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72 903 bytes (71.19K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 257


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_______  .____.   .__.---._      _______ 
\_  __/__|    |_  |  |    /____  \_ ___/--.
.l___        __/__l__,        /___| _/    |
|  |      __ /          .___ /            |
|  l_____/fL\___________|bHe\_____________|
|                                         |
| ·sTYLE! does it LIVE! at sCENARiO'96!·  |

                         |         /
                     .___|        /  · sTYLE - fOLAR och/et/und/ja bOhEmE ·
     ______  .____.  |   |       /_.
     \  __/__|    |_ |   |      /  |___     · also starring - dHM ·
    ._\___       __/_l___,    _/   /   \_________
    |      _____ /                         _____/__..__.
    |_____/     \______       _____________---'    ||  |._.
                      |       |            \_______|l__|l_|.
                      |     ._|

         .-..-..-..- .-.._ . _________________________________,
         | || || |`-.| || ||_\________________________________________
         | || || |  || || ||                                        _/
         |-'|-:|-'  ||-'| ||           · p r e s e n t s ·          \_
         |  | ||  . || .| ||  .---------------------------------------'
         '  ' `|  `-'`-'' ``-'                                  bHe^fL!
               | .

                         _______.-----.                    _______|_
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     l______|  |       .__|     |     |     .__l_____|       |   || .   . |
               l_______|  |     |     |_____|bHe             l___|l_|___|_|
                          |     |_____|                           (_|   |_)
                          l_____|                                   | T |

