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File size:
47 866 bytes (46.74K)
File date:
2018-05-21 17:05:44
Download count:
all-time: 415



           .___________|                             |___________.
           |           :    ·THiS FiLE PASSED To·    :           |
           |                                                     |
          _|______.----._______  .----._________________ .----.  |
       .__\____   \    |  ____/__|    |__    __/   __   \|    |__|_
       |     _/    \   :  \_     \_   : |    |/    \_    \    :    \_
       :___________/___|__________/___| |____:\_____|____/__________/
           |    .----.________ .----.  ________  _______    _____|_
           :    |    |   \    \|    |__\____   \/  ___  \___\__    \
          Stz!  :    :    \_  \\    :     _/    \  \_____/   _/  __/
           :    |__________/__|\____|___________/____________\     \_
         __|____    _________  ______.----.________ .----.  __\_____/
        /  ____/____\____    \/  __  \    |   \    \|    |__\____   \
       /   \_     \_   _/  __/   \/   \   :    \_  \\    :     _/    \
       \___________/___\     \________/_________/__|\____|___________/
           |            \_____/                                  |
           |          /\ _  _                   _  _ /\          |
           |_________/  \\ /     SiNcE '1843     \ //  \_________|
                     - --\/-----------------------\/-- -


    _______   _______     ______  _ __   ___  __   __   _______  _______
  __\___  ¬\__\____ ¬\____\___ ¬\_    \ /  ¬\/  \ / ¬\__\___  ¬\/  ___ ¬\
_/    _/_  _/   __/   /__ ___/  _/__   :     \_  Y    \_   |\   \_ ___   \_
\     \ /   \_  \____/  / \        /  \ /     /  :     /   |/    / \ /    /
 \_____Y     /___      /___\      /____Y     /___     /___      /___Y    /
   sYSOP: QuartZ - cOSYSOPS: G.O.D. & sTZ&kiD & jAWS - A4OOO/1.4GB - 28800
____  /\___  ______  _ _____ _______ _ __ :____  _____   _____  _______
\___\/____/__\___ ¬\_______/   ___ ¬\    \|   ¬\/ ___/__/    /__\____ ¬\_
_/  \/  ¬\_  ___/  _/__   ¬\_  ___   \_   \     \_\__  ¬\_  /  ¬\___/   /__
\         /  \        /     /  \ /    /   \\     /       / /     /\____/  /
 \___    /____\      /_____/____Y    /____|\____/__     /_      /__      /
REG'd /X 4.XX & AXNEt @SF0008 - bS fiNhQ - jRM HkihQ - MSt fINhQ - sE WhQ
                      `----> +358-0-5861380 <----' 

           | UPLOAd dAtE: 01-Oct-95 | UPLOAd tiME: 22:37:09 | 


                      [-fEAR fACTORY!-] · [-sTYLE sFHQ!-]
            ______                           _ __ ___
         __(___   \_______________________________  /_________________
         |         ____|  __           /          ___  |         ____|
         l__________\  l_ \___________/_____________/--l__________\
  ____        __ ___    `----------'                                ©Mt
_(_   \__________  /______________________________________________________
|      ____/     ___  |      ___|_____     _\   ___     /      ___|      /---¦
l_______\ /________/--'\__________| l______/ \_________/l_______\ l_____/    |
           [-uPLOADED bY : zEUS!-] · [-fROM : ··»> mYSTIC! <«··!-]

                  ..  n o   u s e   f o r   a   n a m e  ..

   _______     _______    __\__  |   ______
 ._\____  \._./_ ____/__./    /  | ./ ____/_.
 |   ______|_|__\\_____/.    /   |_l____    |-------------------------------.
 |   \       |          |   /_   |     /    |  ··»> zEUS/mYSTIC^sTYLE! <«·· |
 l___________l__________|________|__________|gZ! ---------------------------'


                 ____  _______.______________________________
        ·        \   \/    /  |    /     /       /    /     /        ·
       /_  zS!95  \__  · _/____  _/  \__/__   __/   _/ \___/         _\
        /         /  \/  ¬\_  /  ¬\____   /   ¬\_   ¬\_ / ¬\         \
       /______  _/    \____/_______/  `__/______/_____/     \_  ______\
              \\\______/         \____/             \________///


                  All rights of  the producer and the owner
                of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized
              copying, hiring, lending,  public performance and
                 broadcasting of this coolection prohibited.

