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69 461 bytes (67.83K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 321


/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[ s t a r t   o f   f i l e ]\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

                    · ______________________________ ·
                 _ _:_\                            /_:_ _
                    !              ______ _ _        !
          ________   __________ ___\      /______     __________
    ______)    __/___\        /_\   \    /_\    /_____\   __   /______
    \     \______   __        ________         /          /___/      /
                 _ _¡__                            __¡_ _ -nM$/sOS!
                    : /____________________________\ :
                    ·                                ·

                                   a  n  d

             ._________     ___.           ______.______________
             |     ___/___./   | _____|____)     |     _.      /
             |     _/     |    |/     \          |      |_    /_

       a r e   b a c k   w i t h   a n o t h e r   c o l l e c t i o n

                                c a l l e d

                       _                                 _
                       /         .___  .     _  _______  /
                      /     \__| | _/__ \   /   \     / /
                     /--- /----' '     \ \ /---- \ --/ /---  ·
                  .                                         /
            _____/_                                   _____/_
     _ __ _/  __/___________ _________ ________/\  _ /  __/__________. ___ _
     \\\ \\   \             Y   __    Y    __    \/ Y   \            ¦|  ///
        \_\\   \__          |   \/    |    \|       |    \__         |l_/
            \___|           |   /     |     |       |     |      ¸ ¸ |
                |           l__/      l_____|       l_____|      '°' |
    ·      _ .-.l___________| /_______|     l_______|     l__________|
      ° o (_)`-'.-----------.                            ____        ¦
                |           |   __________ ____________ / __/________·___ _
                |       ____|__/___ __    Y   __       Y  \          ¦
                |       \         / \/    |   \|       |   \__       |
                |        \____   /  /     |    |       |    |        |
              __l_ xCz     \/   /__/      l____|       l____|        |
              \  /_____________/  /_______|    l_______|    l__/\  __|
               \/                                                \/

                  :                                       :
     __           |                                       |     __
----\\/-----------|ever felt like you've been cheated? you|----\\/------------
                  |probably  deserved it!  losers  usually|
           __     |do... winners  just  get  on  with  it!|            __
-----------\//----|                                       |------------\//----
                  :                                       :

              _        _______ _____     _______
  _ __ ______///_ _____\     (_     |____\__   (_ _ _______________ __ _
              ¯  |      \     /     _/    _/    ////                   /_  _
    _ __ ________|_____\     /______|_____\    ·/.¯_ ______________ __ _////
                        \   //             \   //   \\ wk!/sOS           ¯
                         \ ·/               \ ·/     ¯
                          \/                 \/
                  :                                       :
                  |                                       |
                  |damn. i might be fooliest man  on  this|
                  |planet, coz i'm waiting for my studying|
                  |in  technical  institution   of   higer|
                  |learning... i have one very good reason|
                  |for my behaviour: from that institution|
                  |i'll get my own i-net accounts for free|
                  |and i don't  have  to  use  stezotehics|
                  |accounts no longer... so  you'll  catch|
                  |me from i-net in future... ok  now  you|
                  |go on this coll...              [fL/sE]|
                  |                                       |
                  :                                       :

                  :                                       :
                  |                                       |
     __           |what would you do if you got bored with|     __
----\\/-----------|all  the  great pleasures  in  life? do|----\\/------------
                  |something with the rest  of  the things|
           __     |in your life? boredom breeds motivation|            __
-----------\//----|but   if   acted   upon    immediately!|------------\//----
                  |                                       |
                  :                                       :

  ___.  _______________________________________________ _____ /
  \ _|  \ _    |     _     /    _      /   _     /     |     / _____________
   \/|   \/    |     /    /.    /     /    /    /.          /.           _ /
     |_________|___ /______|_________/|__________|_____|_____| rX/jA!    \/

                :                                           :
                |                                           |
                |strawberry delight....................rasta|
                |original panther|
                |fourth avenue........................lagers|
                |most wanted..........................arcane|
                |lkr [diz]...............................gdm|
                |looker [diz]............................gdm|
                |purple dream............................gdm|
                |looker house............................gdm|
                |birdhouse projects...............pete&slime|
                |tempest development solutions......jupiter8|
                |the rexx club.........................astr0|
                |genetic taste...........................dee|
                |peak performance....................ventura|
                |sucking safari......................artisti|
                |shock g.............................shock g|
                |jedi arts...........................shock g|
                |popgun..............................shock g|
                |                                           |
                :                                           :

