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Released: 17th December 95 - World First: 13th Hour BBS - Collection No: #26

                              .. the group ..

               .:::·::.         __
           ..::·      ::       _\/_   BEYOND RECOGN¡T¡ON
       ..::··         :: - ---»\/\/«---------------------------------- --- -
    .::··            .::
   :::          ::   :·                                    .::::.
  ::·          ..::   :                                   :::   ::.
 ::         .::··  :..·__  __.....______   _______  _____  :::   :::
::         ::         /  \/ :\   /    _/__/       \/  __ \  :::    ::
::        ::         /   /\   \  \:_____  \_|   |_/   \__/_  :::    ::
 ::         ::.......\___/\___/   : _ ____/ |___| \________\  :::    ::
 ::         .:·       :     :.....:                     ..::::::·     ::
  ::       :··        ·                                ::·             ::
   ·:..               :                                ::       ::.     ::.
     ··::::.....     :·  HOTW¡RE · SAL-1 · DEV¡STATOR  ::        :::     ::.
        tGø·····::..:·    REL¡EF · TANGo · SCARFACE!   ·::        :::     ::
                                 · PRiDE ·           __  ·:..            :::
                                                    _\/_   ··::...       ::
 - --- --------------------------------------------»\/\/«--- - ···::..:::·

                              .. the title ..

   .________ ._________._________.________  ______________.    ._________.
   |.  ____/_|.  __    |.   _    |.  ____/_/.   ______.   |__  |.  __    |
   | \\\_    | \\\_    |    |    | \\\_    \______   |    __///| \\\_    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     |   |    |____|    |    |
   |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:        |:   |    |:   |    |
   |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::       |::       |::  |    |
tGø|:::.     |:::.|    |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |
  ______________.    ._________.__________    .____.
 /.   ______.   |__  |.        |.  __ ___/ ___|    |     ¸      _____
 \______   |    __///|    |    | \\\_    |/   |    |    j\____ {~±_±~}
 |     |   |    |____|    |    |    |    /    |    |.---\.¸¸__\_(¯Y¯)
 |:        |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    \_____    |`----\_. ¬,_)¯T¯()
 |::       |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |       l_T¬(_)^(_) xCz
 |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.     |-T!
 `---------`---------`---------`----|    `---------'

                ÷{ rEVENGE oF tHA bITCHIN' tEDDY bEAR cLAN }

                              .. the artist ..

                               __)            (__
      ._______. ...............\_              _/...............
      |       | ::     _______ _|______________|           ___::____________
    __|       |_::_____\____ (_)     __       /|___________\  ¯¯      __   /
    \__       _ ¯¯       __   _      \/                __             \/  /
      |       |\         \/  /|      /      _          \/   /\___________/
      |_______| \___________/ |_____/      / \_________   _/dto/m's
                ::      _       |  /______/   _|   /_____(    ::
                ::    _/(_______|_.           \/              ::
                ::....)___ .______|__          |..............::
                     ____\_|        /        _ | _   _
                     \    o O      /        (_)|(_) (_))) )
                      \___/\______/__ _        |_
                        / `,       \          __/
                      _/            \_________(
                      ) _____________( ___                   ___
 - --- ---------------\/------------- (__( dEATH bY bULLSHIT )__) ---- --- -

             Doh!   Back with another collection once again ...
             New  style,  same  lack of talent, same boring old
             style  of introduction text!  Uninspired, bored as
               fuck  with  the bitchin over ascii styles ...

             Life  sucks  ...  but I've given this collection a
             shitty  design,  because  I  hate collections with
             just  logos ...  I'm a sad bitch who likes to read
             what  everyone  writes  in  their  texts ...  yeah
                         thats how bored I am here!

             You  might  notice  the new style is a more than a
             little   experimental,   but   give  me  time  eh?
             Besides,  ya  dont  like  it, just dont use it ...
             won't  kill  you  to read it for 20 seconds though
                                  will it?

             Thanks  to  MDR  for  pointing  out that the ASCII
             scene -IS- more bitchy than the rest of the scene,
             and  what  do  we  argue over?  A couple of bytes?
              Jeez I think we need to get ourselves lives ...

 - --- --------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

                              .. the index ..

`--[ 13th Hour                  Flush Part 3            One Eight Seven
     Digital Candy        Shadow At Voodoo Creek 3              Skyline
     Pleasure                     Inhumans                       Recall
     Party 5                      Essence                    Checkpoint
     The Edge                    Warp Speed                TRSI Recordz
     14 CD-Roms                  Death Row                         Wavy
     Soap City                    Mo'Soul                    Revolution
     Christmas                Mostly Harmless                   Twisted
     Boondocks                     Pride                       Roadhogz
     Cement City                Cyber Space                    Pressure
     Contact                  Trick Or Treat 2                 ZipZippy
     Slime Pit                     D.C.S                      Graveyard
     Digital                       Puzzle                    Nerve Axis ]--.
 - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------'

                            Recommended viewing:

                       Try it with your eyes closed!
      Try it with the P0T-Noodle font ... then it looks funky as fuck!

                              .. the start ..

               __                                 [·13TH HOUR·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

             .::::::·       ..:::::::::::.                                 .
           .::::::·· ...::::::::::::::::·          .______        .        :
          .::::::· .::::::::::···:::··      _______|      \  _____|        |
         :::::::·  ·::::::::·· .:::...      \      __      \/    _|        |
       .:::::::·     ·::::·  .::::::::::..  /       \______/     \_        |
    ..:::::::·               ·····:::::::::/         \    /       |        |
 ..:::::::::  :..                 ..:::::::\          \   \       |        |
 ::::::::::   ::::.....   .......:::::::::: \_________/    \______|        |
·::::::::     ::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::·                       `--------'
  ··::::      ::::::::::::::::::::::::::··
     ·:     .        :                                     ._____
       _____|        | ______________  ____.        . _____|     \
      /    _|        |/     .        \/    |        |/    __ ____/__.
     /     \_        /      |        /     |        /     \_        |
     \______|        \_______________\______        \______|        |
            `--------'                  tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'

               __                              [·FLUSH PART 3·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   ............ ........       ....... ......  ............  .......
  ::::::::...   :::::::: ..... ::::::: :::::: `::::::......  :::::::......
  ::::::::      :::::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::: ....... :::::: ::::::: ::::::
  ::::::::      ::::::::.::::' `::::::.:::::' :::::::.:::::' ::::::: ::::::
                                        ._____         .______
  ________________  _____________  _____|     \ _______|      \
   ______________ \/    __       \/    __ ____/_\      __      \
  /    \__________/     \_       /     \_       /       \______/
  \_________|     \______|       \______|       \_________|
                         `--------'     `--------'
        .______        .________.     ._____
 _______|      \  _____|        |_____|     \   ___________   ___________
 \      __      \/    _|        /    __ ____/__/    _____  \_/    _____  \_
 /       \______/     \_       /     \_       /     \_______/     \_______/_.
 \_________|    \______|       \______|       \_______      \_______        |
                       `--------'     `--------'  tGø`--------'-T! `--------'

               __                           [·ONE EIGHT SEVEN·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   ______________  ______________. ___________
  /     .        \/     _        |/    _____  \_
 /      |        /      |        /     \_______/_. murder ...
 \_______________\______|        \_______        |        death ...
                        `--------'      `--------'              kill! ...
                                ._____          .________.       .______
   ___________       _     _____|     \    _____|        | ______|      \
  /    _____  \_ .__//____/    _______/___/    _|        |/      __      \
 /     \_______/_|  //   /     \____     /     \_        /        \______/
 \_______        |       \_______        \______|        \__________|
        `--------`--------'     `--------'   tGø`--------'-T!

   ____________  ___________        .________. ___________   ______________.
  /   ________/_/    _____  \_/     |        |/    _____  \_/     _        |
  \______      /     \_______/      |        /     \_______/      |        |
 ________      \_______      \_______        \_______      \______|        |
        `--------'    `--------'    `--------'      `--------'    `--------'

               __                             [·DIGITAL CANDY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    ________.            .____               .____
.___\       |   _    ____|    \     _  ._____|    \  __________.________
|    \      |__//___/   ______/_.__//__|     __    \/   __     |       /___.
|     \     |  //  /    \___    |  //  |      \____/    \_     |      /    |
|     ______|      \_____|      |      |________|  \_____|     |______     |
`-----'     `------'     `------`------'                 `-----'     `-----'
       ._______                                    __________.     .________.
   ____|       \______________. _____________._____\         |_____|        |
  /            /    __        |/     _       |      \        /     |        |
 /     \______/     \_        /      |       |       \       \______        |
 \______      \______|        \______|       |      _________|     |        |
       `--------'    `--------'   tGø`-------`------'-T!           `--------'

               __                  [·SHADOW AT VOODOO CREEK 3·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                    :_)                                   (_:
                    |   r e l i e f   r e t u r n s   i n   |
                    |     .______   ____                    |
    ______________._|_____|      \ `----.|___  ____  ____| _|__
   /    __        |       __      \ ----'`   '`----``----'`----'`--·--'
  /     \_        |        \______/                         |
  \______|        |__________|                              |
         `--------' |       ,    . ____  ____  ____| ____  _|__
        ._______    | ._____`----'`----'`----'`----'`----'`----' ._____
   _____|       \___|_|     \   ___________   ___________   |____|     \
  /             /    __ ____/__/    _____  \_/    _____  \_/    _| ____/__.
 /      \______/     \_       /     \_______/     \_______/     \_        |
 \_______      \______|       \_______      \_______      \______|        |
        `--------'  | `--------'     `--------' tGø`--------'-T! `--------'
                    |                                       |
                    |_          p a r t   t h r e e        _|
                    : )___________________________________( :

               __                                   [·SKYLINE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                                     ._____       .________.
                                 ____________   _____|     \______|        |
                                /   ________/__/    _| ____/      |        |
                               _\______       /     \_     \_______        |
                               _______________\______|        |   |        |
._________         _      ______________. ___________`--------'   `--------'
|        /_____.__//_____/              |/    _____  \_
|       /      |  //    /      |        /     \_______/_.
|______        |        \______|        \_______        |
      `--------`--------'   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'

               __                                  [·PLEASURE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

._________.____.   .______   ._________._____________.___._______________
|.  ____  |.   |   |.  __ \_ |.  __    |.   _____.   |   |.  __ ___.  __ \_
| \\\_____|    |   |   \___/_| \\\_    |______  |    |   | \\\_   |   \___/_.
|    |    |    |___|         |    |    |     |  |    |   |    |   |         |
|:   |    |:   |   |:        |:   |    |:    :  |:   |   |:   |   |:        |
|::  |    |::  |   |::       |::  |    |::      |::  |   |::  |   |::       |
|:::.|    |:::.    |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.    |:::.    |:::.|   |:::.     |
`----'    `--------`---------`----|    `--------`--------`----'   |---------'
                               tGø|   pLEASURE hIT sQUAD iN 1995  |-T!
                                  |                               |

               __                                  [·INHUMANS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    .... ___      ___.        .___  ___  ___  ______  ___      _____
   :    :   \____/  _|--. |   |   \/   \/   \/  __  \/   \____/  __/__
   :   /:    \   \  \_   \|   |    \   \/    \  \_   \    \   \____   \
   :   \:__\     /___|    \________/___/\____/___|___/__\     / _ ____/
   :....:   \___/ tGø|____/                              \___/-T!

