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232 612 bytes (227.16K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:19
Download count:
all-time: 644


   ______   _____. ____.__   _____  ______
__/  ___/_._\    |_\   |  \_/    / / __  /_.
  \____   |      _/ \___        /    \__/  |
      /   |______|_________________________|
____ /____|tGø------------------------------
|            .. Batman Was A Fashion Hero  |
|  And Robin Was A Transvestite ..         |
|                                          |
|  ©Style Production From bOhEmE & TANGo©  |

                       ThiS COllECtiON iS ChARitYWARE
         iF YOU lOVE thiS RElEASE thEN DONAtE $10 tO A lOCAL CHARiTY


  _______ _  ________ _   _ ___.__    _ ______     ______ _
._\  ___///_|       ///_._\\\  |  \_._\\\    /  ._/ __  ///_.._______________
|  \______ \_           |    \__    |       /___|   \__/    ||
|.       |  |.          |.     |    |.     /    |.          ||.
|:          |:          |:          |:          |:          ||:
|¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          ||¦
|¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          ||¦
|¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          ||¦
|¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          |¦          ||¦
|           |           |           |           |           ||
|   _       _           ·           ·           ·           ·· _       _
|  /(       )\   There are nice bunnies and there are evil    /(       )\
| (  \ _.  /  ) bunnies. But the thing is: there are bunnies (· \ _.  / ·)
|  \  \)|//  / all over the place. They are taking over. Some \\ \)|// //
|  ( .-. .-. )  ppl believe they are killa bunnies. I do not  (`___'___')
|  _)|.| |.|(_   believe it. Bunnies are cute and furry and   _)\ø/Y\ø/(_
|  ) `-{ }-' (  they wouldn't harm anyone. Or then again what ),_`{ }'_,(
| (___  Y  ___)  if they are just using disguises. So they   (__ ' Y ` __)
|   \ \___/ /  could actually be somekinda horrible creatures \\_______//
|    \ \X/ /  beyond our imagination. Maybe it's a camouflage  \ \/ \/ /
|  bHe\___/ for some terrible worldwide takeover plan. I wonder.\_____/sE!
|           .           .           .           .           ..
|           |           |           |           |           ||
|           |           |           |           |           ||
|           |           |           |           |           ||
|           |           |           |           |           ||
|           |           |           |           |           ||
|     s     |     t     |     y     |     l     |     e     ||
|___________|           |___________|___________|___________||_______________

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|  \   /  __/ |   \_/   \/  |  __/ |  /  |    ____   ____ ______/
|_____/_______|____\\___/   |______|_/   |   |   /___\__ /     /__
     / ..........      /____|       /____|   |  /\   __/ \__      \
    · .......:::::                           |__/\_______| /______/tGø
     :::::: ::::::      __  __.  __     __  __.  __.      /
     :::::: ::::::     _\ _/ _|_`--._|_|\/_/  |_/  |     ·
     :::::: ::::::     \  \   |\___|\  |  \___|\   |
     `:::::.::::::                     ____:     ______.  __________  ______
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              ·and·                  /    \_    |    _\       _/    /       \\
________  _____  ____    __   _______\_____|    |_____________\_____\________/
\____  / /     \|   _|___\_)_|   _   |     |____|
   _/   /      \\   \        |   /   |_ _ _..........._ __ _________
___\____\_______/________.___|__/    |     .......:::::            /
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     |   /___\__ /     /__                :::::: ::::::          ø
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     |__/\_______| /______/   .__________ `:::::.::::::        /
 ____________  ___/____ _____/_)        /___.  _____/_______ _/ ___________.
|  __  /___ /__\__  _  /    /_\       //  __|_/    /_  __  /(/_|  __  /  __|__
|   \_/  _/    __/  /  \__     \     ø/   _\  \__       \_/ /  |   \_/   _\  /
|____\ __\_________/   | /_____/\   //\_______\ /________\ /___|____\\_______\
                  /____|/        \  /          /          /
                       ·          \/          ·          /

        a few words from TANGo just to set the mood before you embark
                   on a rather strange little journey ...

           this is not my usual respects style collection. this is
       dedicated to the guys who have inspired me to carry on drawing
        ascii in the hope that one day i will come close to being as
         good. this is not an ass licking collection with a million
          artists whose styles i honestly do like - this is a small
       handful of people who i always look forward to seeing a release
                                  from ...

      if you're not in here, it doesn't mean i think your style sucks,
       because it doesn't. i could release a collection with a tribute
       to all the artists i respect because there are so many. i have
         a great many friends (or as close to friend as you can get
        without ever having met someone :) in the ascii business, but
        these are the people who, with their work, make me strive to
       improve every time i load up cygnus ed, and who knows? one day
                   i might be half as good as one of them.

     if anyone is interested i've actually put a little work into these
      logos - it is all my own style, i haven't ripped but i have tried
           to use a little imagination for once ... surprising eh?

           to my chosen gods in the business - i salute your pants
                                    _ _
                      ___  __  _  __/.\__  _  __  ___
                      \__\ \_\ \\ \  |  / // /_/ /__/
                                  ¡ _!_ ¡
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                                  |  Y  |/
                                  |  ·  /
                                  |    /.
                                  |   · |
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                                 _|     |
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                                  |     |
                 ·                !     !                  ·
              - -:-----------------------------------------:- -
                 |                                         |
                 |:       B O H E M E  /  S T Y L E       :|
    _________    |::.______ _____   ____   _______  ____.::|_____  _______
  __\____   ¬\_  /   ___  ¬\\_   \ /   ¬\__\___   \_\_   \:/   _/__\___   \_
_/     _/_   _/_/_   \ /    \_    Y      \_ __/    /__   _Y_   ¬\_  __/    /__
\.     \ /    ___/    Y     __/   _      _  \_____/ __   \ /    __  \_____/  /
 \______Y______/____________/_____|      /___       /_____Y_____/____      ./
                 |::·   sTZ!/sE'97:_____/    \_____/   ··::|         \_____/
                 |:·                                      :|
        ___ __ _ :                                         : _ __ ___
     .__\__\\_\\\·                                         ·///_//__/__.
     |                                                                 |
     | Oh yeah, it's me bOhEmE. I just got a job as a Project Salesman |
     | selling advert-space in papers'n'magazines for companies. Nice? |
     | Well I guess it's better than nothing. HMm. Lepracons on the    |
     | loose. Although the theme is respects I made some requests too. |
     | Eeer. Damn my mind's empty. Perhaps it's better that way. Float.|
     | Life is wonderful. Summer is coming up. Citroen 2CV is humming. |
     | Europe calling. Music playing. Ppl laughing. Enjoy your life    |
     | while you can. Or don't. Your choice. Btw. if you've e-mailed me|
     | lately, don't wonder why you're not getting a response. Prrr.   |
     | My accelerator-card is still in repair and that's the reason.   |
     | I hope to get it back real soon (hear me ACT Electronics?). I'll|
     | end this babble with a hilarious quote. Well it's only hilarious|
   __| to Finnish ppl..  ..or not:                                     |_
   \.                                                                  ./
  "seuratkaa telkkaria .. alkaaka jumittako skenessa .."  - fOLAR / sTYLE!
    ¡                                                                  ¡
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   |         |         |         |   · |         |    ...and robin   / /
   |       __|       __|       __|     |       __|·        was a      / ·
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   \/    \  /    \________l______/  l______/ l_____/ l_____/bHe \______|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Mogue                                              By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: One of the few great innovators still drawing and the guy who   /
            asked me to join Artcore all those years ago - you can do no   /
            wrong mate. Probably the guy who has inspired me most in my   ·
            time of drawing.

      ..                         ..
   . .::.........................::. .
      ::                         ::
      ::                         ::     (%)  /\RCLiTE POWER HOUSE  (%)
      ::                         ::
      ::    _ __  ____. _ _______:: _ ______    _ _____     _ _____
      ::  ._\\\ \/    |_\\\  _   ::_\\\ ___/__._\\\   /___._\\\ __/___.
      ::  |     \/    |      /   ::     \__   |      /    |    _\     |
      ::  |      \    |     /    ::       |   |    _/|    |           |
      :: _|       \   |    /     ::           |           |           |_
      :: \:_       \  |__________::___________|___________|          _:/
      ::  :/        \ |tGø       ::                       |          \:
      ::  |          \|          ::                       |           |
      ::  |___________\          ::                       |___________|
      ::                 _ ______::_______________________________________ _
      ::                  _ _____::______________________________________((_))
      ::                         ::
   . .::.........................::. .
      ::                         ::

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Exocet                                             By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: The first ascii god i ever chatted to, back in the days when    /
            Point Blank rocked the US. I can't remember having seen a      /
            logo by you i didn't like - is it my turn to mail you or your ·
            turn to mail me? I forget in old age :)

              :          _ ______________________ _
              :     _ __\\\\                    ////__ _
              :             \ e  x  ø  c  e  t /
              :              \                /
    _ _____   : _ ___  _____ _·________. _ __/____   _ _____     _ ______
  ._\\\ __/___:_\\\  \/    /_\\\  _    |_\\\_    /_._\\\ __/___._\\\     |_
  |    _\     :     _/    /       |    |   _/___/  |    _\     |         _/
  |           |     \     \       |    |   |       |           |         |
              :                    .    /
              :       __ _          \  /          _ __
..............:      /               \/               \
                  _ /__________________________________\ _
             _ __\\\\__________________________________////__ _

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Karma                                              By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: Superb style and a great laid back approach - one of the best   /
            in the biz.                                                    /

                __                                        __
            _:_\\/---- --  -                    -  -- ----\//_:_
             |                                                |
             :                                                :
                           /\                                  /\
                          /  \                                /  \
           _ ___  _______/    \  _ __________   _ ___  ______/__  \
         ._\\\  \/      /      \_\\\__       \ _\\\  \/        /   \
         |     _/     _/       \\    /      _/       \/       /    \\
         |     \       \         \   \       \_      /       /       \
         |______\       \_        \ __\_______/_____/       /         \
              tGø\_______/_________\               /________\ _________\

                             sXe · MuRdER · ArT
             :                                                :
            _|__                                            __|_
             : //\---- --  -                    -  -- ----/\\ :
                ¯¯                                        ¯¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Shapechanger                                       By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: Hasn't released for a long time but still dear to my heart.     /
            Remember when we actually used to chat all that time ago on    /
            Flashback? Still seems like yesterday to me hehe ...          ·

_ __ ___________________________________________________ _
¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
  _______ _ _ _____     _ ________. _ ________. _ ____
._\  ___///_\\\   /___._\\\__     |_\\\__     |\\\\ __/___.    ·s h a p e·
|  \______       _    |/   _/     |    _/     | \  _\     |
|        |       /    |    \_    /|    \______|_/         |  ·c h a n g e r·
|_______________/    /|     |   / |     /     |___________|
               /_____\|     |  /__|_____\             
  _ _______ _ _____   |     |     |   _ ____  . _ _____ _ _____   _ _______
._\\\_    /_\\\   /___|_    |     |___\\\_  \_|_\\\ ___/_\\\ __/___\\\_     \
|   _/___/       _    |/    |     |      /    |/    \__     _\        /    _/
|   |            /    |     |     |     /     |       |          /    \ .   \_
|_______________/    /|_____|_____|___ /     /|________________ /      \|____/
               /_____\                /______\                /________|tGø
_ __ ___________________________________________________ _
¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: U-Man                                              By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: The original ascii hero :) i don't see you as much as i used    /
            to, but it's always a pleasure to chat. A fantastic style      /
            and a sound lad.                                              ·

                .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ /\ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾.
   .............¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ /  \ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾........
   ::           ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾/    \¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾      ::
   ::           ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾      ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾      ::
   ::           `¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾'      ::
   ::     ._________  ____ _       /          \       _ __________.     ::
   ::     |         \/   (//_____ /            \ _____\\)_       _|     ::
   ::    _|         \/           /              \        /       \|_    ::
   ::    \|_         \          /   ·arclite·    \      /         |/    ::
   ::     |/          \________/                  \___ /          |     ::
   ::     |____________\      /                    \  /___________|tGø  ::
   ::                        /______________________\                   ::
   ::                                                                   ::
   ::                          SWeDiSh PoRnO PoWeR                      ::
   ::                                                                   ::

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Manta                                              By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: Big and beautiful in your own words and i can't put it better   /
            myself ... and your style is just as good :)                   /
                  \_                                _/
                  _/ ·  ·· ·················· ··  · \_
                  |                                  |
      _ ______  __|___ ____     _ __________.________|____ _   ____
    ._\\\     \/      /    \ ___\\\_       _|            ///_ /    \
    |         \/     /      \      /       \_                /      \
    |          \    /.       \    /         |               /.       \
    |           \  //         \  /          |              //         \
    |            \/            \/           |             /            \
    |            /              \           |            /              \
 tGø|__________ /________________\ _________|__________ /________________\
                  |                                  |
                  |_                                _|
                  _/ ·  ·· ·················· ··  · \_
                  |_                                _|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Desoto                                             By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: The man behind the best dots in ascii as well as having a       /
            gift for drawing in this crazy game - don't ever stop mate     /
            and consider yourself a legend.                               ·

      _ ____    _ _____     _______ _   _ ________.______ _   _ ________.
_..___\\\_  \_._\\\ __/___._\  ___///_._\\\  _   _|     ///_._\\\  _    |
 ||      /    |    _\     |  \______  |      |   \_         |      |    |
 ||     /     |           |        /  |      |    |         |      |    |
 ||    /      |           |       /   |      |    |         |      |    |
 ||   /       |           |      /    |      |    |         |      |    |tGø
_||__        _|__        _|__        _|__        _|__      _|__        _|____
    )_________| )_________| )_________| )_________| )_______| )_________|   /
                  __ __                               ____                 /
                  \ Y / o ' S o u l   C r a f t s m a \  /                ø

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Redskin                                            By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: Such a lovely simplistic style and a pleasure to look at.       /

                 ..                         ..
             . ..::.........................::.. .
                 ::                         ::
                 ::                         ::
                 ::                         ::
     _ __________::_   _ ___________    _ __::______
    _\\\___         \ _\\\     ____/____\\\___      \_.
   /      /        _/         _\             /        |
  /       \ .       \_                      /         |
 /         \|____..__/______________________..________|tGø
/___________|____::_______ _  _ ______  ____::_ _ _______   _ _______________
           ._\  _________///__\\\     \/      /_\\\______)__\\\___          /
           |  \____________          _/     _/                   /         /
           |              /          \       \                  /         /
           |_____..___________________\       \_ _____________ /         /
                 ::                    \____.._/              /__________\
                 ::                         ::
                 ::      R·E·D·S·K·i·N      ::
                 ::                         ::
             . ..::.........................::.. .
                 ::                         ::

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Mark Ryder                                         By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: Loved your stuff under the tS label and like it even more       /
            under the mR! label. Enough attitude to stop an army - love    /
            it man, love it ...                                           ·

                        __ _                       _ __
                    _:__\                             /__:_
                     |                                   |
                     :      _ __  _____ _ ________. _ ___:___   _ __  _____
                          ._\\\ \/    ._\\\__     |_\\\_     \ _\\\ \/    /
                          |     \/    |/   _/     |    /    _/     _/   _/
   M /\ R K   R Y D E R   |     /     /    \_    /|    \ .   \_    \     \
                          |____/     /|_____|___/_|     \|____/_____\     \
                              /______\         /_________|tGø        \     \_
            _ _______   _ ___.__      _ ____    _ _____     _ _______ \_____/
           _\\\_     \ _\\\  |  \_.___\\\_  \_._\\\ __/___._\\\_     \
          /    /    _/     \__    |      /    |    _\     |    /    _/
         /     \ .   \_      |    |     /     |          /|    \ .   \_
        /       \|____/___________|___________|_________/_|     \|____/
       /_________|                                     /_________|

               M O ' S O U L   S E R V /\ N T   O F   E \/ I L
                     :                                   :
                    _|__                               __|_
                     : /__ _                       _ __\ :

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Stezotehic                                        By: TANGo    (_
   Comment: Been releasing for years and always respected it and a real     /
            nice guy to boot as well - one day you'll get that blowjob in  /
            a class and it doesn't get better after that :)               ·
                  _\_             _/_
                  |                 |
            ......|.................:......      - s t e z o t e h i c -
           ::     |                 .     ::
           ::     |                 |     ::
  ______   ::____ |_____   ______  _|_____::____  _____   _____  __   ______
._\  __// _|:   ///  __//_\\__  /_\\  _  _|:   ///  __//_\\   /_\\_)_\\_   /_.
|  \_____ \_        _\     ____/      /  \_        _\        _        _/__/  |
|       |  |               \         /    |                  /        \      |
|__________:._____________________________:.________________/     /__________|
           ::     |                 |     ::               /______\tGø
           ::     :                 |     ::
           ::     .                 |     ::
                  |                 |
                 _|_               _|_

