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21 733 bytes (21.22K)
File date:
2020-04-23 19:38:58
Download count:
all-time: 386


                         this train got rocked in
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\dDKB\ ____\ \_______\
                   \/  - t h e - y a r d -   \/ - germany -
                 (analogue\isdn\telnet available on 6 nodes)
                   (t\y staff is zANEr - diPSWiTCH - hAsH)
               (email to: or ask on irc)

               _______     ___ ______.         ____
   ____    .___\      \  /\/   \     |_/\____ /   /
   /   \ __|_   \  \   \/ _\    \    _/  \   /   /_  - Sadistik Exekution -
  _\    \    _  /______/  /_____/____|   /___\____\     - ------------ -
  /_____/____\___\    /______\      /______\          __ ___________ /
                                                     \\/           //
  -Mo!/aL-     ____    ______.                ______. \            /.______
       ______. \   \  _\    _|__      ____ ___\     |_/\         _/_|_    /
       \    _|__\   \/  \  _\  /____ /   /   / \    _/  \       _\   /   /
        \  _\  /____/   /_______\   /   /_  /  /____|    \      /___/____\
 «- ----/_______\---\____\------/___\____\______\--/______\ ---ø----- -»
                                                           \  /
         Evidence HQ · Damones Finnish HQ                   \/
AMiGA · PC [O-7D & Classics] · C=64 · UNiX · ASCii

   Mighty Sadistik Brothers:  cARNIFEX · tHrEAz

        _ ______                                           _ ______
 ___________   /  <eLv!s>  _ ______/\       _ ___.  ___________   /    ·
 \__  _____/__/___.   _ __________   \_________  |__\__  _____/__/_____|__
._/   ___/    |   |_____  _  \   /    \ ___   /  |    /  ___/    |  _  \__.
|\____|  |____!   |    / _/   _______ / \____/___    /___|  |____! _/   \_|
| Filadelfia \____    /__\     /     \____    / \___/           \__\     /|
    since '93
	  	      (modem: +358-9-4682431)

        [integrated BBS system with support ftp & http sites]
    [10Mbps static Amiga ethernet. 57600Bps X2 USR V.Everything]
	   >MORE THAN 600MB demoscene stuff for free leech<
         FTP. FSP. Telnet. HTTP.

  *NO NUP*      [internet BBS system for the scene ]    *NO NUP*
                [Dual Crew Shining - we are the net]

   (__)     ______ ___.-______ _____ _____ ___.o______ __ __ __ _____
    ||   _ _)    _Y  (__)   __Y    _Y    _Y  (__)   __Y  | _Y__Y_    |  .
    ||   \_\_  `-\_  _/\_  _/\_.-' \_  | \_  _/\_  _/\_    \_   / |__| _| .
    ··   || |--,  |  l  |  l  |  .--|  |  |  l  |  l  |  |  |  /  l  |  | |.
   /  \  ll_l__   l__   l__   l__   l_____l__   l__   l__|  l_/l__   |2F| ||
   \  /        `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'        `--'  `--'  `--'     `--'--'-''
 (_/  \_)
   :  :
   |  |___________________________________________________________________
   |                                                                      |
   |          stezotehic gives you ascii animal collection named          |
   |___________________________________________________________________   |
                                                                       |  |
                                                                       :  :
             ____    ___|______   ___   ______ _____ _____             (__)
          / /  _/___|   |  _   \_/ _ \_/   __//  __// _   \ \           ||
          _/   \    |   |  /  _/      \    _)    _)   /___/_            ||
          \_____\   |___|__\   \___|   \___|_____|_________/            ··
          -------\__|-------\___/--|____/--[sTZ!/sE ©'98]---           /  \
                                                                       \  /
                                                                     (_/  \_)

       ?  \\|
        _oo  ) ___________________________________________________________
       / ___.\|                                                           |
      (_/    \\ again I'm here to  give you  some knowledge. this time we |
   *   U     // have giraffes. very interesting  animals when  you get to |
  / ________//| know them better! giraffe is very smart  animal, the most |
  \/         \| intelligent  animal we have had in these episodes.  giraf |
  (           ) has a long neck and that is why it is so smart. the brain |
   \||____||_/| continues  down   with    the  neck.   let's  check  'em! |
    ||_   ||_ |___________________________________________________________|
    |__)  |__)sTZ!

