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File size:
24 607 bytes (24.03K)
File date:
2020-04-23 19:39:00
Download count:
all-time: 246


                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
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.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|     haze/real^tls - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real^tls - fastjack/boil    |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |
|    node1: +49-40-853 22 315 (isdn)   *   node2: +49-40-853 22 316 (isdn)    |
|    node3: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node4: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |
|    node5: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node6: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |
 .____    . ____.   _._  .__.     _____
_| __/____.\   _|__/ | \_|  |____.\  _/____
\____     |¯   \\/____  \_  /    |¯  _/   /
 |  /     |     |.   / __/       |   \    \
 l__\     |     ||____/ /__      |_   ·    \
 /\\  In Style We Trust!
/__\·              a.k.a Style does it LIVE!

      .        __\\_
             __\   /__
     O      _)     _ (         ·!·  Catch us if you can - Style!  ·!·
           (__ ¬  /  _)
      o     /| ·  .  |\                             ._________
     .     · |  (_   | ·                       _____|        /
     __     (_________)                      fL\    |       / . . _____
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  (_)| x|___________. ¯¯ .___.    / ____/______|    |     |    _||__  ·    \Z
  (_)| ×|           |    |   |_____/           |    l     |____\_ //_______/!
  (_)`--|          (_____|                     l_____,  __|bHe  \/
   `----'           ) _  (                       \_____/
                   (  )  (
                 _/ _/    \__        ·!·  fuck we are back live  ·!·

       \      |____
        \     |    \________   _____________       .
         \____¦     /_  _   \_/     \______ \_    /
          |   :____/\/  /   /       _/    /  /?__/_____ _____
          |   .   |_/  /   /________|   _/   ¯¯\/       \ _ /
          |     ______/    \\       l___\       |        \//
__ _\.___ l____/sTZ  /_______\        bHe\______|\________/fL___.
 _\\\\                                                          |/_ ___ _
      \                                                         ////__
       ·                                                       ·
         HEhooiaae..  it's bOhEmE here. I'll let fOLAR and sTZ
         do the talking first in this iNtRo. Ehh.. It's fOLAR
	 here at the fuckin' moment .. I haven't been on the
         IRC for .. hmm 3 months just bcoz my amiga is fucked
 	 up! Hmm we are at the bohemes place and those weird
         doods are going crazy .. or not anymore.. tho i wish
         we have some more action here! Psyko you should come
         here too .. No I have to spend some time with Ismo
	 Alanko! ..
          / Stz in tha board! indeed IsmoAlanko rocks! I just
 	 love it, jeah! ihmisen paskaa! elama on rakas...aaah
	 soo .. back in tha buznes... (business) so... I
	 should write sum shit, but what>?! I'm just ...hmm??
	 oh now, I'm..shit can't concentrated this because
         boheme and folar are taking my attention... fucking!
	 mmm... I wonder could I go there too..??!! mmmmhh...
	 I think they don't like me? well Folar is fucked
         with his phone! who keeps calling him????!! fuck
	 that! ... nyt on hyva yo! jees, more beer! luv it!
	 darn... .gotta take apiss!...or piss... or suck....
			later babies... hah child

         someoneelse: stz, again but nooneelse. boheme is
         eating.. damn! I have nothing(thanbeer).... shite,,
         folaR tyon b....sorry! can't tell you that one....
         folar has a NEEWW Kannykka, jeeE? at laest folar
	 has a phone... I can have some phone-sex finally!!!
	 jeeees...... vbubut... but but.. ah train? not...
         boat I TELL YOU! ... jees, I'm outta here...later=

	 someoneelse: HOehueh.. bOhEmE here.. hehe. Man, mo
         beer und stuff. THe sauna is getting warmer and
         warmer - soon it'll be hot enough for us. HEhoeaoh.
         Splash.. shhhhhhhhhhh - sauna feelings. HOHOHOO!!!
         Meidan isa ja meidan aiti olivat kerran nuoria,
         he saivat lapsia tuli ongelmia. Sitten isa meni
         taivaaseen ja aiti jai lasten kanssa yksikseen.
         Yeah, that was a part of a Ismo Alanko -song. Rules.
         HIih. I stitll got some besr.. do I. EHYEAH!> EHohe
         I', gonna do some acsi ii  acsii or sometign soon.
         Man tj,.h is release eyeah.. heheh. BEEEEEEEER!
         NANNI TULEE!!. hho.. folar yelled that one. HEoeh
         Theyre doingsomething behing my abkc>. st z and
         folar. I',, quie dgogo d at this writing sff.
         Later.. I";; tpy pmor eltaer.. ehhehe.

