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File size:
144 244 bytes (140.86K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 386


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                  aRe FiGhTiNg fOR mY SoUl, mEaNwHiLE i'M...

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                       _    |___\            /___\-T! _
                       |                              |
                       |                              |
                       | Yes   it   true,  I've  just |
                       | recently  joined  the groovy |
                       | people   productions  label. |
                       | Though    I'm   not   alone, |
                       | dartagnan   joined   Twisted |
                       | together  with  me  :)  This |
                       | means   offcourse   no  more |
                       | freelance style collections, |
                       | but   to  all  you  guyz  in |
                       | style:     It    was    fun! |
                       | Especially  all  those  nice |
                       | talks on IRC, and I wish you |
                       | all  kind  of  luck  in  the |
                       | future.  You guyz are really |
                       | some   of  the  best!   This |
                       | collection  consists  of  5o |
                       | request  I got since my last |
                       | collection,  your logo might |
                       | not be in.  Well that's just |
                       | too  bad :) Then you'll have |
                       | to  wait  'till  next  time! |
                       | I'm  really  not supposed to |
                       | be   in  Ced  right  now,  I |
                       | should  be  writing my major |
                       | history   asignment  on  the |
                       | piss.   But  this is just so |
                       | much   more   fun  :)  'nuff |
                       | talking  allright,  enjoy my |
                       |        5th production!       |
                       |                              |
                       |                              |
                      _|_            ___ _           _|_
                       :/)_________ /   \\__________(\:

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    ._  _
    | \/ \y mind is thorn, I know not what to think. Is there a God above?
    `     \   These thoughts will not go away, even though I wish so hard.
                 Why am I loosing my fate, why am I loosing my religion..

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Folar       Done for:  Folar
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                 ·                      .......... .. .
                 |       .              :  ......
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                 |       |           . .. .:..\/:...
                 · fOLAr |                 :   .:..:
                         ·                 :..:::

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Plastic d.. Done for:  Newt/Crx!
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   .                                         ·
                   |  -» · p l a s t i c  d r e a m s · «-   |   .
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:                  :           \/                            |   .
:     <=========== == =   Dream  Stud!: Newt!/Ryl/Sub        |     .
:         :_____.  :                                         |    __
:         |¬   ¬|  |      StarGate! +46-(o)-36-123o29        |   _\/_
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                   |  pLASTiC aLFS:            \/l____l__l__|   ·      |
                   |                                        l._________l
                   :    ZiuTek/Royal - Excel/Balance WhQ     |
                   ·        Whirlwind/Ryl^Flt^Cor^5d         :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  CC's 4 Sale Done for:  T0m
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                      ____ ___   ____ ___  _    ______
                  ____)  `-'¬/___)  `-'¬/ //____)¬___/_
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       |          |     ¦    |     ¦    |   |   ·      |               |
       !_         l__________|__________|   l__________l               |
      /\_\                                                             |
      \/_/                    *  CC'S FOR SALE  *                      |
       :                                                               |
       |                 1-9  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   5$/Each                |
       |               1o-49  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   4$/Each                |
       |               5o-99  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   3$/Each               _!
       |             1oo-499  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   2$/Each              /\_\
       |             5oo-???  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   ?$/Each              \/_/
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       |                ·w!\/                         \/               |
      -o- ----------------------------------------------------------- -o-
       |                                                               |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Cement C..  Done for:  Zoltrix
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

           |                                                       |
          -o- ----------- -------------- --------- --------- ---- -o-
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           |       l__________|______|__________/________|·w!      |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Asylum      Done for:  Mad Max
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

      _ _:___________________ ______________    .
        _|:::.               \\            /____:______    .    _ ___
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                                                :          :      :
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Enzo        Done for:  Enzo
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

    ·                                    .:.
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           \            - tO wIpe yOUR   ·:·  mONkEY aSS!   :........:::

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Classics    Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                    \ _ _             .:            __ _ /
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Delight     Done for:  Red Demon
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

       :_____.     |                            .
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Epsilon D.  Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        _ _ _________ ___________________________ ____________
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    :                          \/_/\_\

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Case 78     Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

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              - -o-- ----------- -------------- --------- -o-
                 |                                         |

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       - -o---- -
          !      Webster Recomments These Cd's To The Public

                   Celine Dion   "The Color Of My Love"

                          Joan Osburne   "Relish"

                           Fugees   "The Score"

                          Spice Girls   "Wannabe"

                Maxi Priest featuring Shaggy    "That Girl"
                                                           - ---o-

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Fuck Shit   Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ( Who else than a polish guy, would call his board fuck shit :) ? )

                                 .______/\  __________.
        .________  /\____________l::.    \\/       .::l________.
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       _l__)¬___/__)¬   |____l_      l__)¬ l_                  :
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       |¬   /     _/    ¯     |      |¬    |____               |
       |   ·      |     _    ¬|      |     ¦¬ ¬(_             .|
       l__________l_____|     |______|__________/           .::|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Future E..  Done for:  Vital
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

   |                                                                    |
  -o- --------------- -------------------------------- -------------- --o-
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   |    DoorMan: Vital/abc/def/geh                              |    \|¬ ¬ ./
   |                                                         ___l ___ ¦    |
   !  Abecdef Ehq  &  Ghijklm Whq  &  Opqerst FuHq      _____)__`-'¬/___.__|
   |                                                    \ ¬   _/___/__  |
   |     Supporting : Amiga / Console / Ascii / PeeCee  |     l ¬ ¬ ./  |
   |                                                    |     ¬     |   |
   |   With Seven Nodes of US Robotics technic!         l___________|   |
   |                                                                    |
  -o-- -------- ---------------------- -------------------- ---------- -o-
   |                                                                    |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  HPA         Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

       _ _ ________________                               /·
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                                            (___\\ __)                      :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Guest Art.  Done for:  Red Demon
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        _.__________\                                        /___________
        _|::.            g  u  e  s  t   a  r  t  i  s  t               (_
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  l_____l__  /l_______\  /l__________/____|__________l__________/
           \/·w!       \/

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Amiga Or..  Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ::                                                              ::
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     .:                      \/                    \/·w!             ::
     ::                                                              .:

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Mea Culpa   Done for:  Pennywise
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        ._______ ______________________ ___ __
        |::.   //                            /__ ___ ______ _____________.
        |·    ·/    m e a    c u l p a      /              \\         .::l
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  |    |  |  |     ¬     |    T     /   sYSOP'S: pENNyWiSE & rATKiNG!  ·/|
  l____l__l__|___________|____l__  /                                   / |
        ::.                      \/       +45-MEA-CULPA [33k6 dUAL]      |
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        |  · aSCii    ____)  `-'¬/____|¬  / __)¬ |  ___)_____   ¬/___`-'¬/
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        :  /_______\  |     ¦    |    l    |         |__     ¬|    T     /
          ·           l__________|_________|_________l /______l____l__  /

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Head        Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

   ______             ____ ____    _____ ____      |¬    ¬|
  _)¬    |______._____)__`-'¬ /____)___`-'¬ / _____|_     |
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                       !     p  u  n  k     c  a  s  e   7  8     r  a  v  e
                       |          r  o  o  s  t  e  r     r  e  a  c  t

