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86 536 bytes (84.51K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 223


- ---------------Fuck this piece of shit - I mean, it starts!--------------- -

 |      \       \/.
 \·    GUESS     /|
 |\\____________/ |
   \   ·       /__|
        \  ·
         \ :
        \. |
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        \. |                                                                .
        |\\|                                               ._____________  /|
        | \|                                               |             \/ |
        |__\_______________________________________________|__   WHO'S   // |
                                                              |   ·    /    :
                                                                   |\ :
                                                                   \. |
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                                                                   \. |
                                                                   \. |
                                     \. |
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                               \|    .           |
                               \\·     BACK   _  |
                                |_\          /

                      .....      ....                               ...
                 .: ..:t0!:...   :  :....                  .   . ...:.:
                  ..:        :...:      :                           :
           .  /\__:_  .  /\_     .  /\__:_  .  /\_____ .  /\_____   :
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          /_____     /    ___/__/    ___)__/    ______/     /    / _:__
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        \/_________\/_____    \/_____    \/_____    /\_________/    :
                  :     (____/     (____/     (____/                :
                . :/\_     .  /\____  . :/\_____ .  __ .  /\_____   .
                _\(_ (__   _\(_ ___/  _\(_  /  (__\(_(__\(_ _   (_
               /    ___/__/    ___)__/   __/    /     /     /____/  .
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                  :....: :  ...:e^D:..:.: :
                         :..:         :...:                                                                                                      .
     ......................                          :....................
_____::______            ::                       . .::.::      ._______::______
            //_.         ::                          ::         |
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    _____ ________       ::                   |      /        /__________ ___
    \   (/    ___/____   ::      ___________ _|_             /    ___   (/  /
  _._\_______        /___/:_._   \         /_\ /___         /___    /      /
  _|_       /       /__ /   l__  .\       /|      /_____ ______/   /______/___
  \ /    _ /___/______/    ___/__|_\_______|     /__ :://-T! l________ ______/
   l_ ___\/   //-rLF|       |      /_________ /____/ ::         .    //
    //         .    l____ ___________/      //       ::         |
               |        //:                          ::         |
               |         ::                          ::         l__
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     ::               ...::. .                       ::                 ::
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                          ·         ,_gmm@@@@@Wmm_.
                                ]@@@@@@f~   '~*@@@@@@
                                '@@@@@!        !@@@@P
                                 VM@@A   -  -.  @@@*`
                    ,__.            Y[  (u  u)  @`
               Wf~+W` '@             Y.  , ,   Z`
               M_ g@mzYb.             N  `¯'  d_.
                dAM@@! ,@         ,g==Y.'-+- d! ~N_
                Ms__P@zf`       _Z~    N    g!    'N.
                 ~~~`~W      ,vY`      'V==Y~       Yi
                      @**M.,gf     d[          @.    @
                    i=*=_ P~     ,ZY[          @8    @
                    !s__8 N_    gf d!          @f    @
                     P  '[ '\ ,Z` iP                iP
                     T8*~=i  Wf  ,A                gf
                     !X__gb_=~   ]!              ,Z`
                       @~~       @              iP
                      ,A        ,@        i     W`
                      !`  sTZ!  ]P       iW    iP
                                ][      iP][   'W
                               _W!     ,A 'W    '+s.
                            _m*~       ][  @       VN.
                          i@L__________W[  @_________@m.
                          `~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~'

                               ___  ____. ___
                          ___ /   \ \_  |_\_ \_ ___
                          \_//__/ //____|__/ _//___)
                    - ---------/__\sTZ!/sE/___\--------- -

          Hi, I am back after some delay to present you my new ascii
      collection. I have been doing this since I released my last coll,
      but I just haven't got tha time to make any becose I was studying.
        Now my school is over, and I started to make this collection,
      altho' I don't have much inspiration, but for all you guys I made
      some stupid ascii logos, heh. I really don't know if I'm going to
              do asciis alot after this one, it really depends!
                   Enjoy this one, or don't, I do not care.

                  .                                      .
               - -|- -                                - -|- -
                  |        T.r.u.e  R.o.m.a.n.c.e        |
                  |                                      |
                  :______   ________    ____     ______  |
                 _|     //_\\_      \ _\\  /____\\  __/__:
                 \_          /     _/     :        _\    |
                  |          \      \_   /|              |
   _______   ________.  __  _______  ________.   _________  _______  ______
._\\_     \ \\ __    |_\\ \/      /_\\__     |__\\_      /_\\_    /_\\  __/__.
|   /    _/    \/         \/     /    _/          /     /   _/___/     _\    |
|   \     \_   /          /     /     \_         /     /    |                |
|____\_____/______.______/     / _ ____|_______ /     / _.___________________|
                  :     /______\               /______\  :
                  |                                      |
                  |       A.l.p.o  a.n.d  K.a.t.j.a      |
               - -|- -                                - -|- -
                  ·                                      ·

 .::.:.     . · · · .. ..  · · · .      .:·.                         .:·.
 ·::::·  · _.______·  ·  · __ ___  .    ·::·                 .::·.   ·::·
   ··  ·  _\|_ _ // ·   · /·_Y_  \   .                      :::::::
     .    \ .-.-.·   · · //.-.-. \\    .      .····.····.   ·:::::·
    .      \|.|.|)    · (  |·|·| · )    .    :           :    ···
    .      |`-'-':    .  ) `-`-'  (     .    `.         .'
    ·      | (_) |      /   (_) ,  \    .      `·.   .·'
     ·     (  _, )    .(__(  _, )___)   ·         `.'      .:·.
      ·     \___/          \___/   _   ·           .       ·::·
        ..---' `--------.--.' `.--(_)_·                           .::·.
        /         ____ /    ) (    \(_)            ·             :::::::
  .:·. (  ( ·sE!·  |  |  .   Y   .  (_)    ·«( sTZ & kATJA )»·   ·:::::·
  ·::·  \  \_      |  |  |   |   |  (_)            .               ···
  _____  \_ _\__   |  |_____ ¦   ¦._|___    _____________  .___.    ____.
  \_ _/__(_(_(_()==|___\_ _/ · .__|    /---(__  __    __/__|   |---(__  |
   l___   \__    __/   ___| et |  |  _/_  )     |      |   \   |  )     |
  _/  ]    |      |    [  \_   |        \_      |      |       |        |
  \       _|     _l_       /   l__T      /    __|     _l_      |      __|
   \_____/ l____/   \_____/       l_____/____/  l____/   \_____l_____/bHe

                         I hope you feeling happy now
                    I see you feel no pain at all it seems
                        I wonder what you're doin' now
                      I wonder if you think of me at all
                     do you still play the same moves now
                          or are those special moods
                               for someone else
                         I hope you feeling happy now

                          just because you feel good
                            doesn't make you right
                          just because you feel good
                         still want you here tonight

                       does laughter still discover you
                        I see through all those smiles
                              that look so right
                            do you still have the
                               same friends now
                             to smoke away you're
                            problems and your life
                            oh how do you remember
                             me the one that made
                          you laugh until you cried
                            I hope you're feeling
                                  happy now

                          just because you feel good
                            doesn't make you right
                          just because you feel good
                         still want you here tonight

                             I wonder what you're
                                  doing now
                            I hope you're feeling
                                  happy now

   :                                                              :
.__:______________________                 .__________            :
|    _.          ._      /_________ _______|         /__________  :
|_____|          |______/___      /        |        /____      /  :
   :  |          |       _|/    _/__       |       /   _/     /_  :
   :  |__________|       \         /______________/   _______/  \.::..
 .:::.    -mNt|___________\       /            |_________________\   :
 : :                       \_____/                                   :
 :                                  t.r.u.e  r.o.m.a.n.c.e           :::....
 :.______________ ________________             .___________________________:
._|________     /      _      /   \  __________|_______    /______        /:
|       _|/   _/__     /     /    _\/_       /      _     /     |/       / :
|       \        /    /     /      \/       /       /    /      /       /  :
|________\      /__________/_______/       /____________/______/       /   :
 :        \____/                  /_______/                .__/_______/    :
 :                                                       ._|    _____|____ :
 :                                                       |       /       / :
 :                                                       |      /       /  :
 :              A.l.p.o  a.n.d  K.a.t.j.a             .__|_____________/   :
 :.....                                             ._|______       / .....:
 ... .                                              |      _/      /_  . ...
 :: ................................................|     ________/  \... ::
 :                                                  |_________________\    :