       \   |_________   ______________     ________________________
 ____   \________    \--\__    ______ )--./                        \.
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  \  |   |      |   |    |      |   T    |                          |  |
   \ |   |   .__|   |____|   .__l___|    |                       .__|  |
    \|   l___|  l___|    l___|      l____l_______________________|bHe  |
     \                                                                 |
     |\  First of all sTYLE *news*                                     |                          
     | ·                                                               |
     |   oRION.............................................*left!*     |                                
     |   vIETCONG..................................*left·for·OMA!*     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   bEHEMOTH........................................*joined!*     |
     |   dHM.............................................*joined!*     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   We're still on a look-out for quality guys with extreme       |
     |   ascii-skills. No be pc-fooooooooooooooooooooooooooools.       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Our oh-so-elite party-group is: lAGERS, dEMOLEE, pSYKO,       |
     |                                   aRTISTI, hYPNO, wREC, eIBON   |
     |                                   and of course fOLAR & bOhEmE  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Extra-special-greetings-for 'zOLTRiX' - that old dude who     |
     |   gave us a lot of beers in the middle of the city of Lahti!    |
     |   We do love you :)                                             |
     |                                                                 |
     |   We got lost in the GREAT city of Lahti. We rule.. but thanks  | 
     |   go to ARTISTI for letting us use his A4000/060 for this crap  |
     |   ascii-making-frenzy. We love you too! ;)                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   This year's BEST collection came out just a while ago. Mark   |
     |   Ryder's latest colly was unfuckingbelievable. You are one     |
     |   piece of work Mark. We love you! :)                           | 
     |                                                                 |
     |   As you might have noticed - we're VERY drunk :)               |
     |   (although, I (bOhEmE), type very well while under influence   |
     |    of several alcoholic drinks - don't I ppl on #amielite?-))   |
     |                                                                 | 
     |   We love you ppl on #amielite :)                               |
     |                                                                 |
     |   It's only 18.00 o'clock and we're still quite ok.. eh? :)     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Wise-k: no Finnish so far.. happy ? :))                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   fOLAR has his new deodorant with him - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!   |
     |   He sure smells like a gigolo..  woooooooooooooooooooooooow!   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Here's some source-code from bOhEmE in asm:                   |
     |                                                                 | 
     |       move.w          d6(a1)                                    |
     |       let.c           a1                                        |
     |       rgs                                                       |
     |       move.l          huoran(penikka)                           |
     |       let.w           penis                                     |
     |       release         style                                     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Please, let me know if there's any bugs in it.. ok ? :)       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   The organizers rule: we got all our bOOZe inside! Hahaha...   |
     |   fuck them..  I'm (bOhEmE) drinking a beer right now and fOLAR |
     |   is taking a leak:)                                            |
     |                                                                 |
     |   One organizer just STOLE my beer.. fuck him, altough there    |
     |   wasn't too much left in the can. Fuckers.   - bOhEmE          |
     |                                                                 |
     |   You should drink Pirtu like me..  Idiot..:)..  Much easier..  | 
     |                                                     - fOLAR     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Hmm.. Wait for my upcomin collection SE-MIND2.TXT aka Mind    |
     |   Mind Playing Tricks On Me - Part II.. It will be out on the   |
     |   market next weekend.. It will contain over 100 request from   | 
     |   all you punks out there..                         - fOLAR     | 
     |                                                                 |
     |   Interview with the lovely ladies of Etelä-Suomen Sanomat:     |
     |   Their names are: Riia and Tuija.....::::::::.....::.....::.   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   1. Miksi te teette haastettelua täällä?                       |
     |      (Why are you doing an interview here?)                     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Because we like money, each other, and computer nerds.      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   2. bOhEmE&fOLAR&dEMOLEE: "Are we nerds?"                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Dear boHeMeETc... Don't take this personal, please, even    |
     |     if we do.                                                   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   3. Please, define your views on us ?                          | 
     |                                                                 | 
     |   - Sanna, if you are reading this, remember that these guys are|
     |     drunk. DRUNK. Anyway, they are very gourmand, lucidrous and |
     |     somewhat destitute in their efforts of making loathing.     |
     |                                                                 |_
     |   Comment from bOhEmE and fOLAR: "I wonder where they learned    /_.
     |   all those weird and difficult words. They must have read their   |
     |   parents' English dictionarys quite well. No more on that subject | 
     |                                                                 .__|
     |   Comment from Riia ja Tuija: Dictionaries, right?              |
     |                                                                 |
     |   4. So, I think that reply is enough, eh? Let's continue with  |
     |      our mighty interview. Next question: "What do you think of |
     |      guys who use computers - in general?" (and yes, we do      |
     |      repeat ourselves - a bad habit?)                           |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Well, computers should be used mainly in Finnish-Swedish    |
     |     societies to produce a better... All right! I just kind of  |
     |     you know, like, hate guys in general. Computers are allright|
     |                                                                 |
     |   5. We wonder, how come you hate us? Guys I mean. Aren't we so |
     |      so cute and such? Uhm. So it has nothing to do with the    |
     |      machines, it's just US. Hmm. So is our GENDER wrong??????  |
     |      We didn't have any choice, you know?                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   -  Where have learnt to type so fast?                         | 
     |   -  bOhEmE: Where have you LEARNED THAT English ? Uh oh.       |
     |              I just type fast, is that a problem?               |
     |                                                                 |
     |   -  NO. I just think so well, should we say in a very lucid    |
     |      style. Tuija has left her boy friend by the way. Sanna,    |
     |      I really do hate lots of people.                           |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Ppl-hater. Wow. Let's give the keyboard to fOLAR to continue|
     |     on this subject: "My gf left me two weeks ago!".            |