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Mystic      Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                    _ _:_________     _________.
                          .....       _|        (__ __)        |/
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              ·······:·······         /______________________\_|
                  :.::                                         :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Under W..   Done for:  Rage
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

               .____   ______       |¬   ¬|    ____ ___  ______ ___
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   |         __                 |¬    |     |                   __         |
- -o-- ---- /\_\ -- --------- --|     ·     |-------- -------- /_/\ ---- --o- -
   |        \/_/                l___________|                  \_\/        |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Planet L..  Done for:  Cyber Kid
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

         |                                                             |
      - -o-- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- -o-
         |                                                             |
     ____|_____ _:      _____ ___  ______      ____ ___  ___:          |
  ___)____   ¬/  |  ____)___`-'¬/__)___ ¬\ ____)__`-'¬/__)¬ l_         |
  \¬   ¬//   /   |__\_¬   _/  _/__   ¬|   \_¬   _/___/__    _/         |
  |     \___/    ¦¬  |    ¬   ¬  /    |   _/    l ¬ ¬ ./    |____      |
  l__     ¬|         |    T     /     |   |     ¬     |     ¦¬ ¬(_     |
    /____._l_________l____l__  /l_____¦___|___________|__________/     |
         |                   \/·w!                                     |
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         |                            `::::::::'                       :
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        -o- ------ --------------- ------`:'-- -------- ------------ --o- -
         |                                                             |

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                |__ /nd on the 7th day God said, let us rest..
                :  /   God saw that it was good

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Red Demon   Done for:  Red Demon
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   _._/                                   \_._
                    |          :_____.                      |
     ______ ___   __:_ ___     |¬   ¬|                      |
  .__)____`-'¬/___)__`-'¬/ ____|_    |     R     e    d     |
  l¬  ¬ _/  _/__¬  _/___/__)¬  _/    |                      |
  |     \   ¬  /   l ¬ ¬ ./    |     |                      |
  |      \    /    ¬     |     ·     |    D  e  m  o  n!    |
  l_______\  /l_____.____|___________|                      |
           \/·w!    |                                       |
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                    |     ·     |    ¬     |    |  |  |    ¦   |     |   |
                    |                                       |
                   _|_                                     _|_
                    · \___________________________________/ ·

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Novastorm   Done for:  Science
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   |                                             |
                - -o-- --------[  n o v a s t o r m  ]--------- -o-
                   |                                             |
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    ___)___ ¬\ _)¬ _ ¬\ ___|  ¬ /__)___`-'¬/                     |
    \¬   ¬|   \_   |   \_¬ |     /   _/  _/__                    |
    |     |   _/   |   _/  |    /    ¬   ¬  /                    |
    |     |   |    ¦   |   ¦   /     T     /                     |
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                  l._________l__________/______l______\  /l____¦_.¦__|
                   |                                   \/·w!     |
                   |                                             |
                  -o- ---------------------------------------- --o- -
                   |                                             |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Deep Tho..  Done for:  Jmf
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                     |¬   ¬|   ____ ___    ____ ___  __________
                 ____|_    |___)__`-'¬/____)__`-'¬/__)____   ¬/
       _       __)¬  _/    |¬   _/___/__¬   _/___/__   ¬//   /
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  |::.\/   .:::|     ·     |    ¬     |     ¬     |__     ¬|::.   \\/ .:::|
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 l__________/___|     |________l_________|___________|_____|     |__________/
               `-------'                                  `-------'

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Lyrics      Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                       |                                |
                      -o-- -------------------------- --o-
                       |                                |
                       |                   ____:        |
          ___:     ____:_____  ______ ___ _)_ ¬|   ____ |__   ______
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       l_________l /___.____|_______\  /l______|________._|__________l
                       |             \/·w!              |
                       |                                |
                       |     LYRiCS FOR THE MASSES!     |
                       |                                |
                    - -o- ---------------------------- -o- -
                       |                                |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Nemesis     Done for:  Nemesis
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                         : ......
        !                           \·     :    :
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Pent House  Done for:  Folar
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                 __________________ _______________________________
             _._/                  \\                              \_._
              |                                                      |
     _________¦          ______                                   ...|...
  ___)____   ¬/____ ___ _)___ ¬\   ___:        P  e  n  t         :· |   :
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                      l_____|     |    |   _/  ¦    |__________|    ¬     |
                            l_____|    ¦   |________|          l__________|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Cannabis    Done for:  Woober
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

      ._______  /\____________ ______________________\ ______________.
      |::.    \//            //                       \\          .::|
      |·       ·            ·/   c a n n a b i s        \           ·|
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  l_________|____l__  /l____l___|_____l___|____l__  /l_________|     |_________l
      ¦             \/·w!                         \/                .|
      |.                    a way __/\__ of life!                  ::|
      |::.                        \ oO /                         .:::|
       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯/_ ._\¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Spaced Out  Done for:  Zoltrix
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

           |                                                      |
        - -o- ------------ ----------------- ---------------- -- -o- -
    _      |                                                      |
    \/     |     gIVE tHOSE aRTISTS tHE rESPECT tHEY dESERVE!     :_____.
          _l____    __________ ___ ___   ____ ___    ____ ___     |¬   ¬|
      ____)¬___/_ __)____   ¬/___`-'¬/___)  `-'¬/____)__`-'¬/ ____|_    |  ·
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           |                      \/·w!                           |
           |                               ______      .____   ___:     _
      _ _  |   Digital Corruption UkHq   __)¬ _ ¬\ ____|¬  / __)¬ l_   \/
     (_\\  |       Save Our Souls UkHq   \_   |   \_  ¬|   ¬\_    _/
           |        Data Division UkDs   |¬   |   _/   |    _/    |____
           |                Royal UkHq   |    l   |    l    |     ¦¬ ¬(_  _ _
           |                             l________l_________|__________/  //_)
           |                                                      |
           |                                                      |
          -o-- ------------- ----------- ----------- --------- - -o-
           |                                                      |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Nicko       Done for:  Nicko
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

            ·                   __________________ __________________
           /_               _._/                  \\                 \_._
            /                |                                         |
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      \¬   ¬|   \_     _ ¬  _____/__       _/    |   \_                |
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                             |          l______\·w!    ·/              |
                    ·       _|_                     _ //_             _|_
                   /_        · \___________________( //  )___________/ ·
                    /                               /·

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Persuation  Done for:  Relief
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

             ( A upcomming art pack by my Soul Mate, Relief )

     |                                                     _       |
  - -o- --------------------------------------------------\/----- -o-
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   __¦_______          _____ ___              .____                |
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  - -o- -----\/-------------------------------------------------- -o-
     |                                                             |

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                              ¦                |
                              :                |

       - -o---- -
          !      Webster Recomments These Playstation Games!