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Relief                                             By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: With a joint in one hand and Cygnus Ed in the other you rock    /
            the house. It's rare to see design like yours, but it always   /
            great when you release.                                       ·
                  .                                          .
                  |                                          |
        ::        |                                          |        ::
        ::        |    R     E     L     i     E     F       |        ::
        ::        |                                          |        ::
      _ ::_____  _|______     _ _____     _ ___   _ ______   | _ _____::_.
     _\\\_     \ \\\  __/___._\\\   /___._\\\__|_.\\\  __/___|_\\\ ______|
    /    /    _/     _\     |      /    |        |    _\     |      __.|
   /     \ .   \_          /|     /     |        |          /|       |::
  /       \|____/_|_______/_|    /      |________|_________/_|       |::
 /______.__|      |      /______/_______|tGø              /__________|::
        ::        |                                          |        ::
        ::        |                                          |_       ::
        ::        |                                         _|/       ::
                  |                                          |
                  |                                          |
                  ·                                          ·
_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Gozz                                               By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: A clean'n'crisp style i just can't help but admire -            /
            seriously good releases.                                       /
                __ _                        _ __
            _:__\             .:.              /__:_
             |               .· ·.                |
             : _ ______     .·   ·.     _ _______ :  _ _______
_  __ _________\\\ ___/__. .·     ·.  __\\\___  /_.__\\\___  /_________ __  _
                   \__   |.·   G   ·.|    _____/  |    _____/
                     |   |·         ·|    |       |    |
  _                  |   |     O     |    |       |    |                  _
 (/))                |   |           |    |       |    |                ((/)
  ¯                  |   |.    Z    .|    |       |    |                  ¯
                     |   |·.       .·|    |       |    |                 tGø
_  __ ___________________| ·.  Z  .· |____________|____________________ __  _
                            ·.   .·
             :               ·. .·                :
            _|__              ·.·               __|_
             : /__ _           ·            _ __\ :
_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Vinzi                                              By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: A long time since i last saw a release from you and now         /
            you've quit i doubt i'll see anything for a while (but as i    /
            said, you *WILL* come back :) but a fine artist with a fresh  ·

________ _ _______________________________ _ /_ __________________ _ ______ _
      _///(______________________________ _ /_ ___________________)\\\_
      |                                    /                          |
      |                                   /                           |
      | _ _____       _ ______     _ ____/___  _ _________   _ ______ |
   _ _|_\\\  ( _____._\\\___(__.___\\\__   (_._\\\_____ ( _._\\\___(__|_ _
      |      //     |          |       /     |/  _______/  |          |
      |     //      |          |      ø      /   |         |          |
   _ _|_____________|__________|____ /      /|_____________|__________|_ _
      |                             /_______\tGø                      |
      |                            /                                  |
      |                           /                                   |
      |    ___________________ _ /_ ______________________________    |
      ¯\\\(__________________ _ /_ _______________________________)///¯
¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯                     /                                   ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Chrombacher                                        By: TANGo   (_
   Comment: Such a clean cut style and attitude it was impossible not to    /
            love straight away ... and it was so cool to get a tribute     /
            logo from you when i was new in the bizz!                     ·

       _____________________ _
      |         __              ___\__ _, __ __ __\ _  __  ___\__  __   _,
      |        _\/__ .         `--- \ '\ `--'' '  '\-'`--``--- \ '`--'- \
      |        \/\ //                  .
      |           \/                   .
      ·                                ·
          _ _______   _ _____     _ ___:___   _ ________. _ __  _______
        ._\\\_    /_._\\\   /___._\\\_     \ _\\\  _    |_\\\ \/      /
        |   _/___/  |      _    |/   /    _/       |    |     \/     /
        |   |       |      /    /    \ .   \_      |    |     /     /
        |___________|_____/    /|     \:____/___________|____/     /
                         /_____\|______:                    /______\
     _ ___.      _ ________. _ _______ : _ _____     _ _______   _ _______
   ._\\\ _|____._\\\__     |_\\\_    /_:_\\\   /___._\\\   __/_._\\\_     \
   |     \     |    _/     |   _/___/  :      _    |/     _\   |    /    _/
   |      \_   |    \_     |   |       :      /    /           |    \ .   \_
   |___________|_____|_____|___________:_____/    /|___________|     \|____/
                                       :    /_____\tGø         |______|
 __  ___  __,.\  __  __                :
`--'-\--'`---.\\`--'`  '               :
            `' _\  __   __,.  __. __   :
              `--\`--'-`---.\`--|`  '  ¦
                          `'   `'     _|_
               _ _____________________\


              .· ·.  ·   ··  ··:( bOhEmE's food corner ):··  ··   ·
  _ ______   .·   ·.    _ ______       _ _______ _ ___  _______ _ ______
._\\\__   \ .·     ·. __\\\    /_____ _\\\  ___/_\\\  \/      /_\\\  __/__.
|    _/  _/.· anssi ·.       _      /       \         \/     /       \    |
|    \_   .·         ·.      /     /        _\        /     /        _\   |
|     /  .·  d o e s  ·.    /     /                  /     /              |
|        ·.           .·   /     /                  /     /               |
|         ·.  assci  .·   /     /                  /     /                |
|          ·.       .·   /     /                  /     /                 |
|__________ ·.     .· __/     / _________________/     / _________________|
             ·.   .·   /______\                 /______\tGø
              ·. .·
                ·  · ··:( Champignons filled with Paella ):··  ··   ·

    · It's a simple, but quite exotic. All you need is:

       · an oven
       · a frying pan
       · some oil
       · any number of BIG champignons
       · paella (readymade frozen paella usually available at supermarkets
                 or you can make your own - find the recipe somewhere)
       · some sauce you like (I use a weird selfmade orange garlic-mixture)
       · some cheese

    · Put your oven on.

    · Cut out the feet from the champignons after washing them and then
      slice them. Fry with some oil for a few minutes.

    · Take the frozen/selfmade paella and pour it on the fried champignons.
      If you have frozen paella fry it for 10-12 minutes.

    · When the paella^champignon-mix is ready pour some of your chosen
      sauce on the bottom of the champignon. Then put some paella on top
      of it and finish it with some sliced cheese (cover all the paella
      with it).

    · If your oven is now 225°C put the champignons in. The time they
      should be in the oven depends on the size of your champignons, but
      an easy way to spot when they're ready is to watch the cheese.

    · Serve with vegetables or some salad. And if you're still hungry
      you'll probable have lots of paella left so you can eat it with
      your chosen sauce.

    · That wasn't so hard, was it? (well, if you have to make the paella:)
 ___________   ___ _____                 ___   _______     __    __. ____
 \_  ___/   \./   \\___ \. _ __    _ _ ./ _/-./   \__ )--./ .\-./_ |-\__ )--.
  |  _/|    _|    _|  ' _|     \  /    l_ '  |    _| _   |  |  l_\_|  | _   |
  l__| l___/ l___/ l___/bHe     \/    sE!\___l___/ `-l___l__|--' \___/`-l___|

  ._____ __  _   __ ___ _ __ ___ _|_    _ __ _ ___ __   _     __ _______.
  |_/                  \\\\_\\__\\_/ .-(//_////                       \_|
  ·                               |  |                                  ·
  Here are all my respect-logos.  |  |  --. .-. .-' --. .-. .-. .   .-'
  I must remind you that I only   |  |_ | | | | `-. | | | | | ' |_  `-.
  included logos for artists that |  |/ |-' | | ¡ | | | | | |   |   ¡ |
  have been active at least a     |  /  | | |-' | | |-' |-' | . | ¡ | |
  while ago. So that's why there  | ·|  ' l `-, `-' '   `-, `-' `-' `-'
  .-. .-. .   .-' --. .-. .-' --. |  |---------------------------------
  | | | ' |_  `-. | | | | `-. | | |  | is no Skin/Boomer/Elvis-logo etc.
  | | |   |   ¡ | |-' | | ¡ | | | |  | Altough I have enourmous respect
  |-' | . | ¡ | | | | |-' | | |-' |  | for them there's no use doing the
  `-, `-' `-' `-' ' l `-, `-' '   |  | logos. Now that's cleared up.
  --------------------------------|  |  .-' --. .-. .-. .   .-' --. .-.
  Just press alt+shift+downarrow  |  |  `-. | | | | | ' |_  `-. | | | |
  in your CED to fly thru this    |  |  ¡ | | | | | |   |   ¡ | | | | |
  shit if you can't bare the      |  |_ | | |-' |-' | . | ¡ | | |-' |-'
  sight..   yours truly, bOhEmE.  |  |/ `-' '   `-, `-' `-' `-' ' | `-, .
  ._                              ·  ø ___ __ _ ___ __  _         l    _|
  |_\___ __   _                     /_\\__\\_\\\\             _  __ __/_|
                                  !  ¡
   Oh. And there are no logos for sTYLE-members, which is pretty obvious.
(except for TANGo but he wasn't in sTYLE at the time we began work on this:)
                                  ¡  ¡                                   ·
 _________________________________|  |____________________________________\
_)                                ·  ·__
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: 2Fast                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: I just love the "blockyness" in his style.                      /
                      ___ _                _ __ _ __
    _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                         \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
        \\\\ \\  \\                                    //  // ////
          \\\_\\__\\    ·   2   f   a   s   t   ·     //__//_///
             ____   \                                /
           _/    \_ _\____________    ___   ___     /___________
           \___¡  /_\_      _____/---(__ \_/__/_____\__      __/
            /   _/   |      ___/    )     l____      |        |
           /    \    |        |           |   ]      |        |
         _/          |        |           |          |        |
         \           |       _|         __|         _|       _|
          \__________l______/ l________/  l________/ l______/bHe
                            ·                ·
                             \              /
                            _ _\          /_ _
                           .\\\__   ·    __///.
                                 \      /
                                  \    /
                                   \  /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Axeblade                                           By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Just recently noticed his work and now I'm ashamed.             /
                              _ __ _ __ _______________________________
                                  \\\\_\\                      _ ___  /
                                         \ ·                       / /
                                          \ \       a  x  e       / /
                                           \ ·                   / /
      _________.----.______  ______    ____.\         ___________ / _____
 .---(__ \     |     / ___/--\____ )---\_  |_____.---(__ \______ \_/ ___/--.
 |  )     \         /  _/     |      (  |  /     |  )     |    '  |  _/    |
 |         >   T   <          |         |        |        |       |        |
 |        |    |    |         |         |        |        |       |        |
 |       _|    |____l_        |        _|       _|       _|      _l_       |
 l______/ l____|      \_______l_______/ l______/ l______/ l_____/bHe\______|
                                            /                    \
                                           /                    · \
                                          / ·    b  l  a  d  e   \ \
                                         / /__ _                 _\ \ __ _ _

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: B                                                  By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Not enough pirtu, but great styles.                             /
                                        _ ___ _ __
            ________                        ////_//\_ _
            \______ )-----------------------------\_///---.
             |        (                                   |
             |                   · ··b ·of· mo'soul·· ·   |
             |                                            |
             |                               _          __|
_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Chrombacher                                        By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: The man with the Superman-t-shirt and style.                    /

           ____      ____.-----._____        _______   ____.-----.
         ./ __/----./    |     _____ )-----./       \_/    |     |
   ___. _|  '      |           |           |         |    _ ,    |_ .___
   \    \_         |     T     |   T       |         |     Y     _/    /
  · \    |         |     |     |   |       |         |     |     |    / ·
   \ \   l_        |     |_____l___|       |        _|     |_____|   / /
  _)\_\    \_______l_____|         l_______l_______/ l_____|        /_/(_
  \__/ \                                                           / \__/
   _______            ___   ____      ____.-----._____.   _______ ·
   \_____ )----.-----(__ \_/ __/----./    |     |  __ |---\_____ )-----.
    |      (   |    )     |  '      |           |  \__|    |           |
 _ _|          |          |         |     T     |          |   T       |_ _
·\\\_          |          |         |     |     |          |   |       _///·
    |         _|        __l_        |     |_____l_         l___|       |
    l________/ l_______/    \_______l_____|       \________|bHel_______|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Crusader                                           By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: He's the one who just HATES my style :)                         /
            His style rules anyhow..                                                               /

                          ___ _         _ __ _ __
        _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                  \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
            \\\\ \\  \\                             //  // ////
              \\\_\\__\\       · cRUSADEr ·        //__//_///
                        \                         /
    ____  ______   ____.----.____         ___________   ___.  ______
  ./ __/--\____ )--\_  |    | __/____.---(__ \______ \_/__ |--\____ )---.
  |  '     |        |  `    l___     |  )     |    '  | \__|   |        |
  |        |  T     |       |  ]     |        |       |        |  T     |
  l_       l__|     |      _|       _|       _|      _l_       l__|     |
    \______|  l_____l_____/ l______/ l______/ l_____/bHe\______|  l_____|
                              ·             ·
                               \ ·mO'sOUL· /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__   ·   __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Danzig                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Need I say something?                                           /

                         _____ ___   __    _      ·______
       _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                 ________:      \_ ___ __ _ ___ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                    \       ¦       //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\  · ·· dANZiG ·· ·  \      |      //__//_///
      _________        __   ____           _\__.  |     /___
      \_______ \.-----(__\_/   .\---.______\__ |  |____/ __/----.
       |     '  |    )    |    | \  |     _____|__¦   |  L      |
       |        |         |    |    |     [   |   :   |         |
       |        |         |    |    |         |   .   |         |
       |       _|        _|    |____|        _|      _l_        |
       l______/ l_______/ l____|    l_______/ l_____/bHe\_______|
                              ·             ·
                               \ .aRCLITe. /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Desoto                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Damn your style rules.                                          /
                             .) _/___
           d    ·    e       l____   \     o    ·    t    ·    o
      _________   ____      /    |    \   ________________________
      \_______ \_/___/---. /     |     \_/      \___    ___/      \_
   ___ |     '  | _/     l/      |               |        |        | ___
  _) _ |        |                l               |        |        | _ (_
  \ (_)|        |                                |        |        |(_) /
   \__ |       _l_                              _|       _|       _| __/
       l______/bHe\___                       __/ l______/ l______/
            _ __ ___ /                       \ _____ ____ __ _
         _ /// //  //                         \\    \\   \\ \\\ _

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Exocet                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Another legendary ascii-factory who has IT.                     /
                        ___ _             _ __ _ __
      _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                      \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
          \\\\ \\  \\                                 //  // ////
            \\\_\\__\\           · eXOCEt ·          //__//_///
                      .________                     /
       ____.   _______|       /_______   ____      ____.   ____________
     ./ __ |---\      |      /        \_/ __/----./ __ |---\___    ___/
     |  \__|   .>           <.         |  '      |  \__|    |        |
     |         |      T      |         |         |          |        |
     |         |      |      |         |         |          |        |
     l_        |      |______|        _l_        l_         |       _|
       \_______l______|      l_______/   \_______| \________l______/bHe
                              ·             ·
                               \ .aRCLITe. /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Fatal                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: The man with extreme attitude and design.                       /
                              _                  .
                              \\ ________________|___
                     ._________\\\               |  / _ __ _
                     |           \\   f.a.t.a.l  | (_))))
                     !            ¯              !
            _____________   ______________     _______.
            \_     _____/--(__\___    ___/----(__\_   |_____.
             |     ___/   )    |        |    )    |   /     |
             |       |         |        |         |         |
             |       |         |        |         |         |
             |      _|        _|       _|        _|        _|
             l_____/ l_______/ l______/ l_______/ l_______/bHe
                     .                           ¡
           _ __ _ _  | e.p.s.i.l.o.n  _          |
              (((( ) | d.e.s.i.g.n    \\_________|
                  /__|_________________\         ·
                     |                 \\
                     ·                  ¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Gozz                                               By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Are you alive?                                                  /
                         ___ _           _ __ _ __
       _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                    \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                               //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\          · gOZz ·           //__//_///
                  ___  ·    _______        ___     · ___
                ./__/-----./       \_______\__\______\__\_
                | L       |         |     _____/    _____/
                |         |         |     [   |     [   |
                |         |         |         |         |
                l_        |        _l_        l_        |
                  \_______l_______/bHe\_______| \_______|
                              ·             ·
                               \           /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Grimlock                                           By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Lego on.                                                        /

                               ________¦      \_ __ _ __ _
              g.r.i.m.l.o.c.k  \       |       //_////
              ____    _______   \      |      /___.------._
    .___  _ ./ __/----\_____ )---\     |_____/    |      _/ ___  ___.
    |  / /  |  L       |          \____¦    |    _ ,     |     \ \  |
    | / /   |          |   T       |   :    |     Y      |      \ \ |
    |/ /    |          |   |       |   .    |     |      l_      \ \|
      /     l_         l___|       |       _|     |       /       \
     /        \________|   l_______l______/ l_____|      /         \
     \      _____.       ________   ____    ______|     /          /
    . \     \_   |_____./        \_/ __/----\_    |   _/---.      / .
    |\ \     |   /     |          |  '       |             |     / /|
    | \ \    |         |          |          |    T        |    / / |
    |__\ \__ |         |          |          |    |        | __/ /__|
             |        _|         _l_         l____|        |
             l_______/ l________/   \________|bHe l________|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: H2o                                                By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Damn his big lettahs rule.                                      /