     |     dEMOLEE: "+358-(0)9-7735485 (33.6k)" (Sanna can call also   |
     |     and other GIRLS too) (bOhEmE: "Uh oh:)"                     |
     |                                                                 | 
     |   Let's get on WITH our INTERVIEW, shall we?                    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   6. So guys with computers are as hateable as guys WITHOUT     |
     |      those freaking stupid machines.                            |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Guys with or without computers usually show an amazing lack | 
     |     of computer skills.                                         |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - So you must know a LOT about ascii-codes, gfx, raytracing   |
     |     and other creative work on computers. I better not ask you  |
     |     anything about 'em 'cause I might humiliate myself. Ok.     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   7. So. It's just us guys. We suck in general?                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Alluding to the comment above, I would like to answer.      |
     |     No, would you like to teach me everything you know?         |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Tuija continues on that matter: We prefer men.              |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Me (bOhEMe and I guess fOLAR) must agree with Tuija, but    |
     |     if Riia wants to LEARN everything we are MORE then willing  |
     |     to help. We need more skillfull PEOPLE in the scene. So no  | 
     |     problem there. And you should notice: we treat ppl in the   |
     |     scene EQUAL. It's all about their skills..                  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   8. What brings the words: "CNCD, VIRTUAL DREAMS and NOON" in  |
     |      to yer pretty minds?                                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Those words are usually formed in the upper cavity of brain.| 
     |     Sorry, I guess I "slightly" misunderstood your wonderful    |
     |     question there. CNCD stands for the Cyber Nerds Cicling in  |
     |     the Dirt. Virtual dreams would be something to do with our  |
     |     daily imaginetive thoughts about men who like girls more    |
     |     than VIrtual reality. Noon = 12 o'clock.                    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - This girls seems to know a LOT about the scene. But we are  |
     |     not to blaim her. I just BLAME the ORGANIZER who just took  |
     |     my glass of beer. Hmm. But he returned the glass. Stupid    |  
     |     baboon. Now I can fill it up again. These parties are       | 
     |     getting worse year by year.                                 | 
     |                                                                 |
     |  9. What would you like to ask US? If we had nothing to do with |
     |     these damn computers? Imagine.                              |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - So do you know anything about computers?                    |
     |                                                                 | 
     |   - dEMOLEE answers this: "well, i think that is a stupid ques- |
     |     tion b'coz we didn't want answer any computer related ques- |
     |     tion, but if you really want my answer you can call to my   |
     |     board "MOS!EiSLEY +358-(0)9-77354485 (24h ja 33.6k) so so so|
     |     Riia and Tuija can call if they only have modems, which I   |
     |     doubt... So tell me your next question, and call my board!  |
     |                                                                 | 
     | 10. So, Sanna how are you doing? Thank you for the letter.      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - I think this question is a BIT personal^inside and I can't  |
     |     quite get it. Mais dEMOLEE, il parle beaucoup de l'espaniol.|
     |     Riia aussi parle francais, c'est n'est pas possible.        |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - dEMOLEE has a a comment on this subject: "nosiis, vittu en- |
     |     hän mä mitään ranskaa, tai muutakaan ymmärrä mutta toi Riia |
     |     on ihan Winona Ryderin näköinen.. Whoooooo-aaaaaaaah...     |
     |                                                                 |
     | 11. bOhEmE and fOLAR are wondering YOU didn't take a pic of     |
     |     us? We just wonder..  we're wonderers?                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - I never take pictures of people who are drunk and swear.    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - You should have seen us at Assembly'96. We're not THAT      |
     |     drunk now. We're PRETTY sober. We just want pic of sTYLE!   |
     |     And our language is just realistic. No one speaks           |
     |     "kirjakieltä" in these days. We're very sorry if we         |
     |     offended You. We're not that kinda duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes.  |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Here's a comment in between of this all-so-mighty interesting  |
     |  interview. We just have to tell you that LAGERS/aBUSE is way   |
     |  too drunk to COMPREHEND anything. That is not too interesting  |
     |  but you know these party-intros...                             |
     |                                                                 |
     | 12. These wonderful ladies must leave now. So sTYLE! must thank |
     |     them for their effort. I hope you enjoy this interview.     |
     |     Now it's time for a GROUP-photo of sTYLE^aBUSE. You must    |
     |     promote the awesome Amiga-scene. Ok?                        |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Amiga-scene is awesome. Kotipuh.  x 3x8 xxx. (Lahti 03?)    |
     |                               Tuija.  x 3x3 xxx. (Lahti 03?)    |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Ok, the ladies left. Let us be happy about this. This is       |
     |  pretty unique!                                - bOhEmE         |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Lagers has an IMPORTANT comment on EVERYTHING: " Hello over    |
     |  there!. damn im drunk.. wheres the keyboard?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!    |
     |  .. joo imekää munaa saatana.!.. siis kelaa.. vittu täällon     |
     |  täällon vaikka ketä homoja .. vittu.. persettä saatan.. vittu  |
     |  perkeleen .. joo.. siis tossoli vaikka ketä .. joo..  perkele  |
     |  ...yks  homo kans.. voi vittu.. damn.. pc-compo is  UGLY...    |
     |  il' puke on it.. fOLAR "fitun elite" wants to join on abuse!   |
     |   so he is in abuse.aflhgjdalfhnb.. damn .. oikmaertfgijmkaetsh |
     |  .. too much pC fags on here!.. .. i wanna kill 'em..           |
     |  fuckem duckem.. ipetjkmgf,ieapojkrgfmvipojaektml,fgpovklam     |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Ok, that was LAGERS. Interesting, huh? :)                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |  fOLAR has a little a problem with his GASES. His stomach is    |
     |  full of unnecessary substances. He just farts all the time..   |
     |  I must say, it's an unique experience..        - bOhEmE :)     |
     |                                                                 |
     |  dHM on tha keys for a while: .   . . ... _@_o <- etana         |
     |  ::[ SCENARIO 1996 - missä lapset oksentavat sisuksistaan ]::   |
     |  ::[ pizzanpalasia ja muovituolit luhistuvat. We suckxn't.]::   |
     | .---.                                                           |
     | |o.o| mustanaamio hallitsee tajuntaasi. tunnet äänien vaimentu- |
     | |,,,| van ympärilläsi. kohta kuulet vain hurinaa. mustanaaaami- |
     | |___| on voima on VALTAVA.                                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |  dHM gave the keeeeeeeyboard to me. Terrifying. Ppl here drink  |
     |  Coca_Cola and pEPSI. Oh no. Why don't they drink BEER like I   |
     |  do ? .. hmnm.,hmhmhmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm   |
     |  fOLAR left to bother the kid with iRC-connection. Nice.        |
     |                                                                 |