                   Puzzle Bubble 2  a.k.a  Bust-A-Move 2

                                 Tekken 2

                      Resident Evil  a.k.a  BioHazard

                               Alien Trilogy

                            King Of Fighters 95

                        Tunnel B1  a.k.a  Finalist
                                                           - ---o-

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                              |                :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Rage        Done for:  Rage
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

    ______ ___
 .__)____`-'¬/  _____ ___  - --- ----------------------------- ------- ----
 l¬  ¬ _/  _/___)___`-'¬/   ____ ___
 |     \   ¬  /   _/  _/____)  `-'¬/    ____ ___   Rage is at your service..
 |      \    /    ¬   ¬  /   _____/_____)__`-'¬/
 l_______\  /     T     /    \_¬ ¬ . ¬   _/___/__         So Wassup?
       ·w!\/l_____l__  /      ¬    |     l ¬ ¬ ./
                     \/l___________|     ¬     | - ------------ -------- ---

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Data Div.   Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                      .     .
           _ _ _______:     :______________ _                 .
          _\\\     .::|     |::.            /_                 .
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        \/\/    |     ·     |    T     /     ¦¬ ¬(_  T     /_ _______.
         _      l___________|____l__  /l__________/__l__  /·w!    .::|
         |                          \/                  \/          ·|
         |             d a t a          d i v i s i o n              |
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   l_____._____|     |\_____/ l______|_________l______|________l_____l___|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Sky Tower   Done for:  Enzo
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

         |                                .::::                           |
      - -o- -------------------------------·::·----[ sKY tOWER ]----------o- -
         |                                  ·                             |
   ..... |        :______                                                 |
   :  _:_¦__ _____|¬    /__._____      BAD KARMA EHQ - HELLFiRE EHQ     \ |
  _:__)¬___/_  ¬  |    /   |   ¬/  CRUX EHQ - CORRUPT EHQ - INSANE SCHQ ·\|
  \_____¬   ¬\_      _/  ___   /__      NiGHTFALL EHQ - UNiQUE WHQ       \\
  |¬   /     _/   __ ¬\  ¬|/    ./                                        \\
  |   ·      |    |¬   \  ·     |             HAPPY STAFF:                |\·
  l____._.___l____|     \_______|                                         | \
   :...: |        l______\         ENZO - MANDRAKE/HF - FURY/HF - TCB!/BK |
         |                                 BiG M/HF - COLONEL/QTX         |
        .|                                                                |
        ||.           ___:    ________   ___ __ __      ____ ___  ______ _:_
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         |         l__________/________l___________|___________|_______\  /
         |                                                              \/|
         |         - 6 NODES RiNGDOWN  +45-7433886  (4USR&2ISDN) -        |
         |                  .                                             |
      - -o---------------.::::.---------------[HH:MM:SS - DD-MM-YY]----- -o-
         |                 ·::·                                           |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Genetic T.  Done for:  Dee
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ____ ___              ______                ___:             ____ ___
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            l___________|·w!      l___________|        |      |
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 nODE .o1 +46-fOUL-mE!  l¬    _/ ____)___`-'¬/_____¬   ¬\_    |_ \ ¬   _/___/__
 nODE .o2 +46-fUCK-YoU  |     |__\_¬   _/  _/__¬  /     _/    _/ |     l ¬ ¬ ./
 nODE .o3 +46-tOY!-LiN  |     ¦¬ ¬(_   ¬   ¬  /  ·      |     |__|_    ¬     |
 nODE .o4 +46-tEL!-nET  l__________/   T     /__________l     ¦¬ ¬(__________|
                                 l_____l__  /          l___________/

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Middle East Done for:  Octoplex
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   .________/\  _______.                   ._____  /\______.
  ._______ ________l::.      \\/   .:::l          .___ ____l::.  \//    .::|
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  |   aSCii!   |    |  |   |      |    ·    |     ·    |         |    ¬     |
  |   pEEcEE   l____l__l___|______|_________|__________|_________l_________.|
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 _l___)__`-'¬/__)___`-'¬/___)¬___/_ __)¬ l_                                |
 \ ¬   _/___/__¬  _/  _/______¬   ¬\_    _/       PLO WHQ / JiHAD! EHQ     |
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 |     ¬     |    T     /   ·      |     ¦¬ ¬(_ +o1-tERRORiST-FEEl-fREE!   |
 l___________|____l__  /l__________l__________/                            |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Twisted     Done for:  The Crew
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                                   _________ ________.
         ¦___________ ________     .   __       .__\    .:::\\:.  .::|
         |::.       //    .::/_.    . _\/_      |:. ·     ·         ·|
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   .__)¬ l_ ._)  |¬ |¬ \l¬  ¬  l___)¬___/_ __)¬ l_ _____)__`-'¬/ ____|_    |
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   |     ¦¬ ¬(_  l  l   |      |   ·      |     ¦¬ ¬(_   ¬     |     ·     |
         |::.                                                     .::|
         |·        TWISTED  -  GROOVY PEOPLE PRODUCTIONS (c)        ·|
         |                                                           |
         |                  WEBSTER   DARTAGNAN                      |
         |                                                           |
      _ _|___                     ___      ___                    ___|_ _
         :  /_____________________\%/______\%/____________________\  :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Nah-Kolor   Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                |                                                  |
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                        l_____|     \______l        l________|      \    /
                              l______\·w!                    l_______\  /

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Radavi      Done for:  Radavi
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                                     ._____  /\__.
                                  ._________ ________l::.  \//   l__.
                                  |::.     //         ·     ·    .::|
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     l_______\  /l____l__  /l_____._____|____l__  /  \_____/ !      |
              \/         \/·w!    |.            \/                 .|
                                  |::.                           .::|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Rooster     Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                       :                            :
                                       :                            :
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  |      \    /    ¦   |    ¦   |   ·      |     ¦¬ ¬(_   ¬     |      \    /
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                                                              :          .:
                                                              :        .:::

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  X-Rated     Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

    ..........        ..........    ______ ___
     ::::::::::      ::::::::::  .__)____`-'¬/  _____ ___
      ::::::::::    ::::::::::   l¬  ¬ _/  _/___)___`-'¬/ ___:
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 -o- ---::::::::::::::::::::  -  |      \    /    ¬   ¬  /   _/      ____ ___
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  | ··········        ··········                                l_______|¬   ¬|
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  |      1-2  *  CREDZ FOR KNOWN AND NEW PUSSY'S                  __)¬  _/    |
  |                                                               |¬    |     |
  |  -999.999 *  CREDZ FOR CHiLD PORNOGRAPHi (SiCK MOTHER FUCKER) |     ·     |
  |                                                               l___________|
  |                                                                         |
 -o-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- --o-
  |                                                                         |

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             | /_e to others as would like them to be to you..