                                Made in Finland
                          (c) 1995 Zeus/Mystic^Style


                  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                  .                                           .
                  .            pREFACE - 1.10.1995            .
                  .                                           .
                  .    ok, so i made this fastmade just to    .
                  announce that if i ever be at the scenario'95
                i'll release my longtime background-project there
                  .   which is an ansi-collection including   .
              every logo you might imagine having on a board -.just
                  .  these "upload", "amiga" etc. logos with  .
                  different variations and styles.. really hope
                  .     you like it! i like it anyway. :)     .
                  .                                           .
               oh, and may i remind you of the copyrights of this
                  .product: you may *NOT* copy this collection.
                  . without written permission of the author. .
                 this is just because the scene has gone so lame,
                everybody trades aminet-stuff and all that shit..
                  .  so, i'll kill you with my own bare hands .
                  .  if you break the law with this product!! .
                  .                                           .
                  .           - zEUS/mYSTIC^sTYLE -           .
                  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                           .                        .
\\_  eLECTRONIC cONFUSION  :  [-wEBSTER/pASSION!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

  _:______________________________________________________________ __ /\___:_
   |                                                              \\//     |
   |               ··»> pASSION wHQ · oFFSPRING dKHQ <«··          \/      |
   |_____________  _ ___________. _ _____________________  ._____________. |
__ \_ __    /  _/___  __    / __|____  __/__    /  _  __/__|    /  _/  __|_|_
 ///  _/___/   |  _/  _/___/  |    /   ¬\  /  _/_  /  ¬\   \  _/_  ¬\  |    /
  /   `___\____   ¬\  `___\_______/______\ \____/_______\ \_____/____\  ___/
 /______\    /______\___\  ·zS!/mST·  /______\       /______\     /______\ |
   |  _____. _ ________  ._____________  :________. _ _____________  ._____|
   | /   __|___  _  __/__|    /  _____/--|  __/ __|___  _/   _  __/__|    /|__
   |/    |    /  /  ¬\   \  _/_   __/·   |  ¬\___    /  ¬\   /  ¬\   \  _/_\\
   |\________/________\ \_____/____\/_________\ `___/_____\_______\ \_____/|
   |               /______\                /______\            /______\    |
   |                                                                       |
   |                   bOARD rULER: [-wEBSTER/pASSION-]                    |
   |     sTAFF: [-¶R¡NçE ØF TH¡EVES/pSg · mR.hYDE/hY^kGD · dETRON/d&D-]    |
   |      [-zARCH&XMAN/pASSION · rED cHEESE/pASSION · gANDALf/vANiTY-]     |
   |             sUPPORTING aMIGA & aSCII & LYRiCS cONFERENCES!            |
   |    2 * cREDZ fOR mAJORS!  3 * cREDZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP    |
   |         sUPPORTING dREAMcHARTS! & pACMAG & hYDRA & dANSKTOPPEN        |
   |            fREE dOWNLOAD oN aLL pASSION/oFFSPRING rELEASES!           |
   |        RUNNiNG oN a A4ooo & O.8 GiG wAREZ & GVP SERiAL eXPANDER       |
   |     ··»> NODE 1: +45-31-603650 DS & NODE 2: +45-31-603651 SP! <«··    |
  _|___/\ __ ______________________________________________________________|_
   :     \\//                                                              :

                           .                        .
\\_     tHE mAZE - aDD     :   [-nOT rEQUESTED!-]   : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

   _____  ______________ ________________
   \    \/    /____    /_\__    /  _____/     [-mYSTIC·/X·bETA-tESTER!-]
    \___  · _/   \|  _/   _____/   ___/_   ________________________________!_
    /   \/  ¬\_   \  ¬\_  \|  ¬\_  |/  ¬\_\\                               |
  _/ zS! \____/    ____/   ·____/    ____/     a4000 / 030 / 25mHZ / 6MB   |
 \\_______/-\_____/--\_____/--\_____/------·        1GB HD / 2xV.FC        |
    |                                                                      |
    | sTAFF: sPEED fREAK/fNC · vOSTOK/iNS^fNC · sNAFU/fNC · cLONE i.D/sCX! |
    |____________________________________.                                 |
_!_____________________________________. |   »> nODE1: 358-21-XXXXXX? <«   |
 |                                     | |   »> nODE2: 358-21-XXXXXX? <«   |
 | pUMPED bY: [ zEUS                 ] | |_________________________________|_
 |  lOCATION: [ ··»> mYSTIC! <«··    ] |                                   ¡
 | dATE^tIME: [ 30-Sep-95 · 19:40:26 ] |  0-2 dAYS aMIGA · 0-4 dAYS iBM-pC
 |_____________________________________|_ >> mEMBER oF tHE dREAMCHARTS! <<

