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20 348 bytes (19.87K)
File date:
2020-04-16 17:25:43
Download count:
all-time: 433


:_/                                      \_:
|                                          |
|           cOLLABORATIVE eFFORT           |
|      tEXTGRAPHIX cOLLECTION 09/2019      |
|_                                        _|
: \______________________________________/ :

               _ /_  _    _   ____
                /  \/ \  / /\/    \
             __/_  /   \/ / /     /____/\  __ __ _ _______
             \   _/ /__/_/  \ /__/       \/               |
            _\\  / _____   /l¬ /                          |
              \\/\  /nup\_/  \/       ZEuS & CyBERGoD     |
                  \/                «-----------------»   :
              |          __\ ___   _    _    _    ___  _    _
              .         /   \  /  / \  / \  / \  /   \/ \  / \
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                      l  /  / _l × _/ _____) _/l`  /l   l ¯  /
                       \/   \/  \__|\  /   \_|_ \_/  \_/ \__/aL
                                     \/      :

                             P r E S E n T  a

             _______|_      |_ _____ __ __  _______     __________
      __ ____\       /      .(     /    \//       /____/_       _/__ __
     \\/     |\      \      |     /      /       /      /     _|     \//
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                    |_______|   /_______\÷e÷

                          .          ______
    ________     ________ | _________\___( _______    __________   __________
  _/     __/__ _/   _     \        _/______\     /___.)    _   _\__\_       /
  \     _/    /     /     .\       \|     /     /    |     \   \    /      /
   \_________/      _____ |_________\_____\__________|__________\  /_______\
            /_______|     |          ______               Mo!/aL-\/
    ___________ ________  |__________\___( ___________      __________
   .)    _    _/     __/_ \        _/______\      _   \_ ___\_       /
   |     /    \     _/    .\       \|      .\     \     \    /      /
   |________  /\__________| ________\_______\\_____      \  /_______\
            \/            |                       |_______\/

                   e P S i L o N  d E S i G n  &  s T Y L e

                          c O L L a B o R a T i o N

Foreword [zEUS]

no surprises in my works here, still i like it. a few things that make me happy
at this time, first of all assembly and boozembly was fricking awesome. lots
of it-companies' sponsored beer and sausages in the middle of the forest nearby
the fair centre. lots of amiga friends only seen at boozembly. second, i have a
textgraphics exhibition in helsinki featuring A2 size prints. highlights are
twisted and trsi logos. 60 peeps were interested in the event on facebook but
only 15 showed up in the opening. we had a good time drinking red. nup/arclite
and dual/dcs brought a bottle of gin and a girl brought a big bottle of baileys.
she must've noticed baileys commercials i've posted on facebook. no payday goes
by without buying a bottle.

i tried to contact cg on irc with no success, he had been idle for a year!
boheme hooked me up with cg on facebook. i've always liked cg's style, arts
stuff really!

Foreword [cYBERGOD]

Tap tap.. is this thing on? *Cough* I'm not much of a speaker, but ..
Ok maybe not. After an astronomical hiatus, and a couple of failed resurrection
atempts, here we are again. ASCII. Prononuced dead more often than Keith
Richards but still standing up right, credit due to all the ones that kept on
going and not taking the easy way out, not quitters like yours truly.
I'd like to think the former "rivals" of the pc/ansi/new(?lol)school related
scene helpt keeping both themselves and the holy topaz riders alive. Amazing
amount of compiling and networking work done
by the Sixteen Colors gang and others.

When zEUS reached out and suggested a coop, his timing was spotless. I'd been
on an extrodinary nostalgic high for a couple of days probably weeks, and
suddenly had some "free time"(tm)(r)(c) or "me time" in the evenings. I mean,
why not? Was there uncertainty? Certainly! The question - How do I do this
again? - kept hammering away over and over in my head. "Luckily" all (?) my
old stuff is still out there, because the internet never forgives and never
forgets. I tried to have a look at it - and it was painfull. Not so much the
ascii itself, it looked sort of decent, but all the late-blooming teenage
angst turned out to be the real cringe fest. Yet, I think I managed to compile
and copy the look and feel, and suddenly the tapping of the keyboard felt so
familiar. Riding a bike and all that.