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Speed       Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

            ._____________________________________/\ _  ________.
            |::.                                   \\\ /     ·::|
            |· ______    · · s  p  e  e  d · ·      \\/        ·|
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           _|_       . _  ·                               ·   __|_
            ·/______ _ \/ _ __________________________________\_|
                     \/ .\/                                     ¦

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Wise-K      Done for:  Wise-K
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        __ _
        \   _.                            _                          ._
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Sunrise     Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

          _:_ _               _ __________ _ _______:_____.
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           _|_______________\/            :            _    :
            :                             `--» - -- ---\/---|- -\\

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Punk        Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                         |                           |
                        -o- ----------------------- -o-
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                         |                           |
                        -o- ----------------------- -o-
                         |                           |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Twilight    Done for:  Nicko
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

            :::·            :··· ·· ·             _
            :·              :                    \/
            :           ____:           ____:                    _
   ___:     :        .__)_ ¬|        .__)_ ¬|            _____   \/   ___:
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            :............:.::  :                          \/
                         :    .:

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Modules     Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                  |                                        |
               - -o-- ----------------------------------- -o- -
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                  |         :_____.                        |
     _______      |         |¬   ¬|           ___:         |        ______
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             l____.___l          l_________|        l______.____|·w!
                  |                                        |
                  |   CHiP/TECHNO/TRiPHOP/MELODYS/TRANCE   |
                  |                                        |
               - -o- ----------------------------------- --o- -
                  |                                        |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Zoltrix     Done for:  Zoltrix
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

  .                      _______________:      .___________________ __________.
    .  ._________ _______\           .::|      |::.             .::\\      .::|
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    .  |·      ·/ ·                     |      :     |     ¬ /                |
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                     /          /_______|      |____________ /\_\/_/______\   :
                    ·                   ¦      :             \/_/\_\

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Wild Palms  Done for:  Radavi
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

   ( Just thought I'll at least should make one logo with my old style )

       _ _ __ ________________________ __________________
      _\\\                           //                 (______________:_ _
      |           w  i  l  d        ·/                               \_|
 _____¦____ _                                                          |
_\          /____ _...         p  a  l  m  s       Palm Cop: Radavi!   |
\ \        /      /..:_______ _ __ ___________                         |
 \ ·      /      /   :      /_____     _     (_   Corruption Dutch Hq  |
  \      /      /    :     /     /     /      /                        |
   \    /      /     :__________/____________/     Amiga/Ascii/Mods!   o
    \  / \    /......:
     \/   \  /                                      +31-(O)-fUN4mE!    o
      :    \/                                                          |
      !__     _.__________  _.___________ ______ _ __ ____  ______ ____:___
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      :        |__________|______\______/__________/_______\     /_____._____/
   _ _|___                                               /______/·w!   |
      :  /___                        ·/                             _ _|_
        ·   /_______________________//______________________________\\\·

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Shelter     Done for:  Shelter
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                         /  \
             == ========/    \
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l__________l_____|     |___________|_________l_________/________|_______\  /
                 l_____l                                                 \/·w!
               /                     \
              /   · s H E L T E r ·   \
             /                         \========= =

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Euro Trade  Done for:  Toxic
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

       |                                                             |
      -o- -------------------------------------------------------- --o-
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       |          |     ¦¬ ¬(_    \    /     T     /     ·     |     ¬     |
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   l___.______|___________|_____¦___|__________/_________|_______\  /:
       |                                                          \/ |
      -o-- -------------------------------------------------------- -o-
       |                                                             |

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.½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½. .½½½½½½½½½½½. .½½½½½½½½½½½. ½½½½½½½   `½½½½½½½½½½.
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    ½½.½½½½½' `½½½½½-rLF   `½½½½½.½½     `½½½½½.½½     `½½½½½.½½½½½½-T!  ½½½½
  Tactica.Jake.Stz&Kid.Zeus.Ring+Ring!.DeathKnight.Snake&Delboy.-Jd!     ½½½½
  Duff.Quartz.Whirlwind.Diablo.Jedi!.ZiuTek.Zarch&Xman.Z¡nko.Kostek      ½½½½
  RecaLL.Slime.Muad'Dib.Kingpin.¶r¡nÇe Øf Th¡eves.Shade!.The Colonel     ½½½½
  Scarface.Axen.Mr.HydE.U-Man.Dizy.ScqeecH.Phonetic.Relief.Juan.DiAblo   ½½½½
  Red Cheese.NicKo.Sven The CreatOr.Detron.Cryo.Gdm.Misfit.Citruz.Hydra  ½½½½
  MadMax.Sth.MadBoy.Fury.ScarFace.Kreon.Json.Paszczak.Tango.Boheme.Newt  ½½½½
  Mark Ryder.Red Demon.Folar.Boheme.Zoltrix.Hotwire.Devistator.Dartagnan ½½½½
  Enzo.Rooster.Mad Max.Hamlet.. And to all I forgot!                     ½½½½

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     _/\_____                                                     _/\_____
 __/\\____  //\____ _ __ ____  __  ___  ____  ___ |_   __ _ ____/\\  ____//\__
 \      _/             /(___/_(__ |___)(___/_(____l____\           \______   /
  \____/              /_ ________)l_______ __ ________ _\               ____/
      /_________ _ __/ \\\________________\\//_______/// \__ _ _________\ ÷f!÷

 2fAST.Boheme.Booya.Case 78.CountZero.Crusader.Dartagnan.Desoto.Devistator
     Exocet.Flite.Folar.Green Eyed Monster.Hotwire.Jack Danielz.Karma
 Mark Ryder.Misfit.Mortimer Twang.Nemesis.Pride.Punk.Relief.Rooster.SalOne
  Scarface.Seven M.SpeedDevil.Stezotehic.Stratos.Tango.Tommy.Treach.U-man

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     __        _______  _____   _____    /\   _____   _______  _____
    /  \  _____\_    /__\  _/___\  _/___/  \__\  _/___\_    /__\  _/____
   /    \/      /___/   _\      _\     /_  _\    \_    /___/   _\      /
  /_____\/   ___________________________\  /____________________________\
        /_____\                   cDr/________\m's

STEZOTEHiC  -  Well, goodbye for now :).. Looking forward to see ya back in biz

      ZEUS  -  Gone dead?!.. Your one of my real favorites, please comeback!

 WHiRLWiND  -  Did you mean what you said on TNP?!

     ZiNKO  -  Bliver det til noget med de cd'er :) ?

     SLiME  -  Loong time no chat :(.. Get on IRC some more!

  SCARFACE  -  Get some inspiration back pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!.. Love you :)

    RELiEF  -  Lad os lige snakke om den 3'er...

SVEN THE C. -  If you should see this, please email me:

     TANGO  -  Twist'em!

MARK RYDER  -  Got that blowjob :) ?

   ZOLTRiX  -  Uk's finest!

 DARTAGNAN  -  Nice colly, nice style, nice attitude!

ALL ARTiSTS -  Please do me webster, twisted and Extreme 2o21 logos 5 me!

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                           \ /ou've been watching..

           __\                      |
          |    ·LOSING MY RELIGION· |
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                           | /_y the one and only..

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             Collection size: 143838 bytes & 35oo Lines & 5o Logos

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 Loosing My Religion by Webster Of Twisted


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                  aRe FiGhTiNg fOR mY SoUl, mEaNwHiLE i'M...