                         ___ _           _ __ _ __
       _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                    \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                               //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\           · h²o ·           //__//_///
                       \          ____             /
                  _______.------_/    \_     _________
                  \_     |      \___¡  /___./         \.
                   |             /   _/    |           |
                   |     T      /    \     |           |
                   |     |    _/           |           |
                   |     |____\            |          _|
                   l_____|     \___________l_________/bHe
                               ·           ·
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Harpoon                                            By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Those 3d-dot-logos are unique.                                  /

                          ___ _         _ __ _ __
       _ __ _ __ ___ ____/                  \\\\ \____ ___ __ _ __ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                               //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\         · hARPOON ·         //__//_///
                       \                           /
    ______.----.     ___\_____    __________  ____/   _____   ___
    \_    |    |----(__\_____ )---\________ \/     \_/     \_/  .\----.
     |         |   )    |          |   _____/       |       |   | \   |
     |    T    |        |   T      |       |        |       |   |     |
     |    |    |        |   |      |       |        |       |   |     |
     |    |____|       _l___|      |      _|       _|      _|   |_____|
     l____|    l______/     l______l_____/ l______/ l_____/ l___|bHe
                               \           /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Hijack                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Oh well, he's gone all bonkers with ansi a long time ago.       /
                     ._____  __  _
             ________:     \_\ \_\\_ _
             \       ¦      //__//_///.    .h.i.j.a.c.k.     ._____
    _______.--\--.   |     /   .______      __   ___    _____|    /
    \_     |   \ |   |____/____|    _/-----(__\_/__/----\_   |  _/---.
  ___|          \____¦   |     \    |     )    | '       |           |___
 .)  |     T     |   :   |          |          |         |   T       |  (.
 |   |     |     |   .   |          |          |         |   |       |   |
 |   |     |_____|      _|         _|         _l_        l___|       |   |

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Karma                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: His attitude shines thru his logos.                             /
                         ___ _           _ __ _ __
      _ __ _ __ ___ ____/                    \\\\ \____ ___ __ _ __ _
          \\\\ \\  \\                                 //  // ////
            \\\_\\__\\           · kARMA ·           //__//_///
           ._____     \                             ·
      _____|    /      ·  __________     _______.-----._     ______
      \_   |  _/---.-----(__ \_____ )----\_     |     _/----(__  _/
       |           |    )     |           |    _ ,    |    )     |
       |   T       |          |   T       |     Y     |          |
       |   |       |          |   |       |     |     |          |
       l___|       |         _l___|       |     |_____|         _|
           l_______l________/·    l_______l_____|     l________/bHe
                              \             ·
                               \ .aRCLITe. /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Manta                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Big and clear letters. Lovely.                                  /
        _______.-----._     ___   _____     _____________     ______
        \_     |     _/----(__ \_/    .\----\___     ___/----(__  _/
   _ __  |    _ ,    |    )     |     | \    |         |    )     |  __ _
  ·\\\ ) |     Y     |          |     |      |         |          | ( ///·
      Y  |     |     |          |     |      |         |          |  Y
      ¦  |     |_____|         _|     |______|        _|         _j  ¦
      :  l_____j\    l________/\l_____j     /l_______//l________//   :
      .   \    \ \____\       \ \\   /_____/ /      // /       //    .
           \____\/     \_______\/¯\_/bHe   \/______/¯\/_______/¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Mark Ryder                                         By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Just like Fatal this man has enough attitude to nuke            /
            your pants.                                                    /
           _______.-----._     __________      _____|     /
           \_     |     _/----(__ \_____ )-----\_   |   _/----.
  _ __¡ ____|    _ ,    |    )     |            |             |_____ ¡__ _
      | )   |     Y     |          |   T        |   T         |    ( |
   _ _|ø    |     |     |          |   |        |   |         |     \|_ _
  ·\\\/     |     |_____|         _l___|        l___|         |      \///·
      |     l_____|     l________/     l________|   l_________|      |
      |                   ._________                                 |
      |  _______     _____|        /_____   _____   _______          |
      |  \_____ )----\_   |       ______ \_/ ___/---\_____ )-----.   |
      |   |           |   |     _/     '  |  _/      |           |   |
      |   |   T       |   |     |         |          |   T       |   |
    _ | _ |   |       |   l     |         |          |   |       | _ | _
   .\\|//_l___|       l___,    _|        _l_         l___|       |_\\|//.
              l_______| \_____/ l_______/   \________|bHel_______|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Mogue                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: aAAAAaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...                          /
                          ___ _         _ __ _ __
       _ __ _ __ ___ ____/                  \\\\ \____ ___ __ _ __ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                               //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\          · mOGUe ·          //__//_///
         _______.-----.________   ____    ______.----. ____.
         \_     |     _/       \_/ __/----\_    |    |/ __ |----.
          |    _ ,    |         |  L       |    l    |  \__|    |
          |     Y     |         |          |         |          |
          |     |     |         |          |         |          |
          |     |_____|        _l_         |        _l_         |
          l_____|     l_______/   \________l_______/bHe\________|
                              ·             ·
                               \ .aRCLITe. /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Ranx                                               By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: He has a great simplistic style which is copied in              /
            the Finnish PC ascii-scene to the extreme - haha               /
                  .________ _______________________  _.
                  |        \\                      \ \|
                  |         \\    r   a   n   x     \_.
           _______|          ¯ ___   _____     _______|-----._
           \_____ )-----.-----(__ \_/    .\----\      |      /
        _   |           |    )     |     | \    \           /   _
       (_)  |   T       |          |     |      .>    T    <.  (_)
            |   |       |          |     |      |     |     |
            l___|       |         _|     |______|     |_____|
                l_______l________/ l_____|      l_____|bHe
                  |                        _          |
                  ·¯\   j   e   d   i     //          |
                  |\ \___________________//___________|
                  ·¯                                  ·

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Ramon                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Weird texts - Weird graffitistylishascii - cool guy             /
                                                                  \  |__.
                                                                 __\ _, '_
    ':.                                       .            ___   \ _.--. /
     ·::     -.   .---. ' ---.---..---.        .:. ·      (__ )   .-|  |
      ::      |   |   |   |  ||  ||   |     · ·::::  ·  ·_|_( )_  |.|. |
      :::..   |   |   |   |  ||  ||   |  ·   . ·:·      (__) \  \ `-`--'
       ···::  |  .|   |   |--'|--'|   |        .  ·    (___).|   ),(_) \
          ·:. `--'`---'   '   '  l`---'                (__) !|_/\(______)
   _______  ·          ___   ____.-----. _______   ____  |___|   \ \|!|l_
  /\_____ )-----.-----(__ \_/    |     |/       \_/   .\----.     \_`-'  \
 / /|           |    )     |    _ ,    |         |    | \   |      | ø  7/
/ / |   T       |          |     Y     |         |    |     |      l____|\
\/  |   |       |          |     |     |         |    |     |      | (    \
 |  l___|       |         _|     |_____|        _|    |_____j     /  /¬ '' )
 | /   /l_______l________//l_____j    /l_______//l____j    /    ./  (_/   /
 i/___/ /      /        // /    /____/ /      // /   /____/     |   ¡( ///
      \/______/________/¯\/____/     \/______/¯\/___/bHe        |   | ¯¯|
                             .                                __|___|___|__
                              ':.                            (      |      )
                                ::                           `======'======'

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Red Demon                                          By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Changes his style so quickly I can't follow.                    /
                                                _       _
                                               /(       )\
                                              (· \ _.  / ·)
       _______        ____.   __________    __ \\ \)|// // __
       \_____ )-----./ __ |---\________ \.  \.\(`___'___')/./
     .--|           |  \__|    |      '  |---\__)\ø/Y\ø/(__/-------.
     |  |   T       |          |         |     ),_`{ }'_,(    ·    |_
     |  |   |       |          |         |    (__ ' ¥ ` __)  rEd    /
     |  l___|       l_         |        _|     \\_______//  dEmon  /
     |      l_______| \________l_______/        \ \/ \/ /     ·   /|
     |                                           \_ - _/         · |
     | __________   ____.   _______.-----._________\ /_____        |
     | \________ \_/ __ |---\_     |     _/         Y     .\----.  |
     |  |      '  |  \__|    |    _ ,    |          |     | \   |  |
     |  |         |          |     Y     |          |     |     |  |
     |  |         |          |     |     |          |     |     |  |
     |  |        _l_         |     |_____|         _|     |_____|  |

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Relief                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Relaxed chilly-willy.                                           /
                                           ·   __
                                   ________¦ ·   \
   · rELiEf - completely twisted · \       \ :____\  · twisted I say ·
                ____                \_______\¦     \_       _____________
               /\   \---.            \       |      /       \            \
  _______     ¡\ \___\.  \ _____.     \      |     / ____.  |\____________\
  \_____ )----| \/ __ |---X\_   |_____|\     |____/./ __ |---.\_     _____/
   |          |\|  \__|   |/|   /     | \____¦   |/|  \__|   | |     ___/
   |   T      | |         | |         |  |   :   | |         | |       |
   |   |      | |         | |         |  |   .   | |         | |       |
   l___|      | l_        | |        _j\ |      _| l_        | |      _|
    \  l______| | \_______| l_______//  \|_____/ | //\_______j\|_____/
     \__\     \ |         | /      //            l// /      /bHe
         \_____\|         l/______/¯              ¯\/______/

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Shapechanger                                       By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Getting to the legend-category again. I better be quiet.        /
     ___       ___.----.     ____________________       |   |l_|
 .--/__/______/   |    |----(__ \________  \ ___/-------'   `---.  - ---.
 | (____     |         |   )     |    _____/ _/                 |__.    |
 |  |  ]     |    T    |         |        |                        |    |
 |  |        |    |    |         |        |                     ___|    |
 |  |       _|    |____|        _|       _l_                    |  ._.  ¦
 |  l______/ l____|    l_______/ l______/   \_____.   ._________|  l_|  :
 !                                                |   |                 ·
 ¡   ____     ___.----.     ___   ____       ____ l_  l____  _______    .
 | ./ __/---./   |    |----(__ \_/   .\----./ __/---\_ ___/--\_____ )----.
 | |  '     |         |   )     |    | \   |  L      | _/     |          |
 | |        |    T    |         |    |     |         |        |   T      |
 | |        |    |    |         |    |     |         |        |   |      |
 | l_       |    |____|        _|    |_____l_        l_       l___|      |

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Scarface                                           By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Well, he has actually given up ascii.                           /
                           ___ _           _ __ _ __
         _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                    \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
             \\\\ \\  \\                               //  // ////
               \\\_\\__\\         · sCARFACe ·        //__//_///
  ___       ___          ·_________    _____________ / __   ___      ____
 /__/______/__/----.-----(__\_____ )---\_     _____/--(__\_/__/----./___/----.
(_____    | '      |    )    |          |     ___/   )    | '      | _/      |
 |   ]    |        |         |   T      |       |         |        |         |
 |        |        |         |   |      |       |         |        |         |
 |       _l_       |        _l___|      |      _|        _l_       l_        |
 l______/   \______l_______/   · l______l_____/ l_______/bHe\______| \_______|
                                \             ·
                                 \·mAmmA miA·/
                               _ _\         /_ _
                              .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                    \     /
                                     \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Stratos                                            By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Beautiful style!                                                /
                                _                  ·
                                \\ ________________|___
                       ._________\\\               |  / _ __ _
                       |           \\              | (_))))
                       !            ¯              !
   ___     ________________             ______________________   ___
 ./__/_____\___    _______ )-----.-----(__ \___    ___/       \_/__/______.
 l_____     |        |           |    )     |        |         l_____     |
 |    ]     |        |   T       |          |        |         |    ]     |
 |          |        |   |       |          |        |         |          |
 |         _|       _l___|       |         _|       _|        _|         _|
 l________/ l______/bHe  l_______l________/ l______/ l_______/ l________/
                       ¡                           .
             _ __ _ _  |                _          |
                (((( ) | s.t.r.a.t.o.s  \\_________|
                    /__|_________________\         ·
                       |                 \\
                       ·                  ¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Stylewars                                          By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: He's not that known I think. I love his style. Hmm.             /
            Any idea if he's still active? I remember some colly not       /
            so long ago.                                                  ·
   _________________________________________ ____  ___   __      _
    \      ·s·t·y·l·e·w·a·r·s·     .___________
     \                             |          /
      \    ___      _______________|         /_.       ____.
       \  /__/______\___    ___/   |        /  |______/ __ |----.
        \(____       |        |    |      _/   /     |  \__|    |
         \|  ]       |        |    |      |          |          |
          \          |        |    l      |          |          |
          |\        _|       _l____,     _|         _l_         |
          l_\______/ l______/   \_______/ l________/   \________|
             \            /
         _____\          /   __________        ___       .
         \_   /\        /---(__ \_____ )-----./__/_______|__ _
          |            /   )     |           (____       |.___.
          |          _/          |   T       |   ]       ||   |.__.
          |          |           |   |       |           ||   ||  |._.
          |     _____|          _l___|       |          _|l___|l__|l_|.
          l____/     l_________/     l_______l_________/bHe

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Stylez                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Those blocky-3d-letters made me want to try to achieve          /
            something similar. Never reached the same standard.            /
                         _____ _           _ ____ _ __
       _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                        \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                                   //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\  ·   s   T   Y   L   E   z   ·  //__//_///
                       \         .__________           /
                        \        |         /          /
          ___     _______________|        /_.      ____.          ___
         /__/_____\___    ___/   |       /  |_____/ __ |---.______\__\
        (____      |        |    |     _/   /    |  \__|   |      ____)
     __  |  ]      |        |    |     |         |         |      [  |  __
   .\\_) |         ¦        |    l     |         |         |         | (_//.
         |        _:       _l____,    _|        _l_        l_        |
         l_______/ :....../   \______/ l_______/bHe\_______| \_______|
                                ·             ·
                                 \ .zZzZZzz. /
                               _ _\         /_ _
                              .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                    \     /
                                     \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: TANGo                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Who the hell is this fucker then?!?                             /
                        ____ _          _ ____ _ __
      _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                      \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
          \\\\ \\  \\                                 //  // ////
            \\\_\\__\\   ·   s   t   y   l   e   ·   //__//_///
                      \                             /
          ____________ \    __   ____        ___   /    _______
          \___    ___/-----(__\_/   .\-----./__/------./       \.
           |        |     )    |    | \    | L        |         |
           |        |          |    |      |          |         |
           |        |          |    |      |          |         |
           |       _|         _|    |______l_         |        _|
           l______/ l________/ l____|        \________l_______/bHe
                              \             /
                               \ · TANGo · /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Treach                                             By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: He is able to do it with just some horizontals.                 /
                                __\    /__
            ____________   _  __\_      _/__  _   _____________
        .__/            \ (/_/              \_\) /             \__.
        ¦      t   r     \  \                /  /     e   a       ¦
        :                 \__\              /__/                  :
    ________________        ____.           ___   ____      ____.-----.
    \___    _______ )-----./ __ |----.-----(__ \_/ __/----./    |     |
     |        |           |  \__|    |    )     |  '      |           |
     |        |   T       |          |          |         |     T     |
     |        |   |       |          |          |         |     |     |
     |       _l___|       l_         |         _l_        |     |_____|
     l______/     l_______| \________l________/bHe\_______l_____| .
        .                   ___             ___                   :
        :                  /  /             \  \                  ¦
        ¦       c         /  /               \  \        h        |
        |________________/ (\¯\___      ___/¯ /) \________________|
                            ¯   /__    __\    ¯
                                  /    \

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: U-Man                                              By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: Swedish Vodka-maestro.                                          /
                          ___ _         _ __ _ __
       _ __ _ __ ___ ____/                  \\\\ \____ ___ __ _ __ _
           \\\\ \\  \\                               //  // ////
             \\\_\\__\\          · u-MAn ·          //__//_///
           ____.----.  \   _____.------.        ___·  _____
         _/    |     \_ ·_/     |      |-------(__ \_/    .\------.
         |     l     _|__|     _ ,     |      )     |     | \     |
         |           \___\      Y      |            |     |       |
         |            |  |      |      |            |     |       |
         |           _|  |      |______|           _|     |_______|
         l__________/    l______|      l__________/ l_____|bHe
                              ·             ·
                               \  .vODKa.  /
                             _ _\         /_ _
                            .\\\__  ·¹·  __///.
                                  \     /
                                   \   /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Vietcong                                           By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: The man who supplied me and fOLAR with nice red 7eleven-caps    /
            and everything. And he even makes lovely ascii. Wow.           /
         _______:   \__
         \      ¦     /   · v  i  e  t  c  o  n  g    /   o  m  a  ! ·
__ _      \     |    /__.   ________________      ______   ___       ____
\          \    ¦___/__ |---\___    ___/ __/----./      \_/  .\----./ __/----.
 \          \___:  | \__|    |        |  '      |        |   | \   |  L      |
  \          /  .  |         |        |         |        |   |     |         |
   \        /      |         |        |         |        |   |     |         |
    \      /      _l_        |       _l_        |       _|   |_____l_        |
     \    /______/   \_______l______/   \_______l______/ l___|bHe    \_______|
     _\  /