     |  I must ask dHM to write SOMETHING here.. eheh: getupgetupgetup |
     |  anddouunnn'ts top tha giant blue hedgehog pierces the statue   |
     |  of nicolau ceausescu and hops into fierce lambada breakdance   |
     |  metamorphosis. the crowd joins in and soon everybody is in     |
     |  total lambada trance, puking and waving their pelvises like    |
     |  elvis on amphetamine. the whole party takes a devastating turn |
     |  in to satanism as the hedgehog drops acid and starts murdering |
     |  innocent bystanders and eating them as whole. monday morning   |
     |  0600 reveals a horrifying sight: blue hedgehog now grey and    |
     |  totally dead on the marketplace, its belly blown up by eating  |
     |  WAY too much little children and old women. the police shows   |
     |  up and starts cleaning the shit. old man takes pictures and    |
     |  sells them 2 FIM each (0.5 USD)                                |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Ok, bOhEmE back on da keys. That was dHM's wisdom. Everyone has|
     |  a notice of it. Did you get the MESSAGE in that story? If you  |
     |  didn't = eat some kellogs muroja to get it. Damn you.          | 
     |                                                                 |
     |  fOLAR is trying to IRC some more. He wants to get more reqs    |
     |  from #amielite. I wonder..                                     |
     |                                                                 |
     |  lAGERS is way too drunk. He's not in THIS world anymore. Wow.  |
     |  His asking for hYPNO with a terrific tendency. Oh no.          |
     |                                                                 |
     |  "what's that tattoo of stalin doing in your arse ?"            |
     |                                                                 |
     |  piisamin ihraa halvalla, 0.5 mk / kilo. piisami on koulutettu  |
     |  pöytätavoille ja opetettu laskemaan yhdestä kymmeneen ilman    |
     |  välitaukoja.                                                   |
     |                                                                 |
     |  kalaa muumeille - ja vähän hitaasti                            |
     |                                                                 |
     |  dHM had his gr8 commercials there. You must contact him for all|
     |  those lovely products. He can deliver. Something.              |
     |                                                                 |
     |  The stupid organizer only noticed my EMPTY can - not my glass  |
     |  filled with lovely beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. |
     |  They rule. This organizer was called: "Make" - uh oh.          |
     |                                                                 |
     |  stupid large ILL ansi flow pours into your nostril ya MOUHO.   |
     |  ill large crazy poopster ye'all kooks push strange smelling    |
     |  enemas into the unknown.                                       |
     |   __       __                                  __           ®   |
     |   \/_ .--. \/_ .-.-. /\       ._. .-. |_. .-. (__) ._._. .-.    |
     |                                        \                        |
     | 13. The wonderful ladies are back. That's a miracle. Let's ask  | 
     |     some INTELLIGENT (?) question. They laugh a lot. Wow. Tuija |
     |     wants to inform: "I don't laugh so much.." - that's settled |
     |     then. Now to the question: Tell us something you want to    |
     |     'cause we're too tired to come up with a question - you     |  
     |     could even come up with yer own questions - that's a        |
     |     frightening thought - let's goooooooooooooooooo...          |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Riia wants to dance to the rhytm. Is that not nice? Why do  |
     |     they not have a disco here? So guys, I have a question for  |
     |     you. Why are you here?                                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - First of all. It's not our fault there's no RAVE-happening  |
     |     here. I mean, most parties HAVE a rave-party. Uh oh. It's   |
     |     these stupid organizers. They should have organized a true  |
     |     scene-rave.. I guess they were just impotent. Ohoh.         |
     |     The reason we are here is: we just like to meet FRIENDS     |
     |     around the scene and DRINK some booze, which we do anyways. |
     |     But the reality is: we WANT to meet in the REAL life too..  |
     |     If we conversate in the VIRTUAL world.. we do wanna KNOW the|
     |     ppl in real life. That's the reason. That's why me (bOhEmE),|
     |     fOLAR and dEMOLEE are going to the party 6 in DENMARK :)    |
     |     It's abroad and we hope to see our contacts there.. so all  |
     |     you guys out there - take notice will ya? :) We REALLY want |
     |     to see ya. Ohoh. I better stop this long reply and let these|
     |     ladies continue.. I guess they have an answer ready, eh?    |
     |                                                                 |
     | 14. So, would you please tell me some great experience related  |
     |     to the use of computers?                                    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Great? Ehm. A BEAUTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFUL demo with a great   |
     |     design always makes you feel gOOOOOOOOOOOOd. Hehe. Demo is  |
     |     a gallery of art. I mean there's gr8 MUSIC, GRAPHICS and    |
     |     DESIGN. That's our CLIMAX! Uh oh, are we sad?               |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - Ladies answer: "Yes."                                       |
     |                                                                 | 
     |   - That's an answer to the point. We like that :)              |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I (bOhEmE) must say that LAGERS is in the PERFECT party-mood  |
     |   he's way too drunk. He talks weird stuff..  :)                |
     |                                                                 |
     |   dEMOLEE: " Me and my grandma live at the same place as Tuija's|
     |              cottage.. yeippii, I must go and visit her sometime|
     |              MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH... But ifthat Winona Ryder woman |
     |              wants to visit my grandma she's welcom.. .hihihihi |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Ihminen ulkomailta                                             | 
     |                                                                 |
     |   - hänellä on modeemi -> ottaa yhteyden PURKKIIN/kANNUUN (bbs =|
     |      ilmoitustaulu-järjestelmä)                                 |
     |   - hän pyytää meilä ASCII-logoa -> me tehdään se foR friendship|
     |                                                                 |
     |   - me kohdataan partyilla jossain -> fUN!                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   - ja esim. 09-7735485 (33.6k) (eikä se tarkoita sitä, että    |
     |     dEMOLEE olisi  yksinäinen..)                                |
     |                                                                 |
     |   DEMOLEEEEEEEEEEE! Did you get my PIC to the fuckin' GFX-compo |
     |   It wasn't shown and the organizers say that there wasn't a pic|
     |   like that. Uh oh. Maybe I'll put the same pic on the gfx-compo|
     |   in Demolition. BUaah. I must rape dEMOLEE now. Where is he?   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I guess it wasn't his fault. It just got lost or the lazy     |
     |   organizers lost it. Buh bah. Those fuckers suck. We'll        | 
     |   un-promote this party as much as we can..  hih. Dunno if my   |
     |   pic was any good though :) I think it was better than most of |
     |   the entries..                                                 \
     |                                                                 |
     |   LAGERS just woke up after sleeping under a table for a while- |
     |   He looks pretty dead..                                        |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I'm pretty bored now .. me bOhEme. Frustrated too. Organizers |
     |   watch us all the time altough I've drank all my beers..       |
