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48 131 bytes (47.00K)
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2017-05-19 23:25:19
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-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-[ AMiNET MiRROR SiTES aBOVE ]-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^

        THIS FILE /\RRIVED HERE AT 21:19:25 ON 01-03-1998 IN BAY 00

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                         ..  S P A C E D   O U T  ..
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                       v i s i t   t h e   l e g e n d
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                               :/           \:
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                           fACTiON^aERoSoL wHQ`s
                      LFC^FTH^ABS^5D^TRSI^RJ uKHQ`s!!!

                      nODE 0 - +44 (0) aHH-wOw-mAN!!
                      nODE 1 - +44 (0) iTS-tOO-gOOd!
                     tELNET - xXx.xXx.xXx.xXx - 3 nDZ 

        [= A12oo 68o3o/4o =] [= 2.o gb = 6 mB rAM =] [= /X 4.12 =]

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

             uPLoAdED: SteZotEhiC       AT 22:55:51 oN 01-03-1998
        ____  __  ____    __  _______  _________   :_/                 \_:
      __\   |_\/_| __/____\/_|  __  /__\__     /_  |                     |
      \  \  |    | \__       |   \_/|  __/    /  | | Digital Underground |
       \____|____|___________|____\ |____________| |_                   _|
                                                   : \_________________/ :
    ____ ______  _________   _____ ____   ______  ___  ____ _______  ____
   /   /    _  |_\      __|_____ /| __/_______ / /   \/   /     _  |_\   |
  /   /|    /  \  \     _|    _/  | \__     _/  /    \\  /|     /  \  \  |
  \________/   |\___________  \___|_______  \___\_____/________/   |\____|
          /____|        tGø|___|         |___|                /____|-T!

            .S.T.Y.L.E. .U.N.I.V.E.R.S.E. .H.E.A.D.Q.U.A.R.T.E.R.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

      _______________ _______.   ______
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     /   /   \   | |   | |   ¡   \    ¬\
 sTZ!\_______/___l l___l l_______/_____/sE
| LOVE        -is nothing but-        PAIN |

                       In the year of violence and love,

                                      |                     /_:
      _____ ________ _______ _  ______:_____                  |
     /  __/_)__   __| _.   ///_|__   /  __  \                 |
    .\___     /   |   \|__/      ___/   \/   \  \\            ¦
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           _|     |_ _____)_   |______:____ ______            |
           \_     __| _.   /   |    .     /   _._/_____       ·
    sTZ!/sE |     |   \|__/         |     |   \|      /       |
            |_____|____________|    |_____|__________/        |
                               |____| :                       :
                                      |_                      ¦
                                      : )_____________________|

                      is here to give you something like

                _\ ______  /     \____  ____ _____    _\ ___   ____
                  \     /_/      \    |/   // __  \     \   \_/   /__
                 _/    /  \_      \   |   /    /__/     /   /____    \
                 \_________/      /______/________|    /___/.   / ___/
                       \_____________/    [sTZ!/sE ©'97]    |____/

        _\ ______ _____   _____    __     __   _____ ______      ·
          \   _  \\    \_/     \__/ _|___/  \_/  _  \\  __/__.   :
          /   /         \_     _/   \   \_  /    /      \    |   |
         /___/   ._______/_____|____/____/_/____/    .___    |   |
            /____|                             /_____|   \___|   |
                              _\ ______   __.__   _____          |
                                \   _  \_/  |  \_/     \_        |
  "Love is nothing but Pain"   _/  _/  /.   |   \_     _/        |
                               \___)    |________/_____|         |
                                   \____|                        |
                _\ ______ _____   __   _____                     |
                  \  _   \\___ \_/  \_/  _  \  _ __           _ _|_
                 _/  /___/  _/  \_  /    /  /     /___________\(_)
                 \_____\\___\____/_/____/  /.                    :