                  :                                       :
     __           |                                       |     __
----\\/-----------|say anything! do anything! self expres-|----\\/------------
                  |sion is a lot like sex, the less you do|
           __     |it the more  you  find that  you  don't|            __
-----------\//----|want to. oh!... and they're both great!|------------\//----
                  |                                       |
                  :                                       :

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |           strawberry delight           |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                  _|_____________________  /\_____________|/
                   |                     \/               |
                   | s t r a w b e r r y    d e l i g h t |
                   |                                      |
_______._____      :._______   _________     .________    :._________._____
\  ___/|    /_______|_  __  \__\       /____ |   ____/_____|_  _   _/|    /___
.\___     ___/  _   _/ _\(     /\         _/_|   --'   _   _/ _\     |__ /   /
|     ___ /   ._\     /  \_____/\        (_     /\_____\     /  \__.     ___/
|____/   \____|  \___/           \_____________/        \___/      |____/
                          ._.    ._.         ._.  _____       [fL]
                   :   ___| |____| |.o.___._.| |__\. ./   :
                   |   \_\|_|\_\'|_||_|\_\| ||_|/_/|_|    |
                   |                    ,_|_|             |
                  \|                                      |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                 rasta                  |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                     _                       _
                                     \|____________________/\\ ___|_
                                      |                      \/   |
                                      :     r a s t a / e ^ d     |
             .______________________________._________________    |
             |    _     _/    __    \   ___/|     /_   __     \_  |
             |____\       ____\(     \___       ___/ ._\(      /  |
                   \_____/     \___.      _____ /    |  \_____/   |
                                   |_____/     \_____|           :|
                                            _           [fL]     :|
                                     _:___/\\ ____________________|_
                                      |     \/                    |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |             epsilon^design             |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

     \|____________________ ______|_
      |                    \\     |
      |                           :  __
      |   ._________.______________._\/________       .___.________
      |   |    ____/   _        __/| \/       /_______|   _\      /
      |   |____--'     \____/\___       .___ /    __     __\     /
      :        \__________|      __.    |   \_____\/    /   \___/
     __                   |_____/  |____|__       \____/
     \//                        _______._\/_.
      __        ._______________\   __/| \/ |_______.___.________
     \\/        |   __      ____/\___           ___/|   _\      /
        [fL/sE] |___`     __--'      __.    .___\     .__\     /
      :             \____/  \_______/  |____|   \_____|   \___/
      |                           :
      |                           |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |           original gangster            |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                       \|____ ______.
                        |    \\     |.___________.
                        |           ||           |
                        |           ||          :|
                        :           ::          ::
             ._________  __ .________  __ .___._______      .______
    .________|   _   _/__\/_|   ____/__\/_|   _\     /______|     /____.
    |    __     _\       \/ .___\      \/ .____\       __      _ /     |
    |____\/    /  \____.    |   \____.    |     \______\(     / \______|
         \____/        |____|        |____|             \____/
    ._________       .___._______      _______.______ .________   [fL]
    |    ____/_______|   _\     /______\   __/|     /_|   ____/_________
    |____\      __      __\        ____/\___      ___/ .__--'    _    _/_
         \______\(     /   \_______\         ____ /    |  \______\      /
                 \____/ :          \________/    \_____|          \____/
                        |:          ::           :
                        |:          ||           |
                        |___________||           |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                lagers                  |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

     \|____________________ ______|_
      |                    \\     |
      |  .________                :                       ________
      |  |       /________________________________________\   ___/__.
     _|  |_____ /     __         ____/    ____/    __    _/\___     |
      \_       \______\(      ___\      ._--'    ._\           _____|
      |                \_____/   \______| \______|  \_________/
      |:                          :  [fL/sE]
      |                           |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |             fourth avenue              |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