     |   stupid ppl - they think we're gonna do something crazy.       |
     |   Actually that wouldn't be a suprise. Hoho. I guess I'll just  |
     |   blame it on the stupid little green men (hi HiFi :). Then     |
     |   again I could come up with several stupid thing to mention.   |
     |   Uh oh. fOLAR is talking to a GIRL just beside me. I wonder    |
     |   where he's getting to (doh, like really). I'm pretty suicidal |
     |   once again, but that doesn't mean I would do anything         |
     |   irrational. Uh oh. I better stop soon 'cause a girl is        |
     |   watching this text and it might hURT her mentally. You never  |
     |   know. You ppl in the scene are so used to my useless and crazy|
     |   babble about almost anything, aren't you?                     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   And this girls continues from now on: name is Riia. I am|
     |   twenty and I like daydreaming, drawing and people who respect |
     |   people such as this person sitting next to me. In fact, I do  |
     |   not know if he does respect other people but I just think so. |
     |   So, do you?                                                   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I (bOhEmE) do respect ppl with their OWN opinions and views   |
     |   on ANYTHING. I also respect ppl who make an effort and create |
     |   something. I mean ANYTHING. Anything worth watching, listening|
     |   to or something else. Ya never know. Creativity is obscene.   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Basically you respect everybody, anybody, then. That is great.|
     |   You always get back what you give, you know.                  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   fOLAR on da keeeeeeeeeeeeyz: this one goes to zoltrix ..      | 
     |   what are you doin.??..  Try to leave us..?? .. Whatta fuck??  |
     |   One thing for sure .. Amiga scene will die.. when you are     | 
     |   out of this world of ours ..                                  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   So fOLAR got his message thruuuuuuuuuuu. Let's celebrate?     |
     |   I think I could say a few words about this so-called-party.   |
     |   This is all sPEDE-pROPAGANDA-oriantated and stupid. But don't |
     |   we always critizize these happenings. And my English isn't    |
     |   perfect - these ppl are laughing at it. Bah. We're gonna stop |
     |   this for a while now.. nous sommes très fatiques.             |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Back here. The largest INTRO in the history of ASCII-collys   |
     |   is shaping up to be good - or very boring. Depending on yer   |
     |   mental status. Remember! This is NO party-report, altough     |
     |   it might seem so.                                             |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Should we get back to the oh-so-famous sTYLE-interview with   |
     |   these reporters.. they're very tired, but that doesn't bother |
     |   us. Ok. So what shall we ask fOLAR? Question number:          |
     |                                                                 |
     | 15. So, what is your opinion about pC-scene after our           |
     |     'objective' views on it? ;)                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - I don't know about PC, but Amiga seems to be pretty funny.   |
     |    What do you think about desperate reporters trying to figure |
     |    out what this stuff is really about? Could you help?         |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - So you're getting it pretty right then. Amiga is fun. PC     |
     |    isn't. This might offend some ppl - but they're just wrong.  |
     |    There's no0riia m<aaria mustonen omn paras.,  I got          |
     |    interrupted by this personality beside me. Uh oh. Let me     |
     |    continue. There's nothing wrong with pC-ppl - it's just that |
     |    their scene sucks. Sooo. This stuff is about friendship. At  |
     |    least in the almighty-amiga-scene. We're not in it for profit|
     |    stupid over-respect, ass-licking, ass-kizznezz or ppl with   |
     |    their head filled with their ego. Those ppl are not creative.|
     |    They are just plain lamers. Oh well,now we're starting to use|
     |    the dreaded word: "lamer". It's another thing then.. anything|
     |    else on this thaaaaaaaaaaaaang?                              |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - No. I have another point to make. You have blue eyes, brown  |
     |    hair and long fingers. That's why you can write so fast. Hey,|
     |    hoy. I want to teach you a song I learnt in the states. Riia,|
     |    Riia, Bo, Biia, Banana-Fana-Fo-Fiia, Me, My, Mo, Miia-Riia.  |     
     |    Te olette sitten negatiivisesti varautuneita. Älkää.         |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - Ensinnäkin - emme ole negatiivisia. Me olemme KRIITTISIÄ.    |
     |    We bettah continue in ENGLISH - otherwise all the foreign    |
     |    viewers won't get this. Uh oh. I (bOhEmE) have blue eyes..   |
     |    Since when? I though I have blue-green-grey-eyes. Brown hair |
     |    is correct I guess. And long fingers.. uhm ohm, meet me at   |
     |    the Party 6 and find out? Now you know a bit about me? Oho!  |
     |    But we should get another question going..  foOOOlAr. Helpme.|
     |                                                                 |
     | 16. Is a toilet in the middle of a marketplace art or not? And  |
     |     how come is it art, IF it is? You may also contribute some  |
     |     other opinions 'cause we're too stupid to come up with      |
     |     a proper question. Ok?                                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - My view on art is pretty conservative. Classical, romantic,  |
     |    anything that is pretty and aesthetic suits me fine. I guess.|__
     |    I also like fairy tale illustrations- but a toilet in the      /
     |    middle of the market place is not very appealing to me. Although
     |    one might call it art.                                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |    Darling, would you like to dance jive?                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - I'll dance to anything or anything. Oh. I like to dance, but |
     |    we're in the middle of an interview. Might seem lame. Oho.   |
     |    But a toilet can be art if you take all the aspects of the   |
     |    concept of art. It's just everyones personal view. No more   |
     |    on that or we'll ge lost in a deep discussion about the      |
     |    basics of art etc. Whou.                                     |
     |                                                                 |
     | 17. What do you think of OUR art? Ascii-art that is.. :)        |
     |     (this might interest all the ascii-artist around the this   |
     |      stinking planet..)                                         |
     |                                                                 | 
     |  - It's pretty cute... He he. Requires a lot of common sense,   |
     |    a few muscles, bloody nose, raving and ranting and panting,  |
     |    and something called motivation. I am getting faster, am I?  |
     |    Ok. Don't answer that. By the way, I think my brother's a    |
     |    brat. Would you do a better job being a sibling?             |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - Sibling? I guess my "huge" vocabulary doesn't contain that   |
     |    particular word. Uh.                                         |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - Never mind. You're pretty verbal anyway. That's one of the   |
     |    humane traits I appreciate. Sometimes.                       |
     |     Sure you don't want to learn jive?                          |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - First of all this is becoming a tedious hubbabubbababble     |
     |    between two ppl - so all ya dudes reading this. Don't loose  |
     |    your nerves just yet. And on the subject of verbality - I    |
     |    tend to be a "verbaaliakrobaatti" - but that's just my prob. |