                                            _   _
                                         /\( ) ( )/\
                                        ( _\\\_///_ )
                                         \\-¯   ¯-//.
                                       _(¯¯/ \¯¯)    ·_
                                     .~  ¯¯   ¯¯  .   ·_
                                    /  )_.-------'     .
                                   (___/         ·      =
                                      U           ·      \    sTZ!
                                                   \      \
         original giraffe.                          \      \
       as you can see girafs                         \      \-.
        dress up quite good.                          \     / /--.
       like I said, they are                          /\___/ /    \
          smart animals!                             (/(_ )\/      \
       only problem they have,                       | · .         |
      is the hard way to dress                       | | |     |   |
     themselves. they have only                      | | |     |   |
     two 'fingers' so it is not                      | \/      |   |
         easy ex. put tie.                           |         |   |
      but because they are so                        |         |   |
    smart, they discovered that                      |         |   )
     they have two 'toes' also.                      |         |___|
      so that is how they manage                     \|/______|____|
      to dress themselves up.                        (         |  ;
                                                     /         ·   \
     female giraffes has much                        |   ,      \   \
     easier because they don't                       |   \       \_\_)
     wear a tie. (there ain't                        |    |      |
     any female giraffes here)                       |    |      |
     no! it is not any rasism.                       |    |      |
    I just was not able to draw                      |    |      |
  them because I got such a boner                    |    |      |
  the minut I started drawing 'em!                   |    |      |
              (ups!)                                 |    |      |
                                                     |   .|      |
                                                    |¯¯ ¯|¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯|
                                              .·~¯       _.-'    |
                                              `/¯____.·~¯      _.'
                                               ¯~    `/¯___.-·'
          _    _
         ( )  ( ) ,·-_
     .-.  \\:.//./  _,'
   <¯   ¯-' ¯¯ ¯ -·'
    `---·;___ ___\
       _/(__/ \__))                            daddy giraffe.
       /\   _=_  /·_                     like original dad, drinks
         )   ¯  /  ·_                   lot of beer and watches tv.
        (  (¯ ¯)\   .                 does nothing else (except waits
         \__,   _)   \                 that his wife gets a blowjob)
           (____)     \    sTZ!       usually suffers from a neck-pain.
               U \     \              gets it from passing out, because
               ;  \     ·_          had few too many beers. after passing
                   \     )\          out, his neck twists in a very bad
            ·       \   / /¯~-.     position. (and maybe a dick-pain too,
                  .-/' / /     \     depends how horny his wife is. she
             ·   / (/\/\/       \    might take advantage of his uncon-
            _   /\_/ ·       \_.·\        scious condition. hurr..)
           / \ /  /  ·        (   )
          |_  |  /            /  /   after many years of beer drinking
         /__) | (____________/  /      he is not so smart anylonger.
         \__) |¯ \          (  (_      that's good because otherwise
          |___|   \          \ , )     he would be very disappointed
                   \  (       \_)      of the useless beer drinking.
                    \  \     /
                     \  \   /