     \|____________________ ______|_
      |                    \\     |
      |                           :            .______
      |   ._____________________.______________|     /______._______
      |   |    ____   __       _/       __   _/    ___/    _/      /
      :   |     __/___\/    ___      ___\      .___ /   .__\      /
     __   |______|    \____/   \____/    \_____|   \____|   \____/
      __  ._______________._______________.__________.____________
     \\/  |    __        _/       ____/   _\        _/       ____/_.
          |____\(     ___\     ___--'   .__\     ___      ___--'   |
      :         \____/   \____/   \_____|   \___/   \____/   \_____|
      |                           :  [fL]
      |                           |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                wise-k                  |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                         _                          _
                         \|_________  /\___________|/
                          |         \/             |
                  ______  __ _______               |
             .____\     \_\/_\   __/________     ._____.______
             |    /\      \/ |\___     ____/__.  |    _/    _/_
             |____/\               ____--'    |  |____\       /
                    \___.    .____/[fL]\______|        \_____/
                        |____|                     |
                         _|____________/\  ________|_
                         \|              \/        |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |              most wanted               |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                     _                 _
                                     \|______________/\\ _____|_
                                      |                \/     |
                                      |                       :
                                      :_______.______        __
                    .____  ____________\   __/|     /_       \//
                    |    \/        __   \___      ___/_.      __
                    |____\/     ___\/       _____ /    |     \\/
                         /_____/   \_______/     \_____| [fL]
             _________           ________.______              :
        .____\       /___________\       |     /_____________________
        |    /\         __       _\          ___/    ____/   __     /
        |____/\     ____\(     ___\     ____ /    .__--'   ._`     /
               \___/     \____/    \___/    \_____|  \_____| \____/

                                      :.m.o.s.t. .w.a.n.t.e.d.:
                                      |                       |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                mystic                  |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

             _/                       |
            :       m y s t i c       :
           __              .______  _______.______   __
           \//  .____  ____|     /__\   __/|     /_._\/_._______
            __  |    \/    |    /    \___      ___/| \/    ____/__.
           \\/  |____\/    `--   __.      ____ /        .__`      |
           __        /__________/  |_____/    \_________|  \______|
           \// [fL]

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               lkr [diz]                |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                   .________ .______.______ .____________
                   |       /_|     _/    _/_|    __    _/_.
                   |_____ /      ._\        .____\        |
                 |                                          |
                 |                                          |
                 |                                          |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |              looker [diz]              |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                 |    /|  __     __     _/  _/  ___/  _   _/_
                 |__ /   .\/   __\/   __\     __--' ._\     /
                 |:                                         |
                 |                                          |
                 |                                         :|

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |             purple dream               |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

      \|____________ ______________.
       |            \\             |
       |                           :
       :      .__________._________________________ ._________
       __     |  _      _/       _    _/  _       /_|    ____/_.
      \\/     |  \______      ___\        \_____ /     ._--'   |
      __      |_____|   \____/    \__________|  \______| \_____|
      \//     ._________________________________________  ___
              |   __       _    _/   ____/    __        \/   \_.
       :      |___`     ___\      ___--'   .__\(     ___\/     |
       |          \____/    \____/   \_____|   \____/   /______|
       |  [fL/sE]                  :
       |                           |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                  gdm                   |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                     \|___________ __________|_
                                      |          //          |
                                      :                      :
                    .___________________________  ______    __
                    |    _____/    __           \/      \_  \//
                    |____\_      ._`       _____\/       /   __
                         \_______| \______/     /_______/   \\/

                                      :  [fL/sE]             :
                                      |                      |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                  dmd                   |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                     \|___________ __________|_
                                      |          //          |
                                      :                      :
                      .______________  _________________    __
                      |   __         \/        __      /    \//
                      |___`      ____\/     ___`      /      __
                          \_____/    /_____/   \_____/      \\/

                                      :              [fL/sE] :

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |              looker house              |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

     \|____________________ ______|_
      |                    \\     |
      |                           :
      |   ._______._______________________.______________________
      |   |      /|    __       __       _/   _/   ____/   _   _/_.
      :   |____ /    ._\/    ___\/    ___\      ___--'   ._\      |
      __       \_____| \____/   \____/    \____/   \_____|  \_____|
     \\/                ______              _______
     __         ._____./     /__________.___\   __/________
     \//        |    _/        __      _/    \___     ____/_.
        [fL/sE] |____\      ___\/    ___          ____--'   |
      :               \____/   \____/   \________/    \_____|
      |                           :
      |                           |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |           birdhouse projects           |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                       \|____ ______.
                        |    \\     |.___________.
                        |           ||           |
                        |           ||          :|
            __          :           ::  ______  ::           _______
  .______ ._\/_.______________________./     /___________.___\   __/_______
  |    _/_| \/    _    _/   __       _/        __       _/    \___    ____/_.
  |   (_       .__\      ___`     ___\      ___\/    ___          ____--'   |
  |____________|   \____/   \____/    \____/   \____/   \________/    \_____|
     .________________________    ______________________|     /________
     |  _      _    _/   __   \___\       ____/    ____/    ___/\   __/_.
     |  \______\      ___\/        \ _____--'   .__`     ._ /    \___   |
     |_____|    \____/   \__________/     \_____|  \_____| \____________|
                        :            :           :
                [fL/sE] |:          :|           |
                        |:          ||           |
                        |___________||           |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |     tempest development solutions      |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                       \|____ ______.
                        |    \\     |.___________.
                        |:          ||           |
                        |:          ||           |
                        |           ||           :
            .______     :           ::          _______.______
           _|     /____________  _______________\   __/|     /_
           \_   ___/   ____/   \/     _     ____/\___      ___/_.
    [fL/sE] |__ /    ._--'   ._\/     \_____--'     ______ /    |
               \_____| \_____| /_________|  \______/      \_____|     ._____
._________________._______________ ._____________  _____________._____|    /_
|  __     ____/  _/     ____/    /_|  __   _     \/      ____/  _\       ___/.
|__`    __--'  ._\    __--'  ._ /     \/   \_____\/    __--'  .__\    __ /   |
   \___/  \____| \___/  \____| \______________|  /____/  \____|   \__/  \____|
     _______                      .______   __                  _______
     \   __/____________ _____.___|     /_._\/_.__________._____\   __/_.
    ._\___   __        /_\   _/       ___/| \/    __      _\     \___   |
    |     ___\/    __ /    ._      __ /        .__\/    ___\          __|
    |____/   \____/  \_____| \____/  \_________|  \____/    \________/
                                    :            :
                        :           |:           |
                        |           ||           |
                        |           ||          :|
                        |___________||          :|

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |             the rexx club              |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                       \|____ ______.
                        |    \\     |.___________.
                        |:          ||           |
                        |:          ||           |
                        |           ||           |
   .______              :           ::           :  ______.   ______.
  _|     /______.____________    .__________________\     |___\     |_____
  \_   ___/    _/       ____/__. |   _    _/   ____/     _/        _/   _/_
   |__ /    .__\      __--'    | |___\      .__--'    .__\      ___\      /
      \_____|   \____/  \______|      \_____|  \______|   \____/    \____/
                   ._______________ ______._________
                   |   ____/      /_\    _/       _/______  [fL/sE]
                   |___`     .__ /     ._        (_      /
                       \_____|  \______| \______________/

                        :           ::           :
                        |           ||           |
                        |           ||          :|
                        |___________||          :|

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                  hpa                   |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                   |             __       __               _
                 | |             \/       \/              |
                   |               .H.P.A.                |
                  __  ._____._________________________    |
                  \// |    _/          _       __     \_  __
                      |____\       .   \_______\(      / \\/
                   |        \_____/|_______|[fL]\_____/
                   |                                      |
                  \|                                      | |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |             genetic taste              |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                 \|_________ __________.
                  |        //          |_____________ _____|_
                  |:                   |             \\    |
                  |:     g e n e t i c : t a s t e         |
                  :                          .______   __  :
          .___________________.______________|     /_._\/_________
          |   ____/   ____/   _\        ____/    ___/| \/    ____/_.
          |___\     ._--'   .__\     ___--'   ._ /        .__`     |
              \_____| \_____|   \___/   \_____| \_________|  \_____|
                  .______         _______.______
                 _|     /_________\   __/|     /__________  [fL/sE]
                 \_   ___/    __   \___      ___/    ____/_.
                  |__ /    .__\(       _____ /    .__--'   |
                     \_____|   \______/     \_____|  \_____|
                  |                                        :
                  |  ghd whq - asg whq - diesel  |
                 __                                        |
                 \//   0-5d amiga - requests - modules     |
                  __   dd!  -  ufo sighting  -  ascii!     |
                 \\/                                       __
                         staff: dee - crazywild - mud     \\/
                  |                                       __
                  |        node#1: +358-0-2222290         \//
                  |        node#2: ask4it [telnet]
                  |        node#3: ask4it [telnet]         |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               daydream                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