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Zeus                                               By: bOhEmE  (_
   Comment: He owes me money, but I still like his styles.                  /

         z.e.u.s  /  l.o' p.r.o     _ __ ____ _________.
     _ __ ___ _____.         _____. \\\_\\___\\_       |______ ___ __ _
     \\\_\\__\\    |__.    __\    |_____. _____|       |     //__//_///
       ________\___   |__./  __   |     |/     |       | ___/___________
       \          ____|  |   l/___|     |      |       l____           /
        \         l/     |              |      l\      |  l/          /
         \               |              |       ¯      |             /
          \_______.      l___.          l__.           |        .___/
                  l______|   l__________|  |___________l________|bHe

/\___\ ___ __ _
\/___/        /__ _                    ·
   __________________                  |   _ _ /        __________________
   \   _      o _   /   ______  ______ |     //_________\__          _ _ /
    \  /       \\  /____\ _ _ \|·     \|     /o    _______/_______     //
     \/         ·\/     /\\    |¦      \    //     /     /\      /     /
     /____________\    /__\    |______\    /·     /     /  \__________/
                /________________\     \  /___________ / Sk¡n
                                        \/           \/

                       -÷·{ TANGo's Lurve Kitchen }·÷-

              · Take one willing woman

              · Apply a good coating of chocolate body paint

              · Finger until moist

              · Leave simmering with pleasure for five minutes

              · Tuck in

              · Bon appetit

                       -÷·{ TANGo's Lurve Kitchen }·÷-

  ._____ __  _   __ ___ _ __ ___ _|_    _ __ _ ___ __   _     __ _______.
  |_/                  \\\\_\\__\\_/ .-(//_////                       \_|
  |                               |  |                                  |
  !   _   __    ___  ____________ ·   ___ ____     ___   _.--.____  __  !
 .---(_\_/_/___/ _/--\____\_____/   ./ _/-\__ )--./   \_/ |  ____ \/_/__.
 |  )  _l___¸ l_ '   |   _|   _|    l_ L   | _   |    _|    _|  __/___¸ |
 l____/  l____| \____l__/ l__/bHe     \____|-l___l___/ l___/ l___| l____|
  ._                                 ø ___ __ _ ___ __  _              _|
  |_\___ __   _  .                  /_\\__\\_\\\\             _  __ __/_|
                 |                 ·
                 | These crews are making stuff worth watching at the
                 | moment. Well, dunno about (ontra though - dead or not?
                /|________ __   _

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Arclite                                            By: bOhEmE  (_
                                          ________:     \_
                                          \       ¦      /
        __________        ____    _____.   \      |    _/_____________.
 .-----(__ \_____ )-----./ __/----\_   |____\     |_______    ___/ __ |----.
 |    )     |           |  '       |   /     \____¦    |        |  \__|    |
 |          |   T       |          |          |   :    |        |          |
 |          |   |       |          |          |   .    |        |          |
 |         _l___|       l_         |         _|       _|       _l_         |
 l________/     l_______| \________l________/ l______/ l______/bHe\________|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Contra                                             By: bOhEmE  (_

           ________  ___    ___   __  __________        _  ________
         _/        _/ _/--./   \_/ .\-\_    ___ )--.---(_\_        \_
         \    (!   l_ '   |    _|  |   |   _|  _   |  )  _|   !)    /
       bHe)_________ \____l___/ l__|---l__/ `--l___l____/ _________(sE!

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Epsilon Design                                     By: bOhEmE  (_

                    _ . _ _______________________
                    \\|///                       \_.
                 ___. !_____  __  ________.    ___ ! __
               ./ _ |-.\___ \/_/__\_____/ |__./   \./ .\--.
          .----l_ \_| |  ___/___¸ |   _|  / _|    _|  |   |----.
         _|      \____l____| l____l__/ l___/ l___/ l__|---'    |_
         \_) e^D   ____   ___.   __  __________   __      e^D (_/
          |       .\__ \./ _ |-./_/__\_____/ _/-./ .\--.       |
          `----bHe|  ' _l_ \_| l___¸ |   _l_ L  |  |   |sE!----'
                  l___/   \____|l____l__/   \___l__|---'
                      ¡_                         _ . _

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Jedi Arts                                          By: bOhEmE  (_

                     _ __ __________________________ __ _
                  ._/// //                          \\ \\\_.
                  !         j      e      d      i         !
               .__. ___.  ____________       ______  __________
            .__|  |/ _ |-.\__ \______/  .---(_\___ )-\_    _/_/__.
            |  \ _l_ \_| |  ' _|   _|   |  )  _| _    |   _l___, |
            l___/ . \____l___/ l__/     l____/ `-l____l__/ .l____|
                  |                                        |
                  !_        a      r      t      s        _!
                 bHe\\\ \\__________________________// ///sE!
                     ¯ ¯¯                            ¯¯ ¯

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Low Profile                                        By: bOhEmE  (_

   _ ___ __ ___ ____ _____ _____________________________________________.
        \\ \\  \\   \\    \\                                            |
         \\_\\ _\\___\\____\\                                           |
 _____.        ______________\                                          |
 \_   |_______/        \_    /\                                         |
  |   /      |          |                                               |
  |          |          |                                               |
  |          |          |                                               |
  |         _|         _|      ________         ·     __________________|
  l________/ l________/ l_____/        \        :     \_
                                l.o.w   \       ¦      /  p.r.o.f.i.l.e
 _________________        _______________\___   |     /__.       ____.
 \_________ \____ )-----./       \_      ____   |____/   |______/ __ |----.
  |    _____/           |         |      ___/___¦   |    /     |  \__|    |
  |        |    T       |         |        |    :   |          |          |
  |        |    |       |         |        |    .   |          |          |
  |       _l____|       |        _|       _|       _|         _l_         |
  l______/      l_______l_______/ l______/ l______/ l________/bHe\________|

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Mo'Soul                                            By: bOhEmE  (_

  ______.-----. ________    _    ___         _______   ___.----.___.
 _)     |     |/        \_ ( )  /__/________/       \_/   |    |   |______.
 \.    _ ,    |          | (/  (_____      |         |    l    |   /      |
  |     Y     |          |      |   ]      |         |         |          |
  |     |     |          |      |          |         |         |          |
  |     |_____|         _|      |         _|        _|        _|         _|
  l_____|     l________/        l________/ l_______/ l_______/ l________/bHe

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: OMA                                                By: bOhEmE  (_
                           _  __ ___/\___ __  _

  ________     ___       _   __   _______  __      _________________   __
./   \___ )--./ _/--.---(_\_/ .\--\_____/__\_\.---(_\_    ______/   \_/ .\--.
|    _| _    l_ L   |  )  _|  |   |   _|  ¸___|  )  _|   _|   _|    _|  |   |
l___/ `-l____| \____l____/ l__|---l__/ l_____|l____/ l__/ l__/ l___/ l__|---'

  ___________                                       _
./   \_  ___/         .----------------------------//-------------.
|    _|  _/  ·  ·· ··:| organization of mighthungry ascii artists |:·· ··  ·
l___/ l__|            `-------------------------------------------'

  __.---._________    __.---.________.---. _.---. __     ___ _____     _.---.
_/ _`,  \_____/ _/--./  |   _    _/  |   |/ |   |/ .\--./ _/-\___ )--./ |   |
|   Y   |   _l_ L   |   _   |   _|   _   |  `  _|  |   l_ L   | _    l___, _|
l___|---l__/   \____l___|---l__/ l___|---l____/ l__|---' \____|-l____| \__/

     _   __    ___  ____________       ______  _______________ __________
.---(_\_/_/___/ _/--\____\_____/  .---(_\___ )-\_    ______/_/_\_    _/_/__.
|  )  _l___¸ l_ '   |   _|   _|   |  )  _| _    |   _|   _l___¸ |   _l___¸ |
l____/  l____| \____l__/ l__/bHe  l____/ `-l____l__/ l__/  l____l__/  l____|

                           _  __ ___  ___ __  _

_)                                    __
\  Batman Was A Fashion Hero ..       //
 \                                   //      .. And Robin Was A Transvestite
  ·                                  ¯¯                                    _
      Logo: Twisted                                            By: bOhEmE  (_
  .__ _________\   |________ ___________.  ____  __________________________.
 _|   \_    _/ /\  \_____/_/_\_    _/ _ |-.\__ \.                          |_
 \_    |   _|    __|   _l___¸ |   _l_ \_| |  ' _| ·minimalistic'n'twisted· _/
  l___ l__/ l___/  l__/  l____l__/bHe\____l___/ ___________________________|

     ._____ __  _   __ ___ _ __ ___ _|_    _ __ _ ___ __   _     __ _______.
     |_/                  \\\\_\\__\\_/ .-(//_////                       \_|
     ¦                               |  |                                  |
     :                               ·  :       ______               s     |
 ___ .       ___________.---.    _   __ .    ___\    /  _   __             |
 \__)---.---(_\_    _/ _`¸  |---(_\_/ .\--.  \_ /\ _/--(_\_/_/__.    t     |
  |  ( _|  )  _|   _|   Y   |  )  _|  |   |   |   _|  )  _(___¸ |    ¯     |
  l___/ l____/ l__/ l___|---l____/ l__|---'   l__/ l____/  l____|    y     |
      _    _______  _   __    __.---._________   __             |          |
 .---(_\¸  \_  __/-(_\_/_/___/  |   |_____/   \_/ ¸\--.         |    l     |
 |  )  _|   |  _/ )  _(___¸ |   _   |   _|    _|  |   |         |          |
 l____/     l__l____/  l____l___|---l__/ l___/ l__|---'         ¦    e     |
   __.---. __. ____     ___                                     :    ¯     ¦
 ./  |   |/_ |-\__ )--./   \¸                                   .          :
 |   _   l_\_|  | _   |    _|    batman was a fashion hero                 ·
 l___|---' \____|-l___l___/        ¯            ¯      ¯        .          .
     |                                                        _   __   _____
     |                                                   .---(_\_/ ¸\--\___ \¸
     |    ...and robin was a transvestite       _  _  _  |  )  _|  |   |  ' _|
     |            ¯                ¯    ¯      (_)(_)(_) l____/ l__|---l___/
     |                                                       ______
     ¦                   ____     ______    _________     ___\    /  _   __
     :                   \__ )--./   \__)---\_____/ ¸\--. \_ /\ _/--(_\_/_/__¸
     ·                    | _   |    _|  ( _|   _|  |   |  |   _|  )  _(___¸ |
     .                    `-l___l___/ l___/ l__/ l__|---'  l__/ l____/  l____|
     _   _________        _   __     __ ________.   __ ____________________.
.---(_\¸ \_    __ )--.---(_\_/ ¸\--./_/_\    /_ |-./_/_\_    ______    _/_ |-.
|  )  _|  |   _| _   |  )  _|  |   (___¸ \  /_\_| (___¸ |   _|   _|   _l_\_| |
l____/    l__/ `-l___l____/ l__|---'l____|\/  \___|l____l__/ l__/ l__/bHe\___|
     ·                                   _                                 ·
     |_    · some requests now ·        ø ___ __ _ ___ __  _              _|
     |_\___ __  ¯     ¯     ¯      _ __/_\\__\\_\\\\             _  __ __/_|


                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /     G.O.D. wanted a "Cosmo Bc 5ooo"-logo      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

        _______      _____________     _______.-----. _______
        \_  __/----./       \_ __/_____\_     |     |/       \.
 _ __ ._ |  ´      |         l___       |    _ ,    |         | _. __ _
 \\\_)|  |         |         || ´       |     Y     |         |  |(_///
      |  l_        |        _||        _|     |_____|        _|  |
      |    \_______l_______/  l_______/ l_____|     l_______/    |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          :
      |                     <  info  >                           .
      :                                                       _ . _
      .                                                       \\|//
   ______    _______       _______      _______   _______   _______
   \____ )---\_  __/----.  \_  __/____./       \_/       \_/       \.
    |  ´   (  |  ´      |  .l____     |   ·     |   ·     |   ·     |
    |         |         |  |    /     |    \    |    \    |    \    |
    |        _l_        |  |         _|        _|        _|        _|
    l_______/   \_______|  l________/ l_______/ l_______/ l_______/bHe


        _______      _____________     _______.-----. _______
        \_  __/----./       \_ __/_____\_     |     |/       \.
 _ __ ._ |  ´      |         l___       |    _ ,    |         | _. __ _
 \\\_)|  |         |         || ´       |     Y     |         |  |(_///
      |  l_        |        _j|        _|     |_____|        _j  |
      |   \\_______l_______/\\l_______//l_____j    /l_______//   |
      |    \\       \      \ \\\     // /    /____/ /      //    |
      |     ¯\_______\______\/¯¯\___/¯\/____/     \/______/¯     |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          :
      |                     <  info  >                           .
      :                                                       _ . _
      .                                                       \\|//
     ______    _______       ___      _______   _______   _______
    /     /)--/      /----. /   \____/\      \_/\      \_/\      \
   /_____//  /______/     //_____\   \ \______\\ \______\\ \______\
   \____ )---\_  __/----./ \_  __/____./       \./       \./       \.
    |  ´   (  |  ´      |  .l____     |   ·     |   ·     |   ·     |
    |         |         |  |    /     |    \    |    \    |    \    |
    |        _l_        | /|         _|        _|        _|        _|
    l_______/   \_______|/ l________/ l_______/ l_______/ l_______/bHe

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /       our grandpa zOLTRIx wanted a logo       \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_             saying "Spaced Out"             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

        . .   ____  · plenty of hq's  -  grandparent: zOLTRIx ·
     ... .   .) _/______________     __   ____     ___.    ______ ·
   .::::·.   l____     ________ \---(__\_/ __/---./__ |---.\_____\:.. .
   ::::.::   /   |     \   _____/  )    |  '     | \__|   |     ' |
  . ·:.:·   /    |      \      |        |        |        |       |
  . ·      /     |       \    _|      __l__      l__      |      _|
          /      l        \__/ l_____/     \_____|  \_____l_____/
   .     /                 \  ___________.----._________      .
   .    ·                   \/      \_   |    ___   ___/      .
 ..:.. ...  ..  .            \       |   `    |       |  . ..:::... .. .
   :  /                       \      |        |       |      ·:·
   . / - s·p·a·c·e·d   o·u·t - \    _|      __|     __|       :
    /                           \__/ l_____/  l____/bHe       .
 _ /     _   __  ________________\

..couldn't decide which one is better - you decide

        . .   ____  · plenty of hq's  -  grandparent: zOLTRIx ·
     ... .   .) _/______________     __   ____     ___.    ______ ·
   .::::·.   l____     ________ \---(__\_/ __/---./__ |---.\_____\:.. .
   ::::.::   /   |     \   _____/  )       '       \__|         ' |
  . ·:.:·   /    |      \                                         |
  . ·      /     |       \    _.      _____      .__             _|
          /      l        \__/ l_____/     \_____|  \___________/
   .     /                 \  ______   __.----._________      .
   .    ·                   \/      \_/  |    ___   ___/      .
 ..:.. ...  ..  .            \           l    |       |  . ..:::... .. .
   :  /                       \               |       |      ·:·
   . / - s·p·a·c·e·d   o·u·t - \    _.      __|     __|       :
    /                           \__/ l_____/  l____/bHe       .
 _ /     _   __  ________________/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /      he also begged for a "Zoltrix"-logo      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                                     _ __ ___ _______¦      \_ ___ __ _
                                     \\\ \\  \\      |       //  // ///
      ·  zOLTRIx  is  sPACEd oUt  ·   \\\_\\__\\     |      //__//_///
        ____  __________.   ________________    \    |_____/____.-----.
  ._____\_ (_/     \_   |___\___    _______ )----\___¦    |     |     |
  |     ____        |   /    |        |           |  :    |           |
  |     [  |        |        |        |   T       |  .     >    T    <
  |        |        |        |        |   |       |       |     |     |
  l__      |      __|      __|      __l___|       |     __|     |_____|
     \_____l_____/  l_____/  l_____/      l_______l____/  l_____|bHe

..another 3d-shit:

                                     _ __ ___ _______¦      \_ ___ __ _
                                     \\\ \\  \\      |       //  // ///
      ·  zOLTRIx  is  sPACEd oUt  ·   \\\_\\__\\     |      //__//_///
        ____  __________.   ________________    \    |_____/____.-----.
  ._____\_ (_/     \_   |___\___    _______ )----\___¦    |     |     |
  |     ____   .    |   /    |        |           |  :    |           |
  |     [  |   ¦    |        |        |   T       |  .     >    T    <
  |        |   ·    |        |        |   |       |       |     |     |
  l__      |      __|      __|      __l___|       |     __|     |_____j
   \ \_____l_____/\ l_____/\ l_____/\ |  /l_______l____/ /l_____j    /
    \_\     \    \ \_\    \ \_\    \ \l_/ /      /    /_/ /    /____/
       \_____\____\/  \____\/  \____\/  \/______/____/  \/____/bHe

         · He really IS spaced out - look at this iRC-capture ·

---[ clipeticlip ]------------------------------------- ----  ---  --  -

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   bohem hehehehhe I dont think so :) STONED yes!