                                                    _       _
                                              .--·.( )     ( ) .---.
                                               \   ·\\     // /   /
                                                ·.  \\\___//_· _.·
                                                  ¯-.         ·
                                                   ·    ___ __\
                                                   | , (__/-\__)
         student giraffe.                          | \_    ,-  ·
    very smart and very hard-                      |   ¯·     __\
     working giraf. does not                       |     \ _     \
      use alcohol nor drugs.                       |     (__\     ·
      (except on the student                       |     |  (____.·
    party-days, every weekend)                     |     |
      couple of years later                        |   ) |
     he quits the school and                       |     |  sTZ!
      drinks more beer etc.                        |     |
       then he is just like                      _/\     /\_
      daddy giraffe (above).                  -~¯ \ \   / / ¯~-
     only difference might be                /     \ \ / /     \
  that he has no wife, childrens.           .       \ Y /       \
      he is all alone. so he               ./        \ /         \
    gets a pet in the house.               ·          Y      _\_  \
      a cat, very nice pet,                |  |       :     |#|Ø|  \
      (check Se-pussy.txt)                 |  |             |#|Ø|   )
    but the cat is not a good              |  )             |#|Ø/  /
  idea. only pussy he got is it!           |  |             (#|/  /
      so here we go again.                 |  |              ¯/  /
                                           |  |\__\|_____:___;  <
         SAVE THE CATS!                    |__|:             ·   \
         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ./  \|           (_|\ \ )
     NO MORE SEXUAL ABUSING!              ##/\ \       )     | \_)
                                         (·##.\_)     ·      |
        SEND 20$ FOR ME!                  ¯:###|      |      |
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  .####|      |      |
     NO MORE SEXUAL ABUSING!             .#####|      |      |
                                         :#####|  =   |   =  |
        HELP US, YOU CAN                 `#####|      |      |
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  `####|      |      |
    -STOP THE SEXUAL ABUSING-               ¯¯ |      |      |
                                               |      |      |
                                                |____| |____|
                                                /    \ /    \
                                                ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯

        crazy giraffe.                                 (   __ .--._.---.
  had just a little bit too                             \_/ \(____ _.-._·
  much of everything. could                             (    |    |
     not take it anymore!                             \  \   |    |
    after this point they                                 \  |    |
     must be eliminated.              ______            _.·  |    |
     and that's the end           .-'~      ¯¯~~·.-·'~¯¯   _.·    |
     of giraffes world!         _·                \      ~¯       |
      no more giraffes.        /_ \                \              |
     the wisdom has gone       \/\ \                .            .'
         with them.            /  \ \   .   |       ·  ____.--··~
                              /   /\/`-.|   |     _/::¯  \     __.
                    _   _    /   /_)    |   |--·~~   \  \_)  ¯¯ _
                --.( ) ( ).--   //  \   |   |         \  \    ¯¯
                `._\\\ ///_.'  /|\  /   |   |        \ \  \
                   ¯____ ¯    / |_\/|   |___|           \  \
                   (_/\_)    /  /   )   /   ) )          \  ·._____
                   .·     ·-'   \/ /   / / /      sTZ!    ·.____(__)..
                  /    .--'     (_/)  (_/\_)
                 (..  /           ¯

                                                                |//  ?
   ___________________________________________________________ (  oo_
  |                                                           |/.___ \
  | that was the sad but true story about giraffes. they died //    \_)
  | at the extinct in  the 1961.  one of the famous names was \\     U   *
  | Freud.  he was killed by other giraffes,  rebel giraffes. |\\________ \
  | the thing I know all these stories about girafs, is b'cos |/         \/
  | I  time-travelled.   only I can  time-travel (in my mind, (           )
  | uah,  I  have had  just  too  many  myself  also, grind!) |\_||____||/
  |___________________________________________________________| _||   _||
                                                           sTZ!(__|  (__|

 <---( cr( /,d|ts )---------------------------------------------------------->

  style file id ....................................................... tango

  stezotehic ascii .................................................... 2fast

  all giraffes \ ascii \ design .................................. Stezotehic

  release date ..................................................... 05-03-98

  original size ...................................................... 15 056

 <----------------------------------------------------------( cr( /,d|ts )--->

                   .. a n i /\/\ a l   r e l e a ,¯) e s ..
           .--------------.  .---------------------.  .-----------.
        .XX|  filen/\me   |XX|     whole n/\me     |XX| rele/\sed |XX.
        |XX|              |XX|                     |XX|           |XX|
        |XX| SE-RLA.TXT   |XX|      turtlewax      |XX| 04-03-98  |XX|
        |XX| SE-PUSSY.TXT |XX|       catlike       |XX| 04-03-98  |XX|
        |XX| SE-GIRAF.TXT |XX|       giraffe       |XX| 05-03-98  |XX|
        `XX|              |XX|                     |XX|           |XX'
           `--------------'  `---------------------'  `-----------'