               __                                    [·RECALL·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

       .----------------------  whoaaaaah! ------------------------.
       :                                                           :
       :_____                 .______                              :
   ____:     \_________   ____|      \____________._______     .___:___
  /   __ ____/   _____ \_/           /   __       |      /_____|      /____.
 /    \_    /    \______/     \_____/    \_       |     /      |     /     |
 \_____|    \______     \______     \_____|       |_____       |_____      |
       :--------' `-------'   `-------'tGø`-------'-T! `-------'   .`------'
       :                                                           :
       `- the chief funkster shoots his way into a chat with you! -'

               __                               [·THE PARTY 5·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]
                                      ._____         .______  ______._______.
 _______________  _____________  _____|     \ _______|      \/      |       |
  _____________ \/    __       \/    __ ____/_\      __      \_______       |
 /    \_________/     \_       /     \_       /       \______/      |       |
 \_________|    \______|       \______|       \_________|           |       |
                    tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½`-------'
      ______________________________________      ½½½½½½½½  ½½½½½½½½
    :_)                                    (_:    ½½½½½½½½
    |  p r e s e n t e d   t o   y o u  b y  |    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
    |                                        |    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
    |  ????????????????????????????????????  |              ½½½½½½½½
    |                                        |    ½½½½½½½½  ½½½½½½½½
    |                                        |    ½½½½½½½½  ½½½½½½½½
    |_  a t   c h r i s t m a s   1 9 9 5   _|    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
    : )____________________________________( :    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½'

               __                                   [·ESSENCE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

     _______   ______   ______   _______    ____     ______ _ _______
    /  ___  \ /  ___/__/  ___/__/  ___  \  /    \___/   .____/  ___  \
   /   \____/_\____    \____    \  \____/_/      \  \   |   /   \____/_
   \___________ _______/ _ _____/_________\____\    /_______\__________\
 - --- --------------------------------------tGø\__/-T!-------------- --- -

   PROUDLY PRESENTS . . . . .    \|||||/
                                /  _ _  \
          _______________  ____(__(o_o)__)____  ________  ________
          __________     \/       _(_)_       \/        \/        \
         /         /     /    |  (_____)  |    \        \/         \
         \_________\     \____|___________|____/________/\_________/
                    \______/|       |       |
                           I|S S U E|  S E V|E N
                          (________| |________)
 - --- -------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

               __                               [·CHECK POINT·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

        ._______      .________.                   ._______      ._____
   _____|       \_____|        |___________   _____|       \_____|     \
  /             /    _|        /    _____  \_/             /    _| ____/__.
 /      \______/     \_       /     \_______/      \______/     \_        |
 \_______      \______|       \_______      \_______      \______|        |
        `--------'    `--------'     `--------' tGø`--------'-T! `--------'
    s p a c e b a l l s     w h q                                .______
 ________________  ____________      _     ______________._______|      \
  ______________ \/     .      \___ //____/     _        |       __      \
 /    \__________/      |       \ //     /      |        |        \______/
 \_________|     \______________/__      \______|        |__________|
                                  `------'      `--------'

               __                                  [·THE EDGE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                 .______        .________.
                           ______|      \  _____|        | ___________
  DATA DIVISION UK DIST   /      __      \/    _|        |/    _____  \_
                         /        \______/     \_        /     \_______/_.
 (-ORDYNE/EPSILON/RAGE-) \__________|    \______|        \_______        |
                        __________.      ._____ `--------'      `--------'
   ___________   .______\         | _____|     \   ___________
  /    _____  \_ |       \        |/    _______/__/    _____  \_ A4000/060
 /     \_______/_|        \       /     \____    /     \_______/_.
 \_______        |       _________\_______       \_______        | 2 NODE!
        `--------`-------'            tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'

               __                                [·WARP SPEED·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

            _________.                      ._____
       _____\        | ______________  _____|     \ _ _______________
      /     /\       |/    __        \/    __ ____/_________________ \
     /     /  \      /     \_        /     \_        /    \__________/
     \______|        \______|        \______|        \_________|
            `--------'      `--------'      `--------'
             s c o u s e r  ÷  b i g g l e s  ÷  c h e l s e a   __________.
   __________________________  ___________   ___________   ._____\         |
  /   ______________________ \/    _____  \_/    _____  \_ |      \        |
  \______    /    \__________/     \_______/     \_______/_|       \       |
 ________    \_________|     \_______      \_______        |       ________|
        `--------'               tGø`--------'-T! `--------^-------'

               __                              [·TRSI RECORDZ·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                .______        ._____
        ________|      \  _____|     \    ____________ _      _
        \       __      \/    __ ____/___/   ___________.___ //__.
        /        \______/     \_         \______        |  //    |
        \__________|    \______|        ________        |        |
                            tGø`--------'-T!   `--------^--------'
   ........   .......   .......   .......  ........  ........  ........
   .....:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .....:::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::' :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::' :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: ::::.. .  ::::      :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: :::: .... :::: .... :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::  ....::::
   :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ....
   :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: `:::.:::' `:::.:::' `:::.:::' :::: :::: ::::.:::' ::::::::'
 - --- ------------------------------------------------------------- --- -
                          insert ya info in here!
 - --- ------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

               __                                [·14 CD-ROMS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

 d i g i t a l ...        .:::...
              .::::.     .:::::·· - --- -----------------------------------»
   c a n d y .::::::· ..:::::·  ...  AMiNET 1 - 8 ÷ EUROSCENE 1 - 2
           .::::::·· ::::::·   .::::.         LSD COMPENDiUMS 1 - 2
          .::::::·   :::::.. ..::::::· «----------------------------- --- -
         :::::::·     :::::::::::::··
       .:::::::·         ··:::::::·       ._______       ___________.
    ..:::::::·            .::::::·   _____|       \._____\          |
 ..:::::::::            .:::::::·   /             /|      \         |
 ::::::::::          ..:::::::·    /      \______/_|       \        |
·::::::::         ..:::::::::      \_______        |       _________|
  ··::::        ·::::::::::               `--------`-------'
     ·:          ·::::::::
           ._____  ··:::·    just about everything you'll ever need online
      _____|     \   _____________  ____   ______  ____________ _
     /    __ ____/__/     .       \/    \_/      \/   ___________.
    /     \_       /      |       /     \_/       \______        |
    \______|       \______________\______|       ________        |
           `--------'                 tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'

As  we  approach  the  season of goodwill (ho fucking ho), I thought it was
time  to  write  a  list for Santa but that's boring so here's things we'll
                        never get for Christmas ...

                            Desoto's dot style
         A $1000 rebate from the Government for all their fuckups
                Hotwire's gift for endless bullshitting =)
                 A USEFUL gift from your great Aunt Mabel
            Mic Flair's front tooth (you've gotta see it hehe)
                    A snog with the new Wonderbra model
                           An Ami-Express update
              Over 240 points at the local 10pin bowling hall
        A CID officer who actually KNOWS what PBXes really are eheh
                          Our virginity back ...
                             U-Man's tastebuds
       10 28.8k USRs delivered by a naked horny Nicole Kidman (joy!)
                      A conversation with Frank Zappa

               __                                 [·DEATH ROW·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

      ___________.                                  .______        .________.
._____\          |___________  ______________.______|      \  _____|        |
|      \         /    _____  \/    __        |      __      \/    _|        |
|       \       /     \______/     \_        |       \______/     \_        |
|       ________\_______     \______|        |_________|    \______|        |
`-------'           tGø`--------'-T!`--------'                     `--------'
        ._____                        _________.
   _____|     \   _____________  _____\        |   where the incarcerated
  /    __ ____/__/     .       \/     /\       |        hang out ...
 /     \_       /      |       /     /  \      |
 \______|       \______________\______|        |
        `--------'                    `--------'

               __                                      [·WAVY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

            _________.                      .               .________.
       _____\        | ______________. /    :_______  ______|        |
      /     /\       |/    __        |/     |       \/      |        |
     /     /  \      /     \_        /      |       /       |        |
    /               /       |       /       |       \________        |
    \               \       |       \       |        |      |        |
     \______|        \______|        \_______        |      |        |
            `--------'   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'      `--------'

               __                                 [·SOAP CITY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   ____________    ______________  ______________________________
  /   ________/_  /     .        \/    __         ______________ \
 _\______       \/      |        /     \_        /    \__________/
/               /       |       /       |       /          |
\               \       |       \       |       \          |     l s d
 \______|        \_______        \______|        \_________|
        `--------'   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'            u n i t e d
        ._______                 .______         .________.
   _____|       \    _    .______|      \  ______|        |  k i n g d o m
  /             /.__//____|      __      \/      |        |
 /      \______/_|  //    |       \______/       |        |     h e a d
/       /        |        |        \     \________        |
\                |        |         \            |        | q u a r t e r s
 \______|        |        |_________/            |        |
        `--------`--------'                      `--------'

               __                                   [·MO'SOUL·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                    _ ____   _______  _____._______ _
   .....      _ __////    \_/       \/     :       \\\\__ _
   :   : ......     /     \_/       /      !        \
 ..:...:.:    :     \______|________\______:________/
       :.:    :........... ... . ..........:.......... . ... .......
      _ ____________   _____________  _____:________._________     :...
_ __////   ________/__/     .       \/     |        |        /_____.  :
       \______       /      |       /      |        |       /      |  :....
      ________       \______________\_______        |______        |  :...:
    ........ `--------'                 tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'
  ...:   ..:                              ........
       ..:   ...  the fresh style returns   ..:  :...
  .....:.....: :..        .........         :       :.....     ............

               __                                [·REVOLUTION·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                                __.    /\
 _______  ______     .__  _____  ___.     .__  /  |__ (__) _____  ___
 ____   \/ ___  \  / |  \/  _  \/   |__|  |  \/   __/_/  \/  _  \/   \___
/   /   /  \____/_/  |   \  (   \   |  |  |   \   |   \   \  (   \    \  \
\___\   \_________\______/______/______|______/_______/___/______/__\    /

               __                                 [·CHRISTMAS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                /\           __.
      ___________.     _______ (__) _____   /  |__  __  __  _____  _____
     /  .____   _|--.  ____   \/  \/  __/__/   __/_/  \/  \/ __  \/  __/__
    /   |   |   \_   \/   /   /    \____   \   |   \  \/   \ \_   \____   \
    \_______|____|    \___\   \____/ _ ____/_______/__/\___/__|___/ _ ____/
              tGø|____/-T! \___/

               __                           [·MOSTLY HARMLESS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

          __  __  _____  _____   /  |__       ......___ ___
         /  \/  \/  _  \/  __/__/   __/_    .:::::·/   Y  /
        /   \/   \  (   \____   \   |   \ .:::::·  \___   \
        \___/\___/______/_ _____/_______/.::::·    /______/
  ___.      _____  _______  __  __    .:::·         ______   _____   _____
 /  _|--.  / __  \ ____   \/  \/  \  .:::::    ..../ ___  \ /  __/__/  __/__
/   \_   \/  \_   \   /   /   \/   \.:::::::.:::::/  \____/_\____   \____   \
\____|    \___|___/___\   \___/\___/::::::::::::::\_________ _ _____/_ _____/
  tGø|____/-T!         \___/

               __                                   [·TWISTED·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

      .____     _____:.......:                 .____                ________.
._____|    \____\    : |     : ________  ._____|    \________   .___\       |
|     __   /    /\   : |     :/   ____/__|     __   /   ____ \_ |    \      |
|      \__/    /  \  : |     :\____      |      \__/    \_____/_|     \     |
|       \/           : |    /:           |       \/             |      \    |
|        \           : |    \:           |        \             |           |
|________/\_____|    :.|.....\____|      |________/\_____|      |     ______|
                `------'          `------'            tGø`------`-----'-T!

