _/   _/_____|_     :/   _/___
_/     __|____|____||    /    /     /  _  |____\_.______    /     |   /     \
|    _/       \/   ¯¯\_ /    /     /   O  |      |/   /    /     /|         /
|    |      o     o   |`----/______\______|  o   |_________\     \|________/
|    |                |----------------tR!|______|---------| -----:-T!------>
|    ¯\______________/¯                   :                       |
|_________/`------'                       | o contemporary noise  |
¯                   ......................|   quintet             |.......
                    :::                   | o mono                |      :
                    :::                   | o bohren & der club   |      :
                    :::                   |   of gore             |      :
                    :::                   | o meanwhile, back in  |      :
                    :::                   |   communist russia... |      :
                    :::                   | o the kilimanjaro     |      :
                    :::...................|   dark jazz ensemble  |......:
                                          | o asbestoscape        |
        <---------------------------------| o church of misery    |---- --  -
                                          | o recoil          ____j
                                          |                   \ __.

                              ___ _    .    _ ___
                            /\ _______:::_______ /\
                           < \\\ ·  _:::::_  · /// >
                            \  >X /\\::::://\ X<  /
            · ______             ::¯¯:::::¯¯:___________
           / /    _/_____   _____ _______   _\__    _  /_____        ·/
         // /_______    /--/    /   _   /__/   /    /__\   _/_____  //
           tR!/   /    / _/    /   o/  /  /   /    / /_______    / /·
      ______ /_________\ \    /________\ /   /_____\ _ /   /    / ______
    ._\\            /____/____\     /________\        /_________\      //_.
    | |                                                                 | |
    |:|    abhorrence boheme carnifex dartagnan dipswitch dispeptic     |:|
    |:|  duncan folar h7 nup psyko relief stezotehic vouck zaner zorro  |:|
    |_|                                                                 |_|

                                 ::  :::::  ::
                                 ::  :::::  ::
                                 ::  ::x::  ::
                            .|      //:::\\      |.
                           /|||    //:::::\\    |||\
                          / |||   //.:::::.\\   ||| \
                         / ||||  ///|:::::|\\\  |||| \
                        /  |||  ////|:::::|\\\\  |||  \
                       /____|| ///  |:::::|  \\\ ||____\
                             |// ¯¯¯¯:::::¯¯¯¯ \\|

           ___(   (_____________________________.
         ._\                                    |
         |                                      |
 ....... |   original filename: -T-TRAiL.txt    | ..........................
         |   original filesize: 44666 bytes     |                          :
         |        release date: 04.05.2010      |                          :
         |                                      |                          :
         |   while putting this last piece of   |                          :
         |  "dead people's trails" together, I  |                          :
         |    was drinking champagne. not to    |                          :
         | celebrate the release of this colly  |                          :
 ....... | but still it seems quite deliberate. | .........................:
         |                                      |
         | godspeed, ascii.                 ____|
         |                                  \ _._

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   ____    ______        _      _____
 __) _/  __\    /____   _)\__ __)  _/
.\_ __/__\_ \ _/(__ _)_/ ___/_\_  __/_
|   /__ \_ _/\_ \_\/__\______ \_  /__ \_
l.__/_/  /__/_/  /_/_/ /__/_/  /__/_/  /
d| /____/  /____/ /___/  /____/  /___)\__
V|                              _ _\_ __/_
$| -[dEAD pEOPLE's tRAiLS]-   __)\__ _/__ \_
!|     tHrEAz / tWiSTED      _\__ _/__/_/  /
 |                         _/  _/__ \/____/
 |        o4.o5.2o1o       \____/_/  /

            .           .                       .                .
       _ _ /|_ _______ _|\_ _________________ _/|_ ____________ _|\ _ _
          / |      __.  | \    ___    ____    / |      ____      | \
        _/  |__  _/  |  |  \ _/__/_ _/ _  \ _/  |__  _/ __ \ ____|  \_
       \\_ ___/_\\_  |  |   \\_    \\_ |___\\_ ___/_\\_ |/  \\   \  _//
        |   |   |    |/\|   |      |_____  |    |   |   /___/   __\  |
        :   |   _    /  \   _      _   |/  _    |   _       _   \|   :©d
       _|   :   \_          \_     \_  /   \_   :   \_      \_   \   |_
       \\_______//____/\    //_____//__    //_______//__    //_______//
       _ _____________ _\  /_ _______ _\  /_ _________ _\  /_ _______ _
                  cAME   \/    dOWN     \/     wiTH a    \/ mURDER

                        you lost the trails. you, die.

   _____     ____ __  _____ _____
 __\___ \___/   /_\/__\_   \\ __/_   «·[ dYiNG dEGREE·fINLaND's fiNEST ]·»
 \    /  \ /   /    /  /   /  \_  \  _____  ____  _____  ______ ____   ____
 /   /   /__  /    /  /   /    /  /__\___ \_\ _/__\ __/__\_   /_\ _/___\ _/_
/_______/ /___\____\-/____\______/ \    /  \  __/__ \_  \_/ _/__  __/__  __/__
                                tR!/   /   /      /  /  /\     /      /      /
    «·[ dAMONES hEADQUARTERS ]·»  /_______/______/_____/_/____/______/______/

  (· aMiGA 0d·sTORAGE · PSX/N64 · C=64 · hUGE aSCii aRCHiVE · pC cLASSiCS ·)

                 ·» Strictly Closed Without Static Telnets «·

          The Sentinels: cARNiFEX/dAMONES <·> tHrEAz/dAMONES^tWiSTEd


    _________________________________________                             ·
   (                                        /         t H E   y A R D     :
 ::|  .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_
   |                                      /____ /                         |
 __|__/\____                             /    //   · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 0 ·  |
\\_|_    __/_.     __/\____        _____·__  //    ____   _______         |\___
   |/    \   |____(_  ____/____    \      /__/_____\_  \__\_    / ________|   /
   /     /   |    _/  _)       )____\    /   (     _    /  _  _/_(       _   /
  /    _/    _    \   |       (      \_     _|     |   /   |      \      |  //
 (_____\_____|     \___       |           __\_______.__\___|      /_________\
   |                                   /                                  |
   | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES    /.  =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT       |
   |                              .                                       |
   '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 961O+ >»-'
            -> Another fine Ascii Release uploaded at TY <-