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  • -t-ctgod.txt 97.66K


[sOF]             ÷ bUSTING tWISTED mUTHERFUCKERS ©1996 ÷               [sOF]

  Released: 2nd November 1996 - World First: 13th Hour - Collection No: #40

       "not one fly was harmed in the making of this motion picture"

             .   ______                                 ·uMn/aL· _____
      _______|___\__   \  _____ ________  _______    ___________|_    |
    _|       |     /    \_)_____\      /_|_      |___\_     /   _/    |
    \_       |    /\            /\        /      _/   /____/_   \     |
                         · Twister Fries Return ·

                                 T.A.N.G.o                          .
                     _________                                      ¦
  _  _ _______.______\___    //____________________    _____________¦_
              l_        _    //  ___       /   ___/____\__    __    ¦
               /-----/_______/----/       /   /_         /___       ¦
               |(rLf)            /_______/-----/________/-T!/-------¦- -
      _ _______|                                                    ¦
                         yOUR dRUNKEN mASTER iS bACK                ¦
                        tO kiLL sOME mORE bRAiN cELLS               :

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
                              p r e s e n t s
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                     c.o.n.s.u.m.e   t.h.e   g.o.d.s

           _______________\  _______________________________
         ./                \/                 _           .o\.
  _______|_ ______   ______    ____.     ____ /__.   _\____ ¬|_____
._\ ._    // ._   \._\ ._  \.  \  _|__ ._\  //   |  ___\   \.:\   _)
|   |\___/|  |/   .|   |\   |___\     \|   //    |__\  /    |/   _/_____.
l_  l/    l_ /:   ||   |/   |    \_    |  _/    _|  __/_    |    \      |
 \__\\____|\_¯_____|___/   _l___  /____|_\\____\\___\  /____|_____\_____|
         |.  ¯        /____\    \/                   \/  +sD+|
         ||          /          _                            |
  .      ||                   _ /                            |
 _|___. _|_.      _____      \\/    _____      ______      ._|_    ____.
 _|___l_\  l___   \   _)          ._\  __)__ ./ ._   \. ___|_  \.  \  _|__
 \_____/   _   \ /   _/_____.     |    \    \|  |/    |/   ._\  |___\     \.
  |   |    /    Y    \      |     |_   /     l_ /:    |    l   _|    \_    |
  |___|___/_____|_____\_____|o.    /_________|\_¯_____|________\l_____//___|
         |                                      ¯            |
         |_                                      _          _|

                     c.o.n.s.u.m.e   t.h.e   g.o.d.s

            _____    ______   _____    ______  _____   _____    _____
          .-\    \_.-\__   \.-\__  \_.-\   _/.-\__  \.-\  _/__.-\__  \_
        _/    /___/    /  _/.   /___/     ___|   _   \_   \   \_  /___/
          |                                                      .
          |  after a few months at university i'd like to think  |
          |  i've  returned  with  a  fresh  view of everything  |
          .  around, but due to the beer consumption it's all a  |
          :  little blurred i'm afraid so i'll just have to get  |
          ¦        on with all these damned logos instead        |
          |                                                      |
          |_             dave/tango/twisted/nerve^axis          _|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Credits            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

             ____________________       ____   _    _____________
         ___|_   /\___     |   _/__ ___|_   \_(_)_ /    __/    _/__
        /    /__/|   /    /|  _|   |    /   /     /     | \___     \
       /_______/ |   \____\|_______|_______/|____/______|   /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Greets             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

             ____   _______________   _____    _____________
           _/  _/__ \___     |   _/__|   _/__ /    __/    _/__
           \   \   |   /    /|  _|   |  _|   /     | \___     \
            \______|   \____\|_______|______/______|   /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Boards             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

            ____      ____    ____  __________    ____ ______
           |   _|____/    \  /    \_\___     /___|_   \    _/__
           |   \    //     \//     \   /    /|    /   /___     \
           |_______/\______/________\  \____\|_______/  /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         How To Contact        |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

:_____     ____  ______         ___________
|    /____/    \|     /__      /    __/    \
|   _    //     \    /\  \    /     |//     \
|___/   /\______/____/\___\  /______|\______/
   /____\                 _________ :____________________       ____________
                      ___|_   /    \|   _    /    __/    \  ___|_   /    __/
                     /    /__//     \   /   /     |//     \/    /__/     |
                    /_______/\______/__/   /______|________\______/______|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Mailscan            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

     :___  _________    _    _____  :______        _________ :_________
     |   \/    /    \__(_)_ /    /__|    _/__  ___|_   /    \|   _    /
     |   \/   //     \     |    /   |___      /    /__//     \   /   /
     |___/   /________\____|_______/  /______/_______/________\_/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Pressure            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