               __                                [·BOON DOCKS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

      |         /____  _____________  _____________  ______________.
      |        /     \/             \/             \/     _        |
      |       /      /      |       /      |       /      |        |
      |______________\______________\______________\______|        |

       hELLFiRE wHQ! · tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., lSD & iLS aMIGA eHQ!
                 -g^sTYLE! wHQ! · rOADHOGZ & tWISTED eHQ!

   -·>s/\L-oNE! · mARIO · sECTORCHARGER · aPOLLO · eCS · aSTRO · cOLONEL<·-

   +31-(o)-548-54O-653        +31-(o)-548-521-716       +31-(o)-548-521-848
     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-            -·>28k8 dUAL<·-           -·>28k8 dUAL<·-

        __________.  nO nUP aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD!   ._______
 .______\         |______________.___________    ____ |      /___________ _
 |       \        |    ______    |      ____/___/    \_ ____/ \____________
 |________________|______________|______________\_____|     \  ___________/

               __                                     [·PRIDE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                        ._____                  ___________.
 ________________  _____|     \      _    ._____\          | ___________
  ______________ \/    __ ____/__.__//____|      \         |/    _____  \_
 /    \__________/     \_        |  //    |       \        /     \_______/_.
 \_________|     \______|        |        |       _________\_______        |
                     tGø`--------`--------`-------'-T!            `--------'

               __                                 [·ROAD HOGZ·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                 ._____                                         _________.
            _____|     \   _____________  ______________________\        |
           /    __ ____/__/     .       \/    __                 \       |
          /     \_       /      |       /     \_                         |
          \______|       \______________\______|                _________|
                 `--------'            ._____  `----------------'
   _____._______________________  _____|     \    ___________
  /    _|               .       \/    _______/____\_______   \
 /     \_               |       /     \____    /      _______/_.
 \______|_______________________\_______       \_______        |
                                    tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'

               __                               [·CEMENT CITY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

       .______                                                       ._____
   ____|      \_________     ___   _____. _________   _________._____|     \
  /           /   _____ \_  /   \_/     |/   _____ \_/   _     |     __     \
 /     \_____/    \______/_/    \_/     /    \______/    |     |      \_____/
/      /    /             /      |     /           /     |     |       \
\           \             \      |     \           \     |     |        \
 \_____|     \_____|       \_____|      \_____|     \____|     |________/
       `-------'   `-------'  tGø`------'     `-------'  :

        ._______                 .______         .________.
   _____|       \      _   ______|      \  ______|        |
  /             /.___ //__/      __      \/      |        |
 /      \______/_|  //   /        \______/       |        |
/       /        |      /          \     \________        |
\                |      \           \            |        |
 \______|        |       \__________/            |        |
        `--------`--------'-T!                   `--------'

               __                               [·CYBER SPACE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

              ________.    .____.____.    .______   .__________
            ._\       | ___|    |.   |    |.  __ \_ |.  __ ___/
            |      _  |/   |    |   _|____| \\\___/_| \\\_    |
            |      /__/    |    | \\\_    |         |    |    |
            |:    /   \_____    |:   |    |:        |:   |    |
            |::       |::       |::       |::       |::  |    |
            |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |
            `---------`---------`---------`---------`----|    |
             ___________________._________. ________.______
            /.   ______.  ____  |.  __    |_\       |.  __ \_
            \______   | \\\_____| \\\_    |      _  | \\\___/_.
            |     |   |    | tGø|    |    |      /__|         |
            |:    :   |:   |    |:   |    |:    /   |:        |
            |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::       |
            |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |
            `---------`----'    `----|    |---------`---------'

               __                                  [·PRESSURE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

._________.________________    ______________________.____._______________
|.  ____  |.  __ ____.  __ \_ /.   ____/.   _____.   |    |.  __ ____.  _ \_
| \\\_____| \\\_    | \\\___/_\_____   \_____   |    |    | \\\_    | \\\__/_.
|    |    |    |    |         |    |   |    |   |    |    |    |    |        |
|:   |    |:   |    |:        |:   :   |:   :   |:   |    |:   |    |:       |
|::  |    |::  |    |::       |::      |::      |::  |    |::  |    |::      |
|:::.| tGø|:::.|    |:::.     |:::.    |:::.    |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.    |
`----'    `----|    |---------`--------`--------`---------`----|    |--------'

               __                                   [·CONTACT·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

     ________._________._________.____.    ._________. ________.____.
   ._\       |.        |.   _    |.   |__  |.  __    |_\       |.   |__
   |      _  |    |    |    |    |    __///| \\\_    |      _  |    __///
   |      /__|    |    |    |    |    |____|    |    |      /__|    |____.
   |:    /   |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:    /   |:   |    |
   |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::  |    |::       |::       |
tGø|:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |-T!
   `---------`---------`----|    |---------`----|    |---------`---------'

               __                          [·TRICK OR TREAT 2·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

        ._____        ._____                   ._______        ._____
 _______|     \  _____|     \      _      _____|       \  _____|     \
 \      __     \/    __ ____/__.__//____,/             / /    _| ____/__.
 /       \_____/     \_        |  //    /      \______/_/     \_        |
/         \   /       |        |       /       /       /       |        |
\          \  \       |        |       \               \       |        |
 \_________/   \______|        |        \______|        \______|        |
                   tGø`--------`--------'-T!   `--------'      `--------'
                              _________________________ ___________________
        ._____        ._____  \_______________________//             .______
 _______|     \  _____|     \    __________     _____________._______|      \
 \      __     \/    __ ____/__./    ____  \_  /    __       |       __      \
 /       \_____/     \_        /     \______/_/     \_       |        \______/
/         \   /       |       /              /       |       |         \
\          \  \       |       \              \       |       |          \
 \_________/   \______|        \______|       \______|       |__________/
                      `--------'      `-------'      `-------'
            _|__                         _____________
           (__________ /_______/\_______\\___________/

               __                                  [·ZIPZIPPY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    ___________      _     ________________
  __\_______   \ .__//____________________ \
 /      _______/_|  //    |/    \__________/
 \_______        |        |\_________|
        `--------`--------'                                        .________.
    ___________      _     ________________________________  ______|        |
  __\_______   \ .__//____________________ \______________ \/      |        |
 /      _______/_|  //    |/    \__________/    \__________/________        |
 \_______        |        |\_________|     \_________|             |        |
     tGø`--------`--------'-T!                                     `--------'

               __                                 [·SLIME PIT·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

         __________  .________      _   ._____   _____.__________
        /   ______/__|       /__.__//___|     \_/     |    _____ \_
       _\______      |      /   | /     |     \_/     |    \______/_.
        _______      |_____     |       |______|      |______       |
           tGø`------'-T! `-----`-------'._____`------'     `-------'
       ________________    _    .________|     \ - --- ------- --- -
       _______________ \__//____|        __     \ THE OFFiCiAL NERVE
        /   \__________/ /      |         \_____/   AXiS SCUM HOLE
        \________|     |        |___________|    - --- ------- --- -

               __                         [·DUAL CREW SHINING·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    ._____\          |      .________._______________.__________
    |      \         |      |        |     __        |         /_____.
    |       \        |      |        |     \_        |        /      |
    |       _________|_______        |______|        |_______        |
    `-------'               `--------'      `--------'      `--------'
            ________________________  ___________  _____  _____
           /      ._____________    \/     ___   \/     \/     \
          /       |    |       /    /      \_____/      /\      \
          \____________|_______\    \___________________/\______/
   .........   ...... ..   ...   .........   ...   .........   ..........
  ::::::: ::: :::::::.::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::::: ..
  `::::::...  ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: :::::::  ::
  ....... ::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: :::::::  ::
  :::::::.::' ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: `::::::::::

               __                             [·THE GRAVEYARD·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

       ._____          ._____
  _____|     \  .______|     \  ._______________. _____.________.____________
 /    _______/__|     __ ____/__|     __        |/     |        |     _____  \_
/     \____     |     \_        |     \_        /      |        |     \_______/_.
\______|        |______|        |______|        \_______        |_______        |
       :        |   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'      `--------'      `--------'
       .        !                      ._____         __________.
 ______|        |_______________.______|     \  ._____\         |
/      |        |     __        |     __ ____/__|      \        |
\_______        |     \_        |     \_        |       \       |
       |        |______|        |______|        |       ________|
       `--------'      `--------'      `--------`-------'

               __                                   [·DIGITAL·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

        ........  ....  .......  .... ....      ........  ....
        :::: ::::      :::: ::::      ::::....  .....:::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::::  :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: :::: .... :::: ::::      :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: ::::      :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
     tGø::::.:::' :::: `:::..::' :::: `:::.:::' :::: :::: ::::.:::'-T!
 - --- -----------::::-----------::::----------------::::------------- --- -

               __                                    [·PUZZLE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

____________  ____.      . _ _______    _ _______  .________      ________
 __________ \/    |      |_______   \  _______   \ |       /_____/   ____ \_
/     ______/     |      /     _____/_/     _____/_|      /     /    \_____/_.
\__     |   \______      \______      \______      |______      \______      |
  `-----'      tGø`------'-T!  `------'     `------'     `------'     `------'

               __                                [·NERVE AXIS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   _____________. __________     ____|     \        :________. __________
  /    _        |/   _____  \_  /   __ ____/_  /    |        |/   _____  \_
 /     |        /    \_______/_/    \_       \/     |        /    \_______/_.
/      |       /              /      |       /      |       /               |
\      |       \              \      |       \      |       \               |
 \_____|        \_____|        \_____|        \______        \_____|        |
       `--------'  tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'     `--------'     `--------'
   ______________. ______|       \.........  ____________
  /    __        |/      |       :.........:/   ________/__.
 /     \_        |\____ _| ______:/        :\______        |
/       |        |/     \_       :|       /:               |
\       |        /       |       :|       \:               |
 \______|        \_______|       :|        \______|        |
        `--------'       `--------'........:      `--------'

                       I think I'll go on a walkabout
                      And find out what it's all about
                        Just me and my own two feet
                    in the heat I've got myself to meet
                        A detective of perspective i
                      Need to try and get a bigger eye
                        Bloodwood flowers in my gaze
                         Walkabout in a sunny daze
                               On a walkabout
                        You could do it in the city
                         You could do it in a zone
                        You could do it in a desert
                          You could do the unknown
                               On a walkabout
                      High desert skies are what I spy
                     So fly - you've got to wonder why
                  Why the stingrays must be fat this year
                       Moving slow in my lowest gear
                   The digirido original man with a dream
                          I believe the aborigine
                               On a walkabout
                       You could do it with a shuffle
                       You could do it with a stroll
                       You could do it with a stride
                          You could do the unknown
                               On a walkabout
                    A walk could cure most all my blues
                       Bare feet are in my two shoes
                       I think I'll go on a walkabout
                        Find out what it's all about
                       Use your legs to rock it wide
                       Take a ride to the other side

       _                                           |
    .__)\  _________________.                      |
    |    \/                 |                      |
    |            _____      |                    __l____________
____l__     ____/__   /\____l__________          \__         __/______
\   __/_____\__   /     \      \______/_______     |       _.|  ___  /_____
 \_____     _____/____/_________/       \  __/_____|__      ||  \___/      \_
    \_________/        (rLf)|/___________\_____    :..\______|______________/
  .             .:::.       |             -T\__________/::::::·  _______\_   \
 ·::.        .:::· ·:.      |                      |  ·::::::· _/  ______/    \
    ·:.     .:·      :.     |                      |    ·:::·  \_______________\
    .:·:..:::·    .___:.____|_ . T.W.i.S.T.E.D     |   .:::·
   .:·  ·:·       |         l__:___________________|  .:::·______________
  .:·    ·        | 17-12 ---- |                       ··               /___.
 .:·              | ----- 1995 |                                            |
                  l____________|     hOTWIRE  rELIEF  tANGO  sAL-1          |
                            |         pRiDE  sCARFACE  dEVISTATOR           |

                          .. Bonus Logos Ahoy ..