     |    Jive..  uuu, show me jiiiiiiiiiive.                          |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - Here. Watch.                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - Pretty solid dance that is. Wow.                             |
     |                                                                 |
     | 18. And another question from us (sTYLE!) - what does the word  |
     |     'style' bring in to your (tired) minds......                |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - Sick Tyres Yonder Leave Excitedly. And of course that brings |
     |   into my mind something blue, something long and something     |
     |    brown.                                                       |
     |         eheheheheh.                                             |
     |                                                                 |
     |  - I guess ppl are getting pretty tired of this. Sufffffffer.   |
     |    Let fOLAR type something for a change..                      |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Pleese.. stop that bullshit ..  ..  more ascii ... !!!!!!!!!  |
     |   Prkl..hermot menee1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                             |
     |                                                                 |
     |   fOLAR is getting REALLY frustrated^tired. That's why he       |
     |   expresses his feelings in plain stupid Finnish.               |
     |                                                                 |
     |   lAGERS said (I'm quoting pSYKO here:) that he has played      |
     |   the faggot for several years... or saxophone (sucks-o-phone), |
     |   who knows.                      ½¾½¾                          |
     |                                  (·)(·)                         | 
     |                                  .  Y .                         |
     |                                   ¯¯¯¯                          |
     |   There's a happy figure by dEMOLEEEEEEEEEEE. Obey it.          |
     |                                                                 |
     |   The pc-demo-compo is going on and we're seeing another bunch  |
     |   of lame-design-music-gfx-everything-productions that are made |
     |   SERIOUSLY. They should check some older amiga demos and copy  |
     |   the desing. It would make us bear this situation better..     |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Our life is in a package - in this intro. Wooow. Ppl are      | 
     |   checking stuff with their flashlights.. weird. They must have |
     |   eaten some mushrooooooooooms. We would never subject ourselves|
     |   to that kinda activity.                                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   "Someone has eaten lamp away", says fOLAR. I wonder what his  |
     |   on about. But then again it's 5.30AM..                        |
     |                                                                 |
     |   dEMOLEE is talking about hookers/bitches/etc with this girl   |
     |   beside me. I wonder..                                         |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Now there's a humongous chit-chat going on about sum..        |
     |   sum sum suum sum suuummmuu summsmsmsm u sums smsm sumeaa..    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Nylon Beat (Nailon Biit) demo oli hassu.. oho olikse intro?   |
     |                                                                 |
     |   "hAhahahhahhaaahaahaaa" - a straight quote from this person   |
     |   wow - she must be tired or something.                         |
     |                                                                 |
     |   oh. yes i sm  - WOW! That's something..  welcome to the gr8   |
     |   sTYLE-family of sm-ppl (?)                                    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Reporters from the Etelä-Suomen Sanomat think they're bigger  |
     |   than sTYLE! Those foooools. Let us give the choice to YOU out |
     |   there. E-mail me: bOhEmE at if you see   |
     |   this production.. and write a letter to Etelä-Suomen Sanomat  |
     |   if you see their article about this. This is just fair play.  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I wonder if Etelä-Suomen Sanomat has a .net-connection. I bet |
     |   they're still in the stone-age with their stuuuuff. Ho-ho-ho. |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I would like to protest to everything said before. I do not   |
     |   belong to any particular society like a few freaks.. but I    |
     |   ... these guys start getting mean. Help me Rhonda!            |
     |                                                                 |
     |   We're not mean. We're just realistic. I'm being bothered by   |
     |   this so-called reporter. She tries to make me laugh. Wow.     |
     |   Didn't succeed. So back to the point. We're not mean. We love |
     |   all beings - especially nUP! :) nUP is gOOOOOOOOOOOOd! altough|
     |   he didn't attend this party. Wow. How original. We hope his   |
     |   coming to the TP6 - we'd like that.                           | 
     |                                                                 |
     |   How come you are not very ticklish?                           |
     |                                                                 |
     |   I have good nerves.                                           |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Lalalalala. I will sing if you won't tell me that the only    |
     |   person in the world to defy Einstein's intelligence and       |
     |   Maria's ----- Go ahead then.                                  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   You're the only person in the world to defy Einstein's        |
     |   intelligence and Maria's virginity. Uh oh.                    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Thank you. I take that as a compliment.                       |
     |              Lalalalla.                                         |
     |                                                                 |
     |   That's the way to go. Fuzzy logic.                            |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Oh, guys. You are very handsome and virtual. Not to mention   |
     |   your striking spiritual capability to handle with darling     |
     |   Tuija, Riia and Sanna.                                        |
     |                                                                 |      
     |   *blush*                                                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Sanna, send us your picture! OOoooeer.                        |
     |                                                                 |
     |   lets go home.Sure. But you do know that its not the surface,  |
     |   it's what you have under that flesh, skin and bone. Huh?      |
     |   Anyway, it's been a pleasure to have been interviewed by such |
     |   handy creatures. I hope to meet you again somewhere, sometime.|
     |   Never laugh at Lahti, Riia's logic or bad habits. See you.    |
     |                                                                 |
     |   Ok, cya. Oh eeeereh. We're just happy to make contacts. Who   |
     |   knows where we pumb to eachother. dEMOLEE: "Noniih.. höpöhöpö"|
     |   I guess we should stop this intro before it gets ridicolous.  |
     |   We're too late probably. And dEMOLEE is making a nice effect  |
     |   while I'm (bOhEmE) typing this. Now we even got this sTROBO   |
     |   going on herer. Nice to look at with TIRED eyes and this      |
     |   green colour remindsme of the time I had with the sheep high  |
     |   up in the sky while they were drawing beautiful pictures of   |
     |   those mad cows doing the bSE with sTYLE! You never know - we  |
    _|   might have some subliminal messages hidden in our intro. Hoh. |
    \|                                                                 |
     \   Ok, it's over now, you can open your eyes honey.              | 
     .·      Bored oh... Me too!!! (quote from fOLAR) - cya at tP6!    |
     l____.                                                       .____| 


