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120 000 bytes (117.19K)
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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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 Released: 14th July 1996 - World First: 13th Hour BBS - Collection No: #35

   __________________                  |   _ _ /        __________________
   \   _      o _   /   ______  ______ |     //_________\__          _ _ /
    \  /       \\  /____\ _ _ \|·     \|     /o    _______/_______     //
     \/         ·\/     /\\    |¦      \    //     /     /\      /     /
     /____________\    /__\    |______\    /·     /     /  \__________/
                /________________\     \  /___________ / Sk¡n
                                        \/           \/

                       - -« the original british »- -

                            ·tWiStEd iN '96·    |
                   _______                      .
    ______ ______ |     (. ___ ________________ |________    _____________
  _|     (.)     ||      |_\__ \        _.      |_    __/___.)    _      /
  \_      |      /\      |     .\       \|      _/   _/     |     /     /
   |______|______/\  ____|_____|_________\______| __________|________  /
                   \/                    Mo!/aL-|                    \/
              The Boys Coming Down With Murder  .

                          .__(                   )__.
                          |   ·50 AND THE MONKEY·   |
                          |   _______     _____     |
                          | .-\  ___/_  .-\    \    |
                          | \______   \/   /\   \   |
                          | _/    /    \_  \/    \_ |
                          | \___________/_________/ |
                          |                         |
            _____   ________     ______        ____    ____      _____
         .-\\__  \.-\   ._  \_.-\\__   \_    .-\   \_.-\  _|__.-\\__  \_
       _/     _   \_    |/   /     /    /  _/      _/     \   \_   /___/
       \______\____/____|   /_.________/   \_______|______/____/___     .
                       /______|                     .              \____|
                          .         .-----.         |
                          |       ./  ___  \.       |
                          |      (,  (o_o)  ,)      |
                          |       ¯\  _ _  /¯  sTZ! |
                          |      ,--\  ¯  /--.      |
                          |     /    `---'    \     |
                          |    /   /        \  \    |
                         .-­~­-.  (_. _  _ ._)  \   |
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                         \    \  \(    .    /   /--.·
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                          .\    )  ____  _/   /    /.
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                         .·    __.'`-------'/   /.­­.
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            ______    ____·  _______    ____  _____   _____  ______
          .-\     \_.-\   \.-\  ._  \_.-\   |/    /.-\\__  \_\    /__
        _/    \/   /       \_   |/   /      /   _/.     /___/____/   \_
        \_____/   /_._______/___|   /_._____\_____|________.      ____/
             /______|          /______|                    |_____/
                          |                         |
                          |___                   ___|

      ____ /  |    ____  ___ / ________
   __/_   \   | __/_   \/   /_ \_  _  /
--/   /___/   |/   /  _/\_    \/    \/---------------------------------- · --
_/    __/    _/   /_   \_/     \_    \      ____      ____    ___   ___ /_
\______\_____\_____|\___/_______/   __\__  /    \  __/_   \__/_  \ /   /_
              |        /    /       \    \/      \/   /  _/   /   \\_    \
    ·fIRST    ·       ·    /        /\    \_      \  /_   \_ /     \/     \_
           wORDS·        _/        /_ \____/______/___|\___/_______/_______/
-------------------------\___©nUP!_____\_-_-------------------- - / - -------
        puuuuh ... im bored! lots of requests and easy to draw them
        but at the moment there's no sun or women! for everyone who
        has requested a logo in the last two weeks its now here for
          you so i hope you like it, and even if you don't well, i
        dont care do i? every character in this collection has been
          ripped from another collection, but i betcha cant guess
        where though? i rape it and you can never prove it was yours

         read star trek: invasion - possibly the best set of books
         written for star trek. didnt you know i was a trek anorak?
               oh well you learn something new every day ...

         i draw for fun and pleasure, to take away my days of pain
            and sorrow in yet another dreary summer in england,
         recognition is a secondary gift i receive for my enjoyment

               5o and the monkey : dont ask me what it means

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o1· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Pressure                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Crash!    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ______    ________   ______  ______   ______   _____  ________   ______
._\\___  \ _\\__     \_\\ _  /_/  ___//_/  ___//_\\  ./_\\__     \_\\ _  /_
|    _/   \    /   __/    \_/  \______  \______      :     /   __/    \_/  \
|    \____/    \                     /        /     /|     \                \
|_____|         \___________________________________________\_______________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o2· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    NerveAxis                  |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Crash!    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____    _______     _________    _____       _______
       ____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\__      \__\\   /______\\ __  /__
      /      /         \__/        /    __/      /          \__/   \
     /      /                      \            /                   \
  tGø\_____/       _________________\_______________________________/
          /_______/    ________   ____  ______  __      _______
                     _\\____   \_\\   \/     /__\/_____/  ____//_
                    /  ____/         _/         \      \_______  \
                   /                 \                        /   \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o3· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DeltaTX                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Delta TX    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

             _____    _______     ____.       ______     ________
       .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\   |______\\    /_  _\\____   \
       |      /         \__/          |           __/__  ____/    \
       |     /                        :           \                \
    ................................. |............... ................
    :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  `:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::'
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o4· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Preacher                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 _ ______  _ _______  _ ______ _ _____  _ _______ _ ____. _ ______ _ _______
 \\\___  \ \\\_     \_\\\ _  /_\\\__  \_\\\__   / \\\   |_\\\ _  /_\\\_     \
|    _/   \   /   __/     \_/    __/       _/__/_      _      \_/     /   __/
|    \____/   \                            \           /              \     \_
|_____|   |____\______________________________________/    ____________\_____/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o5· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Ascii                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

             ________    _______     _________    __      __
          ._\\____   \__/  ____//___\\__     /  __\/______\/___
          |  ____/      \_______      _/____/_    \       \    \
          |                    /      \                         \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o6· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    NewUsers                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                        _____    _______     _____
                  .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\  _/____
                  |      /         \__/         \     \
                  |_____/                       /\     \
        _____        _______     _______     _________    _______
     ._\\  ./_______/  ____//___\\ __  /____\\__      \ _/  ____//_
     |     :        \_______       \__/        /    __/  \_______  \
     |    /|               /                   \:               /   \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o7· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    HeavenAndHell              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     ____.       _______     ________    _____       _______        _____
  ._\\   |____ _\\ __  /__ _\\____   \ _\\   /____ _\\ __  /__ ____\\_   \
  |     _    .\    \__/  .\  ____/   .\     /    .\    \__/  .\      /   .\
  |     /     \\          \\          \\   /      \\          \\____/     \\
  |____/       /___________/___________/___________/___________/   /_______/
   tGø/_______/      ________       _____       _____
                  ._\\____   \ ____\\_   \ ____\\_   \
                  |  ____/   .\      /   .\      /   .\
                  |           \\____/     \\    /     \\
                  |____________/   /_______/___________/-T!
                ____.       _______     ____.       ____.
             ._\\   |____ _\\ __  /__ _\\   |____ _\\   |____
             |     _    .\    \__/  .\      |   .\      |   .\
             |     /     \\          \\     |    \\     |    \\
             |____/       /___________/___________/___________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o8· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    HeavenAndHell              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 _ ____.     _ _______   _ ________  _ _____     _ _______      _ _____
 \\\   |_____\\\ __  /___\\\____   \_\\\   /_____\\\ __  /______\\\_   \
|     _          \__/      ____/          /          \__/          /    \
|     /                                  /                        /      \
|____/       ___________________________________________________ /       /
    /_______/      _ ________     _ _____     _ _____           /_______/
                   \\\____   \____\\\_   \____\\\_   \
                  |  ____/           /           /    \
                  |                 /           /      \
                  |_______________ /       ____________/
             _ ____.     _ _______   _ ____.     _ ____.
             \\\   |_____\\\ __  /___\\\   |_____\\\   |____
            |     _          \__/          |           |    \
            |     /                        !           |     \
         tGø|____/       __________________:_________________/
                /_______/-T!               .

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o9· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    EpsilonDesign              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Tommy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 _ _______  _ ________    _______ _   __   _ ____:   _ ________    _ _____
 \\\ __  /__\\\___    \ _/  ____///___\/___\\\   |___\\\   _   \___\\\_   \
|    \__/       _/     \ \_______     \          |         /          /    \
|               \______/        /                |        /          /      \
|________________|      ___________________________________________ /       /
     _ _____  _ _______     _______ _   __   _ _______    _ _____  /_______/
 .___\\\_   \_\\\ __  /____/  ____///___\/___\\\ ____/____\\\_   \
 |      /         \__/     \_______     \        \___        /    \
 |     /                          /                 /       /      \
 |________________________________________________________ /       /

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·1o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    LookerHouse                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Tommy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ____.       ________    ________     __  ______  _______     _________
._\\   |______\\   _   \__\\   _   \__\\  \/     /_\\ __  /____\\__      \
|      |           /           /         _/    _/     \__/        /    __/
|      |          /           /          \      \                 \      \_
|_________________________________________\      \_________________\______/
         ____.       ________    _____       _______     _______
      ._\\   |______\\   _   \__\\  ./______/  ____//___\\ __  /__
      |     _            /          :       \_______       \__/   \
      |     /           /          /|              /               \
      |____/       ________________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·11· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    HouseOfStyle               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                   Red Demon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

       _ ____.     _ ________  _ _____       _______ _ _ _______
       \\\   |_____\\\   _   \_\\\  ./______/  ____///_\\\ __  /__
      |     _            /          :       \_______       \__/   \
      |     /           /          /|              /               \
   tGø|____/       ________________________________________________/
          /_______/      _ ________  _ __________
                         \\\   _   \_\\\  ______/
                        |      /           ___/
                        |     /             |
         _______ _ _ ______    _ ____.__   _ ____.     _ _______
      ._/  ____///_\\\    /_   \\\   |  \__\\\   |_____\\\ __  /__
      | \_______         __/__    \___           |         \__/   \
      |        /         \           |           |                 \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·12· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    RedDemon                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                   Red Demon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                     _________    _______        _____
                  ._\\__      \ _\\ __  /_______\\_   \
                  |    /    __/     \__/          /    \
                  |    \      \_                 /      \
               tGø|_____\______/ _______________________/
            _____    _______     ___  ___    ________       _____
      .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\  \/   \__\\   _   \_____\\_   \
      |      /         \__/         \/           /           /    \
      |     /                      __\          /           /      \
      |___________________________ /______________________ /       /

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·13· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    StrawberryDelight          |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Rasta    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _______     ______      _________    ________    _____
._/  ____//___\\    /_   _\\__      \ _\\____   \__\\  _/____
| \_______         __/__     /    __/   ____/          \     \   _
|        /         \         \      \_                 /\     \ (_)
|_____________________________\______/ ________________/\_____/
                 ___.        _______     _________   _________   ____.__
              ._\\ _|_______\\ __  /____\\__      \_\\__      \_\\   |  \_
           _  |    \           \__/        /    __/    /    __/   \___    \
          (_) |     \                      \           \             |     \

                        (·) strawberry delight (·)
      _____    _______     ____.   __     _______     ____.       ______
.____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\   |___\/____\\ ____/____\\   |______\\    /_
|      /         \__/          |   \        \___         _            __/__
|     /                        |               /         /            \    \
|_______________________________________________________/       ____________\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·14· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Looker [diz]               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                  ____   ___   ___   ___     ____   ______
                 |   /__/   \_/   \_|   |___|  __|______ /.
                 |  /   /     /        _/  /|  _|     _/  |
                 |_____________________\   \________  \___|

                     (·) THE HANDSOME BUNCH RETURN! (·)


           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·15· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    PurpleDream                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    ________    _____       _________    ________    ____.       _______
 ._\\___    \ _\\  ./______\\__      \__\\___    \ _\\   |______\\ __  /__
 |    _/     \     :          /    __/     _/     \      |         \__/   \
 |    \______/    /|          \            \______/      |                 \
 |_____|      _________________\____________|      ________________________/
            _____    _________    _______     ________    ___  ___
      .____\\_   \__\\__      \__\\ __  /____\\____   \__\\  \/   \
      |      /         /    __/     \__/      ____/          \/    \
      |     /          \                                    __\     \
   tGø|_________________\__________________________________ /_______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·16· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Gdm                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _ _______                         _ _____              _ ___  ___
   .__\\\ ____/_________________________\\\_   \_____________\\\  \/   \
   |      \___                             /                      \/    \
   |         /                            /       _________________\     \
tGø|_____________________________________________/-T!            /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·17· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Dmd                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                   _ _____             _ ___  ___                 _ _____
   ._______________\\\_   \____________\\\  \/   \________________\\\_   \
   |                  /                     \/                       /    \
   |                 /       ________________\                      /      \
tGø|________________________/-T!           /_______________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·18· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Looker                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ____.     _ ________  _ ________  _ ___  ______ _ _______   _ _________
  \\\   |_____\\\   _   \_\\\   _   \_\\\  \/     / \\\ __  /___\\\__      \
 |      |           /           /         _/    _/      \__/        /    __/
 |      |          /           /          \      \                  \      \_
 |_________________________________________\      \__________________\______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·19· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Looker [diz]               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                      ____.       __  ______  _________
                   ._\\   |_____\\  \/     /_\\__      \
                   |      |        _/    _/     /    __/
                   |      |        \      \     \      \_
                   |________________\      \_____\______/

                               (·) LOOKER (·)


           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·2o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    TransMissions              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

        _ ______   _ _________  _ ________     _ _____    _______ _
      ._\\\    /_  \\\__      \ \\\____   \____\\\_   \__/  ____///
      |       __/__    /    __/   ____/           /      \_______  \
      |       \        \                         /              /   \
   tGø|____________     \______________________ /       ____________/
                  |______|                     /_______/
  _ ___  ___   __   _______ _  _______ _ __ _ ________  _ _____    _______ _
._\\\  \/   \__\/__/  ____///_/  ____///_\/_\\\   _   \_\\\_   \__/  ____///
|      \/      \   \_______   \_______   \        /        /      \_______  \
|_______\                 /          /           /        /              /   \
      /_________________________________________________ /       ____________/

you've heard the tale of robin hood,
  and how he did poor people good,
  but there is more to this story,     the friar could not believe his ears,
of sherwood forest's pride and glory.  she's offering sex to us old queers,
                                          as he recovered from the shock,
 at night, when all robbin' is done,    robin presented her with his cock.
 the merry men would have some fun,
  in fact it would be fair to say,     marian's clothes were off in a flash,
 that all the merry men were gay!!!        the merry men all had a bash.
                                       when all was done, she gave a whine,
  as little john starts to unwind,     thank you boys for a really good time,
    robin takes him from behind,        but for your pleasure you must pay,
    as they frolic in the grass,          i've got vd so have a nice day,
     robin sticks it up his ass.
                                         now, listen here said friar tuck,
one night when they were all at play,      we don't really give a fuck,
  a gorgeous maiden come their way,      the jokes on you, you silly cow,
   she wandered up to friar tuck,      we've all got aids so who's fucked now
  and said 'i'm marian wanna fuck'.