                           .                        .
\\_        bOHEME!         :  [-bOHEME/bOMBSQUAD-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

     .____  ______________________.________________  ___________  ______.
     |    \\\    __    /  __   /  |     /  ___/_   \/    /  ___/_\\     |
     |  .____\_  |/  _/   |/ _/   |_  _/   ____/___  · _/   ____/____.  |
     |  |   _/   |\  ¬\_  ·  ¬\_  _/  ¬\_  |  ¬\_  \/  ¬\_  |  ¬\_   |  |
     |__:.. \__________/_______/  \_____/    ___/   \____/    ___/ ..:__|
        :       ·zS!/mST·   \______/  \_____/ \______/ \_____/       :
        .                                                            .

                           .                        .
\\_    iNSTANT pLEASURE    :  [-nIKE/tRSI^cRAZE!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

   ______   ._________. _______________   .____________
   \_  _/___|    /  __|_\__  __/ ,_  _/___|    /__  __///________________.
  _/   ¬\_  \  _/____    /   ¬\  _/  ¬\_  \  _/_/   ¬\              ··×X&|
  \______/ \_____/  `___/______\ \_____/ \_____/______\   [-iNSTANT-]  ·X|
    | /______\ /______\     /______\ /_____\             [-pLEASURE!-]  :|
    |:        ______________ _____________________.____:_________________|__
    |X. ·zS!· \_  _    /  _/_\_  __    / _, _/  __|\__ |  __/__    / __    /
    |&Xx..  ///   /___/   |  _/  _/___/  \_ ¬\____   / |  ¬\  /  _/_ _/___/
     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /_______\____   ¬\  ` __\____/   \  `__/_______\ \____/ ` __\
                        /______\____\   /______\___\      /_____\/______\

                           .                        .
\\_         cRAZE          :  [-nIKE/tRSI^cRAZE!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

            __         __\__________
         .__\//\__________\___     /_______ ____ ___________  ______.
         |: \/     ____.  /  /   _/_ ,_  _/ _____\__ __    /// ··×X&|
         |X.      /  __|_/__ \_____/ _/   \_\__    / _/___/       ·X|
         |&Xx..  /   |     /___\ /   \_____/  ____/  `___\ ___  /\_:|
          ¯¯¯¯¯\\\________/·zS!·/______\ /    `__\_____\      \//\
                                        /_______\__             ¯¯

                           .                        .
\\_      cRAZE <aNSI>      :  [-nIKE/tRSI^cRAZE!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

.__\//\__________\___/_______ ____ ___________  ______.
|: \/____.  /  /   _/_ ,_  _/ _____\__ __    /// ··×X&|
|X./  __|_/__ \_____/ _/   \_\__    / _/___/·X|
|&Xx..  /   |/___\ /   \_____/  ____/  `___\ ___  /\_:|
¯¯¯¯¯\\\________/·zS!·/______\ /    `__\_____\\//\

                           .                        .
\\_  eLECTRONIC cONFUSION  :  [-wEBSTER/pASSION!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

 ________ _ ____ _______  _ __. ___/¯\________________    .______________.
 \    __/__   _/_\_  __/__  __|_\__   __/___    /  _  \___|    /    /  __|___
 |\_  ____/   |  _/  ____/  |    /     \   /  _/__ /   \  \  _/_   /_  |    //
 |/   ` __\_______\  ` __\______/       \__\     /_____/ \_____/____/______/
 \_____/--------\_____/--------/         \--\___/---\______/--------------|
 |______.  _ _____    ._______·____  :__________:_  _ _________    .______|
 \    __|____  _  \___|    /   ___/--|  __/  ,__|___    /   _  \___|     /|
 |\_  |     /  /   \  \  _/_   __/   |   \\____    /   /_   /   \  \   _/_|
 |/     ___/_______/ \_____/____\_________\/______/_____/_______/ \______/|

                           .                        .
\\_  eLECTRONIC cONFUSION  :  [-wEBSTER/pASSION!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