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                       \ _|___________|            :\/

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                       _    |___\            /___\-T! _
                       |                              |
                       |                              |
                       | Yes   it   true,  I've  just |
                       | recently  joined  the groovy |
                       | people   productions  label. |
                       | Though    I'm   not   alone, |
                       | dartagnan   joined   Twisted |
                       | together  with  me  :)  This |
                       | means   offcourse   no  more |
                       | freelance style collections, |
                       | but   to  all  you  guyz  in |
                       | style:     It    was    fun! |
                       | Especially  all  those  nice |
                       | talks on IRC, and I wish you |
                       | all  kind  of  luck  in  the |
                       | future.  You guyz are really |
                       | some   of  the  best!   This |
                       | collection  consists  of  5o |
                       | request  I got since my last |
                       | collection,  your logo might |
                       | not be in.  Well that's just |
                       | too  bad :) Then you'll have |
                       | to  wait  'till  next  time! |
                       | I'm  really  not supposed to |
                       | be   in  Ced  right  now,  I |
                       | should  be  writing my major |
                       | history   asignment  on  the |
                       | piss.   But  this is just so |
                       | much   more   fun  :)  'nuff |
                       | talking  allright,  enjoy my |
                       |        5th production!       |
                       |                              |
                       |                              |
                      _|_            ___ _           _|_
                       :/)_________ /   \\__________(\:

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                              |                ¦
                              |                :

    ._  _
    | \/ \y mind is thorn, I know not what to think. Is there a God above?
    `     \   These thoughts will not go away, even though I wish so hard.
                 Why am I loosing my fate, why am I loosing my religion..

                              |                .
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                              :                |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Folar       Done for:  Folar
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                 ·                      .......... .. .
                 |       .              :  ......
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                 |       |           . .. .:..\/:...
                 · fOLAr |                 :   .:..:
                         ·                 :..:::

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Plastic d.. Done for:  Newt/Crx!
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   .                                         ·
                   |  -» · p l a s t i c  d r e a m s · «-   |   .
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:     <=========== == =   Dream  Stud!: Newt!/Ryl/Sub        |     .
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                   |  pLASTiC aLFS:            \/l____l__l__|   ·      |
                   |                                        l._________l
                   :    ZiuTek/Royal - Excel/Balance WhQ     |
                   ·        Whirlwind/Ryl^Flt^Cor^5d         :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  CC's 4 Sale Done for:  T0m
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                      ____ ___   ____ ___  _    ______
                  ____)  `-'¬/___)  `-'¬/ //____)¬___/_
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       |          |     ¦    |     ¦    |   |   ·      |               |
       !_         l__________|__________|   l__________l               |
      /\_\                                                             |
      \/_/                    *  CC'S FOR SALE  *                      |
       :                                                               |
       |                 1-9  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   5$/Each                |
       |               1o-49  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   4$/Each                |
       |               5o-99  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   3$/Each               _!
       |             1oo-499  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   2$/Each              /\_\
       |             5oo-???  AT&T/MCi/SPRiNT   ?$/Each              \/_/
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       |                ·w!\/                         \/               |
      -o- ----------------------------------------------------------- -o-
       |                                                               |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Cement C..  Done for:  Zoltrix
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

           |                                                       |
          -o- ----------- -------------- --------- --------- ---- -o-
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           |       l__________|______|__________/________|·w!      |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Asylum      Done for:  Mad Max
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

      _ _:___________________ ______________    .
        _|:::.               \\            /____:______    .    _ ___
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                                                :          :      :
                                                ·          .

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Enzo        Done for:  Enzo
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

    ·                                    .:.
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           \            - tO wIpe yOUR   ·:·  mONkEY aSS!   :........:::

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Classics    Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                    \ _ _             .:            __ _ /
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                              \  OLD BUT GOLD  /
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Delight     Done for:  Red Demon
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Epsilon D.  Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        _ _ _________ ___________________________ ____________
     _ _\\\         /(·w!                        \\          (___________:_
    _\\\           ·                              \                    \_|
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   _|_/_______________________ /\_\__ ________________________________\\\·
    :                          \/_/\_\

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Case 78     Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                 .                                         :
                 : ____ ___   _____ ___   ______      ____ l__
               __l_)  `-'¬/___)___`-'¬/___)¬___/_ ____)__`-'¬/
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              - -o-- ----------- -------------- --------- -o-
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       - -o---- -
          !      Webster Recomments These Cd's To The Public

                   Celine Dion   "The Color Of My Love"

                          Joan Osburne   "Relish"

                           Fugees   "The Score"

                          Spice Girls   "Wannabe"

                Maxi Priest featuring Shaggy    "That Girl"
                                                           - ---o-

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Fuck Shit   Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ( Who else than a polish guy, would call his board fuck shit :) ? )

                                 .______/\  __________.
        .________  /\____________l::.    \\/       .::l________.
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       _l__)¬___/__)¬   |____l_      l__)¬ l_                  :
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       |   ·      |     _    ¬|      |     ¦¬ ¬(_             .|
       l__________l_____|     |______|__________/           .::|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Future E..  Done for:  Vital
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

   |                                                                    |
  -o- --------------- -------------------------------- -------------- --o-
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   |    DoorMan: Vital/abc/def/geh                              |    \|¬ ¬ ./
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   !  Abecdef Ehq  &  Ghijklm Whq  &  Opqerst FuHq      _____)__`-'¬/___.__|
   |                                                    \ ¬   _/___/__  |
   |     Supporting : Amiga / Console / Ascii / PeeCee  |     l ¬ ¬ ./  |
   |                                                    |     ¬     |   |
   |   With Seven Nodes of US Robotics technic!         l___________|   |
   |                                                                    |
  -o-- -------- ---------------------- -------------------- ---------- -o-
   |                                                                    |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  HPA         Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

       _ _ ________________                               /·
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                                            (___\\ __)                      :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Guest Art.  Done for:  Red Demon
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        _.__________\                                        /___________
        _|::.            g  u  e  s  t   a  r  t  i  s  t               (_
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           \/·w!       \/

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Amiga Or..  Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ::                                                              ::
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     .:                      \/                    \/·w!             ::
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Mea Culpa   Done for:  Pennywise
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        ._______ ______________________ ___ __
        |::.   //                            /__ ___ ______ _____________.
        |·    ·/    m e a    c u l p a      /              \\         .::l
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  l____l__l__|___________|____l__  /                                   / |
        ::.                      \/       +45-MEA-CULPA [33k6 dUAL]      |
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        :  /_______\  |     ¦    |    l    |         |__     ¬|    T     /
          ·           l__________|_________|_________l /______l____l__  /

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Head        Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

   ______             ____ ____    _____ ____      |¬    ¬|
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                       !     p  u  n  k     c  a  s  e   7  8     r  a  v  e
                       |          r  o  o  s  t  e  r     r  e  a  c  t

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Mystic      Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                    _ _:_________     _________.
                          .....       _|        (__ __)        |/
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                  :.::                                         :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Under W..   Done for:  Rage
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