If someone feels copied to the point of absurdity - I am sorry. I've not kept
track of everything released post 1998-2000'ish.
I've missed a lot. If some character feels "just right" being placed in
position x,y - the probability that someone else had that exact same feeling
the past two decades is rather high. :)

I'd like to both greet and thank everyone involved, back then - and now. You
are far too many to mention (yep I can't remember names, you saw right through
me). A Special mention to zEUS (my one and only fan) and bOhEMe - who've kept
in touch all these years. Also everyone in epsilon design, currently
preoccupied with nonsense such as life and it's puzzles.

This is (probably) not the end ;)

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 001 : eVOKE
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

                     ____     ___________
                         \   /          /                   ______
             _ _  _______ \  ________  /___ _                    /
   ._________     \      \  /      _/________   ______ _______  ______
   :       _/_______.     \/       /         \       /       /      _/_ ____.
           __/      |      \______/    -      \     /_       \      __/     |
    __ ____)________|\______\    \_____________\ ____\________\ ____)_______|
                  cG|\____________ _         - -- ----,                     ¦
                      \                               \___________\

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 002 : rEFUSE rESIST
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

    ___   ___   ______     __/\   ___
  _/_  \_/_  \_/   \_ \/\_/  __\_/_  \
 /  /__/  /__/  /__/  /  /\__ \/  /__/
/    \/  ___/  ___/  /  /  /  /  ___/   zS!
¯\/__/¯\___/¯\/   ¯\___/¯\___/¯\___/               /\_
                        ___   ___  __/\___  __/\__/  /
                      _/_  \_/_  \/  __\_ \/  __\_  __\
                     /  /__/  /__/\__ \/  /\__ \/  /__
                    /    \/  ___/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 003 : sIXTEEN cOLORS
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

   ______                                                 _ _____
  /    /____ ____|_  ___./_____ ________ _   _     _____         \ _____.
 /_____     \    ¦            /     ___///  _/____/   _/_ ___.    \)    |
     )_______\   |      .     \      |      __/       __/    |___\      |_
          cG|___ |/_____: _____\ ____| _____)______ _________|    \______\
     _______              .____.    __ _________\ _ __________ _____
    /   ___/____|___________   | ___\__.   _     \   _.      /     /____
   /    Y       |    _     \   |/      |__________\   |_    /_ ____     \
  /_____________|\__________\ _/_______|           ___|\_____/   )_______\

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 004 : sIXTEEN cOLORS
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

  __/\___   _____/  /   ___   ___   ___
 / /__\_ \_/ / \_  __\_/_  \_/_  \_/_  \
/\__ \/  /    _/  /__/  /__/  /__/  /  /
                       ___   ___  /\_    ___   ___  __/\
                     _/   \_/   \/  /  _/   \_/_  \/ /__\
                    /  /__/  /  /  /__/  /  /  /__/\__ \
                    ¯\___/¯\___/¯\___/¯\___/¯\/   ¯\___/zS!

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 005 : tIME bOMB
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

.___________________________ _       __
:_______ _ _. __   _______        _   7 xx/xx
|    ._///  |   \ /     _/______.//   :
|    |      |    /      __/     /  ___._____.
|____| :____|___\_/____(______ / __\__:___  |
     cG¦   _  /___ _    \     \ /     _  /___
       |   )     /_______\     /      )     /
2o19 __|________/        _ ___\_/__________/:
_                                           :

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 006 : tIME bOMB
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

 __/  /___   /\____   ___   ___   ___   /\____   ___
 \_  __\_ \_/__\__ \_/_  \_/_  \_/   \_/__\__ \_/_  \
 /  /__/  /  /  /  /  /__/  / _/  /  /  /  /  /  / _/
/  /  /  /  /  /  /  ___/  _  /  /  /  /  /  /  _  /

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 007 : mISTIGRIS
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