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   bOhEmE hehehehe Grandparent ZoltriX eh ? :)

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   Dear Jim. Can you fix it for me to visit the Coffee shops
                    in Netherlands for a week to get completely WRECKED!

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   A bloke boiled a hamster to make jam, It tasted shit! sp
                    he threw it out the window!! a few weeks later a m8 of his
                    said Fuck they are nice flowers where you get them ? He
                    said dont you know ? Tulips from hamster Jam :)
                    hahahahaahhaha Sorry! :( hehee

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   I used to be a parrot! but I am okay now :)

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   Once I was a warewolf! but again I am alright

ZOLTRiX/#amielite   HELLO this is OPEL. I am in bed and the missus is probably
                    at work. So leave a message after the tone

ZOLTRiX/#amielite    by my side. I can have no sense of pride. You were my
                     life and my destiny. There's  nothing left in this world
                     for me. Goodbye... Goodbye.. Goodbye.. Sweet girl of my

 -  --  ---  ---- -----------------------------------[ clipeticlip ]----

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /     vECTOR wanted a "Hulivili"-logo.. hmm.    \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                     __________________     _   __   _____ __ _ __ _
                     \                                   // ////
          .   .       \        .                  .     // ///     .
       .         .     \       .____              .    //_/       .____
     .                  \      :    \_      ______:    \_   ______:    \_
                    .    \     |     /      \     |     /   \     |     /
   ___.----.___.---.___.  \    |____/        \    |____/__.  \    |____/
 ./   |    |   |   |   |___\___:   |          \___:   |   |___\___:   |
 |         |   `   |   /    |  .   |           |  .   |   /    |  .   |
 |    T    |       |        |      |           |      |        |      |
 |    |____|      _|       _|     _|           |     _|       _|     _|
 l____j\   l_____/\l______/\l____/             l____//l______//l____//
  \   \ \___\    \ \\     \ \\  \              /   // /     // /   //
   \___\/bHe \____\/ \_____\/ \__\            /___/ \/_____/ \/___/
                               .  \          /              .
                                   \        /             .
                                   .\      /           .
                                     \    /       .
                                      \  /  .

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /   he also had this stigma about "Menu"-logos  \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

     ____.----.           .____
    .)   |    |\ ________ |   .\----. ________________________ _  __
    |   _ ,   | \         |   | \   |\                        \\\(_/
    |    Y    |  \_____.  |   |     | \  __.----.               \\_.
    |    |____j  ./ __ |--|   |_____j  \/  |    |                  |
    l____j\   \  |  \__|  l___j\    \  |   l    |                  |
    .\   \ \   \ |        |\  \ \    \ |        |                  |
    | \   \ \___\l__      | \  \ \____\|      __j                  |
    |  \___\/ |  / /\_____|  \__\/  |  l_____/ /                   |
    |         | / / /    /          |  /    / /                    |
    |         l/_/ /    /           | /    /_/                     |
    |            \/____/            l/____/bHe                     |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |  < insert your commands in this empty space - no shit huh >  |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |   _                                                         _|__
    l___\\ ______________________________________________________/_|/ \ _
          \\                                                     \__\_///.

..ok that sucks a bit - another try:

     ______.----._____  _______    ______.--------------------------.
     \_    |    | ___/--\_    .\---\_    |                          |
      |   _ ,   | _/     |    | \   |    l                          |
   _ _|    Y    |        |    |     |                               |_ _
   \\\_    |    |        |    |     |                               _///
    \_|    |____l__      |    |_____|       ________________________|
     |l____|       \_____l____|     l______/bHe                     |
     |                                                              |
     |  So what's on your menu today?                               |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |    _                                                      _ .|_
     l____\\ ____________________________________________________\\|//.

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /     ...and then he asked for "Reverence"      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

     _____________________________ ___ __ _ __ _
     \                           //  // ////
      \                         //__//_//    . r e v e r e n c e .
       \   ____          ______/___     ____   ___     ___
  _____ \_/___/-.      ./_________ )--./___/-./  .\--./__/--. ____
  \___ )-| _/   |      | _/   |       | _/   |   | \ | '    |/___/-.
   |     |      |      |      |  T    |      |   |   |      | _/   |
   | T   |      |      |      |  |    |      |   |   |      |      |
   l_|   |      |      |      |  |    |      |   |   |      l_     |
     l___l_     |      l_     l__|    l_     |   |___l_     | \____|
           \____|       /\____|  l____| \____l___|bHe  \____|
              \        /
               \      /
                \    /         < scribble infos here >
                 \  /

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /   dEMOLEE was suprised when he got another    \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_            "Mos Eisley"-advert              _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

      __\ \.
      \|\\ |      _,                           .-.
       | ¯ |     `-.                           | |
       | + |  abu| |e - scandinavian hq  (·)  n|-'erve axis - european hq
       | 3 |     `-'                           `-,
       | 5 |                        _ ___    ___ _
       | 8 |                             \  /
       | · | · man playing god: dEMOLEE   \/   EELOMEd :dog gniyalp nam ·
       | 9 |
       | · | · his holy brothers are: bOhEmE zEUS lAGERS pSYKO tHREEdEE ·
       | 7 |  .____                                                ____.
       | 7 |  |   /      spinning on a123o/5omhz/18mb/cd-rom       \   |
       | 3 |  |__/  daydream latest'n'registered and also DreamNET  \__|
       | 5 |  ._                                                      _.
       | 4 |  |/   all we can offer is amiga/playstation/ascii/hpa    \|
       | 8 |  .  with a bitter 33.6k connection and sometimes telnet   .
       | 5 |
 .__ .-.-..-..-'  .-...-'|  .-.| . ___________ ____ ___ __ _
 |   | | || |`-.  | ||`-.|  | || |            \\   \\  \\ \\\
 l__ | | || || |  |-'|| ||  |-'`-| ____________\\___\\__\\_\\\
     ' ' '`-'`-'  `-,'`-'`-'`-,`-'
       |   |
    bHel___|sE!   · warning  -  exposure means addiction ·

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /       bAFFLE is still in "Kindergarden"       \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                    ___ _                     _ __ _ __
  _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                              \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
      \\\\ \\  \\                                         //  // ////
        \\\_\\__\\           · kINDERGARDEN ·            //__//_///
                  · .______                             /
             _______:      \_                          /
        .____\__    ¦       /                         /
        |      /    |      /___    __________   ____.·  _______
    .___|     /\    |_____/   .\---\________ \_/ __ |---\_____ )----.
    |   |  __/--\___¦    |    | \   |      '  |  \__|    |          |
    |            |  :    |    |     |         |          |   T      |
    |   T        |  .    |    |     |         |          |   |      |
    l___|        |      _|    |_____|        _l__        l___|      |
        l________l_____/ l____|     l_______/    \_______|   l______|
      ____           __________    __________   ____.      ____
    ./ __/-----.----(__ \_____ )---\________ \_/ __ |----./   .\----.
    |  L       |   )     |          |      '  |  \__|    |    | \   |
    |          |         |   T      |         |          |    |     |
    |          |         |   |      |         |          |    |     |
    l__        |       __l___|      |        _l__        |    |_____|
       \_______l______/      l______l_______/    \_______l____|bHe
                             ·             ·
                              \           /
                            _ _\         /_ _
                           .\\\__   ·   __///.
                                 \     /
                                  \   /

..and in 3D:

                    ___ _                     _ __ _ __
  _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                              \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
      \\\\ \\  \\                                         //  // ////
        \\\_\\__\\           · kINDERGARDEN ·            //__//_///
                  · .______                             /
             _______:      \_                          /
        .____\__    ¦       /                         /
        |      /    |      /___    __________   ____.·  _______
    .___|     /\    |_____/   .\---\________ \_/ __ |---\_____ )----.
    |   |  __/--\___¦    |    | \   |      '  |  \__|    |          |
    |            |  :    |    |     |         |          |   T      |
    |   T        |  .    |    |     |         |          |   |      |
    l___|        |      _|    |_____|        _l__        l___|      |
     \  l________l_____/\l____j\    l_______/ / /\_______j  /l______j
      \__\        \    \ \\   \ \____\     /_/_/ /      /__/ /     /
          \________\____\/¯\___\/     \___/    \/______/   \/_____/
      ____           __________    __________   ____.      ____
    ./ __/-----.----(__ \_____ )---\________ \_/ __ |----./   .\----.
    |  L       |   )     |          |      '  |  \__|    |    | \   |
    |          |         |   T      |         |          |    |     |
    |          |         |   |      |         |          |    |     |
    l__        |       __l___|      |        _l__        |    |_____j
     \ \_______l______/\  \  l______|_______/ / /\_______l____j    /
      \_\       \     \ \__\__\     |      /_/_/ /       /   /____/
         \_______\_____\/   ·  \____|_____/ ·  \/_______/___/bHe
                             \      ·      /
                              \           /
                            _ _\         /_ _
                           .\\\__   ·   __///.
                                 \     /
                                  \   /

         ._____________ .
        .|            /_:_
        :|              |
        :|              |
        ·|              |     (÷) tHE PARtY fOR All YOU BiG BABiES (÷)
        :|              |
        :|              |
      ___| ______       :     _____       _____    _______     _________
   ._\\  \/     /_\\ ___·____\\_   \ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__ _\\___    .\
   |    _/    _/    \\ .\      /   .\      /   .\    \__/  .\    _/   __/
   |    \      \        \\____/     \\    /     \\          \\   \      \_
   |_____\______\________/   /_______/___________/___________/____\______/
    _______     ________    _________       _____    _______        _____
 ._\\ ____/__ _\\____   \ _\\___    .\ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__ ____\\_   \
 |    \___  .\    __/   .\    _/   __/       /   .\    \__/  .\      /   .\
 |       |   \\   \_     \\   \      \_     /     \\          \\____/     \\
 |____________/____|______/____\______/____________/___________/   /_______/
      tGø|              .
        .|              ¦
        :|              |
        :|              | (÷) KiNdERGARdEN - WElCOME tO tHE PlAYGROUNd (÷)
        :|              |
        :|              |
        ·l              |
         |__            |
         : /____________|

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /  Bakteeri listened to another "Radio Station" \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                                        ._____                      .
     _ _________ ___   __  _    ________:     \_   _ __ _  .       _|__ _
   .///                         \       |      /            \     · |
 __|____             ____________\      |     /______      __\ __/___
 \_____ )-----.-----(__ \________ \     |____/       \.  ./___\_/____\.
  |           |    )     |      '  \____:   |         |  | ...  _  _  |
  |   T       |          |         |    .   |         |  | ||| (\)(/) |
  |   |       |          |         |        |         |  | |||  . ... |
  l___|       |        __|        _|       _|        _|  l____________|
   .  l_______l_______/  l_______/ l______/ l_______/               .
   |                                   _______:     \_              |
   |                                   \      :      /              |
   ____    ____________     ____________\     |     /______   ____  :
 ./ __/____\___    ___/----(__ \___    __     |____/       \_/   .\----.
 l_____     |        |    )     |        \____:   |         |    | \   |
  |   ]     |        |          |        |    .   |         |    |     |
  |         |        |          |        |        |         |    |     |
  |        _|       _|        __|       _|       _|        _|    |_____|
  l_______/ l______/ l_______/  l______/ l______/ l_______/ l____|bHe

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /     CoKE just needs "Intellect"ual drinks     \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

      .       _ ___ _ __ ___ _______________________________ ____
      .____        \\\\ \\  \\                              \\   \_
______¦    \_        \\\_\\__\\                             //    /
\     |     /                  \                                 /
 \    |____/___   ______________·____.   ____.      ____    ____·__________
  \___¦   |   .\--\__    __/___/-\_  |___\_  |____./___/--./ __/-\__    __/
   |  :   |   | \  |      | _/    |  /    |  /    | _/    |  '    |      |
   |  .   |   |    |      |       |       |       |       |       |      |
   |     _|   |____|     _l_      |      _|      _l_      l_      |     _|
   l____/ l___|    l____/bHe\_____l_____/ l_____/   \_____| \_____l____/
                                      ·                   ·
                                       \                 /
                                        \               /
                                      · i n t e l l e c t ·
                                          \           /
                                           \         /
                                            \       /
                                             \     /___ __ _ ___ _
                                              \   //  // ////
                                               \ //__//_///

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /   eURONYMUS is a part of an "Ancient Entity"  \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                            ________:        /
                            \       |       /
    _ _.____________________ \      |      / _______________ ___ __  _
   .\\\|   __   ___      ___  \     |     /___     ___   ___________
     .-:--(__\_/  .\---./__/---\    |____/___/---./  .\--\__     __/
     |   )    |   | \  | '      \___¦   | _/     |   | \  |       |
     |        |   |    |        |   :   |        |   |    |       |
     |        |   |    |        |   .   |        |   |    |       |
     |       _|   |____l_       |      _l_       |   |____|      _|
     l______/ l___|      \______l_____/   \______l___|    l_____/ .
       .                            ._________                    |
       |                     _______:        /      .________________
 · we are the ancient entity \      ¦       /       |           ____/
       |                      \     |      /        |          ___/
       ·____     ___   ________\    |     /_________|         __/ .
      ./___/---./  .\--\__     __   |_____     __/  |        /    |
      | _/     |   | \  |       |___¦   |       |   |      _/     |
      |        |   |    |       |   :   |       |   |      |      |
      |        |   |    |       |   .   |       |   l      |   _ .|_
      l_       |   |____|      _|      _|      _l___,     _| __\\|//.
        \______l___|    l_____/ l_____/ l_____/bHe \_____/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /      Couder has some "Logical Progression"    \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                    ___ _                     _ __ _ __
  _ __ _ __ ___ ___/                              \\\\ \___ ___ __ _ __ _
      \\\\ \\  \\         . logical progression .         //  // ////
        \\\_\\__\\                 ._____                //__//_///
                  \         _______:     \_             /
  ____.       _____\   ____ \      |      /___         /_____.
  \_  |______/      \_/ __/--\     |     / __/---.----(__\_  |_____.
   |  /     |        |  L     \____:____/  '     |   )    |  /     |
   |        |        |         |   :   |         |        |        |
   |        |        |         |   .   |         |        |        |
   |       _|       _l__       |      _l__       |      __|       _|
   l______/ l______/    \______l_____/    \______l_____/  l______/bHe
                          \                     /
          .--. ---. .--. .--. ---. .--. .-'  .-'  _._ .--. |--.
          |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | `--. `--.  |  |  | |  |
          |  | |  | |  | |  |\|  | |  |    | /  |  |  |  | |  |
          |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |    |/   |  |  |  | |  |
          |--' |--' |  | |  | |--' |  |    |    |  |  |  | |  |
          |    |  | |  | `--| |  | |--'    |    |  |  |  | |  |
          '    '  l `--' ,--' '  l `--, `--' `--' -'- `--' '  l
                               _ _\     /_ _
                              .\\\__   __///.
                                    \ /

     _____.   __________
 .__ \_   |___\________ \ _  __ ___ ______________________________.
 |    |   /    |    ____/                                         |
 |    |        |       |   l o g i c a l   p r o g r e s s i o n  |
 |___ |       _|      _| _ __ ____________________________________|
      l______/ l_____/bHe

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /           Karlos is called "Karlos"           \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                  _ __ __ ____  __________________________  ____ __ __ _
         .______      \\_\\_ (..)                        (..) _//_//
         |     /           l__||   k   a   r   l   o   s  |l__|
     .___|    /       __________     _____.       ______ | ____
     |   |  _/--.----(__ \_____ )----\_   |______/      \_/ __/____.
  _ _|          |   )     |           |   /     |        l____     |_ _
 ·\\\_   T      |         |   T       |         |        |   ]     _///·
     l___|      |        _l___|       |        _|       _|        _|
         l______l_______/     l_______l_______/ l______/ l_______/bHe
                              .                          .
                              |    < group here >    __ .|_
                              |______________________\ \|//.

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /      ...and he has some "Ill Behaviour"       \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

        ·_____ _    __   ___  ____________________________________
 _______:     \_                                                 /
 \      ¦      /                                                /
  \     |     /                                                /
   \    |____/__.   _____.                                    /
    \___¦  \_   |___\_   |____.                              /
     |  :   |   /    |   /    |                             /
     |  .   |        |        |                            /- ------------- -
     |     _|       _|       _|                  ·_____   / · ill behaviour ·
     l____/ l______/ l______/             _______:     \_/  - ------------- -
                             \            \      ¦      /
 _____      ____.   ___.----. \  ___       \     |     /_______.---.____
 \___ )---./ __ |-./   |    |---(__ \_      \    |____/    \_  |   ____ )---.
  |    (  |  \__| |         |  )     |       \___¦   |      |  l   |        |
  |       |       |    T    |        |        |  :   |      |      |  T     |
  |       |       |    |    |        |        |  .   |      |      |  |     |
  |      _l_      |    |____|       _|        |     _|     _|     _l__|     |
  l_____/   \_____l____|    l______/\         l____/ l____/ l____/bHe l_____|
                                     \          /
                                      \        /
                                       \      /
                                        \    /
                                         \  /

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /        tROOPEr had a "Funeral Spring"         \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

 _____________.----. ____       _____  _______           ________.
 \_     ____  |    |/   .\----./ ___/--\_____ )----.----(__ \_   |_____.
  |     ___/  l    |    | \   |  _/     |          |   )     |   /     |
  |       |        |    |     |         |   T      |         |         |
  |       |        |    |     |         |   |      |         |         |
  |      _|       _|    |_____l_   .    l___|      |        _|        _|
  l_____/ l______/ l____|       \__.    l   l______l_______/ l_______/
                           ________¦     \_
   f    u    n  e  r  a l  \       |      /  s p  r  i   n   g
    ____   _______________  \      |     /___       ____
  ./ __/___\________ \___ )--\     |____/   .\----./ __/----.
  l____     |    ____/        \____¦   |    | \   |  L      |_ ___/\___ _
   |  ]     |       |   T      |   :   |    |     |
   |        |       |   |      |   .   |    |     |         ._ ___  ___ _
   |       _|      _l___|      |      _|    |_____l_        |     \/
   l______/ l_____/     l______l_____/ l____|bHe    \_______|

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /       Masterm dashed for a "Dash-X"-logo      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

________      ___   ___      ___.----.
\______ \.---(__ \_/ _/_____/   |    |
 |    '  |  )     l____    |        \|/
 |       |        |   ]    |    T    X
 |       |        |        |    |   /|\
 |      _|      __|       _|    |____|
 l_____/ l_____/  l______/ l____|bHe |
.:( dASH-X - vx.xx by blahblah ):._ .|_
  _   __ ___ _____________________\\|//

______     __   ___    __.---. .___.---.
_____ \.--(__\_/ _/___/  |   | |   |   |
|   '  | )    l___   |      _|_|       |
|      |      |  ]   |   T  \__\>  T  <.
|      |      |      |   |   | |   |   |
|     _|     _|     _|   |___| |   |___|
l____/ l____/ l____/ l___|bHe  l___|  .
.:( dASH-X - vx.xx by blahblah ):. _ .|_
  _   __ ___ ______________________\\|//

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /       Axetro asked for "Instant Clarity"      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

 ________:     \_                                      _
 \       ¦      / _____________________________________\\ _____________.
  \      |     /                                         \\            |
   \     |    /____      ___   ___________    ___   ____  ¯ ___________·
    \    ¦___//   .\---./ _/___\___   ___/---(__ \_/   .\---\___   ___/
   ._\___:   Y    | \  l____    |       |   )     |    | \   |       |
   |  |  .   |    |    |   ]    |       |         |    |     |       |
 ._|_ |      |    |    |        |       |         |    |     |       |
 | |  |     _|    |____|       _|      _|     . __|    |_____|      _|
 | .  l____/ l____|    l______/ l_____/ l_____:/  l____|     l_____/ .
 |                                    \       ¦     \_               |
 |          · instant clarity ·        \      |      /               |_.
 |     ____  ____.          __________  \     |     /_________.-----.__|
 |   ./ __/--\_  |____.----(__ \_____ )--\    ¦______   ___/  |       /|
 |   |  '     |  /    |   )     |         \___:   |       |   |     _/ |
 l__.|        |       |         |   T      |  .   |       |   |     |._|
    ||        |       |         |   |      |      |       l___,     ||
    .l_       |      _|       __l___|      |     _|      _| |      _|.
       \______l_____/ l______/      l______l____/ l_____/bHel_____/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /              Bullgod went "BG"                \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                                                   _ __ _       ·
     ________    _______                              ///_/\ __/_ ·
     \______ )---\_  __/---------------------------------\__\\///(-.
      |       (   |  L                                        \   \|
      |           |                                            ·   \
      |           |                                                |\
      |           |                                                |/
      |         __l__                                       ·      |
      l________/ bHe \_______________________________________\_____|
                                                              \  /

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /        dAYTONA has a "Thunder Line" now       \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

  ______________.----.___.----._____   _________   _____  _______
  \__     __/   |    |   |    |    .\--\_______ \_/ ___/--\_____ )----.
   |       |         |   l    |    | \  |     '  |  _/     |          |
   |       |    T    |        |    |    |        |         |   T      |
   |       |    |    |        |    |    |        |         |   |      |
   |      _|    |____|       _|    |____|       _l_        l___|      |
   l_____/ l____¦    l______/ l____|    l______/   \_______|   l______|
                :_____                             /
         _______¦     \_    ·  ··  t h u n d e r  / l i n e  ··  ·
         \      |      /               ¯     ____/        ¯
  _____.  \     |     /___      _____       /
  \_   |___\    |____/   .\---./ ___/---.  /   s·ysop: <insert>
   |   /    \___¦   |    | \  |  _/     | / co·sysops: <insert>
   |        |   :   |    |    |         |/             <insert>
   |        |   .   |    |    |         /  e·quipment: <insert>
   |       _|      _|    |____l_       ·|              <insert>
   l______/ l_____/ l____|bHe   \_______|     n·umber: <insert>

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /      ...and he really is called "dAYTONA"     \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

   _________       ________|      \______________   ____          ___
   \_______ \.----(__ \_   |     ___   ___/      \_/   .\---.----(__ \.
    |     '  |   )     |   |      /      |        |    | \  |   )     |
 _ _|        |         |   |    _/       |        |    |    |         |_ _
·\\\_        |         |   l    |        |        |    |    |         _///·
    |       _|        _l___,    |       _|       _|    |____|        _|
    l______/ l_______/   \_____/l______/ l______/ l____|bHe l_______/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /  ...and he's also a part of "Clique Forth" ?  \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                              :_____  __  _  _
                       _______¦     \_\ \_\\_\\__  _
                       \      |      //__//_//
          ____   ____.  \     |     /_____   ___.----._____.
        ./ __/---\_  |___\    |____/      \_/   |    |  __ |---.
    ____|  '      |  /    \___¦   |        |    l    |  \__|   |___
   (    |         |        |  :   |        |         |         |   )
    \   |         |        |  .   |     ·  |         |         |  /
    |·  l_        |       _|     _|    /  _|        _l_        | ·|
    |     \_______l______/ l____/ l___/__/ \_______/   \_______|  |
    |                                /      \                     ¦
    ¦  · c l i q u e   f o r t h ·  /________\   · since 19xx ·   :
    :     ________________________    _______________.-----._     ¦
    ¦     \_     _____     \_____ )---\__     __/    |     _/     |
    |      |     ___/       |          |       |           |      |
    |__    |       |        |   T      |       |     T     |    __|
    .:/___ |       |        |   |      |       |     |     | ___\:.
           |      _|       _l___|      |      _|     |_____|
           l_____/ l______/     l______l_____/ l_____|bHe

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      / but he's also worried about the "Ozone" layer \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

     ______      ____   _____   ____       _____         :
   ./      \_____\__ \_/     \_/   .\----./ ___/---------|-----------.
   |        |    _____/       |    | \   |  _/                       |
   |        |    [   |        |    |     |     · o   z   o   n   e · |
   |        |        |        |    |     |           ¯       ¯       |
   |       _|       _|       _|    |_____l_              .     _     |
   l______/ l______/ l______/ l____|bHe    \_____________|_____\\ ___|
                                                         :       \\
                                                         .        ¯

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /       mEL fARR sUPPASTAR is "Earth Bound"     \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

           ____.           __________     _________________.-----.
         ./ __ |----.-----(__ \_____ )----\___     ___/    |     |
        _|  \__|    |    )     |           |         |           |_
     ._/ |          |          |   T       |         |     T     | \_.
     |   |          |          |   |       |         |     |     |   |
   __|_  l_         |        __l___|       |        _|     |_____|  _|__
   \ |     \________l_______/      l_______l_______/ l_____|         | /
    \|                                                               |/
     \         .   .. ... sYSOP: mEL fARR sUPPASTAR ... ..   .       /
     |.   _______       _______   ___.----._____     __________     .|
     |    \_____ )----./       \_/   |    |    .\----\________ \.    |
     |     |      (   |         |    l    |    | \    |      '  |    |
     |_    |          |         |         |    |      |         | _ .|_
       \___|          |         |         |    |      |         |_\\|//.
           |         _|        _|        _|    |______|        _|
           l________/ l_______/ l_______/ l____|bHe   l_______/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /   "cROWN" throws another lettah into the bin  \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                          _   __ ___ _ __ ___ _____________ ___ __ _ ___ _
                                    \\\\ \\  \\           //  // ////
          · cROWN / cRYPTOBURNERS! · \\\\_\\__\\         //__//_////
       .-----.     ____  _______      __________\       /__
 .___.-----./|____/ __/--\_____ )---./      \_   \    _/  .\----.
 |   |\   /| |      '     |         |        |   /\   |   | \   |._.
 |   | \ / | |            |   T     |        |        |   |     || |._.
 l___|  X  | |____        l___|     |       _|     ___|   |_____||_||_|.
     | / \ |\|    \_______|   l_____l______/ l____/   l___|bHe
     |/   \|-'

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /        fOLAR wants to "Fuck Tha Police"       \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

             ______________.----. ____    _____|     /
    _ ______ \_     ____   |    |/ __/----\_   |  __/---. _________ _
  .///        |     ___/   l    |  '       |            |          \\\.
  |   ._____. |       |         |          |   T        |  _______.   |
  ¦_  |     | |       |         |          |   |        |  \  .ø. |_  |
  _\__|__.  ¦ |      _|        _l_         l___|        |   \_____|/_ |
  \/  |  |  : l_____/ l_______/   \________|   l________|   /_____X/  |
  :   |_/|\ .                                               .-.--..   |
  ¦_ __/ | \__ _  ________________.-----.      ____         |o|O ||   |
  |      ¦        \___    ___/    |     |-----(__  \.       `-`--'-,  ¦
  · fuck : tha ·   |        |           |    )      |       (_,__  /  :
  |      ·         |        |     T     |           |  .--.( ##   (   .
  | · police! ·    |        |     |     |           |  | .| \ ___ |______
 _|_ __  .  __ _   |       _|     |_____¦          _|  | ¦|  \\(\ |___  /
  |___ \ : / ___   l______/ l_____|     :_________/    | ·|   \¯¯ |  / /
 _|\  \ \¦/ /  /__ _                    ·_____        _|  l    ¯¯¯__/ /_
.\_\\__\ Y /__//_///...  ..  .  ________:     \_     (__)(_)_____/ `-'¯ \
 _|      ·                      \       ¦      /     (__) |______  §  |\ \
 \|     __________  __________.  \      |     /___    (__)|_.   l_____|/_/
  \     \________ \/     \_   |___\     |____/ __/----./ __ |----|   (    \
  .\ _ _ |   _____/       |   /    \____¦   |  '      |  \__|    | Y /¬ ,, )
  | \///.|       |        |         |   :   |         |          | |(_/   /
 _| _    |       |        |         |   .   |         |          |_|_( ///
.\|//.___|      _|       _|        _|      _l_        l_         |-'  Y¯¯
         l_____/ l______/ l_______/ l_____/bHe\_______| \________|____)

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /          Saska's hideout is "Nimitz"          \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                        .                    .
                        .______              .______
 _ __ _ __ ___ _________:      \_   _________:      \_ ___ __ _ ___  _
     \\\\ \\  \\        |       /   \        |       //  // ////
      \\\\_\\__\\       |      /     \       |      //__//_////
          _____  \      |     /___.---\--.   |     /________    ____
        ./    .\--\     |____/    |    \ |   |______    ___/____\__ \_
     _  |     | \  \____|   |    _ ,    \|___|   |        |     _____/ _
    (_) |     |     |   :   |     Y      |   :   |        |     [   | (_)
        |     |     |   .   |     |      |   .   |        |         |
        |     |_____|      _|     |______|      _|       _|_        |
        l_____|     l_____/ l_____|      l_____/ l______/bHe\_______|

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /         dARKWING moves to "Bearyland"         \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

            ·«(  bEARYLAND  · - ·  sYSOP: dARKWiNG  )»·   |         /
     .   _______      ____           __________      .____|        /.
 _ __|___\_____ )---./___/----.-----(__ \_____ )-----|    |       /_|__ _
     |    |      (  | _/      |    )     |           |    |     _/  |
     |    |         |         |          |   T       |    |     |  (_)
    (_)   |         |         |          |   |       |    l     |   |  _
     |    |        _l_        |         _l___|       l____,    _|   | (_)
   _ |    l_______/   \_______l________/     l_______| \______/     |_
  (_)|                                                              ._)
    _|    .___.            ___   ____     __________      _   _     | _
   (_.    |   |_____.-----(__ \_/   .\----\________ \.   ( )-( )    |(_)
     |_   |   /     |    )     |    | \    |      '  |   ) o_O (   _|
     (_)  |         |          |    |      |         |  (  (_)  ) (_)
   _ | _  |         |          |    |      |         |   `. . .'  _ | _
  .\\|//__|        _|         _|    |______|        _|__ _`---'_ _\\|//.
          l_______/ l________/ l____|bHe   l_______/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /           BiZTRO makes the "Rules"            \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

 _______        ___.----.____.       ____.       ____                   .
 \_____ )-----./   |    |    |_____./ __ |-----./ __/___________________|__
  |           |    l    |    /     |  \__|     l____     _ __.__  _     |
  |   T       |         |          |           |   ]   these are the    |
  |   |       |         |          |           |       rules to obey    |
  l___|       |        _|         _l_          |       - ----·---- -   _|
      l_______l_______/ l________/bHe\_________l______________________/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /      he has rules for "Top 5o Uploaders" ?    \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

    ____________________    .___     ____                              .
  _ \__   __/    \_____ \   | _/___./    \. ___________________________|__
 .\  |     |      |  ___/  .l___   |  /   |                            |
 |   |    _|     _|    |   |   ]  _| ·   _|  ·«( top 5o uploaders )»·  |
 |   l___/ l____/ l____|   l_____/ l____/         ¯        ¯           |
 |                                                                     |
 |  .__.---._______.     ____      _________   __________     ___      |
 |  |  |   _____ \ |____/    \.---(__\_____ \_/_________ )--./__/__.  _|_
 |_ |  l   |  ___/ /   |      |  )    |   '  | _/   |       l___   |__\|/.
  /_|     _|    |     _|     _|      _|     _|_     l__T    |  ]  _|
    l____/ l____l____/ l____/ l_____/ l____/bHe\____|  l____l____/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /        he must be a "Hard Target" then..      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

     ____.-----.      ___________     __________
   ./    |     |-----(__ \______ )----\________ \.
   |           |    )     |            |      '  |   _ ______/\_____ _
   |     T     |          |    T       |         |
   |     |     |          |    |       |         |   · h)ARD t)ARGET ·
   |     |_____|         _l____|       |        _|   _ ______  _____ _
   l_____|     l________/      l_______l_______/             \/
   _____________     ___________        _____       _____   _____________
   \___     ___/----(__ \______ )-----./ ___/-----./ ___/---\___     ___/
    |         |    )     |            |  L        |  _/      |         |
    |         |          |    T       |           |          |         |
    |         |          |    |       |           |          |         |
    |        _|         _l____|       l_          l_         |        _|
    l_______/ l________/      l_______| \_________| \________l_______/bHe

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /   SiGMA is actually "SiGMA of OTL and TRSI"   \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

      ________|     \_
      \       |      /
  ___  \      |     /___  ______.----._    ___
_/__/___\_.   |____/ __/--\_    |    _/---(__ \.
\____    \|___|   |  L     |   _ ,   |   )     |    .-.|_ |     |_ --..-'_._
  |       |       |        |    Y    |         | of | ||  |  &  |  | |`-. |
  |       |       |        |    |    |         |    | || ||     |  |-'¡ | |
  |      _|      _l_       |    |____|        _|    `-'`-'`-'   `-'' l`-'-'-
  l_____/ l_____/   \______l____|    l_______/bHe

..filmed in technocolor:

      ________|     \_                         _                            _
      \       |      /                           _                        _  _
  ___  \      |     /___  ______.----._    ___  _ _                         _ _
_/__/___\_.   |____/ __/--\_    |    _/---(__ \. _ _________________________ _
\____    \|___|   |  L     |   _ ,   |   )     |    .-.|_ |     |_ --..-'_.__
  | ]     |       |        |    Y    |         | of | ||  |  &  |  | |`-. |  |
  |       |       |        |    |    |         |    | || ||     |  |-'¡ | |  |
  |      _|      _l_       |    |____|        _|    `-'`-'`-'   `-'' l`-'-'- |
  l_____/ l_____/   \______l____|    l_______/bHe¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                                                           ¯ ¯

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /       jwpepper has "Diplomatic Immunity"      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

        ____ _____________.     ___   __.---.    _________________
    _  .\__ \\____.\___ \ |___./   \./ _`,  |---(_\_    ______/ _/-.  _
  .-\\-|  ' _|   _|  ___/ /  _|    _|   Y   |  )  _|   _|   _l_ '  |-//-.
  |    l___/ l__/ l____l____/ l___/ l___|---l____/ l__/ l__/   \___|    |
  |_       _________.---.___.---. _.---. __   _____________.---.       _|
  ._\      \_____/ _`,  |  _`,  |/ |   |/ .\--\______   _/ |   |      /_.
  |_\\____ |   _|   Y   |   Y   |  `  _|  |   |   _|   _l___, _| ____//_|
           l__/ l___|---l___|---l____/ l__|---l__/ l__/bHe\__/

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /     nASTYBOY wanted a logo saying "Onyx"      \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                  _______   ____          |      _/____.-----._
        .______ ./       \_/   .\---._____|      \     |      /______.
        |       |         |    | \   \_   |       \          /       |
      _ | _     |         |    |      |   |        >   T    <      _ | _
     .\\|//____ |         |    |      |   l       /    |     \ ____\\|//.
                |        _|    |______l___,   ___/     |______\
                l_______/ l____|        \____/  /______|bHe

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /             ..and also a "GOE"-logo           \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

       ___         ________________        __ _                   _ __
 .___./__/-------./         \_ ___/------._\_\\\_________________///_/_.
 |   | L         |           | _/        |                             |
 |   |           |           |           |  · ··:(  g   o   e  ):·· ·  |
 |   l_          |          _l_          |  __ _                 _ __  |

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /         Catharsis is in "Funeral Fog"         \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                             _                       .
                             \\ _____________________|___
                _ __..________\\\                    |  /_ __ _
               ·\\\ ||          \\ · f u n e r a l · | (_))))
                   \||           ¯                   |
  ______________.----| ____    _______.  ______      |      _______.
  \_     ____   |    |/   .\---\_  __ |--\____ )-----|-----(__\_   |_____.
   |     ___/   l    |    | \   |  \__|   |          |    )    |   /     |
   |       |         |    |     |         |   T      |         |         |
   |       |         |    |     |         |   |      |         |         |
   |      _|        _|    |_____l_        l___|      |        _|        _|
   l_____/ l_______/ l____|       \_______|   |      |_______/ l_______/
  _________________________   ____ ___ __ _   |      |   _ __ ___ ____
  \_     ____       \_  __/---\___\\__\\_\\\--'      `--///_//__//___/---.
   |     ___/        |  L                                                |
   |       |         |                                                   |
   |       |         |                                                   |
   |      _|        _l_                                                  |
   l_____/ l_______/bHe\_________________________________________________|
                     .                               ..
           _ __ _ _  |                   _           ||\ _
              (((( ) |     · f o g ·     \\__________||_\\\.
                  /__|____________________\          ·
                     |                    \\
                     ·                     ¯

                 _        ____________________________________________
    __  /\______/| ____  (                                             )
  ./   / \\     \|      /         Milkman likes "Grape"-fruits?         \
  |   /    (O _o \___   \_                                             _/
  |   /     ¯        \   (___________________________ _________________)
  |  /  __            \.oO    _____   _______ ___   ___   _____
  |  \   \            /      (_   /___\    _//  /___\  /___\  _/_   \\
  |   \__ \__________/        /______)_____|.__/ __)__    /___\_ ).  \
  !                         <----sTZ!/sE----|___/----\__/----\___|--- -
  ·   _ __ _ __ ________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
   ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯

                     _ __ ___ _________._________ ___ __ _
                    `\\\_\\__\\        |        //__//_///'
                         ______\       |       /______
                       ._)             :             (.
                       |               .              |
             ____    _______              ___________________.
           ./ __/----\_____ )-----.------(___\________  \ __ |----.
        _ _|  L       |           |     )     |     ____/ \__|    |_ _
       .\)\_          |   T       |           |        |          _/(/.
           |          |   |       |           |        |          |
           l__        l___|       |         __|      __l__        |
              \_______|.  l_______l________/  l_____/bHe  \_______|
                       |               .              .
                       |_              .             _|
                         )______       :       _____(
                      _ __ ___ /       |       \ ___ __ _

                        .____/\ _  __________________.
                        |      \\ /                  |
                        |       \/                   |
                        :                            : ___
   ______   _____  ______ ____    _____    ____      __\  \    _____   ____
 __\__   \_/  _  \_\   _//    \__/  _  \__/  _ \_  _/  /\  \__/  _  \_(   /__
\\___(  _/____\___/____|___\/  /____\___/____/  /  \________/____\___/_______)
     /____/ [sTZ!/sE ©'97] /___\            /___\    .
          _____        ______ _____   ____    ___  /\   ____    ____
        _/  _  \_    __\  __//  _  \_(   /___/ _/_/_ \_/    \__/  _ \_
        \___\___/   \\__  __)___\___/_______)__\   /__\______/____/  /
                        \__\                   /__/  .           /___\
                        . ___     ___   ____    ____ :
                        _/ _/____/ _/___\__ \__/    \_
                       \\__\   /___\_ ).__/ _/.______/
                        .  /__/    \___|  \___|      .
                        |                            |
              _____    ____   ____      _____    ____   ______ ___   ____
    _  _  _ _/  _  \__/  _ \__\__ \_  __\__  \__/    \__\__   \\  \_/  _ \_
   (_)(_)(_)\___\___/____/  /______/  \___/  _/.______/___(  _/____\___/  /
                        /___\             \____|     .    /____/      /___\
                       ___                           |
                     __\  \    _____   ____        _____
                   _/  /\  \__/  _  \_(   /__    _/  _  \_
                   \________/____\___/_______)   \___\___/
                        .                            .
_______ ____  ______    ___   ___  ___:___ ___  ____  _______ _ _______ ___
\    _/_\__ \_\  _  \__/ _ \_(  /__\  |  // _/_(   /__\    _// \\    _// _/_
|____|____/ _/.__\___/___/  /______)____/___\_ )._____)____|____\____|___\_ ).
          \___|         /___\               \___|                        \___|
                        .                            :
                        |                            |
                        |            \               |

                        __      .
               _ __  ___\/_     :
 __ _              \\\  /\/     ÷- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -÷
 \  _______    _______\/_       : /          __ _             __    :
 _ _\_ ___/____\_ ____\/ \_     :            \  ______       /_/\   :_
    ________      /  \    /_____¦    _______   _\____ \_     \_\/__ \/
    \      /  _ _/    \__/_\_   |   _\_ ___/____  _/   /_        \/ :
     \    /     /      \_    \____      \       \_\___/  \_         :
 _ ___\ ______/ _ _____ /       /        \       /        /         :
       \/             \/                        /_______ /- - - - --÷
                       _ __ ___________________/       \/H2o!

  · The Official sTYLE'n'aBUSE "The Party 6"-video is now available! ·
     With appearances from several scene-ppl including LOTS of
         ascii-artists. Sixty minutes of pure and complete
              mayhem and also hangoverish dull footage.
               Spiced with some gfx and weird cutting.
    "It's a quality bamboo-production!"

                                ·    - rEPE / sTYLE!
 "My life was dull as a donkey-poo on my grandma's lap. But then I bought
   myself a copy of 'The Official sTYLE'n'aBUSE "The Party 6"'-video
      and my life changed radically. I strongly recommend you to
               buy one! It'll a make difference!"

                                ·           - bAFFLE / nORWAY!
        So there. Now you should·be convinced. The price of this
       fine fine fine product is:

                           Finns: 100FIM

                      Foreigners: 150FIM

          Price for the foreigners includes post'n'packaging.
         You'll get it on a regular VHS (which is copied from
          a SVHS master) with a printed cover and a good case.
       All orders'n'questions to: (bOhEmE)
       or                       :
       /msg rEPE^sE or /msg dEMOLEE or /msg fOLAR^sE or /msg bOhEmE on iRC
     ________  ________  ___ ____  ________  ________
.===/        ì/        ì/   Y    ì/        ì/        ì=======================.
|._/    í   _/    í____/    |   _/    í____/    í____/                       |
|·\_    _   \_    _   \_    |   \______   \_    _____) + A · B · U · S · E + |
|::|    ¦    |    í    |    ¦    |    ¦    |    ¦    |:  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  :|
|::l____l____l_____    l_________l_____    ¦_____    ¦::.  .     .:.    . .::|

                       _             :   _         _
                   _  (/         _ _(|)_ /         \)  _
                   /    _________\\\   //__________    \
                  /_   _\                         /_   _\
                   /  .\                           /.  \
         .____    ·   |      .____                  |   ·
         |  _ |       |     _|  _ |_  _____  __     |     _________
         |  /_|___ .________\.  /__/  \.   \/  \ .________\.       \
         |    _  /_|   _   /_|    |____|       /_|   _   /_|    _  /_
         |_   /     _  _      _         _         _  _      _   /   /_
               _______|            _________        |
               \.    /___ .________\.   _   \     .________
                |   /\  /_|   _   /_|_  /___/_    |   _   /_
                |_         _  _      _'---   /_   |_  _    /_
                 /--/\____(/--)_____(/____(---(    /--)_____(
                      |          .____              |
      ___________     _________  |  _ |       . _   |       _________
      \.   _____/_____\.   _   \ |  /_|___ .___\/_ .________\.       \
       |    __\  _   /_|_  /___/_|    _  /_|     /_|    _  /_|    _  /_
       |_    _   _      _'---     _   /     _       _   /     _   /   /_
        /   (/---)_____(/____(---(/--(_____(/------(/--------(/--(_____(
       /___/      .____                             |
                  |  _ |             _________      |
                  |  /_|___ .________\.   _   \ .________
                  |    _  /_|  _  _ /_|   /___/_|    _  /_
                  |_   /     _ /___/   _   _     _   /   /_
                      .                             |
                      |_                           _|__ _
                      ·/____  ·                ____\·
                           ((_:__         ____))   _\
         ..                   : //       \\ .
         : .....              :             :
           : ..:...... ·      :   a  n  d   :
           :.:.:     : :      : _         _ :
             :   ._____:________\         /_:____________
             :   |     :                    :           /.
             :...|.....:.                   .            |
                 |     ·          .____                  |
             _________            |  _ |       . _ _________
             \.   _   \ .________ |  /_|___ .___\/_\.       \
              |   /___/_|    _  /_|    _  /_|     /_|    _  /_
              |_   _     _   /     _   /     _       _   /   /_
                _______             _________            |
                \.    /___ .________\.   _   \     .________
                 |   /\  /_|   _   /_|_  /___/_    |   _   /_
                 |_         _  _      _'---   /_   |_  _    /_
                  /--/\____(/--)_____(/____(---(    /--)_____(
              .____                                      |
             _|  _ |_  _________           _________ _________
             \.  /__/  \.   _   \ .________\.       \\.   _   \
              |    |____|   /___/_|   _   /_|    _  /_|_  /___/_
              |_         _   _     _  _      _   /     _'---   /_
                 |                 .____             .____   rDm
    _______      |      _________ _|  _ |_      . _ _|  _ |_
    \.    /___ .________\.   _   \\.  /__/   .___\/_\.  /__/   .________
     |   /   /_|  _  _ /_|_  /___/_|    |____|     /_|    |____|  _  _ /_
     |_         _ /___/   _'---     _         _       _         _ /___/ /_
                 |                                       .
                 |       batman was a fashion hero       |
                 |                                       |
                 |                 and                   |
                 |                                .:.....|....
                 |_      robin was a transvestite  :     |   :
                _|/________________________________:_____|   :
                \|                                 : .     ..:..
                 ·                                 . :.....:.: :

                                                     _ __/\__ _
    ___  ____      ___.     ___.  ___________   ·                   ·
  ./ _/--\__ )---./ _ |---./ _ |--\_     _/_/____\ . b O h E m E . /____.
  l_ L    | _    l_ \_|   l_ \_|   |    _l____¸      g r e e t s        |
    \_____|-l____| \______| \______l___/bHel_____________  _____________|

  243 º 2fAST º AdON º aRCANE º Archangel º Artic Cat º Artisti º Awe º b
    bAFFLE º bEHEMOTH º blAdE º bREM º BS&DTR º cAREbEAR º cG º Chainsaw
      Chrombacher º cOCO pOPS º Colonel º cRASH! º cRIME-z99 º cROWN
   Crusader^Candyman º cYBER POWER º DALE º Danzig º Darkman º Darkwing
  dAZZLER º dEATURE º dEE º Delite º Demolee º dHM º dMG º dUAl º Duncan
  dUSTY º eCs º eNSAM º eNTHRONe º EzCo º Exocet º Exile º fATAL º fOLAR
  Frank º FRaNKy º fURY º Ganja º gERDy º Gluester º G.O.D. º Grand Zumba
  Hangman º Hausfrau º hei-di º HiFi º Hijack º Hirvih º Hst-Bullah º Jaws
  JiGSAW º JMF º kARMA º Kent º Kid º Lagers º Leecher º Madboy º mADMAX
   MAjOR º mANtA º Mario º Mark Ryder º mARX º MASTERBLASTER º MMB º mOGUe!
    NecRArcH º nEMES!S º niKE º numen º kOSTEK º Kris º opel º pATRiCiAn
  Phonetic º pSYCHE º pSYKO º qen º QuartZ º Radavi º Rainmaker º rEBEL
  Red Demon º rELiEf º rAMON º Repe^Ransu º sAL-1 º sCARfACe º Sealapex
   Shocker º Simo º sLiME º SPAWN º Speeddevil º StEZOtEHiC º Stranger
   Tai-Pan º TANGo º The God º Tommy º tORMENTOr º Treach º tREEbEARd
      tRESPASS º tRIANGLe º vENTURA º Vesuri º vIETCONg º Wizzbit
         zANOK º ZOLTRiX º ziNKO º zED º Zeus º ZoMbiE º ?

             is only human to forget..
                           _ __ ___    ___ __ _
                                   \  /

                                                     _ __/\__ _
    ___  ____      ___.     ___.  ___________   ·                   ·
  ./ _/--\__ )---./ _ |---./ _ |--\_     _/_/____\ .  T A N G o  . /____.
  l_ L    | _    l_ \_|   l_ \_|   |    _l____¸      g r e e t s        |
    \_____|-l____| \______| \______l___/bHel_____________  _____________|

                pretty much fucking everybody i know and love
             i would write a full list but boheme is bugging me
                to finish so that we can release this shit :)
                           _ __ ___    ___ __ _
                                   \  /

    _ __ _____                 _____
      ///    /___  _________  /    /_    ___  ______ ________  _________
      //    _    \_\____    \/    __/___/   \/     /_\___    \/    _    \
      /    //    /    _/    /    //    /    \/    /    _/    /    //    /

|                      w       a       s               a                       |
      _________  _________  ___________/    /___  ______________  _________
     /    _    \_\____    \/    ______/    _    \/____/    _    \/    _    \
    /    //____/    _/    /\____    \/    //    /    /    //    /    //    /
   /    __/    \_________/__________/____//____/____/\_________/____//____/
  /____/            _____
                   /    /___  _________  _________  _________
                  /    _    \/    _    \/    _    \/    _    \
                 /    //    /    /_____/    //____/    //    /
                /____//____/\_________/____/      \_________/

|                              a       n       d                               |
                 _________  _________  /    /___  ______________
                /    _    \/    _    \/    _    \/____/    _    \
               /    //   _/    //    /    //    /    /    //    /

|                      w       a       s               a                       |
              /    /_    _________  _________  _________  ___________
             /    __/___/    _    \_\____    \/    _    \/    ______/___
            /    //    /    //____/    _/    /    //    /\____    \_____\
            \_________/____/      \_________/____//____/__________/
                                        _____           _____
      _____ ______________  ___________/    /_    _____/    /_    _________
 bHm /    //    /    _    \/    ______/    __/___/____/    __/___/    _    \ sE!
    /    //    /    /_____/\____    \/    //    /    /    //    /    /_____/__ _

                                                              . .
                          _ __ ___ ____ __________ .-.--..-..-|·|_,.-' __.
                          \\\ \\  \\   \\          | '| || || |||  `-.   |
                           \\\_\\__\\___\\________ | .|-'|-'| |||  | | __|
                                                   `-'' |`-,`-''`-'`-'

 Title-Logos .................................................... sTZ
             .................................................... [fL]
             .................................................... bHm
             .................................................... rDm
 Style-Logos .................................................... H2o!
             .................................................... st!
             .................................................... ÷e÷
 bOhEmE-Logo .................................................... sTZ
 TANGo-Logo ..................................................... Skin
 Another Moomin-Character ....................................... dHM
 The Little Style-logo .......................................... sTZ
 Abuse-Logo ..................................................... ·hJ·
 The Rest ....................................................... bHe&tGø
        .  .
 .__ .-'|_,| .|  .-. ____________ ____ ___ __ _
 |   `-.|  | ||  | |             \\   \\  \\ \\\
 l__ | ||  `-||  |-' _____________\\___\\__\\_\\\

          _ __ ____              ____
            ///   /__  _______  /   /_   __  _____ ______  _______
            //   _   \_\___   \/   __/__/  \/    /_\__   \/   _   \
            /   //   /   _/   /   //   /   \/   /   _/   /   //   /
                      ____ ____ ______  _________   _______
                     /   /    /_\__   \/   _____/  _\___   \
                    /   /\   /   _/   /\___   \   /   _/   /
                   /____/\__/\_______/________/   \_______/
            _______  _______  _________/   /__  ___________  _______
           /   _   \_\___   \/   _____/   _   \/___/   _   \/   _   \
          /   //___/   _/   /\___   \/   //   /   /   //   /   //   /
         /   __/   \_______/________/___//___/___/\_______/___//___/
        ____                                                          ____
       /   /__  _______  _______  _______     _______  _______  _____/   /
      /   _   \/   _   \/   _   \/   _   \   _\___   \/   _   \/   _    /
     /   //   /   /____/   //___/   //   /  /   _/   /   //   /   //   /
    /___//___/\_______/___/     \_______/   \_______/___//___/\_______/
      _______  _______  /   /__  ___________     ____ ____ ______  _________
     /   _   \/   _   \/   _   \/___/   _   \   /   /    /_\__   \/   _____/
    /   //  _/   //   /   //   /   /   //   /  /   /\   /   _/   /\___   \
   /___/\___/\_______/________/___/___//___/  /____/\__/\_______/________/
            _______     /   /_   _______  _______  _______  _________
           _\___   \   /   __/__/   _   \_\___   \/   _   \/   _____/__
          /   _/   /  /   //   /   //___/   _/   /   //   /\___   \____\
          \_______/   \_______/___/     \_______/___//___/________/
                                        ____         ____
            ____ ___________  _________/   /_   ____/   /_   _______
       bHm /   //   /   _   \/   _____/   __/__/___/   __/__/   _   \ sE!
          /   //   /   /____/\___   \/   //   /   /   //   /   /____/__ _

                                     ||    /||\                     ||  ||//
                                     ||    -||-                \\   ||__||/
   _____. _      ____            _____|     ||   ___|           \ ______ _-\
___\  __|//______\  |__       ___\   |___________\  |        .____\ ___///  .
|_______      |   ____|-------|      |        |     |--------|   ___/--------|
|     |       |_    |         |      |        |     |   st!  |    |          |
|___  |       |)___ |         |_____ |   _____|___  |        |___ |          |
|  )__________|   )___________|   )______ _ ||   )___________|  )____________|
                               _..__.||     ||  \                   |.
                               /||  |||    _||_ \\                  ||
                              --\_                                   o
                                 /   · sTYLE! in da year of 1997 ·   .
                                ·                                    |
     .-------------------------------------------.                   |
  .--| our friendly posse is a combination of..  |-------------------'
  |  `-------------------------------------------'
  |        .---------------------------------------.
  `--------| da ascii makers..                     |-----------------.
           `---------------------------------------'                 |
            sTEZOTEHIC........LEADEr, aSCII.and.sYSOp.....(fINLANd)  |
            cOCO pOPs.........aSCII.and also mUSIc........(fINLANd)  |
            bOHEMe............aSCII, "tRADe", gFx and such(fINLANd)  |
            fOLAr.............aSCII.sometimes tRADe ......(fINLANd)  |
            dHM...............aSCII.and also sYSOP........(mURUROa)  |
            bEHEMOTH..........aSCII........................(sWEDEn)  |
            sPEEd dEVIL.......aSCII........................(nORWAy)  |
            TANGo.............aSCII.......................(eNGLANd)  |
                                   .----------------------------.    |
      .----------------------------|              ..da musician |----'
      |                            `----------------------------'
      |     rEPe..............mUSic and also tRADe........(fINLANd)
      |                    .-------------------------------------------.
      `--------------------|         not forgetting da lovely sysops.. |--.
                           `-------------------------------------------'  |
            qUARTz............2Nd LEADEr, sYSOp...........(fINLANd)       |
            zINKo.............sYSOp sometimes aSCII.......(dENMARk)       |
            pRINCIp...........sYSOp........................(sWEDEn)       |
            sAL-ONe...........sYSOp, aSCII............(nETHERLANDs)       |
            sLiME.............sYSOp.......................(gERMANy)       |
           .-------------------------------------------.                  |
   .-------| ..who control these mighty boards:        |------------------'
   |       `-------------------------------------------'
 dIGITAL uNDERGRoUNd ... +358-9-221-ASK....hOSTEd: sTEZOTEHIc...(uNIVERSe HQ)
 bERMUDa tRIANGLe ...... +358-9-5861380....hOSTEd: qUARTz..........(wORLd HQ)
 RiM ................... +358-M-OOMINS!....hOSTEd: dHM...............(MOO HQ)
 tHe nORTHERn pALACe ... +45-58-506-081....hOSTEd: zINKo..........(eUROPe HQ)
 iNTERCHANGe ........... +46-3nDz-rINGd....hOSTEd: pRINCIp...(sCANDINAVIa HQ)
 bOONdOCKs ............. +31-548-ASK4IT....hOSTEd: sAL-ONe............(eU HQ)
 hOMELESS .............. +49-AROUNDTOWN....hOSTEd: sLiME.........(gERMANy HQ)
   |       .-------------------------------------------------.
   `-------| ..current members have released this much:      |------------.
           `-------------------------------------------------'            |
       cOCO pOPs......rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 02 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)  |
       bOHEMe.........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 06 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)  |
       dHM............rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 00 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)  |
       fOLAr..........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 12 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)  |
       bEHEMOTh.......rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 02 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)  |
       TANGo..........rELEASEd uNDEr sTYLe-LABEL: 01 aSCII cOLLECTION(s)  |
        |       .-----------------------------------------------------------.
        `-------|               ..and here are the official sTYLE-releases: |

                     ·Y· ·E· ·A· ·R·     ·1· ·9· ·9· ·5·
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
[ SE-X.NFO     ][ INFO FILE                       ][  1ok ][ 21-o8 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-<SFP>.TXT ][ SUOMI FINLAND PERKELE           ][  46k ][ o4-o9 ][  ZEUS  ]
[ MST-NONM.TXT ][ NO USE FOR A NAME               ][  47k ][ o1-1o ][  ZEUS  ]
[ SE-DRIP!.TXT ][ DRIPPIN'                        ][  25k ][ 15-1o ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-HEHE.TXT  ][ HECTIC HERMIT                   ][  31k ][ 28-1o ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-LATE.TXT  ][ BELATED                         ][ 112k ][ 28-1o ][ STZ^CP ]
[ SE-GROVE.TXT ][ GROOVY ELEMENT                  ][  6ok ][ 3o-1o ][  ZEUS  ]
[ SE-ONCE.TXT  ][ ONCE                            ][  3ok ][ 19-12 ][  STZ!  ]
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
                     ·Y· ·E· ·A· ·R·     ·1· ·9· ·9· ·6·
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
[ SE-LOVE.TXT  ][ THE LOVE HUNTER - SHOUT & TWIST ][  43k ][ 22-o2 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-ARM.TXT   ][ ARMAGEDDON - THE FINAL RAMBLE   ][  68k ][ 29-o2 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-ASKI.TXT  ][ ASKI WORLD - ASKI MEN!          ][  2ok ][ o9-o3 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-RAPAR.TXT ][ RAPARPERIREVOLUTION             ][ 13ok ][ 16-o3 ][ BOHEME ]
[ SE-HOME.TXT  ][ HOME MADE ASCII LOGOS           ][  55k ][ 26-o3 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-RIDDL.TXT ][ ASCII RIDDLES                   ][  21k ][ o1-o4 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SEJA-AAB.TXT ][ AFROS AND BOOZES                ][ 121k ][ o5-o4 ][ STZ^RX ]
[ SE-RIDD2.TXT ][ ASCII RIDDLES PART TWO          ][  39k ][ o7-o4 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-21SM.TXT  ][ 21 SYYT- MIKSI OLUT ON PAREMPI. ][ 171k ][ 14-o4 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-PROPS.TXT ][ INJUSTICE SYSTEM!               ][  92k ][ 15-o4 ][ BOO-YA ]
[ SE-LIFE.TXT  ][ LIFESPAN                        ][  55k ][ 26-o4 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-ORCHD.TXT ][ ORCHID                          ][  48k ][ o2-o5 ][  ZEUS  ]
[ SE-PILLI.TXT ][ PILLERIPURKKIPOPPOO             ][ 14ok ][ o2-o5 ][ BOHEME ]
[ SE-BEER.TXT  ][ KALJAA KAIKILLE                 ][ 111k ][ 21-o5 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-DOOR.TXT  ][ DO OR DIE                       ][  82k ][ 27-o5 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-KIPU!.TXT ][ KIPUKYNNYS                      ][ 108k ][ 29-o5 ][ BOHEME ]
[ SE-BLEED.TXT ][ BLEED FOR ME                    ][ 162k ][ o4-o6 ][ BOO-YA ]
[ SE-DIARY.TXT ][ THE DIARY 2                     ][ 12ok ][ o8-o6 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-PROCZ.TXT ][ PROCESS                         ][ 167k ][ 24-o6 ][   VC   ]
[ TRIBUTEZ.TXT ][ TRIBUTES                        ][  12k ][ 25-o6 ][  ZEUS  ]
[ SE-HANKO.TXT ][ HANGOVERS ARE FOR CISSYS        ][ 1o4k ][ 26-o6 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-WWAYS.TXT ][ WICKED WAYS                     ][  96k ][ 26-o6 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-POJU.TXT  ][ POETIC JUSTICE                  ][ 1ook ][ o1-o7 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-RIDD3.TXT ][ ASCII RIDDLES PART THREE        ][  32k ][ o1-o7 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-CRET.TXT  ][ SECRET MAGIK                    ][  57k ][ o5-o7 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-LYRIC.TXT ][ LYRICAL GANGBANG                ][  7ok ][ 15-o7 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-VCD.TXT   ][ VAYA CON DIOS!                  ][  47k ][ 21-o7 ][ OR!ON  ]
[ SE-NCO.TXT   ][ NO CONTROL                      ][  83k ][ 27-o7 ][ OR!ON  ]
[ SE-BOARD.TXT ][ BOARD DESIGN                    ][ 1o4k ][ 28-o7 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-COTIT.TXT ][ CLASH OF TITANS                 ][ 147k ][ 29-o7 ][ WEBSTER]
[ TS-LOVE.TXT  ][ LOVED                           ][ 11ok ][ o3-o8 ][ W!^RLF ]
[ SE-GETSE.TXT ][ GETTING SERIOUS                 ][ 288k ][ 11-o8 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-DEVIL.TXT ][ DEVIL IN THE DETAILS            ][ 1o1k ][ 11-o8 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-TODAR.TXT ][ TIDES OF DARKNESS               ][  86k ][ 12-o8 ][ WEBSTER]
[ SE-PARTY.TXT ][ STYLE DOES IT LIVE! AT ASS'96   ][  28k ][ 18-o8 ][SE-POSSE]
[ SE-SMOKE.TXT ][ SMOKE 'EM                       ][ 134k ][ 25-o8 ][  +sD+  ]
[ SE-POINT.TXT ][ POINTLESS                       ][  51k ][ o2-o9 ][  +sD+  ]
[ SE-DISKI.TXT ][ DISKRIMINAATIO                  ][ 2o2k ][ o6-o9 ][ BOHEME ]
[ SE-CRIME.TXT ][ CRIME AND PUNISHMENT            ][ 148k ][ o8-o9 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-NSE.TXT   ][ SENSELESS                       ][ 1o6k ][ 12-1o ][  +sD+  ]
[ SE-MIND1.TXT ][ MIND PLAYING TRICKS ON ME PART1 ][ 128k ][ 2o-1o ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-LAHTI.TXT ][ STYLE DOES IT LIVE! AT SCE'96   ][  73k ][ 10-11 ][ bHe&fL ]
[ SE-MIND2.TXT ][ MIND PLAYING TRICKS ON ME PART2 ][ 251k ][ 17-11 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-LLERI.TXT ][ STYLE DOES IT LIVE! AT BHE'S    ][  52k ][ 30-11 ][bHefLrEP]
[ SE-KASIN.TXT ][ CAPTURING MY SOUL               ][  50k ][ 07-12 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-X-MAS.TXT ][ SUMMER TIME?                    ][  51k ][ 25-12 ][  STZ!  ]
[ SE-BAMBU.TXT ][ STYLE DOES IT LIVE! AT TP6      ][  79k ][ 31-12 ][ STYLE! ]
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
                     ·Y· ·E· ·A· ·R·     ·1· ·9· ·9· ·7·
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
[ SE-VIDEO.TXT ][ STYLE DOES IT LIVE! AT BHE'S 2  ][  79k ][ o4-o1 ][bHe&sTZ!]
[ SE-PPOJA.TXT ][ POINT OF NO RETURN              ][ 119k ][ o5-o1 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-ALIVE.TXT ][ DEAD OR ALIVE - CRIMINALS IN SF ][ 136k ][ o7-o1 ][  sTZ!  ]
[ SE-LECTS.TXT ][ ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY            ][ 140k ][ 13-o1 ][BEHEMOTH]
[ SE-JAMBO.TXT ][ COCO JAMBO                      ][  80k ][ o7-o3 ][  CP!   ]
[ SE-NSUAL.TXT ][ MUNAKKASUOJA                    ][ 356k ][ 13-o3 ][ BOHEME ]
[ SE-ASICK.TXT ][ DEVIL MADE ME DO IT             ][ 129k ][ 16-o3 ][ FOLAR  ]
[ SE-ATRIP.TXT ][ CRUSOE TAKES A TRIP             ][ 112k ][ o7-o4 ][BEHEMOTH]
[ -T-SE1.TXT   ][ MURDER DEATH KILL               ][ 134k ][ 13-o4 ][+sD+-DtN]
[ SE-SAUNA.TXT ][ STYLE DOES IT LIVE! AT REPE'S   ][  79k ][ 2o-o4 ][bHefLrEP]
[ SE-PAIN.TXT  ][ PAINKILLER                      ][  55k ][ o2-o5 ][ TANGo  ]
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -
- ------------ -- ------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -

                STZ! [ 19 ] - COCOPOPS [ 02 ] - BOHEME [ 06 ]
             FOLAR [ 12 ] - SPEED DEVIL [ 03 ] - BEHEMOTH [ 02 ]
                TANGO [ 01 ] - SAL-ONE [ 00 ] - DHM [ 00 ]

                         COOP COLLECTIONS [ 04 ]
                         LIVE COLLECTIONS [ 05 ]

                                _____) (_____
                              __)           (__
                              |               |
                              |  B O H E M E  |
                           .  |               |
           _______      .___\_|___.         /\|    .____ ___________
          .\   __/______|    \    |______  /  \____|    \\         /
          |   (_       _|        __/\    \/       _|      \       /
          |_____\     _\|    ___ /     __/      __\|    ___\     /
       <---------\    /-\    //________|/        \-\    /---\   /--->
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                   \/_____\/__|.___\______    |      \/___    Y
                 ___\        /_|    \  __/___ | _____|    \__
                .\   \        _|     \___   /.|.\   _|      /
                |____/\   ____\|        _____|||____\|     /
             <---------\  /----\   ______\-----------\    /--->
                        \/.   |:\  /          |      :\  /
            _________  .___\__|__\/    ______ |__      \/___________
           .\   ___ /__|    \  __/___./     /_\ /________\         /
           |     _/   _|     \___   _/         \/   __    \       /
           |     |____\|        ____\     _________ \/   __\     /
        <--|_____|-----\   ______\---\    /------/________\-\   /--->
                       :\  /  |       \  /    |              \ /
                        _\/___|       _\/__   |               Y
                 _____./     /|_______\    \__|__________
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              <-------\    //__________|-\    //_________|-( \\ // )-->
                       \  /   |           \  /|             ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯
      .____ ___________ \/____|    _/\__   \/ |     _______    ___  ___________
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.\   _|      \            _)   |.\  \   _/\    __      (_       \/   \       /
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<-----\    /---\   /\   /-------------\    //________\----\   /--------\   />
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                 ___\        /_|    \  __/___ | _____|    \__
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             <---------\  /----\   ______\-----------\    /--->
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                ______   \____|\/_____. \/ ___| _Y___.
          ____./     /____\  __/_\    |____\ /|_\    |___________
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         |___/    ___ --'     ______ /    _________ /    ___--'    /.
      <-----/     //___________\--/_______|------/_______|/_________|-->
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                              |   T A N G O   |
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                                ¯¯¯¯¯) (¯¯¯¯¯

            _______|_      |_ _____ __ __  _______     __________
     __ ____\       /      .(     /    \//       /____/_       _/__ __
    \\/     |\      \      |     /      /       /      /     _|     \//
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                   |_______|   /_______\÷e÷

   · jookiitosheiheijapaljonkauniitauniajasemmostakivaajamuuminkuvia ·