    ______________________  :______  :______    ____ __ _______________
   / ___  / ___     /   _/__|    _/__|    _/__ /   /   |\___     /   _/___
  /  \___/|   /    /|  _|   |___     |___     /  _/|   |   /    /|  _|   /
 /____/   |   \____\|_______| /______| /_____/_________|   \____\|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |             FAME              |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                     ______  ____ :___  __________
                     \  __/_/    \|   \/    /   _/___
                     |    _//     \   \/   /|  _|   /
                     |____|________\__/   / |_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |             Utils             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                  ____ __  _______  _    _____  :______
                 /   /   |/    __/_(_)_ /    /__|    _/__
                /  _/|   |     | |     /    /   /___     \
               /_________|_____| |     ________/  /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |             Demos             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                     ____ _____  :___  _________ :______
                 ___|_   \   _/__|   \/    /    \|    _/__
                |    /   /  _|   |   \/   //     \___     \
                |_______/|_______|___/   /\______/ /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |             Amiga             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                    ____ :___  _____  _    ____    ____
                   /    \|   \/    /_(_)__/  _/__ /    \
                  //     \   \/   /|     \   \   //     \
                 /________\__/   / |____________/________\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Artwork            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                          _____________     ____  __________    ____
         ____  __________/    __/     /__  /    \ \___     /___/   /
        /    \_\___     /     | |    /\  \//     \   /    /   /  _/
       //     \   /    /______| |____/\___\______/___\____\___\   \_

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Modules            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       :___  _________      ____  ____ __  _____   _____  :______
       |   \/    /    \ ___|_   \/   /   |/    /__|   _/__|    _/__
       |   \/   //     \    /   /  _/|   /    /   /  _|   /___     \
       |___/   /\______/_______/________/________/|_______\ /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Hack Attempt          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                     :_____     ____       _____    ____
                     |    /____/    \  ___|_   /___/   /
                     |   _    //     \/    /__/   /  _/
                     |___/   /________\______/____\   \_
                        /____\                     \___/
            ____  ____   ____ _____  :___  ________________
           /    \/    |_/    |_  _/__|   \/    / ___  /    |_
          //     \    _/     _/ _|   |   \/   /  \___/     _/
         /________\___|______|_______|___/   /____/ /______|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        Punishment Inc         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

   ___________ ________  _  :______  :____   :___  __________  :_______ ___
  / ___  /   /   _    /_(_)_|    _/__|   /___|   \/    /   _/__|   _   /   |_
 /  \___/  _/|   /   /|     |___     |  _    /   \/   /|  _|   |   /       _/
/____/ /________/   / |_____| /______|__/   /|___/   / |_______|__/   _____|
               /____\                  /____\   /____\           /____\
                             _  :_________   _____
                           _(_)_|   _    /__|_   /
                          |     |   /   /    /__/
                          |_____|__/   /_______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |      Tristar Red Sector       |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

           ____ __________  _  :______    ____   ____  __________
          /    |____     /_(_)_|    _/__ /    |_/    \ \___     /
         /     _/  /    /|     |___     /     _//     \   /    /
        /______|___\____\|_____| /_____/______|________\__\____\
 _______________       ____  :______   _____      _________   ____  ________
 \___     /   _/__ ___|_   \ |    _/__|   _/_____|_   /    |_/    \_\___    \
|   /    /|  _|   |    /   / |___     |  _|       /__/     _//     \   /    /
|___\____\|_______|_______/    /______|_____________/______|\______/   \____\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        FAME Innovation        |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

         ______  ____ :___  _________
         \  __/_/    \|   \/    /  _/___
         |    _//     \   \/   /  _|   /  ·fame innovation design·
         |____|________\__/   /|_______\
    ___ :______________________  _ __________  ____   _    ____ :_________
   (___)|   _    /   _    /    \/  \    /    \/    |_(_)_ /    \|   _    /
  ¦     |   /   /|   /   //     \  /   //     \    _/    //     \   /   /
  |_____|__/   / |__/   /\______/_____/________\___|_____\______/__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Hellfire            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

   :______     ______    _____    _____  _______   _   _______________
   |     /____|    _/___/    /___/    /__\   __/__(_)_ \___     /   _/___
   |    _     /   _|   /    /   /    /   /     _/     |   /    /   _|   /
   |____/    /|________________/________/|_____| _____|___\____\________\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        Epsilon Design         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

            _____    _____ ______     _    _____    ____ :_________
           |   _/__ / _   \    _/__ _(_)__/    /___/    \|   _    /
           |  _|   /  /___/___     |     /    /   //     \   /   /
           |______/____/    /______|____/________/\______/__/   /
              ____ _____  :______     _    ____   _________/____\
          ___|_   \   _/__|    _/__ _(_)__/  _/__|   _    /
         |    /   /  _|   |___     |     \   \   |   /   /
         |_______/|_______| /______|_____|\______|__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Webster            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