               .____   ______       |¬   ¬|    ____ ___  ______ ___
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- -o-- ---- /\_\ -- --------- --|     ·     |-------- -------- /_/\ ---- --o- -
   |        \/_/                l___________|                  \_\/        |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Planet L..  Done for:  Cyber Kid
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

         |                                                             |
      - -o-- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- -o-
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     ____|_____ _:      _____ ___  ______      ____ ___  ___:          |
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  |     \___/    ¦¬  |    ¬   ¬  /    |   _/    l ¬ ¬ ./    |____      |
  l__     ¬|         |    T     /     |   |     ¬     |     ¦¬ ¬(_     |
    /____._l_________l____l__  /l_____¦___|___________|__________/     |
         |                   \/·w!                                     |
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         |                            `::::::::'                       :
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        -o- ------ --------------- ------`:'-- -------- ------------ --o- -
         |                                                             |

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                |__ /nd on the 7th day God said, let us rest..
                :  /   God saw that it was good

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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Red Demon   Done for:  Red Demon
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   _._/                                   \_._
                    |          :_____.                      |
     ______ ___   __:_ ___     |¬   ¬|                      |
  .__)____`-'¬/___)__`-'¬/ ____|_    |     R     e    d     |
  l¬  ¬ _/  _/__¬  _/___/__)¬  _/    |                      |
  |     \   ¬  /   l ¬ ¬ ./    |     |                      |
  |      \    /    ¬     |     ·     |    D  e  m  o  n!    |
  l_______\  /l_____.____|___________|                      |
           \/·w!    |                                       |
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                    |                                       |
                   _|_                                     _|_
                    · \___________________________________/ ·

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Novastorm   Done for:  Science
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   |                                             |
                - -o-- --------[  n o v a s t o r m  ]--------- -o-
                   |                                             |
       ______   ___¦__     ._____  _____ ___                     |
    ___)___ ¬\ _)¬ _ ¬\ ___|  ¬ /__)___`-'¬/                     |
    \¬   ¬|   \_   |   \_¬ |     /   _/  _/__                    |
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    |     |   |    ¦   |   ¦   /     T     /                     |
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                  l._________l__________/______l______\  /l____¦_.¦__|
                   |                                   \/·w!     |
                   |                                             |
                  -o- ---------------------------------------- --o- -
                   |                                             |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Deep Tho..  Done for:  Jmf
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                     |¬   ¬|   ____ ___    ____ ___  __________
                 ____|_    |___)__`-'¬/____)__`-'¬/__)____   ¬/
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  |·         · l___________|__________|___________| /______l·      ·     ·|
  |                                                                       |
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 l__________/___|     |________l_________|___________|_____|     |__________/
               `-------'                                  `-------'

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Lyrics      Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                       |                                |
                      -o-- -------------------------- --o-
                       |                                |
                       |                   ____:        |
          ___:     ____:_____  ______ ___ _)_ ¬|   ____ |__   ______
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       l_________l /___.____|_______\  /l______|________._|__________l
                       |             \/·w!              |
                       |                                |
                       |     LYRiCS FOR THE MASSES!     |
                       |                                |
                    - -o- ---------------------------- -o- -
                       |                                |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Nemesis     Done for:  Nemesis
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                         : ......
        !                           \·     :    :
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                                       ·\  :....: !                   ¦

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Pent House  Done for:  Folar
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                 __________________ _______________________________
             _._/                  \\                              \_._
              |                                                      |
     _________¦          ______                                   ...|...
  ___)____   ¬/____ ___ _)___ ¬\   ___:        P  e  n  t         :· |   :
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                      l_____|     |    |   _/  ¦    |__________|    ¬     |
                            l_____|    ¦   |________|          l__________|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Cannabis    Done for:  Woober
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

      ._______  /\____________ ______________________\ ______________.
      |::.    \//            //                       \\          .::|
      |·       ·            ·/   c a n n a b i s        \           ·|
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  l_________|____l__  /l____l___|_____l___|____l__  /l_________|     |_________l
      ¦             \/·w!                         \/                .|
      |.                    a way __/\__ of life!                  ::|
      |::.                        \ oO /                         .:::|
       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯/_ ._\¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Spaced Out  Done for:  Zoltrix
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

           |                                                      |
        - -o- ------------ ----------------- ---------------- -- -o- -
    _      |                                                      |
    \/     |     gIVE tHOSE aRTISTS tHE rESPECT tHEY dESERVE!     :_____.
          _l____    __________ ___ ___   ____ ___    ____ ___     |¬   ¬|
      ____)¬___/_ __)____   ¬/___`-'¬/___)  `-'¬/____)__`-'¬/ ____|_    |  ·
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   .  l____._____l /______l____l__  /l__________|___________|_____._____|
           |                      \/·w!                           |
           |                               ______      .____   ___:     _
      _ _  |   Digital Corruption UkHq   __)¬ _ ¬\ ____|¬  / __)¬ l_   \/
     (_\\  |       Save Our Souls UkHq   \_   |   \_  ¬|   ¬\_    _/
           |        Data Division UkDs   |¬   |   _/   |    _/    |____
           |                Royal UkHq   |    l   |    l    |     ¦¬ ¬(_  _ _
           |                             l________l_________|__________/  //_)
           |                                                      |
           |                                                      |
          -o-- ------------- ----------- ----------- --------- - -o-
           |                                                      |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Nicko       Done for:  Nicko
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

            ·                   __________________ __________________
           /_               _._/                  \\                 \_._
            /                |                                         |
           ·       ____:     |          :______                        |
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      ___)___ ¬\l¬  ¬  l___)  `-'¬/)¬   |    /¬  _ ¬\                  |
      \¬   ¬|   \_     _ ¬  _____/__       _/    |   \_                |
  .···|     |   _/     |¬   \|¬ ¬ ./    __ ¬\    |   _/                |
  :   |     |   |      |     ¦    |     |¬   \   ¦   |                 |
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                             |          l______\·w!    ·/              |
                    ·       _|_                     _ //_             _|_
                   /_        · \___________________( //  )___________/ ·
                    /                               /·

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Persuation  Done for:  Relief
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

             ( A upcomming art pack by my Soul Mate, Relief )

     |                                                     _       |
  - -o- --------------------------------------------------\/----- -o-
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   __¦_______          _____ ___              .____                |
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  - -o- -----\/-------------------------------------------------- -o-
     |                                                             |

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                              ¦                |
                              :                |

       - -o---- -
          !      Webster Recomments These Playstation Games!