                                   _ ___\          \\            \_
                                                    \           \  |
                            ______                              ¯  |
        _____ ____    _._  /     /__   _____                       |
       /    //    \__/ | \/     /   \_/  _  \   a   S t y l e      |
       \    \     _/____  \_   /     \   /__/                      |
     _ /____/_____| _ _____/          \______ _     p r o d .      |
      /                 \______________/                           |
                                                    a t   1 9 9 8  :
                  ______                                   _______
 _\______  ______/      \ _\______   _._   ___   ____  ___/       \   ______
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   /  /__/  / _/.         \   /   /   |  \_ \        _/   /         \    /  /.
  /____|___/____|          \_____/________/__________|___/          |___/____|
          /  \______________/     [sTZ!/sE ©'97]     \_______________/

                    .                                                   .
     _______________|                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |  Hello again!                                                     |
    |_______________                                                    |
                    | quite  some time  has passed since  I made  ascii |
                    | but now  I am here again to give  you this little |
                    | ascii piece.  It doesn't  mean I'm fully interest |
                    | at ascii making.  It is  just a  little  announce |
                    | that  I  am  still  alive. So   everything  I do, |
     _______________| I   do  it   alive   "Ia mn otaz omb ie"  ( hm ). |
    |                                                                   |
    |  My weirdnesz                                                     |
    |_______________                                                    |
                    | my life has  been a big mess  past few  months so |
                    | there  is  another  reason why  I  have not  been |
                    | interested  this  computer  business. It does not |
                    | help on my probs. It just takes my attention away |
                    | ..actually  these bullshit texts  makes  me  very |
     _______________| angry.  Everything  I do, I  piss  on  it ( hm ). |
    |                                                                   |
    |  Love is ...?                                                     |
    |_______________                                                    |
                    | Love. In the movies LOVE is  wonderful it's fant- |
                    | astico'  but  in real  life (atleast  in my life) |
                    | it's nothing but a pain (in da arse?) well, there |
                    | is  Those  lovely times  but but  but (motorboat) |
                    | I'm just a guy  who likes freedom.  Still I can't |
                    | break up with  my love.  It hurts then even more. |
                    | heh,  so    there  is   a  little  prob   I  got. |
                    | ..and ofcourse those  several other problems, but |
		    | I   ain't  gonna  write   those. Way  too   hard! |
     _______________| Everything I  do, I got pain  and  misery ( hm ). |
    |                                                                   |
    |  Don't req..!                                                     |
    |_______________                                                    |
                    | hm, well I  thought I could do  some requests but |
                    | nope! so  like  one  wise  man  once  said "Don't |
                    | bother  to   request".     Same  goes  here  too! |
     _______________| Everything I  do, I   totally  fucked  up ( hm ). |
    |                                                                   |
    |  enuff said..                                                     |
    |_______________                                                    |
                    | I think I have   writed enough  bullshit   so why |
		    | don't you just continue  watching this production |
                    | (I  wouldn't,  because  there  is  nothing  major |
                    | or  interesting). But   do   what  you      want! |
                    | Everything  I  do, I   flush   it   down! ( hm ). |
                    ·                                                   ·

                                  Selfsex - wank wank wank!

            /         \  _  ___  __   _  ___  _______      ___  _ _   ______
           /           \ \\\\__\|  |__)\/ _ \ \____  \  ._/   \/ | \  \___  \
          /   __        \ ¯_/  \\ _/  _/  _  \|   /__/  |    _/  |  \/  _/  /.
         / / /  \,       \ \____\_\___\___/   |____\    |____\__________)    |
         \  /    )/\ \   /               \_____/                        \____|
          \/ .  // .\   /¯¯\                                  ....   _____ __
          (____/ \___)  _  /                                     :   \___ \\/
          /: (_____) :  ) /                                      ·  _/  |  \
         (____`___'___   _)                                         \___|_  \_
          `-' `-'|`-' | |))        Love is nothing but Pain             /(___/
                 |    | |¯                                            _/   \_
      .-------------. | |                                             \_____/
    ./   /  /¯¯¯¯|\  \| |                                              / |__
   ·/     _/ .-. .-.  | |            Stezotehic (c) Style            _/  \  \_
   (_______)¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  |                                            \___/___/
 ·  .     |             |                                             ._/   \_
·  :  .  (  _________    ) :                                          |     _/
      ·  ///'`    sTZ!  |  :...                                       |_____|
  .                  |  |    ___   __  _______      _   ____     ______/   \
                     |  |___/   \_/  |/ ____  \    _)\_/  _/_    \___ \     \_
                   _ |  |  \_    \_  /  /  /__/  _/   \___   \  _/  |  \_____/
                _||_||______/_____/____/_______________/_____/  \___|   \_  _
                                                                    |____/ //