 ___ /\ _________________________________  /\  ___
|   \\//                                //\\//\\  |
|____\//\_______________________________//\\/_.\  |
       \/                                \/   | · |
                                              |  \| wRoooooom:
                               _              | //|
       - ---------------------\/--- -         | /:| just opened my wine bottle
         : abuseabuseabuseabuseab :           |/ \| ehe, again drinking and
       - -------------------------- -         |\\/| playing with my computer,
                                              |:\:| how sick, but I propably
    _____  ______   __:__   ____    _____     |/\\| can't handle this computer
   _\__  \_\___  \_/  |  \_/   /____\__  \_   |\//| stuff being sober ?!?!
 _/   _   \_ _/ _/    |   \_____  \_  /___/   |:/:| well it's just another
 \____\____/_)   \_________//______/__    .   |//\| lifestyle, or something
------------/_____/-----sTZ!/sE-------\___|-  |\\/| like that ?! I don't know.
                                              |:\:| (..damn this wine is DRY!,
                               _              |/\\| I prefer sweet wine, lotsa
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\//| sugar?) gee, it's been a
         : arclitearclitearclitea :           |:/:| long time since I've
       - -------------------------- -         |//\| listened this DjElliotNess
                              _               |\\/| these days I listen lot of
  ____  ____    ___    ___ __(_)___  ____     |:\:| finnish music and well..
 _\__ \_\__ \__/ _/___/  /_\_  .   \_\__ \_   |/\\| allkind of music.(..I used
/   _  \_ / _/.  \   \  /   /  |   _/  /__/   |\//| to listen only Rap/hiphop
\___\___/ \___|______/_____/   |___|___    .  |:/:| and allkind of techno
+-----|___|----sTZ!/sE-----:   :-------\___|  |//\| songs,. etc.)
                                              |\\/| damn, maybe I should drink
                               _              |:\:| more, so I can write this
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |/\\| bullshit 'fill the coll'
         : badkarmabadkarmabadkar :           |\//| texts or something, but
       - -------------------------- -         |:/:| if I drink too much then
                                              |//\| you can't understand me
 _  _____ ____  ____  _ ________________/\_.  |\\/| what I'm trying to say..
 /__\__  \\   |/   /                      \|  |:\:| heh, unless you get drunk
_/   _/ _/_   /  _/.     BAD KARMA 1997    \  |/\\| also, maybe then you will
\____)    /___\    |                       |  |\//| understand something, eh!?
+---/____/-sTZ!\___|-----------------------'  |:/:| I wish I had some beer!.
                                              |//\| uh, Repe is yelling.
                               _              |\\/| message to Katja:
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:\:| Gehen wir bumsen!
         : datadivisiondatadivisi :           |/\\| (thanx to repe for little
       - -------------------------- -         |\//| help on that!)
                                              |:/:| ..mutta anssi ja ellu ?
  ____ _____  _______ _____                   |//\| -slogan-
__\__ \_ _  \_\    _//  _  \_ DATA DIVISION!  |\\/| Anssi tykkää blondeista?
\______/_\  _/_____|____\___/ GIVES YOU 2DAY  |:\:| olenko viisas vai en?
  ____  __\  \____ _  ____  __   ___  ____    |/\\| shiiit... jeah penthouse
__\__ \_\ \\  \  // \(   /__\ \_/   \_\ _ \_  |\//| (hi FL!) hihihah... jeah
\______/___\____/____\______)__\_____/__/  /  |:/:| just started to listen
<--sTZ!/sE-----------------------------/___\  |//\| penthouse, gee old music!
                                              |\\/| I love it, I remember
                               _              |:\:| Settlers, I might used
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |/\\| to listened this music
         : digitaldigitaldigitald :           |\//| while playing this music.
       - -------------------------- -         |:/:| "Myymälä auki klo. 11-16"
                                              |//\| Ahh, damn Xgw is too busy
   _____ ________   ________  _____  ____     |\\/| now, autz, what should I
.__\__  \_  .  _/__|   .    \_\__  \/   /__.  |:\:| do.. ?! (I Know, I could
|    /   /  |  \       |    _/  _   \_ /   |  |/\\| put some new look to my
|_______/___:__    .___:____|___\____/_____|  |\//| board! (btw. thanx for
<--------------\___|--------sTZ!/sE-------->  |:/:| all those who voted my bbs
                                              |//\| in artbomb!) jeah, some
                                              |\\/| new look, new conf maybe!)
  _____  __   ___  __  ______ ___    ___      |:\:| uuuh, now I'm in Irc.
__\__  \_\ \_/ _/__\ \_\   _// _ \__/  /___   |/\\| it's quite dead, MANTA is
\_______/___\__\   .__\____|___\__/___    /   |\//| here tho' ... but nobody
- -------------\___|-----sTZ!/sE------\__/--  |:/:| else, ehehe?!?!?! ... shit
                                              |//\| ...delay!
                               _              |\\/| so I don't have booz
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:\:| anymore, damn and I'm
         : digitalcorruptiondigit :           |/\\| still sober, this sucks!!!
       - -------------------------- -         |\//| wine's aren't good, you
                                              |:/:| must drink so much if you
       _____    ___                           |//\| wanna get drunk ... damn!
 sTZ!_\\__  \__/ _//_ - -------------------.  |\\/| btw. lotsa more ppl in
   _/    /   /   \   \_ DIGITAL CORRUPTION |  |:\:| irc now, cheee! (ramone,
- -\________/_________/--------------------O  |/\\| repe, relief,..)
                                              |\//| wohou, let's party! huh?
                               _              |:/:| this suck, I would like
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |//\| to have Katja here, shit
         : epsilondesignepsilonde :           |\\/| I miss her, hehehe...
       - -------------------------- -         |:\:| still few days to go when
                                              |/\\| I will see her again, ah!
  ___  _____: ____ ___   ___    ___  _____    |\//| so what I can say, these
_/ _/__\  __)(_  /_\  \_/  /___/   \_\  _ \_  |:/:| are the happiest days of
\__\_ ).___\: /____)___\__    ______/___/  /  |//\| my life!!
- -\___|----:-sTZ!/sE ©'97\__/---------/___\  |\\/| -thanx for repe for givin'
    ____    :__  ____  ___   ___   _____      |:\:| his inet account for me,
  __\__ \__/ _/_(   /__\  \_/ _/__.\  _ \_    |/\\| this is nice to hangout
 \\______/___\_ )._____)___\__\   |___/  //   |\//| in net for a long
- ----------:\___|-------------\__|--/___\-+  |:/:| ..I could go to get some
            ·                                 |//\| sleep, I'm quite tired,
                               _              |\\/| maybe I will fix those
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:\:| ascii logos tomorrow?!!!
         : essenceessenceessencee :           |/\\| haha, I would like to see
       - -------------------------- -         |\//| that :):) .. too lazy !:)
                                              |:/:| but who tha fuck is Jutta?
  ___  ___   ___   ___   ____  ____   ___     |//\| could you tell me that one
_/ _/_(  /__(  /__/ _/__\\ _ \_\ _/__/ _/_    |\\/| well???! hihhuahahha...
\__\_ ).____)_____)_\_ ).__/  /__\   __\_ ).  |:\:| repe, tell us, come on !!
---\___|--sTZ!/sE---\___|-/___\--\__/--\___|  |/\\| I think Crusader should
                                              |\//| send me some Pontikka,
                                              |:/:| don't you agree with me?!
                               _              |//\| ehhehe... greets to Janne!
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\\/| (ramon) stay boozed....
         : grandroyalgrandroyalgr :           |:\:| sure I will, I have just
       - -------------------------- -         |/\\| have something to drink!!
                                              |\//| heheheh... krhm.. I just
     ___   ____    _____  _____   _____       |:/:| wonder where is Crusader?!
.  _/ _/__.\__ \__/  _  \_\  _ \__\__  \_  .  |//\| jutta forever, right?+?
:-\\__\   |__/ _/.___\___/___/  /_______//-:  |\\/| ^ for repe!(you know too
|      \__|  \___|          /___\          |  |:\:| much.......?) behemoth
|                                          |  |/\\| said that, don't blame me!
|                                          |  |\//| Style is COLD - sponsored
|   ____    ____  ____    _____    ___     |  |:/:| by jUTTA^kATJA^eLLU !!
|  _\__ \__/    \_\  /___/  _  \__/  /___  |  |//\| - what a cool topic heh!
:-\\__/ _/._____./__/___)___\___/___    //-:  |\\/| damn you crusader, help me
·     \___|     |___/ [sTZ!/sE ©'97]\__/   ·  |:\:| krhmhm... still here in
                                              |/\\| irc.. blaah! I'm too tired
                               _              |\//| but let's hang on a while.
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:/:| ....bbiibib! off to bed..
         : headheadheadheadheadhe :           |//\| Greetings to my good
       - -------------------------- -         |\\/| friend Petteri and his new
                                              |:\:| girlfriend Outi! hope you
      __:__   _____     _____   ______        |/\\| two will have some really
    //  |  \ _\__  \___\\__  \__\___  \_      |\//| groovy time together !!!!!
   _/       \_  /___/     _   \_   /   /      |:/:| ..anothery day!
   \____|    /__     .____\____/______//      |//\| alright! gotta make few
<-------|___/---\____|---sTZ!/sE---------- -  |\\/| asciis today, so ppl don't
                                              |:\:| get mad on me, hehehhee!
                               _              |/\\| phiuh, quite some bullshit
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\//| text here, right?!... krhm
         : jediartsjediartsjediar :           |:/:| anyway, I'm hungry, ku kuk
       - -------------------------- -         |//\| pox, just fixed my board,
                                              |\\/| it rule now even more than
     .__    ___   _____  ___               .  |:\:| it used to, hehehe.... hm?
 ____|  \__/ _/___\__  \_\  \-----------\--:  |/\\| ..ah Btw. I must tell you
 \   |  _/___\_ ).______/____\           \ |  |\//| this;(heh) Katja is 20,
 :\____/     \___|              JediArts  \|  |:/:| she had a birthday last
 |                                         \  |//\| wednesday, (what a party!)
 \       ..Mussolini was a female!        .|  |\\/| 26.3 .. heh, anyway. btw.
 |\ _         _____  ____  ______ ____    ||  |:\:| my school ends 23.5 so
 | \\       _/  _  \_\__ \_\   _/(   /__   |  |/\\| I don't know what I'm
-:--\-------\___\___/__/ _/.____\_______)--:  |\//| going to do after that,
 ·                     \___|   sTZ!/sE     ·  |:/:| maybe I will be little
                                              |//\| more active or maybe not!!
                               _              |\\/| I don't know where I'm
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:\:| going to spend my summer..
         : lightforcelightforceli :           |/\\| but I hope I can spend it
       - -------------------------- -         |\//| with my girlfriend. pop!
                                              |:/:| ..mmmmmm! foood..
         ___  __   ___    ___ _______         |//\| --------------------------
: _    _/  /_/_ \_/ _/___/ _/_\_   _/      :  |\\/|     Muista lauantaina
|-/----\__    /__\__\   .__\   /___|-------|  |:\:|
|/        \__/       \__|  /__/            |  |/\\|        ILTA=SANOMAT
/                                          |  |\//| --------------------------
|                                          |  |:/:| jep, I did remember..mot?
|     ______  ___  ____    ___     ___     |  |//\| I need, some more food!,eh
|   __\  __/_/   \_\__ \__/ _/____/ _/_    |  |\\/| Non schoale - sed vitae!
|---\__  __)______/__/ _/.__\   /___\_ ).--|  |:\:| you can guess what that
:      \__\  sTZ!/sE \___|  \__/    \___|  :  |/\\| means, hihah..  kitekat,
                                              |\//| MmMmm.. it's so tasty even
                               _              |:/:| you can eat it with your
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |//\| cat..(no dogs allowed!!!)
         : lookerhouselookerhouse :           |\\/| keoah, what about Ascii
       - -------------------------- -         |:\:| Riddless?!... or somethin'
                                              |/\\| bibi....too lazy to make
   ___  ___    ___    __  ___  ___   ____     |\//| such crap, or am I ???!:)
 _/  /_/_  \__/   \__/  |/  /_/ _/___\__ \_   |:/:| mammmamia, 69, jeah jeah
\\__    /___/______/____/ _/.___\_ ).__/ _/.  |//\| I love it,
    \__/                \___|   \___|  \___|  |\\/| jep jep, do you actually
 |                                       _.   |:\:| read these texts?! ...