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  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
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  | Logo: Sonik Clique                      For: Murk                 |
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     |  (__)   |
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  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Ventolin                          For: Mud                  |
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      |       |

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     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Devil made me do it               For: fOLAR                |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

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     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Huora                             For: pSYKO                |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

                            _____                           :: .-.--. ::
     ______.----.   .-----./     \.                 _____.     |.|· |  ::
     \_    |    |___|_    _       |____________.---(__   |    .`-l__|. ::
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      |    T        /     |       .___\        |         |    `------' ::
      |    |______________|     ._|    \_______|       ._|     |    |  ::
      l____|bHe&fL!/sTYLE!l_____|              l_______|       `----'   ::

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     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
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  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Shelter                           For: Artisti              |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |


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   |      ___.   T______--'          .____ /    .__.    .__\       |
   |_____/   l___|bHe&fL\______l_____|    \_____|  l____|   \______|

's piece of ascii by dEMOLEE/aBUSE - he rules, eh? :)

  ___       __    ______________
  \  7_     | |  |              \               _______
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  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
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  | Logo: Dancin' Dolphins                   For: Cybergod            |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

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       \_____ \._______________           \_______/_\         / `-/
        |   '      __         .\---._______|         \       /
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         |    ._|   \_____/|    ._____|  |    |___________|    .____/
         l____|            l____|        l____|bHe&fL     l____|

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  | Logo: Mos Eisley                         For: Demolee             |
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   .|__////                                                         \\\\_|.

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     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Demolee                            For: Demolee             |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

       ______________             ____________
  _____\_    \   ___/--.___  _____\_   _    _/_____  _______
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              l________|  /______/fL\_____/bHe  \_____.      .__--'     |
                                                      l______|  \_______|

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  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Skenery'97                          For: Wrec & Eibon       |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

                    ___:_______________|                |_ /_
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   l_____|    \_______|  l______|    \____/   l______|   \_____________|

             .---.__.  :       .----. .-----.          :  .__.---.
             |   |  |  |       |    |       |          |  |  |   |
          (  |  .| .|  |       |    |       |          |  |. |.  |  )
             |   |--'  |       |    |       |          |  `--l___|
             `---' |   :       |    |       |          :   |
         .___    __|__.        `----|     --|-          .__l__,   ___.
         |            |             |       |           |            |
         l____________|         -.  |       |           l____________|
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           |        |  :         `--'       `          :  |        |
           l________|  |               :               |  l________|
                       |               |_______________|_
                      _|_______________|               :/ bHe&fL! ^ sTYLE!
                      \:               :               /__ _
                   _ __\

   ______      ____ _ __ _
   \      .-'     ////
    \   ^.---.  _/
    '  .-|   |  |
       |·| · |
     . `-|   |-.
     |   `---' |
     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Skenery'97  desc-logo               For: Wrec & Eibon       |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

 _____        ._________________     .__.--.
_) __/___.____| ___/\      /___/_____|  |  |
\___    _/  _/  _/   \      _/  _  _/l__,  |
  |   ._\     /  .____\       ._\    |   _/
.-l___|  \___/___|bHe  \______|fL\___|   |_.
|           s k e n e r y  ' 9 7     l___| | 
\                                          /
|\                                        /|

 ..Here's some asciis by our latest member: dHM ! He rules :)

  _.-._ _____ ______ ____ _____________         _________o ____o_  _.-._
 (_o o_)     |      \    |   _ _    __/___      \__    __/       \(_o o_)
  /   \|     |_ \    \         |    |     |       |    |    |    / /   \
  \___/|_______\/\____\__|     |____|_____|o o o  |____|\_______/  \___/
   U                     |_____|                                    V
   : _______________ _____   ___________ ____  ___________ _____________
   |     _     /    |     /\/     _   _/     \ ______ ___//     _/  : _/
   |     \     \    |    /  \     \    |      \    _/ _/__\     \\    \
   |_____/_____/_________\________/____|____\      |_____/______/_____/
                   __________ _____ _________\_____|_  ______
                /\/     _    |     |     _     __/   \/     /
               /  \     \          |     |     |___   \ ___/
               \________/    |_____|_____|_____|  |_____|

   ..that says: "LAHTI TÖ BUSINESS SHITY"

                   .:  o
            | | | °_ . _  .
            |_|_|  \|_|/ .
              |   _/ª ª\_
              |  //     \\
              |_/ \_____/_\
             (_)_/  U    \/
              |  \_______/
                 `--' `--'
           kapina muumilaaksossa
             talikolla munille

   ..and that's one of his GREAT moooooooooooooooooooooooomins! :)

 ____  _____ _____ _____ ____  _____ _  _____ __ ____ ____ ______ _____
|    |/  __/_\    \     |    |/  __/  |/  __/   |    |    \    _/_\    \tm
|    \    \        \    |___ \    \   \    \    |    |         |        \

   ...and that says: "KALKKUNA" - We just wonder...  :)

               . .
              /| |\
              |oo   /
              | .__/
              |  |
              :  :

         kössi kenguru
          in memoriam

    ..and HERE - dHM shows his superiority! Kössi elämää suurempi kenguru!