           _ _:_________________________________________________.
              |  |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|  |
              :  |               ______.                     |  :
              |  |      _ _______\___  |________________    (_) |
              |/\|     \\\\__     __/  |   __/    _____/     |  |
              / \\          |     |    _   \__ _ __/__       |/\|
              )  (      _   :     |    |    :        ¬\_     / \\
              \  /     (_)  |_____|____|    |__________/     )  (
              :)(:                     |    |                \  /
              /  \       ___________/\ :   _|________        :)(:
              )  (    __/     _____/  \|   \______  ¬\       /  \
              \\ /    \__ _  __/__/   \\    |    |\   \      )  (
              |\/:    _/         ¬\_   \____:    |/    \     \\ /
              |  |    \____________/   |Stz!|__________/     |\/:
              :  |             \_______|                _    |  |
              | (_)                                    (_)   |  |
              |  |___________________________________________|  |
               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯:¯ ¯

        _ ______                                           _ ______
 ___________   /  <eLv!s>  _ ______/\       _ ___.  ___________   /    ·
 \__  _____/__/___.   _ __________   \_________  |__\__  _____/__/_____|__
._/   ___/    |   |_____  _  \   /    \ ___   /  |    /  ___/    |  _  \__.
|\____|  |____!   |    / _/   _______ / \____/___    /___|  |____! _/   \_|
| Filadelfia \____    /__\     /     \____    / \___/           \__\     /|
    since '93
	  	      (modem: +358-9-4682431)

        [integrated BBS system with support ftp & http sites]
    [10Mbps static Amiga ethernet. 57600Bps X2 USR V.Everything]
	   >MORE THAN 600MB demoscene stuff for free leech<
         FTP. FSP. Telnet. HTTP.

  *NO NUP*      [internet BBS system for the scene ]    *NO NUP*
                [Dual Crew Shining - we are the net]

               __  __ _                                                   ·
             ._\_)_\             « sADISTIK eXEKUTION »                   :
  ______     |              _______      ______              ____       __:__
_/     /_____| _____________\     / ____/     /______________\  /______/    /
\______     /:_\___  7_    __\   /__\  /______     /      /   \/  /  _/    /
    /______/     __   /__________\   \/  / /______/      _/_______\__\      \
   ________  |   ________    _____                    ____             ___:___
  /  _    /__:__/  _    /___/    /___ ________________\  /__      ____/      /
 /   /___/_  |  /_ /___/_ _/    /   (/      /       /  \/  /_____/__ //     /
/_________/       \_____/_\      \__________\      _/______\   _   /__\-----\
             ¡                                                            :
             |                Evidence HQ - Damones FinHQ                 :
             |     AMIGA · PC [0-7d & Classics] · C=64 · UNIX · ASCII     :
             |  +  Multinode system running with DD/Linux & ISDN+v.34  +  :
             |                                                            :
             |_     Sadistik Brothers: Carnifex/DMS^EVD · tHrEAz/-T!      :
              /                                                           :
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______     ____       __   _____    ____
/     /__  /    |_ __ /  \_/    /___/  _/___
\__      \/     _/   /    /    /   /  _|   /
  /______/______|____    /________/________\
  .g     i     r     a     f  '   f     e.

                         this train got rocked in
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\dDKB\ ____\ \_______\
                   \/  - t h e - y a r d -   \/ - germany -
                 (analogue\isdn\telnet available on 6 nodes)
                   (t\y staff is zANEr - diPSWiTCH - hAsH)
               (email to: or ask on irc)