          ______   _____   ____    :______    ____ _____   __________
         |     /__|   _/__|   _|___|    _/__ /    |_  _/__ \___     /
         |    /\  \  _|   |   \    /___     /     _/ _|   |   /    /
         |____/\___\______|_______/  /____________|_______|   \____\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Dartagnan           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

        ____  ____   ______________   ____   ____  :_____________ :_________
    ___|_   \/    \  \___     /    |_/    \_/  _/__|   _    /    \|   _    /
   |    /   //     \|   /    /     _//     \   \   |   /   //     \   /   /
   |_______/________\___\____\_____|________\______|__/   /________\_/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Another Step          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

      ____ :_____________    ____ _____    _____   __________
     /    \|   _    /    \  /    |_   /___|   _/__ \___     /
    //     \   /   //     \/     _/  _    /  _|   |   /    /
   /________\_/   /\______/______|___/   /|_______|___\____\
             /____\                 /____\ ______    ____  _____   ______
                                          /    _/__ /    |_   _/__/  _   \
      · a n o t h e r   s t e p ·         \___     /      /  _|  /   /___/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          Spaced Out           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

             ______    _____  ____       __________       ____
            /    _/__ / _   \/    \  ___|_   /   _/__ ___|_   \
            \___     /  /___//     \/    /__/|  _|   |    /   /
              /_____/____/ /________\______/ |_______|_______/
                          ____    ____ __  ____      :
   ·zoltrix presents·    /    \  /   /   |/    |_
                        //     \/  _/|   /     _/   "s p a c e d   o u t"
                        \______/________/      |

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Decision            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

            ____ _____      _____  _  :______     _    ____ :_________
        ___|_   \   _/_____|_   /_(_)_|    _/__ _(_)_ /    \|   _    /
       |    /   /  _|       /__/|     |___     |     //     \   /   /
       |_______/|_____________/ |_____| /______|_____\______/__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Eternal Light         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

          _____    ____ _____   _________:_____________    _____
         |   _/___/    |_  _/__ \___     |   _    /    \  /    /___
         |  _|   /     _/ _|   |   /    /|   /   //     \/    /   /
         |______/______|_______|___\____\|__/   /________\_______/
                  _____     _    _____  :_____     ____
                 /    /____(_)__/   _/__|    /____/    |_
                /    /   /     \    \   |   _    /     _/
               /________/|_____|\_______|___/   /______|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         First Edition         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                 ______   _   _________:______     ____
                 \  __/__(_)_ \___     |    _/__  /    |_
                 |    _/     |   /    /|___     \/     _/
                 |____| _____|___\____\  /______/______|
              _____       ____   _    ____   _    ____ :_________
             |   _/__ ___|_   \_(_)_ /    |_(_)_ /    \|   _    /
             |  _|   |    /   /     /     _/    //     \   /   /
             |_______|_______/|____/______|_____\______/__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        Northern Palace        |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

    :_____________  ______________ _____    _____   _________:_________
    |   _    /    \_\___     /    |_   /___|   _/__ \___     |   _    /
    |   /   //     \   /    /     _/  _    /  _|   |   /    /|   /   /
    |__/   /\______/___\____\_____|___/   /|_______|___\____\|__/   /
      /____\                         /____\                    /____\
               ___________    _____    ____       _________
              / ___  /    \  /    /___/    \  ___|_   /  _/___
             /  \___//     \/    /   //     \/    /__/  _|   /
            /    / /________\_______/________\______/|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Final Impact          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       ______   _  :_____________    _____
       \  __/__(_)_|   _    /    \  /    /___
       |    _/     |   /   //     \/    /   /
       |____||_____|__/   /_______:________/
                     /____\    _  |___  __________  ____       _________
                             _(_)_|   \/    / _   \/    \  ___|_   /    |_
                            |     |   \/   /  /___//     \/    /__/     _/
                            |_____|___/   /____/ /________\______/______|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Dark Hell           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       ____  ____  __________    ____   :___     _____    _____    _____
   ___|_   \/    \_\___     /___/   /   |   |___|   _/__ /    /___/    /___
  |    /   //     \   /    /   /  _/    |  _    /  _|   /    /   /    /   /
  |_______/________\__\____\___\   \_   |__/   /|______/________/________/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        Lethal Justice         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

             _____   _____     __________      ____    _____
            /    /__|   _/__  /    __/   |____/    \  /    /___
           /    /   /  _|   |/     | |  _    //     \/    /   /
          /________/|_______/______| |__/   /________\_______/
           :____  ____ __:______    _______  _        __________
       ____|   / /   /   |    _/__ /    __/_(_)_  ___|_   /   _/___
       \   |   |/  _/|   |___     /     | |     |/    /__/|  _|   /
        \______/_________| /_____/______| |     /_______/ |_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Bandit             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