 |       Looker house is here again      \|   |/\\|           .· .·.
 | ·                                      \   |\//|         .·.  ·.·:
 |/    ____  ___    _:_   ___    ___      |\  |:/:|         ·..·   .·
 /   _/  _/_/_  \__/ | \_(  /___/ _/_     |   |//\| how sick, this ain't
/_  \\___\   /___/______/______)__\_ ). __|   |\\/| nuttin' but a second clss
         /__/              sTZ!/sE\___|       |:\:| bullshit, huhuhuhu?!?!?!
                                              |/\\| älä ole hullu, ota asunto
                               _              |\//| stadista, tule mukaan
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:/:| massaan. (hihih... pöh)
         : lowprofilelowprofilelo :           |//\| poliisi ajaa sinisellä
       - -------------------------- -         |\\/| mopolla...? vai miten se
                                              |:\:| cheesehead menikaan..???!
                   ___                        |/\\| ..major thanx goes to
   ____  ____    __\  \<-------------------.  |\//| boheme for making that
 _/   /_/_   \__/  /\  \_                  |  |:/:| beautiful stz&katja ascii!
\\___    /____/_________/  Low Profile'97  |  |//\| ..and now boheme is gone,
     \__/                                  |  |\\/| Irc is dead.
                                           |  |:\:| day has past us bye,.
                                           |  |/\\| and I still miss my girlie
  _____ ___    ___   ______ _   ___  ____  |  |\//| damn! why didn't cha came
 _\  __)\_ \__/   \__\  __// \_/  /_/_ _/_ :  |:/:| here?!, I want you ... !
\\____\__/ _/._____/__  __)___\__    /_\_ ).  |//\| so but in to the ascii biz
<--------\___|-sTZ!/sE\__\-------\__/--\___|  |\\/| urhm.. Ramone thinks I
                                              |:\:| need beer, well maybe I do
                                              |/\\| so why don't cha all send
                               _              |\//| me some?! :) phohohohh..
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:/:| what is this, Irc is full
         : mo'soulmo'soulmo'soulm :           |//\| of ascii ppl... wow?
       - -------------------------- -         |\\/| Tee itsenäinen päätös ja
                                              |:\:| suosi suomalaista - aja
   ____    ___    ____   ___    _:_   ___     |/\\| ladalla. + linnan juhlat?
 _/    \__/   \_\(_  /__/   \__/ | \_/  /___  |\//| oh damn, hard feelings..
\\__\/  /______/  /_____)______________    /  |:/:|   .------------------.
- --/___\-------------[sTZ!/sE ©'97]---\__/-  |//\|   |     .-``''-.     |
                                              |\\/|   |     \ _  _ /     |
                               _              |:\:|   |    (¯\o\/o/¯)    |
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |/\\|   |     \_(__)_/     |
         : mysticmysticmysticmyst :           |\//|   |  ____( ._ )____  |
       - -------------------------- -         |:/:|   | /~¯   \__/   ¯~\ |
                                              |//\|   `-------------sTZ!-'
    ____  :____  _______                      |\\/| Here is my picture, I draw
  _/    \_(_  /__\    _/   ·Mystic 1997·      |:\:| here an empty space, so U
 \\__\/  /:/_____)____|                       |/\\| can draw your picture!!
- ---/___\:----sTZ!/sE--------------------->  |\//| nice eh?! ok, try it,now!!
          :                                   |:/:|   .------------------.
                               _              |//\|   |                  |
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\\/|   |                  |
         : nettwerknettwerknettwe :           |:\:|   |                  |
       - -------------------------- -         |/\\|   |                  |
                    ___                       |\//|   |                  |
    ____  _______ __\  \                      |:/:|   |                  |
  _/  _ \_\    _//  /\  \_  NETTWERK 1997     |//\|   `------------------'
 \\___/  /_____|_________/                    |\\/| Hope you aren't too big 4
- ---/___\----sTZ!/sE--------------------->   |:\:| that little space, hehehe!
                                              |/\\| lose some weight, man!!!
                               _              |\//| aaah, listening EC modules
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:/:| they rule big time, eh!
         : omaomaomaomaomaomaomao :           |//\| tilulilu... more modules..
       - -------------------------- -         |\\/| how about Kidustus, I just
                                              |:\:| love it, hehehhehuahahaa..
       ____    ____    _____                  |/\\| hurr, last night I drank
.    _/    \__/    \__/  _  \_     \          |\//| some 96% vol. hm, it was
| \\ \______/___\/  /____\___/      \\        |:/:| quite good, but I had to
|--\-----sTZ!/sE/___\----------------\----->  |//\| mix some juice in it, hehe
|                                          |  |\\/| but it was _VERY_ boring
|                                          |  |:\:| night, huh! and now I'm
|                                          |  |/\\| quite tired, and still
<------------------------------------------|  |\//| manage to write this bull-
                                              |:/:| shit text, hm, how weird!
                               _              |//\| ..ah jeah, old piece,
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\\/| knulla kuk, jeah this is
         : saveoursoulssaveoursou :           |:\:| good:)  brings lotsa old
       - -------------------------- -         |/\\| memories, the good times..
                                              |\//| damn those were the days!
 ____    ____  :____                          |:/:| well life goes on, somehow
(_  /___/    \_(_  /__<------------------- -  |//\| or I dunno.
 /_____)______/:/_____)   Save Our Souls      |\\/| ..lepposaa! not.. .. auh?
- --sTZ!/sE----:--------------------------->  |:\:| wow, Kekkonen is alive, oh
                                              |/\\| no, wait it is just our
                               _              |\//| lover boy, Crusader ... !
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |:/:| wow, on ascii channel are
         : scepticscepticsceptics :           |//\| 14 users, 11 ops ... mmmm!
       - -------------------------- -         |\\/| how nice, hm.. more mods.
                                              |:\:| lalalaa... krhm, should I
 ____    ___     ___  _____ _____ _   ___     |/\\| go or should I stay?...ah
(_  /___/ _/____/ _/__\  __)\  _// \_/ _/___  |\//| that's a nice song, heheh
 /_____)__\   /___\_ ).___\____|____\__\   /  |:/:| but maybe I'll stay for a
----------\__/----\___|----sTZ!/sE-----\__/-  |//\| moment.. heh ...  Style -
                                              |\\/| only for the animals.
                               _              |:\:| krhm, what was that ???!!
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |/\\| respect yourself..hehe..
         : sheltersheltershelters :           |\//| Tango was stoned, wow,..
       - -------------------------- -         |:/:| a newsflash, hehhe... who
                                              |//\| else is/was stoned/drunk?!
 ____   ___   ___   ___ _______ ___  ____     |\\/| mmm...maybe you should
(_  /__/ _/__/ _/__/  /_\_   _// _/__\__ \_   |:\:| tell me...! (kabooom!!!)
 /_____)_\  ___\_ )._    /___|___\_ )._/ _/.  |/\\| wow, look at that oldskool
-sTZ!/sE-/__/--\___|-\__/--------\___|-\___|  |\//| style askiii, how nice, hm
                                              |:/:| you just don't like it ?!
                               _              |//\| well boheme did, that's
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\\/| good enough for me!, heheh
         : stylestylestylestylest :           |:\:| boheme is so kind matie..
       - -------------------------- -         |/\\| heheeyy, soon I don't got
                                              |\//| any space to write this
      _______________ _______.   ______       |:/:| senseless bullshit, aouh!!
     /   _____   _   Y   /   |__/  ___/       |//\| sad isn't it? ..ah a road-
     \____ ¬\|   |\_   _/|   | ¬\  _¦__       |\\/| movie, a swedish roadmovie
     /   /   \   | |   | |   ¡   \    ¬\      |:\:| ..lalalaa! trallalalaaa...
 sTZ!\_______/___l l___l l_______/_____/sE    |/\\| little music for you too!!
:------------------------------------------.  |\//| hey, u2 concert is here in
|                                          |  |:/:| august, or something, do
|                                          |  |//\| you go there? I'm not but
`------------------------------------------:  |\\/| my friend is, so what can
                                              |:\:| we learn about this?! ...
                               _              |/\\| totally nuthin' just walk
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\//| straight ahead and don't
         : trsitrsitrsitrsitrsitr :           |:/:| fall in to the trashcan..?
       - -------------------------- -         |//\| ..have ya heard Skunk
                                              |\\/| Anansie's Twisted, it's
 _______   _____    ____   ____               |:\:| a good song too, dmmhm....
 \_     \__\__  \__/   /___\   \  Tristar     |/\\| Message to my friend Kimmo
  |     _/   /  _/.____   \_   /    and       |\//| "Bring my S.A. cd back, I
  |_____|____\    |/_______/__/  Red Sector   |:/:| want it, now! perkele!!!"
- --sTZ!/sE---\___|------------------------>  |//\| so, hope you read this?!
                                              |\\/| ...maybe not:) bula....
                               _              |:\:| aaaaaaauhhaa.. drink some
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |/\\| milk and get stronger !!
         : twistedtwistedtwistedt :           |\//| hm, here is lotsa adverts.
       - -------------------------- -         |:/:| but it's allowed in my
        ___                                   |//\| collections, hehe... some-
________\  \  __  ____  _______ ___  _____    |\\/| times, today only! wow...
\    _/ /\  \_\ \(_  /__\    _// _/__\__  \_  |:\:| News: "Renny ja Geena
|____|_______/___\/_____)____|___\_ )._____/  |/\\| kävivät Eppu Normaalin
- -------------------sTZ!/sE-----\___|---- -  |\//| kimppuun" (sivu 9)!
                                              |:/:| oh shit! I'm off now! bya.
                               _              |//\| back in biz after few long
       - ---------------------\/--- -         |\\/| kuukautta, perkele! hgigig
         : underpressureunderpres :           |:\:| eilen oli vappu, tänään on
       - -------------------------- -         |/\\| joku pieni paakipu, au au
                                              |\//| mä meen pois.. hah back
      __:__   ____                            |:/:| here! drinking vine! sure.
sTZ!_/  |  \__\___)   Under Pressure 1997     |//\| this time I have KaTJa here
- --\_______/___\-------------------------->  |·\ | too, how nice, don't you
                                              |:\ | just love her? I DO! ..heh
                                              |/\\| wowo, tila loppuu, auta mua
                                              |  /| jeesus..? taijoku....theden
                                              | · | :mooouuuuuuuRr!
 ___/\  ________________________________  /\ _|   | Upsansaa... and let's not
|   \//\                               //\\//·    | forget our Proartters ..
|____//\\______________________________//\\//_.   | they are back .. lalaaaa!
      \/                                \/    | · | pööh: so my school is over
                                              | \\| ..the end! I could say...
                                              |\//| and lalalaa I'm back in
  ___________________                         |:/:| business.. or something!!
--\___  \___   \  _  \--------------------:-  |//\| one sad thing there is..
 _/   __/  /  _/. \   \_                  |   |\\/| now I can't see Katja
 \____|    \____|______/   Pro Arts 1997  |   |:\:| becose she lives over 400
 .    |____|sTZ!/sE                       |   |/\\| kilometers away, damn!
 : _____ _______   ____________    \      |   |\//| I'm gonna miss her, hehe
  _\__  \\___   \_/    \_   __/_    \\    |   |:/:| well I do already,..shit!
_/   _   \_ /  _/.     _/____   \    \    |   |//\| but that's life, not very
\____\____/ \____|_____|    /___/         |   |\\/| nice but can't help it..
- -----|____|----------|____/-------------:-  |:\:| so suck my asciis and enjoy
                                              |/\\| ..tralalaa.. I'm singing on
                                              |\//| the (t)rain .. hmm??
                                              |:/:| pulp.. the end
 ___ /\ ________________________________  /\ _|·  |               of the
|   \\//                               //\\//     |                     text
|____\//\______________________________//\\//_____|                          .
       \/                               \/