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

     _______________________ _  ________ _____  ___ __  ______   _____
    |                          /       //  _  \/   |  \/   .  \ /  _  \
   _|_____   S a u n a aan!    \       \   _   \_  |   \_  |   \   _   \_
     ___  |   ·   _            /_______/___\____/_______/__|    \__\____/
    |___| |______( )___ ______   ____________________ _    |_____/sTZ!/sE
          :           (_)    (_ _)
                              (_)    _
                                    (_)         10 grammaa hassista...
          ..ja olutta!                     ·

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

                       \    / ________________________
                       /    \ \                       |
                       ¯¯\/¯¯                         |
                         :   M e r r y    X - m a s   |
                         |         ___     ___        |
                     __  |_  _____|  _|___|  _|___   _:_
                    /  \/  \/  _  \  \_   \  \_   \_/ | \
                   /   \/   \_ /__/   /   /   /   /____  \_
                 _/     \____/____    \___\   \___\   / __/
                 \_______/        |___|   |___|   |____/
                        __ __    __  __   _____   _____
                      _/  |  \__/  \/  \_/  _  \_/    /
                      \_     _/_   \/   \   _   \_    \
                     _/   |____/___/     \__\____/____/
                     \____|       \_______/           |
                         .                            :
                         |                          __/\__
                         |________________________\ \    /
                                                    /    \

       ___  ___  ______    ______    ____________.______
      /   \/  ¬\/  __ ¬\___\___ ¬\___\___ ¬\_    |     /
    _/    \/    \_ \____/__  _/  _/    _/  _/__  ·  __/   mERRY cHRISTMAS!
    \     ||_____/___     /__\    \____\    \_|_____|
 | _____   ___.___   __________________ _ __________  ___  ______  ______  |
 |/  __/__/   |  ¬\__\___ ¬\_____/  __/___     __/  \/  ¬\/   _ ¬\/   __/__|
_/   |   ¬\_  _    \_  _/  _/   ¬\____  ¬\_    |    \/    \_  _   \_____  ¬\_
\__________/__|     /__\    \_____/_______/____|____||_____/  |____/   _____/

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

                  ______. ________ ___|___ ________ .______
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                   |              ¯¯  ±  ¯¯              |
    _/\_           :       _/\_                          |
    \__/        ___  ___   \__/  ______ ______     __.__ : _____   __.__
    /  \       /   \/   \  /  \_/     //     /   _/  |  \_/     \_/  |  \
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  \______/   \_____/      \_____/_____/______/   .   / ___/_______/_______/
- ----------------\________/------sTZ!/sE--------|____/--------------------- -
                   .                                     :
                   |          _________________          |
                  _|_________(                 )_________|_
                   :                                     :

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

                      _|____|                    |____|_
                       |                              :
                       :      < U R STILL DOWN >      |
                       |                              .
              _._      . _____      __________   _   ____   ____
             / | \      _\_   \    /    /     \__)\_/   /__/   /_
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           \_______/  \___\___\    /____/_____|_____/______/______/
                       .                ______     sTZ!/sE
                       ·______   ___   _\    /____  ____
                       _\__   \_/   \_/  \   \\   \|   /
                     _/   /   /   |  \_  /\   \_  \\   \_
                       :                              |
                      _|____                      ____:_
                            |                    |