 (or ... logos already drawn but forgot to put them in the contents page)

                   .. The Wu Tango Killer Ascii Clan ..

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o1:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Ace               `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

            .......\_   __      |           |   _______/.......
         ...:      |    \_      |     \_____|   ___}___.      :...
         :    ..   |.    |      |.    /     |.         | ...     :
      ...:   :  :  |:    |      |:          |:         | :.:     :...
      :..:    ··   |¦    |      |¦          |¦         |.....    :..:
              .....||    |      ||          ||         |    :
              :... |!    |      |!          |!         | ...:...
              ...: |_____|______|______     |______    | :..:..:
              :                tGø/-T!`-----'     `----'    :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o2:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Venom             `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                       :_)        _          (_:
                       |         (/)           |
                       |                       |   /X Chief Bitch
              __.     _|______   ____     _____|_  ____  ____
             /  |   \/   __  /  /    \___/   _   \/    \/    \
            /   |    \   \__/__/      \  \   (    \    \/     \
            \________/_________\____\    /________/____/\_____/
                       |             \__/tGø/-T!
 In A Drive By Shootin |          _            |
                       |_        (/)          _|
                       : )___________________( :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o3:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Dr Dre [fileid]   `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                 __|_  |_ ______
                /  _/  |____   /   .___. TRS¡ /X Division .
               /   |   |   /   \___|_  |_ ____________    :
               \_______|___\____/  _/  |____   /   __ \_  ¦
               .            tGø/   |   |   /   \_  \___/  |
               :               \_______|___\____/________ |
               ¦         CD-ROM Door Version 5.00         |
               |      Now recognises 80 CD-Jukebox =)     |

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o4:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Candy Await       `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                  dEEP iN tHE pHUNKY uNITED kINGDOM lURKS ...
                           .____.         .____.
           ......._____    |    |    _____|    |       /   __    |    |___.
   ........:      /   /    |    |    \_   |    |    \_/|   \_    |    |   |
   :              \________|    |_________|    |_____) l____|____l________!
   :                       `----'tGø/-T!  `----'                    ......:
   :..   .__________________._____    ________  ____ ____.          :
     :   |    ._________    |     \_________  \/    Y    |          :...
     :   |    |  \/   \_    |      \  \    /   \____     |        .....:
     :   l________\____|____l____\    /________/_________|        :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o5:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              PC Elite          `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                :_)                         (_:
                |       p c   e l i t e       |
             _ _|________________________     | __________ _
             ___________________________ \____:_\____________.
             /                \__________/      /            |
             \_______          |         \_______            |
                |   `----------'              | `------------'
                |                             :____
          ______|_      _______   ........ __/   _/_  ________
         /     __ \_   /      /__:_       :     ___/ /     __ \_
        /      \___/__/      /   : \     /:     /___/      \___/__
        \_____________\__________:__\    \:_________\_____________\
                |             tGø:........:-T!|
                |_                           _|
                : )_________________________( :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o6:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Epitaphic         `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                      /\   __.                                 /\
  ______     _______ (__) /  |___  ________ _ ______  ___.___ (__) _________
 /   __ \_  _______ \/  \/   ___/_/   __   \_______ \/  _|   \/  \/    .___/
/    \___/_/    \___/    \   |    \   \_    \   \___/   \_    \   \    |   \
\__________\_____|  \____/________/____|    /____|  \____|    /___/________/
                                    tGø:               -T!

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o7:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Hacme             `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

        ______        ______        ________      ______        _____
   _____)     \  _____)     \  _____)       \_____)     \  _____)    \
  /    _|      \/    __      \/     \_______/            \/    ____   \_
 /     \_       \    \_       \     /       \    \_/      \    \_______/_
/       !        \    !        \             \    !        \             \
\       |        /    |        /             /    :        /             /
 \______|       /_____|       /_____|       /_____|       /_____|       /

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o8:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Beyond Reality    `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                         :_)                          (_:
            .____.       |       f a i r l i g h t      |
     __     |   _|___  __|______   ____ _______________ |____   _ _________
  _ _\/_ _  |   \_   \/   ___   \ /    Y     /    _    \/    \___________  \
_\\\\/\////_|    |    \   \_____/_\____      \    (     \     \   \     /   \
            |_________/______________________/__________/___\     /_________/
                         |                              |    \___/
                         |        w o r l d   h q     __:
    ________  _________  | _________  ____.   ......./  |__   ____ _____
   ______   \/   ___   \ |/   __    \/    |__:_...../:  __/__/    Y    /
  /     /   /    \_____/_/    \_     \    |    |   / :  |    \____     \
  \_____\   \____________\_____|_____/_________|   \_________/_________/
      tGø\___/-T!        |                   :       :  |
                         |                   :.......:  |
                         |_                            _|
                         : )__________________________( :

                              -÷{ CREDITS }÷-

       Everything raped by TANGo/-T!^NVX except the following logos

 Desoto/Mo'Soul ........... ... .   TANGo    . ... ...................... dTo
 Xcluziwe/SOS   ........... ... . Teddy Bear . ... ...................... xCz
 Relief/Twisted ........... ... .  Twisted   . ... ...................... rLf
 Tommy/SOS(?)   ........... ... . Nerve Axis . ... ...................... t0!

                     -÷{ CONTACT A MAD BITCH TODAY }÷-

               :_/                                      \_:
               |     h o w   t o   c o n t a c t   m e    |
          _ ___|________  ___     _______  _____  ________|_____ _
    _ __////  .___/  _  \/   \___/       \/ __  \/  .___/       \\\\__ _
          /   |   \  (   \    \  \_|   |_/  \_   \  |   \_|   |_/
          \_______/______/__\    / |___| \___|___/______/ |___|
               |             \__/tGø/-T!                 _:
               |                                         \|_
               :                                          |/
               .  13th hour     ....... +44 01704 505845  |
               |  trick or treat 2 .... +44 hunt me down  :
               |  digital candy ....... +44 hunt me down  ¦
               |_ cement city ......... +44 hunt me down  |
              _!/ the mansion ......... +44 hunt me down  |
              \:  mad dans ............ +44 hunt me down  |
               |  outer limits ........ +44 hunt me down  |
               |  scouse house ........ +44 hunt me down  |
               |  the edge ............ +44 hunt me down  !
               |                                          |
               :  e-mail                                  |
               |        :
               |                                          .
               |_                                        _|
               : \______________________________________/ :

     __.                /  \             __.                        .----.
    /  |___  ____  ___ (____) _______ _ /  |___  __________    _____|    |
   /   ___/_/    \/   \|    !/  _______/   ___/_/     __   \  /    __    |
  /    |    \    /\    \    :\_______  \   |    \     \____/_/     \|    |
  \_________/____/\____/    ./ _ ______/________/____________\______     |
 - --- ---------------------|-----------------------------------tGø`-----'-»

      bOONDOCKS       ..]÷[.. +31 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. sAL-oNE ..]÷[.. wHQ
    dIGITAL cANDY     ..]÷[.. +44 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. hYBRID  ..]÷[.. eHQ
      rAVE lAND       ..]÷[.. +49 youhuntmedown ..]÷[..   H2o   ..]÷[.. gHQ
 eLECTRONIC CONFUSION ..]÷[.. +45 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. wEBSTER ..]÷[.. diS
      13tH hOUR       ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O45O5845 ..]÷[..   aCE   ..]÷[.. diS

«--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

                               -÷{ GREETS }÷-

   Memo ... for looking over my shoulder while I'm writing this shit
   Icon ... for beating me with Sensi Soccer 95/96 hehehe
  Crash ... for always reading every little bit of crap I write in my ascii
    Ace ... for a damned fine cup of coffee
  Venom ... for having too many email addresses

     And all my other friends ... I guess you know who you are by now!

      Hmm ... how about I greet every ascii artist ever? That way I'm
      sure to get a logo by them in their next collection!! Noooo ...

                           ______                              .___
· ____/\   ______   ____/\_\   ¬/_/\____ ·     _____  __/\ ___ l__/  /\___
:_\___  \ /  __ ¬\ /  __  \¬\  /¬/  __ ¬\:  · _\__ ¬\.\_  Y _/.____ /  __/_ ·
¦.   |   Y.   ____Y.   |___\ \/ /.   ____¦  :/  __   |/  __ ¬\|.  ¬Y_____ ¬\:
|:.  |   |:.  `  ¬|:.  |    \  /|:.  `  ¬|  ¦:.  '   |:.  |   |:.  |:. ¬'   ¦
`----l___|--------^----' t0! \/ `--------'  `--------^----l___|----^--------'

 TRICK OR TREAT II ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O3 391797 ..]÷[.. ZiPZiPPY ..]÷[..  wHQ
     13TH HOUR     ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O4 5O5845 ..]÷[..   ACE    ..]÷[.. uKHQ
 THE OUTER LIMITS  ..]÷[.. +44 (O)1253 69981O ..]÷[.. NARCOSIS ..]÷[.. uKHQ

                         -÷{ ARTiST ESSENTiALS }÷-

     |                                                              |
     | e Q U i P : aMIGA 4ooo (yAWN yAWN yAWN)                      ¦
     |             sUPRA 28.8K cOURiER tHiNGY dOOBRIE               |
     |                                                              |
     | s O F T :   cYGNUS eD pRO V3.5 - fILE mASTER 3.0ß - gLOOM    |
                   wORMS - gLOBAL tHERMONUCLEAR wARFARE - sENSI sOC |
     |                                                              |
     ! a U D i O : pOP wiLL eAT iTSELF - 2 fINGERS mY fRIENDS       |
     :             r H C P             - bLOODsUGARsEXmAGIC & oHM   ·
     .             oASIS               - wHATS tHE sTORY? (mORNING
     :             lEAKY fRESH         - vARIOUS             gLORY) :
     |             wESTWOOD              vARIOUS                    |
     |                                                              |
     |                 pULP · lEONARD cOHEN · nINE iNCH nAILS       |
     |                                                              |
     | t V :       sTAR tREK: vOYAGER, dEEP sPACE nINE, tNG         |
     |             hOME iMPROVEMENTS, wHOSE lINE iS iT aNYWAY?      |
     |             tHIN bLUE lINE, hAVE i gOT nEWS fOR yOU ...      |
     |                                                              |
     | f i L M S : uNDER sIEGE 2, sPEED, bATMAN: mASK oF pHANTASM   |
     |             oUTBREAK, nO eSCAPE, pHILIDELPHIA ...            :
     |                                                              |
     `--------------------------         -- --  -  -  -         ----'

.___.    ___.  _  _________. .___      .___
|   |_.__\  |_//_/  ____   |_| _ \_ .__|_ _|
|   _/|  /\ | // \___  |   _/|\\__/_|  _////
|:  |_|:    |:   |: |  |:  |_|:     |: |   |
|::.  |::.  |::. |::.  |::.  |::.   |::.   |
               Gangsta Story
       Drive-by Fruiting By TANGo :)
«--[tGø/-T!]------------------------- --- -




Released: 17th December 95 - World First: 13th Hour BBS - Collection No: #26

                              .. the group ..