 .::.:.     . · · · .. ..  · · · .      .:·.                         .:·.
 ·::::·  · _.______·  ·  · __ ___  .    ·::·                 .::·.   ·::·
   ··  ·  _\|_ _ // ·   · /·_Y_  \   .                      :::::::
     .    \ .-.-.·   · · //.-.-. \\    .      .····.····.   ·:::::·
    .      \|.|.|)    · (  |·|·| · )    .    :           :    ···
    .      |`-'-':    .  ) `-`-'  (     .    `.         .'
    ·      | (_) |      /   (_) ,  \    .      `·.   .·'
     ·     (  _, )    .(__(  _, )___)   ·         `.'      .:·.
      ·     \___/          \___/   _   ·           .       ·::·
        ..---' `--------.--.' `.--(_)_·                           .::·.
        /         ____ /    ) (    \(_)            ·             :::::::
  .:·. (  ( ·sE!·  |  |  .   Y   .  (_)    ·«( sTZ & kATJA )»·   ·:::::·
  ·::·  \  \_      |  |  |   |   |  (_)            .               ···
  _____  \_ _\__   |  |_____ ¦   ¦._|___    _____________  .___.    ____.
  \_ _/__(_(_(_()==|___\_ _/ · .__|    /---(__  __    __/__|   |---(__  |
   l___   \__    __/   ___| et |  |  _/_  )     |      |   \   |  )     |
  _/  ]    |      |    [  \_   |        \_      |      |       |        |
  \       _|     _l_       /   l__T      /    __|     _l_      |      __|
   \_____/ l____/   \_____/       l_____/____/  l____/   \_____l_____/bHe