                                     - unknown

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·21· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Amiga                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _ ________  _ ___  ___    __    _ _______   _ ________
        ._\\\____   \_\\\  \/   \___\/____\\\ ____/___\\\____   \
        |   ____/          \/       \         \___      ____/    \
        |                 __\                    /                \
     tGø|________________ /_______________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·22· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Music                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _ ___  ___  _ _____       _______ _   __    _ _________
        ._\\\  \/   \_\\\  ./______/  ____///___\/____\\\__     /
        |      \/          :       \_______     \        _/____/_
     tGø|_______\         /|              /              \       \_

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·23· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Gfx                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                    _ _______   _ __________ _ ___  ______
                  ._\\\ ____/___\\\  ______/_\\\  \/     /
                  |     \___          ___/       _/     /
                  |        /           |         \      \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·24· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Logoff                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     _ ____.     _ ________  _ _______   _ ________  _ _________ _ __________
   ._\\\   |_____\\\   _   \_\\\ ____/___\\\   _   \_\\\  _______\\\  ______/
   |       |           /         \___          /           ___/        ___/
   |       |          /             /         /             |           |

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·25· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Cyber                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Cyber    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

         _________   ____.__     ___.        _______     _________
      ._\\__     / _\\   |  \___\\ _|_______\\ __  /____\\__      \
      |   _/____/_    \___         \           \__/        /    __/
      |   \              |          \                      \      \_

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·26· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    CitadelOfChaos             |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Cyber    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _________   __    ______      ________     _____    _______    ____.
._\\__     / __\/___\\    /_   _\\____   \___\\_   \__\\ __  /___\\   |____
|   _/____/_   \         __/__   ____/         /         \__/         |    \
|   \                    \                    /                       |     \
                            ________    __________
                         ._\\   _   \__\\  ______/
                         |      /           ___/
                         |     /             |
         _________   ____.       ________    ________    _______
      ._\\__     / _\\   |______\\____   \__\\   _   \__/  ____//_
      |   _/____/_      _        ____/           /      \_______  \
      |   \             /                       /              /   \
      |________________/       ____________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·27· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    FlyingFistsOfJudah         |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                  Devistator    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _ __________ _ ____.     _ ____.__     __     _ _____  _ _______
        ._\\\  ______/_\\\   |_____\\\   |  \____\/_____\\\_   \_\\\ ____/__
        |       ___/         |        \___       \         /         \___   \
        |        |           |           |                /             /    \
     tGø|________|    __________________________________ /       ____________/
  _ __________  __    _______ _ _ ______      _______ _ /_______/
._\\\  ______/__\/___/  ____///_\\\    /_   _/  ____///_
|       ___/    \    \_______         __/__  \_______   \
|        |                  /         \             /    \
|________|    ___________________________________________/-T!
  _ ________  _ __________
._\\\   _   \_\\\  ______/
|       /           ___/
|      /             |
|____________________| _ ______  _ _____    _ _____  _ ________  _ ____.
                       \\\_    \_\\\  ./____\\\_   \_\\\____   \_\\\   |____
                    ._____/           :        /       ____/          _     \
                    |    /           /|       /                       /      \
                _ __|________________________________________________/       /
                    :                                               /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·28· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    E-Mail                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                   Mic Flair    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

       _______             ___  ___    ________    __      ____.
    ._\\ __  /__    _   ._\\  \/   \__\\____   \___\/_____\\   |____
    |    \__/   \  (_)  |     \/       ____/       \           |    \
    |            \      |______\                               |     \
 tGø|____________/           /_______________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·29· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    TheLostBoys                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Nemes!s    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                          _______________ ___________
                       ._(               \\          )_.
                       |                               |
  _ ______    _ ____.  !  _ _______                    |
._\\\    /_   \\\   |_____\\\ __  /__                  |
|       __/__      _          \__/   \                 |
|       \          /                  \                |
|_________________/       ____________/                |
                 /_______/  _ ____.     _ ________    _______ _ _ ______
                       .  ._\\\   |_____\\\   _   \__/  ____///_\\\    /_
                       |  |       |           /      \_______         __/__
                       |  |       |          /              /         \    \
                       |  |_________________________________________________\
              _ ___.   !    ________    ____.__    _______ _
            ._\\\ _|_______\\   _   \__\\   |  \__/  ____///_
            |     \             /        \___     \_______   \
            |      \           /            |            /    \
                       .                               .
                       |       (·) S · O · S (·)       |

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·3o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Wise-K                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Wise-K    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _ _____       __      _______ _ _ _______           _ ___  ______
    ._\\\  _/_______\/_____/  ____///_\\\ __  /__       ._\\\  \/     /
____|      \        \      \_______       \__/  .\   _  |     _/    _/
\ _ |      /\                     /              \\ (_) |     \      \
 \/ |______/\_____________________________________/     |______\      \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·31· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Rasta                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Rasta    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

         _________    ________    _______     ______      ________ ___.
      ._\\__      \ _\\____   \__/  ____//___\\    /_   _\\____   \\  |
      |    /    __/   ____/      \_______         __/__   ____/    \\_|
      |    \                            /         \                 \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·32· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    CyberSpace                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Turbo    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                     (·) no slogans ... no gimmicks (·)

              ________.    ._________.    .______   .__________
            ._\       | ___|         |    |.  __ \_ |.  __ ___/
            |      _  |/   |        _|____| \\\___/_| \\\_    |
            |      /__/    |      \\\_    |         |    |    |
            |:    /   \_____         |    |:        |:   |    |
            |::       |::                 |::       |::  |    |
         tGø|:::.     |:::.               |:::.     |:::.|    |
            `---------`-------------------`---------`----|    |
                   nerve axis ukhq · uk fame support site

                       + 4 4  O 1 2 7 5  3 4 1 2 6 1
             ___________________._________. ________.______
            /.   ______.  ____  |.  __    |_\       |.  __ \_
            \______   | \\\_____| \\\_    |      _  | \\\___/_.
            |     |   |    |    |    |    |      /__|         |
            |:    :   |:   |    |:   |    |:    /   |:        |
            |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::       |
            |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |-T!
            `---------`----'    `----|    |---------`---------'

                           (·) sysop is turbo (·)

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·33· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DualCrewShining            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Hybrid    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _____    _____       ________    ____.
.____\\_   \__\\  ./______\\____   \__\\   |____
|      /          :        ____/           |    \
|     /          /|                        |     \
                _________   _________    _______     _____
             ._\\__     / _\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\  _/____
             |   _/____/_     /    __/     \__/         \     \
             |   \            \                         /\     \
   _______     ____.       __         _____    __         _____    _______
._/  ____//___\\   |_______\/________\\_   \___\/________\\_   \__\\ ____/__
| \_______        _        \           /       \           /         \___   \
|        /        /                   /                   /             /    \
|________________/       ___________ /       ___________ /       ____________/
                /_______/           /_______/           /_______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·34· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    WarpSpeed                  |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Scouser    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                _____       ________    _________    ________
             ._\\  _/______\\____   \__\\__      \ _\\___    \
             |     \        ____/         /    __/     _/     \
             |     /\                     \            \______/
          _______     ________    _______     _______        _____ __.
       ._/  ____//___\\___    \ _\\ __  /____\\ __  /_______\\_   \\ |
       | \_______       _/     \    \__/        \__/          /    \\|
       |        /       \______/                             /      \
    tGø|_________________|      ____________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·35· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Chancer                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Chancer    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ________ _ ____.   _ ________  _ ____  _ _________ _ _______ _ _________
._\\\__    / \\\   |___\\\____   \_\\\_  \_\\\__     / \\\ __  /_\\\__      \
|    _/___/_      _      ____/        /       _/____/_     \__/      /    __/
|    \            /                  /        \                      \      \_
|________________/      ___________ /      ___________________________\______/
             tGø/______/           /______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·36· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    PowerPlant                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Chancer    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          ________    ________    _____       _______     _________
       ._\\___    \ _\\   _   \__\\  _/______\\ __  /____\\__      \
       |    _/     \      /          \          \__/        /    __/
       |    \______/     /           /\                     \      \_
       |_____|      _________________/\______________________\______/
          ________    ____.       ________       _____    ______
       ._\\___    \ _\\   |______\\____   \_____\\_   \__\\    /_
       |    _/     \      |       ____/           /           __/__
       |    \______/      |                      /            \    \
    tGø|_____|      ___________________________ /       ____________\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·37· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Decnite                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Unknown    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _____    _______    _________     _____    __    ______     _______
.____\\_   \__\\ __  /___\\__     / ___\\_   \___\/___\\    /_  _\\ __  /__
|      /         \__/      _/____/_      /       \         __/__    \__/   \
|     /                    \            /                  \                \
|_____________________________________ /       _____________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·38· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Nameless                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Hotwire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _ ____  _ _____  _ ___  ___  _ ______ _ ____. _ ______  _____ _  _____ _
.__\\\_  \_\\\__  \_\\\  \/   \_\\\ __ /_\\\   |_\\\ __ /_/  __///_/  __///_
|     /      __/         \/         \_/        |     \_/  \_____   \_____   \
|____/                  __\                    |               /        /    \
    /      ____________ /____________________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·39· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DreamChart [diz]           |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Unknown    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                        ___________ ____     _______  _
                      __\   _____ /   __|____\__    \/ \
                      \  \  |  _/     _|     __/    \/  \
                    tGø\____|  \_____________________\__/
                  ____    __|   |  ___________ _______
                 /   _|__/ _|   |__\__  ____ /   __  /
                /   |      \_   |  __/    _/      \_/
                \___________|   |_______  \________\-T!
                 - ---------|___|------|___|------------- -

                 - -------------------------------------- -

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·4o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DreamChart                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Unknown    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____    _________    _______     ________    ___  ___
      .____\\_   \__\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\____   \__\\  \/   \
      |      /         /    __/     \__/      ____/          \/    \
      |     /          \                                    __\     \
      |_________________\__________________________________ /_______/
         _________   ____.       ________    _________    ______
      ._\\__     / _\\   |______\\____   \__\\__      \ _\\    /_
      |   _/____/_      _        ____/         /    __/       __/__ ___.
      |   \             /                      \              \    \\  |
   tGø|________________/       _________________\___________________\\_|

           _________     __(___·:::::..... _______.
      .____\       / ____|__     ·::::::::::::..  l_                 .____.
     _|           //\      /_____| ·::::.  ·::·    /_________________|_   |
  ___\        .___   \_   /_______:. ·::::. ·         _     /__.    _l/   |___
.-'  |        |  /-------/-rLF   .::::::::::.______   /____/   |____\-----|  `-.
|    l________|                    :·             /____________|-T!            :
:                                                                              !
l___                     · hOTWIRE · rELiEF · dEV¡STATOR ·                .__. ·
._ /                    · tANGO · pRiDE · sAL-1 · sCARFACE ·              l__| :

      bOONDOCKS       ..]÷[.. +31 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. sAL-oNE ..]÷[.. wHQ
    dIGITAL cANDY     ..]÷[.. +44 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. hYBRID  ..]÷[.. eHQ
      rAVE lAND       ..]÷[.. +49 youhuntmedown ..]÷[..   H2o   ..]÷[.. gHQ
 eLECTRONIC CONFUSION ..]÷[.. +45 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. wEBSTER ..]÷[.. diS
____  13tH hOUR       ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O45O5845 ..]÷[..   aCE   ..]÷[.. diS
._ /
|//__________________________________________ ___ _    _        _

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·41· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    IntelOutside               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Memo    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            __         _____    ______      _______     ____.
         .__\/________\\_   \__\\    /_   _\\ __  /____\\   |____
         |  \           /           __/__     \__/          |    \
         |             /            \                       |     \
      tGø|___________ /       ____________________________________/
   ________    _____      ______      _______     __     _____    _______
._\\   _   \__\\  ./_____\\    /_   _/  ____//____\/____\\_   \__\\ __  /__
|      /          :           __/__  \_______     \       /         \__/   \
|     /          /|           \             /            /                  \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·42· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Immune                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      __      ___  ___    ___  ___    _____          _____    _______
   .__\/___ _\\  \/   \ _\\  \/   \ _\\  ./____ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__
   |  \   .\     \/   .\     \/   .\     :    .\      /   .\    \__/  .\
   |       \\_____\    \\_____\    \\   /|     \\____/     \\          \\
tGø|________/   /_______/   /_______/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·43· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    BackFire                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

               _ ___.      _ ________  _ _________ _ ___  ______
             ._\\\ _|______\\\____   \_\\\__     / \\\  \/     /
             |     \         ____/        _/____/_     _/    _/
             |      \                     \            \      \
                  _ __________  __ _ _________   _ _______
                ._\\\  ______/__\/_\\\__      \ _\\\ __  /__
                |       ___/    \      /    __/      \__/   \
                |        |             \                     \
             tGø|________|    __________\____________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·44· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    SatansFire                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _______     ________    ______      ________       _____    _______
 ._/  ____//_ _\\____   \ _\\    /_   _\\____   \ ____\\_   \ _/  ____//_
 | \_______ .\  ____/   .\      __/__   ____/   .\      /   .\ \_______ .\
 |        /  \\          \\     \    \           \\____/     \\       /  \\
 |____________/___________/___________\___________/   /_______/___________/
                 __________          _________    _______
              ._\\  ______/_\\ ___ _\\__     .\ _\\ __  /__
              |      ___/ |   \\ .\    /    __/     \__/  .\
              |       |   |       \\   \      \_           \\
           tGø|_______|   |________/____\______/____________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·45· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Insane                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                 _____    _______     ________       _____    _______
   ._\\ ___ ____\\_   \ _/  ____//_ _\\____   \ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__
   |   \\ .\      /   .\ \_______ .\  ____/   .\      /   .\    \__/  .\
   |       \\____/     \\       /  \\          \\____/     \\          \\
tGø|________/   /_______/___________/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·46· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    MadMan                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ___  ___    ________       _____    ___  ___    ________       _____
._\\  \/   \ _\\____   \ ____\\_   \ _\\  \/   \ _\\____   \ ____\\_   \
|     \/   .\  ____/   .\      /   .\     \/   .\  ____/   .\      /   .\
|______\    \\          \\    /     \\_____\    \\          \\____/     \\
  tGø/_______/___________/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!/_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·47· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    RoadHogz                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

               _________    ________    ________       _____
            ._\\__      \ _\\   _   \__\\____   \_____\\_   \
            |    /    __/       /       ____/           /    \
            |    \             /                       /      \
                ____.       ________    _______     ______
             ._\\   |______\\   _   \__\\ ____/____\\____ \_
             |     _            /         \___       _____/ \
             |     /           /             /       \       \
          tGø|____/       ___________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·48· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    SaveOurSouls               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                _______     ________    _____       _______
             ._/  ____//_ _\\____   \ _\\   /____ _\\ __  /__
             | \_______ .\  ____/   .\     /    .\    \__/  .\
             |        /  \\          \\   /      \\          \\
                      ________    _____       _________
                   ._\\   _   \ _\\  ./____ _\\__     .\
                   |      /   .\     :    .\    /    __/
                   |     /     \\   /|     \\   \      \_
          _______     ________    _____       ____.       _______
       ._/  ____//_ _\\   _   \ _\\  ./____ _\\   |____ _/  ____//_
       | \_______ .\      /   .\     :    .\      |   .\ \_______ .\
       |        /  \\    /     \\   /|     \\     |    \\       /  \\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·49· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Food                       |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                __________  ________    ________       _____
             ._\\  ______ _\\   _   \__\\   _   \ ____\\_   \
             |      ___/        /           /           /    \
             |       |         /           /           /      \
          tGø|_______|    ____________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·5o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    SOS/JA!/NCR                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 ____  ______________       ___ ___ ________    ____    ___ ___ ____  ____
/  _/__\__         __|_    /.  \  /   ____ /.  /  _/__ /.  \  /    /_/  _/__
\___   __/  \  /   _|  |  //     /|     _/  |  \___   //     /|   /  \___   \
  /__________\/________|  \_____________\___|    /____\______________| /____/
          .________    ____  __          ___________ ___________
       ___|      __|___\   |_\/_       __\__  ____ /|  __  /  _/__
       \  |      _|     \  |    |     |  __/    _/  |   \_/\___   \
     tGø\__________________|____|     |_________\___|____\   /____/-T!
              _____ ___ ___ ____   ____  ____     ___________
             |  _  \  /    /   _|_|   /_|  __|____\__  ____ /.
             |  /    /|   /   |   |  /  |  _|     __/    _/  |
             |_/     _____\_______|_____|________________\___|

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·51· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    PcBoard                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ________    _________
._\\___    \ _\\__     /
|    _/     \   _/____/_
|    \______/   \       \_
|_____|      ____________/
                  ___.   ________    ________    _________     _____
               ._\\ _|__\\   _   \__\\____   \__\\__      \ __\\_   \
               |    \        /       ____/         /    __/     /    \
               |     \      /                      \           /      \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·52· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Immune Releases            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                                __  __  _  __  ______ ________ ____
                               _\/_|  \/ \|  \/     /      _  |  __|_
                              |    |  \/  \  \/    /|      /  |  _|  |
                              |____|___\__/___\___________/   |______|
    ______ ____   ____  ____     ____ ____   ____   ____ /____|
    ____ /   __|_|   /_|  __|____\__ /  _/__|  __|_/  _/__
   |  _/     _|  |  /  |  _|     __/ \___   \  _|  \___   \
tGø|__\__________|_____|_____________| /____/______| /____/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·53· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Backfire Staff             |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

.____.   .________. ________.____.___.__________    _  ._______________
|    |   |.  __   |_\       |.   |  /|.    ____/___//__|.  __ __/.  __ \_
|   _|___| \\\_   |      _  |   _|_/_|     __/ |   //  | \\\_   | \\\___/_.
| \\\_   |    |   |      /__| \\\_   |     |   |       |    |   |         |
|:   |   |:   |   |:    /   |:   |   |:    |   |:      |:   |   |:        |
|::      |::  |   |::       |::  |   |::   |   |::     |::  |   |::       |
|:::.    |:::.|   |:::.     |:::.|   |:::. |   |:::.   |:::.|   |:::.     |
`--------`----|   |---------`----|   |-----'   `-------`----|   |---------'
              `---'              `---'                      `---'
                _____________.    .________.____________________
               /.   ______   |__  |.  __   |.    ____/.    ____/
               \______       __// | \\\_   |     __/ |     __/
               |     |       |____|    |   |     |   |     |
               |:    :       |    |:   |   |:    |   |:    |
               |::                |::  |   |::   |   |::   |
               |:::.              |:::.|   |:::. |   |:::. |
               `------------------`----|   |-----'   `-----'

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·54· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Immune                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     __      ___  ___    ___  ___    _____          _____    _______
  .__\/_____\\  \/   \__\\  \/   \__\\  ./_________\\_   \__\\ __  /__
  |  \          \/          \/          :            /         \__/   \
  |            __\         __\         /|           /                  \
  |___________ /__________ /______________________ /       ____________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·55· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    AutoSent                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

              ____ ____ ____________  ____   ____   _____ _______
            __\__ /   /     __  /   \/  _/__|  __|_|  _  |  __  /
           |  __/    /|      \_/    \\___   |  _|  |  /  |   \_/
        tGø|__________________\\_____/ /____|______|_/___|____\-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·56· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Doors                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____    ________    ________    _________    _______
      .____\\_   \__\\   _   \__\\   _   \__\\__      \ _/  ____//_
      |      /           /           /         /    __/  \_______  \
      |     /           /           /          \:               /   \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·57· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Super Unknown              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Spook M    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _______     _____       ________    _______     _________
       ._/  ____//___\\  ./______\\___    \ _\\ __  /____\\__      \
       | \_______        :          _/     \    \__/        /    __/
       |        /       /|          \______/                \      \_
    tGø|_____________________________|       ________________\______/-T!
   _____     _____     __  ______     _____    ________    _____     _____
._\\  ./____\\_   \__\\  \/     /____\\_   \__\\   _   \__\\  _/____\\_   \
|     :       /         _/    _/       /           /          \       /    \
|    /|      /          \             /           /           /\     /      \
|__________ /____________\__________ /________________________/\___ /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·58· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Spook M                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Spook M    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                   ____________________  ____________________
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
          _______ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ______
       ._/  ____//¾¾¾\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾_\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾¾\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾¾\\¯¯\/     /
       | \_______ ¯¯¯   _/     \      /    ¯¯     /    ¯¯   _/    _/
       |        /       \______/     /           /          \      \
    tGø|_________________|¾¾¾¾¾¾ ____________________________\      \
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾\______\-T!
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾                ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·59· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Delirium                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Baffle    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

       _____    _______   ____.  __   _________    __   _____   ___  ___
 .____\\_   \__\\ __  /__\\   |__\/__\\__      \ __\/__\\  ./__\\  \/   \
 |      /         \__/        |  \      /    __/   \       :       \/    \
 |     /                      |         \                 /|      __\     \
 |___________________________________    \_______________________ /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·6o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Corrupt                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Baffle    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ________   _______   ________    ________    _____  _______    ______
._\\__    / _\\   _  \_\\__     \ _\\__     \ _\\  ./_\\___   \ _\\    /_
|   _/___/_       /       /   __/     /   __/      :     _/    \      __/__
|   \            /        \:          \:          /|     \_____/      \    \
|_______________________   |________   |__________________|     ____________\
                    tGø|___|       |___|-T!

                             Size: 120000 Bytes

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·61· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    BumbleBeeLand              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Baffle    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                  ____   ____ __ __  _______  ____  ____
                 |   /__/   /   |  \/      /_|   /_|  __|_
                 |  /  /   /|   |  \/     /  /  /  |  _|  |
              ____  ____   ____       ____    ____ _____  ____
             |   /_|  __|_|  __|_    |   /____\__ |  _  |_\   |
             |  /  /  _|  |  _|  |   |  /     __/ |  /  \  \  |
             |____/|______|______|   |____________|_/___|\____|

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·62· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Secret Cinema              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     The Fly    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _______     _______     _________   _________    _______     ______
 ._/  ____//_ _\\ __  /__ _\\__     / _\\__     .\ _\\ __  /__ _\\    /_
 | \_______ .\    \__/  .\   _/____/_     /    __/     \__/  .\      __/__
 |        /  \\          \\  \       \_   \      \_           \\     \    \
      _________             _____    _______     ___  ___    ________
   ._\\__     / _\\ ___ ___\\_   \ _\\ __  /__ _\\  \/   \ _\\____   \
   |   _/____/_    \\ .\     /   .\    \__/  .\     \/   .\  ____/   .\
   |   \       \_      \\___/     \\          \\_____\    \\          \\
tGø|____________/_______/  /_______/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·63· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    The Fly                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     The Fly    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ______      ____.       _______
._\\    /_   _\\   |______\\ __  /__       __________  ____.     ____.__
|      __/__      _          \__/   \   ._\\  ______/_\\   |____\\   |  \_
|      \          /                  \  |      ___/        |      \___    \
|________________/       ____________/  |       |          |         |     \
             tGø/_______/-T!            |_______|    ______________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·64· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Classic&Quartex            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _________   ____.     ______    ______     ______            _________
._\\__     / _\\   |____\\__   \__/  ___//___/  ___//___\\ ____\\__     /
|   _/____/_       |     __/      \______    \______      \\     _/____/_
|   \              |                    /          /             \       \_

                                 a · n · d
    _______    _____   ______    ________    ______     _______   ___  ______
  _\\      \__\\  ./__\\__   \__\\__     \ _\\    /_  _\\ __  /__\\  \/     /
_/     _          :    __/         /   __/       __/__    \__/      _/     /
\______/         /|                \             \                  \      \
      |_________________________    \_______________________________/\______\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·65· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Sewers Of Mystery          |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____   _______  _____  _______  ________    _____
         ._/  __//_\\ __  /_\\  _/_\\ __  /_\\__     \ _/  __//_
         | \_____     \__/      \     \__/     /   __/  \_____  \
         |      /               /\             \             /   \
                              ________   __________
                           ._\\   _   \_\\  ______/
                           |      /          ___/
                           |     /            |
   ___  __   ____.__   _____   ______     _______  ________    ____.__
._\\  \/  \_\\   |  \_/  __//_\\    /_  _\\ __  /_\\__     \ _\\   |  \_
|     \/      \___    \_____       __/__    \__/     /   __/    \___    \
|______\         |         /       \                 \             |     \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·66· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Rekall                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _________    _______     ___  ______  ________    ____.       ____.
 ._\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\  \/     /_\\____   \__\\   |______\\   |____
 |    /    __/     \__/        _/    _/   ____/           |           |    \
 |    \                        \      \                   |           |     \
 |_____\________________________\      \____________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·67· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Eltech                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _______     ____.     ______      _______     _________   ____.
 ._\\ __  /____\\   |____\\    /_   _\\ __  /____\\__     / _\\   |____
 |    \__/          |         __/__     \__/       _/____/_      _     \
 |                  |         \                    \             /      \
 |______________________________________________________________/       /