              ____      ____  :_________    ____   _     ____
             |   _|____/    \ |   _    /___|_   \_(_)_  /    |_
             |   \    //     \|   /   /|    /   /     |/     _/
             |_______/________\__/   / |_______/|_____/______|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Nintendo            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       :_________ _  :_____________ _____  :_________   ____  ____
       |   _    /(_)_|   _    /    |_  _/__|   _    /__|_   \/    \
       |   /   /     |   /   /     _/ _|   |   /   /    /   //     \
       |__/   /|_____|__/   /______|_______|__/   /|_______/\______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Ultra 64            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                                                    ..::::::   ::::
     ____ __   _____    _____________________     .:::· :::·  ::::  ::::
    /   /   | /    /___/    __/\___     /    \   .:::....... ::::   ::::
   /  _/|   |/    /   /     | |   /    //     \  ::::   ·::::·::::..::::.
  /_________/________/______| |   \____\_______\ ::::.  .::::       ::::

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        Diskriminaatio         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

     ____   _  :______    _____________ _  :__  _____
 ___|_   \_(_)_|    _/___/   /\___    /(_)_|  \/    /
|    /   /     |___     /  _/    /  _/     |  \/   /
|_______/|_____| /______\   \____\___\_____|__/   /
:                        \___/_  :___________/____\____  _______ _    ____
                            _(_)_|   _    /    \  /    \/    __/(_)_ /    \
                           |     |   /   //     \//     \    |      //     \
                           |_____|__/   /________\_______\___|______\______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          Muppet Acen          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

           :___  _________ __  ______  ______ _____     ____
           |   \/    /   /   |/  _   \/  _   \   _/__  /    |_
           |   \/   /  _/|   /   /___/   /___/  _|   |/     _/
           |___/   /_________\____|  \____|  |_______/______|
              /____\   ____       __________  :_________
                      /    \  ___|_   /   _/__|   _    /
                     //     \/    /__/|  _|   |   /   /
                    /________\______/ |_______|__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        The Muppet Show        |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

           :___  _________ __  ______  ______ _____     ____
           |   \/    /   /   |/  _   \/  _   \   _/__  /    |_
           |   \/   /  _/|   /   /___/   /___/  _|   |/     _/
           |___/   /_________\____|  \____|  |_______/______|
              /____\  ______  :_____     ____  ______
                     /    _/__|    /____/    \|     /__
                     \___     |   _    //     \    /\  \
                       /______|___/   /\______/____/\___\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Rapid Design          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                  ______________    ______   _       ____
                  \___     /    \  /  _   \_(_)_ ___|_   \
                 |   /    //     \/   /___/     |    /   /
                 |___\____\_______\____|  |_____|_______/
                  ____ _____  :______     _    ____  :_________
              ___|_   \   _/__|    _/__ _(_)__/  _/__|   _    /
             |    /   /  _|   /___     |     \   \   |   /   /
             |_______/|_______\ /______|_____|\______|__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Relief             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       ____________________     ______       _    _______   ________
       \_____      /     _/___ /     /____ _(_)__|     _/___\    __/_
      |     /     /|    _|    /     /    /       |    _|    |      _/
      |     \_____\|_________/__________/|_______|__________|______|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          IceBreaker           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

   _    __________   ____     _______________    ___      _________ _________
 _(_)__|_   /   _/__|   _|____\___     /   _/__ /   \ ___/   /   _/_\___    /
|       /__/|  _|   |   \    /   /    /|  _|   //    \  /  _/   _|     /   /
|_________/ |_______|_______/|___\____\|______/_______\_\   \__________\___\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          HeadBangers          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                    :_____    _____    ____      ____
                    |    /___|   _/__ /    \ ___|_   \
                    |   _    /  _|   //     \    /   /
                    |___/   /|______/________\______/
        ____      ____ :_____________   _____   _________:______
       |   _|____/    \|   _    /  _/__|   _/__ \___     |    _/___
       |   \    //     \   /   /   \   |  _|   |   /    /|___     /
       |_______/________\_/   / \______|_______|___\____\  /______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Sapphire            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