                          I was dreaming of the past
                        and my heart was beating fast
                           I began to lose control
                           I began to lose control

                          I didn't mean to hurt you
                        I'm sorry that I made you cry
                      oh well I didn't want to hurt you
                            I'm just a jealous guy

                            I was feelin' insecure
                        you might not love me anymore
                            I was shivering inside
                            I was shivering inside

                          I didn't mean to hurt you
                        I'm sorry that I made you cry
                      oh well I didn't want to hurt you
                            I'm just a jealous guy

                       I was trying to catch your eyes
                     thought that you was tryin' to hide
                           I was swallowing my pain
                           I was swallowing my pain

                          I didn't mean to hurt you
                        I'm sorry that I made you cry
                      oh well I didn't want to hurt you
                            I'm just a jealous guy

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                        Shock G. | .Design for life               /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

          _____  _____  ____  ___  ____  _____      ·
        __\__  \_\  _/_(   /__\  \_\ _/__\  _ \_    _\
  \    \\_______/___\_ )._____)___\__\   .__/  /    \   D.esign F.or L.ife
   \<---sTZ!/sE-----\___|------------\___|-/___\-- - \
   _\         _______ ____   ____       ____   ___  _______ ____      \
   \        __\   __//    \__\__ \_   _/   /___\  \_\   __/_\ _/_     _\
 - -\------\\___  __)______/___/ _/.--\___    /____\__  __)___\_ ).---\--- -
     ·          \__\           \___|      \__/        \__\    \___|    ·

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Boheme. | .Boheme                        /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                 ·                                         ·
              - -:-----------------------------------------:- -
                 |                                         |
                 |:       B O H E M E  /  S T Y L E       :|
    _________    |::.______ _____   ____   _______  ____.::|_____  _______
  __\____   ¬\_  /   ___  ¬\\_   \ /   ¬\__\___   \_\_   \:/   _/__\___   \_
_/     _/_   _/_/_   \ /    \_    Y      \_ __/    /__   _Y_   ¬\_  __/    /__
\.     \ /    ___/    Y     __/   _      _  \_____/ __   \ /    __  \_____/  /
 \______Y______/____________/_____|      /___       /_____Y_____/____      ./
                 |::·   sTZ!/sE'97:_____/    \_____/   ··::|         \_____/
                 |:·                                      :|
                 :                                         :

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Quartz. | .Console Corner                /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

       ___     ___   _____   ____    ___    ___   ____
     _/ _/____/   \__\  _ \_(   /___/   \__/  /___\ _/_   _ _______/
    \\__\   /______/____/  /_______)_____/___    /__\_ ).         //__.
  .     \__/           /___\                 \__/   \___|         /   |
  |                                                                   |
  |_/     .. C O N S O L E   C O R N E R ..                sTZ!/sE    :
   /                           ___     ___   ____   _____  ____   ____
  //___________________ _    _/ _/____/   \__\__ \__\  _ \_\ _/___\__ \_
  /                         \\__\   /______/___/ _/.___/  /__\_ ).__/ _/.
                                \__/           \___|  /___\  \___|  \___|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                       Necrarch. | .Thc                           /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

      _ ____  ________ ____     ___    _ _________/____________________
      \/    | \     _//  _/____/ _/___ \/        //_                  _\
      /_____| |_____|____\   /___\   / /_____________________________\\
      - -----------------/__/----\__/------[sTZ!/sE ©'97]-------------->

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Javis. | .Candy Store                   /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

     ___     ___   ____   ____  ____      ____  ______ ___   ____    ___
   _/ _/____/ _ \__\ _ \__\__ \_\  /__   (_  /__\   _//   \__\__ \__/ _/_
  \\__\   /___\__/___/  /_____./__/___)   /_____)___|______/___/ _/.__\_ ).
- ----\__/----------/___\-----|___/----------[sTZ!/sE ©'97]----\___|--\___|-->

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Folar. | .Fuck Tha Police               /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

             _____ _:_    ___     __  ___  _______ ___     _____
    ___ _  _/  __// | \__/ _/____/  |/  /  \    _// _/____/  _  \_ _ ____
   |      \\_  __)_____/___\   /____/ _/.  |____|___\   /____\___/       |
  \|         \__\  sTZ!/sE \__/     \___|           /__/                \|
   \                                                                    \\
   |\               _____  ___    ___   ___   ___     ___                |\
   |__________ _   _\  __)/   \__/  /___\  \_/ _/____/ _/_   _ __________|
                  \\____\______/___    /____\__\   /___\_ ).
                                   \__/        \__/    \___|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Vector. | .Reverence                     /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

.________\\              /.
|                       /_|
|       ______   _____   ____  _____ _____   _______   ____     _____
|     ._\__   \__\__  \_|    |/    /_\__  \__\___   \_/  _/____\\__  \_
|     |   /  _/.   /___/     |    /    /___/   |/   /    \        /___/.
\\    |   \____|_________________/_____________/  _/.______________    |
|\    |____|            .__            sTZ!/sE/_____|              \___|
|                       | /_ _

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Vector. | .Vector                        /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

     .___\ ____|     | _____ _____    ____    ______    _____  _______
     :    \\   |     |/    /_\__  \__/  _/___\\     \__/     \_\___   \
     |     \   |     |    /    /___/    \           _/        \_  /  _/.
     :         |_________/__________________________|__________/  \____|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          St0rm. | .Cyber Design                  /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

        ____   ______     ______   _____    _______                 ·
  .___ /  _/___\    /_____\__   \__\__  \___\___   \_ ________    _/_
  |  _/   \    |___/   \_  _/ __/    /___/     /   _/.       /_(_{_}__.  _
 \\  \_________.     ___/__)    \_________.    \_____|      //        | {_} )
  \            |____/     /_____/ sTZ!/sE |____|       :_  ·    _:_   |___
  |:   .                                    __        ¯{_} ) ( {_}        |
  |   /|       _______   _____    _____   _{__}_ _____     _________     :|
  |__/ |:     _\___   \__\__  \__/    /__/     // ___/_____\___._   \    ||
    /  |·__ _/    /    /   /___/____ /   \_   /   \      .     |/   /_____|
   /___|    \_________/_______.    /______/  /_____\     |_____/   /
                              |____/  /_____/       \____|    /____\

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                        The Fly. | .Secret Cinema                 /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

           _____    ______    _____   ______   ______    _____
         _/   _/___/  __  \__/  __/___\__   \_/  __  \__/     \_
        .\____    \_   /___/    \       /  _/.    /___/       _/          ___
     __ |    / ____/____________________\    |________________|  _________\  |
     \  |_____/              _  sTZ!/sE  \___|               _ __\        \\ |
     .\            _____   _(_)_  ______    ______    ______    _____  \\  \\|
     |\\   \\     /  __/__/    /_/  ._  \__/  __  \__/      \__/  _  \      \·
     | \\______ _/   \   /    /     |/   /     /___/    \/   /    \   \_ ____\
     |__\       \________    /______/  _/.______________/  _/.____/____/
                       /____/      /_____|             /_____|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                        The Fly. | .Purple Turtle                 /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