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
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        ,\/-/)         ___
      ( (°°  \ ____   /   \             100% Pure shit - Collection
         U¯\  ¯    ¯-/     * )
         · (     (   )·.        _____  _._   _________    ____ _.   _  ___
         : /\ \_ _\ /   s.      \___ \/ | \__\_  \__  \  /   // |__/ \/   \_
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      ( (_ ( _) ( _)(_ )·:Z.·  \____\_______/_\__\____|  /___/__/___/__/__|
<---- --  - ¯    ¯    ¯  -  -- ------------------------------------------sTZ!>

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

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   :      :              ·:                                     ·:        :
   ` --- -- --- -- -- - ---- - ------ -- - ---------- -- - ----- · --- - -'

                     Do you still remember this place? :)

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

               .           __  __
              (           _\(__)/_                                   ·
  sTZ!/6cREW   \__________\  oO  /     .-----------------------------:-
               / / (    /  ) ·· (      | 100% Pure shit - Collection |
  /\ __ _   ¸,(  \ (\__(  _\____/     -:-----------------------------'
 /__\\     .+  \ (_/    \_/    )       .
      ·   .*    \_____________/
         .O·     ||_       ||_    Say what you want but I say the final word

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

                    _|_____|                      |_____|_
                     |      Lovin' you till I drop      |
   _____             :                                  :
 _|     |     _____   ___  ____/\   ______  __      __.__   _____   __.__
 \     :|____/     \_/   |/   /  \_/   .  \ \/    _/  |  \_/     \_/  |  \
  |     |   \_  |   \_   /   /    \    |   \      \____   \_  |   \_  |  \\_
  |__________/_______/______/______\___|   \\_    .   / ___/_______/_______/
                                   _   |_____/    |____/
 ______   sTZ!/sE    :           _(_)__                 :
|      |_ __   ____  · ____     |      |    _______  _______   _____   ______
|.     _//  \_/   /___/   /__   |      |   _\___   \_\__    \_/     \_/  __  \
||     |    \\   /   \_  /   \_ ||     | _/    /   /   /    /    |  \\_   /__/
|______|______\_______/_______/ |·     | \________/____\____\_________/____\
                     .          |______|                .
                     :                                  :
                    _|_____      Still lovin'      _____|_
                           |                      |

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

                           _(_o)_  .        \\.
             /\           ( ___ _)     °  · oo )     .--,_,-.
            *  \_.--..--._//   U           (___\____/        \__
               (____    __/    :            ` `\\   \_|____|_/  *
                //  `'`'\\     .       (\, , , /_)    | \  | \
   ,\|/_       //_       \\_            ¯¯¯¯¯:¯      _| ¯ _| ¯      ..\|/-
                                             .                sTZ!

          __   ____     __   ___       ____   _____  ___. _________
         /  \_/   /    /  \_/   \_    /   /__/     \/   |/  ____   \
        /   /     \   /   /     _/   /   /   \  |   \   /   /  /___/
       /___/______/  /___/______|sTZ!\_______/______/______/_______ _

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

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                         "I was once the EvakkoMummo"

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                "I think we have to go back in the year 1993"


     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

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     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
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                          fOr SwApPiNg UsEd CoNdOmS
                     (Y) .WiTh PeRVeRt MiNdEd fReAx. (Y)

                        -=+=- LiCk My LoLLiPoP! -=+=-

                        RaStAmAn:         SteZotEhiC:
                        """"""""          """"""""""
                     Timo Laulajainen    Alpo Palokangas
                      Wiikintie 1a 8         Overby
                              o24oo kirkkonummi
                         (4o%) finlandia vOdKa (4o%)

                            MeSsAgE tO EvErYbOdY:
                         pUmPuMcHi  pUpUm  PuPuMcHi!