                   Puzzle Bubble 2  a.k.a  Bust-A-Move 2

                                 Tekken 2

                      Resident Evil  a.k.a  BioHazard

                               Alien Trilogy

                            King Of Fighters 95

                        Tunnel B1  a.k.a  Finalist
                                                           - ---o-

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                              |                :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Rage        Done for:  Rage
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

    ______ ___
 .__)____`-'¬/  _____ ___  - --- ----------------------------- ------- ----
 l¬  ¬ _/  _/___)___`-'¬/   ____ ___
 |     \   ¬  /   _/  _/____)  `-'¬/    ____ ___   Rage is at your service..
 |      \    /    ¬   ¬  /   _____/_____)__`-'¬/
 l_______\  /     T     /    \_¬ ¬ . ¬   _/___/__         So Wassup?
       ·w!\/l_____l__  /      ¬    |     l ¬ ¬ ./
                     \/l___________|     ¬     | - ------------ -------- ---

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Data Div.   Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                      .     .
           _ _ _______:     :______________ _                 .
          _\\\     .::|     |::.            /_                 .
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        _\/_    |¬    |     |    ¬   ¬  /    |__|_   ¬   ¬  /        .
        \/\/    |     ·     |    T     /     ¦¬ ¬(_  T     /_ _______.
         _      l___________|____l__  /l__________/__l__  /·w!    .::|
         |                          \/                  \/          ·|
         |             d a t a          d i v i s i o n              |
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   |     ·     |     |   l   /|      |  ·      |      |    l   |     |   |
   l_____._____|     |\_____/ l______|_________l______|________l_____l___|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Sky Tower   Done for:  Enzo
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

         |                                .::::                           |
      - -o- -------------------------------·::·----[ sKY tOWER ]----------o- -
         |                                  ·                             |
   ..... |        :______                                                 |
   :  _:_¦__ _____|¬    /__._____      BAD KARMA EHQ - HELLFiRE EHQ     \ |
  _:__)¬___/_  ¬  |    /   |   ¬/  CRUX EHQ - CORRUPT EHQ - INSANE SCHQ ·\|
  \_____¬   ¬\_      _/  ___   /__      NiGHTFALL EHQ - UNiQUE WHQ       \\
  |¬   /     _/   __ ¬\  ¬|/    ./                                        \\
  |   ·      |    |¬   \  ·     |             HAPPY STAFF:                |\·
  l____._.___l____|     \_______|                                         | \
   :...: |        l______\         ENZO - MANDRAKE/HF - FURY/HF - TCB!/BK |
         |                                 BiG M/HF - COLONEL/QTX         |
        .|                                                                |
        ||.           ___:    ________   ___ __ __      ____ ___  ______ _:_
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         |         l__________/________l___________|___________|_______\  /
         |                                                              \/|
         |         - 6 NODES RiNGDOWN  +45-7433886  (4USR&2ISDN) -        |
         |                  .                                             |
      - -o---------------.::::.---------------[HH:MM:SS - DD-MM-YY]----- -o-
         |                 ·::·                                           |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Genetic T.  Done for:  Dee
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ____ ___              ______                ___:             ____ ___
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            l___________|·w!      l___________|        |      |
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 nODE .o1 +46-fOUL-mE!  l¬    _/ ____)___`-'¬/_____¬   ¬\_    |_ \ ¬   _/___/__
 nODE .o2 +46-fUCK-YoU  |     |__\_¬   _/  _/__¬  /     _/    _/ |     l ¬ ¬ ./
 nODE .o3 +46-tOY!-LiN  |     ¦¬ ¬(_   ¬   ¬  /  ·      |     |__|_    ¬     |
 nODE .o4 +46-tEL!-nET  l__________/   T     /__________l     ¦¬ ¬(__________|
                                 l_____l__  /          l___________/

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Middle East Done for:  Octoplex
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                   .________/\  _______.                   ._____  /\______.
  ._______ ________l::.      \\/   .:::l          .___ ____l::.  \//    .::|
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  |   aSCii!   |    |  |   |      |    ·    |     ·    |         |    ¬     |
  |   pEEcEE   l____l__l___|______|_________|__________|_________l_________.|
  |                                                                        |
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  |   ____ ___  _____ ___   ______    ___:        AYAtOLLAH: oCTOPlEX!     |
 _l___)__`-'¬/__)___`-'¬/___)¬___/_ __)¬ l_                                |
 \ ¬   _/___/__¬  _/  _/______¬   ¬\_    _/       PLO WHQ / JiHAD! EHQ     |
 |     l ¬ ¬ ./   ¬   ¬  /   /     _/    |____                             |
 |     ¬     |    T     /   ·      |     ¦¬ ¬(_ +o1-tERRORiST-FEEl-fREE!   |
 l___________|____l__  /l__________l__________/                            |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Twisted     Done for:  The Crew
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                                   _________ ________.
         ¦___________ ________     .   __       .__\    .:::\\:.  .::|
         |::.       //    .::/_.    . _\/_      |:. ·     ·         ·|
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   |     ¦¬ ¬(_  l  l   |      |   ·      |     ¦¬ ¬(_   ¬     |     ·     |
         |::.                                                     .::|
         |·        TWISTED  -  GROOVY PEOPLE PRODUCTIONS (c)        ·|
         |                                                           |
         |                  WEBSTER   DARTAGNAN                      |
         |                                                           |
      _ _|___                     ___      ___                    ___|_ _
         :  /_____________________\%/______\%/____________________\  :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Nah-Kolor   Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                |                                                  |
             - -o- -------- --------------------------------- --- -o- -
                |                                                  :
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                        l_____|     \______l        l________|      \    /
                              l______\·w!                    l_______\  /

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Radavi      Done for:  Radavi
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                                     ._____  /\__.
                                  ._________ ________l::.  \//   l__.
                                  |::.     //         ·     ·    .::|
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     |      \    /    T     /     ·     |    T     /\   l   /|      |
     l_______\  /l____l__  /l_____._____|____l__  /  \_____/ !      |
              \/         \/·w!    |.            \/                 .|
                                  |::.                           .::|

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Rooster     Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                                       :                            :
                                       :                            :
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  |      \    /    ¦   |    ¦   |   ·      |     ¦¬ ¬(_   ¬     |      \    /
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           \/·w!                       :                            :    \/
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                                       :......................:.....:     :
                                                              :          .:
                                                              :        .:::

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  X-Rated     Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

    ..........        ..........    ______ ___
     ::::::::::      ::::::::::  .__)____`-'¬/  _____ ___
      ::::::::::    ::::::::::   l¬  ¬ _/  _/___)___`-'¬/ ___:
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  | ··········        ··········                                l_______|¬   ¬|
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  |      1-2  *  CREDZ FOR KNOWN AND NEW PUSSY'S                  __)¬  _/    |
  |                                                               |¬    |     |
  |  -999.999 *  CREDZ FOR CHiLD PORNOGRAPHi (SiCK MOTHER FUCKER) |     ·     |
  |                                                               l___________|
  |                                                                         |
 -o-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- --o-
  |                                                                         |

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             | /_e to others as would like them to be to you..