         _______\   / _____   __________    _____
        _\__  \_ \  \_\__  \__\__  \_  /___/ __  \_
      _/   /___/  \  \_ /  _/.  /___/ /   \_  /___/  _ _____________\ __.
      \______\________/ \____|____\________/__    .                  \\ |
    :               |___|      _____ sTZ!/sE  \___|                   \\|
    |   ·                ______\   / _____    __________    _____     |\
    |__/              ._/    \_ \  \_\__  \__/    \_   /___/ __  \_   | ·
      /__             |      _/  \  \_ /  _/.     _/  /   \_  /___/___|
        /______ _     |______|_______/ \____|_____|________/__    .
       /                           |___|                      \___|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                        The Fly. | .Macintosh                     /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

        ____    ___    ___   ___ ___    ____ ___  :____    ___
      _/    \__/ _ \__/ _/__/  // _ \__/   //   \_(_  /___/ _/___
      \__\/  /___\__/___\  ___/___/  /_____|_____/:/_____)__\   /
         /___\          \__/     /___\sTZ!/sE   . :         /__/
                                             _ _| :
                              . ..................:

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Joule. | .Zero Gravity                  /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

            _______   _____    _____    _____
            \  _   \_/ __  \___\__  \__/  _  \  _ _____________________
           _/\/____/.   /___/    /  _/.   \   \_                      /
   ____ _  \___\    |_______.    \____|________/         _           /__
  |.           \____|       |____|  sTZ!/sE             (_)_           /
  |:                 ____    _____    _____   ___  ____/  _/____    _.__
  |___              /  _/____\__  \__/  _  \_/   |/   /   \     \__/ |  \
     / //         _/   \       /  _/.   \   \_   |   /   /      _/____   \_
    /________ _   \_______.    \____|___/____/______/   /_______|    /____/
                          |____|                   /___/        |____/

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Phobia. | .Aurinko                       /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                                  \  |  /
                                   \ · /
                              _ __   _   __ _
                      _____        .(_).
             _____   _\   / _____  |   |______    ___  ____ _____
            /  _  \_/  \  \_\__  \_|  .|   _  \__/   |/   //  _  \
          _/   /   \_   \  \_ /  _/|  :|   /   /     /  _/.   \   \_
          \____\____/_______/ \____.   |__/   /._____\    |________/
     - -----sTZ!/sE-------|___|----|___|-/_____|------\___|------------ -

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         phobia. | .aur -diz                      /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                     ____   __._  _____
                    /  _ \_/  | \_\__  \_ <---------------- -
                  _/   /  \_  |  \_ /  _/.   A U R I N K O
                  \____\___/______/ \____|      1 9 9 7
                 - ----sTZ!/sE--|___|----------------------->

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Boheme. | .Batman was a fashion hero..   /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                        .____/\ _  __________________.
                        |      \\ /                  |
                        |       \/                   |
                        :                            : ___
   ______   _____  ______ ____    _____    ____      __\  \    _____   ____
 __\__   \_/  _  \_\   _//    \__/  _  \__/  _ \_  _/  /\  \__/  _  \_(   /__
\\___(  _/____\___/____|___\/  /____\___/____/  /  \________/____\___/_______)
     /____/ [sTZ!/sE ©'97] /___\            /___\    .
          _____        ______ _____   ____    ___  /\   ____    ____
        _/  _  \_    __\  __//  _  \_(   /___/ _/_/_ \_/    \__/  _ \_
        \___\___/   \\__  __)___\___/_______)__\   /__\______/____/  /
                        \__\                   /__/  .           /___\
                        . ___     ___   ____    ____ :
                        _/ _/____/ _/___\__ \__/    \_
                       \\__\   /___\_ ).__/ _/.______/
                        .  /__/    \___|  \___|      .
                        |                            |
              _____    ____   ____      _____    ____   ______ ___   ____
    _  _  _ _/  _  \__/  _ \__\__ \_  __\__  \__/    \__\__   \\  \_/  _ \_
   (_)(_)(_)\___\___/____/  /______/  \___/  _/.______/___(  _/____\___/  /
                        /___\             \____|     .    /____/      /___\
                       ___                           |
                     __\  \    _____   ____        _____
                   _/  /\  \__/  _  \_(   /__    _/  _  \_
                   \________/____\___/_______)   \___\___/
                        .                            .
_______ ____  ______    ___   ___  ___:___ ___  ____  _______ _ _______ ___
\    _/_\__ \_\  _  \__/ _ \_(  /__\  |  // _/_(   /__\    _// \\    _// _/_
|____|____/ _/.__\___/___/  /______)____/___\_ )._____)____|____\____|___\_ ).
          \___|         /___\               \___|                        \___|
                        .                            :
                        |                            |
                        |            \               |

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                           Wrec. | .Juju                          /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                            .__    _._    .__    _._
                      _ ____|  \__/ | \___|  \__/ | \_ _
                    _\\\\    ___/______/   ___/______////_
               - --------\__/----------\__/--sTZ!/sE---------->

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                           Wrec. | .Hippotamus Design (id)        /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                   _   ___.   _(_)____  ___________
                  //  /  _|__/  ____  \_\__  \____ \   _
                    _/   \   \  /  /___/  /___/ \/  \_ \\  ·
                    \____/___/ /_____\______\________/     :
                 - -------/___/-sTZ!/sE--------------------|-

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Katja. | .Katja                         /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

             __  ___ _____  _______ ___    _____    _ ______________\ ____.
           _/  |/  //  _  \_\    _/_\  \__/  _  \_                   \\   |
           \___/ _/.___\___/_____|  ____/____\___/  LoVeLoVeLoVeLoVe  \·  |
  - -----------\___|-sTZ!/sE'97-\___/----------------------------------\--'

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Xingi. | .Delirium                      /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

            ._\\                         /  D  E  L  I R I UM.
            |                        _  /_____ _   _
         ______    _____    ____   _{_}_ _____   _{_}_ __.__   ______
        _\___  \__/ __  \__/   /__/    /_\__  \_/    //  |  \_/      \_
      _/    /   /    /___/    /   \_  /    /  _/.   /    |   \_  \/   /
      \________/___________________/ /_____\____|  /__________/__/  _/.
            |              sTZ!/____/sE      /____/      .      /_____|
            |__/                                         |
              / _________________________________________|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                         Squish. | .Config                        /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

          ____    _____   ______    ______(_)   ____
         /  _/___/  _  \_/   _  \__/   __/   \_/  _/___.
       _/   \       \   \_   /   /    ___)   /    \    |  ·C O N F I G·
       \_________________/__/  _/.______\   /______    |
   - --------sTZ!/sE-------/_____|----/____/-------\___|----------------->

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Crane. | .Liquid Swords                 /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                            |        \\  _ ______________.
                  _____   __|   ______\   __.__  ___   __|___
                 /    /___\  \_/  __  \__/  |  \_\  \__\___  \_
               _/    /   \_   /   \/   \_   |   \_   /    /   /
               \__________/__//____\    /________/__/________/
                         ___|__     \__/                 |
              ______    _\    /  _____   _____   ________|____
             /     /___/  \   \_/  _  \__\__  \__\___  \_    /__
            .\____    \_  /\   \_  \   \_  /  _/.   /   /___    \_
            |    / ____/________/_______/  \____|_____./   / ____/
            |_____/         |         |____|          |_____/
                            |______/         sTZ!/sE     |
                                  //  _ _________________|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                           Loop. | .Pooldir (diz)                 /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                     _____________  ____   _____  ___ _____
                   __\_  \_  \    \/   /___\__  \_\  \\__  \
                 _/   /___/   \_   \_ /  \_  /   /   /  / _/.
                 \______\______/____/_____/_____/___/   \___|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                           Loop. | .Freeleech                     /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