 ________ _ ____ _______ _ ___. ___/¯\________________    .______________.
 \    __/__   _/_\_  __/__  __|_\__   __/___    /  _  \___|    /    /  __|___
 |\_  ____/   |  _/  ____/  |    /\   /  _/__ /   \  \  _/_   /_  |    //
 |/   ` __\_______\  ` __\______/\__\/_____/ \_____/____/______/
 |______.  _ _____    ._______·____  :__________:_  _ _________    .______|
 \    __|____  _  \___|    /   ___/--|  __/  ,__|___    /   _  \___|/|
 |\_  |/  /   \  \  _/_   __/   |   \\____    /   /_   /   \  \   _/_|
 |/___/_______/ \_____/____\_________\/______/_____/_______/ \______/|

                           .                        .
\\_        mADBOY!         :   [-mADBOY/iLM^aCC-]   : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

                          _:_|_                   _|_:_
                           | :     [-mADBOY!-]     : |
     _ _ _ _____  _________|_________________________|______:______ _ _ _
        \\\\    \/    /____    /  __   /  __    /  __    /  |     ////
          ·\\___  · _/   \|  _/   |/ _/   |/  _/   |/  _/_____  _//·
            /   \/  ¬\_   \  ¬\_  /  ¬\_  |\  ¬\_  ·   ¬\_  |/  ¬\_
          _/     \____/________/    ___/________/________/    ____/
                           |                         |
                          _|_:_  [-aCC^iLM^iNT-]  _:_|_
                             :                     :

                           .                        .
\\_        mADBOY!         :   [-mADBOY/iLM^aCC-]   : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

     ___  _________________________________:___  __________________________.
  ._ \__\/ _/  _, _/  _    / _  _/  _ ¬\   | _///                          |
   ///  \/ ¬\  \_ ¬\  /  _/  )_ ¬\  /   \___ ¬\  ··aCCESSION^iLLUMINATI!·· |
    /____\   \__/   \_____\___)   \_____/__'   \  _________________________|
      /_______\._____\      /______\·zS!·/______\\\

                           .                        .
\\_         vISION         :   [-dONATED tO dD!-]   : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

                 _:_|_                                _|_:_
           ·      | :       [-dEVIOUS dEZIGNS!-]       : |  ·zS!·
          __\_____:________________.  _ ________________ :_____
             \__  |  __/   __/   __|___   __/   _    /  \|  __/
              /   |  ¬\    ¬\_____    /   ¬\    /   /    ·  ¬\
                  |                                      |     \
                 _|_:_         [-vISION #2!-]         _:_|_     ·
                    :                                  :

          [-eXCELLENT mAG - lOOKING fORWARD tO tHE 2nD eDITION!-]

                           .                        .
\\_      bATES mOTEL       :  [-pSYKO/bOMBSQUAD!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

  _________________________________________               [-b)ATES m)OTEL!-]
  \    __    /___    /      / ___/_  .    / _ ______:_
   \_  |/  _/  \|  _/_   __/  ____/  |___/__    ·×X&|     ·pSYKO/bOMBSQUAD!·
  _/   |\  ¬\_  \  ¬\_   ¬\_  |  ¬\____    /      ·X|      ·dREAMER/zENON!·
 \\__________/_______/_____/    ___/  `___/        :¦
                          \____/ \____/             ·   >> 0-2D aMIGA oNLY <<
   ·          _____  ________________________________    a1200^1GIG! · 28.8k
   ¦          \    \/    / __ ¬\        / ___/__    /    rUNNING oN /X 4.xx!
   |:          \___  · _/  |/   \__  __/  ____/   _/___
   |X.          /  \/  ¬\_ ·     \   ¬\_  |  ¬\_  |  _/      nUP nEEDED!
   |&Xx..     _/    \____/_______/_____/    ___/_    ¬\_
  ¯:¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯  \______/    ·zS!/mST·   \____/     \_____//  +358-0-PRIVATE.