 |                                 |
 :        d a y d r e a m          |
 __                   .______ [fL] :
\\/ ._________________|     /_____________________________________  ____
__  |   __      __    |    /   __      _   _/   ____/   __        \/    \_
\// |___`     __\(    `---  ___`     __\      ._--'   ._\(     ___\/     /
        \____/   \_________/   \____/   \_____| \_____|  \____/   /_____/
\|                                 |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |            peak performance            |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

   |                              |
   |                              :
   |           .__________________________________._______
  __           |   _          ____/    __        _/     _/_
  \//   [fL]   |   \_____/____--'   .__\(     ___\        /
   __          |_______|      \_____|   \____/    \______/
  \\/   .________________________________________________________
        |   _          ____/    __   _/   ____   __       __   _/_.
   |    |   \_____/____--'   .__\          __/___\/     __\       |
   |    |_______|      \_____|   \__________|    \_____/   \______|
   |      ._____  __________________._________________________
   |      |     \/         __       _\          ___/     ____/__.
   |      |_____\/      ___\(     ___\      ___`      .__--'    |
   |            /______/    \____/    \____/   \______|  \______|
   |                              :
   |                              |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |    element, prestige, cream, vodka     |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                     _|______ ______________ ______|/
                                      |      \\            //      |
                                      :    ____________            |
._____________ .___________  ______________\          /_           :
|   ____/    /_|   ____/   \/      ____/   _\       ___/_..------------------.
|___--'  ._ /    ._--'  .__\/    __--'   .__\    __ /    ||   element whq    |
    \____| \_____| \____|  /____/  \_____|   \__/  \_____|`------------------'
                     ______._____   __                             |
.____________________\  __/|    /_._\/_._______________            :
|  _     _   _/  ____/\__     ___/| \/    ____/   ____/_..-------------------.
|  \_____\     __--'      ___ /        .__\     ._--'   ||    prestige nhq   |
|____|    \___/  \_______/   \_________|  \_____| \_____|`-------------------'
._________________________________________  _____                  :
|    ___/    _    _/   ____/    __        \/     \_.-------------------------.
|____`     ._\      ___--'    ._\(     ___\/      /|          cream hq       |
     \_____|  \____/   \______|  \____/   /______/ `-------------------------'
._____.____________________________.________________               :
|    _/       __        __        _/    _/   __     \_.----------------------.
|____\     ___\/     ___`      ___\       ___\(      /|       vodka ehq      |
     \____/   \_____/   \_____/    \_____/    \_____/ `----------------------'
                                      :                            :
                                      |                    [fL/sE] |
                                     _|____________/\  ____________|_
                                     \|              \/            |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                artisti                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

      _                                _
      \|_____ _________________ ______|/
       |     \\               //      |
       |:       a r t i s t i        :: [fL/sE]
      __                         .______   __ _______.______   __
      \//  ._____________________|     /_._\/_\   __/|     /_._\/_.
       __  |    __        _    _/    ___/| \/  \___      ___/| \/ |
      \\/  |____\(     ___\      ___ /              ____ /        |
                 \____/    \____/   \______________/    \_________|
      \|                              |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |             sucking safari             |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

   _                                   _
   \|_____ _____________________ _____|/
    |     \\                   //     |
    |:         s u c k i n g         :|
    |:  _______                       :    __     __________
    |   \   __/___.________________._____._\/_.___\        /_______
    |  ._\___    _/      ____/    _/   _/| \/     _\          ____/___
    |  |      ___      __`     .__\           .____\     _____\      /
    |  |_____/   \____/  \_____|   \__________|     \___/     \______|
    |          _______                                      __
    | [fL/sE]  \   __/____________________________________._\/_.
    |         ._\___    __         ____   __       _    _/| \/ |
    |         |      ___\(          __/___\(     __\           |
    |         |_____/    \____/\_____|     \____/   \__________|
    |:                                :
    |:          s a f a r i          :|
   \|                                 |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |         mst, se, nvx, tbl, abs         |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