               .:::·::.         __
           ..::·      ::       _\/_   BEYOND RECOGN¡T¡ON
       ..::··         :: - ---»\/\/«---------------------------------- --- -
    .::··            .::
   :::          ::   :·                                    .::::.
  ::·          ..::   :                                   :::   ::.
 ::         .::··  :..·__  __.....______   _______  _____  :::   :::
::         ::         /  \/ :\   /    _/__/       \/  __ \  :::    ::
::        ::         /   /\   \  \:_____  \_|   |_/   \__/_  :::    ::
 ::         ::.......\___/\___/   : _ ____/ |___| \________\  :::    ::
 ::         .:·       :     :.....:                     ..::::::·     ::
  ::       :··        ·                                ::·             ::
   ·:..               :                                ::       ::.     ::.
     ··::::.....     :·  HOTW¡RE · SAL-1 · DEV¡STATOR  ::        :::     ::.
        tGø·····::..:·    REL¡EF · TANGo · SCARFACE!   ·::        :::     ::
                                 · PRiDE ·           __  ·:..            :::
                                                    _\/_   ··::...       ::
 - --- --------------------------------------------»\/\/«--- - ···::..:::·

                              .. the title ..

   .________ ._________._________.________  ______________.    ._________.
   |.  ____/_|.  __    |.   _    |.  ____/_/.   ______.   |__  |.  __    |
   | \\\_    | \\\_    |    |    | \\\_    \______   |    __///| \\\_    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |     |   |    |____|    |    |
   |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:        |:   |    |:   |    |
   |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::       |::       |::  |    |
tGø|:::.     |:::.|    |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |
  ______________.    ._________.__________    .____.
 /.   ______.   |__  |.        |.  __ ___/ ___|    |     ¸      _____
 \______   |    __///|    |    | \\\_    |/   |    |    j\____ {~±_±~}
 |     |   |    |____|    |    |    |    /    |    |.---\.¸¸__\_(¯Y¯)
 |:        |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    \_____    |`----\_. ¬,_)¯T¯()
 |::       |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |       l_T¬(_)^(_) xCz
 |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.     |-T!
 `---------`---------`---------`----|    `---------'

                ÷{ rEVENGE oF tHA bITCHIN' tEDDY bEAR cLAN }

                              .. the artist ..

                               __)            (__
      ._______. ...............\_              _/...............
      |       | ::     _______ _|______________|           ___::____________
    __|       |_::_____\____ (_)     __       /|___________\  ¯¯      __   /
    \__       _ ¯¯       __   _      \/                __             \/  /
      |       |\         \/  /|      /      _          \/   /\___________/
      |_______| \___________/ |_____/      / \_________   _/dto/m's
                ::      _       |  /______/   _|   /_____(    ::
                ::    _/(_______|_.           \/              ::
                ::....)___ .______|__          |..............::
                     ____\_|        /        _ | _   _
                     \    o O      /        (_)|(_) (_))) )
                      \___/\______/__ _        |_
                        / `,       \          __/
                      _/            \_________(
                      ) _____________( ___                   ___
 - --- ---------------\/------------- (__( dEATH bY bULLSHIT )__) ---- --- -

             Doh!   Back with another collection once again ...
             New  style,  same  lack of talent, same boring old
             style  of introduction text!  Uninspired, bored as
               fuck  with  the bitchin over ascii styles ...

             Life  sucks  ...  but I've given this collection a
             shitty  design,  because  I  hate collections with
             just  logos ...  I'm a sad bitch who likes to read
             what  everyone  writes  in  their  texts ...  yeah
                         thats how bored I am here!

             You  might  notice  the new style is a more than a
             little   experimental,   but   give  me  time  eh?
             Besides,  ya  dont  like  it, just dont use it ...
             won't  kill  you  to read it for 20 seconds though
                                  will it?

             Thanks  to  MDR  for  pointing  out that the ASCII
             scene -IS- more bitchy than the rest of the scene,
             and  what  do  we  argue over?  A couple of bytes?
              Jeez I think we need to get ourselves lives ...

 - --- --------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

                              .. the index ..

`--[ 13th Hour                  Flush Part 3            One Eight Seven
     Digital Candy        Shadow At Voodoo Creek 3              Skyline
     Pleasure                     Inhumans                       Recall
     Party 5                      Essence                    Checkpoint
     The Edge                    Warp Speed                TRSI Recordz
     14 CD-Roms                  Death Row                         Wavy
     Soap City                    Mo'Soul                    Revolution
     Christmas                Mostly Harmless                   Twisted
     Boondocks                     Pride                       Roadhogz
     Cement City                Cyber Space                    Pressure
     Contact                  Trick Or Treat 2                 ZipZippy
     Slime Pit                     D.C.S                      Graveyard
     Digital                       Puzzle                    Nerve Axis ]--.
 - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------'

                            Recommended viewing:

                       Try it with your eyes closed!
      Try it with the P0T-Noodle font ... then it looks funky as fuck!

                              .. the start ..

               __                                 [·13TH HOUR·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

             .::::::·       ..:::::::::::.                                 .
           .::::::·· ...::::::::::::::::·          .______        .        :
          .::::::· .::::::::::···:::··      _______|      \  _____|        |
         :::::::·  ·::::::::·· .:::...      \      __      \/    _|        |
       .:::::::·     ·::::·  .::::::::::..  /       \______/     \_        |
    ..:::::::·               ·····:::::::::/         \    /       |        |
 ..:::::::::  :..                 ..:::::::\          \   \       |        |
 ::::::::::   ::::.....   .......:::::::::: \_________/    \______|        |
·::::::::     ::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::·                       `--------'
  ··::::      ::::::::::::::::::::::::::··
     ·:     .        :                                     ._____
       _____|        | ______________  ____.        . _____|     \
      /    _|        |/     .        \/    |        |/    __ ____/__.
     /     \_        /      |        /     |        /     \_        |
     \______|        \_______________\______        \______|        |
            `--------'                  tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'

               __                              [·FLUSH PART 3·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   ............ ........       ....... ......  ............  .......
  ::::::::...   :::::::: ..... ::::::: :::::: `::::::......  :::::::......
  ::::::::      :::::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::: ....... :::::: ::::::: ::::::
  ::::::::      ::::::::.::::' `::::::.:::::' :::::::.:::::' ::::::: ::::::
                                        ._____         .______
  ________________  _____________  _____|     \ _______|      \
   ______________ \/    __       \/    __ ____/_\      __      \
  /    \__________/     \_       /     \_       /       \______/
  \_________|     \______|       \______|       \_________|
                         `--------'     `--------'
        .______        .________.     ._____
 _______|      \  _____|        |_____|     \   ___________   ___________
 \      __      \/    _|        /    __ ____/__/    _____  \_/    _____  \_
 /       \______/     \_       /     \_       /     \_______/     \_______/_.
 \_________|    \______|       \______|       \_______      \_______        |
                       `--------'     `--------'  tGø`--------'-T! `--------'

               __                           [·ONE EIGHT SEVEN·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   ______________  ______________. ___________
  /     .        \/     _        |/    _____  \_
 /      |        /      |        /     \_______/_. murder ...
 \_______________\______|        \_______        |        death ...
                        `--------'      `--------'              kill! ...
                                ._____          .________.       .______
   ___________       _     _____|     \    _____|        | ______|      \
  /    _____  \_ .__//____/    _______/___/    _|        |/      __      \
 /     \_______/_|  //   /     \____     /     \_        /        \______/
 \_______        |       \_______        \______|        \__________|
        `--------`--------'     `--------'   tGø`--------'-T!

   ____________  ___________        .________. ___________   ______________.
  /   ________/_/    _____  \_/     |        |/    _____  \_/     _        |
  \______      /     \_______/      |        /     \_______/      |        |
 ________      \_______      \_______        \_______      \______|        |
        `--------'    `--------'    `--------'      `--------'    `--------'

               __                             [·DIGITAL CANDY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    ________.            .____               .____
.___\       |   _    ____|    \     _  ._____|    \  __________.________
|    \      |__//___/   ______/_.__//__|     __    \/   __     |       /___.
|     \     |  //  /    \___    |  //  |      \____/    \_     |      /    |
|     ______|      \_____|      |      |________|  \_____|     |______     |
`-----'     `------'     `------`------'                 `-----'     `-----'
       ._______                                    __________.     .________.
   ____|       \______________. _____________._____\         |_____|        |
  /            /    __        |/     _       |      \        /     |        |
 /     \______/     \_        /      |       |       \       \______        |
 \______      \______|        \______|       |      _________|     |        |
       `--------'    `--------'   tGø`-------`------'-T!           `--------'

               __                  [·SHADOW AT VOODOO CREEK 3·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                    :_)                                   (_:
                    |   r e l i e f   r e t u r n s   i n   |
                    |     .______   ____                    |
    ______________._|_____|      \ `----.|___  ____  ____| _|__
   /    __        |       __      \ ----'`   '`----``----'`----'`--·--'
  /     \_        |        \______/                         |
  \______|        |__________|                              |
         `--------' |       ,    . ____  ____  ____| ____  _|__
        ._______    | ._____`----'`----'`----'`----'`----'`----' ._____
   _____|       \___|_|     \   ___________   ___________   |____|     \
  /             /    __ ____/__/    _____  \_/    _____  \_/    _| ____/__.
 /      \______/     \_       /     \_______/     \_______/     \_        |
 \_______      \______|       \_______      \_______      \______|        |
        `--------'  | `--------'     `--------' tGø`--------'-T! `--------'
                    |                                       |
                    |_          p a r t   t h r e e        _|
                    : )___________________________________( :

               __                                   [·SKYLINE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                                     ._____       .________.
                                 ____________   _____|     \______|        |
                                /   ________/__/    _| ____/      |        |
                               _\______       /     \_     \_______        |
                               _______________\______|        |   |        |
._________         _      ______________. ___________`--------'   `--------'
|        /_____.__//_____/              |/    _____  \_
|       /      |  //    /      |        /     \_______/_.
|______        |        \______|        \_______        |
      `--------`--------'   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'

               __                                  [·PLEASURE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

._________.____.   .______   ._________._____________.___._______________
|.  ____  |.   |   |.  __ \_ |.  __    |.   _____.   |   |.  __ ___.  __ \_
| \\\_____|    |   |   \___/_| \\\_    |______  |    |   | \\\_   |   \___/_.
|    |    |    |___|         |    |    |     |  |    |   |    |   |         |
|:   |    |:   |   |:        |:   |    |:    :  |:   |   |:   |   |:        |
|::  |    |::  |   |::       |::  |    |::      |::  |   |::  |   |::       |
|:::.|    |:::.    |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.    |:::.    |:::.|   |:::.     |
`----'    `--------`---------`----|    `--------`--------`----'   |---------'
                               tGø|   pLEASURE hIT sQUAD iN 1995  |-T!
                                  |                               |

               __                                  [·INHUMANS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    .... ___      ___.        .___  ___  ___  ______  ___      _____
   :    :   \____/  _|--. |   |   \/   \/   \/  __  \/   \____/  __/__
   :   /:    \   \  \_   \|   |    \   \/    \  \_   \    \   \____   \
   :   \:__\     /___|    \________/___/\____/___|___/__\     / _ ____/
   :....:   \___/ tGø|____/                              \___/-T!