   ______      ____ _ __ _
   \      .-'     ////
    \   ^.---.  _/
    '  .-|   |  |
       |·| · |
     . `-|   |-.
     |   `---' |
     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Death Field                       For: nOP                  |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

             ______   _____       _________________,-----.
           ._\____ \_/ ___/--.---(__  ___   ___/   |     |
           |     '  |  _/    |  )     |       |          |
           |        |        |        |       |    T     |
           |        |        |        |       |    |     |
           |     .__l__,     |     .__|     ._|    |_____|
           l_____|     l_____l_____|  l_____| l____|
           ______________.     ______  .___.      _______
           \_     _____  |____/  ___/--|   |______\_____ \.
            |     ___/_______/   _/    |   /    |      '  |
            |       |       |          |        |         |
            |       |       |          |        |         |
            |     ._|     ._l__.       |      ._|       ._|
            l_____| l_____|bHe l_______l______| l_______|

   ______      ____ _ __ _
   \      .-'     ////
    \   ^.---.  _/
    '  .-|   |  |
       |·| · |
     . `-|   |-.
     |   `---' |
     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Saints                            For: nOP                  |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

              _______          ___   _____________. ______
              \  ___/__________\ /___\            |_\  __/__.
             ._\____    __      \/    \          __/_\___   |
             |       ___\(         .___\     ___ /        __|
             |______/    \_________|[fL]\___/   \________/

   ______      ____ _ __ _
   \      .-'     ////
    \   ^.---.  _/
    '  .-|   |  |
       |·| · |
     . `-|   |-.
     |   `---' |
     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Radavi                            For: Radavi               |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

      _______                                \               /
      \_____ )----.          ________         \             / ___
       |          |__________\______ \.________\           /__\ /__.
       |   T          __           '      __                   \/  |
       |   |      .___\(              .___\(                       |
       |___|      |bHe \______/     ._|fL  \______/     ___________|
           l______|          /______|             \    /
                                                   \  /
                                                    \/ you go rADAVi - a logo by me (bOhEmE) and fOLAR - love it :)

   ______      ____ _ __ _
   \      .-'     ////
    \   ^.---.  _/
    '  .-|   |  |
       |·| · |
     . `-|   |-.
     |   `---' |
     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Riia et Tuija                     For: Etelä-Suomen Sanomat |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

          _______        ___  ____.
          \_____ )---. __\ /__\   |_____
           |              \/     _ ____/___________
           |   T                           __      \.    ·et·
           |   |     .________|       .____\(       |
           l___|     |        |     ._|     \_______|
               l_____|        l_____|

           .______.  .___.----.  ___     .____.
          _|      |_ |   |    |__\ /_____|    |_____________
          \_     __/_|   l        \/     \        __        \.
           |____ /                            .___\(         |
                \____.      ._________|       |    \_________|bHe&fL
                     l______|         l_______|

   ______      ____ _ __ _
   \      .-'     ////
    \   ^.---.  _/
    '  .-|   |  |
       |·| · |
     . `-|   |-.
     |   `---' |
     |  (__)   |
     l_________|                                                   ___.
  .___|    U  |____________________________________________________\  |_
  |   ·                                                               _/
  | Logo: Etlari                       For: Riia^Tuija                |
  |___.       ._______________________________________________________|
      |       |

      .___________________             ____.            \   |____
      |   _________    __/_____   .---(__  |____________ \_______/
      |___--'    .            /___|  )         _      _/.       |
          \______|   ._____  /             .___\        |     ._|
                 l___|fL   \______.     .__|bHe \_____________|

    ..and now some babble in Finnish - get on tha floor foreigners..

 demolee - me palvomme sinua - sinun hiuksiasi - sinun kuontaloasi -
 sinun koko OLEMUSTASI - sinä olet ihana - sinulla on ihaana NENÄ! .
 ja me tykkääämme sinusta - vaikkemme ole edes kovin homoseksuaalisia
 mutta silti - hmm - mitäköhän se on - biseksuaalisuutta? Ei kai. Me vain
 olemme niin mukavia ihmisiä, että tykkäämme kaikista ihanista söpöistä
 puppeleista, joilla on SÖPÖ NENÄ! Joten jos omaat söpon nenän -
 ilmoittaudu sTYLE:lle. sTYLE tykkää söpöoistä nenukoista - oli niissä
 räkää tai muuta eritettä tai ei. Ei me välitetä. Me otetaan ihmiset
 niinkun ne on. Siis söpöine neniineen. Ohoh. Kylläpä tämä teksti venyy.
 Ehkä lopetamme aiheen käsittelyn tähän ja jatkamme myöhemmällä
 ajankohdalla - siis parin tunnin päästä?

    ..ok that's it for the Finnish part now, we'll try to keep it
      international as long as we can..  uh oh, like we'd care. HGah.

  This .txt-file will circulate more than Etlari will ever circulate!

  I'm back home and my dd-disk survived the awful trip by train. I (bOhEmE)
  have a terrible hangover and I'm just typing this for.. uh oh. What!?!  
  I'd just like to know HOW THE HELL DID WE TYPE SO MUCH TO THAT INTRO!?!?

                       sTYLE! - extreme intros ltd. ©1996