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                              |                :

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Speed       Done for:  Billy
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

            ._____________________________________/\ _  ________.
            |::.                                   \\\ /     ·::|
            |· ______    · · s  p  e  e  d · ·      \\/        ·|
           _l__)¬___/_   __________                  ·          |
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           l__________l__     ¬      l ¬ ¬ .¬   _/___/__  |     |
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            |                  l___________|    ¬      ¬  _/    |
            |                              l________ _    |     |
           _|_       . _  ·                               ·   __|_
            ·/______ _ \/ _ __________________________________\_|
                     \/ .\/                                     ¦

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Wise-K      Done for:  Wise-K
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

        __ _
        \   _.                            _                          ._
         \  \(- ------ ------/\----- -----\/---------- -------- -----)/
          · |                ¯                                        :
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                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Sunrise     Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

          _:_ _               _ __________ _ _______:_____.
    ·     _| \/--- -----------\/::.      ////       .    _|_ _
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          /_.                _\/- --------.                 .---------'
           _|_______________\/            :            _    :
            :                             `--» - -- ---\/---|- -\\

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Punk        Done for:  Rooster
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                         |                           |
                        -o- ----------------------- -o-
                         |                           :______
                      ___|______ .____   ______  ____|¬    /
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                         |    p u n k ! / h e a d    :
                         |                           |
                        -o- ----------------------- -o-
                         |                           |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Twilight    Done for:  Nicko
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

            :::·            :··· ·· ·             _
            :·              :                    \/
            :           ____:           ____:                    _
   ___:     :        .__)_ ¬|        .__)_ ¬|            _____   \/   ___:
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            :............:.::  :                          \/
                         :    .:

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Modules     Done for:  Warfair
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                  |                                        |
               - -o-- ----------------------------------- -o- -
                  |                                        |
                  |         :_____.                        |
     _______      |         |¬   ¬|           ___:         |        ______
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             l____.___l          l_________|        l______.____|·w!
                  |                                        |
                  |   CHiP/TECHNO/TRiPHOP/MELODYS/TRANCE   |
                  |                                        |
               - -o- ----------------------------------- --o- -
                  |                                        |

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Zoltrix     Done for:  Zoltrix
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

  .                      _______________:      .___________________ __________.
    .  ._________ _______\           .::|      |::.             .::\\      .::|
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    .  |·      ·/ ·                     |      :     |     ¬ /                |
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       |                                |·w! /       |                        |
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                     /          /_______|      |____________ /\_\/_/______\   :
                    ·                   ¦      :             \/_/\_\

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Wild Palms  Done for:  Radavi
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

   ( Just thought I'll at least should make one logo with my old style )

       _ _ __ ________________________ __________________
      _\\\                           //                 (______________:_ _
      |           w  i  l  d        ·/                               \_|
 _____¦____ _                                                          |
_\          /____ _...         p  a  l  m  s       Palm Cop: Radavi!   |
\ \        /      /..:_______ _ __ ___________                         |
 \ ·      /      /   :      /_____     _     (_   Corruption Dutch Hq  |
  \      /      /    :     /     /     /      /                        |
   \    /      /     :__________/____________/     Amiga/Ascii/Mods!   o
    \  / \    /......:
     \/   \  /                                      +31-(O)-fUN4mE!    o
      :    \/                                                          |
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      :  /___                        ·/                             _ _|_
        ·   /_______________________//______________________________\\\·

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Shelter     Done for:  Shelter
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

                         /  \
             == ========/    \
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                 l_____l                                                 \/·w!
               /                     \
              /   · s H E L T E r ·   \
             /                         \========= =

                  ::::· - --------------------------------------------------- -
.::::::· .:::::::::::::::·     Ascii Art:  Euro Trade  Done for:  Toxic
`:::::·       ·:::·      .
            .::::·     .::. Straight from the Webster Art Factory Sponsered by
           .::::      .::::
          .::::·     .::::          © Groovy People Productions  ¹996
          :::::     .::::
         .::::: ..:::::: - -------------------------------------------------- -

       |                                                             |
      -o- -------------------------------------------------------- --o-
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       |                                                          \/ |
      -o-- -------------------------------------------------------- -o-
       |                                                             |

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  Tactica.Jake.Stz&Kid.Zeus.Ring+Ring!.DeathKnight.Snake&Delboy.-Jd!     ½½½½
  Duff.Quartz.Whirlwind.Diablo.Jedi!.ZiuTek.Zarch&Xman.Z¡nko.Kostek      ½½½½
  RecaLL.Slime.Muad'Dib.Kingpin.¶r¡nÇe Øf Th¡eves.Shade!.The Colonel     ½½½½
  Scarface.Axen.Mr.HydE.U-Man.Dizy.ScqeecH.Phonetic.Relief.Juan.DiAblo   ½½½½
  Red Cheese.NicKo.Sven The CreatOr.Detron.Cryo.Gdm.Misfit.Citruz.Hydra  ½½½½
  MadMax.Sth.MadBoy.Fury.ScarFace.Kreon.Json.Paszczak.Tango.Boheme.Newt  ½½½½
  Mark Ryder.Red Demon.Folar.Boheme.Zoltrix.Hotwire.Devistator.Dartagnan ½½½½
  Enzo.Rooster.Mad Max.Hamlet.. And to all I forgot!                     ½½½½

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     _/\_____                                                     _/\_____
 __/\\____  //\____ _ __ ____  __  ___  ____  ___ |_   __ _ ____/\\  ____//\__
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  \____/              /_ ________)l_______ __ ________ _\               ____/
      /_________ _ __/ \\\________________\\//_______/// \__ _ _________\ ÷f!÷

 2fAST.Boheme.Booya.Case 78.CountZero.Crusader.Dartagnan.Desoto.Devistator
     Exocet.Flite.Folar.Green Eyed Monster.Hotwire.Jack Danielz.Karma
 Mark Ryder.Misfit.Mortimer Twang.Nemesis.Pride.Punk.Relief.Rooster.SalOne
  Scarface.Seven M.SpeedDevil.Stezotehic.Stratos.Tango.Tommy.Treach.U-man

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   /    \/      /___/   _\      _\     /_  _\    \_    /___/   _\      /
  /_____\/   ___________________________\  /____________________________\
        /_____\                   cDr/________\m's

STEZOTEHiC  -  Well, goodbye for now :).. Looking forward to see ya back in biz

      ZEUS  -  Gone dead?!.. Your one of my real favorites, please comeback!

 WHiRLWiND  -  Did you mean what you said on TNP?!

     ZiNKO  -  Bliver det til noget med de cd'er :) ?

     SLiME  -  Loong time no chat :(.. Get on IRC some more!

  SCARFACE  -  Get some inspiration back pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!.. Love you :)

    RELiEF  -  Lad os lige snakke om den 3'er...

SVEN THE C. -  If you should see this, please email me:

     TANGO  -  Twist'em!

MARK RYDER  -  Got that blowjob :) ?

   ZOLTRiX  -  Uk's finest!

 DARTAGNAN  -  Nice colly, nice style, nice attitude!

ALL ARTiSTS -  Please do me webster, twisted and Extreme 2o21 logos 5 me!

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                           \ /ou've been watching..

           __\                      |
          |    ·LOSING MY RELIGION· |
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   _\   /___\    \_/    /___\   \_\___  \__\  _/___     _\__  ____     /__
 _/    /   \_     \_____   \_   /   \/   /    \    |  _/    \/   //___/   \_
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          .                        /_____|  [sTZ!/sE ©'96] /_____|
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          .                                 \____|              /_____|
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                           | /_y the one and only..

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                           |____|  ¾¾¾¾¾_¾¾¾¾'  |____|
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             Collection size: 143838 bytes & 35oo Lines & 5o Logos

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 Loosing My Religion by Webster Of Twisted