    :______    ____    ______  ______ _____      _   _______________
    |    _/__ /    \  /  _   \/  _   \    /_____(_)_ \___     |   _/___
    |___     //     \/   /___/   /___/   _    /     |   /    /|  _|   /
      /_____/________\____|  \____|  |___/   /|_____|___\____\|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Dream Charts          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                             ____ _______________    ____ :___  _____
                         ___|_   \\___     /   _/__ /    \|   \/    /
                        |    /   /   /    /|  _|   //     \   \/   /
                        |_______/|___\____\|______/________\__/   /
                __________     ____  _______________________ /____\
            ___|_   /    /____/    \ \___     /    __/    _/__
           /    /__/|   _    //     \   /    /     | \___     \
          /_______/ |___/   /________\__\____\_____|   /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Dial Hard           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       ____   _    ____    _____       :_____     ____  ___________   ____
   ___|_   \_(_)_ /    \  /    /___    |    /____/    \ \____     /__|_   \
  |    /   /     //     \/    /   /    |   _    //     \|   /    /    /   /
  |_______/|____/________\_______/     |___/   /________\   \____\_______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |       Euro Trade Center       |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                     _____     ____ __ ______________
                    |   _/__  /   /   |\___     /    \
                    |  _|   |/  _/|   |   /    //     \
                   ___________________      ____ _____
                 _|     \___     /    \ ___|_   \   _/___
                 \      |  /    //     \    /   /  _|   /
                 __________  :_____________ _____   __________
             ___|_   /   _/__|   _    /    |_  _/__ \___     /
            /    /__/|  _|   |   /   /     _/ _|   |   /    /
           /_______/ |_______|__/   /______|_______|___\____\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          Raging Fire          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

              ______________   ____     _  :_________ ____
              \___     /    \_/  _/__ _(_)_|   _    //  _/__
             |   /    //     \   \   |     |   /   /\   \   |
             |___\____\_______\______|_____|__/   /  \______|
              ______   _   _______________   /____\
              \  __/__(_)_ \___     |   _/___
              |    _/     |   /    /|  _|   /  · r a g i n g · f i r e ·
              |____||_____|   \____\|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Jedi Arts           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       :_________       ____   _         ____  _______________________
   ____|   /   _/__ ___|_   \_(_)_      /    \_\___     /    __/    _/__
   \   |   |  _|   |    /   /     |    //     \   /    /     | \___     \
    \______|_______|_______/|_____|   /________\  \____\_____|   /______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Shelter            |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

        ______  :____    _____    _____    ____ _____   __________
       /    _/__|   /___|   _/__ /    /___/    |_  _/__ \___     /
       \___     |  _    /  _|   /    /   /     _/ _|   |   /    /
         /______|__/   /|______/________/______|_______|   \____\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Shockwave           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

 :______  :___      ____       _____   __________     __________________
 |    _/__|   |____/    \  ___|_   /__/   /     /__  /    \        /  _/___
 |___     |  _    //     \/    /__/  /  _/     /\  \//     \\     /  _|   /
   /______|__/   /\______/_______/___\    \____/\___\_______\____/|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Straight Hate         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

       ______    ____  ______________    _    ____  :_____     ____
      /    _/__ /    |_\___     /    \ _(_)__/  _/__|    /____/    |_
      \___     /     _/   /    //     \     \   \   |   _    /     _/
        /_____/______|    \____\_______\____|\______|___/   /______|
                     |    :     ____    ____ _____     /____\
                     |    |____/    \  /    |_  _/___
                     |   _    //     \/     _/ _|   /
                     |___/   /________\_____|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |       Type 'O' Negative       |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                ___       __   ______ _____      __ ____
               /   |_ __ /  \_/  _   \   _/___   \//    \
              /     //  /    /   /___/  _|   /    /      \
             /______|___    /\____|  |_______\    \______/
       :______________   ____    ____    ____    _ ______________
       |   _    /   _/__/  _/__ /    \  /    |_ (_)\        /  _/___
       |   /   /|  _|      \   //     \/      /     \\     /  _|   /
       |__/   / |_____________/________\______|_____|\____/|_______\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |           Boondocks           |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

            .B.O.O.N.D.O.C.K.S. - One Of The Fastest In Europe

 ____      ____  ____ :_________
|   _|____/    \/    \|   _    /              "tORMENTED MAStERS"
|   \    /     \\    \\   /   /
|_______/\______/_____/__/   / S/\l-ONE·MARiO·SECtORChARGER·COlONEl·GaZ P·ECS
                        /____\   ____  ____       _____    __________
                             ___|_   \/    \  ___|_   /___/   /    _/__
 RUNNiNG ON AN A4000/22mb   |    /   /     \\/    /__/   /  _/\___     \
 WitH CYBERStORM 060/50MHZ  |_______/\______/_______/____\   \_ /______/


 hEllfiRE & lSD WHQ·tRiStAR & RED SECtOR iNC, SUNflEX iNC & ilS AMiGA EhQ
      tRiStAR & rED SECtOR iNC /X-iNNOVAtiON WORlD diStRiBUtiON SitE

    +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEl-NET
         16.8 dUAl                33.6 dUAlS            23:30-06:00 gMT +1


___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |       Phunk Ya Head Up        |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

  ____ ______:___      ____ __:_________    ____          __   ____ ____
  \  //  _   \   |____/   /   |   _    /___/   /    .___ /  \_/    \\  /
   \//   /___/  _    /  _/|   |   /   /   /  _/     |   /    //     \\/
     \____|  |__/   /_________|__/   /____\   \_    |___    /________\
               /____\           /____\     \___/       /____\
        :___     _____    ____       ____          ____ __  ______
        |   |___|   _/__ /    \  ___|_   \        /   /   |/  _   \
        |  _    /  _|   //     \|    /   /       /  _/|   /   /___/
        |__/   /|______/________\_______/       /_________\____|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Digital Candy         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

               ____   _    ____     _    ____   ____    _____
_________..___|_   \_(_)__/  _/__ _(_)_ /    |_/    \  /    /___
         ||    /   /     \   \   |     /     _//     \/    /   /
                    _________  :_________   ____      __
                ___|_   /    \ |   _    /__|_   \___ /  \_  ________________
               /    /__//     \|   /   /    /   /   /    //\\               |
              /_______/________\__/   /|_______/|___    //__\\______________|
                              tGø/____\            /____\

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          Cement City          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                __________  :___  __________  :_____________
            ___|_   /   _/__|   \/    /   _/__|   _    /    |_
           /    /__/|  _|   |   \/   /|  _|   |   /   /     _/
          /_______/ |_______|___/   / |_______|__/   /______|
                               /____\           /____\
                           _____ _   ____.     __
                       ___|_   /(_)_|    |___ /  \_
                      /    /__/    \_    |   /    /
                     /_______/|_____|____|___    /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |            Wise-K             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

 _\___________________________\/_________          \_____________________/_
 ._\                                     |         \\                   /_.
 |            ______     _  :______   ___|_        |    ____              |
 |           |     /__ _(_)_|    _/__|   _/___     |___/   /              |
 |           |    /\  \     |___     |  _|   /     /  /  _/               |
 |        tGø|____/\___\____| /______|_______\    /___\    \_             |
 |                                       |         |   \____/             |
 |                 the man from those 70s porno movies                    |
 |                 __                    |         |                     _|
 |_________________\/____________________|         |____________________(_:

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |      Permanent Vacation       |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

    ______ _____   _________:___  _________ :_____________  :____________
   /  _   \   _/__ \___     |   \/    /    \|   _    /  _/__|   _    /   |_
  /   /___/  _|   |   /    /|   \/   //     \   /   /  _|   |   /   /     /
  \____|  |_______|___\____\|___/   /________\_/   /|_______|__/   /______|
                               /____\         /____\          /____\
       ______________       _________  ____    _    ____ :_________
       \        /    \  ___|_   /    \/    |_ (_)_ /    \|   _    /
        \\     //     \/    /__//     \     /     //     \   /   /
         \____/________\______/________\____|_____\______/__/   /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |         Trade Central         |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                 _____________________       ____ _____
                /    __/\___     /    \  ___|_   \   _/___
               /     | |   /    //     \|    /   /  _|   /
              /______| |___\____\_______\_______/|_______\
             _________  :_______________:______________    _____
         ___|_   /  _/__|   _    /    __/\___     /    \  /    /___
        /    /__/  _|   |   /   /     | |   /    //     \/    /   /
       /_______/|_______|__/   /______| |___\____\_______\_______/

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |             Depth             |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                _____ _______     _________  ______   _____
          _____|_    \     _/___ /    _    \/      |_/     |______
         |      /    /    _|    /     /____/       _/     _      /
         |__________/|__________\______|  /________|\_____/     /

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |          Depth (diz)          |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                     ____ _____    ______  ____   ____
                 ___|_   \   _/__ /  _   \/    |_/    |____
                |    /   /  _|   /   /___/     _/    _    /
                |_______/|_______\____| /______|\____/   /
                |          " wakka wakka wakka "
                `------------------------------------- --- -

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

                    _:_________________________ _____.
                     |                        //     |
        logo says            |
                     |                               |
                     |        Eurochart (diz)        |
                     |                               |
                     |_                             _|_
                     :_)____________________________ :

                  _____    ____ __ ______________
                 |   _/__ /   /   |\___     /    \   ISSUE
                 |  _|   /  _/|   |   /    //     \
                 |______/_________|___\____\______/   #01
                       ________      ____  ______________
                   ___|_   /   |____/    \_\___     /    |_
                  /    /__/   _    //     \   /    /     _/
                 /_______/____/   /________\__\____\_____|

___.._________________________________ _
   ||                                 \\\ _ ___________________________..___
   ||  c o n s u m e   t h e    g o d s  \\\\                          ||
___||_____________________________________\\  t w i s t e d   1 9 9 6  ||

    __  _________ ____      _  ____    __    _________ ____ ____
   _)/--\       (_)  /_____(_)_) _/____)/----\       (_)__/_)_ /------------.
 .-\_/  \__________ /\     _  \___    \_/    \__________-'-\_\ ¯\ tWiStED! _¦_
 ¦  /__  \        / /\_____\  _\ ______\ sTw__\        /  __\  __\ ________\¦
 ¦<----------------------------------------------------------------\        ¦
 ¦                                                                          ¦
 ¦             hOTWIRE   TANGo   rELIEF   dEVISTATOR   pRIDE                ¦
 ¦               sAL-oNE   wEBSTER   dARTAGNAN   sCARFACE                   ¦
 ¦                                                                          ¦