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
   ¶¶¶      ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶     -×-  ©©©  ©©© ©©©  ©©©  ©©©  ©©©© ©©©
   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

                             ..In the year of 1998

                      ___   ______   _______    ____     ______
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 /___/____________/   /____\___\  \______/___/   /____/   /___/   /___/\_____/

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
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   \____/____\_____\sTZ!/___/sE    /_____/______/_______/___/   \ /_____/

     ( (( Love is nothing but Pain - The ascii collection 1997-1998 )) )

   ¶¶¶       ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶   :    ©©©©©©   ©©©©©©  ©©©©© ©©©  ©©
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   ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶ ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶¶¶  ¶¶¶¶     :   ©©©©©©©  ©©©©©©©©  ©©©  ©©© ©©©©

            Ok, so there  was few my old asciis  and some of them
            I never released, until now.  I still have lot of old
            ascii that I've never released. I never probably will

           _.     ___   ___   ____   ____   ___   ___    ____            _.
          | Z    / _/__/   \_/  . \_/    \_/ _ \_/ _/___/    \_         | Z
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  | |conta| |                   /  \/  \_/ _  \                 | |call | |
  | |ct me| |                 _/   \/   \  /__/                 | | me! | |
  |  ¯¯¯¯¯  |                 \____/     \____|                 |  ¯¯¯¯¯  |
  |   © ©   |                     \_______/                     |   © ©   |
  | © < > © |                                                   | © < > © |
  |   © ©   |                                                   |   © ©   |
  |         |              C O N T A C T    M E  ?              |         |
  | ©  ©  © |                                                   | ©  ©  © |
  | ©  ©  © |                      W H Y ?                      | ©  ©  © |
  | ©  ©  © |                                                   | ©  ©  © |
  | *  ©  # |                                                   | *  ©  # |
  |   ...   |                   #  A S C I I                    |   ...   |
  `---------'                                                   `---------'

               ____    ______ ______  _______  __   _____    _____
              /  _/____\_    \\__   \_\__    \/  \_/     \__/    /
            _/   \      /    /  /___/   /    /    \      _/      \

          All asciis and designs by me - Alpo Palokangas/Stezotehic

                              Released o3-Jan-98

  - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -
        here is some text Zoltrix wanted to me put in my coll. ENJOY!
  - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -

*SQUALE* u are from pakistan ?!  its a joke or what ?!
--> vrato ( has joined this channel.
>SQUALE< what os being joke ?
*SQUALE* [13:08] <ZOLTRiX> hi i from pakistan and look for proggy call leech zmodem that make so i upload lame release and download much thing before sysop delete me ! if you have this thing i thanks you and ganesha hinduism love you!
>SQUALE< this is not joking.
>SQUALE< am looking to find this leech zmodem.
>SQUALE< you can be helping me ?
*SQUALE* but its lame to uploadlame release..
>SQUALE< have you gotten this on your disk ?
*SQUALE* nop
>SQUALE< yes but i can download lots before sysop be deleting me.
Blue^LFC ^o^
<-- [SDD] ( has left this channel ([SDD]).
--> [SiGMA] ( has joined this channel.
>SQUALE< you can sending me the file ?
«Quit» [SiGMA] ( has signed off (Client exiting).
--> TDE|aMiGo ( has joined this channel.
«Quit» glm ( has signed off (Its better to burn out then fade away.).
*SQUALE* hola.. i suppose u enter the bbs in another name ? :) nop i havent!
--> lAZER- ( has joined this channel.
-[enzo]-  ky tower!÷ hellfire ehq! /add
>SQUALE< enter bbs in another name ? nonono i am using my own
*SQUALE* butright its a good technike.. u havent need disable for leech
<-- TDE|aMiGo ( has left this channel (TDE|aMiGo).
*SQUALE* but all ppl knwo u are lamer after that..
*SQUALE* no ?
>SQUALE< no i am in plenty good health! why are you be saying i am disabled ?
*SQUALE* listen:
>SQUALE< what is being lamer ?
«Quit» Chels ( has signed off (rror 14: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White ch).
«Quit» IGGY ( has signed off (Ping timeout).
*SQUALE* if u leech all the hd of the sysop and u upload shit release ..
«Quit» lAZER- ( has signed off ([nc] Get NecronomicoN @ [nc]).
<-- vrato ( has left this channel (vrato).
--> [taxi] ( has joined this channel.
>SQUALE< yes then i am being very happy
*SQUALE* the sysop will delete ya and
*SQUALE* you wiil be a lamer!
*SQUALE* ok ?
>SQUALE< not with leech zmodem library. he will not be seeing me there.
*SQUALE* are u crazy ?!
-Gunda- ...
--> BaserEvil (trance@ has joined this channel.
*SQUALE* aaaaaaaah ok .. :)
>SQUALE< i am not crazy. why for you saying that i am ?
*SQUALE* so its cool
>SQUALE< oh yes it is most definatley very cool.
*SQUALE* because .. i dont understand ur technike the first time
*SQUALE* :))
*SQUALE* sorry
*SQUALE* its seems ur like fresh warez no?!
>SQUALE< i am taking lots of bytes but they are not being taken off me when i am using this library.
*SQUALE* its a good library ..
-VuLTuRE- <> V U L T U R E S <> IP: <> <> AMiGA/PC/CONSOLES <> DC^DLT^TBS^CHQ <> 3-Telnet Nodes <> 2-Global Nodes <> 24hour <>
>SQUALE< what is this warez ?
*SQUALE* righ!t
>SQUALE< most definately so please be sending it to me.
*SQUALE* warez?!
*SQUALE* i havent
>SQUALE< i have been told that you have it and are using it.
*SQUALE* why have i this?
*SQUALE* sorry i havent see the last line ? u said?
>SQUALE< i have told that you are got lot of new files for download but must be having lots of bits to get ?
*SQUALE* dont know
«Quit» DizzY (-mjvbg1@ has signed off (Connection reset by peer).
>SQUALE< please send me library and we pray for you in mosk.
>SQUALE< many dreams can be yours.
*SQUALE* grr! :)
*SQUALE* ahahhahahaah
>SQUALE< please be sending it to me.
*SQUALE* take a joint pal :)
--> Talon ( has joined this channel.
*SQUALE* ahahhaahahahaahhahaah
>SQUALE< we are not being allowed to eat cow,
[j] somebody tell me where to find a good ansi/ascii conf??
*SQUALE* excellent!!
*SQUALE* eat cow!
>SQUALE< yes! send me please!
>SQUALE< no we cannot eat cow!
Zinko J I got over 200mb online!
* Zinko is AWAY -breakfirst
sTZ^sE ack!
*SQUALE* u want a cow ?!
«Quit» Talon ( has signed off (Switching server).
*SQUALE* haah
>SQUALE< most sacred animal
*SQUALE* u want n64 games?!
>SQUALE< i wanting leech zmodem library
*SQUALE* u want a pc?
>SQUALE< what being n64 ?
*SQUALE* ah yes and so ?
>SQUALE< what is pc ?
*SQUALE* u dont know n64 ?
[j] well zinko i tried to get axx to northern palace but you didnt let me in :(
>SQUALE< am wanting lots of aminet for my punjab cd
*SQUALE* yes yes.. poor zoltrix
>SQUALE< are you taking the water from my penis ?
*SQUALE* nop never!
sTZ^sE I'm outta here... see ya later tonight..!
<-- sTZ^sE ( has left this channel (sTZ^sE).
}#AMiELiTE{ i i from pakistan and look for proggy call leech zmodem that make so i upload lame release and download much thing before sysop delete me ! if you have this thing i thanks you and ganesha hinduism love you!
*SQUALE* you are really mad.
*SQUALE* no?!
>SQUALE< i ask everyone else.
SQUALE ztx is mad
*SQUALE* yes .... have u n64 release?
>SQUALE< no I dont have Console rubbish!
SQUALE and me i from BANGLADESH!
*SQUALE* grrrrr only amiga?
--> MJ_IRIS ( has joined this channel.
>SQUALE< You know, that library does actually exist. From 1991. but wont work on /X above 1.35
--> Bugb^CSL ( has joined this channel.
SQUALE where is my mate sigma? :)
>SQUALE< you got it :) Amiga only
--> MadHquiN ( has joined this channel.
[case] zoltrix
ZOLTRiX SiGMA is off to find me the leech z modem library :)
ZOLTRiX CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[case] :))

  - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -
          that was it. (I wonder what they said, I haven't read it!)
  - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -

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                                 sTZ!    'N.!A`  ,[

                           - -------------------- -
                          Quality counts, This don't
                           - -------------------- -

 :__ _________ ____  :____ ___ _____ ___ ______ ______ ______ ___ _________|
 |(                  |cDr//___))  _//___))   _//      \\    //             |
 |/    DIGITAL    ___|_  |        \_         |    /|       /_    DIGITAL   \
 |   UNDERGROUND  \   /  |___________________|___/¯|________/  UNDERGROUND :
 :___  ____ _____/   /   |._____ _____ ____ _____ ___ ____  ____ _____ _____
 \   \/   //_   /   /|   ||_   //_   // __//_   //   \\   \/   //_   //_   /
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 |(                                                                       )|
 ¦                                                                         |
 o                                                                         :
 |_                           _ __         __ __                          _|
  /________________________ /_/\\( FINNISH )//\_\ ________________________\
                           \\_\/ \  POWER  / \/_//
                               |__\  9 7  /__|

__/\__   ___________   _   __________________       ___  __ _________   __/\__
\ Oo /__/  ___/____ \ / \_|      /      /___ \_____/ _ \|  |  |      |__\ oO /
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 |    .\   |   /  |/   _   \     |     /   |   / \   |   / |  ||   |.       |
 |    | \_____/|__|\___|___/_____|____/|______/   \_____/_____l|___||       |
 |   -+------ ------------- ----------- ----------- ------- --------+- [cL] |
 |    :                                                             :       |
 |    .                      #[ The Final Orbit ]#                  .       |
 |                                                                          |
 `--------------------+-----------------[ 100% AmigA Only! ]----------------'
 |   FACTiON    WHQ   |                                                     |
 |   AeROSOL    WHQ   |                                                     |
 |                    | NoDe 1 : Courier 33.6k V.TeRbO...(+44).01-ASK-ELITE |
 |   RaMJaM     UKHQ  | NoDe 0 : Zoltrix 28.8k V.FAST....(+44).01-ASK-ELITE | 
 |     SoS      UKHQ  | TELNET : 2 nODES aT XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX fIND iT!        |
 |     LSD      UKHQ  |                                                     |
 |   oUtLaWs    UKHQ  |   Serial locked at 115200 for Warp speed connects   |
 |   T.r.S.i    UKHQ  |                                                     |
 |   LiGHTFoRCE UKHQ  | .-------------------( Da BoSS )-------------------. |
 |  LooKeRhOuSe UKHQ  | |                                                 | |
 |  5Th DyNaStY UKHQ  | |                                                 | |
 |  AbUsE       UKHQ  | .-----------------( On Da StAff )-----------------. |
 |  FAiTH       UKHQ  | |                                                 | |
 |                    | |     CrUsAdEr/HF  CaNdYmAn/HF  EtRiGaN/LSD       | |
 |  CPU         UKHQ  | |                                                 | |
 `--------------------' `-------------------------------------------------' |
 | A12oo 68o3o 4omHz! |                                                     |
 | 2.o gig HD Xmb RaM |                                                     |
 |                    |      AMiNET TRADERS aND fILES aRE KiLLED DEAD!      |
__/\__ AmiXpress 4.xx |                                                 __/\__
\ Oo /________________|_________________________________________________\ oO /
/_+-_\                                                                  /_-+_\
  \/     THIS FILE /\RRIVED HERE AT 21:19:25 ON 01-03-1998 IN BAY 00      \/ 