               __                                    [·RECALL·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

       .----------------------  whoaaaaah! ------------------------.
       :                                                           :
       :_____                 .______                              :
   ____:     \_________   ____|      \____________._______     .___:___
  /   __ ____/   _____ \_/           /   __       |      /_____|      /____.
 /    \_    /    \______/     \_____/    \_       |     /      |     /     |
 \_____|    \______     \______     \_____|       |_____       |_____      |
       :--------' `-------'   `-------'tGø`-------'-T! `-------'   .`------'
       :                                                           :
       `- the chief funkster shoots his way into a chat with you! -'

               __                               [·THE PARTY 5·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]
                                      ._____         .______  ______._______.
 _______________  _____________  _____|     \ _______|      \/      |       |
  _____________ \/    __       \/    __ ____/_\      __      \_______       |
 /    \_________/     \_       /     \_       /       \______/      |       |
 \_________|    \______|       \______|       \_________|           |       |
                    tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½`-------'
      ______________________________________      ½½½½½½½½  ½½½½½½½½
    :_)                                    (_:    ½½½½½½½½
    |  p r e s e n t e d   t o   y o u  b y  |    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
    |                                        |    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
    |  ????????????????????????????????????  |              ½½½½½½½½
    |                                        |    ½½½½½½½½  ½½½½½½½½
    |                                        |    ½½½½½½½½  ½½½½½½½½
    |_  a t   c h r i s t m a s   1 9 9 5   _|    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
    : )____________________________________( :    ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½'

               __                                   [·ESSENCE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

     _______   ______   ______   _______    ____     ______ _ _______
    /  ___  \ /  ___/__/  ___/__/  ___  \  /    \___/   .____/  ___  \
   /   \____/_\____    \____    \  \____/_/      \  \   |   /   \____/_
   \___________ _______/ _ _____/_________\____\    /_______\__________\
 - --- --------------------------------------tGø\__/-T!-------------- --- -

   PROUDLY PRESENTS . . . . .    \|||||/
                                /  _ _  \
          _______________  ____(__(o_o)__)____  ________  ________
          __________     \/       _(_)_       \/        \/        \
         /         /     /    |  (_____)  |    \        \/         \
         \_________\     \____|___________|____/________/\_________/
                    \______/|       |       |
                           I|S S U E|  S E V|E N
                          (________| |________)
 - --- -------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

               __                               [·CHECK POINT·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

        ._______      .________.                   ._______      ._____
   _____|       \_____|        |___________   _____|       \_____|     \
  /             /    _|        /    _____  \_/             /    _| ____/__.
 /      \______/     \_       /     \_______/      \______/     \_        |
 \_______      \______|       \_______      \_______      \______|        |
        `--------'    `--------'     `--------' tGø`--------'-T! `--------'
    s p a c e b a l l s     w h q                                .______
 ________________  ____________      _     ______________._______|      \
  ______________ \/     .      \___ //____/     _        |       __      \
 /    \__________/      |       \ //     /      |        |        \______/
 \_________|     \______________/__      \______|        |__________|
                                  `------'      `--------'

               __                                  [·THE EDGE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                 .______        .________.
                           ______|      \  _____|        | ___________
  DATA DIVISION UK DIST   /      __      \/    _|        |/    _____  \_
                         /        \______/     \_        /     \_______/_.
 (-ORDYNE/EPSILON/RAGE-) \__________|    \______|        \_______        |
                        __________.      ._____ `--------'      `--------'
   ___________   .______\         | _____|     \   ___________
  /    _____  \_ |       \        |/    _______/__/    _____  \_ A4000/060
 /     \_______/_|        \       /     \____    /     \_______/_.
 \_______        |       _________\_______       \_______        | 2 NODE!
        `--------`-------'            tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'

               __                                [·WARP SPEED·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

            _________.                      ._____
       _____\        | ______________  _____|     \ _ _______________
      /     /\       |/    __        \/    __ ____/_________________ \
     /     /  \      /     \_        /     \_        /    \__________/
     \______|        \______|        \______|        \_________|
            `--------'      `--------'      `--------'
             s c o u s e r  ÷  b i g g l e s  ÷  c h e l s e a   __________.
   __________________________  ___________   ___________   ._____\         |
  /   ______________________ \/    _____  \_/    _____  \_ |      \        |
  \______    /    \__________/     \_______/     \_______/_|       \       |
 ________    \_________|     \_______      \_______        |       ________|
        `--------'               tGø`--------'-T! `--------^-------'

               __                              [·TRSI RECORDZ·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                .______        ._____
        ________|      \  _____|     \    ____________ _      _
        \       __      \/    __ ____/___/   ___________.___ //__.
        /        \______/     \_         \______        |  //    |
        \__________|    \______|        ________        |        |
                            tGø`--------'-T!   `--------^--------'
   ........   .......   .......   .......  ........  ........  ........
   .....:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .....:::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::' :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::' :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: ::::.. .  ::::      :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: :::: .... :::: .... :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::  ....::::
   :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ....
   :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
   :::: :::: `:::.:::' `:::.:::' `:::.:::' :::: :::: ::::.:::' ::::::::'
 - --- ------------------------------------------------------------- --- -
                          insert ya info in here!
 - --- ------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

               __                                [·14 CD-ROMS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

 d i g i t a l ...        .:::...
              .::::.     .:::::·· - --- -----------------------------------»
   c a n d y .::::::· ..:::::·  ...  AMiNET 1 - 8 ÷ EUROSCENE 1 - 2
           .::::::·· ::::::·   .::::.         LSD COMPENDiUMS 1 - 2
          .::::::·   :::::.. ..::::::· «----------------------------- --- -
         :::::::·     :::::::::::::··
       .:::::::·         ··:::::::·       ._______       ___________.
    ..:::::::·            .::::::·   _____|       \._____\          |
 ..:::::::::            .:::::::·   /             /|      \         |
 ::::::::::          ..:::::::·    /      \______/_|       \        |
·::::::::         ..:::::::::      \_______        |       _________|
  ··::::        ·::::::::::               `--------`-------'
     ·:          ·::::::::
           ._____  ··:::·    just about everything you'll ever need online
      _____|     \   _____________  ____   ______  ____________ _
     /    __ ____/__/     .       \/    \_/      \/   ___________.
    /     \_       /      |       /     \_/       \______        |
    \______|       \______________\______|       ________        |
           `--------'                 tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'

As  we  approach  the  season of goodwill (ho fucking ho), I thought it was
time  to  write  a  list for Santa but that's boring so here's things we'll
                        never get for Christmas ...

                            Desoto's dot style
         A $1000 rebate from the Government for all their fuckups
                Hotwire's gift for endless bullshitting =)
                 A USEFUL gift from your great Aunt Mabel
            Mic Flair's front tooth (you've gotta see it hehe)
                    A snog with the new Wonderbra model
                           An Ami-Express update
              Over 240 points at the local 10pin bowling hall
        A CID officer who actually KNOWS what PBXes really are eheh
                          Our virginity back ...
                             U-Man's tastebuds
       10 28.8k USRs delivered by a naked horny Nicole Kidman (joy!)
                      A conversation with Frank Zappa

               __                                 [·DEATH ROW·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

      ___________.                                  .______        .________.
._____\          |___________  ______________.______|      \  _____|        |
|      \         /    _____  \/    __        |      __      \/    _|        |
|       \       /     \______/     \_        |       \______/     \_        |
|       ________\_______     \______|        |_________|    \______|        |
`-------'           tGø`--------'-T!`--------'                     `--------'
        ._____                        _________.
   _____|     \   _____________  _____\        |   where the incarcerated
  /    __ ____/__/     .       \/     /\       |        hang out ...
 /     \_       /      |       /     /  \      |
 \______|       \______________\______|        |
        `--------'                    `--------'

               __                                      [·WAVY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

            _________.                      .               .________.
       _____\        | ______________. /    :_______  ______|        |
      /     /\       |/    __        |/     |       \/      |        |
     /     /  \      /     \_        /      |       /       |        |
    /               /       |       /       |       \________        |
    \               \       |       \       |        |      |        |
     \______|        \______|        \_______        |      |        |
            `--------'   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'      `--------'

               __                                 [·SOAP CITY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   ____________    ______________  ______________________________
  /   ________/_  /     .        \/    __         ______________ \
 _\______       \/      |        /     \_        /    \__________/
/               /       |       /       |       /          |
\               \       |       \       |       \          |     l s d
 \______|        \_______        \______|        \_________|
        `--------'   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'            u n i t e d
        ._______                 .______         .________.
   _____|       \    _    .______|      \  ______|        |  k i n g d o m
  /             /.__//____|      __      \/      |        |
 /      \______/_|  //    |       \______/       |        |     h e a d
/       /        |        |        \     \________        |
\                |        |         \            |        | q u a r t e r s
 \______|        |        |_________/            |        |
        `--------`--------'                      `--------'

               __                                   [·MO'SOUL·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                    _ ____   _______  _____._______ _
   .....      _ __////    \_/       \/     :       \\\\__ _
   :   : ......     /     \_/       /      !        \
 ..:...:.:    :     \______|________\______:________/
       :.:    :........... ... . ..........:.......... . ... .......
      _ ____________   _____________  _____:________._________     :...
_ __////   ________/__/     .       \/     |        |        /_____.  :
       \______       /      |       /      |        |       /      |  :....
      ________       \______________\_______        |______        |  :...:
    ........ `--------'                 tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'
  ...:   ..:                              ........
       ..:   ...  the fresh style returns   ..:  :...
  .....:.....: :..        .........         :       :.....     ............

               __                                [·REVOLUTION·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                                __.    /\
 _______  ______     .__  _____  ___.     .__  /  |__ (__) _____  ___
 ____   \/ ___  \  / |  \/  _  \/   |__|  |  \/   __/_/  \/  _  \/   \___
/   /   /  \____/_/  |   \  (   \   |  |  |   \   |   \   \  (   \    \  \
\___\   \_________\______/______/______|______/_______/___/______/__\    /

               __                                 [·CHRISTMAS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                                /\           __.
      ___________.     _______ (__) _____   /  |__  __  __  _____  _____
     /  .____   _|--.  ____   \/  \/  __/__/   __/_/  \/  \/ __  \/  __/__
    /   |   |   \_   \/   /   /    \____   \   |   \  \/   \ \_   \____   \
    \_______|____|    \___\   \____/ _ ____/_______/__/\___/__|___/ _ ____/
              tGø|____/-T! \___/

               __                           [·MOSTLY HARMLESS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

          __  __  _____  _____   /  |__       ......___ ___
         /  \/  \/  _  \/  __/__/   __/_    .:::::·/   Y  /
        /   \/   \  (   \____   \   |   \ .:::::·  \___   \
        \___/\___/______/_ _____/_______/.::::·    /______/
  ___.      _____  _______  __  __    .:::·         ______   _____   _____
 /  _|--.  / __  \ ____   \/  \/  \  .:::::    ..../ ___  \ /  __/__/  __/__
/   \_   \/  \_   \   /   /   \/   \.:::::::.:::::/  \____/_\____   \____   \
\____|    \___|___/___\   \___/\___/::::::::::::::\_________ _ _____/_ _____/
  tGø|____/-T!         \___/

               __                                   [·TWISTED·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

      .____     _____:.......:                 .____                ________.
._____|    \____\    : |     : ________  ._____|    \________   .___\       |
|     __   /    /\   : |     :/   ____/__|     __   /   ____ \_ |    \      |
|      \__/    /  \  : |     :\____      |      \__/    \_____/_|     \     |
|       \/           : |    /:           |       \/             |      \    |
|        \           : |    \:           |        \             |           |
|________/\_____|    :.|.....\____|      |________/\_____|      |     ______|
                `------'          `------'            tGø`------`-----'-T!