         Ohh.. Yeh.. That intro logo is ready now .. and me
         too .. Boheme is fixin' his joints.. But all we
	 need is YUP.. I mean.. Flashbacks from the year of
         1996 and summer of coz.. Damn I luv those finns
         bricks.. Yeh.. Style is awake as you can see .. We
	 haven't gone anywere. It's just bcoz of the fuck
         institute of technology is takin' all my time and
	 ehhm I hate the attitude of today's ascii scene:
         A lot of newcomers .. No new quality releases except
	 some shit.. But nothing like 3-5 years ago..

	 but folar is ontha phone! so STZ is here to write,
         hmm, jees but what? gee I don't know. boheme is
	 taking a piss... and soon (IHOPE) we are going to
	 sauna! jees, I LOOOOOOVE SAUNA! .. ah... so folara
	 is still ontha phone but I WUIT anyway....

         ..ehh .. it's folar here again .. damn i got some
         weird probs with my mobile.. hmm yeh i was naggin'
         about todays asciiscene. Yeh I really miss those
         collections by all the legends.. there was some
         heart in with those masterpieces.

	 jees, back from sauna, sTZ! hmm... nothing to say
	 kytta... poliisi imee mun varvasta ... OUT!*here*

	 i back too .. aah .. we got some weird conversations
	 with boheme.. was it bcoz of weed or what?? anway
	 the feeling of everything is quite great.. Like you
         will see something great tonight .. Gotta smack my
	 dick up now .. Lataja

         Wooh, some sauna. HOT HOT HOT..  hoooOhhhtt. Yaeh.
         More beer than ever. M/\n I have drank some.. SomE!
         Style bek in yer faeeic. Hehoe. Sheez, I need more
         beer. GOodtha i ordrereerer ordered s(_)m piZZazz.
         fOAAR is AFoF foLAR isthrowing around MONEY!!! WOW!
         HEhe.. I shoudl get htis AMiga to iRC to ruin the
         day foreveronye on #ascii!!. HEehoehohe.. I'll do
         that noW!.. hehe. Over and Out.

         PIZZZAAAA! boheeme ... is gettin our pizzza.. aah
	 jees, I gotta go too..otherwise FL ^ BHE is gonna
	 eat my pissa...... shite?P

	 style - we are pigs

	 style - we just ate .. njam..!! damn i'm so fuckin'
	 full :> Aahh just chatting with Zinko! So fucking
	 nice to see that i haven't missed so much of todays

	 oh, it tooooook sooolong! .. folar is 2slow....
	 tell I'm too... so suck me,..jep.. we don't have
	 in tha live chat..something, jees!\\  shite..-sDD/-

 	 HHE.h   wtf is sDD ..hmmh -sDD/- looks kinda cool
         like it c0uold be kinda of an advert. Stezo's drunkn
         drivers. ENHH/hhH_=+  sDD ... yayayayayjajaja.. NOw
         I kinda get it. yeah, nor prolm problem. HEhe.h.eHEHE
         Me do acsi now.. @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOheoe.


         HOOOOOooh..  no one has written after me. We'rejuust
         drinking and drawing asciII.. howwowowowh.

         Hoohhooh ..magiknite of mastertricks ..ehmm i bet that
	 isnt any lame iiroseppanen .. aah .. gotta pass ascii
	 buuiiiz to someone else .. ehheh i got something like
	 0.5l of IV .. buenoohh

         MaGiK tRiCKS ohohohohoh birds and stuff. HEh.  HOHO.

	 jeees.. well Im just too bored with this... sorry stz

         ... stzZ  Z   te eat s my bread!!

       · Huoh.. we just woke up!                          ·
 ___ _  \                                                /  _ ____ _
___////\ \·____ __   _                   _  __ ________ / /\\\\____
      ¯¯  \\                                          //  ¯¯

                                    .      . :
 :_______________  ____  ______ ____::.   .:::__.:________
 |(     yep,         ____\   _//    _/:: ::::   ||__     /____ _ __
 |/  we're drunk     \   /___       |`::.:::    |_ /____/    / //\_\
 /     again! _____ /_______________| `::::______/____________\ \/_//_
 |    ______ /     \ ________ _____·cDr:::    _____ _______
 ·____\    //   |   \\_     //   _/____`::___(_____))    _/
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  S T Y L E  D O E S  I T  L I V E ! |_    |_           \|    /  /____/   /
                                      /_____/________\   :   /_____________\
                                                      \     /
                                                       \   /
                                                        \ /

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   `----'           ) _ (\_/
                   (  )  (
                 _/ _/    \__

                    .          _        _          .
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           /     l    o    o     s    e                     ___ _
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         /_______.                __                .________\
        ·     bHe|_._           (\\//)           _._|sTZ      ·
                   !/___________/ \/ \___________\!
                              _ __  __ _


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        ·  S t y l e   S u p e r   W a n k a z   L o g   O u t  ·

                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
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\    _______/                  \/          _/       __/  .   _/ _/  _______/  /
 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|     haze/real^tls - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real^tls - fastjack/boil    |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |
|    node1: +49-40-853 22 315 (isdn)   *   node2: +49-40-853 22 316 (isdn)    |
|    node3: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node4: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |
|    node5: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node6: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |