File Archive

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File size:
9 109 bytes (8.90K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:22
Download count:
all-time: 452


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
          [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pECEE·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
                 [· oPERATED bY zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·]

- -- --- ^ addys abowe ^ ------------ -  -   -    -     -      -       -

                               .... ::  :: ....
                               ::   ::  ::   ::
                               ::   ::  ::   ::
                  ___    ______ :   ::  ::   :: /\     ___
                 /   |___\   _/______ ____ ___ /  \ __(__/___
               _/    |    \____     /   __/   \    \        /
               \_____|_______ /    /____\_____/     \ ______\
               ------------- /    / ------- /        \ ------
                            ·    ·  ::  :: /__________\ dip/a!
                     __         ___ ::  _____    ______    ______
       ______ ___ ___\ \___ ___|   \ ___\_  /___ \    /__ _\   _/______
       \   __/   \    \    \   |    \_   /     /       _/   \____     /
       /___\_____/___ /____/___|_____/___\_____\ ______\ ______ /    /
       ------------------------------------------------------- /    / -
                               ::   ::  ::   ::               ·    ·
                               ::.. ::  :: ..::


     well welcome to the first issue of aSCii cHARTS ! this thingie is ment
   as a kind of monthly release list and also charts to keep the ascii battle
       alive. absolutely neutral. think about that quality rocks, not only
            quantity. but also being idle is NO art and gets boring !

    okee lean back and enjoy the lists and look which collies you missed this
    year. if some collys are missing - sorry but i tried to did my best. but
     for example collies from poland come to german boards only in about two

            diPSWiTCH\a!^1oo%^aHS  <>

.-- jANUARY 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| dkb-rttf.txt | respect to the fullest     | dipswitch | dkb     | 01.01.99 |
| shd-asa!.txt | ascii still alive          | yop       | shd     | 02.01.99 |
| tesg-mw.txt  | mehrwert                   | the risk  | tesg    | 0?.01.99 |
| se-rev2.txt  | revolution 2               | crazy     | style   | 11.01.99 |
| sea-1999.txt | 1999                       | blaze     | sea     | 11.01.99 |
| sea-1pos.txt | 100% of shit               | blaze     | sea     | ??.01.99 |
| e-never.txt  | never forget               | kayozz    | element | 15.01.99 |
| r-crauni.txt | crazy unique               | erupt     | remorse | 16.01.99 |
| r-merpea.txt | it's time to get high      | merlin    | remorse | 16.01.99 |
| m's-whip.txt | whisper                    | mark ryder| mo'soul | 17.01.99 |
| m-ozz05.txt  | mimic colly #5             | kayozz    | mimic   | 18.01.99 |
| ftn-twop.txt | the world of power         | chill     | faction | 21.01.99 |
| lp!---!-.txt | based on a true story      | mt        | lo'pro  | 23.01.99 |
| a!-dump.txt  | in the dump                | dezibel   | arcade  | 24.01.99 |
| pnk-p-ds.txt | obsecure desire            | volatile  | phunk   | 24.01.99 |
| se-spock     | style does it live at b... | many ;)   | style   | 24.01.99 |

 totally ca.770kb (+- bbs ads) in 16 collections !

.-- fEBRUARY 1999 --   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| a!-diz1.txt  | get a dizzie vol.1         | dipswitch | arcade  | 01.02.99 |
| bm-holly.txt | every day should be a h... | avenger\bm| bm      | 01.02.99 |
| a!-rsc.txt   | return of the stoned cowboy| woober    | arcade  | 01.02.99 |
| sos-seas.txt | saved souls                | xcz       | sos     | 01.02.99 |
| r-pros.txt   | calling up your friends... | poskgubbe | remorse | 03.02.99 |
| r-1999.txt   | it's 1999 and i'm so fucked| wh0dini   | remorse | 03.02.99 |
| sos-coop.txt | ?                          | xcz & slab| sos     | 03.02.99 |
| lp&a-dog.txt | lassie the killer collie   | mt & acorn| lp & a! | 07.02.99 |
| a!-ssr.txt   | some shitty requests       | dipswitch | arcade  | 07.02.99 |
| a!-john.txt  | john has tripper           | vouck     | arcade  | 13.02.99 |
| up-tiny.txt  | tiny beats                 | scope     | up rough| 13.02.99 |
| a!-idk.txt   | i dont kare                | zaner     | arcade  | 14.02.99 |
| sea-fngr.txt | finger                     | zabora    | sea     | 16.02.99 |
| sos-pwoo.txt | pimp wood                  | h7        | sos     | 22.02.99 |
| se-poski.txt | poski                      | boh.&zeus | style   | 23.02.99 |
| a!-jalis.txt | just a lifesign            | dipswitch | arcade  | 24.02.99 |
| ftn-doaf.txt | death of a farmer          | chill     | faction | 24.02.99 |
| tasg!4mh.txt | for my homies              | the risk  | tasg    | 26.02.99 |
| sea-zero.txt | zero remix                 | azzaro    | sea     | 27.02.99 |
| k0-2kolo.txt | the poesy of two colors    | acid      | kore    | 28.02.99 |
| ea-fkins.txt | ?                          | fK!       | ea      | 28.02.99 |

totally ca.1160kb (+- bbs ads) in 21 collections !

             -  /  -     c   h   a   r   t   s   '   9   9  -  /  -

                   1.  arcade (a!)           -   8  collections
                   2.  remorse (r)           -   4  collections
                       sative mea (sea)      -   4  collections
                   3.  save our souls (sos)  -   3  collections
                       style (se)            -   3  collections
                   4.  faction (ftn)         -   2  collections
                       low profile (lp!)     -   2  collections
                       tasg/tesg             -   2  collections
                   5.  black maiden (bm)     -   1  collection
                       die kranken bomber (dkb)  1  collection
                       element (e)           -   1  collection
                       extreme arts (ea)     -   1  collection
                       kore (k0)             -   1  collection
                       mimic (m)             -   1  collection
                       mo'soul (m's)         -   1  collection
                       phunk (pnk)           -   1  collection
                       shrimps design (shd)  -   1  collection
                       up rough (up!)        -   1  collection

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .----------------------------------------.
| t H E  a S C i i  c H A R T S  0 2 / 9 9 |
| see what was released in the ascii scene |
| in january & february and who topped the |
| charts... absolute independent and neut- |
| ral ! word.                              |
|     -/-  0  3  /  0  3  /  9  9  -/-     |

----- ^ the end ^ --------- -  -   -    -

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·bGiRL·pUREpHUN·sOiA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pHUNK·mENACE     \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·