               __                                [·BOON DOCKS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

      |         /____  _____________  _____________  ______________.
      |        /     \/             \/             \/     _        |
      |       /      /      |       /      |       /      |        |
      |______________\______________\______________\______|        |

       hELLFiRE wHQ! · tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., lSD & iLS aMIGA eHQ!
                 -g^sTYLE! wHQ! · rOADHOGZ & tWISTED eHQ!

   -·>s/\L-oNE! · mARIO · sECTORCHARGER · aPOLLO · eCS · aSTRO · cOLONEL<·-

   +31-(o)-548-54O-653        +31-(o)-548-521-716       +31-(o)-548-521-848
     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-            -·>28k8 dUAL<·-           -·>28k8 dUAL<·-

        __________.  nO nUP aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD!   ._______
 .______\         |______________.___________    ____ |      /___________ _
 |       \        |    ______    |      ____/___/    \_ ____/ \____________
 |________________|______________|______________\_____|     \  ___________/

               __                                     [·PRIDE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                        ._____                  ___________.
 ________________  _____|     \      _    ._____\          | ___________
  ______________ \/    __ ____/__.__//____|      \         |/    _____  \_
 /    \__________/     \_        |  //    |       \        /     \_______/_.
 \_________|     \______|        |        |       _________\_______        |
                     tGø`--------`--------`-------'-T!            `--------'

               __                                 [·ROAD HOGZ·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

                 ._____                                         _________.
            _____|     \   _____________  ______________________\        |
           /    __ ____/__/     .       \/    __                 \       |
          /     \_       /      |       /     \_                         |
          \______|       \______________\______|                _________|
                 `--------'            ._____  `----------------'
   _____._______________________  _____|     \    ___________
  /    _|               .       \/    _______/____\_______   \
 /     \_               |       /     \____    /      _______/_.
 \______|_______________________\_______       \_______        |
                                    tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'

               __                               [·CEMENT CITY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

       .______                                                       ._____
   ____|      \_________     ___   _____. _________   _________._____|     \
  /           /   _____ \_  /   \_/     |/   _____ \_/   _     |     __     \
 /     \_____/    \______/_/    \_/     /    \______/    |     |      \_____/
/      /    /             /      |     /           /     |     |       \
\           \             \      |     \           \     |     |        \
 \_____|     \_____|       \_____|      \_____|     \____|     |________/
       `-------'   `-------'  tGø`------'     `-------'  :

        ._______                 .______         .________.
   _____|       \      _   ______|      \  ______|        |
  /             /.___ //__/      __      \/      |        |
 /      \______/_|  //   /        \______/       |        |
/       /        |      /          \     \________        |
\                |      \           \            |        |
 \______|        |       \__________/            |        |
        `--------`--------'-T!                   `--------'

               __                               [·CYBER SPACE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

              ________.    .____.____.    .______   .__________
            ._\       | ___|    |.   |    |.  __ \_ |.  __ ___/
            |      _  |/   |    |   _|____| \\\___/_| \\\_    |
            |      /__/    |    | \\\_    |         |    |    |
            |:    /   \_____    |:   |    |:        |:   |    |
            |::       |::       |::       |::       |::  |    |
            |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |
            `---------`---------`---------`---------`----|    |
             ___________________._________. ________.______
            /.   ______.  ____  |.  __    |_\       |.  __ \_
            \______   | \\\_____| \\\_    |      _  | \\\___/_.
            |     |   |    | tGø|    |    |      /__|         |
            |:    :   |:   |    |:   |    |:    /   |:        |
            |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::       |
            |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |
            `---------`----'    `----|    |---------`---------'

               __                                  [·PRESSURE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

._________.________________    ______________________.____._______________
|.  ____  |.  __ ____.  __ \_ /.   ____/.   _____.   |    |.  __ ____.  _ \_
| \\\_____| \\\_    | \\\___/_\_____   \_____   |    |    | \\\_    | \\\__/_.
|    |    |    |    |         |    |   |    |   |    |    |    |    |        |
|:   |    |:   |    |:        |:   :   |:   :   |:   |    |:   |    |:       |
|::  |    |::  |    |::       |::      |::      |::  |    |::  |    |::      |
|:::.| tGø|:::.|    |:::.     |:::.    |:::.    |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.    |
`----'    `----|    |---------`--------`--------`---------`----|    |--------'

               __                                   [·CONTACT·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

     ________._________._________.____.    ._________. ________.____.
   ._\       |.        |.   _    |.   |__  |.  __    |_\       |.   |__
   |      _  |    |    |    |    |    __///| \\\_    |      _  |    __///
   |      /__|    |    |    |    |    |____|    |    |      /__|    |____.
   |:    /   |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:   |    |:    /   |:   |    |
   |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::  |    |::       |::       |
tGø|:::.     |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |-T!
   `---------`---------`----|    |---------`----|    |---------`---------'

               __                          [·TRICK OR TREAT 2·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

        ._____        ._____                   ._______        ._____
 _______|     \  _____|     \      _      _____|       \  _____|     \
 \      __     \/    __ ____/__.__//____,/             / /    _| ____/__.
 /       \_____/     \_        |  //    /      \______/_/     \_        |
/         \   /       |        |       /       /       /       |        |
\          \  \       |        |       \               \       |        |
 \_________/   \______|        |        \______|        \______|        |
                   tGø`--------`--------'-T!   `--------'      `--------'
                              _________________________ ___________________
        ._____        ._____  \_______________________//             .______
 _______|     \  _____|     \    __________     _____________._______|      \
 \      __     \/    __ ____/__./    ____  \_  /    __       |       __      \
 /       \_____/     \_        /     \______/_/     \_       |        \______/
/         \   /       |       /              /       |       |         \
\          \  \       |       \              \       |       |          \
 \_________/   \______|        \______|       \______|       |__________/
                      `--------'      `-------'      `-------'
            _|__                         _____________
           (__________ /_______/\_______\\___________/

               __                                  [·ZIPZIPPY·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    ___________      _     ________________
  __\_______   \ .__//____________________ \
 /      _______/_|  //    |/    \__________/
 \_______        |        |\_________|
        `--------`--------'                                        .________.
    ___________      _     ________________________________  ______|        |
  __\_______   \ .__//____________________ \______________ \/      |        |
 /      _______/_|  //    |/    \__________/    \__________/________        |
 \_______        |        |\_________|     \_________|             |        |
     tGø`--------`--------'-T!                                     `--------'

               __                                 [·SLIME PIT·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

         __________  .________      _   ._____   _____.__________
        /   ______/__|       /__.__//___|     \_/     |    _____ \_
       _\______      |      /   | /     |     \_/     |    \______/_.
        _______      |_____     |       |______|      |______       |
           tGø`------'-T! `-----`-------'._____`------'     `-------'
       ________________    _    .________|     \ - --- ------- --- -
       _______________ \__//____|        __     \ THE OFFiCiAL NERVE
        /   \__________/ /      |         \_____/   AXiS SCUM HOLE
        \________|     |        |___________|    - --- ------- --- -

               __                         [·DUAL CREW SHINING·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

    ._____\          |      .________._______________.__________
    |      \         |      |        |     __        |         /_____.
    |       \        |      |        |     \_        |        /      |
    |       _________|_______        |______|        |_______        |
    `-------'               `--------'      `--------'      `--------'
            ________________________  ___________  _____  _____
           /      ._____________    \/     ___   \/     \/     \
          /       |    |       /    /      \_____/      /\      \
          \____________|_______\    \___________________/\______/
   .........   ...... ..   ...   .........   ...   .........   ..........
  ::::::: ::: :::::::.::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::::: ..
  `::::::...  ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: :::::::  ::
  ....... ::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: :::::::  ::
  :::::::.::' ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::: ::::::: ::: `::::::::::

               __                             [·THE GRAVEYARD·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

       ._____          ._____
  _____|     \  .______|     \  ._______________. _____.________.____________
 /    _______/__|     __ ____/__|     __        |/     |        |     _____  \_
/     \____     |     \_        |     \_        /      |        |     \_______/_.
\______|        |______|        |______|        \_______        |_______        |
       :        |   tGø`--------'-T!   `--------'      `--------'      `--------'
       .        !                      ._____         __________.
 ______|        |_______________.______|     \  ._____\         |
/      |        |     __        |     __ ____/__|      \        |
\_______        |     \_        |     \_        |       \       |
       |        |______|        |______|        |       ________|
       `--------'      `--------'      `--------`-------'

               __                                   [·DIGITAL·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

        ........  ....  .......  .... ....      ........  ....
        :::: ::::      :::: ::::      ::::....  .....:::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::::  :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: :::: .... :::: ::::      :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: ::::      :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
        :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
     tGø::::.:::' :::: `:::..::' :::: `:::.:::' :::: :::: ::::.:::'-T!
 - --- -----------::::-----------::::----------------::::------------- --- -

               __                                    [·PUZZLE·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

____________  ____.      . _ _______    _ _______  .________      ________
 __________ \/    |      |_______   \  _______   \ |       /_____/   ____ \_
/     ______/     |      /     _____/_/     _____/_|      /     /    \_____/_.
\__     |   \______      \______      \______      |______      \______      |
  `-----'      tGø`------'-T!  `------'     `------'     `------'     `------'

               __                                [·NERVE AXIS·] -.
              _\/_                                          __   `-----.
     .------- \/\/ ...... g a n g s t a   s t o r y ...... _\/_ -------'
     `-----.                                               \/\/
           `- [·t w i s t i n g  i n   1 9 9 5·]

   _____________. __________     ____|     \        :________. __________
  /    _        |/   _____  \_  /   __ ____/_  /    |        |/   _____  \_
 /     |        /    \_______/_/    \_       \/     |        /    \_______/_.
/      |       /              /      |       /      |       /               |
\      |       \              \      |       \      |       \               |
 \_____|        \_____|        \_____|        \______        \_____|        |
       `--------'  tGø`--------'-T!  `--------'     `--------'     `--------'
   ______________. ______|       \.........  ____________
  /    __        |/      |       :.........:/   ________/__.
 /     \_        |\____ _| ______:/        :\______        |
/       |        |/     \_       :|       /:               |
\       |        /       |       :|       \:               |
 \______|        \_______|       :|        \______|        |
        `--------'       `--------'........:      `--------'

                       I think I'll go on a walkabout
                      And find out what it's all about
                        Just me and my own two feet
                    in the heat I've got myself to meet
                        A detective of perspective i
                      Need to try and get a bigger eye
                        Bloodwood flowers in my gaze
                         Walkabout in a sunny daze
                               On a walkabout
                        You could do it in the city
                         You could do it in a zone
                        You could do it in a desert
                          You could do the unknown
                               On a walkabout
                      High desert skies are what I spy
                     So fly - you've got to wonder why
                  Why the stingrays must be fat this year
                       Moving slow in my lowest gear
                   The digirido original man with a dream
                          I believe the aborigine
                               On a walkabout
                       You could do it with a shuffle
                       You could do it with a stroll
                       You could do it with a stride
                          You could do the unknown
                               On a walkabout
                    A walk could cure most all my blues
                       Bare feet are in my two shoes
                       I think I'll go on a walkabout
                        Find out what it's all about
                       Use your legs to rock it wide
                       Take a ride to the other side

       _                                           |
    .__)\  _________________.                      |
    |    \/                 |                      |
    |            _____      |                    __l____________
____l__     ____/__   /\____l__________          \__         __/______
\   __/_____\__   /     \      \______/_______     |       _.|  ___  /_____
 \_____     _____/____/_________/       \  __/_____|__      ||  \___/      \_
    \_________/        (rLf)|/___________\_____    :..\______|______________/
  .             .:::.       |             -T\__________/::::::·  _______\_   \
 ·::.        .:::· ·:.      |                      |  ·::::::· _/  ______/    \
    ·:.     .:·      :.     |                      |    ·:::·  \_______________\
    .:·:..:::·    .___:.____|_ . T.W.i.S.T.E.D     |   .:::·
   .:·  ·:·       |         l__:___________________|  .:::·______________
  .:·    ·        | 17-12 ---- |                       ··               /___.
 .:·              | ----- 1995 |                                            |
                  l____________|     hOTWIRE  rELIEF  tANGO  sAL-1          |
                            |         pRiDE  sCARFACE  dEVISTATOR           |

                          .. Bonus Logos Ahoy ..

 (or ... logos already drawn but forgot to put them in the contents page)

                   .. The Wu Tango Killer Ascii Clan ..

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o1:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Ace               `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

            .......\_   __      |           |   _______/.......
         ...:      |    \_      |     \_____|   ___}___.      :...
         :    ..   |.    |      |.    /     |.         | ...     :
      ...:   :  :  |:    |      |:          |:         | :.:     :...
      :..:    ··   |¦    |      |¦          |¦         |.....    :..:
              .....||    |      ||          ||         |    :
              :... |!    |      |!          |!         | ...:...
              ...: |_____|______|______     |______    | :..:..:
              :                tGø/-T!`-----'     `----'    :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o2:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Venom             `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                       :_)        _          (_:
                       |         (/)           |
                       |                       |   /X Chief Bitch
              __.     _|______   ____     _____|_  ____  ____
             /  |   \/   __  /  /    \___/   _   \/    \/    \
            /   |    \   \__/__/      \  \   (    \    \/     \
            \________/_________\____\    /________/____/\_____/
                       |             \__/tGø/-T!
 In A Drive By Shootin |          _            |
                       |_        (/)          _|
                       : )___________________( :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o3:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Dr Dre [fileid]   `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                 __|_  |_ ______
                /  _/  |____   /   .___. TRS¡ /X Division .
               /   |   |   /   \___|_  |_ ____________    :
               \_______|___\____/  _/  |____   /   __ \_  ¦
               .            tGø/   |   |   /   \_  \___/  |
               :               \_______|___\____/________ |
               ¦         CD-ROM Door Version 5.00         |
               |      Now recognises 80 CD-Jukebox =)     |

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o4:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Candy Await       `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                  dEEP iN tHE pHUNKY uNITED kINGDOM lURKS ...
                           .____.         .____.
           ......._____    |    |    _____|    |       /   __    |    |___.
   ........:      /   /    |    |    \_   |    |    \_/|   \_    |    |   |
   :              \________|    |_________|    |_____) l____|____l________!
   :                       `----'tGø/-T!  `----'                    ......:
   :..   .__________________._____    ________  ____ ____.          :
     :   |    ._________    |     \_________  \/    Y    |          :...
     :   |    |  \/   \_    |      \  \    /   \____     |        .....:
     :   l________\____|____l____\    /________/_________|        :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o5:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              PC Elite          `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                :_)                         (_:
                |       p c   e l i t e       |
             _ _|________________________     | __________ _
             ___________________________ \____:_\____________.
             /                \__________/      /            |
             \_______          |         \_______            |
                |   `----------'              | `------------'
                |                             :____
          ______|_      _______   ........ __/   _/_  ________
         /     __ \_   /      /__:_       :     ___/ /     __ \_
        /      \___/__/      /   : \     /:     /___/      \___/__
        \_____________\__________:__\    \:_________\_____________\
                |             tGø:........:-T!|
                |_                           _|
                : )_________________________( :

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o6:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Epitaphic         `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                      /\   __.                                 /\
  ______     _______ (__) /  |___  ________ _ ______  ___.___ (__) _________
 /   __ \_  _______ \/  \/   ___/_/   __   \_______ \/  _|   \/  \/    .___/
/    \___/_/    \___/    \   |    \   \_    \   \___/   \_    \   \    |   \
\__________\_____|  \____/________/____|    /____|  \____|    /___/________/
                                    tGø:               -T!

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o7:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Hacme             `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

        ______        ______        ________      ______        _____
   _____)     \  _____)     \  _____)       \_____)     \  _____)    \
  /    _|      \/    __      \/     \_______/            \/    ____   \_
 /     \_       \    \_       \     /       \    \_/      \    \_______/_
/       !        \    !        \             \    !        \             \
\       |        /    |        /             /    :        /             /
 \______|       /_____|       /_____|       /_____|       /_____|       /

     - --- ----------------- -:           :- -------------------------»
     lOGO #o8:                `.         .'   Wu Tango Killer Ascii
              Beyond Reality    `·.   .·'
    «----------------------- --- - `.' - --- ------------------- --- -

                         :_)                          (_:
            .____.       |       f a i r l i g h t      |
     __     |   _|___  __|______   ____ _______________ |____   _ _________
  _ _\/_ _  |   \_   \/   ___   \ /    Y     /    _    \/    \___________  \
_\\\\/\////_|    |    \   \_____/_\____      \    (     \     \   \     /   \
            |_________/______________________/__________/___\     /_________/
                         |                              |    \___/
                         |        w o r l d   h q     __:
    ________  _________  | _________  ____.   ......./  |__   ____ _____
   ______   \/   ___   \ |/   __    \/    |__:_...../:  __/__/    Y    /
  /     /   /    \_____/_/    \_     \    |    |   / :  |    \____     \
  \_____\   \____________\_____|_____/_________|   \_________/_________/
      tGø\___/-T!        |                   :       :  |
                         |                   :.......:  |
                         |_                            _|
                         : )__________________________( :

                              -÷{ CREDITS }÷-

       Everything raped by TANGo/-T!^NVX except the following logos

 Desoto/Mo'Soul ........... ... .   TANGo    . ... ...................... dTo
 Xcluziwe/SOS   ........... ... . Teddy Bear . ... ...................... xCz
 Relief/Twisted ........... ... .  Twisted   . ... ...................... rLf
 Tommy/SOS(?)   ........... ... . Nerve Axis . ... ...................... t0!

                     -÷{ CONTACT A MAD BITCH TODAY }÷-

               :_/                                      \_:
               |     h o w   t o   c o n t a c t   m e    |
          _ ___|________  ___     _______  _____  ________|_____ _
    _ __////  .___/  _  \/   \___/       \/ __  \/  .___/       \\\\__ _
          /   |   \  (   \    \  \_|   |_/  \_   \  |   \_|   |_/
          \_______/______/__\    / |___| \___|___/______/ |___|
               |             \__/tGø/-T!                 _:
               |                                         \|_
               :                                          |/
               .  13th hour     ....... +44 01704 505845  |
               |  trick or treat 2 .... +44 hunt me down  :
               |  digital candy ....... +44 hunt me down  ¦
               |_ cement city ......... +44 hunt me down  |
              _!/ the mansion ......... +44 hunt me down  |
              \:  mad dans ............ +44 hunt me down  |
               |  outer limits ........ +44 hunt me down  |
               |  scouse house ........ +44 hunt me down  |
               |  the edge ............ +44 hunt me down  !
               |                                          |
               :  e-mail                                  |
               |        :
               |                                          .
               |_                                        _|
               : \______________________________________/ :

     __.                /  \             __.                        .----.
    /  |___  ____  ___ (____) _______ _ /  |___  __________    _____|    |
   /   ___/_/    \/   \|    !/  _______/   ___/_/     __   \  /    __    |
  /    |    \    /\    \    :\_______  \   |    \     \____/_/     \|    |
  \_________/____/\____/    ./ _ ______/________/____________\______     |
 - --- ---------------------|-----------------------------------tGø`-----'-»

      bOONDOCKS       ..]÷[.. +31 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. sAL-oNE ..]÷[.. wHQ
    dIGITAL cANDY     ..]÷[.. +44 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. hYBRID  ..]÷[.. eHQ
      rAVE lAND       ..]÷[.. +49 youhuntmedown ..]÷[..   H2o   ..]÷[.. gHQ
 eLECTRONIC CONFUSION ..]÷[.. +45 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. wEBSTER ..]÷[.. diS
      13tH hOUR       ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O45O5845 ..]÷[..   aCE   ..]÷[.. diS

«--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -

                               -÷{ GREETS }÷-

   Memo ... for looking over my shoulder while I'm writing this shit
   Icon ... for beating me with Sensi Soccer 95/96 hehehe
  Crash ... for always reading every little bit of crap I write in my ascii
    Ace ... for a damned fine cup of coffee
  Venom ... for having too many email addresses

     And all my other friends ... I guess you know who you are by now!

      Hmm ... how about I greet every ascii artist ever? That way I'm
      sure to get a logo by them in their next collection!! Noooo ...

                           ______                              .___
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`----l___|--------^----' t0! \/ `--------'  `--------^----l___|----^--------'

 TRICK OR TREAT II ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O3 391797 ..]÷[.. ZiPZiPPY ..]÷[..  wHQ
     13TH HOUR     ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O4 5O5845 ..]÷[..   ACE    ..]÷[.. uKHQ
 THE OUTER LIMITS  ..]÷[.. +44 (O)1253 69981O ..]÷[.. NARCOSIS ..]÷[.. uKHQ

                         -÷{ ARTiST ESSENTiALS }÷-

     |                                                              |
     | e Q U i P : aMIGA 4ooo (yAWN yAWN yAWN)                      ¦
     |             sUPRA 28.8K cOURiER tHiNGY dOOBRIE               |
     |                                                              |
     | s O F T :   cYGNUS eD pRO V3.5 - fILE mASTER 3.0ß - gLOOM    |
                   wORMS - gLOBAL tHERMONUCLEAR wARFARE - sENSI sOC |
     |                                                              |
     ! a U D i O : pOP wiLL eAT iTSELF - 2 fINGERS mY fRIENDS       |
     :             r H C P             - bLOODsUGARsEXmAGIC & oHM   ·
     .             oASIS               - wHATS tHE sTORY? (mORNING
     :             lEAKY fRESH         - vARIOUS             gLORY) :
     |             wESTWOOD              vARIOUS                    |
     |                                                              |
     |                 pULP · lEONARD cOHEN · nINE iNCH nAILS       |
     |                                                              |
     | t V :       sTAR tREK: vOYAGER, dEEP sPACE nINE, tNG         |
     |             hOME iMPROVEMENTS, wHOSE lINE iS iT aNYWAY?      |
     |             tHIN bLUE lINE, hAVE i gOT nEWS fOR yOU ...      |
     |                                                              |
     | f i L M S : uNDER sIEGE 2, sPEED, bATMAN: mASK oF pHANTASM   |
     |             oUTBREAK, nO eSCAPE, pHILIDELPHIA ...            :
     |                                                              |
     `--------------------------         -- --  -  -  -         ----'

.___.    ___.  _  _________. .___      .___
|   |_.__\  |_//_/  ____   |_| _ \_ .__|_ _|
|   _/|  /\ | // \___  |   _/|\\__/_|  _////
|:  |_|:    |:   |: |  |:  |_|:     |: |   |
|::.  |::.  |::. |::.  |::.  |::.   |::.   |
               Gangsta Story
       Drive-by Fruiting By TANGo :)
«--[tGø/-T!]------------------------- --- -