                           .                        .
\\_      bATES mOTEL       :  [-pSYKO/bOMBSQUAD!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

         \_  _  _/  _, _/__  __/ __   / __|___  __  [-bATES mOTEL!-]
        _/   )_ ¬\  \_ ¬\/   ¬\  _/__/___    ///
        \_____)   \__/   \_____\ `__\   ` __/      ·pSYKO/bOMBSQUAD!·
      ·----/_______\._____\--/_____\--.____\--·     ·dREAMER/zENON!·
                               __  ___  ________ __________________
     a1200^1GIG! · 28.8k v.FC    \\\__\/ _/  _ ¬\\__  __/ __   / _/___
         1oo% pURE aMIGA!          /  \/ ¬\  /   \/   ¬\  _/__/  |  _/
                                  /____\   \_____/______\ `__\ ___  ¬\
        [-+358-0-PRIVATE-]     ·----/_______\·zS!/mST·/_____\---/_____\--·

                           .                        .
\\_         fILES!         :    [-rENEGADE/iND-]    : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

        .___  /\ ________________________:_
        |   \/  \\                       |
      __|________\·______ _ _____________|__                           ·
      \    ,____/ \    _/___  ___/_   .    //._________________________|_
       \_   __/    \   |  _/  ____/   |___/__                          |
      _/    ¬\_     \  `  ¬\_ |  ¬\_____    /  [-tHE fILES sECTION!-]  |
      \_______/      \______/    __/   `___//._________________________|_
     ·--|---/_________\---\_____/--.___/-|--·                          :
        ·                                :  ·zS!/mST·

                           .                        .
\\_      fILES <aNSI>      :    [-rENEGADE/iND-]    : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

.___  /\ ________________________:_
|   \/  \\|
__|________\·______ _ _____________|__·
\    ,____/ \    _/___  ___/_   .    //._________________________|_
\_   __/    \   |  _/  ____/   |___/__|
_/    ¬\_\  `  ¬\_ |  ¬\_____    /  [-tHE fILES sECTION!-]  |
\_______/\______/    __/   `___//._________________________|_
·:  ·zS!/mST·

                           .                        .
\\_         gAMES!         :    [-rENEGADE/iND-]    : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

        _______________________  _____________________
        \     __    /___    /  \/    /  ___/_   .    //._____________.
         \    _/___/  \|  _/___  · _/   ____/   |___/__              |
          \_  \_  ¬\_  \  ¬\_  \/  ¬\_  |  ¬\_____    /  ··GAMES!··  |
      __ _/    `____/    ___/   \____/    ___/   `___//._____________|
        \\_____/  \_____/  \_____/  \____/  \____/·zS!·

                           .                        .
\\_        pASSION         :  [-wEBSTER/pASSION!-]  : (c)'95 · zEUS/mST^sE _//
                           ·                        ·

                           . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                           .                       .                     ·
          _________________._______________________.____    ________  ___|_
    :.    \    .     /___    /  .   /   .   /     /  __¬\___\      ///×X&|
    |X.    \_  |____/  \|  _/   |__/__  |__/__  _/   |/  \   \   _/    ·X|
    |&Xx. _/      ¬\_   ·  ¬\_____   /____   /  ¬\_  ·    \ ·    ¬\_    ·:
   ¯|¯¯¯\\\_________/     ___/   `__/    `__/_____/_______/  \_____/
    ·              \_____/ \_____/ \_____/  ·zS!/mST·  \______/
                           .                       .
                           . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                      .                                 .
    _____.     ____   .   ________ (__ ____ ____ ._____|__ .__________ (__
    \--- |l___,\__/_, -- |___/\__/_,__)\___'\   '|\___/l__,|\___/\   /,___)
                      .                            \    .
                      .                       __        .
                      .         aBSOLUTE!    \\         .
                      .           aBYSS                 .
                      .             bOMB sQUAD          .
                      .               dESIRE            .
                      .       __        mOTION          .
                      .        //     mYSTIC·/X         .
                      .             mYSTIC              .
                      .           pRODIGY               .
                      .         pASSION                 .
                      .           sKID rOW    __        .
                      .             sMURF    \\         .
                      .               sTYLE             .
                      .                 tRSI            .
                      .                   xX            .
                      .                     x           .
                      .                      ·          .
                      .                                 .
                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

._\____   / __   / .   //._________________.
|  / \| _/  |/ _/  |__/__                  |
: /   \ ¬\_ |\ ¬\____   /   [-aBSOLUTE!-]  |
_/     ___/______/  `__//._________________|           [-aBSOLUTE!-] · 9 lines
\_____/ ·zS!·  \____/                      :
.                                          |
|                                          |


                                    _ __________________._________________ _
                                    \\\____   / __   /  |   / .   /  .   ///
[-aBYSS!-] · 6 lines              .___ / \| _/  |/ _/____ _/  |__/__ |__/__ _.
                                  |  //   \ ¬\_ |\ ¬\_  / ¬\____   /___   // |
                                  | _/     ___/______/______/  `__/   `__/   |


  \   __   / .   /  ··»> bOMB sQUAD! <«··  ·
__ \_ |/ _/  |__/__ _______________________|
 /_/  |\ ¬\____   //                       |         [-bOMB sQUAD!-] · 6 lines
· \________/  `__/                         |


                                  \    _   / ___/_  .   /     /  __   / ___/_
                                  \\_  / _/  ____/  |__/__  _/  _|/ _/  ____//
[-dESIRE!-] · 6 lines             _/     ¬\_ |  ¬\____   /  ¬\_ \   ¬\_ |  ¬\_
                                  \________/   ___/  `__/_____/  \____/   ___/


___  ____________________________    :
   \/    / __¬\        /    / __¬\___|     ·
___  · _/  |/  \__  __/   _/  |/  \  \   _/
/  \/  ¬\_ ·    \   ¬\_   ¬\_ ·    \  \  ¬\_             [-mOTION!-] · 6 lines
-zS!\____/______/_____/_____/______/ \_____/
_____/---÷mOTION bROUGHT yOU÷---\_____/-->


                                     ____  __________________
                                     \   \/    /     /      /   [-mYSTIC!-]
                                  :--\\__  · _/  \__/__  __//----------------:
                                  |   /  \/   \____   /   \_ Mystic/X-deSign |
[-mYSTIC·/X!-] · 8 lines          | _/    \____/  `__/_____/    presents!    |
                                  |                                          |


_ ____  ______.___________________________ _
\\\   \/   /  |   / .   /      /   /     ///
: _\__  ·_/____ _/  |__/__  __/  _/ \___/_ :
|\//  \/ ¬\_  / ¬\____   /  ¬\_  ¬\_ / ¬\\/|             [-mYSTIC!-] · 6 lines
|_/    \___/______/  `__/_____/____/     \_|
>>The 1st place demo from the Scenario'95!<<


                                   [-pRODIGY : tHE oNE wITH tHE rIGHT bITS!-]
[-pRODIGY!-] · 6 lines                   \    _     /  _    /   |    /______:_
                                   · -zS! \__ \____/   /  _/_____  _/   ·×X&|
                                  _|____  _/     ¬\_      ¬\_   /  ¬\_  __·X|_
                                   : <--\\\________/________/________///-->·:


\\____  /_,  _/_    \___ \_  \_ ___/_  | __/
 /  \__/ \     / /  /  /  \   / \   /___  \
·    /____\   /____/______/__/_____/__ '   ·            [-pRODIGY!-] · 7 lines
____/-·zS!·\_/---÷pRODIGY cRACKED!÷---\_____
|                                          |
·  - --  --- -- ----- -- ------ - ----- ---'


                                    ________________   .______
                                  ._\   .    / .   /___|     //._____________.
                                  |  \_ |___/  |__/__  \   _/                |
[-pASSION!-] · 6 lines            | _/    ¬\_____   / · \  ¬\_  [-pASSION!-] |
                                  : \_______/   `__/   \_____//._____________|
                                  -zS! ·--\_____/--.____/--·


.___/  .    /   __    //___________________.
__ /   |___/__ _|/  _/                     |
| \\_____    / \     \_ ··»> sKID rOW <«·· |
|  _/   ` __/   \_____/                    |           [-sKID rOW!-] · 8 lines
|   ** tHE gREAT gIANA sISTERS [aGA!] **   |
·   - --  --  ----- ----- -- -- ---- - ----'


                                  -zS!_________  _____  ______________________
                                     /  .   /  \/    /--|    /  __   /  ,____/
                                  ._/   |__/___  · _/   |  _/  _|/ _/_   __/_.
[-sMURF!-] · 8 lines              | \_____   / \/  ¬\_  ·  ¬\_ \     /   ¬\_ |
                                  |_/    `__/   \____/_______/  \___/______/ |
                                  .        smurffilimbbaria simballe         |
                                        -- ---- - ------- -- ----- ---[x/x]--'


-zS!_________________:__________ _________
.__/  .   /       /  |    /    / \   ____/_.
| /   |__/__   __/   |  _/   _/___·  _____/|
| \____    /   ¬\_____, ¬\_  |  _/   |  ¬\_|          [-sTYLE/mST!-] · 6 lines
|_/   ` __/______/    ____/_    ¬\________/|


                                  \         /  __    /  .   /      / tRISTAR ·
                                  :\__   __/  _|/  _/   |__/__   _/--- aND --:
[-tRSI!-] · 6 lines               |_/    ¬\_  \    ¬\_____   /   ¬\_   rED   |
                                  |\_______/   \_____/   `__/______/ sECTOR! |


  [tRISTAR!]   _/  _   / _,  _/_  ___/__ \_
    ·aND·     \\___/  /  \     /___   /   //               [-tRSI!-] · 5 lines
 [rEDSECTOR!]    /   /____\   /______/   /_.

            Uh, wasn't that horrible?!.. hmm anyway, I'm fucked up
              with this scene-thingy and I've been not-so-active
             these days. I have thought that "What would I do now
             if I'd never had a computer?".. Can you answer that?
              Something more clever, maybe. Study philosophy? :)
             Anyway, I'm still easy to contact, I love this shit
              however, and I'm not giving it up. Many times I've
          almost sold this equiment and bought a new guitar, but no..
                Hadn't had the encourage^opportunity :) hehe..
              I want to be in this this thing called scene for a
            long time, and I think the best way for me to be in it
              is to have an own board. Maybe I should get that up
            at last, people could still be in contact with me, but
             I wouldn't have to be that active.. yep sounds great

                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                 .                                         .
                 .                                         .
          __   __._______ ______  _____  |___ ·___________(___    __
            \\ \____/\   '\____/_,\___/_,l___,|\   /\____/,___) //
                ,__/                                 ,__/  .
                 .                                         .
                 .                                         .
                 .    Stezotehic/Mystic^Bombsquad^Style    .
                 .              QuartZ/Mystic              .
                 .         HiJack/Parallax^Arclite         .
                 .               Slice/Mystic              .
                 .      DarkElf&Allah/Trsi^LSD^Insane      .
                 .             Speck&SHD/Mystic            .
                 .               Elvis/Limbo               .
                 .       Nike/Tristar&Red Sector^Craze     .
                 .             Psyko/Bombsquad             .
                 .           Zombie/Insane^Jormas          .
                 .              Dual/Scoopex               .
                 .            G.O.D./Bombsquad             .
                 .       JMF&Tormentor/Deep Thought        .
                 .             Distance/Orange             .
                 .            Storm/Wasted Time            .
                 .            Boheme/Bombsquad             .
                 .  Akiro&Dr.Poop/Scoopex^DualCrewShining  .
                 .          Lagers/Mystic^Motive           .
                 .                                         .
                 .                   ---                   .
                 .  Some special greets fly out to Tiia!,  .
                 .  for whom I'd say "Jos sulla on toinen  .
                 .  heitä se järveen" ;-)                  .
                 .                   ---                   .
                 .                                         .
                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                 .                                         .
                 .                                         .
                 .   ____  ____  ____  .____  · |__ (___   .
               __\\ (____'(    '(___/_,|____) | l__, ___) //__
                 .                                         .
                 .                                         .
                 .     The 1st Zeus-loco .. Gozz/Honey     .
                 .     2nd Zeus-loco ... Stz/Mst^Style     .
                 .     All the rest ... Zeus/Mst^Style     .
                 .                                         .
                 .     Moral .................. Church     .
                 .     Musical Influences ... Megadeth     .
                 .                        Fear Factory     .
                 .                       Faith No More     .
                 .                        Spin Doctors     .
                 .                       Dream Theater     .
                 .             Charvel^Jackson Guitars     .
                 .                   D'Addario Strings     .
                 .     Graphical ..... Graphic Designs     .
                 .                       Sakari Marila     .
                 .                       Pablo Picasso     .
                 .                         Destop/Cncd     .
                 .                                         .
                 .                   ---                   .
                 .     I soon can be found in the Inet.    .
                 .     My e-mail address will probably     .
                 .     be The onlyproblem     .
                 .     seems to be money. :) Well, got     .
                 .     to sell some music-equipment,uh     .
                 .                   ---                   .
                 .                                         .
                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
               .                                             .
      ·zS!·     ·                 ·    .___________________________________.
     _______.    \_____:_________/_____|____                               |
  __ \    __|___  __/  |  _/   _/___ __    /                               |
    \\\____    /   \____,  \   |  _/ _/___/  [-sTZ! · zEUS! · qUARTZ!-]    |
       /  ` __/_____/_______\______\ ` __\         [-cOCO pOPS!-]          |
      /______\ .   /             /______\                                  |
               .  ·                    |___________________________________|
               .                                             .
               .                                             .
           [-bERMUDA tRIANGLE!-]     [-wHQ!-]    [-358-0-5861380!-]
           [-dIGITAL uNDERGROUND!-]  [-uNIHQ!-]  [-358-0FINDOUT!-]
           [-fEAR fACTORY!-]         [-sFHQ!-]   [-?¿?-tOPSECRET!-]
               .                                             .
               .                                             .
               .     - tHE oNE aND oNLY tRUE dOMINATOR -     .
               .                                             .
               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


                       _____ _ ______ _ ___:___________
                     __\_  ¬\_   __ ¬\_    |   _/   __/__
                   _/   _____/_  \____/__  ·   ¬\_____  ¬\_
                   \     __________     /________/    ____/



@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_ ____  ______.___________________________ _
\\\   \/   /  |   / .   /      /   /     ///
: _\__  ·_/____ _/  |__/__  __/  _/ \___/_ :
|\//  \/ ¬\_  / ¬\____   /  ¬\_  ¬\_ / ¬\\/|
|_/    \___/______/  `__/_____/____/     \_|
-»> Zeus/Mystic^Style: No Use For A Name <«-

                      [-fEAR fACTORY!-] · [-sTYLE sFHQ!-]
            ______                           _ __ ___
         __(___   \_______________________________  /_________________
         |         ____|  __           /          ___  |         ____|
         l__________\  l_ \___________/_____________/--l__________\
  ____        __ ___    `----------'                                ©Mt
_(_   \__________  /______________________________________________________
|      ____/     ___  |      ___|_____     _\   ___     /      ___|      /---¦
l_______\ /________/--'\__________| l______/ \_________/l_______\ l_____/    |
           [-uPLOADED bY : zEUS!-] · [-fROM : ··»> mYSTIC! <«··!-]

^-[ jORMAS Hki hQ /X/ sTYLE WhQ \X\ bOMB SQUAd fiNhQ /X/ mYStiC fiNhQ ]-^
    _____     _____     ______    ___ _________:___________    _______
  _/ __  }_ _/   __}_ _/   _  } _/   Y    \_   |   \_      \ _/   _   \_
  |  \_    \_   _/   \_   _    \_   \_/    /   |    /  \_   \_   _     /
  l___'     /___`     /___/     /___/     /______  /___ '    /___/    / 
  ---l_____/---l_____/   l ____/---l_____/-------\/---l_____/---l____/-
 _______    ______   ·    Y _______________________     _____     _____ 
{_    __} _/   _  }  :    :/   _   \_       \_ ____}_ _/    /__ _/   __}_
_/   /   \_   _    \_|    |   _     /  _     / \_    \_    /   \_   _/   \_
\___      /___/     /|    |___/    /___/    /___'     /___      /___`     /
---l_____/---l_____/-·    :--l____/---l____/---l_____/---l_____/---l_____/-
    |:::·· ·                                                · ··:::|cp
    |:·   ÷ AMiGA / c-64 / AgA ÷ REGGEd /X ÷ AMiXNEt @SF0008 ÷   ·:|
    |. ÷  sUPRA 28.8 V.fC ÷ AMiGA 4OOO ÷ O-1 d ÷ 1 GIGA ONLiNE  ÷ .|  
    |                                                              |
    |·     ÷ StAff : QuartZ  /  G.O.D.  /  Stz&Kid  /  jAWS ÷     ·|
    |:.               ÷ +358 - (9)0 - 586 - 1380 ÷               .:|
    |:::.. .                                                . ..:::|
             -^ - --[ \X\ SCENEtALK vOTE SitE /X/ ]-- - ^-

                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]


 .............  .............  ....... ....... .......         ..............
·::::::.......         ::::::: ·::::::.::::::: :::::::   sTZ   :::::::...
....... :::::::        ::::::: ....... ::::::: ::::::: ....... ::::::: .......
::::::: :::::::        ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
::::::: :::::::        ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
:::::::.:::::::        ::::::: :::::::.::::::: :::::::.::::::: :::::::.:::::::

[ BERMUDA TRIANGLE    ]·· · ··[ +358-O-NOT-4-YOU ]·· · ··[ SYSOP: QUARTZ     ]
[ YOUTHANASIA         ]·· · ··[ +358-O-NOT-4-YOU ]·· · ··[ SYSOP: ZEUS       ]