                       ___.           .___________:_ /
                       \ _:___________|           |\/
                        \/|           |           |
                          |           :           |
                          |                       |
                          | c o n s u m e   t h e |
                          |                       |
                          :   ______              :
            ._________________\  __/____._______  ____________
            |   ____/    __    \___    _/       \/       ____/__.
            |___`     .__\/         ___      ___/      __--'    |
                \_____|  \_________/   \____/  /______/  \______|
       .____.                                                  ______
      _|    |______.____________     .________________    _____\  __/__.
      \_   __/    _/       ____/__.  |   ____/   __   \___\_    \___   |
       |__ /    ._\      __--'    |  |___\     ._\/         )        __|
          \_____|  \____/  \______|      \_____| \__________________/
                           :                       :
                          |        g o d s        |
                          |                       |
                          |           :           |___
                       ___| [fL/sE]   |___________|_ /
                       \ _|___________|           :\/

. _________________ ______________________
:_)                \\                     |
|    · T A N G o ·  \\ "consume the gods" |
|                    \\                   |
| twisted productions \\  ascii revival   |
.__                    \\                _|_
|_/_____________________\\______________( :

 |                   ______                       .
 |    ______ ______ |     (. ___ ________________ |________    _____________
 |  _|     (.)     ||      |_\__ \        _.      |_    __/___.)    _      /
 |  \_      |      /\      |     .\       \|      _/   _/     |     /     /
 |   |______|______/\  ____|_____|_________\______| __________|________  /
 |                   \/                    Mo!/aL-|                    \/
\|             hOTWiRE · TANGo · RELIEF · dEViSTATOR · PRidE
 \               sAL-oNE · wEBStER · dARtAGNAN · sCARFACE
 |             contact me at these boards for quick replies
 |   1 3 T H          H o u  R    +44-17O4 5O5845  a  C  E   ^   V e N o  M
 |   T R i C K  o R  T R e a T 2  +44-1O73 391797  Z   i   P  Z  i  P  P  Y
 |   D i G i T a L     C a N D Y  +44-191 2325527  H    Y    B   R   i    D
 |                or catch me via the ever growing internet
 |                        #amielite #amigascne #nvx
 |                   TANGo also available in this flavour
 |            _____________                          _____________
 |____________\__   _     /__.  . ______________.____\__   _     /__.
 \    ___       /---/____/  /|___\\_     /     /l      /---/____/  /|
 |\----/       /   /_________|    \   __/\____        /-T!/_________|
 |    /_______/             \-----/_______\  /-------/
 |                                      ....                · n e r v e
 ¦             _________ .   .________::::::  _______
 : _  _ _______\___    //____|        /.....__\   __/______    a x i s ·
                  _    /_    .     __/:::::::: \__        /
 .      - -----/_____________|      \:::::::::--(/     ______  ______ ____ ____
 :                      (rLf)l_______\          /____ /     //\\    //_
 .                                                   /_____//__\\____//___ ___
 |                                                                   /
 |  " shit comes naturally - but gold takes time "

       _____    _______  ________   _____    ____  _________   _____
    ___\  _/____\_    /__\_     /___\_   \_____ /__\_     _/___\  _/____
    \     \     _/   /    /____/     /    /   \/    |     |    _\      /

   M.a.i.N  A.R.t.W.o R.K -                                 TANGo / tWiSted

 G.U.e.S.t  A.R.t.W.o.R.K - bOheMe · CRUSadeR · ReLief · FoLAR · SteZotehiC
                                MoGUe · SPeed DeViL · UMaN · MoRtiMeR tWANG

  Q.U.o.t.A.t.i.o.N   b.Y -                                biLL hiCKS (rIp)

 M.U.S.i.c  S.u.P.P.o.R.t - r  e  d   h o t  chili peppers / one hot minute
                            alanis morissette / jagged l i t t l e  p i l l
                            j a m i r o q u a i / travelling without moving
                            c  a  t  a  t  o  n  i  a  /  w a y beyond blue

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
                              q u o t a t i o n
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