  ______ _____    _____    _____    ____    _____    _____    ___    ___.
_/   __/_\__  \__/ __  \__/ __  \__/   /___/ __  \__/ __  \__/ _/___/  _|__
\    __)   /  _/.   /___/    /___/    /   \_  /___/    /___/   \       \   \_
/_____\    \____|__________________________/___________________________/____/
<-----|____|---sTZ!/sE------------------------------------------------------ -

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                       Venturus. | .vandals                       /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

      ___. _________   ______   _____________   ____  | _____           |
     /   |/   /  _  \_/   _  \__\___  \_  _  \_/   /___/    /__        _|
  _ /    |   /   \   \_   /   /    /   /  \   \_  /   \____    \       \
_\\\\_______/____/____/__/  _/._______/___/____/_____._/  /____/  _ ___\\
                        /_____|                  sTZ!|____/sE           \

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                            Msw. | .Taz Devil                     /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                            . :.   :  .
                          ..    . .  ..: ..
                           :...  : . :  .   .
                         . ..::.:::  .::  .: ...
                         : ...: .. .:   ::::.:.
                          .. |:.   ::.   : ...
                         ..  |  /\      ..:| :..
                             | /  \\_ /\   |
                           __| \  _\ /  \  |__
                          (  _  \(.)X_o_/  _  )
                         /¯\ (  :¯¯/ \¯    ) /¯\
                        /   \_    /   \    _/   \
                      _/ _   |   (,___,)   |_  _ \_             ____
   ____    _____   __(_)(_)_ |     _____   (_)(_)(_) ___. _____/   /___
._/    \__/  _  \__\     \(_)|   __\__  \__/ __  \__/   |/    /   /   /__
|      _/    \   \_ \/___/.  | _/    /   /_   /___/     |    /   /   /   \_
|______|_____/____/___\   |_ +-\________// )________________/   /_________/
    sTZ!/sE       /   \__(  \            \    __    \      /___/
                  \_________/             \_________/
                      |                           |
                      :                           :

     ____    _____   ______         _____    _____    ___. _____/   /___
  ._/    \__/  _  \__\     \      __\__  \__/ __  \__/   |/    /   /   /__
  |      _/    \   \_ \/___/.   _/    /   /    /___/     |    /   /   /   \_
  |______|_____/____/___\   |   \________/___________________/   /_________/
- ----------------------\___|----------sTZ!/sE--------------/___/----------- -

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Blunt. | .Phlange Phace                 /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

            _____    __     ____    _____   _____    ___     _____
      .__  _\__  \__/ _|___/   /___/  _  \_/  _  \__/ _/____/ __  \_ ____
      |  _/   /___/   \   \_  /   \_  \   \_  /   /   \        /___/.    |
     :|  \______\\____/____/_______/__/____/_/  _/.____    .________|   :|
     .|                 sTZ!/sE             /_____|    \___|            :|
     .|             _____    __     _____   ____    _____               .|
      |   /        _\__  \__/ _|___/  _  \_/  _/___/ __  \_      \ ______|
      |_///\ ___ _/   /___/   \   \_  \   \_  \       /___/. _____\\
        //__\    \______\\____/____/__/____/_______________|       \

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                      War-child. | .Soul Fusion                   /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                                \ _____________.
                           .____\\\            |
                           |      \            |
                    ______ :   _____   ___.___ : _____
                   /     /____/     \_/   |   \_/    /___
                  .\_____    \       \_   |    \_   /    \_
                  |     /____/________/_________/_________/
                  |_____/  .                   .
               __________.___   _____    ____ _______   ______
             _/    __/   |   \_/    /____\   \\  _   \_/   _  \_
             \    ___)   |    \_____    \    /   \    \_   /   /
             /______\__________/   /____/___/__________/__/  _/.
                sTZ!/sE    .  |____/           .         /_____|
                           |        \          |

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Tango. | .stratosphere                  /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

   ____    ____  _____   ___   ____    ___  _____  :
  /   /___/    \_\__  \_/ _ \_/    \__/ _ \/    /__|__ _                 \
 .\___   \_    _/  / _/.  \  \_    _/   \  \____   \                     \\
 |   /____/____.   \___|__/___/____|______._/  /___/      S.t.r.a.t.o.s
 |___/         |___|                      |____/      \\    p.h.e.r.e
      :                           ·                    \
      |                           :  _____    __     _____   _____   _____
      |/                      _ __|__\__  \__/ _|___/ __  \__\__  \_/ __  \_
      /                          _/    /___/   \   \_  /___/   / _/.   /___/.
     //\\__________\ ________ _  \_______\\____/____/______.   \___|________|
     /__\          \\                                      |___|   sTZ!/sE

 ____   ________    ____   _____ __  ____   _____  __.     ___  ____    ___
(_  /__/   ____ \__/ _  \_/   _//  \(_  /___\  __)/ _|____/ _/__\__ \__/ _/_
 /_____)___|__/ _/.__\________|_____//_____)____\___\   /___\_ )._/ _/.__\  ).
- ----sTZ!/sE-\___|---------------------------------/__/----\___|-\___|--\___|

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                      War-Child. | .Back                          /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                      ______    _____   ____    ____  ____
                     _\___  \__/  _  \_/  _/___/    |/   /
                   _/   _/  _/    \   \_  \         /  _/.
                   \____)    \____/____/____________\    |
            - -----sTZ!/______/sE--------------------\___|------->

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Fatal. | .Tempest                       /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

           ____    _____    ______   _____   _____    _____    _____
        ._/    \__/ __  \__/      \__\__  \__\__  \__/    /___/     \_
        |      _/    /___/    \/   /   /___/   /___/_____    \      _/
        |______|______________/   /______\\________.    /____/______|
    - ---------sTZ!/sE-------/____\----------------|____/--------------- -

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Fatal. | .Update                        /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                      War-child. | .dude                          /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

                                 :       ..   ..
                                ::. . . .   ::
                             ...   . ..: ...:     ..
                               ::....  .  .... .:.
                              .... .. .::  :::: ..
                             ...:   ::   ::  ..:  ..
                             :  :::::  :::      :.
                            ..  ::  :. ::   :::: .
                              :..:  _   ..: .:::... :.
                              . ::.. \       : .:...:
                             ..: /    \   _   \  .:
                            .:  /   /\   /     \   ::
                               /   /  \   /\    \
                      ______  /   /    \ /  \    \  ______
                     /      \/   /   _  X    \    \/      \
                    /    __      \__(o)/ \_O_/       __    \
                    \_   \ \_      ---'/ \`--      _/ /   _/
                      \     (         /   \        )     /
                       \            _/     \_           /
                        \____/     (__      _)    \____/
                            /     ...`-----'...    \
                           /     ·_____________·    \
                          (          |_| |_|         )
                   ________\                        /_________
               _o~~         \_____       .     ____/          ~~o_
              /                   `---||||||--'                   \
             /                        .::::.                       \
                                        `'          sTZ!/sE

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          Exile. | .Exile                         /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

 ______/_ _       ______          _
 \    /   ______  \     |________(_)_  ____    ______  <-------------------- -
  \ //   /  __  \__\    |           /_/   /___/  __  \_
   \/  _/    /___/          ___    /     /   \_   /___/.     ..E.X.I.L.E..
       \________________|     \___/___________/________|
  - --------------------|______\--sTZ!/sE------------------------------------>

   -\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-- -
    _\                          2fast. | .2fast                         /_
- --\----------------------------------|---------------------------------/-
     ·                                 ·                                ·

    _ ___ _______  _______   ______ _____   _____    _____
                   \___   \_/   __//  _  \_/    /___/     \_
      _ __ _____  _/   ___/.    __)   \   \____    \      _/  _
   _ ____________ \________|_____\____/__._/  /____/______|  // /_

              _   _                                     _   _
              /.__)                                     (__.\
             /     _______   _______   _______   _______     \
            /     _)      \__)      \__)   /  \__)   __/__    \
           /     /____/    /    /____/    /    /    _)   /     \
          /_         /____/____/    /_________/____`    /      _\
________ _______   _____   _________           _____   _____   _______ _______
   _    _)      \__) _  \__)        \________ _)    \__)   /  _)   __/__ _
 \_(   /    /____/   )   /   /   /   /       \   /   /  /_/__/    _)   / )_/
_____ /____/    /_______/___/___/   /       /___/   /___`   /____`    / ______
                              `-----\__________\----\2F`---/    `----/