.____  ___\   __/|     /_
|    \/    \___      ___/_..-------------------------------------------------.
|____\/         ____ /    ||       .m.y.s.t.i.c. .f.r.e.e.l.e.e.c.h.         |
     /_________/    \_____|`-------------------------------------------------'
[fL]                                                        _______
                                                            \   __/________
.---------------------------------------------------------.._\___     ____/__.
|            .s.t.y.l.e. .f.r.e.e.l.e.e.c.h.              ||      ____--'    |
`---------------------------------------------------------'|_____/    \______|
    __________        ______.
.___\        /___.____\     |______
|   _\          _/         _/    _/_.----------------------------------------.
|____\     _____\      ____\       /|       .n.e.r.v.e. .a.x.i.s. .FL.       |                   |
      \___/     \_____/     \_____/ `----------------------------------------'
                                                _|     /________ ._______
.----------------------------------------------.\_   ___/     _/_|      /____.
|    .t.h.e. .b.l.a.c.k. .l.o.t.u.s. .FL.      | |__ /    ._ (_     ._ /     |
`----------------------------------------------'    \_____| \_______| \______|
.__________________ \   __/__.
|    __          _/__\____   |.---------------------------------------------.
|____\(     ___ (_        ___||       .a.b.u.s.e. .f.r.e.e.l.e.e.c.h.       |
      \____/   \_________/    `---------------------------------------------'

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               freezers                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

 \|______ _____________________ ______|_
  |      \\                   //      |
  |:         f r e e z e r s         :|
 __                                   :
 \//  .______________________________________________________________
  __  |   ____  _   _/   ____/   ____/\___  /   ____/   _   _/\  ___/_.
 \\/  |    __/__\      __--'   ._--'    ___/  ._--'   ._\      \___   |
      |_____|    \____/  \_____| \____________| \_____|  \____________|
  |:                                 :: [fL/sE]
  |                                   |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               immortal                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

 \|______ _____________________ ______|_
  |      \\                   //      |
  |:         i m m o r t a l         :|
  |  __                               :       .______
  |._\/_.___  _______  _______________________|     /_________________
  || \/     \/       \/       __       _    _/    ___/   __          /____.
  ||    .___\/     __\/     __\/     __\      ___ /    ._\(     ___ /     |
  ||____|   /_____/  /_____/  \_____/   \____/   \_____|  \____/   \______|
  |                                   :
  |:                                 :| [fL/sE]
  |                                   |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               overdose                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                       \|____ ______.
                        |    \\     |.___________.
                        |           ||           |
                        |           ||          :|
                        :           ::          ::        _______
 .______________._________________________________________\   __/________
 |   __        _/        ____/    _    _/   __        __   \___     ____/__.
 |___\/     ___\      ___--'    ._\       __`      ___\/        ____--'    |
     \_____/   \_____/   \______|  \_____/  \_____/   \________/    \______|
                        |:          ::           : [fL/sE]
                        |:          ||           |
                        |___________||           |

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               datastorm                |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                 \|_ _____________________ _|_
                                  | \\                   // |
                                  |    d a t a s t o r m   :|
                                  :                         |
                   ._____         ______._____              :
 ._________________|    /_________\  __/|    /______________________  ____
 |   _       __       ___/   __    \___    ___/   __      _    _/   \/    \_
 |___\     __\(     _ /    ._\(        ___ /    ._\/    __\      ___\/     /
     \____/   \____/ \_____|  \_______/   \_____| \____/   \____/   /_____/

                                  :                         :
                                  |:                [fL/sE] |
                                  |                         |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                shock g                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

 \|______ _____________________ ______|_
  |      \\                   //      |
  |           s h o c k   g          :|
 __      _______                      :
 \//     \   __/___.___________________________.______  ._________
  __    ._\___    _/        __        ____/   _/    _/_ |    ____/__.
 \\/    |     ____\      ___\/     ___`     ._\       / |____\      |
        |____/     \____/   \_____/   \_____|  \_____/       \______|
 _|________________//_________________:_ [fL/sE]
  |                                   |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |               jedi arts                |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