I  have  something to tell you non-smokers and this     __________________ .
is for you and you only.  because I know for a fact  ///                 (_:_
that  you  don't know this, and I feel it's my duty  //         .__,       |
to  pass  on  information  at  all  times so we can  /      __,\( ._ _,    |
learn, evolve and get the fuck off this planet.     ¦     _,\  ____  (_    |
                                                    :     (_,--' _(  _/    |
Non  smokers  and this is for you and you only, are .      _\(\ /_)_(_     |
                    you ready?                      |      )_`¬.¬-' _( ©Mt |
                                                    |     / /       \ \_.  |
            Non smokers die every day.              |   _/ /_________)  /  |
                                                    |  (\  \-`---'--+\ /)  |
                   Sleep Tight.                     |   \___)  __    _)/_  |
                                                    |    .----. \,______\  |
You  see  I  know you maintain some sort of eternal |    ))_)__ \¡_(_((_   |
life  fantasy  because  you don't smoke cigarettes. |   _\\_\____)_____(   |
May  I  be  the  first  to  pop that little fucking |   )_________/----'   |
bubble  of  yours and send you hurtling back to the |   `---------'        |
truth. You're dead too. Have a good evening.        |                    __|_
                                       - Bill Hicks

    ________    ____________    _______    .___.----.____.----.______
    \_  ___/--./      \_    \---\_  __/____|   |    |    |    _/ ___/--.
     |  '     |        |   . \   l___      |   l    |   _ /   |  _/    |
     |        |        |   |     ||        |        |    Y    |        |
     |        |        |   |     ||        |        |    |    |        |
   _ |        |        |   |     ||        |        |    |    |        | _
  .\\l__.     |     .__|   |_____||     .__|     .__|    |____l__.     |//.
        l_____l_____|  l___|      l_____|  l_____|  l____|       l_____|

   _______________.----.______     ________    _____________________
   \___     ___/  |    _/ ___/--.  \_  ___/--./      \_______ \_ __/_____.
     |       |         |  _/    |   |  L     |        |     '  l___      |
     |       |    T    |        |   |        |        |        ||        |
     |       |    |    |        |   |        |        |        ||        |
   _ |       |    |    |        |   |        |        |        ||        | _
  .\\|    .__|    |____l__.     |   l__.     |     .__l__.     ||     .__|//.
     l____|  l____|       l_____|      l_____l_____|bHe  l_____|l_____|

     This is my 40th release as a wannabe ascii artist and for me thats a
    little special so I thought i'd write a few words on the subject.  So
              I guess you have only two choices in front of you:

           · Read on and walk a little deeper into TANGo's mind
           · Skip it and move past for the rest of the crap

     Okay you're reading?  Good ...  sit back, I don't mind if you smoke,
    hell open another beer if you want as I can't tell.  Right lets begin.

    I've been drawing ascii for close on 3.5 years now and i've released a
     ridiculous number of collections.  The number of collections doesn't
     make you somebody special, it's the quality and craftsmanship within
        them that helps them to stand out.  That a piece of advice for
     everyone and something that I've finally understood.  When I was in
     Whale, I was getting enough requests to churn out a collection every
   week or so, and that's what I did.  I shouldn't have done, but it seemed
     like the right thing to do at the time.  Look at people like U-Man,
       Exocet, Mark Ryder, Mogue, H2o and all the other truly talented
      artists around on the scene.  They release maybe 6/7 normally in a
    year at a -MAXIMUM- and work a little (or maybe a lot) on their stuff
    to make it special and it works.  I just churned stuff out to keep up
                      with the requests I was getting.

    My styles have changed over the past few years, moved around and then
    almost come a full circle 40 collections later.  I've been influenced
    in my design and styles by so many people I think I could just release
     a text file with the names of those who've helped shape it all but I
      won't :) Some styles have been shit and most of the others are no
     better, but still people request from me, and for that I thank you.
    University pressure means that releases will be a little less frequent
    from me now, so please be patient and forgiving ...  I try my hardest.
     to keep everyone happy because it's in my nature, but then I wonder
    why I bother sometimes, not due to the individual, but rather the fact
    that I spent time working on a text file that will be spread (I hope)
      everywhere and maybe even used, but I could be using this time for
    other stuff, maybe a game of football, a concert, a beer instead.  The
       reason?  I have no life?  Maybe, or maybe for some dumb reason I
       actually honestly enjoy doing it and just don't understand why.

  Watch Out For "Deep In The Flesh" - A  Twisted Release in the Year of 1997

                        __,\( ._ _,
        .             _,)  ___   (_
     ·     ·          /_  )_ `--,_)         .
   ·         ·    _.   _\.( \ /)(  _____ _ _+__
  ·           .__/ (   )  `-¬-¬' o-'   //// __/
             _/___)(__/ /        \_________(
  ·         /_____) )__(____.____(_(/(___/_   Another Bustin' Twisted Remix
   ·         `---'-'  \--'  !_ `--/__(____/
     ·  .  ·     __  .----.__/_____\`---'
            <(---)/--))_)__ \¡_(_((_--©Mt- -

                        Original Size 100000 Bytes

[eOF]             ÷ bUSTING tWISTED mUTHERFUCKERS ©1996 ÷               [eOF]