                                  ._      _.
                                _.`-.!_  .-'._
                                 |  ||  .|  |

                               production 1997

 .::.:.     . · · · .. ..  · · · .      .:·.                         .:·.
 ·::::·  · _.______·  ·  · __ ___  .    ·::·                 .::·.   ·::·
   ··  ·  _\|_ _ // ·   · /·_Y_  \   .                      :::::::
     .    \ .-.-.·   · · //.-.-. \\    .      .····.····.   ·:::::·
    .      \|.|.|)    · (  |·|·| · )    .    :           :    ···
    .      |`-'-':    .  ) `-`-'  (     .    `.         .'
    ·      | (_) |      /   (_) ,  \    .      `·.   .·'
     ·     (  _, )    .(__(  _, )___)   ·         `.'      .:·.
      ·     \___/          \___/   _   ·           .       ·::·
        ..---' `--------.--.' `.--(_)_·                           .::·.
        /         ____ /    ) (    \(_)            ·             :::::::
  .:·. (  ( ·sE!·  |  |  .   Y   .  (_)    ·«( sTZ & kATJA )»·   ·:::::·
  ·::·  \  \_      |  |  |   |   |  (_)            .               ···
  _____  \_ _\__   |  |_____ ¦   ¦._|___    _____________  .___.    ____.
  \_ _/__(_(_(_()==|___\_ _/ · .__|    /---(__  __    __/__|   |---(__  |
   l___   \__    __/   ___| et |  |  _/_  )     |      |   \   |  )     |
  _/  ]    |      |    [  \_   |        \_      |      |       |        |
  \       _|     _l_       /   l__T      /    __|     _l_      |      __|
   \_____/ l____/   \_____/       l_____/____/  l____/   \_____l_____/bHe

                  Kolme grammaa hassista on päiväannoksein.
               Amfetamiinia muutama viiva livahtaapi yksintein.
              Lähdempä tästä nappaamaan parisenkymmentä tuoppia
                        kun janottaa näin yösyömmellä.
               Liikaa, vain vähän liikaa on riittävä annokseni.
              Liikaa, vain vähän liikaa mä tartten ravinnokseni.
                  Taas kohtuuttomasti täytyy pian rakastuu.
                Päivät pannaan pulkkaan oli sitä lunta eli ei.
              Pulkalla plutoon painellaan ei kelpaa rillumarei.
                        Kokaiini, Lsd, Extacy tai juu
                 aina raikas Koskenkorva välipalana maistuu.
               Liikaa, vain vähän liikaa mä sieniä napostelen.
           Liikaa, vain vähän liikaa mä rauhoitun pillerien kanssa
                      joka yö kun liikaa minä rakastun.

                          Minä, Melleri ja Morrison.
                        Niinkuin Eino, Pena sekä John.
                     Nimeni historian kirjoissa pian on.
                     Historian kellastuneet lehdet puista
                         putoaa ja lumi peittää maan

              huomenna täytyy jostain hoitaa ripeästi valuuttaa.
              Apurahat juoksee nopeammin kuin rokkari raahustaa.
                Lasten säästöpossut täytyy avata vasaralla tai
                 kylttyyru kyykkii housut pusikossa paskalla.
              Liikaa, taas tunnen karmivan kriitikon ahdistavan.
                  Liikaa, se vaatii mun pieneltä sielultani.
                  Taas kohtuuttomasti täytyy pian rakastuu.


            ____    ___  ____   ____    _____    ___    ___  ____
          _/    \__/ _/_(   /__(   /___/  _  \__/ _/___/ _/_(   /__
         \\__\/  /___\_ )._____)______)___\___/___\   .__\_ )._____)   ·   .
  <----------/___\---\___|-----[sTZ!/sE ©'97]------\__|--\___|----------\. :
  Katja..... Ole minun Kilpikonna, perkele! anna pillua, mua panettaa.  \. |
             hui, ei tollasta saa puhua suorassa lähetyksessä .. hehe   |\\|
             eiku joo..mammamia, Ich liebe dich, darling..kielimiehiä!! |_\|
  Folar..... You don't have girlfriend, well so like you said I do,     \. |
             but do you know how much I miss her now ... ?    ..damn!   |\\|
  Crusader.. anna mulle piiskaa.(..ja ponua!) ,.btw. Katja ain't like   |_\|
             that at all. heheh .. you just make her lil' angry with    \. |
             the teenage bullshit music stuff..... orsomething.. heh    |\\|
             aaah... she likes tho'  :)   (just be nicer next time and  |_\|
             she will be also, hehehehe...buhahaa....lalalalaa....)     \. |
  Manta..... aaah! ... thanx for that kewl ascii logo, there was that   |\\|
             nice space for lil' text of mine .. hehehehhehehe          |_\|
  Boheme.... money ? ... you will get when I get..                      \. |
             thanx for the nice ascii picture+logo etc. it is nice...   |\\|
  Zoltrix... Nice to see you again, so here is the collection .. ah?    |_\|
             not the cartoon but ascii collection anyway. and btw.      \. |
             folar couldn't make it,(without computer!) heheh...        |\\|
             Who can ? .. heh.. not you? not me?(oh, yes I can.)        |_\|
  Tango..... Keep your shoes on, you will get this and then you will    \. |
             see that nice ascii you made, hehhaa......                 |\\|
  All....... ota mutka matkaan, kun menet kauppaan.                     |_\|
                                                                        \. |
 \. :                                                                   .
 |_\|      ___    ____   _____   _____  __/\  _______ ____
 \. :  .__/ _/____\__ \__\  _/___\__  \_\/  \_\    _//   /__
 :\\·  |____\   /___/ _/.___\_ ).______/_____\_____|________)
- -\--------\__/----\___|---\___|------[sTZ!/sE ©'96]------------>
 \. ·
 |_\|  .Main art work.
 \. |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |\\|  Stezotehic ....................... Alpo Palokangas (c) 1997
 \. |  .Helping hands.
 |\\|  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |_\|  Stz & Katja ........................................ Boheme
 \. |  Stezotehic .......................................... Tommy
 |\\|  Style .............................................. Relief
 |_\|  Style diz ........................................... 2fast
 \. |  True romance #1 ..................................... Tango
 |\\|  True romance #2 ..................................... Manta
 |_\|  True romance #3 ..................................... 2fast
 \. |
 |\\|  .Music Support.
 |_\|  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 \. |  Offspring, Elliot Ness, Penthouse, Gangstarr, Klamydia,
 |\\|  Apulanta, Tehosekoitin, Skunk Anansie, Pelle Miljoona,
 |_\|  Luonteri Surf, Hassisen Kone, Lehtivihreät, Eppu Normaali,
 \. |  Ismo Alanko, Lapinlahden Linnut, Sielun Veljet, Rytke, Mods
 |_\|  .Alcohol support.
 \. |  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |\\|  vit vin, faijjan vinetot, Pirtu, Koff IVB, Karhu, Punkku.
 .  :

                         .Try to figure out this one.
 |                                                                         |
 |         katja rakastaa alpoa niin mina osaan kirjoittaaa ilman          |
 |   etta katson nappista... heheh vaikka se niin vaikeaa onkin, oho?!     |
 |    mmhm... et usko vai ? .. uskomatonta?! .. ei ei se ole.. hehehe      |
 |    ma olen vaan taikuri? ... pelle.. geegheee,... bumsen .. hihihi      |
 |                                                                         |
 |   tulee se... mulla tulee aina nopeesti.. köhköh.... ei nyt sentaan     |
 |  liiotella.. hiihih..... vahan ma oon nopee kirjottaa aattele etta ma   |
 |      en ees zekkaa nappista vaan sua... niin onkin... ihihih....        |
 |             samaa on.. jep... olen ... hmmm.. taijotain..               |
 |                                                                         |

- ----------------Fuck that piece of shit - I mean, it ends!---------------- -

     _____   __      ____ 2F ___     ____
   _/  __/__/ /_   _/  / \__/  /____/  _/
  /\__    /   _/__/   /   /   /   /   _/__
 /__ /   /__ /   /___    /__     /__ /   /
    \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/
- ---------------------------------------- -
        . t r u e   r o m a n c e .
- ---------------------------------------- -