                                     \|__________ ____________________|_
                                      |          \\                   |
                                      | .j.e.d.i.                     |
                               __     :      .a.r.t.s.  ._____________:
         ______________________\/__. .__________________|     /\   __/__.
     .___\      ____/   _      \/  | |   __       _   _/    ___/\___    |
     |    \ ____--'   ._\          | |___\(     __\      __ /        ___|
     |_____/    \_____| \__________|      \____/   \____/  \________/
                                      :                               :
                                      | [fL/sE]                       |
                                      |                               |/

                           _ _                  _ _
_______________   :         \\|________________|//         :   _______________
               \\_|___________|                |___________|_//
 QUALITY NEVER    |                                        |    QUALITY NEVER
  GOES OUT OF     |                 popgun                 |     GOES OUT OF
    STYLE!       _|___________                 .___________|_      STYLE!
_______________// |        _ _|________________|_ _        | \\_______________
                  :         \\|                |//         :

 \|______ ___________________ ______|_
  |      \\                 //      |
  |           p o p g u n          :|
 __                                 :
 \//         .________________________________.______.________
  __         |  _      __     _      ____/   _/      _\      /
 \\/         |  \______\/     \______\     ._      ___\     /
     [fL/sE] |_____|   \_________|   \_____| \____/    \___/
  :                                 :
  |                                 |
  |:                                |
  |                                 |/

                  :                                       :
     __           |                                       |     __
----\\/-----------|it is said that a man would not realise|----\\/------------
                  |that  he  was indeed  mad. of course he|
           __     |fucking would-people would let him know|            __
-----------\//----|every single day of his life. to accept|------------\//----
                  |madness is to embrace and love oneself!|
                  |                                       |
                  :                                       :

  ____________________________/__ _
 | .... .                    /__.
 | :   ._________  sTZ!&fL      |      _______  __ .______  _______
 | :   |    ____/_________   __________\__    \_\/_|     /_ \     /___
 | .   |____`      __   _/_._\__    \    /    / \/ _   ___/______     \
 | .        \______\       |   /____/._______/|    |__ /    ._________/
 |                  \______|_________|        |____|  \_____|
 _  )___________________________|         .. C R E D I T S ..

                       :                              :
                       |                              |
                       |main art.................folar|
                       |lyrical gangbang......xcluziwe|
                       |reach me|
                       |lyrical gangbang.........rasta|
                       |file size................(70k)|
                       |release date........(15.07.96)|
                       |all quotes..........wildhearts|
                       |                              |
                       :                              :

 ____________         __________      /\ ______   ___________ ________
 \    _     /________/_   _    /____ /  \_    /___\___       _\   ___/____
  \   /    /   _      /   /   / _   /    /   /       /      /  \____     /
   \__    /    /     /__________\  /________________/    _ /____________/
    /____/     \_____\           \/r.jA                  \/

                       :                              :
                       |                              |
                       |shockg.all irc#amielite fellas|
                       |whole style posse  and  all  i|
                       |forgot!!                      |
                       |                              |
                       :                              :

            ._)                                                (_.
            |                                                    |
            |    _____                      _____                |
   ________  ____)   /  ______  ________ ___)   /  ______  ______   ______
_ _)   _   ) \    __/_./    _/__)   _   \\   __/_./    _/__)     |_/    _/__ _
      _/    .    _)   |\       .    / __/   _)   |        .      _/\_      .
 .    \_____|_________|    ____|______|___________________|______|    _____|
 |_____|    .         |____(                                     |____(
            |                                                    .
            |__                                                __|    rX/jA!
           _ _/________________________________________________\_  _

                       :                              :
                       |                              |
                       |                              |
                       |caustic style..contra...dezign|
                       |divine stylers..epsilon design|
                       |head...honey...hos...jedi arts|
                       |unique arts..upperclass..whale|
                       |                              |
                       :                              :

                  _________   _____      \ _________
   ____ ___________  _____/___     \      \ _______/_ _____
  /___//___       /  __\      \_____\______\\        \     \_______
  _______ / _____/_ ___________\        ______________\    _      / _______
 |       /__\      \                                    ___/     /_ ____   |
 |                                                        /________\\___\  |
 |                                                                         |
 |    the northern palace - instant pleasure - interchange - checkpoint    |
 |        permanent vacation - bermuda triange - fear factory - du         |
 |                                                                         |
 |    _______  ____                                    _ _______           |
 |____       \/    \ ________  _____________  __________     __/___________|
     _______\       \  _____/__               _____     \  __\      \
             \/______\ __\     \                   \     \___________\
                  ______________\   bY!/sE   _______\_____\