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·68· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    LSD                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Axen    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                      ____.       _______        _____ __.
                   ._\\   |______/  ____//______\\_   \\ |
          _________|      |      \_______         /    \\|
           \ _     |      |             /        /      \
            \/  tGø|____________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·69· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    The Hill                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Axen    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                      ______      ____.       _______
                   ._\\    /_   _\\   |______\\ __  /__
                   |      __/__      _          \__/   \
                   |      \          /                  \
                tGø|________________/       ____________/
                  ____.       __     ____.       ____.
               ._\\   |_______\/____\\   |______\\   |____
               |     _        \          |           |    \
               |     /                   |           |     \
               |____/       _______________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·7o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Capturing My Soul          |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                  Stezotehic    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _______   _____   ______    _____     _____  _______   __  ____   _____
_\\__   / _\\__  \_\\___  \ _\\   /_  _\\  ./_\\__    \ _\/_\\_  \_\\ __/__
   _/__/_   __/       _/   \     __/_      :     /   _/  \    /       \_   \
   \                  \____/     \        /|     \           /         /    \
_______________________|    __________________    \________ /_______________/
     ___  __   ____.__           _______   ________   _____  ____.
   _\\  \/  \_\\   |  \_       _/  ____//_\\   _   \_\\  ./_\\   |____
        \/      \___    \       \_______       /         :       |    \
   ______\         |     \             /      /         /|       |     \
       /_________________/     ________________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·71· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Getting Serious            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                  Stezotehic    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _______    _______    ______      ______      __    _____    _______
._\\ ____/___\\ __  /___\\    /_   _\\    /_   __\/___\\_   \__\\ ____/__
|    \___       \__/         __/__       __/__   \      /         \___   \
|       /                    \           \             /             /    \
|____________________________________________________ /___________________/
   _______     _______   _________    __    ________    _____    _______
._/  ____//___\\ __  /__\\__      \ __\/___\\   _   \__\\  ./___/  ____//_
| \_______       \__/      /    __/   \         /          :    \_______  \
|        /                 \                   /          /|           /   \
|_______________________    \______________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·72· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Fast Rom                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Psys    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

               __________  ________    _______     ______
            ._\\  ______/_\\____   \__/  ____//___\\    /_
            |      ___/    ____/      \_______         __/__
            |       |                        /         \    \
         tGø|_______|    ____________________________________\
                     _________    ________    ___  ___
                  ._\\__      \ _\\   _   \__\\  \/   \
                  |    /    __/       /          \/    \
                  |    \             /          __\     \
                  |_____\______________________ /_______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·73· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Mindless                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Misfit    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ___  ___  __ _ _____  _ _____  _ ____. _ _______  _______ _  _______ _
._\\\  \/   \_\/_\\\_   \_\\\_   \_\\\   |_\\\ __  /_/  ____///_/  ____///_
|      \/     \     /        /           |     \__/  \_______   \_______   \
|_______\          /        /            |                  /          /    \
      /__________ /       __________________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·74· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Spaced Out                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Zoltrix    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _______     ________    ________    _________   _______       _____
   ._/  ____//___\\___    \ _\\____   \__\\__     / _\\ __  /______\\_   \
   | \_______       _/     \  ____/        _/____/_     \__/         /    \
   |        /       \______/               \                        /      \
   |_________________|      _______________________________________________/
      ________    ___!_       ______
   ._\\   _   \__\\  ./______\\    /_
   |      /          :            __/__
   |     /          /|            \    \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·75· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Zoltrix                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Zoltrix    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ______   _ _______   _ ____.  _ ______    _ _________   __  _ ___  ______
._\\\____ \__\\\   _  \__\\\   |__\\\    /_  _\\\__      \ _\/__\\\  \/     /
|    _____/        /           |        __/__     /    __/  \       _/     /
|    \            /            |        \         \                 \      \
|______________________________________________    \________________/\______\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·76· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Epigrams                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     MrFrapp    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     _______ _______   __ ______ _________   _______  ___  ___   ______
  .__\ __  /_\___   \ _\/_\ ___/_\__      \ _\___   \_\  \/   \_/  ___/__
  |    \__/    _/    \ \    \__    /    __/  ___/        \/     \______  \
  |            \_____/        /    \                    __\           /   \
  |_____________|     __________    \__________________ /_________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·77· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Treva Woteva               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Icon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          ______      _________    _______     _____     ________
       ._\\    /_   _\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\   /____\\____   \
       |      __/__     /    __/     \__/         /      ____/    \
       |      \         \                        /                 \
      _____     ________    ______     _______     _____     ________
   ._\\  _/____\\   _   \__\\    /_  _\\ __  /____\\   /____\\____   \
   |     \          /           __/__    \__/         /      ____/    \
   |     /\        /            \                    /                 \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·78· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Crunden                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Icon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ _________ _ _________  _ _____  _ _____   _ _____   _ _______  _ _____
._\\\__     / \\\__      \ \\\  ./__\\\_   \__\\\_   \__\\\ __  /__\\\_   \
|    _/____/_     /    __/      :      /         /          \__/      /    \
|    \            \            /|     /         /                    /      \
|__________________\________________ /       ______________________ /       /
                                 tGø/_______/-T!                   /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·79· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    BlueRoom                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Jupiter8    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                   ___.     ____.     _____     _______
                ._\\ _|____\\   |____\\  ./____\\ __  /__
                |    \          |        :        \__/   \
                |     \         |       /|                \
               _________    ________    ________    ___  ___
            ._\\__      \ _\\   _   \__\\   _   \__\\  \/   \
            |    /    __/       /           /          \/    \
            |    \             /           /          __\     \
            |_____\__________________________________ /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·8o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Jupiter8                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Jupiter8    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _ ______  _ _____ _ ________    __ _ ______   _ _______  _ _________
      \\\_    \_\\\  ./_\\\___    \ __\/_\\\    /_ _\\\ __  /__\\\__      \
   ._____/           :      _/     \  \        __/__    \__/       /    __/
   |    /           /|      \______/           \                   \:     \_
tGø|_________________________|      ________________________________|______/
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

             __.\    /___ ______
             \____________\    /_______
               |_____    ¬\     ______/___________
  .-------------¯¯¯¯/______\_____/   ¬\    ______/\---------------------.
  ______             ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/______\______ _/  \                    ¦
 .\    /___ ______               ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/_______\                   ¦
 |    ______\    /_______            ______  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    » MESSAGES «    ¦
 |______   ¬\     ______/ ___________\  __/_____                        ¦
  ¯¯¯¯/______\_____/   ¬\/     __   ¬\______   ¬\____________           ¦
  ¦    ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/______\____________\______    \    ______/\____________
  ¦  · The         ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/______\______ _/  \     ___  ¬\
  ¦  · Chosen                               ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/_______\______/    \
  ¦  · Few            ____________     _________        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯/______\
  ¦                  .\     _____/_____\       /______._              ¯¯¯¯¯¯
  ¦              sCf |     ___/  ______/\     /\     ¬|                 ¦
  `------------------|     ¬|_______ _/  \___//\\_____|-----------------'
                     :      |¯¯¯¯¯/_______\¯¯/   ¯¯¯¯¯ -T!
                            :      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

                                              ÷ Nemes!s/SaveOurSouls ÷
          ÷ Relief/Twisted ÷             The Lost Boys is the best ever UK
Nice work on 3rd Eye and expect a bomb co-op release? Thats a strong claim to
 in the post from me sometime in the   make ... download -T-ORDER.TXT from me
             near future!                          & Devistator.

        ÷ Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul ÷                  ÷ Zoltrix/Hellfire ÷
 ... and when you're done eating your  I finally beat you, now I can rest in
 scones we can play some tennis too.    peace ... still want those velcrose
     you like that program then?        pads? I've got two pairs, one for my
                                        hands, the other for my knees hehe.
       ÷ Tommy/EpsilonDesign ÷
Cheers for the logo mate, and I'll try          ÷ Baffle/Delirium ÷
 to stop MicFlair from singing to you   Yes okay okay I'll get it sorted but
            all the time!                 in the meantime you've got to do
                                         everything, so I'm not bothered :)
      ÷ Rekall/Classic^Quartex ÷
Whoaah long time eh? Isn't IRC just a             ÷ MDR/Hellfire ÷
           wonderful thing?             I've been reliably informed that the
                                       phrase "AmiTCP" sends you into fits of
         ÷ Stezotehic/Style ÷               thrashing around the place?
  I needed a monkey, you supplied a
   monkey, what more can I ask for?             ÷ Crash/Nerve Axis ÷
 Thanks for your support mate but you  Well guvnor I finally got it finished
        need to be quicker :)          and almost crumped the whole thing up
                                       as well, now wouldn't that have been a
       ÷ Rasta/EpsilonDesign ÷         silly mistake? I've got all your fags
 You're on for 2o seconds then you're  here so be ready with the readies when
gone for a minute and so it continues,             I see ya next!
  stay on and we'll actually have a
             proper chat!                           ÷ Icon/LSD ÷
                                          Are tits all you want from your
     ÷ SatansFire/SaveOurSouls ÷           postcards? Oooh what a shallow
 Come on you can do better than that!   individual you've turned out to be!
Call that requesting logos? I call it
easy! Try harder you bastard hehe ...              ÷ Colorbird ÷
                                        Nice chatting with you mate and we'll
           ÷ Misfit/Whale ÷                  speak again soon I think!
 Look forward to your next collection
         mate and keep at it!                ÷ Hybrid/DualCrewShining ÷
                                       1oomb down ... I feel like a true hero
          ÷ Desoto/Mo'Soul ÷                   of the board now hehe.
 Please forgive me but I stole your M
  from M'S-SIGN.TXT Seven M logo and            ÷ Narcosis/Eltech ÷
used it in my SpookM logo it was just   Well I hope someone starts giving me
         too nice ... sorry!           competition before I become too bored
                                                  of your board =)

                           /\ _________ ___ _   _
                         _/  \\      _//_______ __  _    _     /\
                         |    ¯      | ¯                      /  \ _ _
                   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾,  \\\\\
                   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  |    ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   \\\¯
                   `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾, ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾    \¯
                         |           ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾     \
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                   `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾'   /
                         |           |                 /          /
                         |         ._|_.    ____.    _/__.       /
               _____  ___|_/\   ___| ¯¬|  __)  ¬l_  .\¯ ¬l__   _/____ ·
            · _\__ ¬\_\__¯_  \ /  __   |  \_   __/_ | ¯ __ ¬\ / ¯__ ¬\:
            :/  __   |.  ¯|   Y.   l   |   |.   l ¬\|.   |   Y.   ____¦
            ¦:.  '   |:.  |   |:.      |   |:.      |:.  |   |:.  `  ¬|
            `--------^----l___|--------'   `--------^----l___|--------'
                         ¡       t0! ¡    ____. / eD       /
              · _/\ __   |_____  ____|/\ .\_ ¬|/__  ______/  _/\ __ ·
              :/ _ Y ¬\ /¯ __ ¬\_\___¯  \|    l¯_/./  __ ¬\ /   Y ¬\:
              ¦.  \ /  Y.   l   |.   T   |.  __ ¬\|.   ____Y    '   ¦
              |:.  Y   |:.      |:.  |   |:.  |   |:.  `  ¬|-----   |
              `----l___|--------^----l___|----l___|--------|:.  .---'
                         ¡_     _    |    /          /     `----'
                          /_____\\  /¯   /__________/
                          ¯     ¯ \/     ¯

        .    Thats everything from me so i only have these great people
        |    to thank for their hard work in making this production
        .    a lot better than i had originally intended ...
        .    sk¡n/dezign for the "tango" logo
        |    mogue/arclite for the first "twisted" logo
        .    stezotehic/style for the first "5o and the monkey" logo
        |    nup/mo'soul for the "first words" logo
        .    relief/twisted for the second "twisted" logo
        |    scarface/twisted for the "the chosen few" logo
        .    tommy/epsilon design for the second "5o and the monkey" logo
        |    stylewars for the "twisted" file_id logo
    _ __._
        |_)_____/\  _____ __ _    _
        :         \/

____  sTw  _ __ _____________   ____  ___  .
   / _______   _   ____     / __)__/__\ (_ ¦
  /--\     /__(_)__) _/_   /--\ _)   \.\  \¦
__/  \    /\      \___  \__/  \ \     \____\
¦/____\    \_______\ (   \/____\_______\   ¦
+------\____\----\________\---- -- -   - --+
¦                                          ¦
¦            50 And The Monkey             ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦         TANGo/Twisted^Nerve Axis         ¦
¦_                                        _¦




 Released: 14th July 1996 - World First: 13th Hour BBS - Collection No: #35

   __________________                  |   _ _ /        __________________
   \   _      o _   /   ______  ______ |     //_________\__          _ _ /
    \  /       \\  /____\ _ _ \|·     \|     /o    _______/_______     //
     \/         ·\/     /\\    |¦      \    //     /     /\      /     /
     /____________\    /__\    |______\    /·     /     /  \__________/
                /________________\     \  /___________ / Sk¡n
                                        \/           \/

                       - -« the original british »- -

                            ·tWiStEd iN '96·    |
                   _______                      .
    ______ ______ |     (. ___ ________________ |________    _____________
  _|     (.)     ||      |_\__ \        _.      |_    __/___.)    _      /
  \_      |      /\      |     .\       \|      _/   _/     |     /     /
   |______|______/\  ____|_____|_________\______| __________|________  /
                   \/                    Mo!/aL-|                    \/
              The Boys Coming Down With Murder  .

                          .__(                   )__.
                          |   ·50 AND THE MONKEY·   |
                          |   _______     _____     |
                          | .-\  ___/_  .-\    \    |
                          | \______   \/   /\   \   |
                          | _/    /    \_  \/    \_ |
                          | \___________/_________/ |
                          |                         |
            _____   ________     ______        ____    ____      _____
         .-\\__  \.-\   ._  \_.-\\__   \_    .-\   \_.-\  _|__.-\\__  \_
       _/     _   \_    |/   /     /    /  _/      _/     \   \_   /___/
       \______\____/____|   /_.________/   \_______|______/____/___     .
                       /______|                     .              \____|
                          .         .-----.         |
                          |       ./  ___  \.       |
                          |      (,  (o_o)  ,)      |
                          |       ¯\  _ _  /¯  sTZ! |
                          |      ,--\  ¯  /--.      |
                          |     /    `---'    \     |
                          |    /   /        \  \    |
                         .-­~­-.  (_. _  _ ._)  \   |
                        (       \  /¯¯    ¯¯\,   )  |
                         \    \  \(    .    /   /--.·
                          \    \  \        /   /    )
                          .\    )  ____  _/   /    /.
                          | \   \ (_)_,~·    /    / |
                           __)   .___(_(_) _(    /  |
                         .·    __.'`-------'/   /.­­.
                         `--'¯¯            (  ____   \
                          |                 ¯¯    ¯~­'
                          |                         |
            ______    ____·  _______    ____  _____   _____  ______
          .-\     \_.-\   \.-\  ._  \_.-\   |/    /.-\\__  \_\    /__
        _/    \/   /       \_   |/   /      /   _/.     /___/____/   \_
        \_____/   /_._______/___|   /_._____\_____|________.      ____/
             /______|          /______|                    |_____/
                          |                         |
                          |___                   ___|

      ____ /  |    ____  ___ / ________
   __/_   \   | __/_   \/   /_ \_  _  /
--/   /___/   |/   /  _/\_    \/    \/---------------------------------- · --
_/    __/    _/   /_   \_/     \_    \      ____      ____    ___   ___ /_
\______\_____\_____|\___/_______/   __\__  /    \  __/_   \__/_  \ /   /_
              |        /    /       \    \/      \/   /  _/   /   \\_    \
    ·fIRST    ·       ·    /        /\    \_      \  /_   \_ /     \/     \_
           wORDS·        _/        /_ \____/______/___|\___/_______/_______/
-------------------------\___©nUP!_____\_-_-------------------- - / - -------
        puuuuh ... im bored! lots of requests and easy to draw them
        but at the moment there's no sun or women! for everyone who
        has requested a logo in the last two weeks its now here for
          you so i hope you like it, and even if you don't well, i
        dont care do i? every character in this collection has been
          ripped from another collection, but i betcha cant guess
        where though? i rape it and you can never prove it was yours

         read star trek: invasion - possibly the best set of books
         written for star trek. didnt you know i was a trek anorak?
               oh well you learn something new every day ...

         i draw for fun and pleasure, to take away my days of pain
            and sorrow in yet another dreary summer in england,
         recognition is a secondary gift i receive for my enjoyment

               5o and the monkey : dont ask me what it means

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o1· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Pressure                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Crash!    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ______    ________   ______  ______   ______   _____  ________   ______
._\\___  \ _\\__     \_\\ _  /_/  ___//_/  ___//_\\  ./_\\__     \_\\ _  /_
|    _/   \    /   __/    \_/  \______  \______      :     /   __/    \_/  \
|    \____/    \                     /        /     /|     \                \
|_____|         \___________________________________________\_______________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o2· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    NerveAxis                  |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Crash!    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____    _______     _________    _____       _______
       ____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\__      \__\\   /______\\ __  /__
      /      /         \__/        /    __/      /          \__/   \
     /      /                      \            /                   \
  tGø\_____/       _________________\_______________________________/
          /_______/    ________   ____  ______  __      _______
                     _\\____   \_\\   \/     /__\/_____/  ____//_
                    /  ____/         _/         \      \_______  \
                   /                 \                        /   \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o3· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DeltaTX                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Delta TX    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

             _____    _______     ____.       ______     ________
       .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\   |______\\    /_  _\\____   \
       |      /         \__/          |           __/__  ____/    \
       |     /                        :           \                \
    ................................. |............... ................
    :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  `:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::'
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o4· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Preacher                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 _ ______  _ _______  _ ______ _ _____  _ _______ _ ____. _ ______ _ _______
 \\\___  \ \\\_     \_\\\ _  /_\\\__  \_\\\__   / \\\   |_\\\ _  /_\\\_     \
|    _/   \   /   __/     \_/    __/       _/__/_      _      \_/     /   __/
|    \____/   \                            \           /              \     \_
|_____|   |____\______________________________________/    ____________\_____/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o5· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Ascii                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

             ________    _______     _________    __      __
          ._\\____   \__/  ____//___\\__     /  __\/______\/___
          |  ____/      \_______      _/____/_    \       \    \
          |                    /      \                         \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o6· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    NewUsers                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                        _____    _______     _____
                  .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\  _/____
                  |      /         \__/         \     \
                  |_____/                       /\     \
        _____        _______     _______     _________    _______
     ._\\  ./_______/  ____//___\\ __  /____\\__      \ _/  ____//_
     |     :        \_______       \__/        /    __/  \_______  \
     |    /|               /                   \:               /   \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o7· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    HeavenAndHell              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     ____.       _______     ________    _____       _______        _____
  ._\\   |____ _\\ __  /__ _\\____   \ _\\   /____ _\\ __  /__ ____\\_   \
  |     _    .\    \__/  .\  ____/   .\     /    .\    \__/  .\      /   .\
  |     /     \\          \\          \\   /      \\          \\____/     \\
  |____/       /___________/___________/___________/___________/   /_______/
   tGø/_______/      ________       _____       _____
                  ._\\____   \ ____\\_   \ ____\\_   \
                  |  ____/   .\      /   .\      /   .\
                  |           \\____/     \\    /     \\
                  |____________/   /_______/___________/-T!
                ____.       _______     ____.       ____.
             ._\\   |____ _\\ __  /__ _\\   |____ _\\   |____
             |     _    .\    \__/  .\      |   .\      |   .\
             |     /     \\          \\     |    \\     |    \\
             |____/       /___________/___________/___________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o8· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    HeavenAndHell              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Preacher    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 _ ____.     _ _______   _ ________  _ _____     _ _______      _ _____
 \\\   |_____\\\ __  /___\\\____   \_\\\   /_____\\\ __  /______\\\_   \
|     _          \__/      ____/          /          \__/          /    \
|     /                                  /                        /      \
|____/       ___________________________________________________ /       /
    /_______/      _ ________     _ _____     _ _____           /_______/
                   \\\____   \____\\\_   \____\\\_   \
                  |  ____/           /           /    \
                  |                 /           /      \
                  |_______________ /       ____________/
             _ ____.     _ _______   _ ____.     _ ____.
             \\\   |_____\\\ __  /___\\\   |_____\\\   |____
            |     _          \__/          |           |    \
            |     /                        !           |     \
         tGø|____/       __________________:_________________/
                /_______/-T!               .

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·o9· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    EpsilonDesign              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Tommy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 _ _______  _ ________    _______ _   __   _ ____:   _ ________    _ _____
 \\\ __  /__\\\___    \ _/  ____///___\/___\\\   |___\\\   _   \___\\\_   \
|    \__/       _/     \ \_______     \          |         /          /    \
|               \______/        /                |        /          /      \
|________________|      ___________________________________________ /       /
     _ _____  _ _______     _______ _   __   _ _______    _ _____  /_______/
 .___\\\_   \_\\\ __  /____/  ____///___\/___\\\ ____/____\\\_   \
 |      /         \__/     \_______     \        \___        /    \
 |     /                          /                 /       /      \
 |________________________________________________________ /       /

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·1o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    LookerHouse                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Tommy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ____.       ________    ________     __  ______  _______     _________
._\\   |______\\   _   \__\\   _   \__\\  \/     /_\\ __  /____\\__      \
|      |           /           /         _/    _/     \__/        /    __/
|      |          /           /          \      \                 \      \_
|_________________________________________\      \_________________\______/
         ____.       ________    _____       _______     _______
      ._\\   |______\\   _   \__\\  ./______/  ____//___\\ __  /__
      |     _            /          :       \_______       \__/   \
      |     /           /          /|              /               \
      |____/       ________________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·11· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    HouseOfStyle               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                   Red Demon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

       _ ____.     _ ________  _ _____       _______ _ _ _______
       \\\   |_____\\\   _   \_\\\  ./______/  ____///_\\\ __  /__
      |     _            /          :       \_______       \__/   \
      |     /           /          /|              /               \
   tGø|____/       ________________________________________________/
          /_______/      _ ________  _ __________
                         \\\   _   \_\\\  ______/
                        |      /           ___/
                        |     /             |
         _______ _ _ ______    _ ____.__   _ ____.     _ _______
      ._/  ____///_\\\    /_   \\\   |  \__\\\   |_____\\\ __  /__
      | \_______         __/__    \___           |         \__/   \
      |        /         \           |           |                 \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·12· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    RedDemon                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                   Red Demon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                     _________    _______        _____
                  ._\\__      \ _\\ __  /_______\\_   \
                  |    /    __/     \__/          /    \
                  |    \      \_                 /      \
               tGø|_____\______/ _______________________/
            _____    _______     ___  ___    ________       _____
      .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\  \/   \__\\   _   \_____\\_   \
      |      /         \__/         \/           /           /    \
      |     /                      __\          /           /      \
      |___________________________ /______________________ /       /

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·13· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    StrawberryDelight          |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Rasta    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _______     ______      _________    ________    _____
._/  ____//___\\    /_   _\\__      \ _\\____   \__\\  _/____
| \_______         __/__     /    __/   ____/          \     \   _
|        /         \         \      \_                 /\     \ (_)
|_____________________________\______/ ________________/\_____/
                 ___.        _______     _________   _________   ____.__
              ._\\ _|_______\\ __  /____\\__      \_\\__      \_\\   |  \_
           _  |    \           \__/        /    __/    /    __/   \___    \
          (_) |     \                      \           \             |     \

                        (·) strawberry delight (·)
      _____    _______     ____.   __     _______     ____.       ______
.____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\   |___\/____\\ ____/____\\   |______\\    /_
|      /         \__/          |   \        \___         _            __/__
|     /                        |               /         /            \    \
|_______________________________________________________/       ____________\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·14· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Looker [diz]               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                  ____   ___   ___   ___     ____   ______
                 |   /__/   \_/   \_|   |___|  __|______ /.
                 |  /   /     /        _/  /|  _|     _/  |
                 |_____________________\   \________  \___|

                     (·) THE HANDSOME BUNCH RETURN! (·)


           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·15· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    PurpleDream                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    ________    _____       _________    ________    ____.       _______
 ._\\___    \ _\\  ./______\\__      \__\\___    \ _\\   |______\\ __  /__
 |    _/     \     :          /    __/     _/     \      |         \__/   \
 |    \______/    /|          \            \______/      |                 \
 |_____|      _________________\____________|      ________________________/
            _____    _________    _______     ________    ___  ___
      .____\\_   \__\\__      \__\\ __  /____\\____   \__\\  \/   \
      |      /         /    __/     \__/      ____/          \/    \
      |     /          \                                    __\     \
   tGø|_________________\__________________________________ /_______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·16· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Gdm                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _ _______                         _ _____              _ ___  ___
   .__\\\ ____/_________________________\\\_   \_____________\\\  \/   \
   |      \___                             /                      \/    \
   |         /                            /       _________________\     \
tGø|_____________________________________________/-T!            /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·17· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Dmd                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                   _ _____             _ ___  ___                 _ _____
   ._______________\\\_   \____________\\\  \/   \________________\\\_   \
   |                  /                     \/                       /    \
   |                 /       ________________\                      /      \
tGø|________________________/-T!           /_______________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·18· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Looker                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ____.     _ ________  _ ________  _ ___  ______ _ _______   _ _________
  \\\   |_____\\\   _   \_\\\   _   \_\\\  \/     / \\\ __  /___\\\__      \
 |      |           /           /         _/    _/      \__/        /    __/
 |      |          /           /          \      \                  \      \_
 |_________________________________________\      \__________________\______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·19· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Looker [diz]               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                         Gdm    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                      ____.       __  ______  _________
                   ._\\   |_____\\  \/     /_\\__      \
                   |      |        _/    _/     /    __/
                   |      |        \      \     \      \_
                   |________________\      \_____\______/

                               (·) LOOKER (·)


           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·2o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    TransMissions              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

        _ ______   _ _________  _ ________     _ _____    _______ _
      ._\\\    /_  \\\__      \ \\\____   \____\\\_   \__/  ____///
      |       __/__    /    __/   ____/           /      \_______  \
      |       \        \                         /              /   \
   tGø|____________     \______________________ /       ____________/
                  |______|                     /_______/
  _ ___  ___   __   _______ _  _______ _ __ _ ________  _ _____    _______ _
._\\\  \/   \__\/__/  ____///_/  ____///_\/_\\\   _   \_\\\_   \__/  ____///
|      \/      \   \_______   \_______   \        /        /      \_______  \
|_______\                 /          /           /        /              /   \
      /_________________________________________________ /       ____________/

you've heard the tale of robin hood,
  and how he did poor people good,
  but there is more to this story,     the friar could not believe his ears,
of sherwood forest's pride and glory.  she's offering sex to us old queers,
                                          as he recovered from the shock,
 at night, when all robbin' is done,    robin presented her with his cock.
 the merry men would have some fun,
  in fact it would be fair to say,     marian's clothes were off in a flash,
 that all the merry men were gay!!!        the merry men all had a bash.
                                       when all was done, she gave a whine,
  as little john starts to unwind,     thank you boys for a really good time,
    robin takes him from behind,        but for your pleasure you must pay,
    as they frolic in the grass,          i've got vd so have a nice day,
     robin sticks it up his ass.
                                         now, listen here said friar tuck,
one night when they were all at play,      we don't really give a fuck,
  a gorgeous maiden come their way,      the jokes on you, you silly cow,
   she wandered up to friar tuck,      we've all got aids so who's fucked now
  and said 'i'm marian wanna fuck'.

                                     - unknown

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·21· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Amiga                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _ ________  _ ___  ___    __    _ _______   _ ________
        ._\\\____   \_\\\  \/   \___\/____\\\ ____/___\\\____   \
        |   ____/          \/       \         \___      ____/    \
        |                 __\                    /                \
     tGø|________________ /_______________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·22· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Music                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _ ___  ___  _ _____       _______ _   __    _ _________
        ._\\\  \/   \_\\\  ./______/  ____///___\/____\\\__     /
        |      \/          :       \_______     \        _/____/_
     tGø|_______\         /|              /              \       \_

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·23· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Gfx                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                    _ _______   _ __________ _ ___  ______
                  ._\\\ ____/___\\\  ______/_\\\  \/     /
                  |     \___          ___/       _/     /
                  |        /           |         \      \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·24· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Logoff                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Blueboy    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     _ ____.     _ ________  _ _______   _ ________  _ _________ _ __________
   ._\\\   |_____\\\   _   \_\\\ ____/___\\\   _   \_\\\  _______\\\  ______/
   |       |           /         \___          /           ___/        ___/
   |       |          /             /         /             |           |

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·25· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Cyber                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Cyber    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

         _________   ____.__     ___.        _______     _________
      ._\\__     / _\\   |  \___\\ _|_______\\ __  /____\\__      \
      |   _/____/_    \___         \           \__/        /    __/
      |   \              |          \                      \      \_

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·26· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    CitadelOfChaos             |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Cyber    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _________   __    ______      ________     _____    _______    ____.
._\\__     / __\/___\\    /_   _\\____   \___\\_   \__\\ __  /___\\   |____
|   _/____/_   \         __/__   ____/         /         \__/         |    \
|   \                    \                    /                       |     \
                            ________    __________
                         ._\\   _   \__\\  ______/
                         |      /           ___/
                         |     /             |
         _________   ____.       ________    ________    _______
      ._\\__     / _\\   |______\\____   \__\\   _   \__/  ____//_
      |   _/____/_      _        ____/           /      \_______  \
      |   \             /                       /              /   \
      |________________/       ____________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·27· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    FlyingFistsOfJudah         |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                  Devistator    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _ __________ _ ____.     _ ____.__     __     _ _____  _ _______
        ._\\\  ______/_\\\   |_____\\\   |  \____\/_____\\\_   \_\\\ ____/__
        |       ___/         |        \___       \         /         \___   \
        |        |           |           |                /             /    \
     tGø|________|    __________________________________ /       ____________/
  _ __________  __    _______ _ _ ______      _______ _ /_______/
._\\\  ______/__\/___/  ____///_\\\    /_   _/  ____///_
|       ___/    \    \_______         __/__  \_______   \
|        |                  /         \             /    \
|________|    ___________________________________________/-T!
  _ ________  _ __________
._\\\   _   \_\\\  ______/
|       /           ___/
|      /             |
|____________________| _ ______  _ _____    _ _____  _ ________  _ ____.
                       \\\_    \_\\\  ./____\\\_   \_\\\____   \_\\\   |____
                    ._____/           :        /       ____/          _     \
                    |    /           /|       /                       /      \
                _ __|________________________________________________/       /
                    :                                               /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·28· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    E-Mail                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                   Mic Flair    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

       _______             ___  ___    ________    __      ____.
    ._\\ __  /__    _   ._\\  \/   \__\\____   \___\/_____\\   |____
    |    \__/   \  (_)  |     \/       ____/       \           |    \
    |            \      |______\                               |     \
 tGø|____________/           /_______________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·29· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    TheLostBoys                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Nemes!s    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                          _______________ ___________
                       ._(               \\          )_.
                       |                               |
  _ ______    _ ____.  !  _ _______                    |
._\\\    /_   \\\   |_____\\\ __  /__                  |
|       __/__      _          \__/   \                 |
|       \          /                  \                |
|_________________/       ____________/                |
                 /_______/  _ ____.     _ ________    _______ _ _ ______
                       .  ._\\\   |_____\\\   _   \__/  ____///_\\\    /_
                       |  |       |           /      \_______         __/__
                       |  |       |          /              /         \    \
                       |  |_________________________________________________\
              _ ___.   !    ________    ____.__    _______ _
            ._\\\ _|_______\\   _   \__\\   |  \__/  ____///_
            |     \             /        \___     \_______   \
            |      \           /            |            /    \
                       .                               .
                       |       (·) S · O · S (·)       |

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·3o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Wise-K                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Wise-K    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _ _____       __      _______ _ _ _______           _ ___  ______
    ._\\\  _/_______\/_____/  ____///_\\\ __  /__       ._\\\  \/     /
____|      \        \      \_______       \__/  .\   _  |     _/    _/
\ _ |      /\                     /              \\ (_) |     \      \
 \/ |______/\_____________________________________/     |______\      \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·31· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Rasta                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Rasta    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

         _________    ________    _______     ______      ________ ___.
      ._\\__      \ _\\____   \__/  ____//___\\    /_   _\\____   \\  |
      |    /    __/   ____/      \_______         __/__   ____/    \\_|
      |    \                            /         \                 \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·32· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    CyberSpace                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                       Turbo    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                     (·) no slogans ... no gimmicks (·)

              ________.    ._________.    .______   .__________
            ._\       | ___|         |    |.  __ \_ |.  __ ___/
            |      _  |/   |        _|____| \\\___/_| \\\_    |
            |      /__/    |      \\\_    |         |    |    |
            |:    /   \_____         |    |:        |:   |    |
            |::       |::                 |::       |::  |    |
         tGø|:::.     |:::.               |:::.     |:::.|    |
            `---------`-------------------`---------`----|    |
                   nerve axis ukhq · uk fame support site

                       + 4 4  O 1 2 7 5  3 4 1 2 6 1
             ___________________._________. ________.______
            /.   ______.  ____  |.  __    |_\       |.  __ \_
            \______   | \\\_____| \\\_    |      _  | \\\___/_.
            |     |   |    |    |    |    |      /__|         |
            |:    :   |:   |    |:   |    |:    /   |:        |
            |::       |::  |    |::  |    |::       |::       |
            |:::.     |:::.|    |:::.|    |:::.     |:::.     |-T!
            `---------`----'    `----|    |---------`---------'

                           (·) sysop is turbo (·)

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·33· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DualCrewShining            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Hybrid    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _____    _____       ________    ____.
.____\\_   \__\\  ./______\\____   \__\\   |____
|      /          :        ____/           |    \
|     /          /|                        |     \
                _________   _________    _______     _____
             ._\\__     / _\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\  _/____
             |   _/____/_     /    __/     \__/         \     \
             |   \            \                         /\     \
   _______     ____.       __         _____    __         _____    _______
._/  ____//___\\   |_______\/________\\_   \___\/________\\_   \__\\ ____/__
| \_______        _        \           /       \           /         \___   \
|        /        /                   /                   /             /    \
|________________/       ___________ /       ___________ /       ____________/
                /_______/           /_______/           /_______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·34· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    WarpSpeed                  |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Scouser    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                _____       ________    _________    ________
             ._\\  _/______\\____   \__\\__      \ _\\___    \
             |     \        ____/         /    __/     _/     \
             |     /\                     \            \______/
          _______     ________    _______     _______        _____ __.
       ._/  ____//___\\___    \ _\\ __  /____\\ __  /_______\\_   \\ |
       | \_______       _/     \    \__/        \__/          /    \\|
       |        /       \______/                             /      \
    tGø|_________________|      ____________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·35· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Chancer                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Chancer    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ________ _ ____.   _ ________  _ ____  _ _________ _ _______ _ _________
._\\\__    / \\\   |___\\\____   \_\\\_  \_\\\__     / \\\ __  /_\\\__      \
|    _/___/_      _      ____/        /       _/____/_     \__/      /    __/
|    \            /                  /        \                      \      \_
|________________/      ___________ /      ___________________________\______/
             tGø/______/           /______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·36· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    PowerPlant                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Chancer    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          ________    ________    _____       _______     _________
       ._\\___    \ _\\   _   \__\\  _/______\\ __  /____\\__      \
       |    _/     \      /          \          \__/        /    __/
       |    \______/     /           /\                     \      \_
       |_____|      _________________/\______________________\______/
          ________    ____.       ________       _____    ______
       ._\\___    \ _\\   |______\\____   \_____\\_   \__\\    /_
       |    _/     \      |       ____/           /           __/__
       |    \______/      |                      /            \    \
    tGø|_____|      ___________________________ /       ____________\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·37· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Decnite                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Unknown    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _____    _______    _________     _____    __    ______     _______
.____\\_   \__\\ __  /___\\__     / ___\\_   \___\/___\\    /_  _\\ __  /__
|      /         \__/      _/____/_      /       \         __/__    \__/   \
|     /                    \            /                  \                \
|_____________________________________ /       _____________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·38· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Nameless                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Hotwire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _ ____  _ _____  _ ___  ___  _ ______ _ ____. _ ______  _____ _  _____ _
.__\\\_  \_\\\__  \_\\\  \/   \_\\\ __ /_\\\   |_\\\ __ /_/  __///_/  __///_
|     /      __/         \/         \_/        |     \_/  \_____   \_____   \
|____/                  __\                    |               /        /    \
    /      ____________ /____________________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·39· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DreamChart [diz]           |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Unknown    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                        ___________ ____     _______  _
                      __\   _____ /   __|____\__    \/ \
                      \  \  |  _/     _|     __/    \/  \
                    tGø\____|  \_____________________\__/
                  ____    __|   |  ___________ _______
                 /   _|__/ _|   |__\__  ____ /   __  /
                /   |      \_   |  __/    _/      \_/
                \___________|   |_______  \________\-T!
                 - ---------|___|------|___|------------- -

                 - -------------------------------------- -

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·4o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    DreamChart                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Unknown    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____    _________    _______     ________    ___  ___
      .____\\_   \__\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\____   \__\\  \/   \
      |      /         /    __/     \__/      ____/          \/    \
      |     /          \                                    __\     \
      |_________________\__________________________________ /_______/
         _________   ____.       ________    _________    ______
      ._\\__     / _\\   |______\\____   \__\\__      \ _\\    /_
      |   _/____/_      _        ____/         /    __/       __/__ ___.
      |   \             /                      \              \    \\  |
   tGø|________________/       _________________\___________________\\_|

           _________     __(___·:::::..... _______.
      .____\       / ____|__     ·::::::::::::..  l_                 .____.
     _|           //\      /_____| ·::::.  ·::·    /_________________|_   |
  ___\        .___   \_   /_______:. ·::::. ·         _     /__.    _l/   |___
.-'  |        |  /-------/-rLF   .::::::::::.______   /____/   |____\-----|  `-.
|    l________|                    :·             /____________|-T!            :
:                                                                              !
l___                     · hOTWIRE · rELiEF · dEV¡STATOR ·                .__. ·
._ /                    · tANGO · pRiDE · sAL-1 · sCARFACE ·              l__| :

      bOONDOCKS       ..]÷[.. +31 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. sAL-oNE ..]÷[.. wHQ
    dIGITAL cANDY     ..]÷[.. +44 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. hYBRID  ..]÷[.. eHQ
      rAVE lAND       ..]÷[.. +49 youhuntmedown ..]÷[..   H2o   ..]÷[.. gHQ
 eLECTRONIC CONFUSION ..]÷[.. +45 youhuntmedown ..]÷[.. wEBSTER ..]÷[.. diS
____  13tH hOUR       ..]÷[.. +44 (O)17O45O5845 ..]÷[..   aCE   ..]÷[.. diS
._ /
|//__________________________________________ ___ _    _        _

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·41· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    IntelOutside               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Memo    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            __         _____    ______      _______     ____.
         .__\/________\\_   \__\\    /_   _\\ __  /____\\   |____
         |  \           /           __/__     \__/          |    \
         |             /            \                       |     \
      tGø|___________ /       ____________________________________/
   ________    _____      ______      _______     __     _____    _______
._\\   _   \__\\  ./_____\\    /_   _/  ____//____\/____\\_   \__\\ __  /__
|      /          :           __/__  \_______     \       /         \__/   \
|     /          /|           \             /            /                  \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·42· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Immune                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      __      ___  ___    ___  ___    _____          _____    _______
   .__\/___ _\\  \/   \ _\\  \/   \ _\\  ./____ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__
   |  \   .\     \/   .\     \/   .\     :    .\      /   .\    \__/  .\
   |       \\_____\    \\_____\    \\   /|     \\____/     \\          \\
tGø|________/   /_______/   /_______/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·43· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    BackFire                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

               _ ___.      _ ________  _ _________ _ ___  ______
             ._\\\ _|______\\\____   \_\\\__     / \\\  \/     /
             |     \         ____/        _/____/_     _/    _/
             |      \                     \            \      \
                  _ __________  __ _ _________   _ _______
                ._\\\  ______/__\/_\\\__      \ _\\\ __  /__
                |       ___/    \      /    __/      \__/   \
                |        |             \                     \
             tGø|________|    __________\____________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·44· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    SatansFire                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _______     ________    ______      ________       _____    _______
 ._/  ____//_ _\\____   \ _\\    /_   _\\____   \ ____\\_   \ _/  ____//_
 | \_______ .\  ____/   .\      __/__   ____/   .\      /   .\ \_______ .\
 |        /  \\          \\     \    \           \\____/     \\       /  \\
 |____________/___________/___________\___________/   /_______/___________/
                 __________          _________    _______
              ._\\  ______/_\\ ___ _\\__     .\ _\\ __  /__
              |      ___/ |   \\ .\    /    __/     \__/  .\
              |       |   |       \\   \      \_           \\
           tGø|_______|   |________/____\______/____________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·45· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Insane                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                 _____    _______     ________       _____    _______
   ._\\ ___ ____\\_   \ _/  ____//_ _\\____   \ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__
   |   \\ .\      /   .\ \_______ .\  ____/   .\      /   .\    \__/  .\
   |       \\____/     \\       /  \\          \\____/     \\          \\
tGø|________/   /_______/___________/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·46· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    MadMan                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ___  ___    ________       _____    ___  ___    ________       _____
._\\  \/   \ _\\____   \ ____\\_   \ _\\  \/   \ _\\____   \ ____\\_   \
|     \/   .\  ____/   .\      /   .\     \/   .\  ____/   .\      /   .\
|______\    \\          \\    /     \\_____\    \\          \\____/     \\
  tGø/_______/___________/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!/_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·47· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    RoadHogz                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

               _________    ________    ________       _____
            ._\\__      \ _\\   _   \__\\____   \_____\\_   \
            |    /    __/       /       ____/           /    \
            |    \             /                       /      \
                ____.       ________    _______     ______
             ._\\   |______\\   _   \__\\ ____/____\\____ \_
             |     _            /         \___       _____/ \
             |     /           /             /       \       \
          tGø|____/       ___________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·48· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    SaveOurSouls               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                _______     ________    _____       _______
             ._/  ____//_ _\\____   \ _\\   /____ _\\ __  /__
             | \_______ .\  ____/   .\     /    .\    \__/  .\
             |        /  \\          \\   /      \\          \\
                      ________    _____       _________
                   ._\\   _   \ _\\  ./____ _\\__     .\
                   |      /   .\     :    .\    /    __/
                   |     /     \\   /|     \\   \      \_
          _______     ________    _____       ____.       _______
       ._/  ____//_ _\\   _   \ _\\  ./____ _\\   |____ _/  ____//_
       | \_______ .\      /   .\     :    .\      |   .\ \_______ .\
       |        /  \\    /     \\   /|     \\     |    \\       /  \\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·49· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Food                       |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                __________  ________    ________       _____
             ._\\  ______ _\\   _   \__\\   _   \ ____\\_   \
             |      ___/        /           /           /    \
             |       |         /           /           /      \
          tGø|_______|    ____________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·5o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    SOS/JA!/NCR                |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

 ____  ______________       ___ ___ ________    ____    ___ ___ ____  ____
/  _/__\__         __|_    /.  \  /   ____ /.  /  _/__ /.  \  /    /_/  _/__
\___   __/  \  /   _|  |  //     /|     _/  |  \___   //     /|   /  \___   \
  /__________\/________|  \_____________\___|    /____\______________| /____/
          .________    ____  __          ___________ ___________
       ___|      __|___\   |_\/_       __\__  ____ /|  __  /  _/__
       \  |      _|     \  |    |     |  __/    _/  |   \_/\___   \
     tGø\__________________|____|     |_________\___|____\   /____/-T!
              _____ ___ ___ ____   ____  ____     ___________
             |  _  \  /    /   _|_|   /_|  __|____\__  ____ /.
             |  /    /|   /   |   |  /  |  _|     __/    _/  |
             |_/     _____\_______|_____|________________\___|

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·51· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    PcBoard                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ________    _________
._\\___    \ _\\__     /
|    _/     \   _/____/_
|    \______/   \       \_
|_____|      ____________/
                  ___.   ________    ________    _________     _____
               ._\\ _|__\\   _   \__\\____   \__\\__      \ __\\_   \
               |    \        /       ____/         /    __/     /    \
               |     \      /                      \           /      \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·52· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Immune Releases            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                                __  __  _  __  ______ ________ ____
                               _\/_|  \/ \|  \/     /      _  |  __|_
                              |    |  \/  \  \/    /|      /  |  _|  |
                              |____|___\__/___\___________/   |______|
    ______ ____   ____  ____     ____ ____   ____   ____ /____|
    ____ /   __|_|   /_|  __|____\__ /  _/__|  __|_/  _/__
   |  _/     _|  |  /  |  _|     __/ \___   \  _|  \___   \
tGø|__\__________|_____|_____________| /____/______| /____/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·53· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Backfire Staff             |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

.____.   .________. ________.____.___.__________    _  ._______________
|    |   |.  __   |_\       |.   |  /|.    ____/___//__|.  __ __/.  __ \_
|   _|___| \\\_   |      _  |   _|_/_|     __/ |   //  | \\\_   | \\\___/_.
| \\\_   |    |   |      /__| \\\_   |     |   |       |    |   |         |
|:   |   |:   |   |:    /   |:   |   |:    |   |:      |:   |   |:        |
|::      |::  |   |::       |::  |   |::   |   |::     |::  |   |::       |
|:::.    |:::.|   |:::.     |:::.|   |:::. |   |:::.   |:::.|   |:::.     |
`--------`----|   |---------`----|   |-----'   `-------`----|   |---------'
              `---'              `---'                      `---'
                _____________.    .________.____________________
               /.   ______   |__  |.  __   |.    ____/.    ____/
               \______       __// | \\\_   |     __/ |     __/
               |     |       |____|    |   |     |   |     |
               |:    :       |    |:   |   |:    |   |:    |
               |::                |::  |   |::   |   |::   |
               |:::.              |:::.|   |:::. |   |:::. |
               `------------------`----|   |-----'   `-----'

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·54· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Immune                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     __      ___  ___    ___  ___    _____          _____    _______
  .__\/_____\\  \/   \__\\  \/   \__\\  ./_________\\_   \__\\ __  /__
  |  \          \/          \/          :            /         \__/   \
  |            __\         __\         /|           /                  \
  |___________ /__________ /______________________ /       ____________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·55· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    AutoSent                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

              ____ ____ ____________  ____   ____   _____ _______
            __\__ /   /     __  /   \/  _/__|  __|_|  _  |  __  /
           |  __/    /|      \_/    \\___   |  _|  |  /  |   \_/
        tGø|__________________\\_____/ /____|______|_/___|____\-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·56· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Doors                      |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                 Satans Fire    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____    ________    ________    _________    _______
      .____\\_   \__\\   _   \__\\   _   \__\\__      \ _/  ____//_
      |      /           /           /         /    __/  \_______  \
      |     /           /           /          \:               /   \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·57· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Super Unknown              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Spook M    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          _______     _____       ________    _______     _________
       ._/  ____//___\\  ./______\\___    \ _\\ __  /____\\__      \
       | \_______        :          _/     \    \__/        /    __/
       |        /       /|          \______/                \      \_
    tGø|_____________________________|       ________________\______/-T!
   _____     _____     __  ______     _____    ________    _____     _____
._\\  ./____\\_   \__\\  \/     /____\\_   \__\\   _   \__\\  _/____\\_   \
|     :       /         _/    _/       /           /          \       /    \
|    /|      /          \             /           /           /\     /      \
|__________ /____________\__________ /________________________/\___ /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·58· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Spook M                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Spook M    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                   ____________________  ____________________
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
          _______ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ______
       ._/  ____//¾¾¾\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾_\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾¾\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾¾\\¯¯\/     /
       | \_______ ¯¯¯   _/     \      /    ¯¯     /    ¯¯   _/    _/
       |        /       \______/     /           /          \      \
    tGø|_________________|¾¾¾¾¾¾ ____________________________\      \
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾\______\-T!
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾                ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·59· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Delirium                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Baffle    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

       _____    _______   ____.  __   _________    __   _____   ___  ___
 .____\\_   \__\\ __  /__\\   |__\/__\\__      \ __\/__\\  ./__\\  \/   \
 |      /         \__/        |  \      /    __/   \       :       \/    \
 |     /                      |         \                 /|      __\     \
 |___________________________________    \_______________________ /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·6o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Corrupt                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Baffle    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ________   _______   ________    ________    _____  _______    ______
._\\__    / _\\   _  \_\\__     \ _\\__     \ _\\  ./_\\___   \ _\\    /_
|   _/___/_       /       /   __/     /   __/      :     _/    \      __/__
|   \            /        \:          \:          /|     \_____/      \    \
|_______________________   |________   |__________________|     ____________\
                    tGø|___|       |___|-T!

                             Size: 120000 Bytes

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·61· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    BumbleBeeLand              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Baffle    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                  ____   ____ __ __  _______  ____  ____
                 |   /__/   /   |  \/      /_|   /_|  __|_
                 |  /  /   /|   |  \/     /  /  /  |  _|  |
              ____  ____   ____       ____    ____ _____  ____
             |   /_|  __|_|  __|_    |   /____\__ |  _  |_\   |
             |  /  /  _|  |  _|  |   |  /     __/ |  /  \  \  |
             |____/|______|______|   |____________|_/___|\____|

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·62· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Secret Cinema              |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     The Fly    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _______     _______     _________   _________    _______     ______
 ._/  ____//_ _\\ __  /__ _\\__     / _\\__     .\ _\\ __  /__ _\\    /_
 | \_______ .\    \__/  .\   _/____/_     /    __/     \__/  .\      __/__
 |        /  \\          \\  \       \_   \      \_           \\     \    \
      _________             _____    _______     ___  ___    ________
   ._\\__     / _\\ ___ ___\\_   \ _\\ __  /__ _\\  \/   \ _\\____   \
   |   _/____/_    \\ .\     /   .\    \__/  .\     \/   .\  ____/   .\
   |   \       \_      \\___/     \\          \\_____\    \\          \\
tGø|____________/_______/  /_______/___________/   /_______/___________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·63· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    The Fly                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     The Fly    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   ______      ____.       _______
._\\    /_   _\\   |______\\ __  /__       __________  ____.     ____.__
|      __/__      _          \__/   \   ._\\  ______/_\\   |____\\   |  \_
|      \          /                  \  |      ___/        |      \___    \
|________________/       ____________/  |       |          |         |     \
             tGø/_______/-T!            |_______|    ______________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·64· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Classic&Quartex            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _________   ____.     ______    ______     ______            _________
._\\__     / _\\   |____\\__   \__/  ___//___/  ___//___\\ ____\\__     /
|   _/____/_       |     __/      \______    \______      \\     _/____/_
|   \              |                    /          /             \       \_

                                 a · n · d
    _______    _____   ______    ________    ______     _______   ___  ______
  _\\      \__\\  ./__\\__   \__\\__     \ _\\    /_  _\\ __  /__\\  \/     /
_/     _          :    __/         /   __/       __/__    \__/      _/     /
\______/         /|                \             \                  \      \
      |_________________________    \_______________________________/\______\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·65· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Sewers Of Mystery          |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

            _____   _______  _____  _______  ________    _____
         ._/  __//_\\ __  /_\\  _/_\\ __  /_\\__     \ _/  __//_
         | \_____     \__/      \     \__/     /   __/  \_____  \
         |      /               /\             \             /   \
                              ________   __________
                           ._\\   _   \_\\  ______/
                           |      /          ___/
                           |     /            |
   ___  __   ____.__   _____   ______     _______  ________    ____.__
._\\  \/  \_\\   |  \_/  __//_\\    /_  _\\ __  /_\\__     \ _\\   |  \_
|     \/      \___    \_____       __/__    \__/     /   __/    \___    \
|______\         |         /       \                 \             |     \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·66· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Rekall                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _________    _______     ___  ______  ________    ____.       ____.
 ._\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\  \/     /_\\____   \__\\   |______\\   |____
 |    /    __/     \__/        _/    _/   ____/           |           |    \
 |    \                        \      \                   |           |     \
 |_____\________________________\      \____________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·67· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Eltech                     |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Rekall    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

    _______     ____.     ______      _______     _________   ____.
 ._\\ __  /____\\   |____\\    /_   _\\ __  /____\\__     / _\\   |____
 |    \__/          |         __/__     \__/       _/____/_      _     \
 |                  |         \                    \             /      \
 |______________________________________________________________/       /

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·68· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    LSD                        |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Axen    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                      ____.       _______        _____ __.
                   ._\\   |______/  ____//______\\_   \\ |
          _________|      |      \_______         /    \\|
           \ _     |      |             /        /      \
            \/  tGø|____________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·69· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    The Hill                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Axen    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                      ______      ____.       _______
                   ._\\    /_   _\\   |______\\ __  /__
                   |      __/__      _          \__/   \
                   |      \          /                  \
                tGø|________________/       ____________/
                  ____.       __     ____.       ____.
               ._\\   |_______\/____\\   |______\\   |____
               |     _        \          |           |    \
               |     /                   |           |     \
               |____/       _______________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·7o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Capturing My Soul          |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                  Stezotehic    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _______   _____   ______    _____     _____  _______   __  ____   _____
_\\__   / _\\__  \_\\___  \ _\\   /_  _\\  ./_\\__    \ _\/_\\_  \_\\ __/__
   _/__/_   __/       _/   \     __/_      :     /   _/  \    /       \_   \
   \                  \____/     \        /|     \           /         /    \
_______________________|    __________________    \________ /_______________/
     ___  __   ____.__           _______   ________   _____  ____.
   _\\  \/  \_\\   |  \_       _/  ____//_\\   _   \_\\  ./_\\   |____
        \/      \___    \       \_______       /         :       |    \
   ______\         |     \             /      /         /|       |     \
       /_________________/     ________________________________________/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·71· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Getting Serious            |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                  Stezotehic    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

   _______    _______    ______      ______      __    _____    _______
._\\ ____/___\\ __  /___\\    /_   _\\    /_   __\/___\\_   \__\\ ____/__
|    \___       \__/         __/__       __/__   \      /         \___   \
|       /                    \           \             /             /    \
|____________________________________________________ /___________________/
   _______     _______   _________    __    ________    _____    _______
._/  ____//___\\ __  /__\\__      \ __\/___\\   _   \__\\  ./___/  ____//_
| \_______       \__/      /    __/   \         /          :    \_______  \
|        /                 \                   /          /|           /   \
|_______________________    \______________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·72· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Fast Rom                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Psys    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

               __________  ________    _______     ______
            ._\\  ______/_\\____   \__/  ____//___\\    /_
            |      ___/    ____/      \_______         __/__
            |       |                        /         \    \
         tGø|_______|    ____________________________________\
                     _________    ________    ___  ___
                  ._\\__      \ _\\   _   \__\\  \/   \
                  |    /    __/       /          \/    \
                  |    \             /          __\     \
                  |_____\______________________ /_______/-T!

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·73· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Mindless                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                      Misfit    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ___  ___  __ _ _____  _ _____  _ ____. _ _______  _______ _  _______ _
._\\\  \/   \_\/_\\\_   \_\\\_   \_\\\   |_\\\ __  /_/  ____///_/  ____///_
|      \/     \     /        /           |     \__/  \_______   \_______   \
|_______\          /        /            |                  /          /    \
      /__________ /       __________________________________________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·74· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Spaced Out                 |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Zoltrix    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _______     ________    ________    _________   _______       _____
   ._/  ____//___\\___    \ _\\____   \__\\__     / _\\ __  /______\\_   \
   | \_______       _/     \  ____/        _/____/_     \__/         /    \
   |        /       \______/               \                        /      \
   |_________________|      _______________________________________________/
      ________    ___!_       ______
   ._\\   _   \__\\  ./______\\    /_
   |      /          :            __/__
   |     /          /|            \    \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·75· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Zoltrix                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     Zoltrix    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ ______   _ _______   _ ____.  _ ______    _ _________   __  _ ___  ______
._\\\____ \__\\\   _  \__\\\   |__\\\    /_  _\\\__      \ _\/__\\\  \/     /
|    _____/        /           |        __/__     /    __/  \       _/     /
|    \            /            |        \         \                 \      \
|______________________________________________    \________________/\______\

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·76· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Epigrams                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                     MrFrapp    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

     _______ _______   __ ______ _________   _______  ___  ___   ______
  .__\ __  /_\___   \ _\/_\ ___/_\__      \ _\___   \_\  \/   \_/  ___/__
  |    \__/    _/    \ \    \__    /    __/  ___/        \/     \______  \
  |            \_____/        /    \                    __\           /   \
  |_____________|     __________    \__________________ /_________________/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·77· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Treva Woteva               |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Icon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

          ______      _________    _______     _____     ________
       ._\\    /_   _\\__      \ _\\ __  /____\\   /____\\____   \
       |      __/__     /    __/     \__/         /      ____/    \
       |      \         \                        /                 \
      _____     ________    ______     _______     _____     ________
   ._\\  _/____\\   _   \__\\    /_  _\\ __  /____\\   /____\\____   \
   |     \          /           __/__    \__/         /      ____/    \
   |     /\        /            \                    /                 \

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·78· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Crunden                    |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                        Icon    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

  _ _________ _ _________  _ _____  _ _____   _ _____   _ _______  _ _____
._\\\__     / \\\__      \ \\\  ./__\\\_   \__\\\_   \__\\\ __  /__\\\_   \
|    _/____/_     /    __/      :      /         /          \__/      /    \
|    \            \            /|     /         /                    /      \
|__________________\________________ /       ______________________ /       /
                                 tGø/_______/-T!                   /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·79· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    BlueRoom                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Jupiter8    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

                   ___.     ____.     _____     _______
                ._\\ _|____\\   |____\\  ./____\\ __  /__
                |    \          |        :        \__/   \
                |     \         |       /|                \
               _________    ________    ________    ___  ___
            ._\\__      \ _\\   _   \__\\   _   \__\\  \/   \
            |    /    __/       /           /          \/    \
            |    \             /           /          __\     \
            |_____\__________________________________ /_______/

           _____________________________ /                    __
       _:_/                            //_____________________\//\___
        |   50 And The Monkey     ·8o· /                      \/    (_:
        |                             ø    Jupiter8                   |
        |_   __     ..TANGo/Twisted  /                                |
        : )__\//\__________________ /                    Jupiter8    _|_
             \/                    //_______________________________/ :

      _ ______  _ _____ _ ________    __ _ ______   _ _______  _ _________
      \\\_    \_\\\  ./_\\\___    \ __\/_\\\    /_ _\\\ __  /__\\\__      \
   ._____/           :      _/     \  \        __/__    \__/       /    __/
   |    /           /|      \______/           \                   \:     \_
tGø|_________________________|      ________________________________|______/
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

             __.\    /___ ______
             \____________\    /_______
               |_____    ¬\     ______/___________
  .-------------¯¯¯¯/______\_____/   ¬\    ______/\---------------------.
  ______             ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/______\______ _/  \                    ¦
 .\    /___ ______               ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/_______\                   ¦
 |    ______\    /_______            ______  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    » MESSAGES «    ¦
 |______   ¬\     ______/ ___________\  __/_____                        ¦
  ¯¯¯¯/______\_____/   ¬\/     __   ¬\______   ¬\____________           ¦
  ¦    ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/______\____________\______    \    ______/\____________
  ¦  · The         ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/______\______ _/  \     ___  ¬\
  ¦  · Chosen                               ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯/_______\______/    \
  ¦  · Few            ____________     _________        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯/______\
  ¦                  .\     _____/_____\       /______._              ¯¯¯¯¯¯
  ¦              sCf |     ___/  ______/\     /\     ¬|                 ¦
  `------------------|     ¬|_______ _/  \___//\\_____|-----------------'
                     :      |¯¯¯¯¯/_______\¯¯/   ¯¯¯¯¯ -T!
                            :      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

                                              ÷ Nemes!s/SaveOurSouls ÷
          ÷ Relief/Twisted ÷             The Lost Boys is the best ever UK
Nice work on 3rd Eye and expect a bomb co-op release? Thats a strong claim to
 in the post from me sometime in the   make ... download -T-ORDER.TXT from me
             near future!                          & Devistator.

        ÷ Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul ÷                  ÷ Zoltrix/Hellfire ÷
 ... and when you're done eating your  I finally beat you, now I can rest in
 scones we can play some tennis too.    peace ... still want those velcrose
     you like that program then?        pads? I've got two pairs, one for my
                                        hands, the other for my knees hehe.
       ÷ Tommy/EpsilonDesign ÷
Cheers for the logo mate, and I'll try          ÷ Baffle/Delirium ÷
 to stop MicFlair from singing to you   Yes okay okay I'll get it sorted but
            all the time!                 in the meantime you've got to do
                                         everything, so I'm not bothered :)
      ÷ Rekall/Classic^Quartex ÷
Whoaah long time eh? Isn't IRC just a             ÷ MDR/Hellfire ÷
           wonderful thing?             I've been reliably informed that the
                                       phrase "AmiTCP" sends you into fits of
         ÷ Stezotehic/Style ÷               thrashing around the place?
  I needed a monkey, you supplied a
   monkey, what more can I ask for?             ÷ Crash/Nerve Axis ÷
 Thanks for your support mate but you  Well guvnor I finally got it finished
        need to be quicker :)          and almost crumped the whole thing up
                                       as well, now wouldn't that have been a
       ÷ Rasta/EpsilonDesign ÷         silly mistake? I've got all your fags
 You're on for 2o seconds then you're  here so be ready with the readies when
gone for a minute and so it continues,             I see ya next!
  stay on and we'll actually have a
             proper chat!                           ÷ Icon/LSD ÷
                                          Are tits all you want from your
     ÷ SatansFire/SaveOurSouls ÷           postcards? Oooh what a shallow
 Come on you can do better than that!   individual you've turned out to be!
Call that requesting logos? I call it
easy! Try harder you bastard hehe ...              ÷ Colorbird ÷
                                        Nice chatting with you mate and we'll
           ÷ Misfit/Whale ÷                  speak again soon I think!
 Look forward to your next collection
         mate and keep at it!                ÷ Hybrid/DualCrewShining ÷
                                       1oomb down ... I feel like a true hero
          ÷ Desoto/Mo'Soul ÷                   of the board now hehe.
 Please forgive me but I stole your M
  from M'S-SIGN.TXT Seven M logo and            ÷ Narcosis/Eltech ÷
used it in my SpookM logo it was just   Well I hope someone starts giving me
         too nice ... sorry!           competition before I become too bored
                                                  of your board =)

                           /\ _________ ___ _   _
                         _/  \\      _//_______ __  _    _     /\
                         |    ¯      | ¯                      /  \ _ _
                   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾,  \\\\\
                   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  |    ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   \\\¯
                   `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾, ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾    \¯
                         |           ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾     \
                   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾    /¯
                   `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾'   /
                         |           |                 /          /
                         |         ._|_.    ____.    _/__.       /
               _____  ___|_/\   ___| ¯¬|  __)  ¬l_  .\¯ ¬l__   _/____ ·
            · _\__ ¬\_\__¯_  \ /  __   |  \_   __/_ | ¯ __ ¬\ / ¯__ ¬\:
            :/  __   |.  ¯|   Y.   l   |   |.   l ¬\|.   |   Y.   ____¦
            ¦:.  '   |:.  |   |:.      |   |:.      |:.  |   |:.  `  ¬|
            `--------^----l___|--------'   `--------^----l___|--------'
                         ¡       t0! ¡    ____. / eD       /
              · _/\ __   |_____  ____|/\ .\_ ¬|/__  ______/  _/\ __ ·
              :/ _ Y ¬\ /¯ __ ¬\_\___¯  \|    l¯_/./  __ ¬\ /   Y ¬\:
              ¦.  \ /  Y.   l   |.   T   |.  __ ¬\|.   ____Y    '   ¦
              |:.  Y   |:.      |:.  |   |:.  |   |:.  `  ¬|-----   |
              `----l___|--------^----l___|----l___|--------|:.  .---'
                         ¡_     _    |    /          /     `----'
                          /_____\\  /¯   /__________/
                          ¯     ¯ \/     ¯

        .    Thats everything from me so i only have these great people
        |    to thank for their hard work in making this production
        .    a lot better than i had originally intended ...
        .    sk¡n/dezign for the "tango" logo
        |    mogue/arclite for the first "twisted" logo
        .    stezotehic/style for the first "5o and the monkey" logo
        |    nup/mo'soul for the "first words" logo
        .    relief/twisted for the second "twisted" logo
        |    scarface/twisted for the "the chosen few" logo
        .    tommy/epsilon design for the second "5o and the monkey" logo
        |    stylewars for the "twisted" file_id logo
    _ __._
        |_)_____/\  _____ __ _    _
        :         \/

____  sTw  _ __ _____________   ____  ___  .
   / _______   _   ____     / __)__/__\ (_ ¦
  /--\     /__(_)__) _/_   /--\ _)   \.\  \¦
__/  \    /\      \___  \__/  \ \     \____\
¦/____\    \_______\ (   \/____\_______\   ¦
+------\____\----\________\---- -- -   - --+
¦                                          ¦
¦            50 And The Monkey             ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦         TANGo/Twisted^Nerve Axis         ¦
¦_                                        _¦