              \ __ /                                           .___________
  .____   __/_/.  _\ ______  ____.__ __ ______  _ _________    . _______  /
  |    \ / /   |\/ |/     /_\\   __/  //  ___/____ _.     / ___:/      / /____
  |     Y /    |___|    _/____   |    |   /_     /  |_   /_    /     _/____  /
  |____\_/_____:cG/_______   /___| ___l_________/___|\____/eD _:_______   / /
     _  /_ ________ _  )____/_ _  __ _             __ ________ |__/ )___   /
    // /_//____________________/ /_/// MISTIGRIS //_//________\\       / _/
                                                               /__   __\

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 008 : mIST
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

   /\_______  __/\__/  /
 _/__\__ \_ \/ /__\_  __\
/  /  /  /  /\__ \/  /__

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 009 : 5711
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

 _ ____:______  _______   ____.  ____. _____________________________|
       |    _/_ \__    \ /_   | /_   |                              '
       |____    __/   _/  |   |  |   |    5 7 1 1                   :
___ ____|       \/    // _:   | _:   |______________________________;
      cG|______/|_____|  \|___\ \|___\

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 010 : lATEX
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

  /\_   ______/  /   ___   ___
 /  /  _\_  \_  __\_/_  \_/ / \
/  /__/  _  /  /__/  /__/    _/

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 011 : cARNAGE
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

                                     __/ \__
                                    \\  .  //
                                ___ _ __|___  . ___
                     _._        \ ______°.____|_  /___ _
 _ __    _ __ _ ______: ._________\_    \|    |  //_____.
 \\\_\      ///  _______|   _.     /     \    |____)_   | _______ /________
 //_______ / ____)_          |_   /_ __\______|     _   |/   ___/____ ___ /____.
  /   ___/__/_    _     .____|\____/ . ____ \___________|    /_    ./  _/_.____
 /    Y      /__________| __________/eD    \_________  /___________|   ___|    |
/___________/ ___________/       cG/                /__________  /_____________|
    _ _ _____/          /                                     /______ _  _

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 012 : cARNAGE
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

   ___  ____   ___   ___  ____   ___   ___
 _/   \_\_  \_/_  \_/_  \_\_  \_/   \_/_  \
/  /__/  _  /  /__/  /  /  _  /  /  /  /__/
¯\___/¯\___/¯\/   ¯\/__/¯\___/¯\_  /¯\___/zS!

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 013 : hOLON
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

  ||      .______|_______\   _ _.                       __/\__       __
  | ._____|      |   _    \     |     __________\_ _____\    /      / /
  : |     |      |         \    | ____\.   _     \      \ ___\___| / /_ _
    |     .      |\_______ _\   |/     :          \   .  \)      |/ /_///
  . |_____|      | .    cG|_____/______|\__________\___\         | /
  :___    :------' |                               _  __\________:/
     7___       ___|                            / // /_//__/  //_//

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 014 : hOLON
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

   ___   ___  /\_    ___   ___
 _/ / \_/   \/  /  _/   \_/_  \
/     /  /  /  /__/  /  /  /  /

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 015 : tITAN cREW
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

                            \      .                               .
_ ________.:______ ______.___\ .___:  _  _____  _ ________ ___    _._    ______.
\\\   ._/ |    ._/_\_    |    \|   | |/ /  __/___. _.    /  _/_____:___/\      |
 |    |   |    |    _    |         |   /   Y     |  |_  /_   __/   |  /  \     |
cG____| __|____|_________|___\ ____|  /__________|__|\___/_________|__________eD
                         |    \                  :
                         °     \

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 016 : tITAN cREW dIZ
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

   /\_      /\_
__/  /_____/  /  ____   ___
\_  __\_ \_  __\_\_  \_/_  \  _________
/  /__/  /  /__/  _  /  /  /           \_:
¯\___/¯\/¯\___/¯\___/¯\/__/              |
                  ___   ___   ______
  |_            _/   \_/_  \_/_  \_ \/\___  
  : \________  /  /__/  /__/  /__/  / /  /
               ¯\___/¯\/   ¯\___/¯\_____/zS!

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 017 : vERSUS
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

             _______                      ________                       __ _
   _______  /      /____      _ _________/_      /   __ _.       ________ ///
   \      \/      /   _/______.   _.      /    _/_____   |______/       //
  _\\      \_____/    __/     |    |_    /______     /   |    ./      _/_____
  \_\\______\    _ __ )_______|____|\_____/   )_____/\________| _______     /
     \                                                             cG)_____/

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 018 : dIPSWITCH
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

          ._______                             _|  |_________  _____ __  _
     _ ___|   _. /_______________ _  _  ______/   _: .___.  /_/    .____.
    _________/_|_______________  ______   .____. /_|_|   | ______  |    l-----.
   /        /  |        /    _/__\     \/\|    |/  |\    |/  ___/____         |
  |   7    /   |   .___/______         /       |   |     /   Y      /___T     |
  |_______//___|___|  ____  )_____/\_____\_____|___|\____|_________/  cG|_____|
 ______ _ ___________/   /_____ _      _ ___  _      _  _____________/\
                                            \ \_    _/ /               \__ _

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 019 : dIPSWITCH
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

   ______   ___  __/\___     _____/  /   ___   ___
 _/_  \_ \_/   \/ /__\_ \/\__\_ \_  __\_/   \_/ / \
/  /  /  /  ___/\__ \/  / /  /  /  /__/  /__/     /
¯\___/¯\/¯\/   ¯\___/¯\_____/¯\/¯\___/¯\___/¯\/__/zS!

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 020 : rEPULSE
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

  .____________________ _  _ _________ _....: _ __.    _ ______ : _ ____
. |    _.       /   _/_____.         /  |:___     | ____.    _/_:___  _/_____. :
| |     |_     /    __/    |    .___/   |    \    |/    |_____  '  /  __/    | |
| |_____|\_____\____)______|____|cG\__________\___/_____|   )_____/___)______| |
:....... ................................:                      l__ __________.'

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 021 : rEPULSE
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

    ___   ___   ______     /\_   __/\   ___
  _/_  \_/_  \_/   \_ \/\_/  /  /  __\_/_  \
 /  /__/  /__/  /  /  /  /  /__/\__ \/  /__/
/    \/  ___/  ___/  /  /  /  /  /  /  ___/
¯\/__/¯\___/¯\/   ¯\___/¯\___/¯\___/¯\___/zS!

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 022 : dEMOZOO
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

     ._____________________   _  .___________.
     :   _______    _  __ / _____|u| _____ |u| _ ____________ _ _______________.
  ______/___  _/_____./  \ /     | | ----- | |         ______  _________       :
./         /  __/    |    \      | '-------' | .    ___\_    \/   _    /________
|    7    /___)______|___\__/____|  |¬.¯¯¯|  | |7. /    _____/________/   _    /
|________/  __________________.cGl__|_l|__|__| ||:/_____)____/       /________/:
     |     / _                |               _||_                             |
     |____/ ///               |____________ _ \  / _ _________________  _______|

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 023 : dEMOZOO
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

    ___   ___   /\____   ___  ____   ___   ___
  _/_  \_/_  \_/__\__ \_/   \_\_  \_/   \_/   \
 /  /  /  /__/  /  /  /  /  / ____/  /  /  /  /
/  /  /  ___/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 024 : vOID
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

                         _______________ _  _    _____________ __
               _________/  _______           _.              // /
             __\ _______  /      /__________/_| ___________ //_/
             \ \\\      \/      /         /   |/          //
              \_\\\      \_____/   -     /    |    7     /
                __\\______\___ _ _ _____/|____|_________/ __
                \_\\_________________________________ __ / /

.-----÷------------ -  -   -   -
: 025 : vOID
`-----÷----..------ --..----- --- -   - 
           :           :

___      ______   ___
\_ \/\__/   \_ \_/_  \
/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /

       ___   ___   ___   ___
       \_ \_/_  \_/ __\_/   \
<--- - /  /  /  /  __\/  /  /  -- ------------------------------>
       ¯\/¯\/__/¯\/   ¯\___/zS!
                         |   artwork by zeus/se & cybergod/e^d
                         |   design by zeus/se
                         |   zeus&cybergod logo by nup/arclite
                         |   style logo by exocet/arclite
                         |   epsilon design logo by mogue/arclite
                         |   released on 09/27/2019
                         |   original size 24kb
                 - -- ---+--------------------------------------------------->