                               _ _:__
                                  |  \ __  |
                                 .|.  \\/  :
                                 |||   \  /|
                                  |     \/ |
                                  :        |

       zEUs...........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 06 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
       cOCO pOPs......rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 01 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
       bOHEMe.........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 03 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
       vIETCONg.......rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 01 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
       fOLAr..........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 04 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
       oR!On..........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 00 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
                                  .        .
                                  :        |.
                                  |        ||
             sTEZOTEHIC.....aLLTIMe rECORd: 37 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             zEUs...........aLLTIMe rECORd: 12 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             cOCO pOPS......aLLTIMe rECORd: 04 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             bOHEMe.........aLLTIMe rECORd: 11 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             vIETCONg.......aLLTIME rECORd: 08 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             fOLAr..........aLLTIME rECORd: 05 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             sPEEd dEVIL....aLLTIME rECORd: 08 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)
             oR!On..........aLLTIME rECORd: 09 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)

                                  :       .|
                                  |       ||
                                  |        |
            sTEZOTEHIC........LEADEr, aSCII, sYSOp........(fINLANd)
            qUARTz............2Nd LEADEr, sYSOp...........(fINLANd)
            zEUs..............aSCII, sYSOp................(fINLANd)
            cOCO pOPs.........aSCII, mUSIc................(fINLANd)
            rEPe..............mUSIc, tRADe................(fINLANd)
            bOHEMe............aSCII, tRADe................(fINLANd)
            zINKo.............sYSOp, aSCII................(dENMARk)
            sPEEd dEVIL.......aSCII........................(nORWAy)
            mIC FLAIr.........sYSOp.......................(eNGLANd)

                                  |.       |
                                  |:       :
                                  |        |
 dIGITAL uNDERGRoUNd ... +358-0-221-ASK....hOSTEd: sTEZOTEHIc...(uNIVERSe HQ)
 bERMUDa tRIANGLe ...... +358-0-5861380....hOSTEd: qUARTz..........(wORLd HQ)
 fEAr fACTORy .......... +358-0-3422069....hOSTEd: zEUs..........(fINLAND HQ)
 tHe nORTHERn pALACe ... +45-58-506-081....hOSTEd: zINKo.........(dENMARk HQ)
 iNTERCHANGe ........... +46-3nDz-rINGd....hOSTEd: pRINCIp...(sCANDINAVIa HQ)
 pERMANENt vACATIOn .... +44-1257-41ASK....hOSTEd: mIC FLAIr .........(uK HQ)
                                  :        |
                                  |        |
                                  :    __  :
                                  |    \/  |
                                 _|_____/\ |.
                                  :       \/

    _  __ ____     .______
_________    /_ ___|     /_____ __________
\     __/_  __/__  |   _/_    /____      /__
_\__     /  \   /____    /   /    / /___/  /
|                                          |
|     l y r i c a l   g a n g b a n g      |
|                                          |
`--------------[released by folar/style]---'

           y o u   h a v e   r e a c h e d   t h e   e n d   o f

        _____   _____        _____    ___     _____    _____     _____
       /    /   \    \  _____\__  \___)_/____/ ___/____\___ \___/    /
      /   _/_____\____\/  /   _/  _/      .    \/_   /  _\/    /   _/___
 -Ra!/____\    \___l/    /\___\    \______l____/\/  /\  \/\___/____\    \e^D
           \____\  /____/      \____\         /____/  \____\        \____\

    _____    _____    _____      _____ ____         _____    _____      _____
___/ ___/____\___ \___\___ \____/ ___/_)_  \________\___ \___\___ \____/ ___/___
\    \__   /  _\/   .   \/   \    \__   /   \_   \   _\/   .   \/   \    \__   /
 \___/\/  /\  \/\___l___/    /\___/\/  /\____/   /\  \/\___l___/    /\___/\/  /
    /____/  \____\     /____/    /____/     \___/  \____\     /____/    /____/

                   s t y l e ' 9 6   p r o d u c t i o n

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[ e n d   o f   f i l e ]\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\